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A Kind Goblin’s Bride

Author: 에이비

“Won’t you become a Goblin’s bride?”
In Yang-an, the capital of the Sun Dynasty Empire, there are rumors of a Goddess who sings
a song that grants your wishes in your dreams if you visit a certain pharmacy. To confirm
this, Sa Heon-young, who disguises his status as a member of the royal family, goes to find
the Goddess of the rumors. After listening to her song, he yearns for her, as if he is suffering
from an illness….
A man who must kill his own identity under a goblin’s mask; and a woman who has no
name or a lover, and lives only for the revenge in her mother’s will. A mournful love story
between a man and a woman who are the only ones who can fully understand each other.
Chapter 1

The capital of the Sun Dynasty, Yangan. Since it is a port city with over a million
inhabitants, hundreds of ships come and go every day, and people from dozens of countries
cross it. The city built by the former dynasty’s Emperor was beautiful with wide roads and
lush street trees.
The open atmosphere peculiar to the Sun Dynasty led to a revival of culture. In Yangan,
women dressed as men and men also enjoyed splendid decorations, and Yangan became a
luxurious city and was always crowded.
However, on that day when the misty rain fell, the atmosphere on Yangan was a little
different. Even in the most important market of Yangan, pedestrians were not even the
usual half. Women, children, and the elderly did not go outside, and even strong men
glanced at the sky several times.
It’s a bad day. People chatted. They don’t feel good on a day like this. A man running a cloth
shop folded his arms. There are few customers, and it is unfavorable for customers to come
in such weather.
A day that seems like an uninvited visitor. The merchants looked up at the sky anxiously,
hoping for it to clear up.

“... The Governor is putting this small man in trouble.”
And here, there was a man who was met by an uninvited visitor to suit the day.
Song Geun-ryang. He is the owner of the largest pharmacy in the city. Song Geun-Ryang was
a man who was so resourceful that it was said that the medicinal herbs that he cannot
obtain can only be found in the Imperial Palace.
With a body that is neither fat nor thin, and puffy eyes, he read the letter of
recommendation twice in a row and smiled bitterly as he narrowed his eyebrows.
The man standing in front of Song Geun-ryang was a young man who seemed to be in his
twenties now. He has a sturdy body that will attract the attention of the gisaengs when he
goes to the South Honam area.
He probably learned to do martial arts. He looks like a white-faced warrior wearing a white
coat, but there are seven masked warriors standing behind him. The men who covered
themselves in black from their head to toe, only had their eyes exposed. But their gazes
were terrifying.
What kind of house was this noble young master who brought these escorts with him and
brought a letter of recommendation from the Governor? Song Geun-ryang clicked his tongue
He can’t help it. He has no choice but to give this man what he wants and get him out
Song Geun-ryang glanced at the servant standing in the distance, and led the man, “This
way.” Then the servant noticed and quickly took over on behalf of Song Geun-ryang.
After confirming that the servant was going, Song Geun-ryang opened a small door to the
main house for the man.
“I’m sorry for the shabbiness.”
The man didn’t say anything or even say if that was okay. Instead, he muttered a little, “I’m
tired.” He looked like he wanted to sleep soon.
Each servant and maid they met while passing through the corridor gave a polite greeting
to Song Geun-ryang and his guest. Neither Song Geun-ryang nor the guest gave a glance at
the servants’ greetings.
The guest walked behind Song Geun-ryang silently as he looked at the garden in the silent
misty rain. Song Geun-ryang suddenly was at a loss. Eight men were following behind him,
but he couldn’t hear any footsteps. How great masters are they all?
They must be sword masters.
Song Geun-ryang guided the man and his escorts to the guest room of the annex.
While the maids who quickly ran to prepare for the guest’s bed, such as laying the sheet,
Song Geun-ryang sat across the tea table.
Seeing that Deok-i, an employee who he had taught work for a long time, sent
chrysanthemum tea, it seemed that to Deok-i’s eyes this guest looked respectable.
“Guest. Where and how did you hear the story?”
As Song Geun-ryang handed over a tea that he had to pay the weight of the tea leaf in gold,
the man emptied the tea cup at once and replied.
“Nothing to know.”
“Guest, I haven’t asked where or who the guest is. On this ominous day, the guest came with
a letter of recommendation from the Governor, who is from a distant place. So I would like
to do my best for you. So, why don’t you keep your courtesy as a guest too?”
The man threw the teacup straight away.
The teacup crashed against the wall and broke with a sound. Eekk, while the maids forcibly
swallowed their scream, Song Geun-ryang also flinched and pulled his body back a little.
Perhaps, he shouldn’t have said that.
Song Geun-ryang swallowed a gulp. While his neck was trembling, the man only stared at
Song Geun-ryang with his arms folded.
Chapter 2

A terrifying time passed. At that moment, Song Geun-ryang was wondering how many
times he would breathe, but for him, it was longer than ever.
Tsk. The man clicked his tongue. He opened his mouth as if he couldn’t help it.
“... I heard from a drunk man with the surname Ho.”
“I can’t tell you more than that.”
The guest’s eyes were telling Song Geun-ryang that he would do his own way, if Song Geun-
ryang were to pry more than that. The guest’s eyes, who was only in his twenties,
shimmered like that.
Song Geun-ryang replied very obediently on the outside, while feeling fed up on the inside.
“I, I see.”
“When will the goddess come?”
“It takes time. While you sleep, she’ll get dressed up and come.”
“... I don’t sleep a lot, is it okay?”
“This small man will take care of it. By the way, there.”
Song Geun-ryang glanced at the man’s escorts. The brutal-looking seven warrior men were
sitting in black outfits.
“Will the warriors stay here?”
“Isn’t it obvious ?”
“But, uh, the goddess is a bit sensitive...”
The man spoke immediately at Song Geun-ryang’s words.
“I don’t know how sensitive your goddess is, but my warriors aren’t interested in anything
but my safety, so don’t worry.”
“I don’t mean like that.”
“They are here to guard me while I am asleep. Of course they’ll be next to me, so they won’t
say a thing.”
Song Geun-ryang looked at the man with a twisting feeling. He wasn’t worried about the
goddess. It was difficult for the man to know the existence of the goddess. But on top of that
he didn’t like that seven more people knew, besides the man.
But Song Geun-ryang can’t tell the man to give up his escort because he hates having
someone who knows the goddess’ face. It was not because of conscience, but because the
man was scary.
“The warriors... All of them are quiet people, right?”
“Are you serious?”
“This is the end of the matter, Guest.”
Song Geun-yang said heavily.
The man looked down at Song Geun-ryang with an arrogant face. Their eyes met, but Song
Geun-ryang did not avoid it. Even if he was beaten up, he needed to get a definite answer
An uninvited visitor who came on an ominous day. A letter of recommendation that cannot
be verified for its authenticity. Seven black-clad warriors. His spine was chilly and didn’t
feel good. If it doesn’t stop here, he’ll be in big trouble.
“Is it true that sleeping while listening to the goddess’ song will make your dreams come
Asked the man.
“It is only in the dreams.”
That means that it is true. The man nodded at Song Geun-ryang’s answer.
“Then I have nothing more to see after today.”
It was a definite answer.
In the room where Song Geun-ryang left, seven warriors knelt down.
The maids also left the room after completing their work one by one, and before long, only
the man and warriors remained in the room. The man stared down at the three pills that
Song Geun-yang had handed over.
The man’s eyes glanced toward the warriors.
One of the seven warriors, the one sitting in the middle, met his gaze. He glanced faintly and
the man immediately put his medicine in his mouth. Along with the tea, the medicine
passed the man’s throat.
The man lay neatly and fell asleep. As the man’s breath slowly subsided, the warriors’ gaze
were sharpened. They watched their surroundings and did not take their eyes off the man.
Seven warriors dressed in black sat in a beehive shape not a few steps away from the bed.
About halfway through, three footsteps came in the distance. The footsteps gradually got
closer. One of the three seemed to belong to a child, so the warriors’ gaze was puzzled.
A child’s footsteps? Why would a child come to the annex? When the warrior exchanged
glances. Three people reached the sliding door in front of the guest room. Two of them
knelt down and one stood.
“The goddess wants to enter. Would it be alright to open the door?”
Asked the maid on her knees.
The goddess? Is the maid saying that the goddess was a little child? The warrior looked at
the sliding door at once. The person closest to the sliding door responded slowly, “Yes.”
It was not a child who appeared as the door opened. It was just a woman as small and
skinny as a little child.
Surprisingly, she looked pretty mature. A face that looks around in the early or mid-
twenties. The woman’s skinny body, like a dying twig, was wrapped in silk.
Perhaps because she didn’t have much time to dress up, her wet hair was pulled and tied
loosely into one. It was a difficult appearance to be called ‘a beautiful woman’. Her eyes
were big, but her cheeks were hollow and her complexion was haggard.
Chapter 3

The woman looked at the warrior in wonder as she came in, and glanced at the man lying
on the bed. She tilted her head.
“Who is the guest?”
The goddess had a voice with a clear resonant sound.
“Of course the one lying down.”. The maid retorted.
Her words to the goddess could not be seen as respect. The goddess only said, “Ah,” as if
she was accustomed to such treatment. Then, she walked. Passing by the warrior, the
goddess sat between the warrior and the man and looked behind.
“Will you stay here?”
The warrior at the front replied. Seeing the warrior’s expressionless face, the goddess
nodded her head.
“I would sing all night, would you mind?”
“It’s all right.”
“Once I sing, I can’t stop until dawn. So if you want to go out, just go out. If you have
anything you need, just go out and say it.”
The goddess looked around inside the room. She looked at the warrior one by one. Her
gaze, looking closely at them one by one, as if it was impossible to distinguish the men who
had no part of their body exposed, except for their eyes. And stopped at the man in the
Their eyes met.
The goddess didn’t say anything and just looked at him. Then the warriors’ gaze too slowly
moved to the man in the middle.
The goddess’ eyes flickered slowly. She kept looking at the man as if she was seeing
something strange.
[“Your Highness, have you met her before?”]
The escort captain asked in a trilled.
In fact, they were the escorts of the man in the middle. While the middle man was the
escort of the lying man.
The middle man’s name is Sa Heon-young. In the Sun Dynasty, he was the only brother of
the crown prince and was the head of the inspectorate. It was his job to rectify discipline by
strictly dealing on the injustices of the court and the government.
He went to the battlefield at the age of eight, and returned to Yangan at twenty-five and
became the master of the inspectorate. Due to the large number of people he had met for
thirty years in his lifetime, Sa Heon-young had to search his head for a while.
However, would he not remember if he met a unique person like this goddess?
There are very few people who know Sa Heon-young’s face, but the goddess is looking
straight at him out of the seven warriors. It didn’t have a good feeling. It was when the
escort captain’s eyes were slightly frowned.
The goddess began to sing her song.
Sa Heon-young was born in the imperial palace, but it was the first time he ever listened to
such a song. A fantastic tune is like a dream playing in harmony with a pure tone.
Nevertheless, it enveloped his ears just by listening to it once.
It’s a slow song. A song that felt like it wouldn’t break. Sa Heon-young was drunk on the
song for a while and then raised his head. The goddess was still looking at him. As their
eyes met, the goddess smiled brightly.
Sa Heon-young looked at the woman.
Is she a woman he knows? No, he can’t remember her face. How could he not remember the
woman singing this song? If he’s ever heard of it, it’s an unforgettable tune until the day he
The woman sang. She continued singing without taking her gaze away from Sa Heon-
It was like she was speaking. Sometimes she clenched her fist and sometimes she pressed
her chest with her palm. She even closed her eyes, but when she opened her eyes, she
looked at Sa Heon-young.
Nothing would be visible from, as the seven warriors must have the same appearance as
him, but the woman was looking at him as if he was different from him.
[“Your Highness, that woman.”]
Did they notice...?
While pretending not to, the six escorts were actually nervous.
Sa Heon-young’s face is of the utmost secrecy. Very few even among the imperial family
know it. Even during escorts, only one escort captain knew Sa Heon-young’s face.
But that woman seems to have recognized Sa Heon-young.
The moment everyone’s hands went to the hilt.
[“Listen to the song.”]
Sa Heon-young stopped them.
... What?
In this situation, the escorts found it absurd to listen to the song and looked at their master,
but Sa Heon-young wasn’t giving any attention to the escorts.
He was looking at the goddess. He stared at the face of the singing goddess. A woman who
closed her eyes and smiled when their eyes met. The woman who smiled and continued her
song seemed to say something. Moving her hand, she was talking passionately, but the
lyrics of the song were a language that Sa Heon-young had never heard of. She kept
appealing for something to Sa Heon-young as she sang the incomprehensible song.
Chapter 4

Her eyes are pretty. Sa Heon-young looked into the woman’s eyes and thought. Each time
she opened her mouth a little and smiled, her eyes were finely curved. Not murky white nor
dull brown eyes.
Her lips are also sensual. The lips are small compared to the eyes, but instead they are
thicker. It’s feminine lips. Her lips were pretty, showing a smile every time she sang.
Her nose is elegant. It was taller than he thought and the nose bridge was straight with no
curve. Her little face had all the finest features in it. The longer the song was, the more
difficult it was, and the cheeks were getting red.
The woman didn’t stop singing even when the red light started to shine through the
window. Sa Heon-young raised his body, seeing the woman’s brown eyes shining brightly
in the light.
[“Your Highness?”]
His Highness is very strange today.
The escort captain called Sa Heon-young with a drained face, but Sa Heon-young didn’t
even respond. He stepped forward and knelt in front of the goddess and sat neatly.
Then the woman opened her eyes wide without stopping her singing. The goddess looked
down at Sa Heon-young without any expression, then smiled lightly. The song was slow.
The sound of the world turning into a sweet thing continues to swirl around Sa Heon-
young’s ears.
For the first time in his life, Sa Heon-young left himself to his urge. He reached out and
touched the cheek of the woman he had never seen before. Rather than wrapping it, he was
just gently touching it with his palm.
It was difficult for him to understand why he did this, even for Sa Heon-young himself. He
seemed to blame the song. When he saw the woman earlier, he thought she wasn’t a
beautiful woman. But now, in Sa Heon-young’s eyes, this woman was terribly beautiful. He
must have been drunk on the song. To this weird song.
The woman seemed puzzled, but she did not reject Sa Heon-young’s hand. The woman
continued to sing while leaning her cheek on Sa Heon-young’s hand. The long song never
ends. The world is wet as if it’s still raining fog outside.
[“….Your Highness?”]
As he turned his head at the trill tone, Sa Heon-young’s subordinate stood up from his place
and looked at him with a face that did not understand the situation.
“Guest, did you have a good dream?”
The goddess turned her head and smiled brightly. Her cheek, which had touched Sa Heon-
young’s hand, went away. Sa Heon-young almost reached out his hand without realizing it.
“... Ah, well...”
The man muttered awkwardly, not knowing what to say. The man’s gaze moved to the
other side as he couldn’t understand the situation even when he looked at Sa Heon-young’s
gaze. The man glanced at the other escorts. What happened? The escorts shook their heads
faintly. Don’t ask. I don’t know.
“Then, I’ll excuse myself.”
The goddess bowed to the man, and she looked back at Sa Heon-yeong. Then she smiled a
big smile.
“Your eyes, they’re unique.”
Sa Heon-young looked into the goddess’s face. Their faces became very close. The goddess
nodded her head without avoiding his face.
Before long, she bowed lightly to the escorts including Sa Heon-yeong. The escorts were
wary of Sa Heon-young. What happened to Sa Heon-young? He is so stiff that neither the
concubines go to him.
A man who drinks blood, eats human flesh, and has no rumors about a woman in the midst
of all kinds of rumors on the battlefield. That was Sa Heon Young. Sa Heon-young, who is
famous for being indifferent to any mercy, so what the hell is this?
Why did he stand out and do that?
The escorts desperately looked at the goddess’s face. When they looked closely, she wasn’t
as thin as they first saw, but even to say she was a beautiful woman... they can’t say that she
was a beautiful woman... Oh, what’s wrong with him?
Like he fell in love at first sight.
When everyone was looking at Sa Heon-young with dumb eyes. The goddess stood up.
“Then I’ll excuse myself.”
The goddess smiled, and she passed by Sa Heon-young. At that moment, the escorts
stopped breathing. Their breath was choked in fear that Sa Heon-young would grab the
goddess and pin her down. However, Sa Heon-young did not reach out, and the goddess
stepped out of the room.
Sa Heon-young stared at her back with hesitant eyes.
Chapter 5

Meal did not come today.

The woman walked through the woods. Before the night falls, she must hurry home.
She had no shoes. The last time she received clothes was ten years ago. Even though her
clothes were worn out, they somehow held up. But no matter how much she saved her
shoes, they just couldn’t hold up. She needed daylight to roam the forest barefoot. Or she
could be seriously injured.
Herbs, where are the herbs?
Looking back on what has been going on, there will be no more food in the next two or
three days. So on the way home, the woman looked carefully at the ground. Herbs are
highly reproducible plants. It had already descended from the top of the mountain last year,
and now at this point, you can see two or three roots.
Winter is coming.
Will I be able to be alive this winter? The woman thought, looking for the herbs.
Summer was particularly hot. Winter will be very cold. She might die this year. The woman
paused for a moment. In order for her to live, she must walk and find the herbs. Or she
would have to spend long nights with terrible hunger, and she would have to chew her own
She would have had to cry dozens of times thinking about whether she would rather cut
the flesh and eat it. Still, weighed down by the heaviness of life made her unable to walk
even a single step.
Can’t I run away?
After her mother died, the woman reconsidered the thoughts that she had every day.
Last year she was hung up on this thought only. If only she could descend this cursed
mountain! If only she could escape just once, avoiding the eyes of the armed men
imprisoning her in the mountains!
Last year, she nearly succeeded. She had dug a tunnel. The tunnel that the woman alone
made without tools was barely a short distance, and the tunnel was eventually discovered.
At that time, she was whipped to the point where her back was peeled and flaking off. She
thought she was going to die. No, she wished to die. Rather she wished she died, but she did
not die.
Instead, the meal decreased, saying that it was because she was too strong. They will cut
down on meals so she can’t do useless things. In the end she was only given one meal every
two days.
There were many times when they forgot. The woman has been starving for four days now.
Oh, it’s the herb.
The woman pulled the herb and chewed the leaves. One was not enough for her to last all
night. She needed two or three roots to survive until dawn.
After she ate the herb, she got a little bit stronger. Her head is dizzy and her body is getting
lighter little by little. Thank God. The weak energy began to turn. Hunger will be gone soon.
The woman staggered and stood up. If the herb’s medicinal energy is in full swing, her
vision will be brighter. Then she will be able to find the other herbs better.
The woman squatted and covered her head with her hands.
Why don’t the herbs kill people?
When she was not hungry and all her senses were clearly alive, she wished she could die at
that time.
She remembered her mother who died a few years ago. Her mother said the woman was a
goddess. When her mother was in a good mood, she told the story of a place that wasn’t the
mountain. The woman couldn’t understand it very well, but she could only see that her
mother missed it. Her mother had been forced to bring the woman here.
Each time the woman felt guilty of her own existence. If it weren’t for her, her mother
wouldn’t have been dragged to this dark mountain and she would not have died alone.
The mother told the woman not to die.
‘I prophesy in the last divinity, and you will be saved. And you will take my revenge. So you
must live and take revenge on this mother. Forgive no one.’
Both the people and her mother called the woman a goddess. Goddess. She could write the
words that she is a goddess, but she couldn’t figure out what it meant.
Her mother had the name Yuhwa. The woman didn’t have a name. Her mother said that the
woman’s name should be made by her father. The father called the woman goddess bitch. It
wasn’t a name. The woman thought she didn’t have a name for herself.
As she reached out her hand to the second herb, the woman recalled her father. No, some
guy she knew that she called Father. He had a greedy and gleaming gaze. People said he
was good-looking and virtuous, but the woman could see that what was in his bulging belly
was enormous greed and lust.
Chapter 6

The woman was sometimes dragged out of the mountains. On that day, she was able to eat
full. It was a day when the woman who usually rarely washes in the stream water, took a
hot bath. The maids washed the woman and put on a bunch of colorful clothes. They put a
strange heavy gold crown on her head, covered her eyes with a silk cloth, and then
introduced the woman to someone, saying she was a goddess.
That day the woman had to be careful. If she did something wrong, the woman was
severely beaten.
The woman sang that night, all night long. The woman herself does not know why she
sings. It was like a call calling for her. It’s just that she never learned this song. When she
was asked to sing, of course there is a song that comes to mind.
A slow song with a tune that seems to last forever is a song that no one has ever taught her.
The woman continues to sing that song. They put the sleeping person in front and the
woman sings. She must sing until her throat is bleeding. If she stopped singing, the person
who fell asleep would ‘go wrong’. Then she will be in a bad situation.
She will be dragged back and locked up in the mountains.
A life that seems to last forever. Like a song no one has taught, the bondage continues. The
woman brought the second herb to her mouth and recalled death as it was a habit of hers.
‘You must live and take revenge on this mother.’
If it wasn’t for the will, the woman would have hung herself on the day her mother died.
‘You must live.’
That desperate voice stretches the woman’s breath, a little bit every day. The woman took
the herbs into her mouth as she breathed thinly and painfully. You have to eat. You have to
eat to survive the night. Will the meal come tomorrow? Rather, if I die, if I die...
Suddenly, it darkened over her head. When she raised her head, a bright red goblin was
looking down at her.
The woman blankly looked up at the goblin. Is it a mountain goblin? Was there a goblin in
this mountain? If there was something like a goblin, she would have known it.
The woman couldn’t know if she should run away, or if she should scream, or if she should
just cry. No, nothing makes sense. How will she escape from the goblin’s grip; who will hear
her scream, and what’s the use of crying? She is the only one here.
No, no. Was she not hallucinating this?
The woman reached out and touched the goblin’s leather shoes. The woman did not know
the name of this shoes. But she could feel that the leather was very soft. Even if she touched
the shoes, the goblin only looked down at her.
Suddenly, the woman looked into the eyes of the goblin and recalled last week.
Last week, the woman was rarely called into the guest room during the day instead of at
The maids were annoyed that she was dirty when they didn’t have time. The maids couldn’t
decorate the woman because the time was tight just by washing the woman. She was
dressed lighter than usual. Without a gold crown or blindfold, she went to a guest room and
That day the woman saw a man.
It was one of seven men watching the sleeping man. His eyes were unique. Cool whites in
black eyes. The eyes were beautiful, but they sucked in the soul with blood color. But the
eyes themselves were warm like the summer night sky.
It was an odd eye. The eyes themselves are warm even though they contain so much of
other people’s resentments. The woman liked the eyes. It was strong and beautiful. So she
looked into the eyes and sang. It was such an eye that she wouldn’t get tired of looking at it.
Yes, but those eyes were definitely more like a goblin’s rather than a human’s.
The woman chuckled.
The goblin called the woman. Unlike his face, it was a nice voice to hear.
“Lady, what’s that in your hand... Oh dear.”
The woman widened her eyes at ‘oh dear’, which does not match the goblin. The goblin’s
face is still rough and red. But he seemed to be smiling somewhere, so the woman looked
up at the goblin’s face blankly.
It seems that the energy of the herb is stronger than usual. Rarely, among the herbs, there
were those with strong medicinal properties. It seemed like she ate something like that
“Come here please.”
The goblin knelt on one knee and aligned his eye level with the woman. As expected, the
goblin has beautiful eyes. The woman looked into the eyes and shook her head.
“Do you know what it is? With bloodshot eyes and blushing cheeks, you’ve already done it.
Lady, you did something that goes against the laws of the country.”
The goblin’s words were difficult to understand.
Chapter 7

The woman quietly listened to the voice. The goblin looks very scary. He was dressed in
black, with a red face, and was very large. But only his voice seemed too good to hear like
singing. The woman shook her head a little later.
“Rice soup? No, I didn’t eat anything like that today.”
The goblin was bewildered.
“No, the laws of the country. Laws*.”
“The last time I ate a meal was four days ago. I am not the one who ate the rice soup.”
“Four days ago?”
“Yes, this is the only thing I ate for four days. So I am not the one who ate the rice soup.”
The woman lifted the herb. The goblin’s voice was lowered.
“You only ate herbs for four days?”
“Yes. So it’s not me. Oh, by the way, Sir Goblin shouldn’t be here either. It’s a big deal if you
talk to me. You will be beaten.”
“Yes. I can’t talk to anyone. I can’t use my neck except to sing. When the soldiers see it, Sir
Goblin will also be in trouble. Run along. Since you’re a goblin, you can do magic tricks,
The goblin was silent for a moment.
He seemed like a goblin seeing people for the first time. He looked at the woman for a
moment and then reached out his hand. The moment his hand moved; the woman closed
her eyes tightly.
She was going to be hit.
But even if she waited for it, the beating did not come. Carefully opening her eyes, the
goblin was looking down at her, stopping his hand in the air. As she opened her eyes, the
goblin said quietly.
“I won’t hit you.”
“Because you are a goblin?”
The woman asked and the goblin nodded.
“Because I am a goblin.”
I see, because you’re a goblin, you don’t hit people.
The woman’s shoulders, which had been so tense, were released with a sigh of relief. The
goblin’s hand gently rubbed the woman’s cheek. The woman closed her eyes and savored
the goblin’s hand.
After her mother died, no one had ever touched her like this. No, in fact, even her mother
had rarely touched the woman this way in her lifetime.
Oh, last week, there was a man with pretty eyes. The goblin has big hands like that man. If
you have these eyes, you have similar hands, are you a goblin or a person?
“Then … You’re a good goblin.”
“You can’t even kill people, can you?”
A goblin that can’t even hit a person can’t kill a person. The woman sighed.
Who could kill her? Her father doesn’t kill her. Her father said both her and her mother’s
bodies would be fed to the dog if she died. She thinks it’s okay to be eaten by a dog if this
could end this damn life. But her mother had different thoughts. So the woman can’t die.
It would be nice if he could kill her.
It’s not his fault though.
“Is there anyone you want to kill?”
Asked the goblin.
She sighed quietly, not opening her eyes. The goblin’s body temperature was so high that
the woman seemed to melt into him. If she melts, then she’ll die. If it could, no matter how
painful it was, the woman would be able to bear it. Too bad. Even if this warmth touched
her heart, it would not be able to burn her body.
The woman grabbed the hand of the goblin covering her cheek.
The woman let go of the goblin’s hand and stood up.
She shouldn’t involve an innocent goblin.
With her head dizzy in the herb, she thought blankly. It has been a while since someone has
been nice to her. In fact, she wasn’t sure if that existence existed. Maybe that goblin is not a
goblin but a tree or a stone.
The energy of the herb is strong, so she may be seeing something very strange.
She was happy though. Even if she was mistaken, it had been a long time since she had felt
warmth and softness. She wished she could die now. when it’s so good
The woman staggered and walked. She has to go back before the sun goes down. It’ll be
dangerous if she hurts her feet.
But in the meantime, the forest darkened, and the woman’s hazy gaze did not see the stone.
The woman stumbled loudly.
And she falls. The woman tightly closed her eyes.
Then, someone caught her.
As she lifted her head, the goblin was looking down at her. His expression looked unknown,
but a red face that looks warmer than a person. The woman grinned.
“Thank you, Sir Goblin.”
“Sir Goblin?”
“What is your name?”
The goblin’s voice was low. He has a voice that makes her feel nervous.

The country’s law–rice soup exchange is actually super cute! So laws of the country is guk-
bop (country-law), change one letter then it becomes rice soup guk-bap (soup-rice).
Chapter 8

“The lady’s name.”
The woman smiled blankly and shook her head.
“There is no such thing.”
Was that what I wanted? The woman thought with her dizzy head.
If this goblin is a hallucinatory being, he must have appeared for the sake of the woman’s
wish. Did she ever want to be called a lady? She didn’t remember well.
She might have wished he was a goblin who gives food, but the goblin calling her Lady was
really strange. He was strangely unfamiliar and sweet.
“The Lady who is not afraid of goblins doesn’t even have a name.”
The goblin held the woman’s waist in his arms for a moment and was silent. The woman
leaned her head in the goblin’s arms.
She knew she had to go, but she didn’t want to go. It’s dangerous to stay up all night in the
woods. A snake could have come out. If she is bitten by a snake, she will die.
Is it really dangerous?
No, it is life, not death, that is dangerous. A life that is bitten by a snake but does not die. A
life in which she has to crawl with her leg festered and cut off. Such a life is terrifying.
What to do if no one takes care of her, and her legs are gone. How is she supposed to live
when her limbs are gone?
“Do you have a man in your heart?”
The woman burst into laughter. It was the laugh that came out years after her mother died.
A man in her hard life, a man! She laughed for a while, but the goblin didn’t.
Far from finding it funny, he was giving strength to his arm that was holding the woman’s
waist. Then the woman shook her head.
“No name, no man.”
Can’t even die.
She didn’t say the last word. The woman grabbed the goblin’s arm. She actually wanted to
tell him not to go.
The house in the mountains was too dark and cold. It was scary. And she was able to bear
all of that, but it was hard to bear being lonely. She wanted him to not go.
But the goblin must eat something too. He would need to cover up with something. There is
nothing in her house. She didn’t even have a blanket, so she slept with the clothes removed
from her dead mother’s body.
The goblin’s shoes were soft. The fabric that touched her skin was definitely silk. This
goblin is a precious goblin. So he can’t live in shabby places.
The woman sighed, squeezed the goblin’s arm and tried to slowly release him. However,
the goblin did not let go of the woman.
“Then how about a goblin?”
“Would you like to become the goblin’s bride?”
The woman looked up at him with dazed eyes. The goblin had a red, grim face. But he had a
warm, heart-melting body temperature in his sturdy arms. The woman hesitated and
“My house is shabby.”
The woman was a little shy. She recalled the shabby hut, and the woman became gloomy
and looked at the goblin.
What if the goblin goes away? But it was the opposite. Instead of going away, the goblin,
who saw the woman’s eyes, smiled slowly. Although the face was still rough, even the
woman could tell that the goblin’s eyes were smiling.
Chapter 9

Song Geun-ryang was exhausted because of the black soldiers who stormed in when
darkness had completely fallen.
“Ma, master. Master! Come on out, come!”
The butler urged him with a pale face.
“There, there’s something you need to know!”
Song Geun-ryang put on his shoes and left the main house. Even in the main house, his wife
and daughter were trembling without knowing what to say. As soon as the son-in-law, who
was waiting for Song Geun-ryang with a bloodless face, saw his father-in-law, he quickly
followed behind him.
“Wha, what’s going on? Why is the Demon King here?”
Song Geun-ryang was startled by his son-in-law’s words and turned to look at him.
“Sshh! Are you crazy to put that name in your mouth now!”
“Sorry, I’m sorry.”
“I’m taking this stupid thing as my heir, tsk!”
Song Geun-ryang was annoyed and took the lead. The son-in-law glared at the back of Song
Geun-ryang’s head with terrifying eyes. Meanwhile, he was approaching the gate. As Song
Geun-ryang ran out, the son-in-law also ran after him. Two men, who seemed to have never
run in their lives, jumped out. It was quite a comical picture of two people wearing silk
clothes and seemingly running out, but not a single breath, let alone laughter, came out.
Song Geun-ryang and his son-in-law hurriedly knelt on the dirt floor.
“This humble person sees His Majesty King Mun.”
Song Geun-ryang knelt down on his knees and glanced around. Black soldiers could be seen
encircling their mansion in double or triple numbers. Several generals stood next to a black
horse, and a man sat languidly on the black horse. He looked very relaxed, despite his close-
knit posture. Like someone born on a horse.
And the man’s face was covered with a red goblin mask.
Sa Heon-yeong, the fourth prince and the only brother of the crown prince. He became the
Emperor’s supporter and received the title of King Mun. But the man was commonly called
the Demon King.
He was called the Demon King because of that goblin mask. Since childhood, he was
reluctant to reveal his face, so he wore a red goblin mask. Before entering the battlefield, he
was called the Red-Eyed Prince, while on the battlefield he was called the Blood Demon,
and after ascending to the ranks, he was commonly known as the Demon King.
Demon King Sa Heon-young. A butcher and war crazed, rumored to drink blood and eat
human flesh, returned to the capital five years ago and became the Emperor’s left hand. He
is the Inspector General with no room to escape. Afraid to meet that butcher, all the officials
on Yangan do not commit corruption.
“You are late.”
The Demon King said a word casually.
“For, forgive me.”
Song Geun-ryang stuttered his words, feeling the hallucination of a blade hitting his neck.
The Demon King came close to midnight. The whole house that had slept suddenly woke
up. They lit up the soft light like broad daylight, and everyone moved as if they had been
whipped. But all of that is no excuse for the Demon King.
“Get up.”
The Demon King jumped to the ground. He was quite tall and had a body worthy of his
height. He was slender, so it was not appropriate to say he was big, but it was clear that he
was of considerable physique. Yet when he jumped to the ground, there was no sound, as if
cotton had fallen.
“Th, thank you.”
“Still, my father-in-law doesn’t seem very excited to see me.”
Father-in-law? Song Geun-ryang opened his eyes wide enough to pop out. So was the son-
in-law next to him.
Song Geun-ryang had only one daughter. And the daughter is already married. The family
has to carry on to the next generation, so he took his son-in-law in, and the son-in-law was
right next to him.
His daughter, in a relationship with the Demon King?
Song Geun-ryang looked around the house without realizing it. His own daughter? How?
With the Demon King? What?
“Is, is Your Highness talking about Rayang?”
The Demon King repeated the name slowly. Then Song Geun-ryang looked back at his son-
The son-in-law hurriedly ran into the gate. He ran hurriedly. His breath hit the tip of his
chin, but that didn’t matter.
Rayang, his wife, had a relationship with the Demon King. As a result, the Demon King
traveled personally to make Rayang his concubine. How could this be? Anger ran to the top
of his head.
“What the hell?! Are you crazy?!”
Rayang spewed fire from her eyes. The son-in-law, who was about to get angry, was rather
embarrassed and shut his mouth. Then, Rayang became fierier and more pointed a finger at
the son-in-law.
“Tell me again, what did you say, now? Whom did I have a relationship with?”
“Keep your voice down.”
The mother, who was with Rayang, hurriedly stopped her. But Rayang, who grew up in
precious gold and jade, did not listen to her mother, but only raised her voice.
“Do I look like I have a mind to let that happen?! The Demon King, it’s the Demon King! Oh
my God. You were aiming for that crazy bitch and now I look like a crazy bitch?”
“Oh, why are you saying that again? When did I ever have feelings for that bitch?”
“When you gulped just looking at her breakable legs.”
When Rayang was about to seriously criticize him.
Chapter 10

“Is that woman Rayang?”

A slow voice came behind them. A voice without highs and lows that did not seem to belong
to humans. Rayang and the son-in-law looked back for a moment, forgetting to breathe.
There was a man wearing a red goblin mask and Song Geun-ryang with a pale face.
“Yo, your, Your Highness.”
When Song Geun-ryang knelt down, everyone fell to their knees at the same time. The son-
in-law and Rayang had their foreheads on the floor. Seeing their backs trembling, the
Demon King shook his head.
“It’s a good day to not stir trouble, isn’t it?”
“I, I am gratef,”
“Where is the Goddess?”
At that moment, time seemed to stop.
It was only then that Song Geun-ryang realized that he had another daughter. But it wasn’t
a daughter. It couldn’t even be called a human. It, it...
... How could the Demon King know that!
Kwaang- It sounded as if the mountain was collapsing.
Song Geun-ryang looked at the spear stuck next to his ear. The blood on that spear must be
his. His ears sting. He didn’t know how deep the cut was. The pain was strangely distant. It
was unrealistic.
“His Highness asked you a question.”
Like the Demon King, his soldiers had no highs or lows in their voices. Song Geun-ryang
raised his head. It was unbelievable.
The Goddess’ hut is located on the side of a small mountain. The only way to the mountain
was to go through the house. Behind the small mountain was the cliff of the large mountain,
so people could not come and go.
“Ma, master?”
The poorly armed private soldiers looked at Song Geun-ryang and widened their eyes.
Usually, Song Geun-ryang hated his illegitimate daughter, the Goddess, so he didn’t even
walk in that direction. The only time Song Geun-ryang stood even close to the Goddess was
when he sold her.
The road to the hut was straight. The dark forest road was lit up in an instant with torches.
Clang, clang. The sound of the armor clashing was eerie. Song Geun-ryang was walking
along the forest path with the Demon King, dripping sweat and blood. What’s going on?
How could the Demon King know that? He tried to turn his head; he couldn’t even imagine
how the Demon King knew about it.
When he saw the hut, the Demon King raised his hand. Clang. The movement of the armor
stopped with a unison sound. Song Geun-ryang trembled and looked back at the Demon
King and his soldiers.
“I will go alone.”
As the Demon King said that and started walking, Song Geun-ryang panicked and tried to
take a step. But at that moment, two spears blocked his way. The Demon King said he was
going alone, so Song Geun-ryang could not go. Song Geun-ryang’s body started to sweat
more. You must not go there If you go there, there...
But the Demon King arrived at the hut after all.
She got used to the dark. But she had a hard time getting used to the cold or hunger. The
herbs made her head dizzy and she could not sleep. It reminded her of the mountain goblin
she saw earlier.
The goblin’s eyes, which asked if she would become a bride, kept failing to disappear from
her mind. The goblin had somewhere to go for a while, and he gently stroked the woman’s
cheek and said.
‘I’ll come to pick you up before the day goes by. It’s okay, you can sleep, but you can’t go
anywhere else.’
The goblin said so and left.
The woman remembered those words and smiled brightly. The woman actually thought
she would never meet the goblin forever.
You’re a good goblin. You disappear from the illusion and say only such kind words. The
woman was so happy that she hugged the goblin. Then the goblin paused, hardened his
body, and then he awkwardly embraced the woman.
Her heart was fluttering.
Even though she knew it was a hallucination, her body twisted for nothing. The woman
closed her eyes and thought of the goblin. She then became a little less lonely. The
hallucinatory goblin was closer than her dead mother. She was happier with the delusion of
It was a promise that could not be fulfilled, but it was still in effect until dawn. The woman
decided to enjoy herself to her heart’s content. Because this promise feels real. It’s as if
someone in the world said that to the woman, see you next time. As if she was not alone, she
closed her eyes. She was in tears when she was happy. Tears of unknown reason.
Knock, knock.
Someone knocked on the door from outside. The woman got up in surprise and wiped the
tears with the back of her hand. Who is it? If they were sent by her father, they would have
just opened the door.
A man’s face appeared in the woman’s head. The mean-faced man is her half-sister’s
husband. He had come to the woman’s hut drunk once before. She ran away into the woods
blindly as she pushed him as he was about to attack her. She hid in the woods all night,
trembled, and only after dawn did, she return to the hut. The fear at that time was still
Knock, knock.
“Lady, it’s me.”
Chapter 11

Lady? Lady!
There was only one person in the world who called the woman that way. The woman ran
on her knees and snapped open the door.
The goblin was holding a goblin fire. No, she thought it was a lantern. Or anything. The
goblin came back.
The woman blinked, blinked, closed her eyes and opened them. The goblin might
disappear, so she had to prepare her mind. But the goblin did not disappear.
“It’s Sir Goblin.”
When the woman smiled, the goblin smiled.
“Yes, Lady. I am the goblin who will become your husband.”
The goblin is back! After a moment of joy, the woman turned pale and looked back sullenly.
“It’s really shabby here...”
Oh no, the woman murmured. No matter how hallucinatory it is, the goblin is wearing
expensive shoes and nice clothes. What to do, the woman became resentful of her own
plight without a blanket. Then the goblin said in a gentle voice.
“I’m here to pick you up.”
“Pick me up?”
“A wedding is basically coming to the groom’s house. It took a little while to set up.
Thankfully, you have been waiting for me.”
The goblin came again. She’ll have to find the herb tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
She’ll keep eating it. She wants to live with this goblin forever. What if she goes crazy and
what if she dies? If only she could be with this goblin.
“My dear Sir Goblin. I can’t go anywhere.”
A kind and innocent goblin. The woman knelt down on the floor and stroked the goblin’s
cheek. Unlike her hands, the goblin’s cheeks were very cold.
“How come?”
The goblin asked in a whisper.
“Because I am not allowed to. You will be beaten. I will be fine, but Sir Goblin will die if he
gets beaten like that. No.”
He’s a precious goblin. If he gets hit like that, he’ll be in trouble. The woman thought it was
never okay.
The goblin was silent for a moment. Then before long, the goblin asked quietly.
“If I get permission, will you come with me?”
The Demon King pointed his finger at Song Geun-ryang in the distance. Then, the two
spears blocking Song Geun-ryang suddenly retreated.
Song Geun-ryang walked towards the Demon King and opened his eyes towards him.
Who’s that crazy bitch slacking off with right now? Out of this situation now, I’m going to
kill that bitch!
The word ‘father-in-law’ called by the Demon King was so cold that it sounded like calling
on a sinner. Song Geun-ryang, struggling to get to his knees and holding back his desire to
clasp his head, replied, “Yes, Your Highness.”
“Since the bride is married to me, isn’t it natural for her to go to the imperial family?”
The woman only then discovered her father and was horribly surprised by it. She tried to
rush back into the door, but the Demon King was faster. The Demon King looked at Song
Geun-ryang while holding the woman’s hand tightly.
“... Your, Your Highness, that bitch.”
Song Geun-ryang stared at the girl who couldn’t even make eye contact with him and was
trembling. How did that bitch entice a murderer like the Demon King? She’s really become
an idiot.
At that moment, the Demon King’s eyes moved.
“The woman who will be my wife, a bitch?”
It was an awl-like gaze. Song Geun-ryang lowered his head without realizing it.
“I, I’m sorry.”
“I will not let go of the second blasphemy, Song Geun-ryang.”
The Demon King’s voice was harsh. Song Geun-ryang, desperately suppressing the feeling
of crying, softens his tongue to somehow make this marriage go away.
“Yo, Your Highness, that woman is too flawed to be included in the Imperial Family
“Do you think you know better than the real king about the qualifications to be included in
the Imperial Family records?”
The Demon King turned his gaze away from Song Geun-ryang and looked at the woman.
As soon as the woman saw her father, she was trembling as if she had gone insane. She was
clenching her teeth with her eyes tightly closed. The Demon King bowed his waist and
looked up at the woman’s face with his head bowed.
“You said you were going to get married, didn’t you?”
The woman opened her eyes. All of a sudden, the tears that had been stagnant fell on the
Demon King’s mask. She wiped the Demon King’s mask with her free hand. Sorry. The
woman apologized.
Holding on to her hand, the Demon King asked.
“Didn’t you say that you would marry me, the goblin?”
Song Geun-ryang raised his head. Goblin? The girl nodded her head, and when she met Song
Geun-ryang’s eyes, she was startled again. But she soon raised her head.
“Marriage, I said yes. I will become Sir Goblin’s wife.”
The Goblin’s wife.
It was only then that Song Geun-ryang realized that she thought of the Demon King as a
goblin. She doesn’t know who the Demon King is. She just seems to think that the Demon
King is a mountain goblin.
“Your Highness,”
Song Geun-ryang hurriedly tried to call the Demon King, but the Demon King held the
woman as if there was nothing more to hear. The woman was startled and hung around the
Demon King’s neck. At that moment, the Demon King’s finger touched the woman’s neck.
“Sleep well.”
As soon as she heard the Demon King’s whisper, the woman who had her blood pressure
pressed down, lost her consciousness.
Chapter 12

It was early in the morning when the woman woke up.

