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TCVN _ TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA * NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 ISO 4378-3 : 2009 Xuat ban lan 1 First edition OTRUOQT - THUAT NGU;, DINH NGHIA PHAN LOAI VA KY HIEU PHAN 3: BOI TRON PLAIN BEARINGS — TERMS, DEFINITIONS CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS - PART 3: LUBRICATION HA NOI - 2009 TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 Loi ni dau TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 hoan toan tong duong véi ISO 4378-3 : 2009. TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 do Ban ky thuat tiu chuan quéc gia TCVNITC 4 0 fan, 6 d6 bién soan, Téng cuc Tiéu chudn Do Ivéng Chat lugng dé nghi, BO Khoa ge va Cong nghé céng bé. B6 TCVN 8287 (ISO 4378), © trupt - Thuat nga, dinh nghia, phan loai va ky higu gdm 4 phan: ~ Phan 1: Két cu, vat ligu 6 va co tinh cla vat ligu - Phan 2: Ma sat va hao mon Phan 3: Boiron + Phan 4: Ky higu co ban 1SO 4878, Plain bearings - Terms, definitions, classification and symnols (0 trugt- Thuét ng@, dinh nghia, phan logi va ky higu) con c6 phan sau: ~ ISO 4378-5, Part 5: Application of symbols (Phan 5: Ung dung cac ky hiéu). TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA* NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 6 trot — Thuat ngi, dinh nghia phan loai va ky hiéu - Phan 3: Béi tron Plain bearings — Terms, defi Part 3: Lubrication Pham vi 4p dung Tiéu chuan nay quy dinh cdc thuat ng théng dung nhat lién quan dén béi tron ciia cac 6 truet cing véi cdc dinh nghia va phan loai béi tron. ‘Déi voi mot sé cdc thuat ng& va tap hop tir, co thé sir dung cdc dang rit gon cla chung trong trong hyp da rd rang. Cac thuat ngi oé kha nang ty giai thich sé khéng 0d cac dinh nghia kém theo, 1 Thuat ngir chung 14 Béi tron Ky thuat diing dé gidm Ive ma sat, mon va hu hong cac bé mat cla hai vat thé tiép xac va 06 chuyén dong twong déi vei nhau do tac dong va nh huéng cia chat béi tron. ions classification and symbols — Scope This part of ISO 4378 gives the most commonly used terms relating to lubrication of plain earings with their definitions and classification. For some terms and word-combinations, their short forms are given, which can be used when they are unambiguous. Self-explanatory terms are given without definitions. 1 General terms 44 lubrication technique to reduce friction force, wear and deterioration of the surfaces of two bodies in contact and in relative motion due to the action and effect of lubricant TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 1.2 Phwong phap béi tron Phuong phap cdp chat béi tron vao khdng gian gia hai vat thé tiép xuc va cd chuyén déng twong d6i voi nhau. 2. Loai béi tron va phan loai 2.1. Phan logi theo trang thai vat ly cla chat béitron 244 Béi tron bang mang khi Boi tron trong 46 cdc b8 mat déi tiép cd chuyén d6ng tuong déi duge tach ly béi chat bdi tron khi. 242 Béi tron bang mang cht léng Béi tron trong dé cdc bé mat déi tiép chuyén déng tuong déi duge tach ly béi chat bdi tron lng. 243 Béi tron bang mang Iwu chat Bi tron trong 46 céc bé mat déi tiép chuyén Gng tuong déi dugc tach ty bai mot dang chat (khi hoae lang) bdi tron. 214 Béi tron bang mang béi tron ran B6i tron trong dé cdc b8 mat déi tiép chuyén dng tuong déi duge tach ly béi chét bdi tron ran. 1.2 method of lubrication method of supplying lubricant into the space between two bodies in contact and in relative motion 2 Types of lubrication and classification 2.4 Classification according to physical state of the lubricant 244 gas-film lubrication lubrication in which the interacting surfaces in felative motion are separated by a gaseous lubricant 24.2 liquid-film lubrication lubrication in which the interacting surfaces in relative motion are separated by a liquid lubricant 213 fluid-film lubrication lubrication in which the interacting surfaces in relative motion are separated by a fluid lubricant (gas or liquid) 24.4 solid-film lubrication lubrication in which the interacting surfaces in relative motion are separated by a solid lubricant 2.2. Phan loai theo co ché tao mang chat boi tron tach ly cua cac bé mat déi tiép 224 Béi tron thuy dong Béi tron trong 46 cc bé mat déi tiép cé chuyén éng tuong déi duge tach ly hoan toan béi 4p live phat sinh trong mang chat Idng gitra céc b& mat nay do chinh chuyén dong tuong déi cua ching va d6 nhét cia chat béi tron. 222 Boi tron thuy tinh Béi tron trong dé cac bé mat déi tiép cd chuyén d6ng tuong