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Scene 1 : I choose the scene where Jessie leave Clifton and so after hide from the

guard.The song I chose is Under Supervision by late night drive home, I choose this song
because it’s a song which I believe could fit her leaving Clifton especially because of the
lyrics « in five year will we still sound the same » which make me think on how she keep
thinking about her people and how she miss them.

Scene 2 : Jessie joins the group of tourists and will join in their discussion . The song I chose
is Some Faces by Bauhaus because it fit quite well with how she’s going to see how the
world is she’s gonna meet people and and gonna start to see how the world is really like also
some of the lyrics make me think of when she had a lot of question in her head.

Scene 3 : Jessie's mother tells her the truth about how she lived in 1990 and not 1840. This
is a scene of confusion and a little sad about revealing everything going on. The song I
chose is a videotape by Radiohead. I chose this song because it talks about a videotape
which makes me think of how they are all filmed in Clifton. Also this song does sound calm
but also kind of sad.

Scene 4: Jessie getting kinda mad at people for calling her people stupid because of their
choice. The song I chose is Girl Anachronism by The Dresden dolls. I chose this song
because I think the beat of the piano in this song fits a lot with her anger toward the tourist .

Scene 5: I chose the scene where Jessie takes Katie on her back because she’s sick. The
song I chose is Disorder by Joy division. The reason I chose this song is because of the
lyrics « I’m watching you, I watch it all,I take no pity from your friend » those lyrics make me
think of her role of big sister just like in this moment how she is taking care of Katie just like
how she’s the one who will save Clifton just like the responsible big sister she is.

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