The effect of the herb was gone, and the woman had no strength in her body. Her head hurt
terribly, and she didn’t have the energy to lift a finger.
It seemed that she was hungry and could even eat her own raw flesh, but she was in fact so
powerless that she would not be able to lift a spoon even when a table was set.
The woman sat blankly and blinked her eyes.
“Are you awake?”
The woman was startled by a man’s voice and turned her head. And she was once again
surprised. It was because she heard the sound of water splashing from under her neck
before she could see the man’s face.
When she lifted her head, she saw the man wearing the red goblin mask. It was an
elaborately crafted mask.
The woman narrowed her eyes, checked the mask, and she recalled yesterday. The woman
who gathered her fragmented memories and managed to put it together somehow
“Who are you?”
“It’s the goblin.”
Sir Goblin. She bit her lip when she realized the identity of the man she had called. The man
reached out and touched the woman’s cheek. The woman replied, brushing her own cheek
from the hand.
“You are a human being.”
“I am also your fiancé.”
“Then... marriage,”
As the woman was dumbfounded and tried to refute. The man coldly interrupted her
“Before you say it, let me make it clear. That herb is a drug prohibited by national law, and
those who eat it, grow it, and ignore it are all subject to death. Wherever the herb is, it must
be burned.”
The woman hurriedly shut her mouth.
Burn it? She recalled her mother’s grave next to her hut.
It was midwinter when her mother died. In the middle of winter, the woman dug the frozen
ground with her bare hands. It took her three full days, and she was barely able to dig
enough to lay her mother down. She wanted to dig a little deeper, but all of her ten nails
were broken and that was the limit.
Was he going to burn it down?
If the body is burnt, her mother will not be able to rest...?
The woman looked at the man with a pale face, without saying a word. Her father said he
would give her mother’s body to the dog if the woman would ever die, so the woman
survived a tough life. But now if her mother is to be set on fire, she would lose her rest.
The man asked.
“At that time, you promised to marry me. Didn’t you?”
Tears welled up. The woman tried not to cry, but the tears eventually fell. She shouldn’t cry,
or else she’d be beaten.
“Yes. I did.”
“Because I did... Please do not burn it. There is my mother’s grave... Please do not burn it.”
Tears fell from the woman’s eyes. Even as she forced herself to swallow the tears, her tears
continued to fall. What to do. What if that man is offended and burns the mountain?
The woman’s shoulders shook and she started crying.
“Lady, I won’t burn it.”
The man said in a troubled voice.
When she lifted her head, she saw the man’s eyes. He seemed perplexed. His hand stood
still in mid-air. It was strange that the man was swaying, so she blinked and tears fell again.
At that moment, the man hugged her as if he couldn’t take it any longer.
“I swear. I will never burn it.”
Hearing that, the woman could not contain her sorrow and burst into tears.
I shouldn’t cry. But her tears did not stop. Tears continued to flow even after she forcibly
swallowed the cry. As the woman clenched her teeth and her body shook, the man patted
her naked shoulder.
“Lady, you can cry.”
“Bu, but, I, I’m ugly, so if I cry, I will be beaten.”
If she cries out loud when she is beaten, she will get even more scolded. She used to be
beaten harshly, saying that the ugly bitch was crying and acting poorly. With those words,
the man suddenly lifted her chin. It was a cautious but firm hand.
The eyes and gaze met behind the mask. The woman looked up at those dark eyes and
sniffed. She doesn’t know what the man’s face looked like, but the man’s eyes were
amazing. It looked as if she had seen it somewhere. The woman forgot to cry for a moment
looking at the eyes.
The man said,
“There is something the Lady doesn’t know, but the Lady is a really pretty person.”
“... what?”
His words brought tears to her open eyes. The man smiled softly as she doubted her own
hearing; perhaps her tears had dried up and even blocked her ear canal from the shock too.
Chapter 13

“You’re pretty when you cry and you’re pretty even when you smile. So please do whatever
you want to be pretty.”
... He’s a human, not a goblin, but she doesn’t think he’s a sane person. Or maybe his eyes
aren’t fine. It’s such a strange and beautiful eye, it’s a pity.
The woman blinked her eyes. The man burst into laughter as the rest of her tears fell. She
doesn’t know what’s funny, so the woman just look blankly at the face while he picks up a
bowl of porridge.
It had a colored porridge in a white porcelain bowl. It was very pretty like something shiny
was sprinkled on. The woman was mesmerized without realizing it.
The man carefully scooped out a spoonful of porridge and handed it to the woman. As the
woman tried to reach out her hand, the man’s hand swung back. Reluctantly, the woman
carefully put her lips to the spoon and sucked the porridge.
“Delicious...! This is so delicious!”
It was the first time she had ever tasted something like this, something she had never
Is it because she was hungry? No, there were many times when she was hungry, but it was
the first time she had tasted this kind of food.
The woman looked at the man. He didn’t even notice that his sleeves were wet from when
he hugged her in the bathtub. Now, he is feeding her porridge. Suddenly, she wondered if
he had eaten.
“Have you eaten?”
The man could not answer for a moment and paused. The woman noticed it as he hadn’t
eaten. Did he not eat because of her? The woman covered the man’s hand holding the
“Sir Goblin, you eat too. It is very delicious.”
After holding the man’s hand and scooping out the porridge, and blowing it to cool it, she
brought it to his lips.
It was really delicious. Best of all the food she has ever eaten. Does the man know this
taste? If he didn’t know, she wished he knew.
The man shook his head. And he yielded the spoon to her. The woman looked down at the
spoon. It smelled savory.
She already knew this taste, and she starved for four days. Her saliva dropped down. The
man nodded his head lightly as he looked up at her. The woman couldn’t resist any further,
and she took a spoonful into her mouth.
Oh, it’s really delicious.
Perhaps the man knows the taste of this food. So he may not be very curious. When the
woman thought so, the man put down the bowl of porridge and gently lifted the mask.
His lips were visible. It was his lips that looked manly yet cool. It seems that he has a strong
character. And it was very red.
It was amazing because it was red as if a woman had applied a rouge. The woman stared
blankly at the lips. As she watched the lips approach, she thought nothing of it.
As the lips touched her own, she opened her eyes wide.
The lips were warm and soft.
A flesh crept in between her lips, gently stirring inside, and then went away. A strange
feeling slipped away and disappeared without a trace.
“It’s delicious.”
The man said, putting on the mask again. The woman looked up at him with her eyes wide
open. The man asked bitterly.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Is it wrong?
The two were engaged, and the woman sat naked in front of the man. Being in the murky
water, the only thing the man could see was the woman’s shoulders and above, but she was
still naked.
Is it wrong or not?
The woman thought for a moment and shook her head. Actually, she doesn’t know if there’s
anything wrong with it. But she didn’t want the man to feel bitter. Isn’t he feeding her this
delicious porridge? She doesn’t know him well, but he is a friendly person.
... Although his eyes and head look a little weird, though.
“Then, can I do it again next time?”
The man asked without hiding his expectations.
Suddenly, a spoon filled with sparkling porridge arrived at the woman’s lips. Alluring. The
woman looked down at the porridge for a moment and took a bite. And she nodded her
head with a whimper. She doesn’t know why he kisses her, but she wants to do it if the man
wants it.
The man lifted the woman’s wet hair and placed it to the corner of his mouth above the
mask. The woman looked at it and blinked her eyes. It felt weird as her heart was beating a
little faster.
Chapter 14

When the porridge bowl’s bottom was exposed, Sa Heon-yeong began to carefully wash the
woman again.
As soon as she woke up, she confirmed that she was naked, but he soon looked away from
her. The woman was not in the common house, but when she wakes up naked in front of a
man she doesn’t know familiarly, it should be surprising. But she wasn’t too surprised. The
woman didn’t seem to care about her body.
While Sa Heon-yeong was washing the woman, she was looking straight at him. She
occasionally blinked her eyes. He thought the movement was like the flapping of a
butterfly’s wings. As a child, he had cut the wings of a butterfly. Horizontally, vertically.
Every time he saw a butterfly, he cut it with a sword. He hated butterflies.
It looks like he will be able to stop hating it from today. Every time he sees a butterfly, he
will think of the woman’s eyelids. These beautiful eyes.
“But really, who are you?”
“The goblin.”
Hmm. The woman frowned at him. He was a human no matter how she looked at him, but
when he said that he is the goblin, her face looked like she couldn’t believe it. The woman
doesn’t know much about anything and is like a fool, but she wasn’t really a fool.
It’s much nicer than crying.
He was really flustered when she cried earlier. The woman had thin shoulders. Her bones
were exposed, and her body looked like her skin would tear out. Such a body shaking,
swallowing her cry, he was flustered.
“Sir Goblin, do you have a problem with your eyes?”
The woman asked openly. Are my eyes weird?
Sa Heon-yeong laughed. As he laughed, the woman lowered her eyebrows and tilted her
head. She doesn’t seem to understand why he was laughing.
Looking back, Sa Heon-yeong doesn’t seem to think that she was a beauty when he first saw
the woman. But as the woman looked at him and sang her song, her face gradually changed.
Come to think of it, it was a strange day. Fog and rain kept blocking the view, and people
kept bumping into each other while walking. A day when one can’t see well, a day with a
strange cloud cover. On that day, the woman sang a song as pure and sweet as he would
hear in a dream.
His ears seemed to melt. The fever started in his ears and spread all over his body. The
woman’s face changed moment by moment like a different light shone upon it. An invisible
rainbow was illuminating the woman.
Reflected in her face, her eyes, her voice. Abundant light spread through the space. That
day, Sa Heon-yeong experienced a small miracle. There was nobody there. There was
neither the escort nor himself. It was just the woman.
From that night on, Sa Heon-yeong could not sleep. Even if he closed his eyes and opened
his eyes, only the woman’s face came to mind. Her face changed moment by moment in his
It was difficult to be sure which face was hers. As bright as a child, with a transcendent
expression like an old person, her lips curled while singing were sensual, but her cheeks in
his hands were innocent.
He missed her. Unable to bear it, Sa Heon-yeong decided to go see her.
A subordinate of the inspectorate bribed Song Geun-ryang’s maids and servants to find the
She was the illegitimate child of Song Geun-ryang, she was being abused, and she lived
alone in the back mountains. There is only one way to the back mountain, and the road was
always blocked to keep the woman from escaping.
When he heard the story that the woman lives alone in the mountains, his desire to see her
grew stronger.
So yesterday, Sa Heon-yeong climbed the opposite mountain alone. Below the steep cliff of
the opposite mountain was that little mountain. It would be impossible for an ordinary
person to descend this cliff, but it was not difficult for someone with martial arts like Sa
He jumped off the cliff. His feet was much lighter than usual, it felt like he was flying.
And he met this woman again.
All week long he wondered what her real face would look like. Does she have a bright face
or a superficial face? Is it sensual or naive?
She was much dirtier and shabbier than expected. And she was beautiful. Overwhelmingly,
she was just pretty. like a pearl in the mud.
“My eyes have always been good.”
The woman blinked her eyes. It seems hard to believe.
Why does she deny that she is beautiful? Song Geun-ryang passed through Sa Heon-yeong’s
mind. A man with a mean look with eyes like a bird. He abused this woman very much. The
woman probably wouldn’t even consider herself a living person.
“It really is. Living in the open grassland improves my eyesight. I have been on the
battlefield since childhood, so I’m good at seeing things from afar.”
The woman muttered softly. She didn’t seem to know what it was. Sa Heon-yeong looked at
her thin neck and shoulders.
After meeting her again, he went a little crazy. He was out of his mind. His heart was
strangely excited, and he couldn’t feel the touch of the ground beneath his feet.
Pearl in the mud. She really was. She was dirty, innocent, pitiful and beautiful. If there was a
pearl in the mud, what would humans do if they saw a beautiful pearl without flaws?
Sa Heon-yeong doesn’t know what others would do. But he picked up the pearl and made it
his own.
Chapter 15

After he told her he would come to pick her up, he prepared her dowry for a short time. He
came to Song Geun-ryang’s house with three carts full of gold.
“What is a grassland?”
“It’s a meadow. A huge meadow.”
Aahh. The woman seemed to close her eyes and imagine how big the huge meadow would
be. Sa Heon-yeong looked down at her.
He had brought the woman and looked down at her all night. All night long, he had been
engulfed in strange and eccentric emotions. He also took off the woman’s clothes himself.
Since he had never taken off a woman’s clothes, Sa Heon-yeong was a little lost.
It’s okay because they’re going to be married, right? Of course, he was her fiancé. The
answer to the question was quite arbitrary.
According to the law, it was out of the question. But he was reluctant to have anyone else
touch her. He wanted to do it himself. So he took her clothes off himself and frowned at the
woman’s scarred body.
And he carefully laid the woman down in the hot tub. And now he was washing her up.
“Don’t you have to eat? Are you not hungry?”
The woman opened her eyes and asked as if she suddenly remembered. She looked
“It’s all right.”
As Sa Heon-yeong smiled lightly and continued washing her, the woman carefully grabbed
his hand. Sa Heon-yeong gave his gaze to the little hand that was wrapped around him.
Hands that starved for four days. The hand that took the herb to her mouth to forget her
hunger. Fragile slender fingers clasped his rough hand.
“Still, your meal...”
“I will bathe you first.”
“I can wash by myself.”
The woman reached out her hand. She seemed to want Sa Heon-yeong to come after his
meal. But for a moment he felt as if she were refusing to touch him.
Thinking about it rationally, it makes sense. What woman would be happy to have herself
bathed by a man whom she doesn’t even know.
“Do you not like it?”
As Sa Heon-yeong asked that, the woman widened her eyes. Then the woman lowered her
eyes for a moment and fell into thought. Not like it or not. She seemed to be contemplating,
and Sa Heon-yeong became nervous. Then the woman raised her head.
“I don’t hate it.”
But, the woman added,
“I think you don’t seem to be used to it.”
“This is my first time.”
Sa Heon-yeong said so and wiped the woman’s exposed shoulder with the cloth. But, as the
woman added, the voice added softly.
“It’s all my first time.”
The woman blinked her eyes and looked away.
The woman’s cheeks were red. She didn’t seem to know what she was going through.
The face that seems bewildered is as dejected as a child lost in an unknown place. She
blinked her eyes quickly, as if nervously, and took a deep breath as if it was hard for her to
breathe. The woman was a virgin who did not even know what this tension was.
In comparison, Sa Heon-yeong was at least a man who knew what he was doing.
He was great on the battlefield. When he was young, he had a noble status, so he could not
face women recklessly. After getting a little older, rumors began to spread among the
enemy army because of the goblin mask and the terrifying martial arts.
Drinking blood and enjoying human flesh was the most famous rumor. As a result, no
woman wanted to be embraced by Sa Heon-yeong. Of course, if he had gone to the red-light
district, he could have bought a woman, but Sa Heon-yeong was not a man with a strong
sexual desire to want to embrace women. He had no interest in women in the first place.
It was the first time he was so interested. It was the first he ever acted so impulsively. He
thought he was crazy. Sa Heon-yeong smiled and carefully wiped the woman’s body.
As he wiped the mud off his pearls, he thought that he liked this mad state more than ever.
The woman who ate the whole bowl of porridge drooped. Perhaps it was because she had
been sitting in the hot water for a long time, there was a hot fever on her cheek. She asked,
panting a little.
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“I have nothing. If it’s a song, I can sing it, but...”
The woman said cautiously. She looked worried about why Sa Heon-yeong was doing this.
The woman who is okay to be naked in front of a man is uncomfortable when he sends
favors to her, who has nothing on her.
It was pitiful and pathetic, Sa Heon-yeong smiled brightly.
“The song.”
His hand went under the water. He began to wipe the woman’s chest past the collarbone. Sa
Heon-yeong had a chill on his back, but the woman was calm. She had a face who didn’t
know what it was.
“I may ask you for a favor for it once, but I don’t need it.”
The woman’s song was beautiful. Words said that if you sleep while listening to the song,
she will make your wishes come true in the dreams.
However, Sa Heon-yeong had no wish to come true. The one closest to a wish in his life was
innocently giving her tender breast here and now.
“You don’t need it?”
The woman who had been treated as if singing was her value all her life, widened her eyes
as he said that he didn’t need her songs.
Chapter 16

Perhaps she couldn’t believe it, she sprawled her body in disbelief. There was a small
splash of water in the bathtub. The spray was quite similar to the storm in Sa Heon-yeong’s
“Can I kiss you like before?”
Sa Heon-yeong couldn’t resist it and asked. He was talking to the woman, but his hand was
on her chest. Soft flesh. The woman’s breasts were still a little fleshy compared to her
skinny body. Sa Heon-yeong was holding his urge to squeeze her chest.
Was he a human being so easily swayed by illicit desire?
Sa Heon-yeong let out a bitter laugh at himself.
“Why, why are you doing that?”
The woman was not a fool. She asked, blinking her eyes. Her face looked embarrassed
rather than disliked. Sa Heon-yeong looked at her face carefully and answered.
“My lips twitch all the time when the Lady speaks.”
“Because it’s so pretty. It looks sweet like candy... Can’t I?”
If she said no, he thought he would stop.
She was Sa Heon-yeong’s woman. He has a lot of time, so he can get to know her slowly. No,
it should be.
However Sa Heon-yeong was impatient. His heart was excited and the world kept spinning.
He wanted to touch her. It wasn’t a matter of his lower body, he wanted her to be as close
to him as possible. He doesn’t know what this feeling is. It was his first time experiencing it.
But he could definitely recognize that this feeling was very intense.
Having been on the battlefield for a long time, he has a habit of always weighing victory or
defeat. He didn’t seem to be able to overcome this feeling at all. This feeling was terribly
“Do you not like me?”
Sa Heon-yeong knew he was cheating, but he still asked, stroking the woman’s cheek. The
woman was weak against this kind of contact. As he stroked her cheek, she closed her eyes
and shook her head.
“You like it then?”
“I do not know...”
The woman was honest. Sa Heon-yeong became nervous. The fact that he was the only one
who fell in love at first sight burned a part of his heart. He was going to continue with that.
Then the handmaid, who was kneeling on her knees outside the door, spoke softly.
“Your Highness, Court Lady Yoon is here. She has come to see Your Highness in a hurry,
what should I do?”
Court Lady Yoon.
– She is his mother’s closest aide. In other words, it means that this incident entered his
mother’s ears.
Sa Heon-yeong clicked his tongue inside. He can’t make it through the day. Heck, he had a
fuss last night without seeing anything in his eyes. No, it seemed to be done on
purpose. This woman is mine. He wanted to shout at everyone. This intense emotion
contains a ferocious and immature impulse.
“Tell her that I will greet her in the afternoon.”
With Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the woman widened her eyes.
She seemed surprised at the cold voice that was different from when he was talking to her.
Sa Heon-yeong smiled brightly. Shh. When he showed his index finger to his lips, the
woman did not know what it was, and she put her index finger to her thick lips and
imitated it. Shh.
A little later, the handmaid spoke again in an annoyed voice.
“Your Highness. Court Lady Yoon asked for an apology for disturbing Your Highness’ rest,
and she dared to prostrate and wait.”
In a word, Court Lady Yoon won’t leave until she sees his face.
It is impossible to make the Empress’ cherished court-lady prostrate in the middle of the
imperial court. Sa Heon-yeong threw a distasteful gaze beyond the sliding door, and then
turned his gaze back to the woman.
“I have to go for a while. The handmaids will take care of you.”
The woman’s eyes fluttered. Sa Heon-yeong smiled at her softly to reassure her.
“Make yourself at home. If you need anything, please ask them.”
It was when Sa Heon-yeong put down the cloth next to the bathtub and got up. His leg was
caught and as he looked down, the woman was holding his leg. When their eyes met, she
seemed to realize that she had just caught him by his leg.
Embarrassed when she saw his wet pants, she quickly removed her hand.
“I’m sorry.”
She muttered sullenly. He could see her lowered eyes trembling. A face as if fearful or
It was like a puppy. A puppy who can’t stand one moment even though it’s been here for a
while. No, the singing was more like a bird rather than a puppy.
Sa Heon-yeong looked down at her for a moment and asked her.
“Would you like to come with me?”
She didn’t seem to hear it. Sa Heon-yeong leaned his body down and looked down at the
woman. He waited a moment and then she looked up at him as if the woman felt something
“I asked if you would like to come with me.”
“Is that okay?”
The woman raised her body up. The woman who got up on her knees grabbed Sa Heon-
yeong’s clothes and asked again.
“Really, can I come with you?”
The pathetic eyes brightened.
... And her scarred body.
Sa Heon-yeong was in trouble. It is the body he has cleaned. The body was exposed. The
moment he looked at her body, his throat sting from thirst.
He’s heard a lot of things like emotionless or inhumane things. He had never actually
touched a woman’s body. It would be lying if he said he had never felt lust, but that was a
natural sexual desire, regardless of who he was.
Chapter 17

But now, as if there was only one woman left in the world, his lower body strained like
crazy. His head is dizzy. Sa Heon-yeong was momentarily confused as to what he was doing
right now.
Sa Heon-yeong took off his robe and put it over the woman’s body. Under the woman’s
body, the tip of the long robe falls into water. The woman was startled and grabbed the
hem of the robe. Then the long sleeves gaped to expose the woman’s breasts. Sa Heon-
yeong grabbed the collar that was about to open without realizing it. He no longer wanted
to see the woman’s breasts. If he could not covet now, he would rather have it out of sight.
“Are you alright?”
The woman worriedly asked as Sa Heon-yeong’s complexion wasn’t good. Sa Heon-yeong
lifted her up and shook his head.
“It’s not alright... I can see your chest.”
“You washed it.”
She said with a face that couldn’t understand.
Sa Heon-yeong had nothing to say, so he shut his mouth.
He washed the woman for a long time. Even before the woman got up, he was still washing
her. It was a simple thing to hand over to someone, but he didn’t want to. So he wiped this
beautiful woman the whole time. She was just pretty and he was just happy to see her
clean. Sleeping with her eyes closed, she was like a work of art, and there was no room for
sexual desire.
But now she opens her eyes and speaks words. He was bewildered as she reacted
completely differently from what he had expected.
Before she moved again to show her body, he swung her up. The woman was so small and
skinny that she was completely buried in his long robe. The woman let out a small laugh as
she was hugged by the man.
“I must be heavy.”
“Too light.”
The woman was really so light that he got a little scared. He doesn’t know the weight of an
adult woman. It was the first time he had hugged a woman like this. But he could be sure
that this weight was not normal.
“But can I really come with you?”
The woman’s voice was low, small, and slightly hoarse, with a soft echo. In a whisper-like
voice, the woman asked quietly. Sa Heon-yeong answered in her ear.
“If you are coming like this.”
If there was even the slightest bit of shame, she would have hated it. It is something that a
prostitute in a red-light district would do to be allowed to move while wearing only a man’s
long robe. But the woman grabbed the man’s collar and whispered in his ear.
“Is that okay? Oh, did my father say you can do this?”
“It looks like the day is bright, but when do I have to go back? How long can I stay here?”
Sa Heon-yeong looked down at the woman’s face, realized the true nature of the worry on
her face, and smiled.
She was worried about him. From the moment they met, she cared for him. She told him to
run away and she said he would die if he was beaten. The rod she was beaten with must
have been terrible. The harshness left deep scars all over her body. All night long he
counted her wounds. It was exactly 87. 87 scars. What kind of abuse would it take to leave
87 scars on the body of a woman who is so small and thin that it is hard to tell how old she
Still, this woman worries about him. His heart felt sweetly stinging.
“Are you worried that I will be scolded by the Lady’s father?”
When Sa Heon-yeong asked, the woman nodded her head. There is concern in her eyes.
That bastard.
“He won’t scold me. Of course, he won’t scold the Lady either.”
He will pay the price for abusing this woman.
“We are getting married.”
Sa Heon-yeong stood in front of the sliding door, holding the woman, and the door opened
silently. All the maids who were kneeling in front of the door bowed their heads.
Greetings His Highness. Greetings Her Highness.
With every step, the maids on their knees bowed their heads and said. Then the woman
tilted her head. She seemed to wonder who the maids were referring to. She was really
pretty like a bird.
As he passed through the long corridor, Sa Heon-yeong kissed the woman’s cheek several
times. Each time he kissed her, the woman closed her eyes and accepted it quietly.
When he reached the end of the corridor, he saw Court Lady Yoon in the distance. She was
the Empress’s henchman and the woman Sa Heon-yeong hated. He looked at Court Lady
Yoon and smiled bitterly. He whispered sweetly into the woman’s ear, not taking his gaze
from his Yoon Sang-gung.
“The Lady will soon become my wife... Do you understand, Court Lady Yoon?”

Court Lady Yoon’s title was actually ‘Yoon Sanggung’, which is the highest attainable rank for
ladies-in-waiting or gung-nyeo. Putting it as Lady-in-waiting Yoon is kind of weird in the ears
and ladies-in-waiting seemed more like a West tradition. So I’ll put it as Court Lady from
the gung-nyeo (which means the lady officers of the royal court).
But just to emphasize how big a deal Court Lady Yoon is since she was actually
a sanggung. Since just Court Lady Yoon doesn’t sound that influential. A sanggung would
have served more than 15 years, and was treated well enough to have her own house and
Chapter 18

“Your Highness.”
Court Lady Yoon called out to King Mun with a feeling that she was about to run out of
Others call him the Demon King, but to her, Sa Heon-yeong, a man who is her proud King
Mun, was holding a woman and frowning. His face looked annoyed and irritated, but Court
Lady Yoon couldn’t step down.
Last night, rumors that the Demon King had brought in a concubine swept the entire
Imperial Palace.
As soon as the Empress heard the rumors, she only greeted the Empress Dowager and
rejected all of the greetings she would receive. She immediately ordered Court Lady Yoon
to come and check if the rumor was true or if such an honorable woman existed.
The Fourth prince, Sa Heon-yeong, has circumstances, and since he was four years old, he
received the emperor’s command and wore a red goblin mask.
In fact, his face was very fine. No, it wasn’t just the point of being fine, he was quite a
beautiful young man. However, he wore a goblin mask and was uncomfortable being in the
Imperial Palace, so he volunteered to wander the battlefield from an early age.
Sa Heon-yeong was a spineless man. In addition to the natural environment of the imperial
palace, he learned great martial arts from an early age. He gained experience by roaming
the battlefield and was not afraid to do anything in the vanguard, so wherever he was, the
morale of the military seemed to skyrocket.
As a result, the enemy began to spread rumors about him. In the end, vague and bizarre
rumors began to circulate, such as drinking blood or enjoying human flesh.
So, any woman in the imperial palace became reluctant to enter King Mun’s palace.
Sa Heon-yeong had no concubines, and no descendants. It was frustrating for his mother,
the Empress. Most of the generations have a family by the time they are 18, but her son has
not been able to form a family.
She then invited a priest to perform a rite... How glad the mother’s heart must have been to
hear that Sa Heon-yeong returned to the imperial palace with a woman in his arms at night,
just when the Empress’s heart was burning like that.
The Empress was out of her mind since the early morning. Should she send a gift, make a
kiln, or have her enter the palace? Even while she went to greet the Empress Dowager, she
continued to talk to Court Lady Yoon with a smile on her face the whole time.
But who is that woman?
She’s small. She is too small. She is too skinny. Besides, even though she is an ordinary
woman, she can’t be held by a man like that and goes out in front of a court lady, but she is
calm. Is she a family’s young lady? No, she’s that small. Is she by any chance young?
If King Mun is thirty and the woman is twelve or thirteen, isn’t it strange? She can’t tell a
child who hasn’t even had her first blood yet to receive a man. She can’t guess her age
because she couldn’t see her face.
– At the moment while she was thinking.
‘The Lady will soon become my wife.’
Wife? Queen?!
Court Lady Yoon called him, “Your Highness.” Then the woman he was holding in his arms
stuck out her head and looked at her.
No matter how nice the fool-like face was, it was difficult to say that she was a beauty. In
fact, in Court Lady Yoon’s eyes, who had seen all the beauties of the world at the Imperial
Palace, she could only see a pale color.
“She was not chosen by the Empress… !”
How would such a thin woman give birth to a child, and how would she set the dignity as a
“Court Lady Yoon.”
King Mun cut her words coldly. Court Lady Yoon shut her lips, and King Mun clicked his
“I’m going to greet her in the afternoon, so please leave.”
“Your Highness, I,”
“To what extent should the King and Wife have to exchange words with the lowly?”
It was a tone colder than the sharp wind. When Court Lady Yoon didn’t say anything for a
moment and looked up at him, King Mun said.
“I am showing patience by thinking about my childhood, Court Lady Yoon.”
Court Lady Yoon recalled his childhood. At one time he trusted her unconditionally. And
one day.
... Court Lady Yoon has never forgotten that day. That day, Sa Heon-young’s gaze remained
forever in her heart. She closed her eyes
“Forgive me.”
Yes, I betrayed you.
Court Lady Yoon recalled everything she had forgotten for a moment, as if she were his
nanny and mother. She had a family to attend to. She was forced to obey orders.
As Sa Heon-yeong said, she was lowly, and all the people she was dealing with were noble
people. She had to be very good at tightrope walking.
It was not a betrayal from her point of view.
But for him, it was a betrayal.
Court Lady Yoon looked up at King Mun. King Mun probably remembered the same day. He
grabbed the woman in his arms. Like clenching his fists. Then.
The woman giggled.
“It tickles.”
The woman, perhaps unaware of the harsh atmosphere between King Mun and Court Lady
Yoon, simply shrugged her shoulders and endured the tickling. When Court Lady Yoon,
who really thought the woman was truly a fool, frowned.
King Mun smiled brightly.
Court Lady Yoon raised Sa Heon-yeong. Even though he was covered with a red goblin
mask, she could tell if King Mun was smiling or grimacing. King Mun considers her to be a
traitor, but she still regards him as a child she raised. So she was able to recognize it
Chapter 19

King Mun smiled and hugged the woman a little, then hugged her tightly and apologized,
“I’m sorry.” There was no longer any shadow of anger in that voice.
“It’s okay.”
The woman shook her head.
“We should get married soon.”
King Mun murmured. Does he know what voice he is speaking in? He sounded like he was
clinging. Court Lady Yoon bit her lip.
“Really, was my father okay with it?”
Asked the woman in a worried tone.
“Of course.”
King Mun answered happily, and he kissed her forehead. The kiss was over the mask, but
the woman still closed her eyes.
King Mun disappeared with the woman in his arms. Court Lady Yoon looked at him until his
dignified back completely disappeared, then became dizzy and touched her head.
Then the court ladies, who accompanied her, hurried to support her, calling “Madam!”
Court Lady Yoon raised her hand and refused the supports, and she fell into thought.
Father, the woman spoke of her father.
... Which house’s woman was she?
She’ll try to find out from there. Court Lady Yoon’s eyes went cold.
When King Mun entered the bedroom with the Queen in his arms, the maids followed
carefully. Each of the maids had a neat and elegant appearance, and there was no sound of
footsteps. The maids, dressed in pure white, knelt and bowed down when King Mun laid
the Queen down on the bed.
The woman in the front smiled kindly and spoke politely.
“My name is Soye, who will be in charge of Her Highness from today. I will regard it as an
honor to meet you.”
Soye was rather proud of her squeamishness when the master’s most difficult sarcasm fit
like a tongue in her mouth, but the other person didn’t even look at her. The Queen, who
would become her master, glanced at the maids and grabbed King Mun’s collar.
The maids swallowed a groan inside as they watched King Mun’s collar wrinkle with the
rough, dry fingers like branches.
King Mun is a terrifying superior. Even if he decided her to be his queen, he was someone
who could easily chop her neck in an instant if he didn’t like her.
The maids trembled inwardly, fearing that they would see some kind of blood.
But from last night, King Mun seemed not to be himself.
“What’s the matter?”
King Mun knelt down on his knees and made eye contact with the Queen.
The maids gulped in a different way this time.
Who is under that goblin mask that is so sweet? A little while ago, he was himself while
with Court Lady Yoon, but the one who treated the Queen was a different person.
“Where…. Are you going?”
The woman’s eyes were severely troubled. Sa Heon-yeong suddenly thought about what it
would be like to leave this woman behind. Will she be scared and cry waiting for him? What
does that feel like? It can be satisfying and heartbreaking. Either way, it must feel human.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Sa Heon-young kissed the woman’s forehead. The woman’s body smelled of the perfume he
had chosen.
“Your Highness, I will serve you with all my heart. Please guide me well.”
Jae-ran, a young but tactful maid, crept on her knees closer. The woman relaxed a little by
the maid’s gentle face.
Like a fox. The maids smiled bitterly inside. Although Jae-ran’s face looked mild, the insides
were toxic. Sa Heon-young laughed inside as well. But only the woman was deceived by the
gentle face and nodded her head a little.
Bathing the woman, Sa Heon-yeong can do it, but he’s just overdressing her. In the Sun
dynasty, women’s clothing was very complicated, as men also wore it. It was not something
that could be figured out with some tricks in a day or two, so Sa Heon-yeong hid his regret
and handed over the woman to the maids.
Surrounded by the maids, the woman hesitated and looked back at Sa Heon-yeong. The
trust in her eyes is just clear. Sa Heon-young smiled brightly because he was very happy
about it.
“I will be here.”
The woman nodded her head.
In the Sun dynasty, the high-ranking officials usually had women as their attendants.
However, among the women, it was difficult to find those with a high enough education to
work as attendants. So, the higher the rank was, the more they had attendants.
Ha Soye was a court lady, and she had strong bones. She has been waiting for Queen Mun
while strictly managing King Mun’s matters. And finally, King Mun had brought the Queen.
Soye carefully attended to the Queen. Soye’s eyes became as sharp as a blade when the
hands of the maids became rough, even a little. The maids who were already touching with
soft hands acted cautiously as if they were touching a bubble doll.
Soye, who dealt with the maids with her bloody gaze, looked closely at the Queen, who was
unfamiliar with the attendants.
Let me see, let me see.
Every time the Queen and her eyes met, Soye opened her eyes and smiled brightly.
She thought the woman was too thin, but she looked better than Soye thought. But she was
too skinny.
For the time being, she will focus her energy on gaining weight. Still, the features are pretty
high-end. Soye can’t say the woman was intelligent, but she has gentle, big eyes, an elegant
nose bridge, and thick, sensual lips instead of small ones. Although her body was full of
scars, her face was flawless, and her skin was flawless, even though it was not smooth.
Chapter 20

I can decorate it well.

By the time Soye gave the estimate, the Queen looked back at King Mun several times with
an uncomfortable face. She looked worried about where he was going.
“Your Highness, do you want to raise your hair?”
Jae-ran asked with a soft smile. The Queen quietly shook her head. However, as her
troubles faded, Ha Soye glanced at the maid at the doorstep and nodded. A little later, when
the maid came in with some snacks on the tray, the maid smiled and spoke to her.
“It’s hard to get dressed up. Have some tea.”
“Do you like honey tea? If there is a tea that you enjoy, I will tell the merchant tomorrow
and get it.”
“What fruits should we prepare?”
As the maids chattered, the Queen turned white and only her eyes widened. Ha Soye looked
at the face and realized that the Queen was very shy. She was about to cough to get them to
stop making noise.
“Do you like it?”
When she turned her head to the sudden voice, King Mun was asking. The Queen didn’t
seem to understand what that meant, but the maids quickly understood. One of the maids
showed a mirror to the Queen.
Sa Heon-yeong watched the woman look at her own face. The woman seemed puzzled. As if
she couldn’t believe her look in the mirror, she tilted her head and even raised one hand.
At that moment, Sa Heon-young laughed. But on the other hand, the woman was showing
great seriousness, as if she had not heard his laughter.
Sa Heon-young approached her and hugged her from behind.
“Don’t you like it?”
“It, it’s weird.”
The woman groaned in his arms and looked back at him.
It was a really weird face.
Lips with rouge on them are especially red. The powdered face was too white, and the
small face was as bright as the moon. Her black hair was intricately braided and put on a
hair pin, and long earrings that accentuated her deer-like neck made a dangling sound. It
was pretty.
“It’s just overly pretty, but not weird.”
... Who can she show this to?
The maids quickly read his displeasure and quickly knelt down. Kiss, Sa Heon-young kissed
the woman and the maids glanced down. Then the mask shook.
The woman was holding his mask. The moment she tried to remove his mask, there was a
hoarse, shrieking, swallowing sound among the maids.
Sa Heon-young grabbed her wrist with a short delay.
“You said we were going to get married.”
The woman’s words were theoretically right. For a moment, Sa Heon-yeong was
speechless, then opened his mouth to refute it.
“We haven’t done it yet.”
“You undressed me.”
Although the woman seemed like a fool, she was surprisingly good at her words.
At the woman’s comment, Sa Heon-yeong hesitated for a moment, unable to find anything
to say. Meanwhile, the woman tried to grab his mask with her opposite hand. Sa Heon-
young grabbed the woman’s wrist, which was likely to break if he applied too much force,
and then immediately took the power away from it. He shook his head gently, but held on
to it so hard that she couldn’t escape.
The woman was not aware of the atmosphere. Sa Heon-yeong looked troubled and shook
his head, but she immediately asked why. He barely answered.
“... It, it’s still early, isn’t it?”
He started wearing the mask when he was four years old, but he has never been as happy
with the mask as he is right now. Sa Heon-yeong was genuinely unable to believe what he
had said. Is it still early? What did he just say now?
Then the woman asked
“Are you embarrassed?”
Sa Heon-young said nothing and looked down at her blankly.
It was Ha Soye, not Sa Heon-yeong, who came to her senses. She came to her mind and
slapped the side of the maids who were watching this spectacle. Then the maids, who came
to their senses too, hurriedly withdrew from the bedroom. Finally, as they retreated from
the bedroom, Ha Soye closed the door.
Even though there was a sound of the sliding door closing, Sa Heon-young could not find a
word to answer.
His pretty wife looked like she had been starved for four days and rolled up her eyes at him
instead of a meal. At this point, he should have replied to her words, but she had her eyes
widened, waiting for an answer.
“I, I’m not embarrassed...”
“... I have a difficult situation.”
Even if I die, I guess I can’t get away from it.
“I’m ugly.”
Hearing Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the woman widened her eyes. Then she burst into
“Take it off.”
“No. You laughed.”
At this time, Sa Hoon-yeong endured. The woman’s wrists were so thin that he couldn’t
even hold them tighter for fear of breaking them.
Hearing Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the woman stopped her laughter. “I won’t laugh, I swear,”
she said blankly and pointed her finger at the sky.
He doesn’t believe in oaths to heaven. It has been a long time since he believed in neither
God nor people. Sa Heon-young looked down at the woman. This pretty and lovely woman,
will she be able to believe it? If so, is it progress or regress?
Sa Heon-young alternately kissed the back of the woman’s hands.
“After we spend the night, take it off by then.”
Sa Heon-yeong said so and released the woman’s wrist.
“Do you understand?”
He thought this was the end of the matter by saying something like appeasing a child. But
the woman reached out her hand.
It was an instant thing. Sa Heon-young never thought that she would put her hand on his
mask after he said so. A slight time gap brought victory to the woman. The red goblin mask
fell to the floor.
“Then, let’s do it now.”
The woman smiled brightly. As if she had already forgotten her vow not to laugh.
Chapter 21

The front of her eyes became black. She was out of breath. The man’s large hand covered
her eyes. The man’s tongue ravaged the woman’s mouth. The woman struggled with her
body because she couldn’t breathe.
The man’s hand touched the woman’s hair, and after a few movements her hair cascaded
down like a waterfall.
“Do you know what a wedding night is?”
After the long kiss, Sa Heon-yeong asked, sucking the lips of the woman who couldn’t even
breathe properly. He felt her eyelashes move under his palm.
The woman’s lips were in front of him. Too sweet lips. It was alluring. Sa Heon-yeong did
not reject the temptation. He felt a slight dizziness as he mixed his tongue with the woman
It was the first time he had kissed a woman. He did not understand the meaning of mixing
tongue and saliva with others. Now he understands. How sweet, hot, crazy it makes the
man–all, he understands.
Uhh, uhhh, hmph, hmph. When the woman could not breathe and hit him in the chest, Sa
Heon-yeong was forced to retreat a little. He put his dissatisfaction on the woman’s lips. He
sucked, bit, and chewed the woman’s plump lower lip. The woman’s panting sweet breath
made his spine tingle.
“You have to breathe.”
“My, my mouth is blocked, how can I breathe?”
“The nose.”
The kiss continued several times. He sucked her tongue again, leaving only room for her to
breathe. Time and time again. By the time she was able to breathe well, her breath began to
crack. If she had stood, her knees would have bent. The woman gripped the man’s collar as
the man’s thick tongue bound and rubbed the woman’s tongue and pricked under her
tongue. She felt dizzy.
The man’s hand caressed the woman’s cheek. The woman clumsily intertwined her tongue
with the man. The man flinched as she rubbed her own tongue against the man’s, and her
body stiffened. Her eyes were covered, but she could sense the man’s bewilderment. Wasn’t
this how it was supposed to be done? As the woman tilted her head for a moment.
The hand disappeared from her eyes.
With the visible face, the woman lightly swallowed her breath. Then she spat out the first
thing that came to mind.
“A woman...?”
Sa Heon-young answered with a frown.
“But I have never seen such a pretty man.”
Men are not this pretty. The woman recalled the men she had seen. Her father or her
sister’s husband, or the servants. No one has ever had a face like this.
The woman’s eyes would not leave Sa Heon-yeong’s face.
Sa Heon-yeong felt uncomfortable because only a few people looked at his face so clearly as
he tends to cover his face for some reason. So he tried to cover the woman’s eyes again.
However, she grabbed Sa Heon-yeong’s wrist with both hands and shook her head.
“Pretty. I want to see more.”
“... To say that a man is pretty,”
He hasn’t heard a lot of appraisals about his face, but he knew that the word ‘pretty’ is
strange. When Sa Heon-yeong smiled awkwardly, the woman whispered.
“Your eyes are like a summer night sky.”
Summer night sky? What kind of eye is that?
Sa Heon-yeong thought about what the summer night sky looked like, but it was an
expression he couldn’t quite understand. The woman reached out her hand and swept Sa
Heon-yeong’s nose.
“This is how birds fly.”
The woman’s dry fingers slowly descended to his lips.
“And have you ever seen flowers of this color...”
Sa Heon-yeong grabbed the smiling woman’s cheeks and kissed her recklessly.
Summer night sky. Flying birds. Flower. Things that don’t fit at all with his manly self, but
the woman meant every word. Sa Heon-yeong does not know what the woman is saying,
but the bright admiration reflected in her eyes has been transmitted to the depths of his
The man kept digging, and the woman’s body was pushed back. The man’s long robe that
had wrapped around her body crumpled over the bed. The woman struggled to catch the
man’s tongue. The man’s tongue stubbornly rubbed only certain areas. The woman rubbed
her body and put up with the tingling sensation. The back of her knees seemed to be numb,
but at one point, her lower back felt hot. Unknowingly, she pressed her thighs tightly
together and gave strength to her whole body, and the man stepped back a little and looked
down at the woman. And he smiled.
“How erotic. Enough to be like this just by licking your mouth?”
The man’s hand crept between the woman’s tight thighs. The woman shook her head,
feeling a faint shame. There was a lot of tension in the man’s hand rising between her legs.
When his hand reached a point where she could barely touch, the woman couldn’t stand it
and grabbed the man’s wrist with both her hands.
Chapter 22

She was kind of scared. All these tensions and strange sensations were unfamiliar and
frightening. Fortunately, she has endured until now because this man exists.
“This is what you have to do in order to have a wedding night.”
Sa Heon-yeong tenderly comforted the woman and kissed her on the cheek. Her rouge had
long since disappeared.
“Bu, but.”
However, her lips were redder and fuller than when she had the rouge. Her sucked swollen
lips were sensational that it couldn’t not be suggestive. Sa Heon-yeong looked down at the
woman’s lips and licked his own lips hard. Looking at the woman’s lips and he imagined the
lip at her lower body. Will it be that red? Will it be redder than that? His lower back was
throbbing in pain.
The woman looked confused. She didn’t seem to dislike it. Wrapped in pleasure, her pretty
face bloomed with heat.
“You have to spread your legs.”
With Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the woman quickly blinked her eyes. She didn’t seem to
understand what he was saying.
Sa Heon-yeong untied his pants to reveal his pillar. He went over the woman’s stomach and
showed her his own. At that moment, the woman opened her eyes wide. The woman looked
at Sa Heon-yeong’s, and she looked like she did not understand what it was.
He suddenly felt that he wanted to c*m on her face. How about wetting this innocent face
with the opaque liquid? Of course, it was just a passing thought in his head, but even that
momentary thought made his manhood swell even more. The woman moved her head as
she saw the thing, which was the size of a child’s forearm and was wriggling up to the veins,
as he had been holding it for a while.
She reached out her hand slowly, curiously.
Uhh. Sa Heon-young frowned. The woman touched his manhood as carefully as a cat that
encountered wool for the first time. And she immediately took her hand off and said it was
hot, and looked up at Sa Heon-yeong’s face. The moment their eyes met, she seemed to
have noticed his excitement. Carefully she caressed his manhood.
“Wait ... uh.”
Compared to the woman, Sa Heon-young has heard and seen things. But in the end, this was
his first experience. Even if he had been patient, this was the first experience of mixing his
body with a woman he fell in love with at first sight. The passion that had accumulated
since he had been washing her body swirled dangerously in his body.
“Your face, as red as your lips.”
The woman opened her mouth slightly and smiled blankly. Her gaze was looking up at Sa
Heon-young’s face. Looking straight at his excited pillar, she gently swept up little by
little. Ohh, Sa Heon-yeong gritted his teeth, but his moans leaked out. His body, which was
large compared to that of the woman, shook dangerously. He couldn’t stand it and hugged
her tightly.
The man’s manhood ran wildly between the woman’s legs. The woman looked up at the
man, who was wrapping his waist strongly above her own. His beautiful face looked
desperate as if he had fled over a cliff. When their eyes met, the man showed his teeth
fiercely instead of smiling. He looked down at the nape of her neck. Like he wanted to cut it
Goosebumps ran down her spine. At that moment, she could see the man hardening his
body and barely holding on to anything. With his eyes closed, he endured something as his
body trembled. She didn’t know what it was, but the woman’s legs were already damp with
the man’s spilled liquid.
The woman gasped for breath. She didn’t even know why she was gasping herself. A
scorching heat rose from the inside of her stomach. She also felt itchy and numb. She was
stunned by the sensation she had never felt before. She closed her eyes and waited for the
strange sensation to pass.
She didn’t know, but she had the exact same look as Sa Heon-yeong just before. Her body
trembled while her shoulders stiffened as she endured something. She couldn’t have
imagined how desperate it made Sa Heon-yeong. Sa Heon-yeong couldn’t bear it any longer
and spread her legs to both sides.
Ah! The woman burst into a moan.
“Under you is as red as your lips.”
Sa Heon-yeong muttered while holding the woman’s legs up.
The woman’s body was splendid. Elsewhere, she was thin, but there was still some flesh on
her chest and buttocks. The plumpest part of the woman’s body was the ridge of her waist.
Sa Heon-yeong grabbed the woman’s flesh with his hand. And in that moment, his mind
It was overly vicious in the early night. Sa Heon-young repented. Born into the imperial
family, he also received bedroom education. Noble women wanted the same respectful
treatment. Sa Heon-young recalled the respectful treatment. There were definitely things
he learned, but nothing comes to mind.
Chapter 23

He just wanted to have this woman. He wanted to hug her tightly.