déi hoe & trang thai ding duge tach ly hoan toan bang sy cung cép tir bén ngoai chat long 06 ap suat cao vao gitra mat déi tiép. 2.2.3 Béi tron khi dong Boi tron trong 46 cdc bé mat déi tiép 06 chuyén déng tong déi duge tach ly hoan toan béi dp lye hinh thanh trong mang khi gitra cac b8 mat nay do chinh chuyén dong tuong déi cla chung va 66 nhét cia khi, 2.2.4 Béi tron khi tinh Béi tron trong 46 cdc bé mat d6i tiép o6 chuyén dong tuong déi hode & trang thai dieng duge tach ly hoa toan béi ap lye cao cia dong khi Guge cp tir bén ngoai vao gitra cae b& mat d6i tiép. TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 2.2 Classification according to the of the interacting surfaces by a lubricant film mechanism of separation 224 hydrodynamic lubrication lubrication in which the interacting surfaces in relative motion are completely separated by the pressure generated in the fluid film between these surfaces due to their relative motion and the viscosity of the fluid 222 hydrostatic lubrication lubrication in which the interacting surfaces, either in relative motion or in a state of rest, are completely separated by supplying high- pressure fluid between the interacting surfaces from the outside 223 aerodynamic lubrication lubrication in which the interacting surfaces in relative motion are completely separated by the pressure generated in the gas film between these surfaces due to their relative motion and the viscosity of the gas 2.24 aerostatic lubrication lubrication in which the interacting surfaces, either in relative motion or in a state of rest, are completely separated by supplying _high- pressure gas between the interacting surfaces from the outside TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 225 Bai tron thuy dong-dan héi Bai tron trong d6 4p lye, luc ma sat va chiéu day cia mang chat béi tron gitra cac bé mat déi tiép 66 chuyén dong tuong déi béi tinh chat dan hdi cua vat liéu cdc vat thé tiép xe cfing nhy cdc tinh chat luu bién cila chat béi tron (dac biét 1a su phy thudc vao 46 nhét cla dp suat). 2.2.6 Béi tron thuy d6ng dan hdi cng Béi tron thuy dgng dan hdi trong dé anh huéng cua bién dang dan hdi cla cac bé mat di tiép oO chuyén déng tuong déi va do nhet chat béi tron theo ham sé mi cia 4p suat cao chiém wu thé. 2.27 Béi tron thuy déng-dan hdi mém B6i tron thuy d6ng dan hdi trong dé cdc bé mat. éi tiép 06 médun han hdi thép va 46 nhot cia cht bdi tron khong thay ddi do 4p sudt cao. 2.28 B6i tron thuy d6ng té vi dan hdi Béi tron trong dé 46 nham té vi bé mat cla cae bé mat d6i tiép 6 chuyén déng tuong déi duge béi tron trong diéu kién béi tron thuy dng té vi dan hdi (EHL). 2.2.5 elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication EHL lubrication in which the pressure, the friction force and the lubricant film thickness between the interacting surfaces in relative motion are governed by the elastic properties of the materials of contacting bodies as well as the rheological properties of the lubricant (especially the pressure dependence of viscosity) 2.26 hard EHL. elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication in which the effect of elastic deformation of interacting surfaces in relative motion, and the exponential increase in viscosity of lubricant due to high pressure, prevail 227 soft EHL elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication in which the interacting surfaces have low elastic modulus and there is no increase in the viscosity of the lubricant due to high pressure 2.28 ro EHL lubrication in which micro-asperities of the interacting surfaces in relative motion are lubricated under EHL conditions Bai tron gidi han Béi trom trong 46 do ma sat va mon gia hai b& mat c6 chuyén dong twong déi bj chi phdi bdi cac tinh chat cla bé mat cla toan khéi chat boi tron cing nh cac tinh chat eda mang méng chat b6i tron khac hoac vi do nhot thé tich. 2.2.40 Béi tron mang Boi tron trong dé xuat hign déng thi béi tron bang mang chat ldng va bdi tron giéi han. 2211 BGi tron nhigt thuy dong Béi tron bang mang trong dé trang thai béi tron. gitva hai bé mat 6 chuyén déng tong déi bj chi ph6i boi sy can bing nhiét trong mang chét bdi tron, bao gdm sy téa nhiét do co xat, sy truyén nhiét va phu thudc vao nhiét 46 cia dé nhét chat béi tron. + thuy dng dan hdi Béi tron bang mang trong 46 trang thai béi tron gira hai bé mat o6 chuyén déng tong 4éi bj chi phéi bei sy can bang nhiét trong mang chat béi tron, bao gdm sy tda nhiét do sy co xat, su truyén nhiét, cdc tinh chat dan hdi cia