Hnng, ung! If the woman hadn’t moaned like that, Sa Heon-yeong would have tried to be
“You like it?”
Sa Heon-young asked, grabbing and twisting. As Sa Heon-yeong’s fingers dug into the
center, the woman twisted her waist. She didn’t know if she wanted to run away or stick
her waist out. Sa Heon-yeong, unable to bear the attitude that encouraged him more, bit her
on the shoulder.
Haaa, hnngg! Although she thought the sound coming out of her own mouth was strange,
she couldn’t stand it. The man’s wretched fingers were rubbing her hidden flesh wildly. It
was neither painful nor hurt because of the tingling, but a cry boiled in her throat.
Uhhh, uhhh. The man acted even worse, knowing that she wasn’t crying. He bit her
shoulder and sucked her neck. It was as if he would punish her if she avoided him even the
slightest bit.
“I asked if you like it.”
“Hangg, ah! I, I don’t know, I don’t know!”
“I need to know. You will be my wife now. You have to tell your husband where it’s good.”
The man kept biting, sucking and licking her neck. It looked hurt, yet thrilling. The man’s
fingers cruelly rubbed her little flesh. Uuunggg. A long cry came from the woman’s throat.
Something thick was flowing from below.
“Ah, it’s wet. Where would you like to be touched? Go ahead and tell me.”
The man urged harshly. The woman wondered where to go with her confused head. Where
would she like him to go? “Do, down,” she muttered.
“Down, where? Here? This round thing?”
He asked, pressing down the woman’s flesh.
“That, under it.”
The fevered face is just pure. A face that doesn’t know what she can say or do, or anything
like that. Sa Heon-young immediately felt a dizzying feeling of falling. It was only for a brief
moment, but it felt like he was reaching his peak.
“So wicked.”
Sa Heon-young lifted the woman’s leg again, crushingly. He shoved his own manhood,
which was about to burst, into her entrance.
The woman screamed. Whether it was pain, pleasure, or simple fear, the unknown scream
was like an animal being slaughtered. He knows she needs to be soothed. Still, Sa Heon-
yeong was overwhelmed by the woman’s face.
The woman was being crushed with her white eyes open. She couldn’t even swallow her
saliva and shuddered, only screaming. How pretty, Sa Heon-young laughed at this terrible
sentiment. He seemed crazy. He likes this woman. It’s a lot of things he didn’t understand,
but he liked this woman. He will never see a woman like this again. Sa Heon-young was
convinced. And she is now accepting him. She was completely broken. It was thrilling all
the way to his head.
This woman will never again.
She can’t go back
When the barbaric feeling of satisfaction filled Sa Heon-yeong’s body.
The focus returned to the woman’s eyes. The woman stopped her screaming and
whimpered. It hurts. The woman cried. At that moment, the feeling of satisfaction running
through Sa Heon-yeong’s body stopped. Guilt slowly lifted his head. He wished the woman
knew what this was. Sa Heon-young covered the woman’s cheek.
The man’s large hand gently caressed the woman’s cheek. The woman rubbed her own
cheek against his hand. The man’s hand was a little colder than her own cheek. It was cool
and it was good. She got a fever on her cheek. It looked like it was going to explode.
At that moment, the man opened his eyes a little wide, then narrowed his eyes and smiled,
then he put his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her. She got used to the tongue
intertwining. The hot, thick tongue teased the woman’s tongue and the inside of her mouth
as if it were his.
“Does it hurt?”
The man asked affectionately. The voice was sweet, and the woman nodded her head. The
man’s body made her feel full. She could hardly even breathe.
“Just a little bit... It will be fine soon.”
The man’s finger touched the woman’s little flesh again. Unlike before, it was a very gentle
movement. The wildly provoked flesh became sensitive, and she was easily aroused by the
man’s pampering. She gasped and shook her neck. Unng. The pain seemed to have
“Is it less painful?”
“Hmm, ung.”
“Can you feel mine inside?”
The moment the woman’s eyes returned to focus; Sa Heon-young was prepared if she
pushed him away. But the woman rubbed her cheek with his palm. It is so pretty he can’t
stand it. Sa Heon-young retreated a little, then pushed it all the way to the root inside the
woman again. The woman felt that small movement.
“I feel it.”
There’s no way she can’t feel it. The woman whimpered. It hurt like her body was split in
Chapter 24

“I can feel the wife too.”

The man muttered as he closed his eyes. Tears fell from the woman’s eyes, but the man
probably didn’t see it. He closed his eyes and focused on her. Between the red lips, the
man’s white teeth and a tongue redder than her lips could be seen. The man murmured.
“It’s hot and it’s sweet. It’s moist and thrilling, and it’s driving me crazy.”
“Taste? Taste is what you feel in food.”
That’s what you feel with your tongue. As the woman shook her head, the man looked at her
and smiled.
“The wife will enjoy this taste later. Just how delicious this is.”
The man’s waist slid back behind and then slammed into her. Her body trembled.
“How hot it is. How deep.”
“Ah, unng! Hnngg! Ah!”
Slap, slap. It sounded like being beaten. Her inside is crushed by Sa Heon-yeong’s. The
woman gasped and screamed as the space, which had remained narrow all her life, was
forcibly widened to create space. The woman stabbed her nails on Sa Heon-yeong’s
shoulder. It was due to the instinct to try to block the violent movement, but the movement
like the flapping of a bird had the opposite effect.
Sa Heon-yeong rushed like an animal on drugs. Slap, slap. A squelching sound echoed from
the joint.
“Now, this is the limit... You will, become, my wife.”
“Uh, unngg!”
The woman nodded her head with a tear-soaked face. She again had no focus in her eyes. Sa
Heon-yeong growled as he grabbed her chin.
“Forever. Until death. You understand? You will be my wife.”
“Unnng, unggg! Haaaahh! Ah, anng!”
The manhood which had gone out to the limit, rushed to the deepest part of the woman at
once. Sloosh. As the woman was crying and holding her breath, something hot spread from
inside her.
After the climax, Sa Heon-yeong took a short breath. He was climaxing as if falling into a
golden wave. This is a perfect pleasure. He closed his eyes and held his breath for a
moment, then opened his eyes and looked down at the woman.
The woman’s eyes were red and bloodshot. She must have cried quite a bit. Sa Heon-young
glanced down at the bed. There were bloodstains on the bed linen. Virgin blood. Sa Heon-
yeong frowned. A virgin had to go through the pain of getting pierced once, but he was not
in a good mood when he saw the blood. He wished he could keep her from getting hurt.
Even the very famous flirt in the military said that he couldn’t even bear the blood of a
virgin. The bastard boasted to his comrades, saying he could pass through a maiden’s body
without a drop of blood. Of course, they would not have known that Sa Heon-yeong was
listening. Had he known; he wouldn’t be able to have said a word of obscenity.
He doesn’t know if that is true or not, but the fact that she bleeds meant it was painful, and
Sa Heon-yeong didn’t like it. Sa Heon-young himself was just ecstatic, but the woman’s face
was messed up with tears.
Sa Heon-young kissed the woman’s face.
“I’m sorry, are you in a lot of pain?”
The woman looked up at the man’s face quietly. A man who kisses her and asks if it hurts a
lot and kisses her again. He was letting all of her know that she was pretty, that she was
lovable, and she didn’t know what to do. Why? She couldn’t understand. She is neither
pretty nor lovely. There is one talent called singing, but this man says he doesn’t need her
singing and he does such absurd things. She doesn’t know what this is about.
“It hurts, but... It’s you, so it’s okay.”
The man was so beautiful. It was nice to see him feel ecstasy in her own body. Even if her
body was torn apart, his ecstatic appearance was the best, she could endure it.
“But if it’s not you, I don’t like it.”
But I don’t like to do anything other than this guy. It was different from singing, so the
woman definitely wanted to do it. If she had to do this with another guy, if he made her do
There seemed to be a bright blue flame in the man’s eyes. The man grabbed her hair.
“You are not allowed to let even one of these hairs get kissed. There should be no such
person in the world, but if there is.”
The man seemed angry. Why? The woman did not understand and tilted her head. Then the
man smiled softly. When he smiled softly, the manly beauty doubled. It was like a flower
reflected in the moonlight. The man pressed his lips lightly to the woman’s lips.
“I will become a goblin.”
The man said no more. Does that mean he’s going to wear the goblin mask again? The
woman wondered what it was, but she soon forgot as the stormy kiss approached her.
Chapter 25

When the woman woke up, the sun had already set.
The woman was alone. After receiving the man’s love three times, the bed was a mess, but
when she woke up, her own body and the bed were only clean. And above all else, the place
next to her was very neat. As if no one had ever lied down.
The woman got her body up, and groaned. Could it be a problem now that she had her legs
spread apart while making love with the man? Her crotch hurt quite a bit. And not to
mention the part in between. The part the man called her lower mouth was bitter and
stinging. The woman frowned.
Where did he go?
The woman became sullen. When she wakes up, she thinks the man will be there for sure.
Come to think of it, perhaps she was stupid and arrogant. How can she say that he will be
with her all the time? But somehow, she seemed to be thinking so. Her shoulders sagged.
What is this place?
Where the man brought her. She slept and woke up here. The man had told her she didn’t
have to go back to her house. That’s nice, but is it true? Wouldn’t her father do bad things to
the man?
The woman suddenly became worried. Her father is a scary human being. He can be cruel
at any time. If that gentle man falls into her father’s cruel hands, he will fall apart without
She should have warned the man.
The man may only think of her father as the owner of a drugstore. But her father is not like
that. He is a very scary person. No, maybe it’s too late. Didn’t her mother suffer the same
fate too? Her mother thought her father was a good person. By the time she realized he was
a scary person, it was already too late.
She needs to let the man know.
The woman got up. She felt like she needed to find the man.
But what should she wear? The woman looked around.
She could see the hairpin and earrings were well laid out on the table. Even when the maids
decorated the woman, they did not actually dress her. At that time she wore the man’s long
robe, now she couldn’t find clothes even though she looked around properly. What to do?
The woman picked the sheet up and wrapped it around her body. She wrapped her arms
around it like the man’s robe, got down from the bed and looked around. It was dark.
Walking towards the dim light, the woman thought of the man.
The man was pretty. He was like a woman. Looking at his body, it belongs to a man, but
only the face is like an unusually big lady. No, he must have grown up preciously. The
woman thought as she opened the sliding door.
As she opened the door, bright moonlight entered the room. The bedroom was neat and
luxurious. There was more understated luxury than flashy glamor.
This man is probably very rich.
Her father sold the woman several times. She went to a lot of wealthy places where she
could sing all night long, but she had never seen such a wealthy family.
Why does this person want to marry her? Is he going to have a concubine?
The woman tilted her head and set her feet on the soft dirt.
Is she going to be a lowly bitch?
The Madam often said that of the woman’s mother. Each time, the Madam’s face was
distorted ugly. The Madam hated the woman’s mother, and sometimes wanted to kill her.
However, the father overlooked that his wife beat the woman. It was a strange relationship.
The Madam dragged the woman without her mother’s knowledge and beat her. She was
afraid that her mother might one day be dragged and beaten until half-dead, so the woman
couldn’t let her mother go instead, and her father didn’t even go to her mother. She hated
being hurt, unable to eat, or being beaten.
She doesn’t like that actually.
The woman shook her head. She always thought it was weird. People who are not happy
and who are always unhappy. Why is everyone twisting their faces? No one smiles because
of the existence of the lowly bitch. She didn’t want to be one.
She wondered if the man who lives in such a nice house has a madam.
So what should she do?
Can she cancel the marriage?
After that, the woman sighed in the middle of the grass. She was worried that her father
might have done something bad to the man, and she was worried whether or not she could
break off this marriage. What does she do? The woman thought hard and moved her feet.
She didn’t know where she was going, and she just wandered off with her thoughts.
“We, we, we have sinned to death!”
The maids all knelt down at once and bowed their heads.
Sa Heon-young stared intently at the empty bed. No sheet. The woman didn’t even have
clothes. Because he didn’t give it. The woman wore a sheet and fled without clothes. How
urgently did she run away?
Suddenly, he remembered his first queen. He can’t remember her face or her name. But he
can’t forget her feet. The moment he entered the room, her feet were visible. Her feet were
His head was throbbing and aching.
“Lights up.”
At Sa Heon-yeong’s cold words, the entire King Mun’s palace lit up like broad daylight. One
of the maids lifted her head and hurriedly slammed her forehead back to the floor. Today,
the red goblin mask was creepy.
Chapter 26

“She would not be far away. Find her.”

With Sa Heon-yeong’s orders, the soldiers were scattered.
She can’t be far. Even with his boiling head, he thought coldly. Sa Heon-young embraced the
woman several times. The woman who was in pain the first time, found it less painful the
second time, and the third time, she moved herself clumsily. She clings to him in a pathetic
weeping as he pounded her down in a way she liked and then pulled it upward.
The woman may have been hurt at first, but in the end the woman clung to his manhood
and squeezed her lower body, twisted her waist, stuck out her tongue, and licked his lips
wildly. They were crazy about each other, but after that, she ran away like this?
No, was she pretending to be crazy to try to run away?
Did she run away with just a sheet over her body after she’s been embraced by the man?
Ha... Sa Heon-young felt clear anger after a long time. When has he ever felt such anger?
Ah yes.
Was he seven that time?
When Sa Heon-yeong was betrayed by people for the first time. When he decided he would
never be betrayed again. After that, he was betrayed again by the person he had given his
heart to for the first time.
He shouldn’t have trusted her. But he had no time to think that he should not trust the
woman. He didn’t even have time to realize that he had given up his faith.
It was like a dream. Time passed like in a dream. In the flow of time, where the moment and
eternity intersect, his sense of reality has completely collapsed. He was just excited as if he
had been possessed by a strange magic.
I’ll cut off your leg. To never run away like this again.
It was when Sa Heon-yeong’s eyes shone coldly.
Aaaaaaak – the woman’s scream rang. It was a desperate scream.
Sa Heon-yeong’s body jumped out at the scream of someone who couldn’t see anything in
terror. He ran towards the sound.
Aaak-Aaaaaaaakkkkkkkk– Why? Even if she was caught while running away, she wouldn’t
scream so much. This scream meant that something had happened.
Who dares.
Who dares put a hand on his queen?
From where he ran, he saw the figure of the woman sitting down. Only half of the sheet was
able to cover her body. And the officer in front of her was Sa Heon-yeong’s right hand. He
was calling her, “Your Highness,” cautiously with a bewildered face.
“What’s going on?”
“It, it, it is because she is sleeping here,”
Was she sleeping?
Sa Heon-yeong’s dazed face was equally frustrating for his right-hand man.
As the right-hand man was about to go out to find her, he found her sleeping in the grass
with a sheet. He thought she had run away, but she was sleeping in the grass. He doesn’t
know why she sleeps here rather than on a bed that is in good condition, but the master’s
anger has soared to the end of his head.
He woke her up cautiously, thinking he had to hurry and take her away, but suddenly she
started screaming. Then she picked up a stone beside her and swung it around. Of course,
the right-hand man escaped the threat with ease, but this time the queen was trying to
escape. So he carefully grabbed the sheet’s hem and called out once more, “Your Highness,”
and she started screaming again.
Sa Heon-young, who heard the quick report, looked at the woman silently. She was panting
as she leaned her back against the tree. It’s a very frightened face. Was she afraid of getting
caught? No, not that kind of face. She was feeling threatened. And she was desperate to
protect herself. She set a vigilant stance to the point where she couldn’t even cover her
body. Like a wounded beast.
“Stand down.”
So with Sa Heon-yeong’s orders, everyone quickly retreated.
“Don’t come!”
The woman screamed. For the woman’s voice, who used to only laugh with bashfulness, it
was quite sharp.
“Wife, it’s me. What are you doing here?”
Her hand holding the stone stopped in mid-air. The woman narrowed her eyes and tried to
see Sa Heon-yeong. Suddenly, Sa Heon-young realized. She couldn’t see him properly. He
could see her eyes, but she could hardly see him. Why? He beckoned backwards.
Turn around. At his words, the closest soldier to him turned his back around.
Sa Heon-young knelt in front of the woman and turned to the side of her face. His face was
just the face with the mask on, but the moment she saw that face, the woman opened her
eyes wide.
“Mister... Goblin?”
Tears welled up in the woman’s big eyes.
The tears were a mixture of relief and sadness. She wasn’t running away. Then, the moment
she met him; he couldn’t be happier with her. Seeing those tears dripping down her cheeks,
Sa Heon-yeong felt the anger that was about to come out of his tongue inside turned into
“... Yes.”
The woman blinked her eyes.
What happened? She tried to think about what had happened. As soon as she opened her
eyes there was her sister’s husband in front of her. When she saw the man who had
previously tried to attack her, she screamed out in vain.
Why is she screaming?
As she looked at the man, she realized why she was screaming. Because in her heart she
wanted the man to hear her and come. She had never screamed before. Because no one will
come anyway. But now, now...
Chapter 27

The woman got up. Her legs trembled, but no matter what, she jumped into the man’s arms.
“Oh, did you go to Father?”
The woman asked, trembling. Sa Heon-yeong took the sheet that the woman brought and
covered her naked body, answering, “No.”
The woman was shaking violently. It was full of unknowns as to why she thought he would
have gone to her father, why it was so scary, why she was sleeping outside here, but Sa
Heon-yeong held the woman’s body tightly and let out a long sigh.
This woman did not betray him. The throbbing headache subsided in an instant.
“Well, did you go to the Madam then?”
The woman asked, stuttering her words.
If there’s a madam, you are the madam. To be more precise, Sa Heon-yeong, who had visited
the Queen Mother, asked, not knowing who the madam she was referring to. Then the
woman asked gibberish.
“You have a wife, don’t you?”
“Of course.”
Sa Heon-young answered and held the woman up. The woman hugged Sa Heon-yeong’s
neck. Sa Heon-yeong kissed the woman’s cheek. Her cheeks touched through the mask, but
he could tell that it was quite cold.
“Aren’t you my wife?”
Hearing Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the woman shook her head.
“Not me. I’m not the Madam. I’m a lowly bitch. right?”
“A lowly bitch. Who dared say such a thing to my wife?”
“Madam did that to my mother. She’s a lowly bitch. I don’t like that of course. My mother is
crying, and the Madam is always angry. I, I’m beaten to death. I don’t like that. The
marriage, I want to cancel it.”
If the woman said she wanted to cancel the marriage as soon as he found the woman, Sa
Heon-yeong might have really cut off her leg. But she was kind enough to weep and jumped
into his arms as soon as she saw him.
It was only after she had melted his heart like that, that he could barely come to his senses
when she said that she was a lowly bitch and the marriage was over.
Who is the madam who can beat her to death? Who the hell is the madam who would call
her mother a lowly bitch?
Sa Heon-yeong asked such a question and only knew who the madam she was talking about
was. That was in Song Geun-ryang’s home. A woman who hates concubines and beats the
concubine till they’re almost dead.
In Sa Heon-Young’s heart, the dark days radiate one by one. He hid the rays with a friendly
voice, in case his wife would notice the darkness.
“You can’t cancel the marriage.”
She doesn’t want to be a lowly bitch. She doesn’t want to see the man’s madam make a
distorted ugly face. When the woman bit her lip, Sa Heon-yeong bit her nose lightly.
“It is difficult once you take the king’s body and not take responsibility for it. It will destroy
the people.”
“Destroy the people?”
“It means that your mother, father, and you will all die. The mountain will get burned too.
Your mother’s tomb will also burn. Would you like that?”
The woman was startled when she heard that the tomb would be burned and shook her
head. Sa Heon-yeong quickly continued to speak because he thought the woman was going
to cry again.
“If you can be my one and only wife, everything will be fine.”
Then the woman asked, hesitating.
“Mr. Goblin doesn’t have a wife?”
“There is none other than you.”
“Why? If you live in a house like this, you will have three wives at least.”
Her father also had many wives. The madam hated her mother the most, but she didn’t just
hate her mother.
“I only need one you.”
Saying so, the man entered the bedroom and lowered the woman to the bed.
The maids came in with a basin of water. As they tried to get to their knees, the man shook
his head, took the basin, and told them to stand down. Then the maids bowed their knees a
little and left the room.
The room was brilliantly brighter than before. The man took off the mask and put it down.
And he took the basin beside it and he came before her and knelt down on his knees. Then
he moistened a white cloth with water and carefully wiped her feet. As she curled her toes
because it tickled, he sighed softly, wiping away all the dirt from her feet.
“I said you were my wife.”
“You don’t know who I am. I am the king. You will be my queen.”
The man, who looked down at her clean feet, kissed the top of her feet. It was itchy and she
tried to avoid it, but the man grabbed her ankles tightly and wouldn’t let her go.
The woman asked curiously.
“You will become a Madam.”
The woman widened her eyes. Sa Heon-yeong giggled as he put her little toes in his mouth.
The woman who didn’t care about becoming the queen was so surprised to become a
Madam. If she didn’t know either a queen or a king, she probably doesn’t know what the
emperor is. She is a woman who doesn’t know what an emperor is. Sa Heon-young smiled
bitterly. There really wasn’t a single corner of this woman that wasn’t lovely.
“Yes, you. No, it can only be you.”
Chapter 28

The woman was lying down like a dog. She couldn’t even straighten her waist, so Sa Heon-
young grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up. Her cheeks are placed on the soft bed and
only her hips are raised. The woman knew no shame as she did a female dog’s mating pose.
No, to be precise, she seemed faintly ashamed, but she didn’t seem to know exactly what
was shameful.
Sa Heon-yeong looked down at the woman’s swollen area. He had wiped it before, so it was
clean. Sa Heon-yeong sticks out his tongue and licks up the woman’s swelling. The woman’s
plump petals curled up.
“Does it hurt?”
“It, it tingles.”
“Oh my.”
The man laughed. With a sad smile, the woman supported her body with one arm and
looked back.
The woman, like him, was lying on his stomach. No, he was lying lower than her, sticking
out his tongue, and he was licking underneath her. It looked beastly. Every time he licked;
water trickled out from underneath. The man grabbed her buttocks as she twisted her
“Stay still. When couples get hurt, they lick each other.”
Couple. The woman stiffened her body. Couple. She didn’t know what it was. Even after
having children or living together, she didn’t really know what a couple was. At first, the
woman lived alone with her mother. Trapped in a mountain they can’t get out, just the two
of them. The only time she could see what a couple was, was when she went to the main
building very rarely.
But she knows what a couple is now, her husband.
“Hngg, unggg!”
“Please lick me like this even if I get hurt.”
He didn’t have to speak it in such a sweet voice.
“You will, won’t you?”
“Ung, ung! Ah!”
The man faithfully licked her injured feet and between her legs.
The woman’s arm slipped. Her cheeks fell on the soft bed. Haak, she took a deep breath.
Sa Heon-young frowned and smiled. The woman’s insides have greedily tightened his
tongue. Her body has a lot of greed even though it has only recently learned pleasure. He
liked it too.
The same was true of him. He also faced the reality of pleasure through this female body.
The reality was neither as common nor as funny as he thought. Something as enchanting as
a golden wave. A beautiful thing. And it was as dreamy as the song she sang.
Huuhh, ungg…..! The woman let out a long moan that didn’t make sense. The woman’s voice
was so beautiful that even her moan sounded like a song.
Sa Heon-young greedily dug into the woman’s insides. Until the place he had wiped got wet
again, soggy, and dripping. Then, sucking the things that flowed out, Sa Heon-yeong took off
his refined robe and threw it under the bed. The red clothes he wore every time he visited
the Imperial Palace disappeared from his eyes in an instant.
The view went so fast like a flicker and the woman closed her eyes without realizing it.
Then the man came up on top of her and opened his mouth and said,
“Where are you scratched? Does it hurt?”
His voice was very kind. The woman opened her eyes and looked up at the man. King,
Queen. She doesn’t know what that is, but does the king become this kind when she
becomes the queen? Normal husbands aren’t like this, so maybe only the king is this kind.
The woman lowered her gaze from the beautiful face of the man while making an
unexpected misunderstanding. There was a long wound running from his left shoulder to
his right flank.
It was an old wound. It won’t hurt. However,
The woman sticks out her tongue and licks a part of the man’s large wound. The man
looked down at her, grimacing at his picturesque arm.
“Oh, you don’t lick old wounds?”
Knowing nothing about married life, the woman tilted her head. At that moment, for some
reason she didn’t know, but the man opened his eyes a little. He looked at her for a moment
and then buried his fingers in her hair.
“Please lick it.”
Sa Heon-yeong lightly hugged her head and pressed the wound to her lips. Then the woman
began to lick his wounds with her little tongue. It was a treatment intended for him. Feeling
her tongue licking down carefully, he lowered his eyes.
The old wound no longer hurts, but he never forgot. He clearly remembers how this wound
changed his life. The brand that turned him into a goblin. The woman’s innocent tongue
licked the dirty wound cleanly.
“Huhh….Wife’s tongue is really, really hot.”
Sa Heon-yeong whispered into the woman’s ear. He didn’t expect this wound to make him
feel this way, but he felt pretty sensitive. Every time the woman’s tongue touched, he flared
Sa Heon-yeong reached down and dug his hand between the woman’s legs.
“Hngg,... Ah. If, if you do that, I can’t lick it, I can’t.”
The woman shook her head. The man’s fingers went through her thick skirt and tormented
the little flesh inside. And then his other finger wiggled the bottom of it. A place that
accepted the man’s thing earlier. The man rubbed the spot he had licked a while ago with
his finger this time.
A light flashed in her closed eyes. The woman struggled to regain her composure, sticking
out her fidgety tongue and forcing herself to lick the man’s wounds.
“Then suck it.”
The man said, pressing her head against his chest. After a moment’s delay, not knowing
what he was talking about, he whispered.
“Didn’t I suck the wife’s nipples? Squeeze your lips up. Please paint red over my wounds.”
Chapter 29

The man’s finger suddenly entered her. Recalling the moment he sucked her nipples, she
tightened around the man’s fingers and shook her body, unggg. Previously, the man had
been sucking her breast tenaciously. As soon as she remembered it, the bottom of her body
heated up and her nipples rose up.
The man laughed a little. He seemed to notice her body getting hot, but he didn’t dare tease
her. Instead he said, “Come on, paint it red. So that no one can see my wounds.” His
pestering voice melted sweetly, and the woman clenched her lips to suck the man’s
Ugh. The man moaned. At one point, he couldn’t stand it any longer and spread her legs
apart and pushed his manhood in.
“Not yet, not yet.”
“Please do it again later. Now, I am in a hurry.”
“Yeah, but... it hurts!”
The woman tightly closed her eyes. It was fine when he put it back in again earlier, but it
hurts when he puts it back in now. It was so painful that tears flowed, and the woman
hardened her whole body and took a deep breath.
Then the man said, “Ah,” and sighed sadly.
“Does it hurt?”
The man’s thing was halfway through.
“It, it hurts.”
The man apologized by rubbing his own forehead against her forehead.
“Sorry. I should have wet you more.”
When the woman opened her eyes, what she saw was the man’s face, who had been biting
his lip. She now knew what he was enduring. Didn’t she, too, immerse herself and her
pleasures in him? It was an unbearable feeling.
“I can stand it.”
So just do it. The woman whispered as she pulled out the hairpin that was fixing the man’s
hair. The woman was very good at enduring pain. Of course, she had a harder time putting
up with a tear in the bottom than being beaten. Because this pain was unfamiliar. But she
could stand it.
The man’s long hair was flowing gently. The man looked better when his hair was loosened.
While enduring the pain, she wanted to see the most beautiful appearance of the man if
possible. The man grimaced slightly as the woman looked up at his face.
“Stand it? Why?”
“Can you open your mouth?”
Ah – the woman opened her mouth and the man’s tongue entered. He started to move his
waist little by little, rubbing his tongue lightly with her tongue. His back receded a little,
and the slightest bit of the pain went away and the woman sighed in relief. But her sigh
disappeared into the man’s mouth.
The man cleverly touched the woman’s mouth. It is like the inside of the woman’s body.
Touching the damp insides and tickling the root of her tongue, he moved his waist little by
little. Her eyes kept shaking. The woman blinked her eyes. The man was so close that she
could only see the man’s closed eyes. The woman also closed her eyes.
The man slowly opened her bottom. He comes in tight, little by little, by half a knuckle of a
finger. It didn’t hurt as much. The man’s tongue cunningly encouraged everywhere she felt.
He made it sensitive. It felt like the blood was boiling all over her body. Her fingertips and
toes were tickling and tingling with pleasure.
Huh. The woman shook her body. She could feel the man’s manhood reaching the end of
her path. It was so heavy that she felt as if her womb was bulging, but she wasn’t hurt. It
was strange, so when she opened her eyes and looked up at him, he smiled.
“Good job.”
She didn’t do anything. Still, he was smiling with genuine joy. The sight warmed her heart,
so she grabbed his head and kissed him.
He intertwined his tongue as she wished. The man’s tongue resembled the man’s body. It
felt big, thick, and strong. But when he entangled her tongue, her tongue froze for a
moment and did nothing. Then.
Ah, ah ah ah! The woman pushed the man away and yelled. The man was moving his waist
like crazy. It was too fast. Her lower part tingled. Her stomach was twisted. She was being
stabbed too deep. It didn’t hurt, but it was weird.
“That, that’s weird. Weird. Uh, ah, too deep.”
“Deep? Crazy, I guess. You’re driving me crazy. How dare, you do this, to me?
“I, I didn’t, uh, uung! Ah! In, inside, too! Hngg!”
“Why, say it’s big and hot? Driving, me crazy.”
The man growled and tightened the woman’s waist.
As the woman leaned her back and swallowed her breath, he shoved himself in. She was
pounded several times like a bell. Slam, slam. The woman was being pushed up somewhere.
And the moment she reached that end, she exhaled without hesitation.
At that moment, the woman wrapped the man around her limbs and tightened her whole
body. As she climbed to the end of the sky, she instantly felt a sense of falling. A sense of
fear came along with a dizzying pleasure and she embraced the man recklessly.
Haaah, haaah. There was only the sound of the two of them breathing heavily in the room.
The man did not put his own weight on the woman. He was supporting himself with his
arms, closing his eyes and controlling his breathing. The woman gasped for breath and
looked up at the man’s face. The man raised his eyes. When their eyes met, he smiled. It was
an embarrassed smile.
Chapter 30

In fact, Sa Heon-young was embarrassed. He was big and she was small. It is not known
whether the size of manhood is in lieu to the body, but Sa Heon-yeong’s own pillar was as
huge as his body.
It was a bit embarrassing for a man like him to make such a gigantic thing bigger and then
to push and hurt her before she was fully loosened, and even to make her endure it. He
didn’t want to be like the flirt who wouldn’t bleed even a virgin, but he wanted to be a man
who pleases.
“The wife was so beautiful and I felt sorry...It’s a cowardly excuse.”
The woman didn’t seem to understand what Sa Heon-yeong meant. Sa Heon-yeong
scratched his head. That was when he tried to make excuses again. The woman’s hand
touched his cheek.
“I remember you.”
The woman’s voice was hoarse.
“When we first met, you were wearing black. right? Even then, I thought your eyes were
very strange and pretty.”
At that time, the only part of the body that Sa Heon-young was exposed to was his eyes. And
Sa Heon-young’s eyes are black. It wasn’t green or blue, it was just plain black, but the
woman recognized who he was.
When Sa Heon-young opened his eyes wide, the woman smiled.
“Right. That’s when we first met. Is that right, Mr. Goblin?”
The woman smiled as if she was happy to meet him. Sa Heon-young groaned lightly. A piece
of the woman’s smile began to strain on his manhood. He was really crazy. He opened his
“It’s Sa Heon-young.”
“It’s my name.”
“Mr. Sa Heon-young?”
Sa Heon-young has never been called ‘Mister’. It is natural. If anyone were to call the
imperial family like that, it’s a death sentence. What kind of person would do such a thing?
Unless she’s a woman who lives locked up in the mountains and doesn’t know what an
emperor is.
Crazy, really.
‘Mr. Sa Heon-yeong.’ That word dried up his throat.
Ah. The woman moaned. The only thing that had calmed down a bit has swelled up inside
her again.
“It won’t hurt, I’ll do it.”
As Sa Heon-young whispered, the woman tilted her head. It seemed to be the habit of this
woman. Then the woman opened her little mouth and stuck out her tongue, just a little bit.
Like she wanted to do it like before.
Sa Heon-young completely swallowed her mouth. No matter how much he sucked the
woman’s saliva, his thirst only increased but did not disappear. Quenching his thirst, he
rubbed and pushed the woman’s favorite places with his tongue. Each time, the insides
covering his own body twitched and tightened.
Sa Heon-young, whispered. The woman with weird eyes. The woman looked up at him with
her hazy eyes. A faint red color spread across her cheeks. She smiled a little excitedly. Her
lips were wet from the previous contact.
“So cute. Here too.”
Sa Heon-yeong rubbed his forehead against her forehead, and he grabbed her chest. He put
her nipples between his fingers and rubbed them together.
From the tip of her head, flutter, fluttering, sparks. The woman groaned, hah, hah and
moved her body as he shook her chest. Then the manhood in her stomach grew bigger and
filled her stomach tightly. The feeling of what was going on in her stomach was scary, but it
felt good.
She lifted her body and rubbed her cheek against Sa Heon-yeong’s cheek, and kissed him on
the cheek. As she lowered her hand and touched his wound, he groaned and moaned and
began to move his body.
“I, really, like, you.”
Sa Heon-young murmured. There was a sense of embarrassment in his voice. The woman
looked up at his face.
The smile on his faintly smiling face with his eyes closed was so pleasing to the eye that she
lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his waist and pulled him closer. Ah. The
moment he gasped, she moaned and swallowed him. The inside was hot. It seemed to melt.
She was out of her mind.
Slap, slap, the man shoves himself inside her. It wasn’t as painful as before. Every time the
man rushed in, the woman clamped him down with her legs and drove him more. More, to
the inside. More, she wanted to get mixed up. Flutter, flutter, the sparks that were bouncing
in her head suddenly turned into lava and exploded.
Hwaaaa! The woman reached the climax. She squeezed Sa Heon-yeong’s inside like a
flower that eats insects. She squeezed the seeds with all her body. Sa Heon-young did not
refuse. He poured what he had been holding onto the innermost part of the woman. It was a
situation so intense that it made the illusion that it even leaked out of his brain.
At some point, the tightness in the inside was loosened. Sa Heon-yeong raised his body
slightly and checked the woman’s face. The woman fell into a faint sleep with her mouth
slightly open.
She must have been tired.
Sa Heon-yeong clicked his tongue and kissed the woman’s forehead. The problem is that his
bottom still hasn’t calmed down. Contemplating what to do, he slowly pulled out. And he
began putting his hand around to rub it on the woman’s face.
He was thinking of washing her up anyway. So just a little bit.
As soon as he thought about defiling the woman’s innocent face of the woman, a sense of
climax came to him. Even after finishing several times, there was still a lot of heaviness.
A white liquid was sprayed onto the woman’s face. Uhh. Sa Heon-yeong bit his lower lip
and shook his waist. He sprayed liquid on the woman’s face, lips, neck, and chest. Truly, it
was spectacular.
Chapter 31

Sa Heon-yeong hugged the woman and put her in a bathtub with flowing hot water. The
woman knew her body was already clean. Yesterday, while half asleep, she felt him wiping
herself with a warm towel.
Sure enough, when she woke up, her body was dry. Still, Sa Heon-yeong put her in the
warm water. He seemed to be a person who likes things clean.
And the petals fell on her head. The woman lifted her head and looked up at the flower
petals that Sa Heon-yeong was sprinkling.
“Do you like it?”
Sa Heon-young also liked this time. He never thought of serving a woman, but he came to
serve her very naturally. He wanted to meddle in everything about this woman.
He deliberately sprinkled the flowers little by little. The woman closed her eyes and raised
her head to receive the flower rain. She had an innocent face.
Last night, their bodies were entangled so much. He made her face dirty with his seed. That
very same woman greets the flower rain today with a beautiful smile.
“By the way, why were you sleeping in such a place yesterday?”
Sa Heon-young asked.
“Yesterday, when I woke up, Mr. Goblin, no, Mister Sa Heon-young, was not there, so I went
to look for you.”
Sa Heon-young rolled his eyes and smiled. He seemed happy with the woman’s words.
“Yes,” he urged her. The woman thought for a moment what part of her words made him
feel good, but she eventually continued without realizing which part it was.
“Because I can’t walk.”
Sa Heon-young’s laughter ceased.
“You can’t walk?”
“Hmm. I can’t walk.”
Sa Heon-young remembered the place where the woman was found. It was not far from the
bedroom. It was so close that Sa Heon-young never thought that the woman would be
there. It was only a few steps away, so she couldn’t walk anymore, and just lay there? And
fell asleep?
“Call a physician.”
With Sa Heon-yeong’s words, a voice came from beyond the sliding door. “Yes, Your
“I’ll have to see if there’s something wrong with your leg.”
Sa Heon-young looked down at the water full of petals and thought of the woman’s ankle
under the water. Those ankles were so thin that even a little effort could make them go
wrong. But he didn’t know it was really wrong.
The woman has lived in the mountains, right? When Sa Heon-young frowned inside, the
woman smiled brightly.
“A physician, I’ve never met them. What do people called physician look like?”
The woman’s eyes twinkled.
Has she never seen a physician? Sa Heon-young remembered the wounds on the woman’s
body. 87. She’s never seen a physician with that wound.
“They look different, but the members of the imperial physician are mostly old people.”
Sa Heon-young didn’t show any expression. He sprinkled the woman with flower rain until
the last minute, picked up a cloth and gently wiped her body.
“Oh, old people. Old people are sick themselves. But do they take care of other people’s
“Because it is a different story from being sick and having the ability to heal others.”
Yes... With a face that she did not understand well, she picked up a flower petal floating on
the water and placed it in the middle of Sa Heon-yeong’s forehead.
The woman laughed softly.
He was born as a man and he was never so fascinated by the word that he was pretty. Sa
Heon-young thought with a smile. He seems to think that if the woman smiles like this, it’s
just a good thing whether she says he’s pretty or she hates him.
“You look like a flower in the moonlight.”
“The Wife enjoys romantic expressions.”
“I’ll show you when we go to the mountains. The flowers in the full moonlight are very
pretty. Oh, it blooms in the summer only, so I won’t be able to show you until next
The smile disappeared from the woman’s face, perhaps thinking of the mountain for a
moment. She thought for a moment and then bit her lip. Sa Heon-yeong bowed his head and
looked into her face.
“... here is so...”
Did she not like it?
It was a marriage that took place as fast as lightning. No, to be precise, it didn’t even
happen. He was a prince and a member of the imperial family. Several procedures were
required to proceed with the rite of marriage. All he did was loot the woman he liked.
She may not like it because he brought her without anything she liked.
However, Sa Heon-yeong was the richest person in Yangan, except for the Emperor.
According to the standards, it was Sa Heon-yeong who had more money than her wealthy
father. Can’t he build one of his wife’s favorite pavilions? If he wanted, he could even build a
golden pavilion.
When Sa Heon-yeong thought so, the woman said,
“This is such a great place. It is so pretty ... when I go back...”
The woman couldn’t continue her words.
Chapter 32

When she goes back, how will she live this time? She wanted to die, but her mother told her
not to die. But it is a very lonely place. She can tolerate hunger. If she endures while eating
herbs, she will somehow be able to endure it. But being lonely..., that blade-like pain...
“Are you going to leave me?”
The woman was startled by Sa Heon-yeong’s hard tone and raised her head.
“After saying that I have pretty eyes, you promise me that you will marry me, that you will
spend the first night and take me, and then you say that you will throw me away?”
The woman jumped at the words. The water shook like a storm.
Watching Sa Heon-yeong bit his lower lip, the woman became impatient and reached out
her hand to save his squashed lip from the bite. Then Sa Heon-yeong turned his head away.
The woman was more anxious.
Don’t do that. She comforted Sa Heon-yeong and barely pulled his lips out.
“It’s not like that, my father... When my father tells me to come back...”
“Then will you leave me?”
Sa Heon-young’s face turned colder. The woman shook her head.
“I’m not throwing you away...”
“Do you want to go back?”
“No! No. Not that,”
“Not that?”
“There is my mother’s grave.”
Her mother’s grave. Sa Heon-young looked down at the woman. He had no interest in the
dead, but not the woman.
She feared that her mother’s grave would burn on fire that led her to allow this marriage in
the first place. As Sa Heon-yeong waited for her to speak without saying anything, she let
out a sigh and spoke in a slightly low voice.
“My father..., said that if I didn’t listen to my father. He would throw my mother away as
dog food. So I have to go back to my father if he wants...”
The woman spoke up and even wetted her dry face. It was a story she didn’t want to tell.
The man named Sa Heon-yeong who was beautiful, strong, and rich. She didn’t know what a
king was, but it was clear that he was a great man anyway. She felt that it was not a good
thing to say to such a person. She stuck out her tongue and licked her own lips once, then
continued again.
“Anyway, if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t go even if my father called. I like Mister Sa Heon-
young the best in the world.”
The best. There was only one man in the world for her, the one named Sa Heon-yeong. In a
world the size of the woman’s palm, there was only one such sparkling, jewel-like thing.
“I will bring your mother.”
Sa Heon-young is the best in the world.
As soon as the woman spoke like that, the cold thing that had run through Sa Heon-yeong’s
heart melted again and disappeared in an instant.
Sa Heon-young stroked the woman’s hair. What is this woman made of? How is she so
sweet? If his mood starts to get a little worse, the woman quickly soothes him like a sugar
candy. There is no time for him to be offended, no time for his anger.
“I’ll bring your mother, do her funeral properly, and you do the ancestral rites with me.”
The woman’s eyes widened at Sa Heon-yeong’s words.
“Funeral? Ancestral rites?”
What is it? The woman asked with her eyes.
“Yes. There is a procedure for bringing a deceased person home. It is a necessary procedure
to lay them rest. We hold funerals and do ancestral rites , and instead,”
Sa Heon-yeong spoke in a very soft voice, as if it would melt if touched.
“You must never see your father or other family members again. Can you?”
The woman looked up at Sa Heon-yeong. Sa Heon-young’s black eyes were particularly long
and thin. He looked at her with a captivating look, and the woman nodded her head.
Slowly once. And several times in a row. And at one point, the woman reached out her
hands and hugged Sa Heon-yeong’s neck.
“Really, really? Even if I stay here, can I not see my father or the Madam? If my father tries
to hit you, if he tries to hurt you, he’s a really scary person...”
The woman whispered. Like someone who is afraid that someone will hear it.
“As long as the wife stays here, I will be fine. No one can lift a hand on me. I swear.”
“Am I not a goblin? I don’t get hurt by humans.”
With Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the woman tightened her arms and held him even
stronger. Yes, yes. She nodded her head several times.
Chapter 33

Naturally, Sa Heon-young has no intention of leaving Song Geun-ryang’s family alone.

“Her Highness has lost much of her energy.”
“People have energy and strength. Qi comes from the basic power endowed in humans.
This qi does basic things such as seeing, hearing, walking, and moving the five organs.
Strength is something that can be strengthened through diet and training, but qi is given to
us physically like nature.
And Her Highness ate the herbs in a state of lack of strength, pulled out her qi, and used it
as power. It was possible temporarily, but after you cut the herbs, of course, she will run
out of energy.
As a result of repeating this, the qi has become weak. With this, she could not walk well and
could not see well. She will hardly see at night, she will not be able to walk well, and she
will have no strong bones, muscles, or organs.
Recovery can be built up with medicine, but it is difficult to become healthy like a normal
person. If she practices a little walk on a regular basis, she will be able to walk better.”
The physician ended the long report by kneeling on his knees and bowing his head to the
Time continued to pass, but no words came down, so he glanced up and saw the Demon
King tapping the armrest with his finger. Then he asked,
“Can’t walk?”
“She will be able to walk for a while, but it will be difficult beyond that. I will take care of
her walking practice.”
He has no intention of leaving Song Geun-ryang’s family and he has no intention of fixing
the woman’s leg.
It wasn’t bad for Sa Heon-yeong that the woman couldn’t walk. If there’s a place she wants
to go, he’ll carry her himself, so why should she move on her own?
Even if he cuts off her leg, it’s not enough.
... that’s nice too.
As a blood-red smile lingered in Sa Heon-yeong’s heart, the physician continued speaking.
“And the uterus,”
Sa Heon-young’s eyes suddenly became cold.
“I don’t think I ever told you to pay attention to such a secret place for my wife.”
The physician fell flat on the floor. It was because the Demon King’s voice was as low as
scratching the floor. The Demon King who eats people. Such rumors spread.
“I’m, I’m, I’m sorry. Since I am the imperial physician, it is just,”
“Whether my wife will have children or not, it is the will of heaven, and it is not yours to
take care of.”
“Yes, Your Highness. Yes, it is.”
“What about the uterus?”
“It’s damaged,”
The physician hurriedly bit his mouth.
There was no sound.
The Demon King didn’t throw anything, and he didn’t make a loud noise. Yet he could not
speak. A cold wind like a midwinter stalk overtook him. He was cold. Even though it was
still early autumn, he had chills.
“Go away.”
“Tha, thank you.”
The physician hurriedly disappeared. Sa Heon-yeong, who was looking at him, said, “Take
care of it,” and three of the 20 people who were by his side but were invisible disappeared.
“Ha Soye.”
At the Demon King’s call, Ha Soye fell to her knees. She had once lost the queen and she is
preparing for her neck to fall.
“My wife knows little things. You would have noticed.”
“Yes, yes, Your Highness.”
Sa Heon-young got up. The mask was a little uncomfortable today. He wears it all the time,
so it wasn’t uncomfortable or heavy now, but it was strangely cumbersome.
He wanted to meet the woman. He was tempted to ask her to take it off again. With that
pretext, he may want to meet the woman again.
“Should there be dirt on her precious feet?”
Ha So-ye fell flat at Sa Heon-yeong’s words.
“The gods showed a crack in Her Highness’ heart.”
“Yes, I saw a crack.”
“Do I have to put it into words to understand how precious she is?”
“No, Your Highness. The Goddess, I will serve my best without fail.”
“I suppose so.”
The Demon King didn’t say more, but Ha Soye understood what her master had not said.
It meant that if Ha Soye made another mistake, he would chop her neck. When Ha Soye
swallowed a gulp, the Demon King got his body up. Ha Soye followed him with her kneeling
steps, then got up from her place, and followed him with strides.
“What are you doing?”
Ha Soye hastily responded to the Demon King’s dreary voice.
“To dress up,”
The Demon King’s steps stopped abruptly. He glanced back at the frozen figure. Ha Soye
shook her neck. She clearly remembered that the Demon King was displeased when she
first attended to the queen’s dressing.
“... Dress her, is it.”
“According to noble status, but far from color.”
She doesn’t know what the queen is mad about, but the Demon King disliked even
entrusting the maids to dress up his queen. He was so obsessive on washing her body that
he did it himself.
She had to be careful. Even if the color of the rouge on the Queen’s lips is a little darker, the
king will send her neck off.
“Let’s meet her.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
The Demon King started moving again. Ha Soye touched her neck without realizing it.
There was an eerie aura as if it had been touched by a scythe of a reaper.
Chapter 34

“Oh, Your Highness!”

Sa Heon-young stared blankly at the woman who called him ‘Your Highness’.
The woman was wearing only light makeup. Her hair was half braided, with a hairpin, and
dazzling chalcedony earrings, and barely revealing the upper part of her breasts,
considering the attire of the women of the Sun country. She had a patina necklace made of
several layers. Long hair ran down her chest.
It was breathtakingly beautiful that Sa Heon-young stopped breathing for a moment and
only looked at the woman. Then he saw the woman tilting her head and approaching him at
a quick pace. Her body, almost running, fell right in front of him.
Sa Heon-young quickly grabbed her by the waist.
“You can’t run. You have weak legs.”
The woman asked as if it was the first time she had ever heard of it.
“Are my legs weak?”
“The physician said that. Your legs are very weak, so you have to be careful when walking.
If it’s not in the bedroom, I think you’ll have to hold me or tell the attendants. Otherwise, it
is dangerous.”
Saying that, Sa Heon-young naturally held the woman. “I’ve been fine so far,” she said with
a face that showed she found it difficult to understand.
“Because of the herbs. And it was because of the herbs that you can’t use your legs. This is
because the strength that should remain on your legs was forcibly used when eating the
herbs. If a person does not eat for four days, it is right that they cannot move, but didn’t you
move by the power of the herbs? Each time, you used the strength of your legs to endure.
Now you have to be careful. Before you can’t even stand.”
The woman’s eyes widened at Sa Heon-yeong’s lie. Then she immediately nodded her
It must have been a big deal. She grabbed Sa Heon-yeong’s neck with one arm and stroked
her chest with the other hand.
Sa Heon-young glanced down at the woman.
Normally, women in the Sun Dynasty tend to show off their chests, but the maids tied the
upper part of the women’s chest tightly so that her chest was not even slightly visible. He
liked it. It was also nice that the patina necklace was hiding most of the skin.
Ha Soye is doing her job well.
Sa Heon-young started walking around while still holding the light woman.
“Wife is my queen, and from now on you will stay in the queen’s palace.”
Sa Heon-yeong entered the palace and said, and the woman nodded her head.
“Is it okay if I wait for Your Highness?”
“Who taught you to say Your Highness?”
Sa Heon-yeong asked as he kissed the woman’s hair. His lips tickled, and she smiled
“The maids. Everyone was surprised when I called you Mister Sa Heon-young. I promised
to call you Your Highness.”
‘Mister Sa Heon-young is the king. The king is very rich, isn’t he?’
When the woman asked while getting groomed, the maids looked like they were seeing a
ghost. The woman could tell that she had said something absurd. As she stood still, Jaeran
hurriedly shook her head.
‘Well, that, you should never call His Highness that way. It is blasphemy against the imperial
Imperial family?’
Seeing the woman asking what it was, the maids opened their mouths again. Jaeran’s head
tilted back.
‘... Jade Emperor.’
Another maid said cautiously while Jaeran was looking around.
‘These are scary people. Your Highness, you must never speak their names in vain.’
“You may call me by my name.”
Contrary to what the maids ordered her to do, Sa Heon-yeong spoke casually. The woman
looked at Sa Heon-yeong for a moment. She looked at the black eyes of the man wearing the
red goblin mask, and she smiled.
“What’s wrong?”
“Your Highness likes me calling your name?”
“I like it.”
“But I know that I’m not allowed to.”
A warning not to do anything wrong. It was then Sa Heon-young clicked his tongue inside.
“So, shall I call you Your Highness Heon-yeong? Is that okay?”
It’s a title he never heard of. Sa Heon-young burst into laughter.
“No, that’s a little bit.”
Adding his name to the title of ‘Your Highness’ was still a bit strange. Then the woman
smiled brightly and said, “Orabuni? Shall I call you that?” she asked.
At that moment, Sa Heon-yeong’s voice became completely cold.
The woman became puzzled. Sometimes, she hears that women call older men ‘Orabuni’,
and men call older women ‘Noonim’.
The woman was somewhat envious of such friendly names. But Sa Heon-young doesn’t
seem to like that name. Maybe he doesn’t know that they use such a title even though it’s
not between siblings.
Well, she doesn’t know what the imperial family was, but they seemed complicated. She
thinks they might not know.
She felt sorry.
People keep saying they’re scary and she should avoid them, so maybe they don’t know
about it...
Chapter 35

Sa Heon-young said, “Oh my,” while the woman was silent for a moment, and clicked his
tongue. It was a disaster. He hated his family. Among the many titles given by this lovely
woman, he had no desire to be called by a title like ‘Orabuni’. So his words came out a little
That’s why he wondered if she was scared.
The woman hugged Sa Heon-yeong’s head with her arms. The woman hugged him and
patted him, stroking him.
“... wife?”
“I’ll call you whatever Mister Sa Heon-young likes. What do you like?”
The sweet voice warmed Sa Heon-young’s ears. Sa Heon-yeong, stopped in the corridor and
blinked his eyes.
“I like Mister Sa Heon-young the best... If you don’t want other people to have any problems
listening to it, Lord Heon-yeong, I think that’s enough.
“Lord Heon-young? Is that okay then?”
Asked the woman.
The truth is that it wasn’t very okay. It was a nickname that could be used to beat up the
mouth of someone. However, the name that the woman puts in her mouth is drenched in a
dream like the song she sings, so Sa Heon-yeong wanted to hear that name all the time.
“Yes, that’s fine.”
“Alright then.”
“The wife really don’t have a name?”
Sa Heon-young raised his head in the woman’s arms. The woman, who didn’t even get a
name, nodded her head, saying, “It’s nothing.”
“What did the matriarch call wife?”
“It’s your mother.”
“She called me baby.”
The woman narrowed her eyes and smiled. Her mother’s voice seemed to ring in her ears.
“It would be nice to have a name to put in the genealogy.”
Saying that, Sa Heon-yeong began to walk towards the queen’s palace, which they had
already arrived at. The woman widened her eyes.
“But a name is what your father gives you.”
“It’s what the guardians do. Now that we are married, I am the wife’s guardian, and I have
to give it.”
“Really? Do I get a name too?”
The woman asked with an excited face.
The bright cheeks are pretty.
Sa Heon-young lips keep drying. He only met the woman for a while, and he already
couldn’t see anything before his eyes. He couldn’t stand the desire to hold her even though
he had held her all yesterday. He felt like he was going crazy by the faint scent of flowers
from the woman’s body.
He was glad he had a mask.
He replied with a bitter smile.
Song Young-young.
Sa Heon-yeong named the woman like that. He didn’t want to give Song’s surname, but it
was unavoidable for the marriage.
Young-Young. It was derived from the pronunciation of his name. He had no intention of
putting anything else in that name but himself. Young-Young. When he gave her a name full
of flowers, Song Young-young laughed like a flower in full bloom.
Song Young-Young, Song Young-Young. She chanted her own name over and over again.
Song Young-Young, Song Young-Young.
Thinking that the voice was good to hear, Sa Heon-young suddenly came to his senses. That
voice was too good to hear. When he lifted his head, all of them, including maids and
soldiers, were all staring at Young-young and were in awe.
Exactly, they were mesmerized by that voice.
With Sa Heon-yeong’s words, Song Young-young, who had been saying her own name, shut
her lips. Her big eyes looked up at him. Her eyes were asking why.
“No one else should call you by name, Young-ah.”
Sa Heon-yeong pulled Song Young-young into his arms and looked around once. Then the
people who came to their senses quickly bowed their heads in shock.
Song Young-young, who was called Young-ah, shrugged her shoulders. Perhaps her whole
body was tickling. She shook her shoulder whenever her own name was called.
Sa Heon-yeong knew that Young-young wanted other people to call her by her own name
as well. But the name is precious. Only Sa Heon-yeong can call that name.
“Young-ah, did you eat well?”
With the queen’s informal remark, the maids’ complexions darkened. However, the Demon
King ordered them not to interfere with the queen’s etiquette.
‘She is the king’s mistress, and all her actions within the imperial family are futile. Do you, the
lesser ones, dare to discuss etiquette with my wife?’
The maid who taught the queen the word ‘Your Highness’, was kicked out to do chores. She
will never be able to attend the queen again. The name may be a chore, yet it is an arduous
place to work mixed with slaves. It is the most avoided place for maids.
They were desperately looking into the eyes of the Demon King.
“The physician said you should eat a little more.”
“Oh, the physician has changed. It wasn’t the grandfather from the last time.”
Chapter 36

Young-young smiled brightly and said. Sa Heon-young answered, caressing her cheek.
“Unfortunately, the physician has gone through bad things.”
Young-young did not understand Sa Heon-yeong’s elegant way of speaking.
“Bad things?”
“He’s dead.”
Young-young’s eyes widened. Sa Heon-yeong looked at her face silently. He wanted to
know how she reacted to death and to what extent she was shocked by it.
Young-Young widened her eyes for a moment, then she seemed to think a little, and then
she was puzzled.
“He must have brought a grudge against someone?”
And this time, Sa Heon-young’s eyes widened.
A little earlier than ever, he noticed that she was staring at him. So he slowly lowered his
eyes and smiled casually.
“What makes you think so?”
“There was no sign of death. If he had died soon, I would have seen the death.”
“Can you see death?”
“Hmm. But I don’t see those getting killed. Because it’s not death.”
After saying that, Young-young hesitated for a moment and looked at Sa Heon-yeong.
“Are you uncomfortable?”
Of course.
Sa Heon-young rolled his eyes. There are things she shouldn’t know and he’s in trouble if
there’s no way to hide it. When he didn’t answer, Young-young became pale.
She shouldn’t have said that. Well, she really hated this part of her. Didn’t his father say she
was a demon bitch? Young-young bit her lip and asked with regret.
“Did you hate me?”
Sa Heon-yeong, taken aback by her gloomy face, hugged her and put her on the bed. He
clasped it with one hand and took off the mask and looked straight at Young-young’s face.
Sa Heon-young said seriously.
Song Young-young looked at his face. He was actively telling her no, like someone who
couldn’t stand the slightest upset. If she doesn’t believe him, he’ll have to show his heart.
Young-young blinked her eyes, and Sa Heon-young patted her cheek slightly.
“Young-young. I swear, no. I was just flustered, but I can’t believe this would make me hate
my wife. I am a man who fell in love at first sight when I met the wife. I couldn’t even sleep
at night. I wouldn’t have bothered in the first place if I was only going to hate you.”
It doesn’t matter whether she sees death or enjoys it.
On a foggy and rainy day, the moment he met this woman, Sa Heon-yeong fell into a trap.
The trap was like an ant-hell made of honey. It’s sweet, but he can’t escape it.
A swamp like that, no matter how much he struggles, he only falls deeper.
“First sight?”
Song Young-young’s face turned red in anger. Like a sunset spreading out.
“Yes, first sight. And even now, at first sight.”
Sa Heon-young grabbed Song Young-young’s cheeks with both hands and kissed her.
The man comes in. Young-young opened her mouth.
His thick flesh is like a blunt snake. Cunning. The snake knows everything in her mouth. In
front of the snake she couldn’t hide anything.
As she stood still with her mouth open, the man’s snake sucked and licked all over her soul,
and after enjoying her awhile it slowly heated her. No matter how hard she tried to be
patient, a sound came out of her throat. Umm, unngg.
Did he fall in love at first sight?
Song Young-young’s heart was pounding. She can’t understand. She knows herself, who is
neither beautiful nor great. Why did this man want a woman who was dry and twisted?
She can’t understand it, but she can tell that this man’s feelings are sincere. The emotion is
so intense that she can’t quite figure it out.
When she squinted her eyes, she saw the man with his eyes closed and preoccupied with
her. A beautiful man. Looking at his face and moving her tongue a little, the man’s brow
furrowed a little. Then he frantically digs through her clothes. Even the slightest touch
stimulates her as if on fire.
His lips ran down her neck and sucked in her breasts. He licked his lips, then shoved it into
her sensitive nipples. Haangg! Even though Young-Young let out a moan, he tickled the
nipple that was crushed with his tongue. Her chest and crotch were numb at the painful
and strange feeling.
Heuk! Young-young flapped her body like a fish that was forcibly drawn to the shore. Sa
Heon-yeong shoved his finger into Young-young’s opening, pressing her body down with
his own. Ahhh...! Young-young twisted her body, while tightening Sa Heon-yeong’s fingers.
“Oh-this place is begging already?”
Young-young asked with eyes clouded with pleasure.
“I mean here.”
Sa Heon-young carefully rubbed Young-young’s inside. Hiikk. Young-young swallowed her
breath strangely, and, unable to take the strength out of her body, clung to his body.
“Don, don’t do that.”
Young-young refused with a voice mixed with weeping.
“Who is moving their hips now?”
Chapter 37

Sa Heon-yeong growled and ignored her refusal. Even so, her insides were tightening and
clenching his fingers. How can he explain that the tight spot snapped open when he slid one
more of his fingers? Or should he not?
Sa Heon-young bit Young-young on the shoulder. He already wanted to insert it. The
manhood grew as they got bigger, and the desire to pour her seeds inside her soared to the
top of his head.
But, really, he didn’t want to make it hurt just for today.
Inserting his third finger, he released the unbearable desire into Young-young’s chest.
Biting and sucking her breasts, licking her and poking his tongue out, a sharp divine voice
erupted from Young-young’s mouth.
“Oh, stop, ung! Stop it, aaahh! Huh!”
“I can’t stop, when you’re, dangling on me, like this. Don’t be upset, a little more.”
“Do, uhh, down, down there, hngg! Down there, ah!”
“Down there, what? What would you like me to do? Oh, my fingers, are not enough. I fed
you less than usual.”
And another finger came in. Young-young trembled with her body and sobbed…She wept
Unlike his member, Sa Heon-yeong’s fingers moved freely, but could not reach the depths of
her womb. Young-young rubbed her butt on the bed, trying to get his fingers inward.
“You have a face that you want to die because you’re eating four fingers of a man. Young-ah,
please tell me. What do you want?”
He thought she couldn’t tell him. However, contrary to Sa Heon-yeong’s expectations,
Young-young reached out and stroked the member over his pants.
It’s hard to find a single piece of ‘slowly’ in the already wet eyes.
“You did good.”
The moment Sa Heon-yeong smiles like an animal and tries to take out his member.
“Your Highness. Court Lady Yoon is asking for an audience.”
A cautious voice came from outside.
Court Lady Yoon?
Young-young turned to the sliding door and remembered the middle-aged woman she had
seen a few days ago. Sa Heon-young’s cold attitude also came to mind. The strange attitude
of the friendly man. Perhaps she thought that woman was a bad person. She’s not a good
Young-Young was sure.
He forcibly turned her head. “You must look at me.”
A shadow of pleasure scattered from Young-young’s eyes. Sa Heon-young frowned at the
picturesque view, not liking her clean eyes. He can’t just get out of the way when she
herself is still caught up in the pleasures.
When he moved his finger, Young-young groaned and sighed. The distortion of the features
that filled the small face was exquisite. Sa Heon-young swallowed her lips in one mouthful.
The person outside the sliding door did not dare to call them anymore.
Rumors are already circulating in Yang-an about how much the Goblin King loves his wife.
Midnight Marriage. After that, he hid his wife deep inside the royal palace, refusing to
respond to the call of his mother, the Empress. If his queen was mistreated, the people will
leave the world, so everyone has no choice but to be alert.
“You can’t look at others.”
Sa Heon-yeong rebuked her as he released her lips. Young-young nodded her head, gasping
for a short breath. Her eyes dimmed at the return of the pleasure. Sa Heon-yeong liked it so
much that he stuck out his tongue and licked her lips.
As he pulled his finger out of her, her insides tightened hastily. Sa Heon-young laughed at
the walls that were wrapped around him as if not to let it out.
“You’re pretty.”
Sa Heon-yeong pulled out his finger and shoved his own. It was a reckless movement like a
tyrant who wields oppression. The woman’s fragile opening convulsed, unable to overcome
the violence. Even if he inserted four fingers and widened her path, Sa Heon-yeong’s thing
was still too much for Young-young to receive. But.
Hwaaaanng! Young-young yelled like a cat learning her first copulation. Unlike the usual
first insertion, which was painful, this time it was a new voice that felt passionate. Sa Heon-
yeong contorted his face.
His beautiful face was smiling wildly like a goblin, but Young-young nor himself could not
see it.
Chapter 38

About two hours after Court Lady Yoon, the Empress’s closest aide, knelt down in the yard,
Sa Heon-yeong, King Mun, appeared. His hair was loose and he was wearing only a long
robe, but no one dared to discuss manners with him. He was the absolute ruler of this royal
“What’s going on?”
“The Heavenly Lady is looking for His Highness King Mun.”
Court Lady Yoon raised her head at the direct explanation towards King Mun.
There was a strong smell of a love affair. A long wound was visible through the open long
sleeves. His childhood wound was covered with red scars. It must be the trace made by
Queen Mun.
King Mun, who felt her gaze touching him, said voice.
“I asked for the purpose.”
“I came here to inform you, following the orders of Her Majesty the Empress. Right now,
she is commanding King Mun to enter the palace with the Queen.”
Hahaha, King Mun burst into laughter.
But no one laughed. The atmosphere was chilly. King Mun’s eyes were not smiling either.
He tilted his head and looked down at Court Lady Yoon, who obediently bowed her head.
“My mother is calling me, so I have to keep the morality of being a child. All right, I’m going
to the palace now.”
Court Lady Yoon was puzzled and raised her head again.
It was two hours. Two hours she had to listen to their affairs in the yard. The queen seemed
to struggle with his power, but King Mun comforted her and continued their love affair.
And eventually.
‘Wife? Young-ah? Are you sleeping? God, you can’t sleep on me like this.’
King Mun came to say this. But the queen said nothing. It must have been the end, whether
it was a sleep or fainting. It was then that King Mun reached his climax alone and then
appeared in the yard. So the queen wouldn’t be in a situation where she could possibly
enter the palace.
Whether Court Lady Yoon was puzzled or not, King Mun burst into a sharp smile and went
back into the queen’s bedroom. Then the maids quickly followed after him.
Seeing King Mun reappearing half an hour later, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
King Mun was walking down the hall with his wife in his arms.
“Your, Your Highness.”
No way, Court Lady Yoon woke up hastily. Queen Mun was asleep. Her attire was, of course,
It was natural. The queen’s maids must have not been unaware of how to dress her up. It
was said that King Mun loved her, but the queen’s belongings were nothing but
extravagant. Her diamond earrings twinkled.
“Your Highness, are you sure you want to go this way?”
“Can I not obey Mother’s orders?”
Was he going to enter the palace holding the sleeping queen? This is unprecedented. Court
Lady Yoon was unable to continue her words and only flapped her lips, but King Mun
lightly kissed his wife. It was kissing her through the mask, but his figure could tell without
a single word how precious she was.
King Mun climbed into the carriage while holding his queen. Court Lady Yoon was required
to ride the same carriage by law. So she had to watch King Mun stalk his queen the whole
King Mun put his queen on his body and patted her on the shoulder. He held her the whole
time, as if whispering something. While the carriage swayed, King Mun’s long fingers
stroked the queen’s hair as if playing an instrument.
At that point, she should wake up.
When Court Lady Yoon thought that the queen was not awake, the carriage was entering
the palace.
By any chance.
Doubts sprouted in Court Lady Yoon’s heart.
“Your Highness, are you not waking up Her Highness?”
Is she in a situation where she can’t wake up no matter what you do?
When Court Lady Yoon asks, the cold eyes of King Mun touch her.
“My wife is weak; she shouldn’t breathe the poison of the imperial palace.”
In other words, it means that he placed her to sleep by force.
Chapter 39

Court Lady Yoon widened her eyes at the overprotection. Did he really put her to sleep?
She is the woman who will be queen no matter what. Will he think she would be such a
woman that would never be able to talk with the Empress? When Court Lady Yoon looked
into the eyes of King Mun, his dark eyes also turned to her.
“My wife doesn’t do anything.”
“I heard that she is the one who grants wishes.”
“Her Majesty the Empress is hoping that her wish will come true.”
King Mun fixed his wife and embraced her.
“I know.”
King Mun replied indifferently. The carriage rattled and was heading towards the Empress
“Greeting Your Majesty.”
“You’re in trouble, really.”
The Empress looked down at her son with a puzzled look. He was bowing down on his
knees as he did the whole thing while holding his wife.
The story of his son plundering an illegitimate drugstore, taking the illegitimate child like a
beggar one night and turning her into his wife has spread all over. While ignoring her own
choice as the Empress, the Emperor nor his older brother, the prince, the entire imperial
family was disregarded .
Her son, who held the woman in his arms, came and sat next to her. As the Empress’s
gorgeous fingertips were about to touch the woman’s face, her son hid his wife’s face a
“King Mun.”
“Please no.”
As she looked at her son’s reluctant face, the Empress’s eyebrows shook like willows by the
“Aren’t you supposed to wake her up?”
“I was forced to bring someone who was not feeling well. I will not wake her.”
“I am the Empress of this Empire.”
She had never heard of such a treatment. The Empress’s displeasure was evident on her
fair face. But looking at her face, her son only gently embraced his wife.
“I know. So, I brought someone as strenuous as this. I wasn’t able to refuse Your Majesty’s
There were thorns on his son’s tongue.
The Empress looked at her own son anew. Was he this cold kid? He wasn’t a friendly child,
but he was a child who was filial to his mother and father. When he received his father’s
command, he went to any hell without a word, and when he received his mother’s request,
he was sure to save any treasure. He was such a child.
It was unusual for him to pamper a girl as skinny as a skewer.
“Do you neglect this mother as soon as you have a woman?”
The court lady brought tea. The Empress asked, holding a teacup. Jewels dangling from her
long nails.
“How can you say that when I have never disobeyed your command, including this
“I mean, you keep trying to avoid me.”
“You must see her in the royal genealogy and prepare for the holy wedding, King Mun.”
“What do you need to see? It’s enough to list her in the name of the royal genealogy, and
you don’t have to perform the holy wedding ceremony according to the law.”
When the Empress quietly called her son’s name, her son bit his tongue. He glanced at the
sleeping woman’s face with a reluctant look. It’s like swiping a part of a treasure and
showing it.
….… Yes, he doesn’t want to show this face, so he’s been refusing all calls from his mother.
He fell for this face.
The Empress looked down at the face of the woman asleep in her son’s arms.
It’s pale.
In the eyes of the Empress, who only dealt with all kinds of beauties, this woman only
looked ugly.
She frowned and looked at her son. Although he has his face covered with a red goblin
mask, her own son is truly a young man who will melt the affections of women.
He occupied an important position as the master of the inspectorate, had many criminal
arrest records, and the Emperor’s favor was strong on him. What is it that his own son
lacks in such a thing that he has brought in this kind of girl into the palace rather than a
“Mother doesn’t like it.”
“How can you bring a woman without a background into the palace? This is the only
imperial palace in the Empire. It’s not a place to be sarcastic.”
“What did you like about this woman in the first place? Tell your mother. I will bring you
someone who is of a much higher rank than this, and whom you will have in your heart.”
“... the face?”
Chapter 40

The Empress stretched out her body and looked once more at the woman’s face. Even when
she raised her voice like this, the woman showed no sign of waking up.
The face?!
“This face?”
The Empress checked the woman’s face once more. She didn’t open her eyes, so the
Empress doesn’t know her eyes, but her face was like a faceless ghost, and her nose was
low, and she was too thin, and only her lips were thick.
Face? Does this child who grew up in the imperial palace and has seen the beauty of the
continent saying this is a face he likes now?
“King Mun. There must be something you’re upset about with your mother. This mother
knows everything.”
The Empress’s eyes widened as she heard her son resolutely cut off her word.
“I really fell in love with this woman at first sight, Mother. At first sight.”
“... to this woman?”
What’s the thing worthy of falling in love with her at first sight?
When the Empress was bewildered, her son softly opened his mouth.
“From the moment we met.”
The fever started from that moment.
Even with his eyes closed and open, he only thought of this woman in his dreams and even
in reality. In the thirst that water could not quench, he eventually dispatched his servants.
Where is she? What does she do? Is she singing to someone? With that voice again? Which
man’s hand is she giving her cheek? Is she smiling?
Sa Heon-yeong looked down at Young-yeong for a moment. Young-Young. Her name, made
up of his own name, suited her well.
“I never thought of this person before.”
“It’s only natural that you’ve only met her recently. That’s what a man and a woman are
supposed to do.”
“My age is thirty years old, mother.”
He is thirty, even if he has never met a woman. Does he not know about the words of joy
between men and women*? When Sa Heon-yeong frowned, the Empress laughed and
“Is this the first time you’ve met a vulgar girl of low status after you became thirty?”
“Don’t call her vulgar, Mother. She is not vulgar.”
Why is this child doing this?
The Empress frowned. He’s not the type to talk back.
“King Mun.”
The Empress’s voice hardened, but Sa Heon-yeong did not back down either.
“The Emperor has said it many times. If there’s a woman I want, bring her with me. He
doesn’t care who she is. This is what he said every time I offered victory to my father.
Mother, do you really want to have a long confrontation with me on this matter?”
“The words of your father meant to choose from among the nobles.”
Of course, the Emperor always said that. How can’t he be sorry for a son who has neither a
wife nor a concubine? However, it was never meant to bring an illegitimate child of a
pharmacist. King Mun snorted at the Empress’ words.
“He never set a clue like that.”
“It’s a matter of course!”
As the Empress’s voice rose, Sa Heon-yeong’s voice became lower.
“One life, just like hers, has disappeared. Is that not enough?”
The Empress shuddered and took the power away from her body. She sighed and softly
called her son to comfort him.
“... Heon-young.”
But Sa Heon-yeong firmly shook his head.
“There is no need for a woman from the high court. By the way, if you’re going to take the
lady of the high court to me, it will be the second life lost, not to be tied to a silk string, but
to be cut by my sword, mother. Just leave me alone. Then I will live and die as father’s
faithful sword.”
“Heon-young, that was when,”
“I’m leaving.”
Sa Heon-yeong did not listen to his mother further and got his body up.
The Empress looked down at the woman who was still sleeping in her son’s arms. She has a
peaceful face.
“When will my wish come true?”
Looking back at her son passing by, the Empress asked.
Sa Heon-yeong looked back at his mother. There stood the Empress, not his mother.
Gorgeous, lofty and cold face. The best woman in the empire, ready to sacrifice anything for
“It must be after this young Lady is married, Mother.”
After the wish comes true, the bird that made the wish come true, he will break its neck as
it is.
Chapter 41

When Young-young opened her eyes, she was in a carriage.

Rattle, rattle. When she opened her eyes to the shaking, black eyes were smiling over the
goblin mask.
“Are you awake?”
Young-young didn’t smile. She slowly turned her head and looked out the window. It was
dark and noisy outside the window. They seemed to be passing through the downtown
Young-young hardly ever left the house, so she didn’t know where this was. Where was
she? But she knew that her home was in the city.
He said she would never go there again...
She remembered the house where she lived. A house in the mountains. The hut that is
collapsing. Food that arrives once in three or four days, and terrifying hunger, and
loneliness more painful than hunger.
It was as if a reddish ghost screamed inside her, but Young-young looked up at Sa Heon-
yeong and barely swallowed her words of dislike. She didn’t know if anything troubling had
happened to this person.
She hates it even more. He was a good person. A good person she met for the first time in
her life. Someone who wants to do anything for her. If this person wants her to go back...
Her heart was pounding, it hurts. Young-young grabbed her chest and curled her body.
“Young-ah? Why, what’s wrong?”
“No, no.”
“No, you’re in a cold sweat. Hey, hurry up.”
Young-young opened her eyes wide.
The rattle of the carriage grew worse. Young-young looked around her, not knowing what
to do. He didn’t even stop the carriage, but made it run faster.
What to do. She looked at Sa Heon-yeong.
Will she never see this man again? Never?
Young-young reached out her hand and tried to remove Sa Heon-yeong’s mask. She wanted
to see his face. That beautiful face. A gentle and lovely face.
But before her hand could even touch the mask, Sa Heon-yeong grabbed Young-young’s
hand. Interlacing his hands, he gently shook his head.
“Not here.”
“But when we arrive, we have to part.”
Sa Heon-yeong looked down at Young-young, not knowing what she meant. Young-young’s
face was so serious.
“Show me your face.”
“The face, ... Lord Heon-young!”
There was a sense of urgency in Young-young’s voice. When he heard her voice, it was as if
Sa Heon-young was acting nonsensical.
Sa Heon-yeong bit his lip, feeling a little overwhelmed. He took off his cloak and covered
her and himself. And he stuck out his face in it. Then Young-young took off his mask,
Her trembling fingertips touched his cheek. It felt good to touch gently around his eyes, but
he could sense that something was wrong. Young-young was trembling and desperate, and
she was squeezing out a smile above all else.
Why did the woman who smiled like a flower when he said he fell in love at first sight just
before become so scared now?
“Young-ah, what’s going on?”
He was holding her all the time, who could have scared her in the meantime?
“Young-ah, please tell me. I will take care of everything.”
Who dared to cause fear to the wife in his arms?
The Queen Mother’s face flashed past Sa Heon-yeong’s mind. She was the empress, and to
Sa Heon-yeong, she was his mother anyway. However, she was the ruler of the battlefield
called the concubinage, where she had been victorious for decades.
Did she do anything in that short time? When Sa Heon-yeong frowned, Young-young
straightened her forehead.
“Can’t we meet again?”
“Why are you saying that?”
“But when we arrive, we have to part. After that..., will you come to see me again?”
“Why do we part when we arrive?”
“If you’re not father’s guest,”
It was then that Sa Heon-yeong realized what his wife was thinking. He grabbed Young-
young’s slender forearm.
“Listen to me, Young-ah.”
“You are my wife, and you will never step there again. I understand how the wife feels, but”
Young-young’s eyes became confused. Sa Heon-young let out a long sigh and spoke slowly.
“You are my queen, and I’m talking about the deceased mother-in-law. I mean, your
“Wife has already moved her place. Tomorrow let’s make a memorial service and move the
grave to a good place.”
Young-young nodded her head hastily. Perhaps she wanted to hear more, her eyes urged
It was only for a moment that his anger swelled at the thought of her returning home. Sa
Heon-yeong looked down at Young-young, who had desperate eyes.
Chapter 42

The world with just the two of them under the cloak was narrow and warm.
Sa Heon-young caressed Young-young’s cheek. Then Young-young rested her face on his
cheek. He was glad to see her look like a young beast.
Anyway, she’s a genius at making his mood feel better. Sa Heon-young smiled bitterly
inside and opened his mouth.
“Did you make a face like this because you didn’t want to part?”
Young-young cannot tell lies.
“Are you scared?”
“If you don’t have to leave, will you still be by my side?”
Young-young’s stiff shoulders came down slowly. It looked like a bird resting its wings, so
Sa Heon-yeong kissed Young-young’s forehead. His pitiful and cute bird.
Young-young closed her eyes and whispered like a sigh.
“I like Lord Heon-yeong.”
However, if Young-young really had wings, it would have been Sa Heon-yeong himself who
plucked those wings off and tore them apart.
The carriage rattles, rattles, rattles. Without knowing what was at the end.
The next day, rumors spread that the Demon King had arrived at the famous temple
Horyeonsa with his wife in his arms. People flocked to the Horyeonsa to see the imperial
concubine from a commoner who was said to be dear to the Demon King.
The black soldiers pushed the crowd that had gathered like a cloud to both sides, and the
carriage ran nonstop along the road.
“You have been through a lot. It is more difficult than I thought.”
In the carriage alone, Sa Heon-yeong, who was not wearing a mask, put Young-young in his
arms and rubbed her legs and whispered.
During the ceremony, they had to bow, stand, or kneel. It must have been quite a daunting
task for Young-young, who had no strength in her legs. As time went on, Sa Heon-yeong
became annoyed, and the High Priest, who was wary of the Demon King, hurriedly finished
the ritual.
“Hm, hmm. Now, I’m fine.”
“You’re trembling here, what do you mean?”
It was cool and nice when he massaged her calf. However, as his large hand gradually
moved upward and turned into a strange touch, Young-young twisted in Sa Heon-yeong’s
Sa Heon-yeong’s hand had already reached the inside of her thigh.
“Are you holding on to the breakfast I put in you?”
Sa Heon-young had embraced Young-young in the morning. He sowed the morning seeds
inside her and made her stand and put on her clothes.
‘Today, you are going out. All kinds of men will see the wife’s pretty face. I have no doubts
about the wife’s fidelity, but I have some doubts about the patience of other men. So hold on to
mine. So they can smell it.’
Young-young blinked, not knowing what Sa Heon-yeong was saying so elegantly. Then, Sa
Heon-yeong grabbed Young-young’s lower body.
‘Tighten up. Until the memorial service is over and you come back.’
Young-young shook her head.
No matter how hard she tried, it was too much. The more she tightened it, the more the
inside started to rumble in the morning, and in the end she poured out what she was
holding on to.
The good news is that, for whatever reason, the maids put thick fabrics on her underwear
these days.
Sa Heon-young’s fingers crawled into Young-young’s underwear like a snake.
“You’ve got a lot.”
Sa Heon-young’s lips sucked Young-young’s earlobe. Young-young was hugged from
behind, like a stone wall wrapped in the roots of a huge old tree.
“Like a grown person peeing on a wet blanket.”
Sa Heon-young’s voice is gentle. Young-young was confused. She felt ashamed, and she had
a hard time understanding why she felt ashamed. He is sweet, but why does she want to
run away?
One of Sa Heon-young’s arms was tightly wrapped around Young-young’s waist. Perhaps he
had noticed her mind. Young-young felt a bit uncomfortable and twisted her body a little.
Then Sa Heon-yeong poked his finger inside her. Huuuhh! Young-young swallowed the
“It’s wet. In the morning, you asked for me so wildly, and now it’s soft.”
Sa Heon-yeong whispered while licking Young-young’s ear with his tongue.
If Sa Heon-yeong had experience, he would have had some control over himself. However,
Sa Heon-yeong was unfortunately inexperienced. To be precise, he was taught like an
imperial family, but he had no experience.
So he was doing what he wanted to do. He said what he wanted to say.
“Ha, uhhh. Ah, there,”
“Do you like it? You like to have your insides pierced, but this part is lewd.”
As he entered the woman’s inside and touched the wrinkled area just above, Young-young
bent her body.
“Do you enjoy being loved like this? Ha... , are you done already?”
Squelch, water starts leaking from her lower lips. When Sa Heon-yeong revealed this,
Young-young shook her head.
Chapter 43

“It’s too much. No, no. It’s not like that.”