be mat ma sat va cdc tinh chat luu bién cla chat boi tron (d&c biét la su phy thudc cla dé nhot vao nhiét 4 va ap suat). TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 2.2.9 boundary lubrication lubrication in which friction between, and wear of, two surfaces in relative motion are govemed by the properties of the surface and by the properties of the lubricant other than bulk viscosity 2.2.10 mixed-film lubrication mixed lubrication partial-film lubrication lubrication in which there is liquid-film lubrication and boundary lubrication 22.4 thermo-hydrodynamic lubrication THL, THD fluid-film lubrication in which the lubricating conditions between two surfaces in relative motion are govemed by the heat balance in the lubricant film, including heat generation due to shear, the heat transfer and the temperature- dependence of the lubricant viscosity 2.2412 thermo-elastohydrodynamic lubrication TEHL TEHD fluid-film lubrication in which the lubricating conditions between two surfaces in relative motion are governed by the heat balance in the lubricant film, including heat generation due to shear, the heat transfer, the elastic properties of friction surfaces and the properties of the lubricant (especially viscosity's dependence on temperature and pressure) theological TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 2.2.13 Béi tron bang déng chay tang Trang thai b6i tron trong 46 c&c phan tip cia boi tron chuyén dong déu va én dinh, tao thanh cc dong chay réi. CHU THICH: Trang thai nay xuat hién trong dong chay khi ma lye nhét théng thé duge lye quén tinh ode khi sé Reynolds twong d6i nhé va s6 Taylor nhd hon gid tr t6i han. 2.2.44 B6i tron bang déng chay khéng chay tang Trang thai bi tron trong 46 dong chay cia chat boi tron khéng phai fa dong chay tang va bao gdm bi tron bang dong chay chuyén tiép va béi trom bang dong chay réi. 2.2.45 Béi tron bang déng chay chuyén tiép trang thai bi tron trong 66 déng chay cia chat di tron khong nhung chua phat trién hoan toan thanh déng chay réi. CHU THICH: Trang thai nay xudt hign & dong chay trong dé lyre quan tinh thang thé Ic 4 nhét hoac khi 6 Reynolds lon. 2.2.16 Béi tron bang déng chay réi Trang thai béi tron trong dé céc phan tir cia chat béi tron chuyén déng khéng én dinh va khéng déu theo thoi gian va trong khéng gian ho&e chuyén d6ng réi loan. CHU THICH: Trang thai nay xudt hign & dong chay trong 46 iyre quan tinh théng thé Ive nhét hoae khi sé Reynolds lon. 10 2.2.43 laminar flow lubrication lubricating condition in which the molecules of the lubricant fluid move steadily and regularly, forming smooth streamlines NOTE: This condition appears in a flow in which the viscous force prevails over the inertia force, or where the Reynolds number is relatively small and the Taylor number is less than a critical value. 2244 non-laminar flow lubrication lubricating condition for which the flow is not laminar and which includes transitic turbulent flow lubrication A and 2.245 transition flow lubrication Taylor flow lubrication lubricating condition in which the stream lines are not smooth, but the turbulence is not fully developed NOTE: Depending on the operating conditions, the Taylor vortexes can occur or not. 2.2.16 turbulent flow lubrication lubricating condition in which the molecules of the lubricant move in an unsteady and irregular manner in time and space or in a turbulent manner NOTE: This condition appears in a flow in which the inertia force prevails over viscous force or where the Reynolds number is large. 2.217 Béi tron khéng da Trang thai béi tron trong 46 chat bdi tron khéng duge cung cép day dui vao gitra cdc bé mat cin béi tron. 2.2.18 Khéng cé béi tron Trang thai cia chuyén dong tuong aéi khong 66 boi tron. 2.2.19 Béi tron khéng ding dau Trang thai béi tron trong 46 cac bé mat déi tiép 6 chuyén dong twong déi khong duge béi tron bang dau. 2.2.20 Béi tron bing mo Bi tron trong 46 mo duc ding km cht bdi tron. 3. Phong phép béi tron va phan logi 3.1. Phan loai theo tinh chu ky cdp chat cua béi tron 34d Béi tron lién tuc Phuong phap bdi tron trong 46 chét béi tron duge cung cp lién tye cho cac bé mat déi tiép 66 chuyén dong twong a6i. TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 2247 starved lubrication lubricating condition in which lubricant is insufficiently supplied between surfaces to be lubricated 2.2.18 nondubrication condition of relative motion without lubrication 2.2.19 oil-free lubrication lubricating condition in which interacting surfaces in