Young-young grabbed Sa Heon-yeong’s sleeve. Sa Heon-yeong rolled his eyes as he watched
his clothes wrinkled in her hands.
“It’s okay to be so, and it’s okay to just wet it. Just cry because you’re pretty. Here.”
“Heu, Ung! No, there! Uhh!”
“I like it, so please wait with me for a little bit.”
Ah, ah! Young-young’s skirt rose above her waist. With her crotch wide open against the
door of the carriage, Young-young was caressed by Sa Heon-yeong.
It was unbearably embarrassing. It was weird. Before she met Sa Heon-yeong, she didn’t
know what shame was, but now she’s embarrassed about this and that.
Young-young tried to lower her skirt with one hand.
“Are you ashamed?”
To those words, she was so shy that it was difficult to answer him directly. Young-young
silently tried to lower her skirt, but she couldn’t because Sa Heon-yeong’s hand, which was
digging through her crotch, interfered.
Young-young whispered, “Ski, skirt.” Sa Heon-young laughed and said. “Well, what do we
do?” It was like asking a question back at her.
Sa Heon-yeong’s cold gaze reached the carriage door with the veil down. Her voice will leak
out. Rumors will spread that the Demon King holds his wife everywhere. Along with the
rumor that the Demon King is lustful, the rumor that the wife is very favored will also
Sa Heon-young caressed Young-young’s inside. During the long ritual, she couldn’t properly
hold his hand as she was so exhausted holding in his seeds. She clings to his hand without
even moving a little.
Sa Heon-yeong, who had become more unbearable with the tender flesh, took out his
He clasped Young-young’s legs with both arms, aiming for a place to enter from the air. Sa
Heon-yeong clenched his teeth in the heat just by burying the tip of his pillar a little. He just
wanted to drop her. He wanted to bury himself and move at random. There was a ferocious
impulse that he didn’t know whether he wanted to love or slaughter the woman in his
At that time, Young-young acted instinctively. She kissed Sa Heon-yeong’s cheek, who was
hugging her from behind her back. And she sticks out her tongue and licks his lips. A
trembling tongue that longs for affection. Sa Heon-young smiled softly.
“It’s all right. No one comes in.”
Because everyone cares about their life.
Sa Heon-yeong mixed his tongue with Young-young. The ferocious impulse melted away in
the heat. The impulse melted away, and all that was left was loveliness.
Young-young bit her lip. He slowly lowered her body. It was painful to go down little by
little while embracing his member.
“It doesn’t hurt does it? It’s so slippery inside, hmm? You will be fine.”
Sa Heon-young whispered.
It wasn’t literally hurt, but there was a fear of being pierced by a stake. Young-young looked
back at Sa Heon-yeong each time and opened her mouth. Sa Heon-young pulled her down
little by little while licking and sucking the inside of her little mouth.
He inserted himself through the crack in her hot, wet flesh. The bonding is like tying each
other together. Sa Heon-yeong could not overcome his excitement and bit Young-young’s
Young-young shook her head. Her eyes were red from the excitement and anguish. But
there was no pain. She wasn’t hurt. Her hazy eyes looked at Sa Heon-yeong, and their eyes
met, and she smiled faintly.
Sa Heon-young placed his lips on Young-young’s lips and lightly licked the smeared
lips. Unng. Young-young squeezed her inside while her body shivered. Sa Heon-yeong also
groaned in excitement.
“You like it?”
Young-young asked. Sa Heon-yeong looked at Young-young, frowning at the desire to be
rough. Her light smile was kind.
“I want to die like this.”
Sa Heon-young said that and began to move. Ah, ah! Young-young’s voice was high, and Sa
Heon-yeong’s moans were low.
The carriage shook. At the place where Sa Heon-yeong and Young-young were joined, the
sound of water rubbing echoed. Sa Heon-yeong moved his body violently, and finally,
completely lowered her and lifted his waist.
Young-young couldn’t even scream at him, her mouth and eyes opened wide. Sa Heon-
yeong bit Young-young’s shoulder with all his might.
Something hot fills her body. Young-young blinked her eyes, faintly feeling the pain in her
shoulder from the bite. Sa Heon-yeong was moving his waist while her body was tightly
Young-young closed her eyes at the sensation that her insides were being rubbed and filled
continuously. Sa Heon-young’s fingers were gently touching her chest. He rubbed the
nipples with his fingers and gently stroked the areolas, licking the painfully bitten shoulder
like a beast.
Does it hurt?
Sa Heon-young frowned. He couldn’t overcome his excitement, and eventually gave her
pain today. Does this show that he is a young man with no experience? A slender finger ran
down his head as he clicked his tongue.
“Young-ah, is there something... you would like to have?”
All of a sudden, Sa Heon-yeong wanted to do something for Young-young. Not something
like the service for her dead mother, but something shiny and beautiful.
Chapter 44

Sadly for Sa Heon-yeong, Song Young-young was a woman who did not know anything, and
did not want anything.
As soon as the wedding ceremony was decided in the imperial family, Sa Heon-yeong
gathered all the guests who were of great importance and bought a lot of luxury goods.
Young-young looked at the red silk from Shin Yeon-guk and said, “Wow, how pretty.” And
then she quickly turned away and the reaction was similar even when she saw the colorful
hair pins and things.
What Song Young-young admires the most is Sa Heon-young himself.
One morning, Sa Heon-young could not open his eyes. It was because Song Young-young,
who got up first, was looking down at him. That gaze was explicit.
Young-young muttered as she looked at the face of the man who had tormented her all
night and made her cry.
Pretty, pretty. Young’s voice was sweet. Her singing voice. As he listened to her enchanting
voice, her hand slowly touched him. She caresses him as if she doesn’t want to wake him
up. The softness of a small bird’s feather tickled his chest.
Slowly, Young-young began to sing. An unknown language came out of her mouth. A soft
song rang through the bedroom.
Ack—Young-young screamed. It was because Sa Heon-yeong grabbed her by the waist and
pulled her back into his arms.
“Is it a song?”
Sa Heon-yeong asked in a slightly subdued voice in her ear.
“Hmm, hmm.”
The hand twisting the nipples he had been biting and sucking all night was unusual. Young-
young grabbed Sa Heon-yeong’s wrist and shook her head as he bit her.
“Do you not like it? Why?”
“You did it, all night long.”
Sa Heon-young smirked at Young-young’s words.
“All night long? What sad words. You left me in the middle and slept.”
Young-young was weak. She couldn’t even walk properly, so she didn’t have the strength to
deal with Sa Heon-yeong’s excitement.
She would fall asleep once or twice. It wasn’t too bad, half-twisted in her sleep, gasping,
crying and panting, but he also had agreed to mate with her, who was still intact.
“It hurts down there.”
“Your secret place? This little thing?”
Sa Heon-yeong asked as he pressed Young-young’s clitoris with the tip of his fingernails.
Every time he touched it; Young-young’s bottom tensed. The more he touches it, the more
excited she will move her hips.
Sa Heon-young licked Young-young’s neck. Still not enough. He wanted more of her. Sa
Heon-yeong pulled her body tight and pulled her closer to him. And the moment he tried to
rub his hardened pillar between her butt.
“Your Highness, the sun will rise soon.”
Ha Soye’s voice came outside. A nervous expression was evident. At a glance, Sa Heon-
young looked at the window. As Ha Soye said, there were signs of dawn.
Young-young looked back at him. What’s wrong with sunrise? She looked puzzled face. Sa
Heon-young, who kissed her face for a moment, said.
“Today, it’s the wedding day, so we have to start preparing as soon as the sun comes up.”
“Who’s wedding day is it?”
“Of course, it’s wife and I’s wedding day.”
Hearing Sa Heon-yeong’s words, Young-young’s eyes widened.
Of course, Sa Heon-yeong did not just let Young-young go. He laid Young-young on her
back, spread her legs apart, and then shoved his head into her entrance. Sucking her
clitoris, chewing on the folds, tormenting Young-young, then sucking the wet spots in a
“No, uh, huu, there! No, uuhh!”
“A little bit, huh? Just a little more, and it’ll be over. Just squeeze a little bit more.”
Sa Heon-yeong sucked Young-young’s love juice and moved his waist. As he shoved his
tongue inside her, Young-Young tried to push his thick shoulders away. But her weak arms
were nothing.
When she lowered her head, she could see Sa Heon-yeong’s waist moving. It was like
dancing. He was pleasuring her. He moved his waist as if he was doing it with his tongue.
In fact, she wanted to do this. She wants him to pierce her to the very end, very strongly,
very roughly.
Her head was hot and hazy. Young-young looked down at Sa Heon-yeong and bit her lip.
The tongue that entered her secret place was cunning and ferocious like a snake.
Young-young tightened at his tongue. Even if she didn’t want to tighten it, she couldn’t help
it. The pleasure she already knew was right in front of her eyes.
Ah, a little more. Inside, I want to touch it. She moved her back. She still can’t reach it. Oh,
more. So close. Somehow, a little, more. The desire grew stronger and she couldn’t stand it
any longer and shouted.
“More, more, inside, unnh, inside!”
As soon as he heard the cry, Sa Heon-yeong lost his reason. He got up and took his pillar.
And he shoved his erect pillar into the place he had pierced and widened with his tongue.
Ahhh! Hearing Young-young screaming, Sa Heon-yeong ran blindly. The end came quickly.
Puck, puck, puck. His climax came so intense that it felt like blood was pouring out of his
body. At the same time, Young-young squeezed him as if to tear him apart. She too, as if her
climax was particularly ferocious, couldn’t swallow her saliva with her mouth open and let
it drip outside.
“Did you want it inside?”
“Ugh... , Huh...”
Young-young, unable to answer Sa Heon-yeong’s question, but moaned in the afterglow of
the climax that heats her stomach.
Chapter 45

Sa Heon-young smiled as he kissed her sweat-soaked little face. When Sa Heon-yeong

moved his waist like a snake, Young-young twisted her waist little by little to match the
beat. The aftertaste came prolonged.
Your Highness. Outside the sliding door, Ha Soye spoke again. It seemed that there was
really no time, so Sa Heon-yeong pulled himself out of Young-young and out of the room.
Hang on a minute. Sa Heon-yeong ordered Ha Soye and then spread Young-young’s legs.
And with the wet towel that had been prepared in advance, he wiped Young-young’s secret
place. Young-young stiffened her body at the cold towel.
“I’m sorry. It’s a little busy today, so it’s hard to use warm water leisurely.”
“It’s, it’s okay, huh!”
“You’re cute too. And in your husband’s hand, you’re like this again.”
Young-young twisted her body as he touched her sensitive spot. It felt like she was in pain
and struggled, then fell asleep. It was an instant. At times like this, Sa Heon-yeong
unknowingly reached out and checked Young-young’s pulse.
Young-young slept like dead.
“It would be nice if you could correct this habit.”
Sa Heon-young laughed and wiped Young-young’s body. After cleaning her body and
putting her on the bed, he picked up the red goblin mask with a familiar hand.
The wedding was difficult for Young-young.
She got down on her knees as she was told to do, and when she was asked to receive
something, she received it, and when asked to give it to someone else, she gave it, and so
on. She gets on and off the carriage and does something else. After a while, she got into the
carriage and she was already having a hard time controlling her body.
“It will be heavy. Lean here.”
Sa Heon-yeong, who climbed into the carriage late, carefully supported Young-young’s
head. Young-young looked up at him, gasping for breath. When their eyes met, Sa Heon-
young smiled bitterly.
“I’m sorry.”
Young-young smiled and shook her head, ouch, then frowned.
“Careful. You only need to go to the Imperial Palace and see the Emperor and Empress.”
Sa Heon-young said while holding Young-young’s headdress. And ah, he added slowly.
“You should also see the Crown Prince. Other than that, there is nothing else to see.”
The tone is subtly cold again. Young-young tilted her head, ouch, and frowned. Then Sa
Heon-yeong rolled his eyes and said,
“I can’t, Young-ah. Come this way.”
A friendly voice again.
Sa Heon-yeong, who sat Young-young on his lap, grabbed her headdress and whispered,
“Stay here.” The weight of the headdress was barely felt as he was holding it completely.
She was resting and trying to fall asleep. Young-young slowly closed her eyes.
“Are you sleepy?”
“A little bit.”
Huh... Young-young muttered softly. Young-young, whose physical strength was the size of
a rabbit’s tail, quickly fell asleep. Sa Heon-yeong whispered softly while holding her
“Young-ah, I have something to tell you. Young-ah?”
“Oh my, she’s asleep.”
Sa Heon-yeong clicked his tongue in embarrassment. On this busy wedding day, the person
who used up the least stamina was none other than herself.
He knew she couldn’t do that.
Sa Heon-young looked down at the bride in a beautiful wedding dress. She had been
suffering since morning, and her little face was lifeless. She was pretty though.
Young-young in her wedding dress was so beautiful that it was hard to breathe when he
looked down at her. Sa Heon-yeong looked down at her quietly and remembered her
singing the song this morning.
It was perfect.
The naked bride sang a song. Early in the morning without dawn, the bride promised that
everything would be beautiful.
The language of the song Young-young sang was the first thing he had ever heard. He didn’t
know what it was, but it sounded like that to Sa Heon-yeong.
But in fact, Sa Heon-yeong had something he couldn’t say to Young-young.
... he should have.
She’ll be surprised if he doesn’t say anything.
Sa Heon-yeong looked at Young-young’s sleeping face and slid his finger on her cheek. Will
the perfect dawn continue, or will Young-young be afraid?
Sa Heon-yeong remembered his first wedding. The moment he opened the door to the
room, a woman’s feet, which were swaying in front of him, were still vivid in his eyes.
You shouldn’t.
Sa Heon-yeong kissed Young-young on the cheek and muttered to her.
Even if you go crazy.
The end of the difficult wedding was to greet the Emperor and Empress.
Young-young muttered to herself, His Majesty the Emperor, Her Majesty Empress. Sa Heon-
yeong taught that the highest person in the world was His Majesty the Emperor, and his
wife and mother of the country was Her Majesty the Empress.
When she learned that, Young-young asked if he was higher than the family head, and Sa
Heon-young said, ‘The one that is on top of the family head, on top of it, on top of it, on top,
of it,... ’, after reciting it for a long time, and finally ‘... there is His Majesty the Emperor. Yes,
he is much higher than the family head.’ He replied.
So Young-young could see that the Emperor, was a person who was much higher than the
The Emperor was in another palace due to illness, so they could not see him, and she had to
see the Empress and the Crown Prince, said Sa Heon-yeong.
Thus, Young-young knelt in front of the Crown Prince and Empress with Sa Heon-yeong.
“Raise your head.”
Chapter 46

When she looked up at the bright voice, she saw a beautiful woman. Young-young instantly
lost her mind.
She was very beautiful. Young-young has never seen a woman so beautiful since she was
born. The years were all over her face, but her beauty was also refined to that extent. And
above all else, Sa Heon-yeong’s facial features were deeply etched on her face.
Young-young knew right away that this person was really Sa Heon-yeong’s mother. It was
“Looking back again..., is she a woman with a unique taste?”
Hearing the Empress’ words, Sa Heon-yeong’s eyes went cold. On this auspicious day, the
Empress is scratching his own judgment. He was offended, but he was worried that she
would upset Young-Young.
When he looked to his side, Young-Young was crying and ouch-ing. He guessed she got hurt
from the headdress as she tilted her head like a habit as she doesn’t know what the word
‘unique’ means. His displeasure was swept away.
“Mother, it is an auspicious day.”
The man sitting next to the Empress spoke a word and looked at Young-young.
“Welcome, Queen Mun.”
… Similar.
Young-young looked blankly at the Crown Prince. She heard that he and Sa Heon-yeong
were brothers, but the brothers looked very much alike. Their features were similar as if
they were one and the same.
Young-young wanted to tilt her head, but she barely held it in. Didn’t her head hurt a lot
because of the headdress?
The Crown Prince began to say something, but it did not come into her ears. Young-young
looked at the Crown Prince with curious feelings.
There are many people who resemble each other in the world, but it seemed difficult for
her to find someone who resembled Sa Heon-yeong this much. She knew he was his
brother and they were born from the same womb; they looked a lot alike.
Young-young, who has no siblings, thought someone would look so alike if she had her own
sister, and she looked intently at that face only.
The Crown Prince burst into laughter inside as he saw the face of the lowly woman looking
at his own face. She must have been surprised.
According to the words of the spy who entered the palace, Heon-yeong already cherished
this girl and embraced her day and night. There’s no way she couldn’t have been able to see
Heon-yeong’s face as she blended her body with his. Had she seen his face; she would have
realized by looking at his own face now.
That she was caught by a goblin.
It is obvious. Who would dare to pay attention to an illegitimate child of a commoner? Also
for such a thin body.
Come on, go ahead and despair.
She should hang herself.
The Crown Prince’s eyes slowly turned to the man in the red goblin mask. His only brother.
The Crown Prince did not hate him. Even if he was a goblin who copied his own face, he
was born from the same womb. The Crown Prince couldn’t hate him.
But that man was.
That guy was a goblin. The goblin is an imperial family, and it is impossible to have a
woman of a high-ranking family. The goblin has to live and survive alone as a goblin.
Until the wedding was over, the Crown Prince watched the woman carefully. They said she
was weak, and perhaps it was real, she stumbled as soon as she got up.
Heon-yeong had his face covered with a red goblin mask, but the Crown Prince could feel
Heon-yeong’s mood completely subsided.
She must be pretty cute, so the Crown Prince guessed Heon-yeong must’ve been upset.
The Crown Prince snorted inside. Trying to be happy about the goblin is unreasonable. It
was upsetting.
At that time, Heon-yeong bowed his head and supported the woman. Because the woman
whispered something. Soon, he could see Heon-young’s eyes widening.
“King Mun!”
The mother raised her voice. Heon-yeong looked back at his mother with cold eyes, holding
his wife.
“Her legs are bad. It is impossible to walk any longer.”
“She can at least be assisted by those below you!”
“Why should she be supported by the lower ones? Are they more reliable than me?”
Heon-yeong snorted, saying that the lower ones were unreliable. The Crown Prince looked
at him silently. That’s weird. A little while ago, he felt Heon-yeong almost despairing, but
soon his mood improved again.
That woman only said one word.
What was it that made him feel so good?
“King Mun, put her down.”
“I don’t want it. Now that it’s over, I’m leaving, Queen Mother. Your Highness.”
“King Mun!”
A crack was felt. The Crown Prince looked at his goblin. A butchering goblin who wore his
own face and rampaged the battlefield for himself. The goblin was glaring at his mother and
himself, embracing that unreasonable woman.
It is said that it is dangerous for a domesticated animal to know that it is in heat.
The Crown Prince looked to his side. His trembling mother was very sad.
I told you, Queen Mother. You have to get it right from the start.
The Crown Prince watched as Heon-yeong strode out with his wife in his arms. When he
was young, he couldn’t even look into the Crown Prince’s eyes, but suddenly he grew up to
be so big that he opened his eyes straight at the Crown Prince.
At that time, the Crown Prince should have castrated him instead of slitting his chest. The
Crown Prince was young and naive, so he didn’t know what to do.
Chapter 47

Heon-yeong whispers something to the woman who he is holding, and the woman smiles
lowly and replies with something. Then, Heon-yeong smiled.
At that moment, the Crown Prince clenched his fist.
He thought Heon-yeong had forgotten all about smiles when he was young. How could the
goblin be happy?
The Crown Prince could feel the underlings watching. He smiled with a benevolent face, but
those who had supported him for years were not deceived. Rather than being deceived,
they quickly lowered their gazes. The Crown Prince took his gaze away from those lowly
ones and looked at Heon-yeong again.
Heon-yeong was smiling happily.
Heon-yeong became happy right away because of what that stupid woman said. There was
a gritting sound from the Crown Prince’s jaw.
Sa Heon-young was nervous.
Because the moment Young-young saw the Crown Prince’s face, she would know
Twins. That he was the cursed race. How can people be born with the same face? All people
are different beings and have different faces.
He was a goblin. A goblin that sits in a person’s stomach pretending to be a human and is
born like a human. He should have been killed as soon as he was born, but the benevolent
mother could not kill the child she gave birth to, so Sa Heon-yeong became a goblin.
He remembers the first time he met his queen, his arranged wife.
Sa Heon-young doesn’t know who she is, nor does he remember her face. The marriage was
thoroughly carried out by his mother’s hands, and Sa Heon-yeong barely reached Yang-an
in time for the wedding day.
As soon as he entered, he took off his dusty armor, took a bath, and performed the rites of
the wedding ceremony. He is probably the only member of the imperial family to have a
wedding done at lightning speed like this.
However, he was a goblin, and he was in a situation where he had to be proud of being able
to have a wedding. No, actually he didn’t think about the wedding at the time. He was only
ordered to get married. He followed the orders of his father, the Empress, and the Crown
Prince. That was it.
He took off the red head covering the bride’s face in the room, and the bride’s eyes
And she trembled.
When he asked why she was so nervous, she said that she had medicine but forgot to take it
today. The nanny has the medicine, and she says it is a medicine for having children.
She was sorry if others knew so she asked to bring it himself. Even though he was puzzled,
he went out to find the nanny instead. The nanny he had found asked how could the
maiden of a noble family take such a medicine, and he got a strange feeling and ran back
and opened the door — ,
At his eye level, the two feet were dangling from the ceiling.
He can’t even remember her face. Only those two feet of hers remained in his memory.
However, Young-young’s face was already in his memory. Even if she dies, he will wander,
and he will search for that face. He can’t forget and can’t let go, so he has no choice but to
hold on to her.
As the cold chill subsided in Sa Heon-yeong’s heart, Young-young stood up. She stumbled
greatly, perhaps she was hurt. Was it the beginning? Sa Heon-yeong clenched his teeth and
supported her.
He could feel the Crown Prince’s silent laugh. It was common. Sa Heon-young didn’t want to
express anything. The Crown Prince was remarkably well aware of Sa Heon-young’s
feelings. Even though he was hiding his face with a mask, it was difficult to deceive the
Crown Prince. And the Crown Prince was very happy to see Sa Heon-yeong suffering. It’s
been a hobby of his since childhood.
When Young-Young was caught, Young-Young raised her head and spoke to Sa Heon-
Young. At that moment, Sa Heon-yeong was prepared for all the curses. But,
“He looks like Lord Heon-yeong.”
It’s not that I look like him, but that he looks like me?
It was a strange feeling. He didn’t know how to react to the first word he had ever heard in
his life. When Sa Heon-young looked down at her, she smiled at him bashfully and
whispered in a beautiful voice.
“But Lord Heon-yeong is prettier.”
At that moment, Sa Heon-yeong hugged her. Wah – He could see her eyes widening as if
startled, but he couldn’t stand it without hugging her. He wanted to hug her, he wanted to
touch her a little bit more. Without viewing eyes, he wanted to hug her to crush her if she
was okay with it.
Do you know what you have done to me now? He wanted to ask that.
His feet became light. He felt a wind that could not be in the imperial palace. That fresh
wind, the invisible dazzling light. He has come and gone of battlefields dozens or hundreds
of times. In a place of majestic and strict eternal winter, suddenly spring came.
Do you know what you have done to me now?
Sa Heon-young looked down at his bride. The beautiful bride, in her wedding dress, he
grinned again over the red head veil. Tilt, ouch, ouch, she cried. Her body looks so
In his heart, his whole body, his whole soul, he was filled with joy. At that moment when a
word from his bride completely transformed him from a goblin to a human.
“King Mun!”
Chapter 48

“King Mun!”
His mother’s voice was heard behind his back.
At that moment, all joy ceased.
No, it was still galloping in his blood. But he regained his composure.
This was the imperial palace. The place that sent him to the battlefield over and over again.
The place that turned him into a goblin. And now with the Queen Mother behind his back...
there is the Crown Prince.
Sa Heon-yeong looked back at the Queen Mother slowly.
“Her legs are bad. It is impossible to walk any longer.”
The Crown Prince recognizes Sa Heon-yeong remarkably well. To that extent, Sa Heon-
yeong could also reveal the Crown Prince’s inner thoughts as if it was his. The Crown
Prince is now displeased. And he is wondering.
What words did Young-young say that saved Sa Heon-yeong.
No, the Crown Prince didn’t even know he was saved. The Crown Prince just thinks Sa
Heon-yeong is feeling better. That alone would make the Crown Prince feel so
A new blue shade stood in Sa Heon-yeong’s mind. As he remembered the two white feet
swaying in front of his eyes, he suppressed all the joy. He shouldn’t get caught. Never.
The Queen Mother did not notice Sa Heon-yeong’s feelings. She glared at him coldly, as if
she didn’t like something.
“She can at least be assisted by those below you!”
“Why should she be supported by the lower ones? Are they more reliable than me?”
Sa Heon-young snorted like that.
“King Mun, put her down.”
Her mother commands, and if it had been his former self, he would have put her down at
this point. But,
“I don’t want it. Now that it’s over, I’m leaving, Queen Mother. Your Highness.”
He must get Young-young out of here as soon as possible. Sa Heon-yeong focused all his
attention on the Crown Prince’s appearance behind his back.
King Mun! The Queen Mother’s voice is far away.
Sa Heon-young wanted to leave the imperial palace with Young-young in his arms. His legs
were light. His steps were lighter than ever. He couldn’t wait to go.
He wanted to hold Young-young in the room. She must be smiling brightly as usual. She
won’t know what she gave him. Ah, maybe she didn’t know that from the beginning.
From the moment she sings. It’s you. You made me, here I am...
His steps stood tall and stopped.
Sa Heon-young didn’t want to look back. He knows the Crown Prince’s excellent speech-
skilled tongue. A man with the same face. Two faces were not acceptable, so Sa Heon-yeong
had to become a goblin. The man will use that blade-like tongue to hurt him.
Sa Heon-yeong took a moment to catch his breath and turned his head.
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Tonight, there is a banquet, so please attend.”
“I am a newlywed,”
“You dare to protest against the Crown Prince?”
Young-young felt Sa Heon-yeong’s arms hardened. Sa Heon-yeong often carried her around
like this. The physician said she had lost her leg strength because she hadn’t eaten properly
for a long time.
Sa Heon-yeong told her not to go out of the bedroom whenever possible, and when she had
to go out, he carried her by hugging her, and in fact, he carried her by hugging her even in
the bedroom. So Young-young was very familiar with these arms.
It’s a little different from usual.
If asked what is different, it is difficult to answer, but something is definitely different. The
force applied to her body was unruly, and the body that was holding her was also stiff.
It’s probably because of that person.
A person called the Crown Prince. A person who resembles Sa Heon-young. A person who
is sitting in a high place now with narrowed eyes and pretending to be smiling, but is
actually not smiling at all.
If she looks closely, they don’t look alike.
Sa Heon-young doesn’t smile like that. He doesn’t smile like a mask like that Crown Prince.
“... I will attend.”
“It’s been a while since you’ve had a rest in your palace. Mother cares for you and will
always take care of your palace just like you. When you get old and lonely, you will have to
come back into our arms. How long will you be able to turn away? You’re not even an
ownerless beast.”
She felt malice. Unknowingly, Young-young grabbed Sa Heon-yeong’s collar. She doesn’t
know where the malice comes from in those words. Young-young couldn’t understand the
elegant words well. She could not understand Sa Heon-yeong’s words often, so it was
difficult for her to understand the meaning of the Crown Prince’s words. However, only the
malice was clearly felt.
‘You’re not even an ownerless beast.’
In other words, he is a beast with a master. Sa Heon-yeong did not express much, but
lowered his head.
The bride was clutching his collar. He smiled as she seemed to ask if he was okay. It wasn’t
just one or two times he went through it. No matter how great a victory he sacrificed, he
would hear something like this in the end.
“I’m taking my leave.”
Still, it was always bittersweet and painful, but today he couldn’t even breathe the wind
that passed by his ear. He just wanted to hold this beautiful bride tightly.
Whether he’s a goblin or a beast, they can talk freely.
He’s never been a human after all. He had never been seen as a human being. Such
expectations have already been abandoned in the past.
‘But Lord Heon-yeong is prettier.’
That one sweet voice was enough.
Chapter 49

The palace was in a remote place.

It was a splendid sculpture that could not be compared with her own cabin. However, the
moment she entered the palace in Sa Heon-yeong’s arms, Song Young-young caught a
familiar smell.
The smell of loneliness, solitude. The shadows of the trees shake ominously, and the leaves
rub against each other. Even in the daytime, it is dark, and the sound is mixed with the
wind, only fueling anxiety. She could feel the moisture peculiar to an abandoned place.
Throughout the wedding, she traveled from place to place in the Imperial Palace.
Everything was bright and colorful, but why is this place so quiet and lonely? Young-young
suddenly smiled.
So was her own hut. Her father had the largest drugstore in the city. His whole house was
splendid, but her hut was unseemly.
Because even the richest person in the world doesn’t spend a penny on the abandoned.
“It’s not a good place, but be patient. After the banquet is over, we will never come again.”
Sa Heon-young was truly sorry.
He did not take her into the room. He sat on the balustrade in the long corridor, he put her
on his lap and stripped her of her shoes.
“You’ve had a hard time since morning, haven’t you? Does it hurt?”
A friendly voice. Kindly curved eyes.
... they don’t look alike.
Young-young raised her hand and touched Sa Heon-yeong’s goblin mask.
“You didn’t look alike.”
“The Crown Prince and Lord Heon-yeong. It wasn’t very similar. I saw it wrong.”
“No, it was like that. We’re similar ... This is a secret.”
Sa Heon-young put his index finger to his lips. Young-young instinctively understood why
Sa Heon-yeong was wearing a mask.
“Is Lord Heon-yeong wearing a mask because you resemble the Crown Prince?”
Young-young frowned.
Sa Heon-yeong began to remove all of the hairpins from Young-young’s hair.
Even if he had to bring her to the banquet with scattered hair, her headdress had to be
removed. If he took her to the long banquet with her headdress, it seemed that Young-
young’s neck would break. She felt Sa Heon-yeong’s touch who was immersed in her hair
while leaning, and Young-young looked quietly into the distance.
She could see the sun shining through the leaves. Young-young looked at it quietly and
heard the sound of the wind.
After a long time she remembered the hut in which she had grown up.
“Did you know about goblin’s eggs?”
“I don’t know.”
“The female goblin lays eggs, but it is difficult to raise them. The male goblin likes the eggs
laid by the female.”
“They like it, but why is it difficult to raise? The two can raise it together.”
“They ate it.”
Finally, all the hair ornaments were removed and he was able to lower her headdress. As
soon as the headdress came down, Young-young, who was groaning, turned her head to
look at Sa Heon-yeong.
“They, they ate it?”
“That’s what it is.”
“The egg with your own child?”
“The male goblin said it was a delicacy. Especially the egg with their own child.”
Young-young’s face contorted. Sa Heon-yeong continued his words as he pulled her, who
couldn’t understand, into a hug, and he kissed her on the forehead.
“It is said that female goblins avoid the males’ eyes and put their eggs into human, pregnant
wombs. So, the human develops maternal love and raises the goblin’s egg like their child.
Because they both have the same face, so you can’t tell which one is a human and which is a
“So, I am a goblin.”
Young-young reached out and fiddled with Sa Heon-yeong’s mask. She wanted to see his
face properly. She was worried about what his face would look like as she heard the voice
as lonely as the winter wind.
Suddenly, her hand was grabbed. Sa Heon-yeong’s hand was hot and large, and whenever
he grabbed her wrist, it became warm rather than scary. Young-young looked at the manly
hand wrapped around her wrist and asked.
“Are you going to say no here?”
When Young-Young asked, Sa Heon-Young smiled brightly and whispered, “Yes.”
Song Young-young looked up at the man who wore the goblin mask and said he was a
goblin and blinked her eyes.
For the first time, she thought that this man was pitiful. The goblin, who appeared in good
shoes, only looked gorgeous and strong. He seemed to know everything. He seemed to truly
believe in this goblin egg story.
Young-young fiddled with Sa Heon-yeong’s mask.
“You know what twins are?”
Young-young was unaware of the circumstances, but she also knew to some extent what
twins are. The human may have a goblin egg, but how do you tell the difference between an
ordinary twin and a goblin egg?
“Of course I do.”
“But the imperial family does not have twins. No such thing is born of noble blood.”
Before meeting Sa Heon-yeong, the highest person to Young-young was the lord of the
estate. He was high-ranked, but by default. But she heard he was not of a good enough
noble blood to be said. So, although Young-young had met high-ranking people, she had
never seen noble blood.
What is noble blood?
“What color is noble blood?”
“What about goblin’s blood?”
Sa Heon-young did not answer.
He wiped Young-young’s cheek and just smiled. Young-young quietly felt his hand, then
raised her hand and wrapped it around the back of Sa Heon-yeong’s hand.
Young-young closed her eyes. Sa Heon-young looked down at Young-young’s face. Young-
young’s face, asking what color the noble blood is and what color the goblin’s blood is, was
just innocent.
She didn’t know what she was asking, and she seemed just curious. No, maybe she’s just
comforting him.
“Even if your husband is a goblin... Are you okay?”
Chapter 50

His voice is bad to hear as if it was scratched somewhere.

Sa Heon-young clicked his tongue inside. A hoarse voice with a nervous expression, which
is not enough to entice her sweetly. It would be nice to be able to ask again, but sometimes
a question is only acceptable once.
Young-young smiled brightly.
“Hmm. In the first place, I got the proposal from Sir Goblin.”
A goblin wearing good shoes had come to the lonely mountain.
Herbs relieved hunger, but did not eliminate loneliness. Loneliness was like an illness, and
Young-young was suffering from aches and pains. Every day she can’t talk to anyone. No
one listens and no one speaks. A miraculous guest who came to her in the midst of just
waiting for death.
My Sir Goblin.
“... Yes.”
Sa Heon-young’s voice became lower. Young-young closed her eyes, resting her cheeks in
his large hands, and then opened her eyes.
“But my blood is red. Is that okay?”
At that, Sa Heon-yeong widened his eyes and burst out laughing. Whatever was so funny
and pleasant about it, but after laughing for a while, he hugged her tightly.
“I know. I saw it at night.”
He couldn’t stop laughing at her for a while.
Young-young looked up at Sa Heon-yeong’s face while holding her in his arms. When their
eyes met, he seemed to have calmed down for a moment, then burst out laughing again.
What’s so funny about it? Young-young couldn’t understand, but it was better for him to
laugh than forlorn, so she decided to kept quiet.
The banquet was held at night.
“Simran Hall*.”
She learned the letters from her mother, but after her mother’s death she hardly ever saw
them. Young-young looked up at the signboard and Sa Heon-yeong, who was walking
alongside her, burst into laughter again.
“It’s Shinryeon Hall.”
It was a bit embarrassing that she couldn’t read the letters well. When Young-young’s face
turned red, Sa Heon-yeong stopped walking. He knelt in front of Young-young and looked
up at her face who had her head bowed down.
“I’m sorry. I laughed because my heart was troubled that you said it was the Confusion
Hall* and laughed. I didn’t laugh because you read the text wrong.”
“It really is. I don’t care if the wife knows the letters or not.”
“But if you want to know the letters, would you like to study with me little by little? I can’t
be a good teacher, but if it’s okay with you.”
Really? When Young-Young asked with almost no sound, Sa Heon-Young answered,
As soon as they entered the banquet hall, Sa Heon-young felt many eyes. He always hated
these gazes, but today it was amazing that he didn’t care about it.
No, rather than not caring, he was rather proud. Young-young was next to him. Song Young-
young. The woman who received his own name.
“Am I really prettier?”
As he moved, he whispered to his bride. The banquet was already in full swing, and both
the Crown Prince and the Empress were in their seats. The bride, who was going to the
middle seat of the banquet, glanced at the Crown Prince. She could feel the Crown Prince’s
gaze from behind the cover of the red veil. Then she said,
If Sa Heon-yeong looks closely, he can see the face behind the veil. A smiling face saying it
was the truth.
He was prettier.
He was born as a man, and when she said that he was prettier than that Crown Prince,
where she used the word ‘pretty’, his ears, heart and soul just melted in ecstasy. He never
thought about it. Is it that the Crown Prince resembles himself or that he is prettier than
the Crown Prince? He takes precedence over ‘the Crown Prince’, and it is more valuable.
A bride who sings a song no one has sang says something no one has ever said.
Hot blood rushed through his body. A fever rose in his hand, and Sa Heon-yeong clenched
his fist. This heat is his own. No one can take it away. Sa Heon-yeong rolled his eyes down.
After performing the ceremony for the Crown Prince and Empress from the central spot,
they moved to the prepared seat and sat down. She looked difficult because she was
overworked with her uncomfortable legs.
He wished he could take her shoes off and massage those little feet. He can’t do that at the
banquet. Sa Heon-yeong called the attendant and told him to bring fruit wine.
“If you drink sweet alcohol, you will feel a little better.”
The fruit wine brought separately was cold and sweet, so Young-young sipped little by
little. As she felt the sweet taste, she relaxed little by little. Feeling her body relaxed, Young-
young slowly turned her gaze away.
The banquet was gorgeous. All the luxury in the world seemed to be here. A place of golden
brilliance. Chairs, columns, and ceilings all fluttered in gold. The musicians play sweet
music, and the dancers do a splendid dance round and round. Thousands of court ladies
and courtiers carried food and drinks, and people chatted and whispered with each other.
“Who are you looking at?”
When Young-young was looking around, Sa Heon-young immediately grabbed her
shoulder. He whispered in a gentle voice, but Young-young could feel the edge in his voice.
But she couldn’t figure out why, so she stared quietly at the couple who was seen through
her red head covering. Her expression was obscured by the red veil.
“I’m just looking at people.”
“Just look at me.”
The banquet hall was packed with people. No matter where she looks, there are all people,
how can she stop looking at them? But he was really saying that. Young-young whispered.
“I’m a jealous man.”
Young-young was asking what it was.

*) The Hall’s name is Shin-Ryeon (신련), but Young-young said it as Sim-Ran because in their
hangul it was only a few strokes different (심란). Sim-Ran could mean as confusion, aka
making the hall name ‘Confusion Hall’
Chapter 51

Sa Heon-yeong groaned. It’s been a while since he’s been drunk. He himself was not sure
whether he was drunk or drunk by his bride.
He hugged the bride with a hazy feeling. The gaze was stinging, but it didn’t matter. This
woman was his. His. His. And he was hers too.
She has become something that he should consider the most beautiful. It was unclear
whether the heat rising in his body was alcohol or happiness, but whatever.
“It’s the feeling of wanting to know what color the blood of the person you look at is.”
If what you’re looking at is the eyes, he wants to dig it out.
If what you’re looking at is the nose, he wants to cut it.
If what you’re looking at is the limb, he wants to tear it apart.
Sa Heon-yeong responded to the bloody emotions even when he was drunk. Because he
didn’t want his bride to be afraid of him.
“Is it goblin blood, noble blood, or just human blood?”
“What color is Lord Heon-yeong’s blood?”
Sa Heon-yeong put his finger to his teeth. Then he bit his finger, let it bleed, and showed it
to Young-young. Young-young’s eyes widened as she didn’t know that he would show
blood. She, however, soon frowned.
Then she also bit her own finger and bled it out. Sa Heon-yeong tried to stop her, but she
was faster.
Sa Heon-yeong called her in a low voice, but she placed her bloody finger over his. Their
blood was mixed. She lifted her finger and tilted her head.
“It’s the same color.”
What do you want to say? Did she bleed because she wanted to say that he was human? Sa
Heon-yeong shook his head. Whether he is a goblin or a human, what does it matter? He
somehow survived and will never change the mind of those who see him as a goblin.
Sa Heon-yeong carefully grabbed Young-yeong’s finger and shook his head.
“Don’t do this.”
“It’s not worth seeing your blood.”
It was a harsh voice. Young-young looked up at Sa Heon-yeong’s eyes and asked.
“Then why did Lord Heon-yeong do that?”
For a moment, Sa Heon-yeong was speechless. He shut his mouth for a moment, then barely
“I am a man and a warrior. Getting hurt is usual and I can heal easily. But wife is a woman,
and your body is weak.”
“This much heals me too.”
“Lord Heon-yeong don’t do it either. Or I will do it.”
Young-young was stubborn. It seemed like she should be.
Before coming here, Sa Heon-yeong was always strong and cool, but Sa Heon-yeong here
was faint and seemed to collapse at any moment. As if something was going to go wrong,
Young-young took Sa Heon-yeong’s hand, which was holding her finger.
“... I will not.”
Sa Heon-yeong whispered.
Young-young could only smile at that. And when she nodded her head. Sa Heon-yeong lifted
his mask a little and took her finger to his mouth. It was just as the bright red tongue came
out between the lips and was about to swallow her finger and disappear into the mouth.
A sharp shout tore through the air of the banquet hall.
Young-young turned her head in surprise. The Crown Prince stood up from his seat. His
face, which had only been smiling softly earlier, was distorted. Although he had a similar
face to Sa Heon-yeong, he was completely different.
It’s like a goblin. Young-young thought so, and shook her head inside, refuting her thought.
It’s like a snake
When Young-young lived in the mountains, she was most afraid of snakes. Because there
was no light, whenever she walked on a mountain pass, she would raise her senses for
snakes in the way. She had seen a snake a few times. Every time she had to run; it had the
same eyes that she saw then-
Hmm. Young-young groaned and frowned. Sa Heon-yeong grabbed her chin and made her
look at him.
“Just look at me, I asked you.”
“Huh? But over there,”
At that moment, the Crown Prince’s shout grew louder.
“Sa Heon-yeong!!”
“Don’t look. If you don’t want to see the groom go crazy on the wedding day.”
He knows he should not provoke the Crown Prince.
Even knowing that, Sa Heon-yeong did not answer the Crown Prince. He was looking at
Young-young. Her answer came first.
After all, the Crown Prince cannot kill him. He is also not easy to harm. It’s different from
when he was younger in many ways.
“Song Young-young.”
Sa Heon-yeong, who always called her Young-ah, called Song Young-young’s name in a rare,
frightening voice.
“... Yes, I will. I will.”
Young-young continued to nod her head. I will, I won’t look. Young-young promised over
and over again. It’s not because Sa Heon-yeong’s voice was scary. Because his voice
sounded quite desperate.
After Young-young nodded her head a few times, Sa Heon-yeong lowered the mask he had
lifted a little and turned his gaze to the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince’s face, who always
wanted to pretend to be kind, was red with anger.
“Yes, Your Highness.”
Chapter 52

Sa Heon-yeong knows why the Crown Prince was angry. Because Sa Heon-yeong moved the
The Crown Prince insisted that Sa Heon-yeong is a goblin, so he should wear the goblin
mask in front of everyone. He said that if Sa Heon-yeong was not going to wear the goblin
mask, he should never leave the palace.
Sa Heon-yeong made a promise to the Crown Prince and put on the goblin mask himself.
After that, the Crown Prince always checked whether Sa Heon-yeong was wearing the mask
or not, and even put a spy on him.
Sa Heon-yeong also deliberately did not touch those who were sent on that purpose.
The Crown Prince was that sensitive to Sa Heon-yeong’s goblin mask. However, Sa Heon-
yeong dared to touch his mask at the banquet, so the Crown Prince was filled with anger.
“Yes, no matter how beastly you are, you are a member of the imperial family. There are
laws, what are you doing?”
The Crown Prince noticed that he was overreacting, so he sat down and muttered.
Sa Heon-yeong looked at the Crown Prince who treated Sa Heon-yeong as an animal in
front of many people and the mother who looked at him with worry-filled eyes, and smiled.
“I am a newlywed for the first time. Isn’t it unreasonable to want to be a gentleman and not
a beast?”
When Sa Heon-yeong raised his voice and spoke in a tone, mischievous laughter erupted
among the elders. Sa Heon-yeong changed his mood and hugged Young-young. Young-
young groaned and hugged him.
“Since you have spoken good words, I will be offering my withdrawal. I’m in a hurry.”
Ha ha ha, the laughter grew louder. As the atmosphere brightened, the sound of the Crown
Prince clenching his teeth could be heard.
The Crown Prince looked like he would almost want to wield the whip if he could. He is
such a cruel character. Who else is going to die today? Sa Heon-yeong snorted. It was none
of his business.
As they were leaving Shinryeon Hall, Young-young whispered.
“I want to go back.”
I hate this place, it’s a weird place. Young-young said sullenly. Can’t we go home?
Sa Heon-yeong repeated the word home she spoke of over and over in his head. Home. His
home. Her and his own home.
Young-young did not understand the evil intentions of the Crown Prince. But it seemed that
she instinctively felt malice. She was chewing her lower lip.
“If the wife asks for anything, I will give it to you.”
“Then please stop the harsh punishment for those innocent lips.”
Young-yeong felt Sa Heon-yeong sucking her lower lip and opened her lips.
Sa Heon-yeong kissed her in the middle of the bright road in the Imperial Palace. It was a
very slow and soft kiss, unlike usual.
Sa Heon-yeong took off Young-young’s red veil covering her face. He was delighted as soon
as her short face was revealed. Although she had been with him all the time, she had the
thin silk veil, he could only spy on her face, but he was still so glad that the red silk
disappeared. His heart lit up as soon as her face appeared.
He missed her all the time. He missed this face so much. It was only one day, even though
they weren’t apart. Sa Heon-yeong reached out and touched Young-young’s cheek and lips.
Young-young reached out her hand and took off Sa Heon-yeong’s mask. The red goblin
mask got caught in her hand and fell off Sa Heon-yeong’s face. The moment Sa Heon-yeong,
who was neither a beast nor a goblin, came to exist in front of her, he smiled.
Sa Heon-yeong smiled brightly. A fresh smile.
Young-young was captivated by that smile for a moment. Beautiful man. The man, who
seemed to have been made with the fresh morning air, touched Yeong-young with a
charming smile when their eyes met. Even though he embraces her wildly every day,
whenever he touches her, it’s like he’s dealing with a miracle.
“I heard the wife is twenty six this year.”
“This is a mixture of wine that is twenty-six years old and wine that is thirty years old. It
may be strong for the wife, but you must drink it.”
It was one of the rites of the imperial family. Drinking alcohol that is equal to the age of the
bride and the age of the groom.
Young-young nodded her head, picked up the glass of wine, and put the drink in her mouth.
And she almost spit it out.
Young-young was thinking about the previous fruit wine, but this was terribly strong. It
was like passing fire through her throat. The moment Young-young was about to spit it out,
Sa Heon-yeong grabbed Young-young’s head and kissed her. And he just pushed in the
Heup, heup. Young-young tried to push him away, but she couldn’t. His tongue forced the
drink into her throat. Reluctantly, she took the drink and drank it. The lava went down her
Uh... When Young-young was making a tearful face, Sa Heon-yeong licked her lower lip.
“I’m sorry. I’ve heard it’s a pretty strong drink, but it’s really strong.”
“Is it your first time doing it, Lord Heon-yeong?”
Chapter 53

“Yes, it’s my first time drinking wedding liquor.”

It is a drink that should be drunk alone with the bride in the bride’s room. His first queen,
who he can’t even remember her face, hangs her neck before sharing the drink.
Young-young watched Sa Heon-yeong bring his glass of wine to his mouth. It must have
looked like he was pouring boiling molten iron, but he drank without changing his
How could that be? As she looked at him curiously, Sa Heon-young raised his eyebrows a
little as if puzzled as he wiped his wet lips with the back of his hand.
“What’s wrong?”
“Isn’t it hot?”
“It is hot. It’s a shame because I’m not strong on alcohol.”
He has been on the battlefield since he was young, so he must be strong in alcohol, but Sa
Heon-yeong was not strong in alcohol. He stayed away from alcohol because he had to wear
a mask as much as possible to avoid distractions.
“It’s amazing to drink so casually...”
Sa Heon-young burst into laughter at Young-young’s words.
“If I could have you as my bride, I would swallow fire.”
He said so and pulled Young-young.
Young-young blinked as she was dragged into his arms. Fire? His face looked like he meant
it. He wasn’t the kind of person who said this in vain.
Young-young wondered if he could do that. She likes Sa Heon-yeong very well, but he
doesn’t seem to be able to swallow the fire. How do people swallow fire? That was
“You, you can’t swallow fire. It will burn you.”
Young-Young was serious. Then Sa Heon-yeong disrupted Young-young’s wedding dress
and whispered.
“If it’s necessary to have you.”
“I don’t need it. I don’t need it.”
“Really. Really.”
Young-young didn’t mind him taking off her clothes, and covered Sa Heon-yeong’s cheeks
with her hands. And he kissed her face with a peck. Sa Heon-yeong asked, sliding the robe
from Young-young’s round shoulders.
“Will you go nowhere and stay with me forever?”
“Then I won’t be on fire. I’m so grateful.”
Sa Heon-young laughed.
“Huuu, ah! Aahh! Ung!”
By dawn, Young-young was completely alluring. Like scattered flowers, she was spread and
swaying helplessly. Between her legs was wet, and her body was full of red and blue marks.
Last night, the night before, the continuous marks. The dark, attractive marks show how
tenacious the man is.
Sa Heon-yeong looked at Young-young’s naked body and sucked on his lips strongly. His
throat was dry. But he didn’t want to drink water.
“Young-ah, open your mouth.”
“No... Ahng!”
She opened her mouth and Sa Heon-young sucked the inside of her mouth. Just sucking her
saliva made him go crazy. Their bodies were connected, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to
mix with her more.
What should he do? Impossible. How can he be more one with her? At the climax he feels a
sense of oneness with her, as if he had become one of her, but as soon as the climax was
over, he couldn’t stand the feeling of being forced away from her.
When the kiss was over, Young-young, who had been deprived of her saliva, tried to
swallow her saliva forcibly. It looks like her throat is dry.
Sa Heon-yeong reached out his hand and took the wine bottle. He gulped, gulped,
swallowed the drink and pressed his wet lips to Young-young. Young-young frowned while
sucking Sa Heon-yeong’s saliva.
“Huu, your body, it’s blooming.”
When she drank little by little of the strong wine, Young-young’s whole body became
bright. Soaking in the drink and pleasure, Young-young spread her legs apart and was
impaled without even being able to cling to Sa Heon-yeong.
She shook her head at the touch of the little flesh on her private part. Her tear-stained face
was as lustful as a new bride.
Moving his waist, Sa Heon-yeong bit and sucked Young-young’s neck, shoulders, and chest
as much as he could. Young-young wept. She has been squeezing her inside while crying for
a quick release.
He knows he has to let go. Sa Heon-young kissed the poor bride’s cheek. How did she come
across such a goblin and become like this, poor wife. Sa Heon-yeong sticks out his tongue
and licks the cheeks, and Young-young screams. Her whole body was as sensitive as an
erogenous zone.
“Please, quickly. Hiiik, uhh, hahhk! Please, uhng? Ahhh!”
“Are you squeezing my seeds out? You are lewd.”
Chapter 54

Sa Heon-young moved slowly. Young-young, who usually fall asleep quickly, for some
reason did not sleep today. Young-young twisted her body as if in pain. Each time, her
inside was also twisted. She suffers more from him being slow.
Sa Heon-young looked down at Young-young’s face and smiled.
For a long time, she shook. Young-young wept sadly. Please please. She wanted to stop now.
This pleasure was painful. Her inside was hot. With a little more, it seems that she could be
freed from this suffering, but Sa Heon-yeong did not give her liberation.
A little bit more. Sa Heon-young continued to whisper. Are you going to sleep after this?
Please hang on a little more. Young-young shook her head. It was hard. Her whole body was
tingling and trembling.
After shaking for a while, Sa Heon-yeong suddenly rushed in several times and he spouted
hot liquid. At that moment, her eyes suddenly flickered. It was the end of pleasure.
Hwaaaanng! Young-young reached a climax with a loud voice, and then she slowly pulled
the strength away from her body and fell into a sleep. Sa Heon-yeong was familiar with this,
but as his habit was, he put his finger on her neck and traced her pulse.
“It would be nice if you could just fix this habit.”
Sa Heon-young smiled bitterly and took his fingers off. The dawn was coming. He pulled
himself out of her and spread her legs. It is true that he has already put a lot inside. Even
while he was embracing her, the seeds he had put there before were still dripping down.
It was nice to see the seeds running down her thighs. Sa Heon-yeong lifted his finger and
put the flowing seeds back into her body. Her sleeping body trembled. The flower below
her, even though was exhausted, sucked on his finger.
Sa Heon-young kissed the scruffy mound and beneath it. He put his tongue at the little flesh
between the slit and the entrance below it. She sobbed in her sleep. Please please. It was sad
to hear her voice begging in her sleep, Sa Heon-young lifted his head, pulled the fingers out,
and gently brushed her hair.
It was the morning after when Court Lady Yoon of the Empress Hall came back.
Young-young was in a deep sleep. Sa Heon-yeong left the bed without making a sound so as
not to wake Young-young. Once he got out of the bedroom, the attendants were waiting.
The servants immediately helped Sa Heon-yeong get dressed. Sa Heon-yeong glanced at the
escort who had just stood there without saying a word.
[“Yes, what did the Crown Prince do last night?”]
[“Concubine So has been summoned...]
Sa Heon-young does not know who So Jae-in is. There were so many concubines that he
couldn’t remember them all, and there were so many new concubines that it wasn’t worth
[“Have she been called?”]
[“When she comes out, it was said that she has been rolled out in a straw mat.”]
The Crown Prince was cruel from an early age. He likes to see blood, so he often harasses
and kills animals like small birds. Then he started killing people when he was seven years
When the Crown Prince pierced a human body for the first time with the dagger he always
carried, Sa Heon-yeong was lying under the Crown Prince. The first person the Crown
Prince hurt was Sa Heon-yeong himself. And he was also the only living, breathing person
among the other end of the Prince’s sword.
The Crown Prince has not kept anyone alive since then.
He thought the report was over, but the escort continued to speak.
[“It is said that the Crown Princess had another miscarriage.”]
The Empress, well aware of the Crown Prince’s ferocious disposition, attached a weak and
fragile woman as the Crown Prince’s wife . She seemed to think that it might soften the
Crown Prince’s malignancy.
But it was a mistake. The Crown Prince was still the same, and it got worse, and the Crown
Princess withered and withered. It was a miscarriage all the time. The Crown Princess was
afraid of the Crown Prince, and the Crown Prince abused and neglected the Crown
Occasionally, when they joined bodies, there was a lot of verbal abuse and assault. The
Crown Princess soon became pregnant, but the miscarriage kept on repeating. From one
moment on, the Crown Princess was almost bedridden, unable to get up.
[“The royal physician said it would be difficult to conceive any more...”]
Sa Heon-young’s eyes were everywhere. He was the inspector general and planted spies
everywhere. That was his job.
Chapter 55

And it was because of the Crown Prince that he became the inspector in the first place. The
Emperor was suffering because of his son. The Crown Prince’s cruelty was already well
known. Someone had to cover this up. The Crown Prince, who was suffering from such
illness, eventually summoned Sa Heon-yeong, who was on the battlefield.
‘It’s the Crown Prince’s job.’
At that word, Sa Heon-yeong had to organize everything and come up to Yangan. And he
became the inspector general and became the Crown Prince’s powerful sword. He dealt
with the Crown Prince’s enemies and took control of the court on his behalf.
The Crown Prince lacked patience. He did what he wanted to do while abandoning the
things he had to endure. All of those things became Sa Heon-yeong’s responsibility. Now
that the Emperor was in recuperation, the work of the court was divided between the
Crown Prince and Sa Heon-yeong. One was in charge of the light and the other was in
charge of the darkness.
“Court Lady Yoon.”
When Sa Heon-yeong came out to the yard, Court Lady Yoon bowed and said, “The lowly
maid is serving His Highness King Mun .” The court ladies who came with Court Lady Yoon
were also seen bowing together.
“What’s your business?”
“I came from Her Majesty the Empress to inform you that Her Highness Queen Moon has
been told to keep the law.”
“What law?”
“For the bride to meet her in-laws*.”
Sa Heon-young folded his arms, thinking of Young-young who had just fallen asleep after
being tortured until dawn. To meet her in-laws. They want her to wake Young-young up,
have her do pyebaek? Words that couldn’t even be spoken.
“As the Crown Prince said, it is a bit difficult to set a human example because I have the
body of a beast.”
“Your Highness!”
“I don’t have the heart or time to deal with you, so just leave.”
Sa Heon-yeong was born as a goblin. He knows that too. That they were twins. It is said that
twins are not born from the noble blood of the imperial family.
Well, how can he guarantee that? Young-young is right. He has the same blood; how can he
be a goblin? He doesn’t even use magic and has no horns. But his parents defined him as a
goblin, so he will become a goblin until the day he dies. The age of shame has passed.
His life has already been decided. It’s enough to live like this. It’s a threatened life as if
riding a single rope, but Sa Heon-young has been riding a single rope since he was young.
He was the best at riding a single rope. However,
Don’t even think about putting his Young-young in there.
‘Sir Heon-young is prettier.’
Not that lovely woman.
Sa Heon-yeong’s eyes, wearing the goblin mask, sank cold.
The Goblin King has officially welcomed a Goblin Queen.
Numerous gifts came to his wedding, the chief inspectorate of the imperial court. One
afternoon, there was a battle of nerves between the servants who had to carry gifts for
several carts a day and the maids who sort the gifts.
Song Geun-ryang came to Mun Palace with his family members.
“My name is Ha Soye, who is in charge of King Mun’s palace.”
The gates of King Mun’s palace were huge and high. Song Geun-ryang was discouraged
right from the front door. There was no comparison with his own mansion. Everything was
perfect. And even this butler Ha Soye who came to meet him.
A female butler.
In the Sun dynasty, everyone who has some money wants to have a female butler. But the
butler is the position in charge of the household. It is a position that only educated people
can handle, and there are few women who want to work despite receiving such an
Thus, the female butler was like a symbol of power and wealth. If it was a female butler
who received court education, it was a real bonus. It could be said that it was more
precious than a roof covered with gold.
“I will guide you here.”
‘What matters if that bitch became a Queen, she can’t look down on us! She’s just an
illegitimate child!’
Song Rayang, who had been shouting so dignifiedly, also bit her mouth tightly as she was
guided inside.
It was a beautiful garden. There were those that were sure to have a huge value for each
garden stone. A garden where even a grain of sand must have been counted, and there was
no room for a drop of water to go wrong. They were careful while walking through the long
The servants who greeted the guests fell to their knees. The clothes the servants wore were
pure white. The clothes that were worn by maids in Song Geun-ryang’s mansion. Such
clothes were to be worn by servants in the imperial family. Song Geun-ryang’s wife bit her
lip softly. When she goes home, she will change the maids’ clothes first.


*현구고례: This was a folk wedding rite. The reason why ML was displeased was because the
rites are quite tedious. So the rite wasn’t just to meet the in-laws and done, but it involved
offering and bowing, even to the grandparents. There is also another rite done in a shrine
three days later. Read more of them here:

**Pyebaek 폐백, a Korean wedding custom. Read them

Chapter 56

“Her Highness’s health is a little bit poor today. So there is the imperial physician. Do you
see that over there? That is the imperial court physician, His Excellency Yoo.”
If it’s His Excellency Yoo, is it Yoo Hyun-ryong? Song Geun-ryang glanced at the man
walking around in the opposite corridor. He is well-known. Song Geun-ryang, who is a
medicine seller, has never even seen his face.
“What disease did she have? Did she get a fatal disease?”
If she married the Demon King and she fell ill, it must be because he was abused by the Demon
King, right? When Rayang asked, Ha Soye stood up and looked back with a slight smile.
“If there’s even a drop of blood on the tip of Her Highness’s nail, that person is coming. For
Her Highness is very noble.”
“Even though you are from her private family, when you come to see the person who has
become an imperial family, I would like to ask you to contact in advance. Her Highness said
that she would come and meet you, so I will guide you...”
Ha Soye blurted her words and then she started walking again.
In a word, she complained that they were being rude. They were rude and she wanted to
chase them away, but she had no choice but to guide them when the Queen said she would
see them.
Rayang’s face, which was ignored by the butler, was red, but Mrs. Song grabbed her
daughter’s forearm and shook her head. It was Queen Mun. She was the Queen of the
Demon King. If something goes wrong, Rayang can’t even come back alive.
Why did they ask her to come here?
Mrs. Song took care of and cherished her fiery daughter, but she had to keep her mouth
shut for today beautifully, if she wanted to get out of here. As she blinked, her son-in-law
nodded his head heavily.
Song Geun-ryang walked stiffly, receiving the anxious resentment of his family. He also
didn’t want to come here. Who would want to be included in the family of the Demon King?
But he was bleeding dry day by day.
That bitch. After all, she became the Inspector general’s wife. Oh God. And among many
men, she is the woman of the inspector general.
It wasn’t a matter of her being Queen. The whole world congratulated Song Geun-ryang.
Gifts also overflowed. No one ignored him. Not to mention the lord of the estate, that Kyung
Jo-yoon laughs as if there was such a wonderful daughter. But, far from being happy, Song
Geun-ryang couldn’t sleep every day.
Song Geun-ryang was growing and selling forbidden mountain herbs. Few people knew
about it, and she was one of them. He couldn’t help it. Because he used to grow herbs in the
mountains where her hut is.
I have to shut that mouth.
He should have had her mother’s grave. One morning the Demon King’s men came and dug
up the body. It was an instant thing. Her mother’s corpse was the only way for the woman
to listen, and now he doesn’t even have it, so his mouth is dry.
“This is HyeonSeon Hall, the palace of Her Highness the Queen.”
Hyeonseon Hall was an elegant and splendid hall.
Song Rayang raised her head and looked at Hyeonseon Hall from the high stairs. Is that
woman in such a beautiful place? That idiot bitch? Her stomach churned over. That bitch is
nothing. That idiot is an illegitimate child. Singing a song that they don’t know where she
picked it up, and the fact that the song makes people have strange dreams, that talent is
everything. To live in a place like this, becoming the Queen.
She felt her mood twisted even more when she faced that idiot.
“The Queen is coming.”
Once the bitch came out, everyone had to get up. Song Rayang didn’t want to get up, but her
husband grabbed her arm and forced her to get up, as if her husband knew she wouldn’t
stand up. She glared at her husband with a disgusted look, but when she saw where her
husband was pointing his head, she shut her mouth.
There, for some reason, the black-clad escorts stood three steps apart. As if they were
about to draw their sword at any moment, Song Rayang had no choice but to stand up.
Clink, clink. The idiot appeared with the sound of precious metal clashing.
Rayang honestly thought it was someone else.
The woman was still short and skinny, but her clothes were very rich. It was good quality
silk. A purple silk that can only be worn by noble people. Embroidery with silver thread
was very delicate. The layered clothes were beautiful and elegant, and the hair braided
loosely on the sides made even the idiot’s ugly face look pretty.
Besides, those gorgeous ornaments. All the luxurious jewels in the world seemed to hang
on that little body. A ruby earring carved with peonies. Beautifully hanging necklace. Hair
ornaments with butterflies and flowers.
Chapter 57

Without even going to the accessories, it seemed that the price of that idiot’s pair of shoes
would be more than enough to buy all of Song Rayang’s own accessories. Her eyes were
wide open.
“That... I, I wish to speak alone. It’s been a while, and I have a story I want to share with my
Song Geun-ryang said cautiously. The Queen, who appeared with the maids, did not even
look at him, and smiled sullenly at Ha Soye.
Young-young bit the inside of her lip as she looked at her father who appeared. She came
when she heard that her father came. But not only the father, but also the Madam, the lady,
and the man. Even if he beat her, he was still her father.
But she was terrified of the rest. She especially hated that man. The sister’s husband. He
always looked at Young-young with strange eyes. His eyes were still strange.
She wants to run away.
When the Queen called, Jaeran quickly gave her ear. Jaeran must have been in a bad mood,
and it was because she had seen the wounds on the Queen’s body while serving her. Who
would have hurt her body? It must have been a member of her family.
“Yes, Your Highness. It’s Jaeran. Please say it.”
Jaeran comforted Young-young with a sweet voice, which the Queen liked. Young-young
was a little worried about what to do, then whispered to Jaeran.
“That... When is Lord Heon-yeong coming?”
“It will take some time for him to leave.”
“Is that so?”
The Queen’s face darkened. Oh no. Jaeran clicked her tongue inside. When is King Mun
coming? The butler contacted the Imperial Palace as soon as the people of the family
arrived, but they didn’t know when the king would come. Of course, though he cares for
this innocent Queen breathlessly.
“Jaeran, I think I’m going to say something that’ll be sorry for Her Highness to hear.”
With Ha Soye’s words, Jaeran quickly smiled and said, “Your Highness, will you excuse me
for a moment?” and covered the Queen’s both ears. Huh? The Queen sitting in the chair
looked up at Jaeran standing behind her with a puzzled look. It’s alright. While Jaeran
spoke only through the shape of her mouth, Ha Soye turned her gaze to Song Geun-ryang.
“Everyone here serves the Queen. In other words, we know what kind of scars are on Her
Highness’ body.”
In Ha Soye’s blade-like tone, Song Geun-ryang inhaled and swallowed his breath. Ha Soye
raised her lips.
“Be alone in your dreams. It is never possible in the imperial family. Do you understand?”
Ha Soye’s spirit was terrifying. If it had been the usual Song Geun-ryang, he wouldn’t have
been able to make a click. But Song Geun-ryang instinctively knew that this opportunity
would be the last. This is the last time. After this moment, he will no longer be able to
access the woman. Then the chance to shut her mouth is gone.
“I, I am the Queen’s biological father. I will see her alone.”
“I didn’t know the father was such a great thing.”
Even if they melted the winter north wind and made it into a sword, it would be less cold
than this. Everyone turned their heads at the hoarse voice. The moment they saw the tall
man in the red goblin mask standing by the door, Song Geun-ryang’s heart pounded.
As people turned their gazes, Young-young also looked away and smiled brightly. It was Sa
Heon-yeong. She doesn’t know why he came so early because he doesn’t usually leave
before the sun goes down, but she was really happy.
Young-young shook off Jaeran’s hand and ran.
Sa Heon-yeong embraced Young-young, who was running with a half willing heart and half
a puzzled heart. She is always happy with him, but today the feeling was a little different.
Young-young seemed to want to pretend she was okay, but her hands were shaking.
Sa Heon-yeong smiled softly as she grabbed his collar and couldn’t let it go. He hugged her
tenderly and whispered in her ear.
“Didn’t I tell you that you should never meet your family? It’s sad that you broke your
promise after making it.”
At that, Young-young raised her head.
“Oh, no, I didn’t come to see them.”
“But you still met them? You said that you will be my own wife.”
His voice was so sweet that it seemed poisonous. The maids immediately knelt on their
knees and trembled, while the escorts desperately watched the master’s mood. The
atmosphere was transmitted to the uninvited guests who did not know what it was, and
even the arrogant Song Rayang shrugged her shoulders.
Chapter 58

But Young-young didn’t know. Embarrassed, she reached out and touched Sa Heon-yeong’s
mask. Sa Heon-yeong leaned his back and laid his face down.
“I will. No, just because they came to see me, I was wondering if they had something to say.”
“Then you’ll be meeting them from time to time? Now you’re breaking your promise.”
“No, I won’t do that. Hmm?”
Young-young shook her head again and again. Was she doing that? It seems like it was for a
while. She faltered, but Sa Heon-yeong never said anything wrong. So he would be right.
“You’re not going to do that now?”
“You’re not going to see them again, are you promising that?”
Song Geun-ryang was surprised. That idiot was almost speaking casually, but the Demon
King was still polite to her. It wasn’t just the conversation. The Demon King was very
When the sick Emperor resigns from the front line, the powerful ruler of the main court,
who divided the Crown Prince and the imperial court, complains in a tone that seems to
drip with honey.
Then the idiot said she couldn’t help it, and promised him over and over that she wouldn’t
do it, and he comforted her.
“Are you going to go in right away then?”
...But she hasn’t heard a word yet?
Young-young was in trouble. Even so, her father must have had a purpose in coming this
far, and since they will never see each other again, she will have to listen to it...
“... I must have troubled the wife. Well, the father who gave birth to you must have been
more precious than me. If you had said that from the beginning, I wouldn’t have been so
Young-young was surprised by Sa Heon-yeong’s lonely words, and immediately denied it
by saying, “No, no!” How could her father be more important than Sa Heon-yeong? Who is
more precious than Sa Heon-yeong?
His Majesty the Emperor was the highest person in the world, but Sa Heon-yeong was the
highest and most precious to Young-young. How can he say that?
“No, it’s really not.”
“I won’t listen. I’ll go in now. I’ll never see them again. I’ll make a promise. I did it because I
didn’t know. I didn’t know if it was okay if they came to meet me. I’m going in now. I will go
Young-young comforted Sa Heon-yeong telling him continuously that she’ll go in.
Sa Heon-young smiled bitterly. Of course he wasn’t angry and he wasn’t actually upset
either. But it was nice to hear Young-young, who thought he was upset, comforted him by
What’s good about a husband who can’t even let the wife’s biological father meet? But
Young-young kept telling him to not be upset because she’ll never see them again.
Sa Heon-yeong slowly tilted his head to the side and asked, “Will it be okay?”
With those words, Young-young nodded her head several times, saying yes, yes, without
thinking twice. Her father must have come because of a business, but she has no choice but
to do it. Whatever the case, she didn’t want to upset Sa Heon-yeong.
“Instead, I will listen to my in-law’s affairs.”
Sa Heon-young said as if he knew what Young-young was thinking. Young-young’s eyes
“Yes. It’s Young-ah’s father’s affairs. For some reason.”
Sa Heon-yeong looked at the two pairs of men and women standing behind Young-young’s
back and looked at Song Geun-ryang.
“I will listen carefully to why they have visited at such a time and let the wife know. Don’t
worry, Young-ah.”
The voice towards the queen was friendly, but the gaze towards Song Geun-ryang was
Song Geun-ryang was amazed. The idiot laughed, saying that it was a relief, and walked
down the road and disappeared. It was an instant. The maids also hurriedly left with the
idiot. They seemed to have noticed that the owner’s anger was uncommon. It was only the
idiot who didn’t know that.
But it’s strange. At first, he wondered why that idiot seemed to be useful, but his attitude is
so sweet. Rumor has it that the Demon King loves his queen very much and will do
anything for her, was it true? Song Geun-ryang thought to himself if this might be of any
help to him.
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Wife has no guests.”
“I will keep that in mind.”
Sa Heon-young walked at a pace that was neither fast nor slow, and sat down at Young-
young’s seat.
The handle, which was carved from ivory, was smooth. Caressing the handle on which a lily
was carved, he thought of Young-young for a moment. To be precise, Young-Young’s body.
A body as smooth as this, but moister than this. Even though he held her every night, he
thought of her suddenly during the day. The pleasure that had been engraved on his body
all night long, the warmth and kindness, sizzled on his skin in an instant. Every time he
wanted to have it; it became difficult to bear.
What comes with sexual desire is loneliness. The feelings, which had never felt so great
before meeting her, were now deeply ingrained in his heart just by looking at the sunset.
He was just working while putting up with those feelings. But, because of these dumb
things he had to stop his job and leave. Sa Heon-yeong couldn’t have been in a good mood
to see these people.
Sa Heon-yeong wiggled his finger and the escorts approached and removed the chairs of
the uninvited guests.
“Sit down.”
Chapter 59

“Sit down.”
If there is no place to sit, how can they sit?
“Sit down.”
In the end, the four of them knelt down on their knees at the abstract-like command. I’m
sorry, Your Majesty King Mun. Song Geun-ryang said in a trembling voice.
Naturally, Song Geun-ryang had to turn around without any result.
‘What’s the purpose?’
All he could do was say that he just wanted to see if the girl was doing well while trembling
under the Demon King’s presence. The Demon King, of course, didn’t seem to believe it. He
‘Song Geun-ryang.’
‘Yes, yes, Your Highness.’
‘Never set foot in my palace again. Not even a letter. If any traces of you are discovered in the
And for a moment, the Demon King was silent.
Tap, tap, tap. It was just a sound. The Demon King’s fingernails were tapping the ivory
handle. The sound of tapping without a word gradually increased, then slowed down, and
then quickly again, repeatedly.
The Demon King was thinking about something. In his thoughts, he imagined how he would
have disposed of Song Geun-ryang. Would he be dead or alive?
Tap. The knocking stopped.
‘... I am trying to show mercy to you. Please don’t waste my efforts. Do you know what I
That was the end.
The Demon King elegantly waved his hand outward. It was a movement like kicking a fly
away. Then the escorts who had removed the chairs approached. Let’s go. Their voice was
low and firm, like that of a reaper. He didn’t even have time to put a single word on it.
“Then why did you ask me to come here?”
The disgraced wife was angry with a blushing face. His daughter, who seemed to be angrier
than the wife, said nothing. She seemed to have been deeply shocked by the fact that the
illegitimate child, whom she had neglected for the rest of her life, was living a noble life
more than anyone else.
The child was jealous, so there is a possibility that she will be completely obsessed for the
time being. Normally he would have worried about his cherished daughter, but now he has
to catch the fire at his feet first.
The herbs, what to do with the herbs.
He failed to keep her mouth shut. Besides, he can’t even access her anymore. What to do?
Would he rather run at night? Song Geun-ryang’s mind wandered in confusion. The idiot,
like an idiot, was not very talkative. So, she won’t tell unless asked, but when he thinks
about how long this secret will be kept, he is devastated.
Yes, he’ll have to slowly organize his fortune from now on. It would be difficult to survive in
―That’s when Song Geun-ryang made up his mind.
Sa Heon-yeong, who had chased Young-young’s family members as if chasing bugs in the
audience room of Hyeonseon Hall, turned his back. He thought that someday, when the
time comes, he will also have to deal with them slowly.
In front of the door, Sa Heon-yeong’s shadowy escorts were waiting for him, and he had to
pass by them and leave the audience room. However, he did not try to pass by and stopped
in front of an officer. The commander, who had bowed his head, raised his head curiously.
“Your Highness?”
“It’s similar, isn’t it?”
Sa Heon-yeong asked without asking anyone. The shadow of Sa Heon-yeong was cast over
the officer’s body. Ha So-ye, who was walking behind Sa Heon-yeong, glanced at the
military officer and muttered, “Ah!”
“The son-in-law and General Joo looked alike. If you see them in the dark, you will be
Mistaken. At that moment, a scene popped into Sa Heon-yeong’s mind.
It’s the day after the first night. She had disappeared from his bed and screamed from a few
feet away.
‘Don’t come!’
That desperate scream.
The one who had apparently found her.
“It is you.”
The general did not understand and asked, but Sa Heon-yeong was lost in thought without
Young-young couldn’t see at night because she did not eat properly. Seeing someone who
could easily be mistaken in the dark, she screamed. Don’t come. There was only one person
who that bashful, smiling Young-Young showed such sharp vigilance to.
And that one person.
Come to think of it, the night he went to meet Young-young, the guy and the girl that was
his wife had a quarrel.
‘Do I look like I have a mind to let that happen?! The Demon King, it’s the Demon King! Oh my
God. You were aiming for that crazy bitch and now I look like a crazy bitch?’
‘Oh, why are you saying that again? When did I ever have a heart to that bitch?’
‘On the subject of swallowing saliva just looking at her breakable legs.’
That bitch.
That crazy bitch.
Who are they talking about?
Aaaaaaak Aaak Aaaaaaaakkkkkkkk
That night, Yeong-yeong’s scream, who had mistaken General Joo for ‘someone’, still
echoed in his ears. The screams of her who can’t see anything.
Young-young is not that kind of person. She bears even pain well; she is a woman who can
go through hardship. He cannot even gauge what it was like if she goes through something
painful. Such a woman, to be so terrified, what happened?
“Fill the prison with water.”
At Sa Heon-yeong’s low voice, the officers faced each other. To fill the prison with water
means to put a criminal in it. A prison filled with water. It’s not just for imprisoning
“Yes, Your Highness.”
General Joo lowered his eyes. It’s still late afternoon. He has a feeling that tonight will be
very long.
Chapter 60

The long night comes and the morning finally comes. A bloody rumor spread across
Song Geun-ryang, who had the largest drugstore, collapsed overnight.
The inspectorate who came in the middle of the night discovered his herb plantation. The
plantation was burned, and all of Song Geun-ryang’s family members were imprisoned.
The people talked about what would happen to the family who were imprisoned in the
dungeon of the Inspectorate, what people call a living hell.
The Demon King was angry, and the other side was the queen’s family.
First of all, it was a popular opinion that it had to do with the queen. There were several
stories to back it up.
First of all, no one knows about the queen, Song Young-young. Song Geun-ryang’s daughter,
Song Rayang, was more well known. As much as her pretty appearance, her arrogant and
irreverent personality was notorious, but Song Young-young was not known for her
appearance, personality, or anything.
There is only one thing she is known about, and they think that maybe she is an illegitimate
child. That’s all.
In the Sun dynasty, illegitimate children were not treated well, so there was certainly room
for anger towards the family of the wife whom the Demon King loved.
However, even if he was the Demon King, why on earth would he be so angry that one
night, the whole place was devastated? It is indeed surprising that Song Geun-ryang grew
and sold the herbs. But even if Song Geun-ryang did grow the herbs, to be caught and did
not survive the night.
Why was the Demon King so angry? That point was confusing.
Since no one knows, the story was just inflated in its own way.
The same was true for Sa Heon-yeong, who was the one who destroyed the Song family
He could guess, but he didn’t know exactly what it was. He thought for a moment to listen
to the story to comfort Young-young, but soon stopped. Young-young who screamed like
she was going to die just by seeing someone who looked like that man. He didn’t want her
memories to come back and remind her of whatever she went through. Rather, if she
remembered, he was about to make her forget again.
He will make her forget in her heart over and over again.
By pleasure or by anything else.
Unlike the others, the son-in-law was locked up in a prison where poisonous snakes were
released. Sa Heon-yeong said that if the son-in-law could confess in detail what he had done
to his wife, he would show mercy like everyone else.
After entering the imperial palace, Sa Heon-yeong stopped. He suddenly raised his hand
and sniffed his scent. He didn’t see blood, but somehow he felt the smell of blood. His hands
smelled of ink, not blood.
Pfft, he sneered. This sentimental appearance of himself was strange and funny. He’s never
done anything like this in a place where hundreds of thousands of people died. But he can
smell the blood today when he hasn’t been properly stained with blood.
Sa Heon-yeong quietly rolled up his fist and clenched it.
It was a strange thing. He was angry. The one who made Young-Young scream like that, or
the one who hurt her body. He was going to tear anyone to shreds.
Even the humans who made her say, ‘I’m a lowly bitch’, he won’t let them all go. He’ll make
everyone pay for it. Young-young will not know what they have been through, but they will
never be able to close their eyes at ease.
But what is this feeling?
The previous anger was hot, like a fever had risen. It was a feeling that made him want to
slash the entire world by swinging my sword, but now it’s different.
This anger was cold. It was chilly. He used to feel like his reason was paralyzed, but now his
reason is at a standstill. His senses become sensitive. Contrary to wanting to go crazy and
set the world on fire, his heart becomes cold. Something was completely frozen like ice. He
feels like he’s building a cold wall.
Sa Heon-young remembered his wife. Small body. Smiling face. Innocent eyes, as if they
knew nothing. But a language that sticks out. A song no one can understand. He puts her
inside his walls and builds the ice walls. so that no one can approach her.
How on earth should he capture this feeling, which is closer to resentment than anger?
Sa Heon-young closed his eyes for a moment. He’s about to come to Hyeonseon Hall soon,
and he didn’t want to show Young-young this. He only wanted to be a gentleman.
“His Highness has entered.”
As soon as he entered the bedroom at the sound of the maid’s voice, Young-young, who had
been sitting on the bed with her knees bent, lifted her head.
She was wearing a cloak, but there was no sign of her sleeping. As soon as Young-young
saw Sa Heon-yeong, she jumped off the bed. Seeing her staggering as if she was about to fall
down, Sa Heon-yeong immediately ran to her and took her close to him.
“A person who has no strength in her legs should not run like this.”
Young-young grabbed Sa Heon-yeong’s arm and asked, taking off his mask with one hand.
“Why didn’t you come at night?”
Ah, was it the first time?
Chapter 61

It was the first night he spent separately since he brought Young-young. While he was not
happy that he had worried her, his heart tickled at the thought of Young-young, who had
been waiting for him all night long.
Now the warmth has finally returned. Her warmth, which could not be felt even with the
anger, is felt as he embraces Young-young and looks at him.
“There was a bit of work. Haven’t you heard from the maids?”
“I heard.”
Young-young bit her lips.
She heard them say that Sa Heon-yeong cannot come tonight because of busy work. The
maid said so. When she asked what they meant by busy work, they said he was busy with
But it was difficult for Young-young to believe those words.
It was right after he met her father. Then he suddenly gets busy. Besides, the man, didn’t he
come yesterday? The man. The man who sneaked into the mountain where Young-young
lives and tried to attack her.
“Young-ah? Wait, why are you doing this, Young-ah? Huh?”
Young-young started to ramble through Sa Heon-yeong’s clothes, and he was bewildered.
Seduction, is it? From this morning? Were you so anxious? Sa Heon-yeong put Young-young
in his arms and stepped back towards the bed. Then he glanced at the maids. Then the
maids quickly withdrew from the bed.
“Did you miss me so much?”
The scent of flowers emanated from Young-young’s body. Sa Heon-yeong happily
surrendered himself to Young-young’s hand and buried his nose in her hair. As he moved
behind, he stroked her little ears, and the bed touched his legs. He fell holding her.
Lying on the soft bed, looking up at Young-young, she was taking off Sa Heon-yeong’s
clothes with a very serious face.
Is it necessary to have such a serious face to make him want her? It was when Sa Heon-
yeong looked at her curiously. Young-young, who ripped through Sa Heon-yeong’s clothes
and checked his bare skin, also checked Sa Heon-yeong’s arms, and took off his pants.
Then, Sa Heon-yeong, who noticed that Young-young’s attitude was a bit strange, called her
out, “Young-ah?”
Young-young shook her head as if not to listen. Why the hell are you doing this? Sa Heon-
yeong endured the desire to speak with her, yet he obeyed her hand. When she wanted to
take his pants off, he lifted his lower body and looked at her face.
After seeing Sa Heon-yeong’s body, Young-young sighed.
“I thought something bad had happened.”
Young-young spoke to Sa Heon-yeong in a slightly stern tone.
“Bad thing... What do you mean?”
He’s been the one doing it rather than having bad things happen to him. Because he went to
destroy an entire family. Sa Heon-yeong didn’t know what Young-young was thinking, so he
looked up at her and waited for her answer.
“My father is a scary person, and then that man came too.”
That man.
Sa Heon-yeong clearly remembered Young-young’s face saying, “That man.” Her face,
obscured by fear, resembled that of a scream when she mistook his subordinate for
someone else.
“I thought you must have been beaten or something.”
“Oh God. Beaten.”
“Father is a really scary person.”
Sa Heon-young thought of Song Geun-ryang for a moment. He greeted him like an insect
that would die instantly if he gave me strength.
“I am also a scary person.”
“Lord Heon-young? It’s not even comparable. Father is really, really, really bad.”
Young-young said so and sat on top of Sa Heon-yeong. Haa, she sighed. It’s just a relieved
It was then that Sa Heon-yeong realized what Young-young had been thinking all night.
“Were you worried?”
She must have been afraid all night that something might have gone wrong with Sa Heon-
yeong. She couldn’t sleep because she was afraid of Song Geun-ryang doing something and
she was sitting in a daze the whole time.
“If things goes wrong...”
Young-young whispered. Sa Heon-young looked up blankly at the tears welling up in her
big eyes. How pretty. It seemed to be making a squeaking noise. It was so pretty that he
didn’t even want to wipe it off, and Young-young wiped her tears down.
“If something went wrong with Lord Heon-yeong, I thought about what to do. My mother
told me not to die. But I, without Lord Heon-yeong, I...”
Young-young spent all night thinking, what if something went wrong with Sa Heon-yeong.
She recalled a life if something went wrong with Sa Heon-yeong. A life without him. That
bitterness, that pain. An invisible hand gripped and crushed her heart.
What if her father or someone else really touches Sa Heon-yeong?
Going back to a life without Sa Heon-young?
The tears flowed.
Young-young held her hands together all night and prayed. Come back please. Please be safe,
she wished. Please bring him back safely. If there is a price, she will pay it. She’ll do
Young-young could not continue her words and closed her eyes sadly.
Hot tears fell on Sa Heon-young’s cheeks. She melted the cold walls and breathed heat into
his body. Oh, was it cold? Sa Heon-young looked up at Young-young. His body, frozen in
anger, melted in an instant.
Chapter 62

What the hell did he do to you?

Sa Heon-yeong raised his hand and wiped Young-young’s tears. Young-young wept even
more as she touched his hand. His heart warmed while he thought of the pitiful her
trembling in hellish thoughts all night long.
Do you like me that much? To tremble like this?
When he patted her cheek and pulled her, she was gently dragged along.
When he kissed her, she opened her little mouth slightly. Perhaps because she was crying,
there was more water in her mouth than usual.
He licked her hot, damp mouth and she twisted her body with a sound as he rubbed her
favorite places with his tongue. Sa Heon-young frowned and smiled. As she sat on top of
him, he could feel his crotch rubbing over her stomach every time she twisted her back.
What happened to your lovely self, that made you so frightened, huh?
After finishing the kiss, Sa Heon-young whispered while putting his lips together.
“Since the wife also stayed up all night. Shall we sleep together now?”
Young-young blinked her eyes. Each time that happened, her remaining tears fell again.
Sa Heon-young’s hand went into her skirt. His fingers went through her underwear and dug
straight into her entrance.
The inside of the underwear wasn’t very wet, but it felt damp. It felt good, and Sa Heon-
young smiled a little. Although she was not as crazy as he could be, she was also easily
opening her body to him. She was getting used to it.
The accepting place is already slippery. When he pressed it with his finger, it seemed to
suck him from the inside.
“Would you like me to put it in?”
“Yes, yes.”
“Of course, it’s a little wet. Last night you’ve also struggled, it built up a bit too.”
Sa Heon-young stirred inside. A familiar feeling of pleasure slowly rose. Young-young
lowered her waist and shook her head.
“Hng, ah! Ju, just, sleep, hng!”
“But the inside is already swollen. If I sow the seeds, you will feel good tightening it.”
Sa Heon-young patted her in the butt with something of his.
Young-young was startled and looked back at him. Did he stirred her inside with that? The
thick thing of Sa Heon-yeong’s was soaring toward the sky.
“Bu, but, I couldn’t sleep...”
She was anxious all night long. When she found out that Sa Heon-yeong was safe, her body
lost strength. Her lower body was burning hot, but when she remembered Sa Heon-yeong’s
long and persistent intercourse, she thought it would be better to just sleep.
Young-young shook her head, and Sa Heon-yeong clicked his tongue.
“Are you saying you’re just going to sleep while you spill water like this? What a great
woman. As a man, I just can’t sleep like this.”
“The inside is swollen and hot, so how can I just sleep after I have tasted it?”
“Wife only needs to spread your legs. If you are sleepy, go to sleep. I will take care of the
Young-young looked down at Sa Heon-yeong with a worried face. Sa Heon-yeong was
smiling sweetly and affectionately. His face seemed to only want to do it once, so after a bit
of thought, she nodded her head.
It was hot between her legs anyway. Intercourse with Sa Heon-yeong was difficult, but she
didn’t hate it. After they did it, it felt good to hug him. Most of all, it was something she did
every night. It seemed strange that she didn’t do it today.
“You are kind.”
Sa Heon-yeong sucked Young-young’s lips deeply and smiled.
Young-young accuses Sa Heon-yeong that he is a liar, and she weeps.
He was particularly reluctant to allow her when she tried to crawl forward. These days,
Young-young’s physical strength improved a little because she ate well.
It was delayed thanks to her falling asleep during intercourse. It was a good thing for Sa
Heon-yeong and wasn’t very good for Young-young. Young-young, who had only had to
deal with him a couple of times, now has to deal with him more.
“You’re pretty, you’re lewd, your body really.”
Sa Heon-yeong looked at Young-young’s body and muttered words one by one. Young-
young was not able to eat properly and grew up, so not only was she not tall, but also her
body was small.
Chapter 63

He could hardly find any flesh. And yet, she was plump only on her butt and mounds. Her
breasts were on the moderate side, but it seemed to have grown a little because she was
consistently loved by Sa Heon-yeong.
“Do you know where the fleshiest part of your body is?”
“Ah, there, more, ... Hng! Hng!”
“It’s here.”
Sa Heon-yeong went straight into Young-young’s entrance. Young-young’s entrance, who
had accepted him several times, was soggy. The place where his seed is mixed with love
liquid. That place is the fleshiest place in Young-young’s body.
Haahk! Young-young leaned her body back and let out a weeping voice. Now she says she
wants to stop and says it’s hard, but inside she has tightened on Sa Heon-yeong. It was
clinging. It begged him to do more while covered in Sa Heon-young’s seeds.
His brain is a mess. Just like Young-young’s inside, his head was soggy.
With only the tip in and her legs spread wide open, he could see her lower lips biting upon
his own.
He grabbed her chest with both hands. It’s been a while since these dangling breasts
haven’t found their color. The man’s handprints, teeth marks. Stained by such things and
the messed up breasts, Sa Heon-yeong squeezed it once more and pulled her towards him.
When he snapped his waist, she couldn’t resist the pleasure and tightened inside. At that
moment, Sa Heon-yeong couldn’t stand it and poured out his semen. Her inside became
Where did he touch you? The peak soaring to the top of his head brought ferocious hatred.
Where did he taste your body? Did you cry a lot?
Heeeuhhhaaanng! Young-young screamed. Sa Heon-yeong turned her back and laid her
down. Although her face was stained with tears, the heat of the pleasure was also clearly in
bloom in her.
I will cut off his tongue.
Sa Heon-young sticks out his tongue and licks Young-young’s chest. Heeuhk, uhk. Young-
young twisted her body and moaned. She has sensitive tips. Perhaps it is because Sa Heon-
yeong bites and sucks on it every day. Just by pinching and twisting the peaks, a pretty cry
boiled from her slender neck.
“Liar. If you are sleepy, go to sleep.”
“If only I could sleep.”
“That, no,”
The love juice and seeds flowed from her lower lips. They were still connected. Things that
came back inside Young-young’s body created a puddle between her legs.
Sa Heon-yeong looked at the puddle and licked his lips.
Then Young-young shrugged her legs and pulled the blanket.
Ahk. Young-young shed tears. It was because Sa Heon-yeong gently but resolutely snatched
the blanket from her hand.
Even that wasn’t enough, he grabbed Young-young’s leg with both hands. Folding it in half
in the air, he slowly pulled out. Then the swollen hole spit out a lump.
I’ll dig out his eyes too.
“You’re cute, but why are you trying to hide it?”
“Let it go, give it to me.”
“Hey, should I do that?”
Young-young’s face contorted. Sa Heon-yeong put Young-young’s legs and covered her with
the blanket. Then Young-young put the sheet up to her chest and covered it.
“Now the wife can smell like me..., It’s a pity that the wife always only smells like flowers.”
I’ll cut off his nose too.
Sa Heon-yeong entered the blanket. Normally, he would have wiped Young-young with a
wet towel and wiped himself too, but now he doesn’t want to. He wanted to be connected to
each other while being dirty. He wanted to fall asleep like that.
Ungg...! Young-young shook her body in his arms. Sa Heon-yeong hugged her from behind
her back, stuffed his pillar into her body and buried his face in her hair.
For the rest of her life, this hair will never smell like blood. He will keep that from
But what to do with this double-sided heart? He is still dirty, and he will become even more
filthy. So he hopes she gets a little, a little dirty too.
His innocent wife. The beautiful woman. She sings a song that no one knows, and if he
speaks a little kindly, she truly accepts any lies. He wished she hadn’t been so clean. His
unspeakable feelings trembled darkly at his feet.
Chapter 64