relative motion are not lubricated by oil 2.2.20 grease lubrication lubrication in which grease is used as lubricant 3 Methods of lubrication and lassification 3.4. Classification according to periodicity of application of lubricant 344 continuous lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is continuously supplied to the interacting surfaces in relative motion " TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 34.2 Béi tron dinh ky Phuong phap bdi tron trong dé chat béi tron duge cung c4p dinh ky cho cdc bé mat déi tiép 66 chuyén dong tuong déi 3.2. Phan logi theo phuong phép phyc hdi chat béi tron 3.24 Béi tron tuan hoan Phuong phap béi tron trong 46 chat bdi tron da Gi qua cac bé mat d6i tiép 06 chuyén dng tong G6i dug tuan hoan bang co hoc trd lai be mat nay. 3.2.2 Béi tron truéc cho tudi tho Phuong phap béi tron trong 46 cht béi tron chi duge cung cdp tude khi hé théng duge dva vao van hanh. 3.2.3 Béi tron khéng tudn hoan Phuong phap béi tron trong 46 chét béi tron duge cung cp dinh ky hode lién tye cho cac bé mat d6i tiép cd chuyén dong tong déi ma khéng tré vé hé théng béi tron. 3.3 Phan loai theo phuong phap cap chat béi tron vao bé mat ma sat 3.3.4 Béi tron cuéng bire Phuong phap béi tron trong d6 chat béi tron duge cung cdp vao gitra cac bé mat déi tiép co chuyén dong twang d6i bang ngoai lye. 12 34.2 periodical lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is periodically supplied to the interacting surfaces in relative motion 3.2 Classification according to the methods of renewingthe lubricant 3.24 recirculating lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant, having passed the interacting surfaces in relative motion, is mechanically recirculated to them 3.22 life-time prelubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is supplied only before the system is put into operation 3.2.3 ‘once-through lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is periodically or continuously supplied to the interacting surfaces in relative motion, without returning to the lubricating system 3.3 Classification according to the method of application of the lubricant to the friction surface 334 force-feed lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is supplied between the interacting surfaces in relative motion by external force 3.3.2 Béi tron cudng bic bang co khi Phuong phép béi tron trong 46 chat béi tron duge cung cép vao gla cdc bé mat déi tiép cb chuyén déng tong déi béi ngoai lc thong qua chuyén dng cila cdc bd phan may. 3.3.3 Béi tron nhiing trong dau Phuong phap béi tron trong dé cdc bé mat déi tiép 06 chuyén dong tuong déi dugc thuéng xuyén mt phan hoac dinh ky trong bé chat ling boi tron, 3.3.4 Béi tron nhé gigt Phuong phap béi tron trong dé chat béi tron due cung cép vao gitra cac bé mat déi tiép co chuyén d6ng tvong déi bang cach nhé giot & 4c khodng théi gian cach déu nhau. 3.3.5 Béi tron bang vong vang dau Phuong phap béi tron trong 46 mdt chi tiét hinh vong dugc ga dat trén truc sao cho mét phan cla nd dug ngam trong chat béi tron va vong nay sé cung cp chat béi tron cho bé mat trugt (b8 mat ma sat). CHU THICH 1: Vong vang dau cé thé o6 dinh hogc khéng duge 06 dinh trén tryc. CHU THICH 2: Trong trong hep true 26 tbe 66 quay thép thi c6 thé thay thé véng bang xich. TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 3.3.2 mechanical force-feed lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is supplied between the interacting surfaces in relative motion by force applied extemally through the movement of machine ‘components 3.3.3 dip-feed lubrication oil-bath lubrication method of lubrication in which the interacting surfaces in relative motion are partially, permanently or periodically submerged in a bath of liquid lubricant 3.34 drop-feed lubrication drip-feed lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is supplied between the interacting surfaces in relative motion in the form of drops at regular intervals 3.3.5 ring lubrication method of lubrication in which a ring is arranged over the shaft in such manner that a portion of the ring is immersed in the lubricant and thus supplies the lubricant to the sliding surface NOTE 1: Forreference, the ring is either fixed or not fixed onto the sheft. NOTE 2: In the case of a low-speed application, a chain is used for the same purpose. 13 TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 3.3.6 Béi tron bang tay Phuong phdp béi tron trong 46 chat béi tron éugc cung cdp vao céc bé mat déi tiép cd chuyén d6ng twong déi bang tay ngudi. 