It was already night when Young-young woke up. The maids lit candles for Young-young,
whose eyes were dark at night, and the lights flickered softly. Young-young, not being able
to get up, bit her lip.
She felt a foreign body inside her. When she turned her head, she saw Sa Heon-yeong
The man with his eyes closed was like a boy. His long hair was scattered like weeds. The
red lips were slightly opened like a woman. He seems tired.
Young-young moved her hand over Sa Heon-yeong’s face. Despite the shadows, he did not
wake up.
What happened last night so much? She tilted her head a little and moved her body. She
placed one arm on the bed and carefully moved her body. The connected lower body fell
out little by little.
Hng, uhng. Even when she bit her teeth, a moan leaked from her neck. She took out the
lower body, which was barely connected, and let out a long sigh. Then she rose from the
bed, lifting her two hands away from the tight, muscular arms that were holding her waist.
She had no clothes to wear. What to do? Young-Young pondered for a moment, then slowly
walked towards the sliding door with her naked body. A shadow came reflected.
“Your Highness, do you have anything to order?”
The voice of the maid was heard outside the sliding door. The voice was not loud, but
Young-young unknowingly turned her head to make sure Sa Heon-yeong was not woken
up. Fortunately, he was sleeping soundly.
“Yes, wet towel.”
Things stuck to her body were unpleasant. She knew that Sa Heon-yeong always cleaned
her. Last night, unlike usual, he didn’t even have the time to clean.
“I’ll bring you the bathtub.”
“Oh, no. Only two wet towels.”
“I will bring them soon.”
And soon, the door opened slightly and a basin full of towels came in through the gap. After
confirming that the door was closed, Young-young, who had been avoiding the blind spot,
carefully lifted the basin. Steam was rising from the towel in the basin.
Young-young first washed her body. She spread out the wet towel, wrung it out tightly, and
wiped her body thoroughly, and threw the towel on the floor.
And she took the whole basin of the rest of the towels and walked over to the bed.
Next to the bed, Young-young unfolded a rolled towel and turned it lightly in the air, placing
the towel on her cheek and neck. When she decided that it would be okay because it wasn’t
too hot, she carefully wiped Sa Heon-yeong’s face.
When she came down after wiping his neck, she saw Sa Heon-yeong’s wounds.
A long wound. Who did this? It’s too big of a wound to say it was scratched. The wound was
covered with red and blue traces.
Sa Heon-yeong asked her to suck his wounds as he did when she was asleep. She licked and
sucked Sa Heon-yeong’s wounds. She covered it with her own traces. When Sa Heon-yeong
and her hands clasped and she sucked his supple skin, he lifted his head and moaned. He
really liked this wound healed.
It almost looked like he was the one who wanted to erase this wound.
Young-young wiped it several times for nothing. She knows it’s an indelible wound, but if
he wants to erase it, she wants it to be erased.
She brushed himself further and soon reached an embarrassing place.
... She hasn’t thought about it
Young-young looked down at the man’s lower bottom, holding a towel in one hand.
Why is it standing?
Sa Heon-yeong’s snake-like blunt thing stood up halfway. She hadn’t even wiped it. That
was the dirtiest place. Sa Heon-yeong had always cleaned her lower body with the most
effort. So she should have done the same.
But she thinks it’ll stand up even more if she puts her hand on it.
Young-young looked down at Sa Heon-yeong’s member with distaste as if she was facing a
snake in the mountains. Would it be better to wipe it quickly?
Young-young wiped his legs with a towel, except for there. When she came back up after
wiping the legs that were as hard as iron, there was now only one place that was dirty.
She wishes she could wipe it off quickly.
Wipe it off as quickly as possible.
Young-young reached a conclusion in her heart and began to clean Sa Heon-yeong’s
member. Sa Heon-young did the same thing every time. When she woke up, she was always
clean. So she will be able to do it too.
Young-young pretended she wasn’t having a hot face and started wiping his member.
Chapter 65

But soon something embarrassing happened. Sa Heon-young started to bounce back in his
sleep. Sa Heon-yeong’s member swelled in her hands as she was wiping its tip.
Uh huh? Young-young began to contemplate whether to let go of her hand or whether she
should continue wiping.
“... Young-ah, aren’t you going to do more?”
A hoarse voice came from above. When she raised her head, Sa Heon-young was smiling.
“You’re up... Hicc.”
Sa Heon-young’s large hand wrapped around her small one. In that state, Sa Heon-yeong
began to pursue his climax.
“Look at me, hmm?”
Young-young raised her head at Sa Heon-yeong’s request.
When their eyes met, Sa Heon-young curved his eyes and smiled. He moved his waist which
caught Young-young’s gaze. It was a blatant eye. He was pleasuring himself by looking at
“I was moved, uhng, that you wiped me off. However, the seeds, can’t be helped.”
His languid voice was as messy as his hair. Young-young couldn’t take her eyes off him. He
was sensual and he did not hide it. He was at the same time flaunting his own lust to her,
revealing all of it.
“This part, it’s throbbing,... your little hands are touching me here and there, ha, I can’t.
Come here, I’ll clean it for you.”
Sa Heon-young got up and pulled Young-young up to him in an instant. Like a paper doll,
Young-young was dragged into his arms. Young-young shook her head as she sat with her
legs wide apart on his feet.
“I didn’t expect this,”
Sa Heon-young immediately answered the word.
“I don’t think so. You are a bad person. Ah, this. There is not enough water here either.”
Sa Heon-yeong’s fingers traced Young-young’s lower lips. It was like a spur-of-the-moment
movement. Then he bit Young-young’s chest.
Ah, ah, ah. Even though Young-Young shook her body, Sa Heon-Young did not let her go. He
poked under her as he sucked on her sensitive chests. As he alternately sucked on her
chests until they were wet, Young-young’s body danced a lewd move.
Then, pulling Young-young’s body down and pushing his body upwards, Young-young was
filled up in his arms.
Sa Heon-yeong shook Young-young recklessly. He swung up and down, moving his waist.
The more he pounded, the more intense Young-young’s crying voice grew. Ah, ahng,
uhnng, no, stop, ah, ah! Young-young could not even speak.
Sa Heon-young smiled, revealing his teeth like an animal. It was delicious. He didn’t know
what he was eating, but he was sure it’s a delicious woman. He really feels like a goblin.
Eating something. Not knowing the satisfaction, he greedily covets her with his hunger.
When Sa Heon-yeong dropped her out of the air for the last time and slapped her up, he
spewed his seeds out.
Ugh. He frowned at the pain that came with his climax. Unable to put up with his harsh
behavior today, Young-young bit the nape of his neck. It was pretty painful. Still, the pain
was sweet.
Hit. Her fists flew over his back. Hit, hit, hit—the first fist was a little more powerful, and
after that, it couldn’t even be called a light pat.
He seemed to have been caught being mean. He wrapped it in kind words, but inside,
twisted minds were running around. He dug into her, made her cry over and over again
that it was hard to say no. Even so, as she tried to wipe his own body, he pulled her back
and pierced her.
“Sorry, sorry. I was a little mean today, right? I’m sorry. Are you mad?”
Sa Heon-young, embarrassed, flapped his lips because Young-young did not show her face.
Young-ah. Yes, please show me your face a little bit. I apologize. Yes? Show me your face. Sa
Heon-young comforted her several times, and Young-young barely raised her face. Her face
was drenched in tears and flushed red.
“Did you cry?”
“I don’t want it, obviously I don’t want it...”
“I’m sorry. Actually, something bad happened today. Unintentionally, I was fooled by the
wife. Was it hard?”
Sa Heon-yeong reached out his hand and struck the veil on the bed. Bring the bathtub. At
his command, there was the sound of the door being opened.
Young-young bit her lip, listening to the footsteps of the maids coming and going from
beyond the veil. Then Sa Heon-yeong caressed her lips with his hand.
“Something bad?”
Young-young, who had not spoken for a while, asked cautiously.
Sa Heon-yeong answered ‘yes’ and brushed Young-young’s hair. Then Young-young
grabbed his head and pulled him to her chest.
Pat, pat. Young-young patted his head. Hearing that it was a bad thing, she seemed to want
to give him a pat. Sa Heon-yeong rested his head in her small arms and closed his eyes. As
he rested his cheek against the smooth chest, his mind was at ease.
“What’s the bad thing?”
Young-young asked.
Chapter 66

Sa Heon-young when asked by Young-young what was bad, he only replied, “It’s a little ugly
to tell the wife.” Young-young didn’t ask any more.
While the bathtub was coming in, she only gently caressed Sa Heon-yeong’s hand. Unaware
of the existence of the twisted minds that were entangled, she patiently patted him, until
they were loosened.
After entering the bathtub with her, he washed her and she sang her song. Although she
hummed, her unique and beautiful voice remained in Sa Heon-yeong’s ears for a long time.
‘What’s the bad thing?’
Young-young often pierces right at the spot with those innocent eyes.
Sa Heon-young thought as he walked down the hallway of the dungeon.
What made his mood so twisted? Because another man’s hand took her? Sa Heon-yeong
thought about her for a moment, but she was still pretty and lovely. She was the wife to
whom he gave his name, whether or not another man’s hand touched her. His wife with a
name full of flowers.
“A viper in the prison bit the leg. I had no choice but to cut it.”
When Sa Heon-yeong entered the prison, the dog that had instilled fear in Young-young
was already without two legs. As soon as he, who was lying on the floor without legs, saw
Sa Heon-young, he cried and begged for help. Seeing that scene, Sa Heon-yeong
thoughtlessly recalled Young-young’s voice once again.
‘What’s the bad thing?’
Ah, yes.
Sa Heon-young chuckled. He smiled bitterly when he realized why he had been grumpy and
childish towards Young-young.
It upsets him to think that he didn’t even know while she was being subjected to something
by this bug-like person. What the hell was he doing while she was being attacked by a guy
like this who’s over with just one swing of a sword? Did he protect his country? For whom?
The Emperor? Empress? Or is it the Crown Prince?
He couldn’t find her or meet her, what the hell was he doing? For those long years that she
cried and feared.
“Your Highness?”
General Joo cautiously called Sa Heon-yeong. Without saying anything, he seemed puzzled.
Sa Heon-yeong looked down at the bug that had lost its legs without saying a word. He
remembered Young-young. He clings to Young-young. He was not aware of it himself, but
he was very offended. So he dug into his one and only woman.
He was angry with himself. To him who couldn’t find her.
To the stupid him who had been indifferent to her during the years she suffered.
He was annoyed. He was offended. He knows it’s inevitable, but his heart says inevitable is
not enough. He should have tried though. He should have known she was somewhere. How
could he not know such a strong relationship? How can he throw her away? She can’t see
well, she can’t walk well, and it seems like it’s all his fault.
But there is nowhere else to pour out these feelings but to her. Even though he knows he
was stupid and cowardly, he still digs into her, be grumpy, and held her. He was mad for
doing something wrong, and this mean act of asking her to release that anger.
Sa Heon-young crossed his arms.
The bug cried out loud.
According to the bug, he didn’t assault Young-young. Sa Heon-young saw her virgin blood
in the early night of the wedding night, so he could have guessed that she wasn’t assaulted.
In retrospect, it could be said that he didn’t do anything.
The bastard attacked her a few times, but she ran away, and his wife said that the bastard
didn’t climb the mountain very often either. When the bastard waited for her in her hut, he
knew she had been hiding in the mountains all night without returning to her hut.
The bastard didn’t do anything to his wife.
He said crying. I didn’t do anything. Please save me. The guy begged. What he said was true
to some extent. Please have mercy on me, King Mun. The man who could neither stand nor
walk on his own begged. He lay down and rubbed his hands together.
“A promise is a promise. Treat him like everyone else.”
Sa Heon-yeong said so and got up. Thank you for your grace, thank you for your grace. The
bug, which disappeared crying like that, immediately screamed. No, no, nooo, there is not
one prison in this dungeon, and the rest of them are also locked in prison. The rest of them
are just different in where they were locked up.
“I have nothing more to hear, so release the viper.”
Oh, one more. Others will have water up to their knees and thighs, but fill his up to his neck.
That would be one different thing.
He didn’t do anything?
Sa Heon-young remembered Young-young. That scream of terror. He wondered how many
years she would have lived and trembled like that. Would that bug-like bastard come one
night or tomorrow night, would he be on her body when she woke up from sleep, how
scared she was the whole time. That guy didn’t do anything after giving her that kind of
“General Joo.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“An easy death is not allowed. Show them my wrath. Make them wander around this place
as a ghost even when they die.”
Sa Heon-young’s voice was languid. There was no emotion in the voice.
“I will keep that in mind.”
General Joo bowed.
Chapter 67

It was three days later that the Song family was annihilated. And on the last day of the
month, Court Lady Yoon appeared with a palanquin at the Empress Hall.
“The Empress has given you an order to keep the promise.”
That morning, Sa Heon-young was in a very good mood.
The night before, he had decided to take Young-young on a winter hunt.
After their relationship, she listened intently when he told Young-young, who rarely had
sparkling eyes, about winter hunting. Sa Heon-young brought a bow and showed her how
to shoot a bow, and told a story of winter hunting, and Young-young said that she wanted
to go with him.
He hugged her from behind and taught her how to shoot her bow. Without the strength of
her arms as much as her legs, she could not even pull Sa Heon-yeong’s bowstring. However,
when Sa Heon-young grabbed her hand and pulled the string, she was excited and said,
He talked about hunting all night long. Young-young said she wants her own bow. When he
asked if she could pull the string, she said she would practice.
It was interesting and peculiar that Young-young, who had never said much even after
buying all kinds of luxurious accessories, showed interest in bows, so he promised, ‘I’ll
bring you a bow as pretty as the wife.’
He thought that if it was a children’s dragon’s bow, Young-young might be able to use it as
well. If she wants to grab something she just has to let him grab her from behind. Shall he
take her hand and pull the string to catch the bird? Then will she be as happy as she is
On the night Young-Young was asleep, looking down at her face, Sa Heon-Young made
plans to go hunting with her. On the way back, shall they go up the river? Has she ever been
on a boat? Wouldn’t it be fun to ride a luxurious boat? Does she want to float lanterns at
night? He’s been thinking all night.
... promise
Sa Heon-young’s good mood faded a little.
He knew his mother very well. The elegance and cruelty of a woman who lived her life in a
noble way.
“Your Highness.”
Court Lady Yoon, who was bowing her head, raised her head. As Sa Heon-yeong looked
down at her with his arms crossed, she opened her mouth with a wretched face.
“Despite the insolence, I’d like to convey a word.”
“The Empress is patient. Please do not let her mercy be in vain.”
“The Mercy of the Exalted One.”
“You say that many times. As if I had no respect.”
It happened in the year Sa Heon-yeong turned seven.
That summer was very hot. Sa Heon-yeong was a young child and his patience was lacking.
The mask on the young child’s gentle skin was painful, so Sa Heon-yeong took off his mask
one day from his front door. It was just that.
His palace was very remote and there were few of his maids and attendants. So he thought
it would be fine.
But it went straight into the Crown Prince’s ears. The Crown Prince said that it is not
enough for Sa Heon-yeong to be beaten, saying that the goblin-like beast must be well-
tamed at first, to make him remember for the rest of his life.
The two were twins, but in fact, Sa Heon-yeong was able to overcome and subdue the
Crown Prince if he wanted to.
The Crown Prince was in good health in his outer appearance, but his body was weak, and
Sa Heon-yeong, on the other hand, had a healthy body.
But that wasn’t the case. So Sa Heon-yeong was helplessly beaten under the Crown Prince
and watched in horror as the Crown Prince raised his sword high into the air.
Someone help me. Save me. He turned his head to see Court Lady Yoon, a nanny like his
mother. Court Lady Yoon, save me. And Sa Heon-yeong saw Court Lady Yoon and his
Court Lady Yoon brought his mother.
Sa Heon-young realized at that moment. Who informed the Crown Prince that Sa Heon-
yeong had taken off his mask.
Court Lady Yoon informed the Crown Prince and brought his mother to the palace. His
mother shouted, “Stop,” but the Crown Prince did not stop. The Crown Prince left a long cut
on Sa Heon-yeong’s body. A cut like the stigma of a sinner. The wound was so deep that Sa
Heon-yeong had to suffer at the crossroads of his life and death.
Court Lady Yoon took care of him and demanded with a strict voice the whole time.
‘Be grateful for the mercy of the Exalted One.’
Sa Heon-yeong stared intently at the traitor’s face, whom he had regarded as his mother,
with flashing eyes. The first traitor in his life. The woman who taught him betrayal still
speaks of the mercy of the exalted one. His stomach is twisted.
Chapter 68

Court Lady Yoon, who recalled the same time, opened her mouth with a face full of
“Your Highness, I will never,”
“I don’t want to hear it, so stop.”
“Your Highness...!”
“It is as if the lowly one dares to disrespect me by speaking about the mercy of the Exalted
One. Know that your master is a noble person, and that your humble life is not known. Get
out of here right now.”
Court Lady Yoon looked up at Sa Heon-yeong.
She herself raised him. King Mun, who she was proud of even if others call him the demon
As a court lady, she did not have any children, so Sa Heon-yeong was actually no different
from her children. But sometimes she thinks. If he had been her real child, on that summer
day, would she have been able to tell the Crown Prince about the mask?
She didn’t know that the Crown Prince could be so cruel. Had she known he would be so
cruel, she wouldn’t have said it... , no, could she not have said it? It would have been difficult
for her to save her own life if someone else had told the Crown Prince about it. How can she
not say it?
Why can’t you understand my situation? Except for that time, I did my best for you.
It was only once, Your Highness. Only once.
“My wife will greet her tomorrow. If you know, disappear with that filthy thing.”
It was as if telling her to disappear from his life.
Court Lady Yoon looked up at Sa Heon-yeong and politely bowed her head.
“I will take my leave.”
Before Court Lady Yoon could even speak, Sa Heon-Young turned his back. Seeing him
disappear, Court Lady Yoon bit her lip.
The next morning, the frost fell.
Sa Heon-yeong took Young-young, who had lost consciousness because of the long
relationship, and carefully put her into the bathtub. Hng. Young-young shuddered slightly
from the heat, but soon she calmed down again.
There was the sound of crackling, tapping, and sparks from the furnace. Young-young, who
rested her head on the arm that Sa Heon-young gave to her, slept with her mouth wide
open and wheezing.
Sa Heon-yeong’s hands carefully wiped away her sensitive areas, and she groaned.
“Unng, hng. Wh, what...”
“Are you waking up?”
Lord Heon-young? Young-young whispered. She didn’t mean to ask if it’s Lord Heon-young.
It was more of a confirmation tone. Sa Heon-young, who felt happy at the voice saying, ‘It
should be you,’ kissed her round forehead.
“Yes, it’s me.”
“You said we were going to the palace together today.”
“Yes. I will take the wife to the Empress Hall, and I have an attendance.”
Attendance. That means going to work. Young-young blinked her eyes and remembered the
Empress. She was a very beautiful woman. Young-young had never met such a beautiful
woman since she was born. But looking back, she was a little scared.
“Her Majesty the Empress.”
“Queen Mother. You have to call her Queen Mother.”
Sa Heon-yeong shook his head and corrected it. Young-young asked slowly.
“Queen Mother?”
“You’re my wife. She has become your mother. It means Empress Mother.”
“Her Majesty Queen Mother,”
“No, just Queen Mother. You can say that. When she calls you, all you have to do is say
Queen Mother.”
“It’s hard.”
“Yes, the court system is a bit complicated in the first place.”
Young-young sighed. Not only her but also Sa Heon-yeong was naked. Unable to hold onto
his collar, she grabbed Sa Heon-yeong’s long hair.
“Lord Heon-young speaks a lot of difficult things..., I can’t do that.”
Young-young muttered anxiously with a sullen face. Sa Heon-yeong whispered as he
comforted her.
“Anyway, the only thing the Queen Mother wants from the wife is a song. She said it in the
first place. I think she’ll ask you to do it once.”
“You can come and sing a song while she takes a nap. You don’t have to say difficult things.”
Of course, the Queen Mother will despise her for all eternity. But it didn’t matter, because
after this job he’d never let Young-young into that messy place again. She only needs to go
there once.
The hazy face showed no sign of clearing, so Sa Heon-yeong brought a sweet proposal to
“Tomorrow, let’s go out together to the market and pick a bow to take to the hunt.”
Young-Young had never been out before. She had been told it was a very large place, but
she didn’t know the size of the place, so she tilted her head.
Market? What kind of place is that? Young-young was quite curious about it.
She was like a bird. But unlike before, Sa Heon-yeong has become quite generous with this
bird. This bird, even when the cage door was open, only tilted, but never left the cage.
It was a bird that only walked out by touching Sa Heon-yeong’s finger. Without Sa Heon-
yeong’s embrace, the bird did not move. She thought she couldn’t move.
As long as she was in his arms, he’ll let her enjoy everything in the world. Sa Heon-young
smiled brightly.
Chapter 69

“You can ask them to come in, but we can go out and eat something delicious.”
“Something delicious?”
“But you know? The wife’s legs have no power. So you have to hold me tight. If you can
make a promise.”
“Yes, I know. I can’t walk. If I keep walking, I will lose strength and it will be a big deal.”
“That’s good. If you promise me, let’s fly a lantern together. Write down your wishes and fly
it back in the sky.”
“I have seen it!”
When she lived in the mountains, sometimes hundreds of lights would flash and flow
somewhere. Looks like it’s called a lantern.
When Young-young nodded her head, saying ‘that’s nice’, Sa Heon-young laughed. Well, it’s
not the time to fly the lanterns, but who’s going to say that when the inspector general said
he would fly them?
Young-young told the maids about the lantern and a bow while she was dressing up, and
she smiled broadly.
The maids are amused. They smiled bitter inside as they responded appropriately. What is
the use of a lantern or a bow? How much is the value of those things compared to what was
hanging on Young-young’s body?
It was when the maids were smiling because Young-young, who had a cute appearance,
spoke of lanterns, and had bright eyes, looked like a child with a luxurious appearance.
“Oh, I, I will do it.”
Young-young rushed after getting dressed up. She put on Sa Heon-yeong’s official cap,
which was his official uniform. She also fastened the sword sash and she accepted the
carnelian earrings from the attendant.
The ruby earring placed in the middle of the earlobe is the symbol of the inspectorate,
symbolizing that they had received the blood of the emperor. In ancient times, when
appointing an Inspector General, the Emperor directly bled and dripped a drop of blood
into each ear.
It was a ritual for them to not listen to anyone except the Emperor. The ceremony was
simplified later, and all inspectors wore ruby earrings with their ears pierced in the middle
of the earlobe.
And on his left ear, he wears a rather slanted earring to indicate that he is the Inspector
General. Young-young, who fitted the cold object that felt more like a weapon rather than
an earring, in the right way, smiled.
“It’s done.”
“Thank you. I have a feeling that things will go well today.”
Hearing Sa Heon-young’s words, Young-young smiled.
After she finished dressing up, Sa Heon-young hugged her familiarly.
As he rode the carriage with her to the imperial palace, the two talked about what to do
tomorrow. They will eat dumplings and rice lanterns, fly lanterns, and while smiling
happily, saying let’s go on a boat, the carriage entered the Imperial Palace.
Rumble, rumble. It shook subtly.
Chapter 70

Young-young came into the concubinage and admired it. It was a beautiful place. It was
elegant to see the many pavilions harmonized with the red and green trees. It was like Sa
No, it was not like Lord Heon-yeong.
As she went into the inner part of the concubinage, Young-young came to think that this
beautiful place was very different from Sa Heon-yeong.
It smelled of death. The smell of old deaths. It smells like a graveyard she once visited. Why
is it that these deaths are felt here, where everything was kept in its place? She felt like
quiet ghosts were floating in the air.
“Has anyone died nearby?”
Young-young hugged Sa Heon-yeong by the neck and whispered softly in his ear.
Sa Heon-yeong muttered, “Well,” and looked around once. Perhaps wondering what Young-
young was looking at. Then he lowered his voice and asked.
“Why are you asking that?”
“It smelled of death.”
“Smell of death?”
“Hmm. The air is mixed with death. Like a grave.”
“Oh,” said Young-young, clapping her hands. And she asked in a low voice to Sa Heon-
“Is this place built over a tomb?”
According to the mother’s saying, if they build a house on the grave, the ghost will wander
forever. At what time did she say that ghosts float around?
Oh, if there is a cold... Was it like this? She said that even in places where people keep
getting killed. A place like a battlefield.
Sa Heon-yeong smiled with a puzzled face and shook his head, and Young-young asked,
“Then, was it originally a battlefield?” At that, he seemed to be thinking about something
for a moment, and then he grinned.
“In a sense, yes.”
Sa Heon-yeong’s words were sometimes difficult. Young-young tilted her head. In a sense,
what does that mean? If yes, then yes, and if not, why not? Young-young find it difficult to
Sa Heon-yeong began to climb the stairs. A lotus flower was carved on the stone steps
leading up to the very ornate and large pavilion. Even though it was carved in stone, it was
vivid. How did they engrave it like this? Young-young was amazed.
After Sa Heon-yeong had finished climbing the stairs, he lowered Young-young. When
Young-young came down to the floor, her accessories made a clear sound of clang clang. Sa
Heon-yeong looked down at Young-young.
A long-sleeve with a fine color that looks like a persimmon. The wide sleeves were
meticulously engraved with fallen leaves, and the long sleeves lined with different
thicknesses of silk spread beautifully. Considering Sa Heon-yeong’s preference for not
showing her upper chest, a long cloth was tied to her upper chest.
They applied red rouge and drew her eyebrows a little longer than usual. The headdress on
her forehead made her look a little different. The one applied to her face was beautiful and
white, making Young-young, who had already pale skin, look more like a glass to the world.
“Young-ah, have a good trip.”
Hearing Sa Heon-yeong’s words, Young-young’s eyes widened.
“Aren’t you going together?”
“I have to attend.”
Young-young blinked her eyes. The maids said that Sa Heon-yeong was a very busy person.
He was promoted to the position of Inspector General, but they said that it was an
important position.
Young-young smiled softly. She actually hates this beautiful place.
“Then, will we meet later?”
I don’t like your mother either. I don’t even like your brother, the Crown Prince. They’re all
scary. It’s strangely scary here.
Young-young swallowed everything she wanted to say. It seemed she shouldn’t have said it.
Because she only needs to sing once anyway. She smiled brightly so that Sa Heon-yeong,
who had to go to work, would not be bothered.
“I have work. Court Lady Yoon will take you there. I’ll see you at home.”
At home... Young-young was sad, but she nodded her head without showing it off.
Sa Heon-yeong hugged her once, and then she let go. He immediately started going down
the stairs. Young-young stared at his back. She could see his shadow hanging down the
stairs. She had a strange feeling.
What is this feeling...
Something is ominously going on in her mind. There was a voice talking in her heart, but no
matter how much she listens, she can’t hear what it was saying. Strange. It was when
Young-young frowned.
“Greetings, Queen Mun.”
A woman named Court Lady Yoon suddenly came out and knelt down on her knees. After
that, many court ladies knelt down, saying, “Greetings Queen Mun.”
“Ah, right, hmm...”
She shouldn’t be polite, right? “Yes,” she said, then hurriedly changed it to an informal tone,
and Young-young nodded her head. Her heart was heavy.
Chapter 71

When the Empress entered the audience room, she watched the tiny, insignificant-looking
girl kneeling on her knees, dressed in a bunch of things that were not acceptable to her,
saying, “Greetings Queen Mother.”
Hmph. The Empress snorted as she sat down on her own seat. The girl that Heon-yeong
likes quite a bit. The Empress didn’t want to allow the girl who went to the palace to stand
up so easily when she was just an illegitimate child of commoners, so she had Young-young
knelt down on her knees and just looked down at her.
Not long ago, Heon-yeong annihilated this girl’s family. It seems that this girl was being
abused a little in the house, and he was angry to the end. He caught the family growing
herbs and killed them all. Herbs? Huh, herbs? Who cares about that? How could Heon-
yeong, who is equivalent to the king’s hand and the inspector general, be free enough to
intervene in an herb or other incident? It’s obviously because of this bitch.
Where are you so pretty?
No matter how carefully she tried to look at her, she couldn’t find any pretty corners.
A terribly skinny body looks like a lowly born, and a pale skin looks like a sick person. An
overly small body makes it doubtful whether it will be possible to give birth, and a blank
eye is not at all as intelligent as an idiot.
Where the hell do you like it?
Before meeting this girl, Heon-yeong gave priority to his mother’s words. Although he was
a goblin, he always cared for the mercy of his mother, who didn’t abandon nor kill him.
Of course, she had always been educating him for fear that Heon-yeong would run into her
son or herself without knowing his place. She made it clear to the Crown Prince, too, and
the Crown Prince cleverly established who had the upper hand over the goblin Heon-yeong
when he was young. After that, Heon-yeong became obedient.
But the rebellion is about to come again. Because of this one bitch.
“I heard you sing.”
The Empress spoke again without allowing Young-young to stand up, and the court ladies
were perplexed. But they were well-trained and no one showed their surprise.
“Yes, Queen Mother.”
Young-young raised her head as she answered. This Empress is also faintly smelling like
death. Why? Why is the splendid pavilion where such a beautiful woman lives ...?
“They say that if I sleep while listening to your song, my wishes can come true, is it true?”
“I do not know.”
Young-young shook her head at her. She really didn’t know. When a high-ranking person
like the Lord pays a lot of money to sleep while listening to her songs, she can only guess
that there is probably something good about it. When they slept listening to her song, she
didn’t actually know what was there.
“Insolent thing!”
When the Empress yelled at her, Young-young shrank her shoulders in surprise. Young-
young couldn’t understand why this beautiful woman was angry.
“What are you doing with that insolence?”
The Empress pointed her finger at Young-young. The trinkets on her nails made a sound. At
that time.
Court Lady Yoon carefully intervened between the Empress’s words. Her fearsome gaze fell
down, but Court Lady Yoon got down on her knees and said.
“Forgive this lowly subject. Even if the punishment comes later, it will not be late. However,
if her body is ill, I am concerned that her little talent will be affected.”
“I know what you mean, stop.”
The Empress’s fingers were withdrawn again. Young-young stared blankly at her fingers.
Oh, it feels familiar.
Every time Young-young was beaten with the rod, she didn’t know why she was being
beaten. She just got beaten. All she could do was be beaten helplessly, as the beatings only
increased when she resisted or cried. It was a similar atmosphere back then.
I’m going to be beaten today.
Young-young became pale. Although she thought being beaten was not a big deal, she didn’t
like being beaten because she had been with Sa Heon-yeong for a few while. Sweat dripped
from her hands. She wondered if Sa Heon-yeong would come and take her out. This
beautiful woman is Sa Heon-yeong’s mother. When she looked at her face, she could see Sa
Heon-yeong. So he won’t take her out from here. Wasn’t he the one who brought her here
in the first place?
Her heart aches.
Young-young clenched her fingers.
Chapter 72

The Empress said that she had no intention of bringing anything lowly and dirty to the
bedroom, so Young-young had to sing outside the Empress’s bedroom.
Outside the Empress’s bedroom was a small room where the maids were waiting. It was
fortunate that it was not outdoors, but the space was too large for the voice to spread.
The Empress’s bed was too far away, and it was difficult for Young-young to be sure the
Empress could hear her voice.
Most of all, to make the Empress’ wishes come true.
Young-young didn’t think her songs would have such a great effect.
Today seems like a really beating day.
Her father would always beat her if her job didn’t go as her father thought. It didn’t matter
if it was her fault or not.
How much will it be this time? Young-young looked around, but no one knew, so it was
difficult to guess.
“Your Highness.”
Court Lady Yoon gave Queen Mun a soft cushion while she was standing still.
In Sun dynasty, poor people lead a sedentary life, and rich people lead a standing life. A
sedentary lifestyle has been going on since ancient times, but this is because standing up
has become popular recently.
A standing life basically requires more furniture than a sedentary one. It takes a lot of
money. Moreover, in the Sun dynasty, there was a custom of attaching great importance to
decoration, so there was no case of using simple form for each item.
As a result, the rich naturally prefer to live standing up, even to show off their wealth, and
the poor, on the other hand, lead a sedentary life.
Naturally, the imperial palace led a standing life. It was the same with Queen Mun.
However, Court Lady Yoon gave Queen Mun a cushion. This was a great disgrace. Of course,
it is in the name of the Empress.
Court Lady Yoon was also not comfortable. How much does King Mun cherish his wife?
There were even rumors that all the luxury items that entered Yangan were presented in
front of King Mun before anyone else. The love of King Mun, who wants to do everything for
her because she is pretty, is talked about in Yangan every day, but Court Lady Yoon did not
want to imagine what kind of scene she would experience when King Mun finds out about
“Bring me some hot tea.”
With Court Lady Yoon’s command, the other court lady looked at each other, asking if it
would be okay. The Empress said she didn’t want anything done to Queen Mun.
“What will you do if the song is cut off and the Empress cannot fulfill her wish? Go get it!”
At Court Lady Yoon’s urging, the court lady nodded her head and then disappeared with
hasty steps.
“Your Highness, please start singing.”
Young-young looked up at Court Lady Yoon’s words. Don’t worry, she opened her mouth,
thinking that this person seems to have a less terrifying face here.
“Did she have a sleeping incense?”
Court Lady Yoon opened her eyes slightly wide when the sudden question was asked.
“Sleeping, incense?”
“She can’t wake up in the middle. I don’t know what was accomplished with my songs. I
don’t know the effect. But one thing is for sure, they must sleep for more than a certain
amount of time. To do that, it’s better to light a sleeping incense stick.”
Her father always burned sleeping incense or gave the guests medicine. If he was in a
hurry, he gave them medicine, but if not, he preferred incense. She had heard her father
explain to someone that they could sleep more comfortably because of incense.
“Go to the infirmary and get a sleeping incense.”
Another court lady hurriedly disappeared with a brisk walk at Court Lady Yoon’s
“Is there anything else you need?”
“Oh, and there were times when my father did not feed me. Because I couldn’t pay for the
meal... I don’t know what it is, but it seems that sometimes things don’t go well. But I don’t
know what it is.”
Court Lady Yoon felt ominous at that time.
Queen Mun was 26 this year. Although she had aged for a long time, her face was strange.
She looked as if she was not even fifteen, as if time had stopped passing. A face that hasn’t
fully grown up. Her eyes are big, her lips are thick, her nose is low, and her face is small.
Her words are slurred yet her gaze is clear.
She suddenly got goosebumps.
This Queen was not like a human. She’s weird.
Court Lady Yoon had never felt this kind of emotion even with the goblin King Mun. To her,
King Mun was just a proud person she had raised.
Chapter 73

But only this Queen was strange. The Queen’s eyes seemed to illuminate Court Lady Yoon
herself, but she didn’t seem to illuminate anything else. Even though she has a gentle
expression, she doesn’t seem to know all her joys and sorrows.
It felt as if she was watching an empty, wooden doll creaking somewhere.
A ripple broke out in Court Lady Yoon’s heart. A hunch, no, it wasn’t a hunch, it was a
prophecy. A firm awareness that something is going to go wrong.
And it’s clear.
It will start with this woman.
“... Your Highness...”
As Court Lady Yoon was about to open her mouth with a blank expression, a steaming
teacup was placed in front of the Queen. The Queen smiled and said ‘oh’, then took the tea
and drank it.
“It’s delicious.”
The Queen smiled brightly at Court Lady Yoon.
Court Lady Yoon bit her mouth. The Queen was smiling like a fool. In her eyes, she was
looking straight at her.
What was I thinking?
Court Lady Yoon shook her head. It’s a bad idea. That’s a useless idea. She tried to calm her
beating heart.
The sleep incense arrived and was burned. When the Empress was completely asleep,
Young-young began to sing.
Young-young does not know what the language of this song is and what it means. It’s just
that she’s been singing since the oldest moment she remembered.
Young-young sang and she remembered Sa Heon-yeong. The day she first met Sa Heon-
young, she kept seeing the black eyes. Pretty eyes. As she stood still, he approached. It was
nice of him to touch her cheek. If she put her cheek to that hand and sang, she sang better.
In the end, she didn’t even know who she was singing to. She seemed to be calling Sa Heon-
When she was singing, there were times when it was more difficult and times when it was
less difficult. There were times when she sang until she vomited blood. But sometimes it
can be very exciting.
Young-young herself does not know what harmony this is. She just sings. She keeps singing
until the person wakes up. She sang a song no one taught her. The song, according to her
mother, was ‘given by the ancient blood to Young-young.’
The court ladies before the Empress looked a little dazed and looked at Queen Mun. The
voice was beautiful. Even when they first met saw the queen, they thought her voice was
beautiful, but this voice was such a delicate thing that they had never heard before.
The song is carried and spread by the cold wind of late autumn. It was as if the world was
Surprised, the court ladies looked at each other. The queen sang as she moved her hand.
She pressed on her chest and spread both her hands. She pointed to the sky and then she
lightly clenched her fists and tapped her chest.
The queen was saying something. She sings sweet songs that melt their ears with a voice
that changes the world. Like she was muttering something. They didn’t know what she was
talking about, but they were still impressed. What on earth does it mean?
Beautiful. Someone sighed
Time passed slowly. No, it seemed too fast. Nothing, nothing happened. The people trapped
in the veil of singing simply listened to the song in silence. The presence of time has been
erased. Time disappeared from the high ceilings, the beautifully carved windows, and the
vases of flowers placed throughout the Empress Hall.
It was like a dream. Everyone was drenched in the same dream, and their toes and
fingertips were languid. At the time when they thought, is this happiness?
“It can’t be—.”
A scream tore the dream to pieces.
It was the Empress. She woke up with a sharp scream and screamed Aaaaahhhhhhh. At that
nervous scream, Young-young stopped her singing and widened her eyes.
Court Lady Yoon hurriedly ran. So did the other court ladies.
As a storm swept past, Young-young was left alone in the small room.
Aaaaaaaahhhhh. Court Lady Yoon’s soothing voice was heard. Your Majesty. What
happened? Your Majesty, Court Lady Yoon is here. Your Majesty, it’s okay, you’ve woken up
from your dream. It’s fine now. Hearing everyone’s desperately soothing voices, Young-
young sighed heavily and closed her eyes tightly.
She’s in big trouble.
Most of those who slept and woke up listening to her own song woke up feeling good. Or,
after waking up, some people made a bewildered expression on their face and then made a
bitter expression. But very rarely this has happened. She doesn’t know what they did in the
dream, but they did something in the dream, and when they got up they did the same thing.
“I will kill you-!”
The Empress shouted at her.
“I’m going to kill that bitch!”
Chapter 74

She doesn’t know why, but they all hated Young-young. The hatred was the most intense
that Young-young had ever received. The madam, who hated her mother and used to beat
her, hated her, but did not loathe her this much. But sometimes these people hated Young-
young. That hatred burned like it would burn the whole world.
The Empress staggered and ran.
“Your Majesty? Empress, why are you acting like this? Your Majesty, please calm down.”
Court Lady Yoon desperately tried to stop the Empress, but to no avail. The Empress
staggered, but did not stop her speed. She then took the whip from the waist of a eunuch as
he stood in front of the bedroom door, and swung it wildly at Young-young.
Young-young embraced her face and head the moment she saw the whip flying towards
her. While curling her body, she bit her teeth. It hurts, it hurts. The whip ripped Young-
young’s clothes in an instant. The pretty clothes that Sa Heon-young picked out became
rags in an instant.
It hurt terribly just with a few hits. Her eyes turned dark. She couldn’t breathe properly. If it
doesn’t stop, she’ll die. Young-young blinked desperately. Her vision did not return. Slash.
Slash. The lashes continued to fall on her back, sides, shoulders, and the same place.
Tears were dripping down. It was sad. She’s been through this often, so she should be okay
with it, but it hurts today. It was difficult to bear. Her heart was torn apart. it hurts, it hurts.
What hurts the most is that the person who left her here was Sa Heon-yeong.
No, she shouldn’t be resentful.
He didn’t know this.
She has to breathe, breathe, just get hit, after this time, she’ll be fine. Then, she will be able
to meet Lord Heon-yeong again. Then it’s over. It will be something that never happened.
Young-young was beaten by the pouring lashes and panted for breath.
Save me, someone please save me.
It hurts so much, please someone save me.
She couldn’t call Sa Heon-yeong. Because he left her here. But she had no one to call other
than him, so Young-young endured the pain with her teeth clenched. But the pain
continued to intensify, and her head gradually went blank. It was rather fortunate, Young-
young thought.
The reason the maddening whipping ended was because the Empress had run out of
stamina. She gasped and looked down at the body in front of her. The clothes were torn to
shreds, and the bloody body was trembling. It was unknown if she was unconscious or
“Sprinkle some water to wake her up. And let her repent her sins outside.”
Court Lady Yoon widened her eyes. She hurriedly fell to her knees.
“Your Majesty, please pardon this humble thing. It was frosty at dawn today, and the
temperature is low now, and Queen Mun, who is weak in her body, has been punished so
Slap, another sound rang out. The Empress’s hurtful hand slapped Court Lady Yoon’s cheek.
“Does it look like I want to hear your advice now?”
The Empress growled.
“I, I have sinned.”
“Kneel down for about an hour and then bring her back in. When she comes to her senses,
she will be able to sing properly.”
The Empress ordered and threw the whip at Queen Mun’s body. The court ladies did not
know what to do and bowed their heads. Their master’s order is absolute. But what was
King Mun’s nickname? They didn’t want to go against the heart of the person called the
Demon King.
The Empress quickly turned her body and went into her bedroom. Court Lady Yoon
cautiously followed after her. As the Empress sat on her bed and nervously squeezed her
temple, Court Lady Yoon took her hand, lowered it carefully, and said, “I’ll do it, Your
Majesty.” Then the Empress slowly lost strength.
“What about your cheeks?”
The Empress asked bluntly.
“This lowly thing is guilty of death.”
“... Did you not achieve your wish?”
As Court Lady Yoon hesitated and asked, the Empress bit her lip. Her face was terrifying.
Chapter 75

There is a bird that grants wishes.