3.3.7 Béi tron bang vang toé dau Phuong phap béi tron trong 46 cht bdi tron duge cung cdp vao cac bé mat déi tiép 6 chuyén dng tuong déi bang cach vang toé chat bOi tron do chuyén dong cla mot bd phan co khi. 33.8 BGi tron bang véi phun dau Phuong phap béi tron trong 46 chét béi tron ‘Gugc cung cdp vao gitra cdc bé mat déi tiép co chuyén d6ng tuong 4éi bang vai phun dau. 3.3.9 Béi tron bang suong mi dau Phuong phdp bédi tron trong 46 chat béi tron duge cung cdp toi céc b& mat d6i tiép 06 chuyén dong twong déi duéi dang hoi dau hoge song mu duge tao ra bang céch phun chat béi tron cling vai mét dang khéng khi hoac khi khac. 3.3.10 Béi tron bang dém thm dau Phuong phap béi tron trong 46 chat |éng béi tron dugc cung cAp cho cdc bé mat déi tiép co chuyén dong twong di bing mot dém tiép xtc lam bang vat ligu tham uét cé tinh chdt mao din dug chat béi tron. 14 3.3.6 hand lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is ‘supplied to the interacting surfaces in relative motion by human handling 3.3.7 splash lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is supplied to the interacting surfaces in relative motion by hitting and splashing the lubricant with a mechanical moving part 3.3.8 oil jet lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is supplied to the interacting surfaces in relative ‘motion by a jet of oil 3.3.9 oil fog lubrication oil mist lubrication method of lubrication in which the lubricant is supplied to the interacting surfaces in relative motion as mist or fog produced by injecting the lubricant with a stream of air or other gas 3.3.10 pad lubrication method of lubrication in which the liquid lubricant is supplied to the interacting surfaces in relative motion by a contacting pad of a lubricant-moistened material possessing capillary properties 3.3.11 Béi tron bing béc dau Phuong phap béi tron trong 46 st? dung mot bac. dau dé cung cap dau béi tron cho bé mat trugt. 3.3.42 Bi tron bang chat boi tron ran Phuong phap béi tron trong do bé mat cla vat thé due cung cp chét béi tron ran tach ra tir vat b6i tron rdn dac bigt dugc ép vao bé mat clia vat thé, 3.3.13 BGi tron bing pha mang béi tron ran Phuong phap bdi tron trong d6 b& mat déi tiép c6 chuyén déng trong déi duge phi bang mot mang cht bdi tron ran tre khi vao van hanh, 3.3.14 Béitron tryc tiép Phuong phap béi tron trong dé mot Iugng chat béi tron thich hyp dugc cung cdp tryc tiép cho mét phan cdc bé mat ma sat can bi tron. CHU THICH: Phuong phdp bdi tron tryc tiép dién hinh la phurong phap bdi tron duge ding cho cdc 6 trugt ty Iya trong cong nghiép, trong 66 dau boi tron ‘dug phun tir cae voi phun vao cic bB mat 46 tibp ob chuydn dong tong a6. 3.3.15 Béi tron bang ranh dan dau Phuong phép bdi tron trong 46 mot luong chat béi tron thich hop duge cung cp vao mét rénh bé tri tai cdc bd mat ma sat cdn béi tron. CHU THICH: Bay 14 phuong phap boi tron dién hinh ding cho cac 6 trugt ty Iya trong ong nghigp, trong 66 dau boi tron dug cung cp vao mét rénh cia mdi dé thdm dau. TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 3.3.14 wick lubrication lubrication method in which a wick is used to supply lubricant to the sliding surface 3.3.12 rotaprint lubrication method of lubrication in which the surface of the body is supplied with the solid lubricant detaching from a special lubricating solid body pressed to the surface 3.3.13 solid-film coating lubrication method of lubrication in which the interacting surface in relative motion is coated with a solid film before the part is put into operation 3.3.14 directed lubrication method of lubrication in which an appropriate amount of lubricant is supplied directly to a part of the friction surfaces to be lubricated NOTE: A typical directed lubrication is that used for industrial titing pad bearings, in which the lubricating oil is sprayed onto the interacting surfaces in relative motion from nozzles. leading-edge grooved lubrication method of lubrication in which an appropriate amount of lubricant is supplied to a groove located at the leading edge of the friction surfaces to be lubricated NOTE: Thisis a typical lubricating method used for industrial iting pad bearings, in which the lubricating «il is supplied to a groove of each pad. 15 TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 4 Cac chat béi tron, thanh phan va chting loai cla chung 4.1 Ching logi theo trang thai vat ly cia chat béi tron 444 Khi béi tron Chat bai tron & trang thai khi. 412 Chat léng béi tron Chat béi tron & trang thai ling. 413 Dau béi tron Chat long bdi tron dugc dung chi yéu 6é gidm ma sat va mon trén cdc bé mat déi tiép cd chuy&n dng tuong déi. CHU THICH: ‘Thudng siz dung céc dau da tinh ché, 444 Chit béi tron ngam nude Chat boi tron o6 chiva khéng it hon 10 % nuéc. 445 Mo béi tron Chat bOI tron niva rén hoe rén gdm chi yéu la h6n hgp én dinh cla dau khodng hoae dau téng hop voi cdc xa phong hode cdc chat lam dac khac. CHU THICH: M6 cé thé chiza cac chét don khac, 16 4 Lubricants, their components and types 4.1 Type according to the physical state of lubricant 414 gaseous lubricant lubricant in gaseous state 4A2 liquid lubricant lubricant in liquid state 443 lubricating oil liquid lubricant used mainly for reduction of friction and wear on the interacting surfaces in relative motion NOTE: Ordinarily, refined oils are used. 414 aqueous lubricant lubricant that contains 10 % or more of water 415 grease semi-solid or solid lubricant consisting essentially of a stabilized mixture of mineral oil or synthetic oil, with soaps or other thickeners NOTE: Grease can contain other ingredients. 416 chat ron ran Chat b6i tron c6 hinh dang xc dinh va khong & trang thai lng hodic trang thai khi 4,2. Chiing logi theo chat phy gia 424 Dau géc Dau tinh ché khéng c6 bat ctr chat phy gia nao. 422 Chat béi tron 6 phy gia Chit béi tron dug bé sung cdc chat nham myc dich tao ra cac tinh chat méi hoae nang cao cac tinh chdt hign c6 cua chat béi tron. 4.3. Chiing loai theo nguén géc cila chat béi tron 43.4 Dau khoang Dau gdm mét hén hgp cia cc hydro cacbon ty inhién hoac thu dugc bang cach tinh ché cac vat ligu 06 ngudn géc khoang. 43.2 Dau mé Dau bdi tron dugc tinh ché tir dau tho cla mé dau. 433 Dau thy vat Dau gdm mét hn hop ciia cdc hydro cacbon thu Gugc bang cach tinh ché cdc vat ligu c6 nguén géc tir thyrc vat. TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 41.6 solid lubricant lubricant having firm shape, which is not in a liquid or gaseous state 4.2 Type according to the presence of additive 424 base oil refined oil without any additive 422 lubricant with additive lubricant which includes material added for the purpose of imparting new properties or ‘enhancing existing properties of the lubricant 4.3 Type according to the origin of lubricant 434 mineral oil oil consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons, either naturally found or obtained by treatment of materials of mineral origin 43.2 petroleum oil lubricating oil refined from crude petroleum 433 vegetable oil cil consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons, obtained by treatment of materials of plant origin 7 TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 434 Dau dong vat Dau gdm cd mot h6n hgp cia cdc hydro cacbon thu duoc bang cach tinh ché cdc vat ligu cd ngudn géc tir dong vat. 435 Chat béi tron téng hop Chat béi tron thu duge bang qué trinh va tinh ché hod hoe, phéi hop cc chét téng hop khac nhau. 43.6 Chat két dinh cua chat béi tron ran Chat thac day sy bam dinh cia cdc hat chat boi tron ran véi nhau va vai cac b& mat cia cac vat thé dug béi tron. 4.4 Chiing loai theo chat phy gia 444 Chat phy gia Vat ligu dug bd sung vao cht béi tron nham myc dich tgo ra cac tinh chdt moi hoa nang cao cc tinh chat hién cd. 442 Géi chit phy gia Hn hop cia nhidu chat phy gia 48 chudn bj sn sang bé sung vao mét chat bai tron. 443 Chat phy gia da chirc nang Chat phy gia nang cao cht Iugng ddng thdi nhidu tinh chat cua chat bdi tron. 18 43.4 animal oil cil consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons, obtained by treatment of materials of animal origin 43.5 synthetic lubricant lubricant obtained by chemical process and combining different treatment, artificial substances 4.3.6 solid lubricant binder binder substance which promotes adhesion of particles of a solid lubricant to each other and to the surfaces of the bodies to be lubricated 4.4. Type according to the type of additive 444 additive material added to the lubricant for the purpose of imparting new properties or enhancing existing properties 442 additive package mixture of several additives ready to be added to a lubricant 443 multifunctional additive a fe improving simultaneously properties of the lubricant several 444 Chat phy gia chéng an mon Chat phy gia ngan ngva, lim cham lai hoae han ché tbc dO an mon. 445 Chat phy gia chéng oxy hoa Chat phu gia ngan nguva, lam cham lai hoe han ché téc 46 oxy hod chat béi tron. 446 Chat phy gia chéng gi Chat phy gia ngain ngia, lam cham Iai hoaic han ché t6c 46 gi xudt hién trén cdc bé mat dugc ché tao tir cdc hop kim sat. 447 Chat phy gia lam bién aéi ma sat Chat phy gia lam bién déi dac tinh ma sat cla mot chat béi tron theo mong muén. 448 Chat phy gia chéng mai mon Chat phy gia ngan ngiva hoac gidm téc 46 hoac curong 66 mai mon cia bé mat déi tiép co chuyén déng twong déi. 449 Chat phy gia chéng sy cao xv6e Chat phy gia ng&n ngiva, han ché hodc lam cham lai t6c 6 hodc cirong dé cila suv cdo xuée cdc b8 mat d6i tiép c6 chuyén dong twong bi. CHU THICH: Ch4t phy gia nay cong éuge ggi lé chat phy gia qua dp (EP) TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 444 anti-corrosion additive additive which prevents, retards or limits the rate of corrosion of lubricated metallic surfaces 445 anti-oxidant additive additive which prevents, retards or limits the rate of oxidation of a lubricant 446 rust-preventive additive additive which prevents, retards or limits the rate of rust occurring on the surfaces made of ferrous alloys 447 friction modifier additive to modify the friction characteristics of a lubricant as desired 448 anti-wear additive additive which prevents or reduces the rate or intensity of wear of the interacting surfaces in relative motion 449 anti-scoring additive additive which prevents, limits or retards the rate or intensity of scoring of the interacting surfaces. in relative motion NOTE: This additive is also known as an extreme pressure (EP) additive. 19 TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 4.4.10 Chat phy gia Hop chat hoa hoc duge sir dyng trong cac diéu kin bdi tron kc nghiét nhu dp lye tiép xuc cao varhoac téc déc trvgt cao gitra cc bé mat déi tiép 48 gidm ma sat va mén, ng&n ngira sy bo ket do n6 gay ra phan Gng hoa hgc va tao ra chét bdi tron. CHU THICH: Chat phy gia nay cling duge goi chat phy gia chéng sy c8o xuéc. 4411 Chét phy gia cai thign diém chay Chat phy gia lam giam diém chay ca mot chat lng béi tron. 44.12 Chat phy gia cai thign chi s6 46 nhot Chat phy gia, thudng 1a polyme, lam giam sy thay déi cia 46 nhot voi nhigt 4 va ddng thai lam tang chi s6 46 nhét cia mot chat boi tron. Xem5.2. CHU THICH: Chi s6 46 nhét cao aba a> nhét theo nhigt 49 va nguge lai. 44.13 Chat phy gia chéng sui bot Chat phy gia ngan ngira hoae lam gidm sy sii bot cia mét chat ling béi tron. 44.14 Chat phy gia tay riva Chat phy gia hoat tinh bé mat hé tra cho viée gir cc hat rin trong mét chat lng béi tron. 20 4.4.10 extreme pressure additive EP additive chemical compound used in severe lubricating conditions, such as high-contact pressure andior high sliding speed between interacting surfaces, to reduce friction and wear and prevent seizure, whereby it undergoes chemical reaction and produces lubricating substances NOTE: For reference, this additive is. also known as an anti-scoring additive. 4444 pour-point depressant additive which decreases the pour point of a liquid tubricant 4412 viscosity index improver additive, usually a polymer, which reduces the degree of viscosity variation with temperature, thus increasing the viscosity index of a lubricant See 5.2. NOTE: A high viscosity index indicates a relatively ‘small variation of viscosity with temperature and vice versa. 44.13 anti-foam additive additive preventing or reducing foaming of a liquid lubricant 44.14 detergent additive surface-active additive which helps to keep solid particles in suspension in a lubricant 4.4.15 Chat phy gia lam tang d@ phan tan Chat phy gia cla mét chat léng bdi tron lam tang 49 phan tan cla cac tap chat khong hoa tan va tinh én dinh nhat la & nhigt d6 thdp. 4.4.16 Chat phy gia phan tan - tay riva Chat phy gia 6 tée dung lam phan tan c&c hat rn trong chat b6i tron 48 ngan ngira khong cho ching ling dong lai va lam trung hoa axit ‘sunfuaric duge tao ra do sy dét chay Ilvu huynh trong chat béi tron, 4417 Chat phy gia tao nhii tveng Chit phy gia hoat tinh bé mat dic biét thich hop. cho nhi twong hoa dau va nuéc. 44.18 Chat phy gia lam dc Thanh phan ciia m& b6i tron trong chat ling bdi trom dé tao thanh mét cu trac khéng gian ba chiéu va vi thé tao thanh mét chat niva ran, 4.5 Ching loai theo tng dyng cua chat béi tron 454 Dau cho d6ng co dét trong Dau béi tron ding cho dng ce dét trong. TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 44.15 dispersant additive additive to a liquid lubricant which increases dispersion or scattering of insoluble impurities and stability of suspension mostly at low temperature 44.16 detergent dispersant additive which has the effect of dispersing solid Particles in the lubricant to prevent them from becoming deposits and of neutralizing the sulfuric acid produced by combustion of sulfur in the lubricant 4447 emulsifier surface-active agent which is especially suitable for emulsification of oil and water 44.18 thickener component of grease that is dispersed in the liquid lubricant to form a three-dimensional structure, and hence form a semi-solid 4.5 Type according to the application of lubricant 45.4 internal combustion engine oil lubricating oil for use in an internal combustion engine 21 TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 45.2 Dau cho banh rang Dau b6i tron ding cho banh rang cilia cdc bO truyén déng, cac bé vi sai trong 6 t6 va ding cho: b&nh rang trong cdc may méc cng nghiép khdc. 453 Dau may Dau béi tron dung cho céc 6 truc va cdc truc quay durgc lp trong may méc théng dung. 45.4 Dau 6 true Dau béi tron ding cho cae 6 truc trong may méc thong dung. 455 Dau may lanh Dau b6i tron dung cho cac chi tiét va bo phan trong may lanh. 456 Dau tuabin Dau béi tron dung cho cac may tuabin. 457 Dau chéng gi Dau béi tron 06 chira cdc chat phy gia chéng gi. 5 Bac tinh co’ ban cua dau béi tron 51 DO nhét Tinh chdt cia cdc ivu chét, cdc ban lu chat hoge cdc chét niva ran tao ra sire can é6i voi dong chay, 22 45.2 gear oil lubricating oil for gears of transmis transfer cases and differentials in automobiles ‘and for gears in other industrial machinery ions, 453 machine oil lubricating oil for bearings and rotating shafts installed in ordinary machinery 454 bearing oil lubricating oil for bearings in ordinary machinery 455 refrigerating machine oil lubricating oil for parts in refrigerating machines 456 turbine oil lubricating oil for turbine machinery 45.7 rust-preventive oil lubricating oil which includes rust-preventive additives 5 Basic characteristics of lubricant 51 viscosity property of fluids, semi-fluids or semi-solids that causes resistance to flowing CHU THICH: V8 mat gid tri 46 nhét ty 36 gitra eng sudt trugt va bién thién téc d6 trugt la do nhot hoac 66 nhét tuyét 46 (Pa.s) va ty $6 gia do nhot tuyét 6i va khéi Iueng riéng la 49 nhét dng hoc (m‘s).. 5.2 Chi sé 6 nhot id tri khéng thir nguyén duge xéc dinh bang thyc nghiém chi ra misc a} sy thay 461 46 nhét cila chat béi tron theo nhiét 46, Xem 4.4.12 5.3 Luu chat Newton Luu chat tuan theo dinh luat Newton vé dong chay, nghTa la Gng suat tregt ty 16 voi téc 46 tregt. 54 Luu chat khong Newton Luu chét khéng tuan theo dinh luat Newton vé dong chy. 5.5 $6 md dp sudt cua 46 nhot ‘Dai lugng biéu thi sv phy thudc cia dé nhot mot chat long vao ép sudt. 56 Sé ma nhigt 6 cia 46 nhét Dai lugng bigu thi sy phy thudc cla dO nhét mt chat ling vao nhiét a6. TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 NOTE: Regarding the value of viscosity, the ratio of the shearing stress to the shearing rate is referred to a the viscosity or the absolute viscosity (Pa's), and the ratio of the absolute viscosity to the density is referred to as the kinematic viscosity (m/s) 5.2 viscosity index empirically determined non-dimensional value which indicates a lubricants viscosity change with temperature See 4.4.12. 53 newtonian fluid fluid to which Newton's law of flow is applicable, that is the shearing stress is proportional to the shearing rate 54 non-newtonian fluid fluid to which Newton's law of flow is not applicable 55 pressure exponent of viscosity quantity representing the dependence of Viscosity of a liquid upon the pressure 5.6 temperature exponent of viscosity thermo-viscosity coefficient quantity representing the dependence of viscosity of a liquid upon the temperature 23 TCVN 8287-3 : 2009 5.7 Kha nang bai tron Kha nang cla mét chat béi tron dé gidm ma sat va mon, khac voi tinh chat nhot thuan tuy cla nd. 58 Tinh tuong thich cua chat béi tron Kha nding cia hai hoge nhibu chat bai tron 66 thé trn voi nhau ma khéng lam xéu di cdc tinh chat cca chiing trong str dyng hoc bao quan. 5.9 D6 dic Kha nang cla céc me béi tron chéng Iai bién dang dui tac dung ciia ngoai lye. 5.10 Gidi han tach chat long Pham vi tai 46 chat léng béi tron duge tach ra khdi mé bdi tron do sy tang Ién cla ap sudt varhoac nhigt 66 ho&c sy bién ddi cdu tric cia chat phy gia lam dac. 5.11 Chi sé axit Lugng kali hydroxit, tinh bang miligam, can thiét 48 trung hoa cc thanh phan axit chira trong 19 dau mau thir. 5.12 Chis6 co ban Luong kali hydroxit, tinh bang miligam, twong

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