It was four months ago that the Empress heard the rumor.
‘The owner of the largest drugstore in the city is the Songs, and they say that this person has a
human-shaped bird.’
This is a story about a ‘wish granting bird’ when the Empress’ nephew from the famous
Parak Lake came to greet her after a long trip and talked about various things in the world.
‘Even if it is a bird, it does not have wings. It sings a song, but it is a song that does not exist in
the world. If you sleep while listening to the song, all wishes that can come true in your
dreams will come true, isn’t it fascinating?’
‘Hmph, what do you mean by wishing something that can come true in the dream but not in
reality? Since the Songs is the owner of the drugstore, I am deeply suspicious of whether he is
selling drugs and causing hallucinations.’
‘I used to think so..., I met a person who made a wish on that bird, and it was quite...’
‘What are you saying?’
‘If she comes, you’ll know, Your Majesty. The story of General Yu, who was senile when he
grew old and hid the sword that was bestowed upon him by the Emperor. Did they not find
the sword after all? The Master of the General’s family now wanted to find the sword so much
that, in the end, he slept listening to the bird’s song, trying to grab a clue.”
‘He found it.’
‘It is said that in his dream, he met his mother-in-law, who was not senile, and heard the
place. His mother-in-law who had not died. It is a very strange thing to say that it is a bird
that can achieve anything that can be achieved in a dream. Oh, and I heard another strange
Her nephew continued the story, but since then she can’t even remember what she was
All night long she remembered those words. A bird that grants wishes. A bird that solves
doubts in a dream. When one wakes up while listening to the song, their doubts will be
Really? Does such a bird exist? It didn’t matter if it was a bird or a human. If that’s really
Is it possible to know who planted a goblin egg in her stomach?
“At that time, some bitch planted a goblin’s egg in my stomach.”
“They were hoping that the Emperor’s favor would stop on me. They think I don’t know?
Who is it? Noble Consort Yeon? Able Consort Oh? I will surely find out which ruthless bitch
dared to commit the mortal sin of planting a goblin egg in my body, the mother of a nation.”
Court Lady Yoon, without saying a word, only pressed the Empress’s head. The Empress
thought so from the moment she learned that she had two children in her womb. Someone
in the concubinage must have planted a goblin egg in her. So she gave birth to a goblin
herself. She believed that someone of her political opponents had harmed her.
“What does it mean, my child? Of course, I raised Heon-yeong as my son, but that’s because
of my weak heart, not because he really is my child. Ha, haha, definitely not. Of course.”
Ha, ha, ha— The Empress’s sharp laughter ripped through the air like an awl and spread far
and wide. Court Lady Yoon massages the Empress’s head and she hopes this doesn’t
happen again.
It was past midnight when Sa Heon-yeong returned. Today, according to the Crown
Prince’s order, there was business in the suburbs of Yangan. It didn’t happen in just a day
or two for the Crown Prince to give him something useless to do. He was in a position that
he could neither ignore nor protest, so he got things done quickly and returned at full
speed, and a lightning bolt of news awaited him.
“Didn’t the Queen return?”
It was the same with Ha Soye who was surprised. Until midnight she thought that the
Queen would not return and she would be with King Mun, but only he returned. Ha Soye
shook her head.
“Yes, Your Highness. Court Lady Yoon didn’t even contact me.”
The area around his heart felt cold.
It was terrifying. His eyes clouded in an instant.
Chapter 76

There have been many times when death has come before his eyes, but never before has
his eyes been so blatantly dark. How could it be that Young-young did not return?
Your Highness! Someone’s shouting came in the distance.
It wasn’t until one of his arms was caught that he realized he was losing his balance. Sa
Heon-young pushed the arm away and closed his eyes for a moment.
It was a habit he often did when he had to think about things calmly. He closed his eyes and
took in his breath as if in meditation.
“Your Highness!!”
General Joo’s voice echoed behind his back.
Sa Heon-young ran. Calmly? There’s nothing like that, it’s nothing. How can he be calm?
Young-young didn’t come back. She was his wife. She was his woman. What did he say this
morning? Let’s be together, let’s see the things in the world together...
His heart pounded at the ominous feeling. He couldn’t stand it.
“Your Highness, why are you like this?”
The moment Sa Heon-yeong was about to go, General Joo caught him. Those who ran after
grabbed Sa Heon-yeong and hung on him.
“Your Highness, please wait. After all, you can’t enter the Imperial Palace now. You know!”
“We were already outside the eyes of the Crown Prince, Your Highness. Your Highness.”
“When the sun comes up, the warden will go and check it out. Your Highness, please calm
down. Your Highness.”
Several armed forces grabbed Sa Heon-yeong and stopped him. Some of them, who ran late,
knelt in front of Sa Heon-yeong and begged.
You must not go.
Opening the gates of the imperial palace after midnight is treason. He knows. But if Young-
young is in the Imperial Palace...
Sa Heon-young remembered Young-young. Oddly enough, he remembered Young-young
when they parted in front of the Empress Hall. At the time, he thought she was smiling
brightly, but when he thought back, he was not sure how she was smiling.
Was she really smiling? Wasn’t she anxious? What face was she smiling with?
Wait for dawn? How, how could he put Young-young there...
Then someone grabbed his leg. When he lowered his head, Ha Soye was hanging from his
“Your Highness, when the dawn comes, I will go and find out right away. After all, there are
still people in the concubinage that this lowly thing knows, so I will definitely be able to
understand what happened inside. Please, please, calm down. If King Mun is annihilated for
treason before Her Highness returns, who will welcome Her Highness when she returns?”
Please calm down, Your Highness.
Soldiers, servants, and maids all knelt on the cold stone floor. Calm down, calm down, calm
down. Everyone kept begging. Crying mixed with earnest pleading.
No way, Queen Mother?
Sa Heon-young blankly looked down at his hands. His hands were trembling like a sick
Don’t say that his mother did something bad to Young-young.
Sa Heon-yeong was well aware of how cruel the nobles of the Imperial Palace could be. He
was educated to be cruel to himself if necessary. Those who rule must be revered. Sa Heon-
yeong also subdued others, and he himself was thoroughly subdued.
But Young-Young... , Young-young doesn’t fit in there. She doesn’t even belong there.
‘He looks like Lord Heon-yeong.’
She doesn’t even know what she’s talking about.
‘But Lord Heon-yeong is prettier.’
She is just a woman who whispers a sweet song to him.
She couldn’t be left alone.
His throat was boiling. She wasn’t supposed to be left alone. He should have been with her.
He was in a position to eat the rust of the country, yet when he came to his office, it was like
Why did he leave her alone? Why did he let go of his heart? Knowing his mother. Knowing
her cruelty.
Sa Heon-yeong wrapped his hands around the mask.
“I knew I shouldn’t let her go.”
He knew the sky couldn’t allow him to do anything so easily.
His body was cold. He was scared. What if something really does go wrong?
Sa Heon-yeong remembered death. He thought of things worse than death. Everything he
had been through was now clinging to him as a nightmare. If any of those things happen to
her, then, my God.
Sa Heon-young bent his back. It was painful as if his throat was burning. He couldn’t
breathe properly.
Heaven, please. I will carry it all. Put it all down on me, for her, please. Please don’t do that
to her, only to her. Please.
A streak of tears ran down from Sa Heon-yeong’s mask.
Chapter 77

It was dawn, but the Queen still did not return. With an ominous foreboding rushing in like
a tidal wave, Ha Soye headed to the Imperial Palace with several military officers just
before dawn.
The atmosphere was dark and no one spoke recklessly.
When she arrived at the imperial palace, the gate had just opened. King Mun. Even though
the guards were puzzled by this, they moved away from the palace gate and let them. King
Mun’s carriage ran straight into the Imperial Palace.
Ha Soye had someone she was aiming for from the beginning. As soon as she got off the
carriage, she headed towards the concubinage. She passed the eunuch and the guard who
guarded the concubinage’s gate, and as soon as she entered, she headed straight to the
The shrine is for court ladies, not the imperial family.
The benevolent Empress of 100 years ago, when her own nanny died, she built a shrine to
enshrine her memorial table. The nanny was highly esteemed not just by the Empress and
other court ladies, so many wanted to offer prayers.
Then the Empress opened the door of the shrine to the court ladies, and it began like that,
and now the shrine has become a place where the tablets of the court ladies who died alone
are enshrined.
She saw the back of a middle-aged woman sitting alone in the shrine and offering a prayer.
Ha Soye crossed her arms.
“Long time no see.”
This shrine is also the place where the mortuary tablet of Court Lady Ho, who taught Court
Lady Yoon when she entered the palace at the age of ten, is enshrined here. Ha Soye was
well aware that Court Lady Yoon treated Court Lady Ho like her mother and offered
prayers every morning.
“... Why did you come?”
There was a time when Court Lady Yoon was scary when she asked with a voice like that.
But Ha Soye was no longer afraid of Court Lady Yoon. No, she was planning to grab Court
Lady Yoon’s hair at this shrine now, if necessary. If King Mun had asked to open the gates of
the palace last night, it would have been a crime of treason and all members of the Mun
family would have been killed. He had barely escaped death. Ha Soye had nothing left to
look at now.
“I would like to ask you directly, Court Lady Yoon. Her Highness, where is she?”
When Court Lady Yoon didn’t answer, she smiled bitterly.
“If you know what I am prepared to do,”
“She is in the concubinage’s prison.”
Court Lady Yoon raised her body and answered. And turned her body and looked at Ha
Soye. Like asking what she would do about it.
Ha Soye was unable to continue her words for a moment before she asked softly.
“Prison, what do you mean?”
The Empress wanted to hear the song, so the Queen went to sing, but why was she in
prison now?
“How about His Highness?”
“Prison, you say, Court Lady? Her Highness, what mortal sin has Queen Mun committed to
be imprisoned without any trial?”
As Ha Soye’s voice rose, Court Lady Yoon covered her face and sighed.
She did not know that Ha Soye herself would come, but she expected trouble. The fact that
Ha Soye’s face hardened so much, as she didn’t even know the whole story, it was just
funny. Court Lady Yoon looked at her quietly and said,
“She disobeyed the Empress’ orders.”
Ha Soye frowned at the absurdity. She knew her master, Queen Mun, well. She was a pure
and gentle person. She was never one to challenge the Empress’s authority head-on.
Court Lady Yoon shook her head as Ha Soye’s eyes gleamed coldly.
“It’s not a lie. She did disobey. She sang once, but it didn’t grant the wish. So the Empress
ordered her to sing a second song.”
“She didn’t sing it.”
Yesterday’s scene flashed into Court Lady Yoon’s mind.
That hellish sight. The innocent Queen who smiled when the tea was brought was nowhere
to be found.
The bloodied Queen shook her head as she trembled with the cold. She said she wouldn’t
sing. She shook her head violently, even as the angry Empress ordered to cut off her tongue.
Chapter 78

Her eyes, wet with tears, were burning with pure hatred. The hatred was so intense
that she wondered where Queen Mun had accumulated such hatred on that small body. The
Empress who woke up suddenly hated her, but the Queen hated the Empress as much or
more. Even when the blade of the sword touched her tongue, she never sang the song.
“No way. She is not like that.”
Queen Mun hummed often. The Queen’s voice was just beautiful, especially when she
embraced the melodies. It was so beautiful that all the maids loved it. The maids even
informed the Queen of popular songs. When they shared with her about popular songs, the
Queen often sang it for them. It was so sweet and pitiful that they had to do nothing but
press down on their chests when the Queen sang the songs.
That Queen refused to sing?
Ha Soye blankly shook her head and then came to her senses.
“How is Her Highness doing now? Her condition is...”
Since she refused the Empress’s orders, there is no way Queen Mun could have gracefully
retreated. The Empress is the ruler of the concubinage. Her name was high as well as her
cruel hands. Court Lady Yoon sighed with a white face.
“She will be very sick.”
At that moment, Ha Soye ran out of the shrine. Seeing her running away as if she had seen a
ghost, Court Lady Yoon turned her head and looked at her mother-like person’s mortuary
“It’s time to say goodbye.”
Neither laughing nor crying, she said calmly.
Young-young was lying on a straw mat.
She was taken out of the Empress’s Palace yesterday and thrown away. She couldn’t move
her body. It was impossible to even turn over. It hurts. The pain she had not felt in a long
time boiled over her skin.
“What does it mean, my child? Of course, I raised Heon-yeong as my son, but that’s because of
my weak heart, not because he really is my child. Ha, haha, definitely not. Of course.’
Young-young’s mother told her not to die, but Young-young was not sure if she could listen
to her mother anymore. The moment she heard those words, her eyes went white.
It was unbelievable.
What did she just hear? A goblin hid an egg inside her belly? In fact, Young-young finds it
difficult to understand. Goblin’s egg or something, she was stupid, her brain was bad, she
didn’t know, maybe that’s why she couldn’t understand.
What’s different about the twins? She saw Sa Heon-yeong’s young. She tried mixing her
own blood with it. Her own blood may not be noble, but at least it is human. And Sa Heon-
yeong’s blood was the same as her own. As it mingled, it was impossible to tell which was
whose blood.
She was beaten and for an hour as she knelt in the Empress’ yard, before she was dragged
back. The Empress told her to sing. She was afraid of what would happen. But.
Young-young shook her head.
No. I won’t sing you any songs.
While she was whipped, something made of wood appeared. She was tied to it, and she was
beaten. It was hurtful and painful. She thought she could do anything if she could end this
beating, but when the beating stopped and she was ordered to sing, she unknowingly shook
her head.
‘Queen Mother. You have to call her Queen Mother.’
That morning, Sa Heon-yeong said so.
‘Queen Mother?’
‘You’re my wife. She has become your mother. It means Empress Mother.’
Mother, Sa Heon-yeong called this woman his mother.
Young-young remembered her dead mother. She was a nervous mother at times, and she
was also a strange person. She must have had moments of being a good mother and
moments of being a bad mother. But she has always been Young-Young’s mother. She never
once denied it. Young-young had never been denied.
There were times when Sa Heon-young seemed lonely. At that time, he continued to dig
into Young-young’s arms. Young-young hugged the tall man with a big body. No matter how
much she hugged him, it was too much.
Even if she had used all her limbs, somewhere in his body would have poked out and he
would have been cold and lonely. But if he had been hugged by his mother when he was a
child, when he was very young, he wouldn’t be lonely.
Chapter 79

Isn’t he her own child that she gave birth to from her own belly?
Someone put a goblin’s egg, so sing to find out who that person is?
Young-young didn’t know what effect, her song had. It seemed to bring good dreams or bad
dreams, but it was a dream anyway. Sa Heon-yeong’s mother wanted to deny him even in a
dream, so she used a song.
Her chin got caught. Forcing her to open her mouth, her tongue was caught and a blade
‘Do you want it to be cut off?’
The woman asked.
Her tears flowed out. Her crotch was wet. Something leaked out. She was scared. This
woman is really going to cut off Young-young tongue. She might kill Young-young.
She had been beaten by both her father and his wife a lot. Once upon a time, a terrifying
man rode on her body in the middle of the night. But even with all of that, it wasn’t as scary
as it is right now.
Death flew by, and it licked her. Her whole body was tainted with all sorts of thing. She was
engulfed in fear, and with shame she did not lift her head. She was just terrified and afraid.
At first, she would have sung songs or whatever. Young-young was not a strong woman.
But Young-young shook her head.
She thought it would be easier to die because she was scared and sick and in pain, but she
didn’t want to sing. Young-young continued to shake her head.
Sa Heon-young called you mother. But why do you say Sa Heon-yeong is not your son?
Why? She couldn’t understand. Young-Young didn’t want to join in the act of telling this
woman that Sa Heon-Young wasn’t her son, above all else.
That beautiful man.
Seeing him smile coldly, her heart raced. He always hugged her and whispered sweet things
to her. He knows everything. A strong and perfect person. The one who saved her. The one
who gave her name.
And a little lonely. The little gap was more lovely, so Young-young couldn’t take her eyes off
She realized it instinctively. If she sings a song right now, she knows that it is a betrayal of
that man.
No, I don’t want it.
The blade slit her tongue, but while she was crying because she was scared and going crazy,
Young-young shook her head. Then the Empress clicked her tongue.
‘I don’t know what kind of guts this vile and dirty thing is doing this. Listen carefully.’
When she opened her eyes, the Empress’s face was in front of her.
‘How good was it to be Queen Mun? It must have been very sweet to enjoy a luxury you had
never had in your life. So, don’t you want to sing? What bitch hid the goblin’s eggs in my
stomach, go and use that little dirty tongue and sing. Then, I will turn a blind eye to the Queen
who doesn’t even fit in this place.’
‘Or, you will be deposed!’
The Empress’s hand gripped Young-young’s face.
Young-young didn’t know what deposed was, but she knew it was a very bad thing. It was
probably meant as a sinner. It seemed like she would never see Sa Heon-young again, and
she really didn’t want it.
‘If it’s...’
Her memory suddenly flew away. It was instant. Young-young muttered with empty eyes, if
she was deposed. She blinked and blinked, but she couldn’t remember what he said.
An iron bar came. Square iron bars. Suddenly, King Mun’s bedside came to mind.
There is a window that is incomparably beautiful with this iron fence...
Moonlight..., Lord Heon-yeong, his face shining...
Let’s go hunting. Bird...,
Ah, that black fluttering thing she sees over there is a bird...
…and Young-young closed her eyes. Tears fell from her eyes, dripping down on the straw.
“Oh, that girl. She must have died.”
“I didn’t think she would last. But didn’t they say she was a high person?”
The two guards rolled Young-young’s small body into the straw mat. Her white hands
protruding out of the mat spread out like flowers with a bent stem.
Chapter 80

“What is my goblin doing?”

The Crown Prince was happy these days.
“When he heard the news, he passed out,”
Hahaha, the Crown Prince burst into laughter. Oh, this part is the funniest. No matter how
many times I hear it, it’s really fun. The Crown Prince spoke to himself and said while
holding the glass that was filled next to him.
“Come on, tell me.”
These days, the Crown Prince is excited and holds a banquet every day. It’s alcohol, it’s
woman, he plays as he wanted, and when the atmosphere matures, he brings up the story.
It was a bad hobby.
The spy did not show a sign of surprise and continued speaking while clasping his head.
“He has gone to the cliff of sinners. He ran down the cliff and began to search for her body
Hahaha, the Crown Prince laughed again with joy.
Sa Heon-yeong fainted after hearing that the wife he loved suffered hardship in the palace
of the Empress and died. At that moment, everyone thought that his heart had stopped
beating from the shock. King Mun’s large body collapsed, and even the spy reporting to the
Crown Prince was surprised at that moment and shouted sincerely.
Sa Heon-yeong got up and headed for the northern cliff where the bodies of criminals were
dumped. He jumped straight down the cliff using his dexterity.
And the road to hell unfolded.
For three days and three nights, he neither ate nor drank, and went through thousands of
corpses with his own hands.
Young-Young. Young-ah, where are you? He kept shouting. He turned the bodies over with
his bare hands, and over and over again. He didn’t care whether it was a body with an
oozing discharge, rotten, or maggots.
Three days and nights. But it is the place where the bodies of all the criminals on Yangan
are gathered.
When the crows clamored during the day, he turned over the bodies and called for his wife.
At night he fought with the beasts that came to eat the bodies. Three days and nights.
Everyone was overwhelmed by the maddening sight.
The armed forces were also desperately searching. Even just the body, please come out.
On the first day, tears flowed down the demon king’s mask, but on the third day, the tears
turned into tears of blood.
Rumors spread all over the place. It was the story of the demon king who drank blood and
ate human flesh, looking for the dead in the cliff of sinners with a terrifying appearance.
After losing his favorite wife, he was searching through the dirty bodies to find her. He
doesn’t care if it’s a plagued corpse or a rotting corpse. Hearing that he was looking for his
wife with tears of blood, the people couldn’t help but listen.
And on the third night, when it started to rain, people began to say that the sky was telling
him to stop because it was too unbearable to see anymore.
“Let me go!”
“Your Highness, please. There’s a landslide. You have to go back. Your Highness!”
The soldiers knelt at their feet and begged.
With his head bowed, General Joo clung on Sa Heon-yeong’s legs. You must go back. Hearing
those words, Sa Heon-yeong listened with a dazed head.
To go back? He couldn’t find her even here now, but now when it rains, a landslide occurs,
and so many bodies will be buried, how will he find her?
Young-young grew up not eating properly all her life, so she was too small. Her hands, feet,
and body were small everywhere.
This is a handful of people. How to find that person? To let her wallow with sinners
forever? That woman? She was named after him, who always smiled at him, who loved him.
She was like a single spring day to him? Here? Leave her to shreds in this dirty, cold place
full of maggots and crows? Should he leave her? To have no rest forever? Even that little
thing wouldn’t be allowed to her?
“You go.”
He can’t go. He can’t turn back on her, leaving her here. It would be nice if they were buried
together. If she is forever trapped here, he will find her someday.
“Your Highness, you must go with me.”
Drip, drip– the rain was getting stronger. His eyes were getting blurry. Rumble, an unusual
sound resounded from the top of the mountain. General Joo begged
“Your Highness, think for the future... Think of Her Highness’ grievance!”
With that, Sa Heon-young stopped.
Was she hurt? It must have been very painful... It must have been painful when Sa Heon-
yeong remembered the scar the Crown Prince left on him when he was young.
How foolish had he been to his little wife to erase the scars? Even though it is a very old
wound, it often throbs and shows off its presence. But she died... With a body that can’t
walk properly.
“Your Highness, you must relieve her grievance.”
Sa Heon-yeong looked down blankly as his dirty hands were washed away in the rain. His
tears were flowing, and now he didn’t even seem to be crying. Blood continues to drip on
his hands. Blood is flowing from his eyes.
‘But Lord Heon-yeong is prettier.’
You, who smiled bashfully, are still vivid in my eyes. I haven’t forgotten anything about the
feel of your skin or your body.
You want me to accept that I won’t be able to see you forever?
Chapter 81

He can’t even hold her hardened body.

He can’t even fill her coffin with flowers.
He can’t even put her on a white sailboat.
Leaving her in this dirty place? Does she want him to do that? Her grievance, yes, because
there is that... In fact, she might not even know what resentment is.
Just the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, wife like a flower.
“... return.”
He could feel a spy’s gaze. The gaze of the spy that he has felt all his life. He always thought
it was familiar, but at this moment, Sa Heon-young wanted to twist that spy’s neck. He
wanted to tear the spy’s limbs apart. He wanted to burn it all down. Finish it all.
Young-ah, if only I could.
But think of her grievance. Her grievance that may not even exist.
Those who killed her. ‘Enemy’. Those who are now nothing but ‘enemy’. Those who will
make a joke even if he dies here. It’s okay to be a laughing stock, but if he dies here, who
will comfort the soul of his pitiful flower? Who?
His body is heavy. He knew she was here, but the thought didn’t stop him from walking
away. His whole body feels like it’s falling down to the ground...
As Sa Heon-yeong’s body collapsed, the armed forces rushed in. Your Highness! The voice
calling out like that was far away. His body was heavy.
Did your grievance cling to me? Did your grievance even come to me? Then don’t go. Never,
never go.
Sa Heon-young closed his eyes. The last tears of blood pooled on his lips and flowed down
his chin.
It was two days later that Sa Heon-young woke up again.
His eyes were covered and he thought he was blind for a moment. Sa Heon-young was not
surprised at that moment. He didn’t seem to be surprised by anything anymore. What is
surprising about becoming blind or becoming a beggar. He’s already lost everything.
He lost Young-young.
“Did a landslide happen?”
“... Yes, Your Highness.”
She was buried with the dirty things. The flowery one will be forever mingled with the
dirtiest ones on Yangan.
“I see.”
There were no tears now. The tears seemed to have all flowed out in the valley of sinners. It
was like sand, not blood, that was circulating in his body, pouring out all his emotions.
Skree, skree. He heard such a sound inside his body.
“Your Highness, this is Ha Soye.”
“That..., This lowly thing has something to tell you, but I want to send everyone back.”
Sa Heon-yeong did not send back the people. He was no longer afraid of anything. It didn’t
matter what the spy said.
Just, it was all boring. He already knew which one was the Crown Prince’s spy and his
mother’s spy. The reason he didn’t deal with them was that even if he dealt with them, it
would be repeated again.
In that case, it would be better to know and control who they are and to give them
something to say in moderation. Knowing that, Ha Soye had always been very careful.
But now, even if he declares his disrespect and falls under the Crown Prince’s sword once
more, what does that mean?
Young-young doesn’t exist anymore.
“Why did they kill her?”
Ha Soye grew up at the court. She knew the affairs of court ladies quickly, and if she wanted
to find out, there was nothing she couldn’t figure out. Ha Soye looked embarrassed and
cautioned, “Your Highness.”
“Just tell me.”
“Your Highness, forgive me...”
Ha Soye blurted her words as if in trouble. Sa Heon-yeong asked, curious about Ha Soye,
who blurs her words even though she knows what he means.
“What’s wrong?”
“... Her Highness... , it’s a will, how dare I.”
A will?
Sa Heon-yeong unwrapped the cloth that was covering his eyes and threw it away and
waved his hand. At that one gesture, everyone retreated from the bed in unison.
Sa Heon-yeong called Ha Soye, who was a little far away, closer with his hand gestures.
A will. What did she say? Did she even curse? She must have tried to, saying that she would
repay everything in the underworld for meeting an ugly husband and being brutally
“What did she...say?”
There wasn’t any place that wasn’t pretty in her, but her voice was particularly pretty. Even
if she would hum a little, the people would look back at her in captivations, but to say that
she cursed with that voice?
Sa Heon-yeong knew the rough story. Sa Heon-yeong also had a spy placed in the Empress’
palace. But he didn’t hear the details. On that day, the spy did not get close enough. He
could hear about the scene that day, but he couldn’t hear the details of the inner story.
Ha Soye was terrified of how she was going to tell this story.
Uncharacteristically, she continued her story with hesitation, unlike her.
The atmosphere when Queen Mun arrived before the Empress. The story of the day when
Queen Mun sang, and the Empress who slept while listening to the song, suddenly changed
and whipped the queen, and Queen Mun who endured not to sing, and everyone went
Sa Heon-yeong thought he knew the gist of the story, but it was much worse than he
thought. The Empress did not consider his wife from the beginning, and when her wish did
not come true, she beat his wife recklessly like a beast.
Chapter 82

‘Which bitch put a goblin egg in my stomach?’

The Empress has always wondered about it. She was always convinced that the bitch who
put the goblin’s egg inside her stomach, and she, with noble blood, had to give birth to the
filthy goblin was the concubine.
A bird that grants wishes. Sa Heon-yeong knew how much the Empress’ heart was beating
when she heard the story without looking at it.
Sa Heon-yeong knew that he was not a goblin. He knew it all too well. He had never used a
magic spell once in his thirty years of life. He was always facing death on the battlefield. He
has never had anything beyond human, so he must be just a human.
However, Sa Heon-yeong did not claim to be a human since he was a child when he was
nearly killed by the Crown Prince’s sword. He couldn’t. So he lived as a goblin.
Although he was a human, he had to wear a goblin mask for many years to obey the
command to live like a goblin. It was unreasonable and sometimes humiliating, it was
breaking his heart, but it was unavoidable. The other person was the Empress, the Crown
Prince, and the Emperor.
His wife , who knew nothing, had hit the Empress head-on. To a mother who denies
everything, saying that his son is a goblin, his wife claimed that it was his son.
The cost was horrendous.
“... So, if she didn’t want to be deposed, the Empress commanded Her Highness to sing.”
“She asked if she’s deposed.”
“Will the Empress accept her son...”
Sa Heon-young’s eyes widened, then slowly distorted. He covered his face with one hand.
He didn’t know how to control his crazy feelings.
What is that?
Young-ah, his foolish and kind wife. Why did she lose her life?
Sa Heon-yeong raised his head and looked at the ceiling. When he missed one night and
came back in the morning.
‘I thought something bad happened.’
She had been staring at the darkness all night long. She said she was worried when Sa
Heon-yeong returned. What did he say then? Did he laugh at her? He didn’t remember well.
She was so worried when he didn’t come back for one night.
In fact, she didn’t even know he was doing something bad.
Just to acknowledge him as a person. Did she leave so harshly when she said something like
What is so important about him that he knew nothing while she was tormented?
“It became a will.”
Sa Heon-young closed his eyes at Ha Soye’s words. Now he thought his tears were dry, but
something else was filling his eyes. He didn’t know if it was blood or tears.
“Ha Soye.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“I need some rest.”
Retreat. Sa Heon-yeong closed his eyes while Ha Soye disappeared.
Swallowing hot things, he thought of the lovely person he could no longer hold. And, slowly
he recalled those who took that person away.
Something is breaking in his mind. The shattering sound was not as loud as he thought. Is
this the mind or is it humanity?
Whatever it was, it wasn’t as big as he thought it would be. It broke in an instant. No, only
the shell is broken. The soul that was in it went to the underworld with Young-young. She
was the only one who treated him as a human, so he had to die with her.
“Foolish husband, really.”
Sa Heon-yeong wiped the place next to him with his hand. There was nothing left of Young-
young’s body temperature, but the fact that it was the place where she had laid made him
“I couldn’t protect you and I couldn’t fill you with flowers, and I couldn’t even burn you on a
white boat.”
After that, Sa Heon-young took a long breath. He slowly lowered his back and kissed the
empty bed. He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened his eyes. A sly smile dripped
down like blood from his lips.
Who said that the road to the underworld is lit with blood... Young-ah, go slow. I’ll light it
up like broad daylight soon.
His eyes were red from tears of blood. Just like a goblin.
Chapter 83

“Did he show up to work?”

The Crown Prince frowned.
“Already? It was only a few days ago that the beloved wife died and he went crazy in the
valley of sinners.
“Yes, Your Highness. It is said that the delayed work is almost finished.”
When the Grand Eunuch, who was at the position of the emperor’s assistant, bowed his
head politely, the Crown Prince snorted and threw away the scroll with agitation.
As the Crown Prince of the Empire, it is natural to assume the role of the Emperor’s right
hand. It feels good to feel like an emperor. But it’s annoying to see the scrolls. Documents
all the time about what went wrong.
He was tired and upset. Why the hell does he have to listen to the stories of things that are
even worse than bugs? The Crown Prince clicked his tongue and picked up a drink.
“Is the work finished? It must have been a considerable amount.”
“That eyesore bastard.”
Some people who knew that Sa Heon-yeong was the Crown Prince’s twin would gossip very
secretly. Could it actually have changed? Which one is the goblin and which one is the
Crown Prince? Was the Empress not mistaken? His Highness the Crown Prince’s
disposition is like...
That goblin did not know its place and entered into a noble womb, so the damage was
great. Those who should look up to and respect the Crown Prince are often suspicious.
Maybe, maybe, they talked. While not being able to say a word in front of the Emperor,
Empress, and the Crown Prince himself. Those who rub their hands, bow their backs,
desperate to please.
When he turned around, they put a suspicious look behind his back. Maybe that’s the goblin
over there?
Is that possible? How could they not distinguish between low blood and precious blood?
Even though he put on a goblin mask, why can’t they tell them apart?
“I should have just locked him up.”
The Crown Prince regretted it.
The eunuch, the Crown Prince’s henchman, asked curiously.
“Heon-yeong. Until he was four years old, he was raised in prison. Heon-yeong asked when
the weak-minded Father stopped by to see Heon-yeong. Can I go out if I wear a mask?”
The Grand Eunuch also knew about it. He served the emperor for over forty years, and he
meticulously remembered most of these brother’s incidents.
“It seemed that the Emperor did not want him to wear a mask, but the Empress was against
it. It’s normal. Giving birth to a goblin is a shame for a woman. It’s better to die.”
“I chose the mask.”
He wanted to keep Heon-young in cages for the rest of his life and feed him, but he couldn’t
bear to see Heon-young walking around wearing that mask. In the end, impulse prevailed.
Twenty-six years since then.
Sa Heon-yeong’s mask was always chosen by the Crown Prince. Every time he heard a
rumor that a terrifying goblin was drinking blood and eating human flesh, he laughed. It
was fun.
Even if he tore a bitch to pieces and killed it, he didn’t get enough fun. Sa Heon-young was
special. A goblin with his own face. Those pitiful eyes that struggle to be human. Every time
he saw that pathetic soul longing for their mother, he was so happy that it was hard to bear.
Heon-young was truly a special beast.
“My poor and pitiful little brother. The masks were always hand-picked by me. How pitiful.”
The red goblin mask.
The hideous mask was chosen by the Crown Prince. The Grand Eunuch lowered his eyes
without saying a word.
The Crown Prince’s bad hobbies didn’t happen just yesterday and today. For King Mun, it
was still a bit better to wear. People, regardless of gender or age, suddenly died. The
emperor is preserving his place today and tomorrow, and the empress listened to whatever
the Crown Prince said.
As the power of the emperor weakened, the power of the Empress Dowager, the largest
power of the imperial family, also weakened. The Crown Prince, who was the
representative of the Emperor and had the full trust of the Empress on his back, became
the absolute power.
“I can’t believe he’s come to his senses, so that love was nothing special then?”
Only the dead are pitiful. The Crown Prince shook his head. Then he said, “Oh,” and looked
back at the Grand Eunuch.
“Does Heon-young know yet? Why did his wife die?”
“….… I’m sorry. I don’t know...”
“I have to tell him in person on our birthday. That lowly one died running around without
knowing her place, but it means that she was devoted to Heon-yeong, so shouldn’t I have
mercy? No matter what I say, it’s my sister-in-law, but if there’s any resentment left, I’m in
A single smile appeared on the Crown Prince’s face.
“If he knew that she said, “Will you recognize him as your son when I’m deposed?”
“Will he shed tears of blood again?”
Chapter 84

His heart raced to the point that he thought that he would be able to see it in front of his
eyes. Fuhaha, the Crown Prince burst out laughing.
“It would be really fun if he volunteered, isn’t it, Grand Eunuch?”
“This subject is foolish so I don’t know.”
The Grand Eunuch bowed his head. The Crown Prince looked at the Grand Eunuch who was
not answering anything with his narrowed eyes.
“You don’t know this; you don’t know that. Anyway, it’s because you’re old, so you’re saving
yourself quite a bit. Not fun.”
“You seem to believe in the favor of the Emperor, but it would be better not to. One day,
when I feel bad.”
“You’ll have to die in a pretty way, huh?”
Said the Crown Prince, as he got up. As the Grand Eunuch looked up at the Crown Prince
who stood up from the mountain-like scrolls, the Crown Prince nudged his head.
“Do it yourself.”
“Your Highness. How dare this lowly subject,”
“It is said that the Empress was weak in heart and could not cut off Heon-yeong’s wife’s
tongue. But I think it’s different, you know.”
“Be good. And when you’re done, I’ll put a straw mat in your bed.”
A sense of urgency trembled. Seeing the old man trembling, the Crown Prince laughed
childishly. He tapped the Grand Eunuch’s cheek and went out.
And that night.
Sa Heon-yeong took off his mask at the Imperial Palace for the first time since becoming the
Inspector General. Moonlight poured through the window. In the moonlight, for the first
time, he looked down at the mask silently.
It’s hideous.
It was. The mask was like this, so it makes rumors like eating blood or eating human flesh.
This mask is a birthday present from the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince always gave a
goblin mask to Sa Heon-yeong’s birthday. It is an important item that touches your body, so
can I handle it carelessly? I made it with the utmost care. With that said, the things only got
more hideous every year.
‘Would you become the goblin’s bride?’
When he asked Young-Young, Young-Young was drunk on the herbs. At that time, Young-
young’s face was still vivid. Young-young looked up at him blankly and her cheeks dyed red.
She hesitated, then shrugged her shoulders a little and replied shyly.
‘Our house is shabby.’
“Where... did you go? Can you see Mang Mountain*?”
Sa Heon-yeong whispered to the mask. As if he does that, his voice can reach Young-young.
“Go slow, Young-ah. Slowly.”
It’s dark at night and your legs are weak, so you have to go slowly.
If he closes his eyes, he can clearly remember Young-young. They’ve only been together for
a few weeks, but the memories have become countless blades and cut through his heart.
All the memories were beautiful. It was unbelievably perfect with no blemishes. Was it like
that? Or is it that he lost her and the memory of her now is confusing and desperate?
Sa Heon-yeong looked back at his memories several times. He continued to search, but the
memories, too close and clear to become memories, were just beautiful.
Crash, Sa Heon-yeong’s hand broke the mask.
“Your Highness, it’s the General.”
General Joo knelt outside the sliding door and said.
“Did you bring them all?”
The bloody smell wafted through the sliding door.
Sa Heon-young chuckled. It was very strange. He tried not to lose something all his life, but
when he loses what he has, he comes to know. That he had nothing from the beginning. It
was all an illusion and a self-deception.
Like an impossible wish.
It was said that if one falls asleep listening to Young-young’s song, their wishes will come
true in their dreams. It was widely believed that any wish was possible.
To confirm that this is true, Sa Heon-young has his subordinate go undercover and make
their wish come true. They said that his subordinate’s wish came true in a dream. He met
the families lost in the fire and talked about how they are doing.
However, there are some wishes that cannot be fulfilled. His mother wanted to know ‘who
put the goblin’s egg in her stomach’. A wish to deceive oneself will not come true.
Young-young’s song is to grant wishes, not slander. She does not grant the wishes of those
who are not honest. It cannot be a wish. Those who do not know who they are or where
they stand and do not know what they are looking at.
In the end, the only thing he had in his 30 years of life was her.
And he was robbed of it in broad daylight.
The sliding door opened. Then General Joo got down on his knees and held out a bundle,
looked at Sa Heon-yeong’s face, and swallowed his breath.
“Cro, Cro, Crown, Crown Prince,”
“Eight. Have all their necks been cut off?”


북망산 or Mangshan/ Mang Mountain. The mountains have a very beautiful scenery so in
ancient times, high ranking people and royalties were buried there.
Chapter 85

The spies were eight in total. Three were the Crown Prince’s spy, two were his mother’s,
one was his father’s, one was the Minister of Justice’s, and the other was the spy of the
Crown Princess’s father, the Minister of Public Officials.
He knew but he was just closing his eyes.
“... Your, Your, Your Highness?”
The General’s eyes widened.
“... no way.”
“Is, is, is it you, Master?”
General Joo asked, unable to breathe properly.
Sa Heon-yeong threw a piece of mask in front of General Joo. Pieces of wood, which were no
longer needed, were scattered around.
He laughed again at the thought that that kind of garbage had put pressure on his life and
made him surrender.
Sa Heon-young laughed. He had no need to hold back his laughter. Now he will not tolerate
He doesn’t need a mask. A human being needs a mask to become a goblin, but he did not
need a mask to become a goblin himself. Sa Heon-young continued to laugh. He knew he
was laughing like a madman; he was aware that everyone was looking at him with
frightened eyes.
Song Young-young isn’t here either.
What does the eyes of the world mean?
Seeing the eight things in General Joo’s bag, Sa Heon-yeong smiled. He could feel himself
going crazy.
Getting to the Crown Prince’s Palace was very easy.
Everyone fell to their knees and bowed their heads in unison. The Crown Prince is walking.
He smiles lazily, but he is a Crown Prince who always kills people. No one wanted to make
eye contact. Unseen men were walking behind the Crown Prince, but no one dared to ask
his identity.
Sa Heon-young walked slowly in the moonlight. The Crown Prince did a lot of bizarre
things. No one was surprised when Sa Heon-yeong walked around the Crown Prince’s
Palace while wearing a fancy robe. Because it didn’t happen once or twice.
Huh huh?
The guards in front of the bedroom hurriedly knelt down and tilted their heads puzzled. As
they entered the hallway, the eyes of the eunuchs became more suspicious.
He was the one who should be in bed. The weak Crown Prince struggled to even cross the
window, but how is he going around and coming back so proudly?
Sa Heon-yeong, who stood in front of the bedroom, glanced at the officers who were
following him. That gaze became a signal. The soldiers moved in unison.
Ugh, hiik. Some only muttered in half. Most of them did not make a sound and passed out.
The armed forces who suppressed the blood flow and knocked down all those guarding the
bedroom to the floor knelt in front of Sa Heon-yeong.
“Nobody died?”
With Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the officers bowed their heads all at once. They didn’t answer
because they were conscious of the existence of the Crown Prince beyond the sliding door.
But Sa Heon-young, who had already lost everything, smiled.
“Don’t kill recklessly. My wife won’t see anything if it’s too blinding. If it’s too blinding,
that’s a big deal, isn’t it?”
None of the officers answered. They were afraid inside. They couldn’t even imagine how far
their master’s madness, who had been cold for the rest of his life, would go, how many
things he would burn until it subsided.
Sa Heon-yeong muttered.
“On the way to Mang Mountain, there is so much blood that there is still plenty of blood left
over even when it is lit up, so let’s not use the blood of an innocent person. Did you
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Open it.”
The gates were opened on both sides.
What kind of face will the Crown Prince have? Sa Heon-Young was very much looking
forward to it.
However, the Crown Prince completely betrayed his expectations. He was drooling and
snoring, drunk and asleep. And beside him, the naked Crown Princess was trembling
holding the sheet.
As if she had been subjected to harsh things, her whole body was in a mess, not like a noble
status. The handprints were white and bloodstained on her slender body, and male seeds
was clinging to her.
Sa Heon-yeong closed the door with his own hands. He felt that the men who were about to
follow them stopped, but they obeyed Sa Heon-yeong’s will and knelt outside the sliding
door again.
Sa Heon-yeong approached the Crown Princess and knelt down on one knee.
“Your Highness.”
“... King Mun.”
The Crown Princess knew that Sa Heon-yeong was the Crown Prince’s twin. This was
because the Crown Prince often bad joked at her, like saying letting Sa Heon-yeong assault
her to humiliate the Crown Princess.
“What happened to your clothes?”
The Crown Princess shook her head. The Crown Prince did not allow his wife to appear
even a little dignified in front of him.
When he married her, he stripped her off, wrapped her in a blanket, and brought her to the
bed. The Crown Princess could not overcome this disgrace and cut off her wrist. It was a
disgrace that was hard to bear for a woman of high-ranking in the Sun Dynasty.
Chapter 86

“Your Highness.”
“Yes, King Mun.”
“Look carefully at my face.”
As the Crown Princess hesitated, she looked up at Sa Heon-yeong’s face.
“After Friday night, I will ascend to the throne... Do you know what that means?”
The Crown Princess’ eyes widened and her mouth gaped open. As she looked at him, who
had come to the bedroom in the middle of the night, she didn’t even think that Sa Heon-
yeong was rebelling.
“You decide now. What would you like to do? If you want to leave the palace, I will prepare
a body now and replace it. Then you will be free. I do not know for sure whether the Crown
Princess, who does not know anything, will be able to get through the world well. Or there
is a way to become an accomplice to this brother-in-law’s treason.”
The Crown Princess murmured like a fool. Just one word, it was a word that crushed her
heart just by muttering it. Sa Heon-yeong nodded his head.
“Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and ten years from now, Your Highness will still be
the Crown Princess, and after that, you will rise to the throne of the Empress. But I’m Your
Highness’ brother-in-law and we know that for sure. Your Highness will be alone until the
day of your death. Of course I will save your face.”
“I have become unable to hold a woman for my own reasons, so I am no different. It would
be very painful for you to live your whole life as a woman of a man who can’t hold you. I’m
sorry for making you make such a heavy decision, but I don’t have much time.”
Although he said two paths, Sa Heon-yeong knew well what the Crown Princess would
She had a son. There was only one way for her in the first place. Of course she could take
her son and go out into the wide world, but it would be too much for the fragile woman.
The Crown Princess bit her lip for a moment. She closed her eyes and shook her body. Then
she opened her eyes and looked back at the Crown Prince who had taken her without her
will and assaulted her and had now fallen asleep. Sa Heon-yeong did not miss seeing the
hate flashing through her fearful eyes.
The Crown Princess whispered.
“There is a condition.”
“Tell me.”
“Never again, never again shall he come back. Can you do that? If you do that, this body will
become His Highness King Mun’s wife, or even of His Highness the Crown Prince. When the
sun comes up, I will return to my palace as if nothing had happened, and I will not speak
about this to anyone, and until the day I die, I will bury this night in my heart and live as the
Crown Princess.”
‘Will you recognize him as your son when I’m deposed?’
There’s nothing wrong with the Crown Princess. It’s just that the Crown Princess doesn’t
love the Crown Prince. And Sa Heon-yeong’s wife loved him. The love was too much for Sa
Heon-yeong to receive. His sick chest throbbed like a seizure again.
Sa Heon-young got up. He took the Crown Prince’s red robe and placed it over the Crown
Princess’ head. The Crown Princess fled herself to the very corner of the bed.
He got the body up. He strode to the door and opened the door.
“Fill the prison with water.”
The command was simple, but the implied meaning was terrifying. Who was he going to
imprison in that prison? No one said yes, they just bowed their heads.
Chapter 87

“Did the Crown Prince come to greet me? What is up with that drunkard these days?”
The Empress had a smile on her face.
Today, the Crown Prince has changed. He doesn’t drink and he doesn’t kill people. The
banquet held every night has also stopped. She heard that the light of the study did not go
out until late at night, and that he only slept with the Crown Princess on the designated
Union Day.
She also heard that he didn’t act unpredictably with the Crown Princess, but, accordingly,
went to the Crown Princess’ bedroom by himself. After the union was over, he returned to
his bedroom. Compared to the previous Crown Prince, he lived an almost monk-like life.
As a result, the Crown Princess’ complexion also improved day by day. She seemed like a
person waiting for her death every day, but now she’s as lively as the girl from the days of
running around in the flower garden.
When the consort’s palace was established, the promiscuousness in the concubinage was
also corrected at once. She was a woman who had been educated from her childhood to
become a concubine of the Crown Prince. She resolutely dealt with her underlings.
Like all the turmoil in the past was a lie, the Crown Prince’s Palace was advancing without
hesitation. The Crown Prince’s adjustment also stabilized in an instant.
She couldn’t stand not being proud. Yes, this is my child. The Empress believed. The Crown
Prince just wandered a little. Some fools say that the Crown Prince and the goblin got
reversed, but hey, she is their mother, how can she not recognize her child?
Her own child was her only son.
“Crown Prince, welcome.”
“Greetings to my mother.”
The Crown Prince knelt down on his knees, and the Empress hurriedly raised the Crown
“Don’t do this, Crown Prince. What a strange thing to your mother...”
The Empress did not raise the Crown Prince, but opened her eyes wide.
The features are very similar. She knew, because it’s always been the same
But the Empress never, she swore, she never confuses her son with the goblin.
Why is the goblin wearing her son’s clothes and pretending to be her son in her son’s place?
If the goblin is like this, where is her son?
The Empress’s face was distorted.
At that moment, Sa Heon-yeong’s hand moved.
It moved so fast, and the attendants kept their heads down, so they couldn’t see it properly.
Sa Heon-yeong’s finger plucked exactly somewhere on the Empress’s neck. The pain was so
strong that for a moment the Empress’s body staggered. Sa Heon-yeong said, “Mother, be
careful,” and embraced her. And he whispered in her ear.
“Yes, it is me, Mother.”
The Empress opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything, euph, euph. No words came out.
What happened? Why can’t she speak? The Empress was desperately trying to speak. But
no matter how hard she tried to squeeze her voice out, it was no use.
“It is of no use. You had a blood clot. Simpler than cutting off your tongue. It takes some
Heup,... Ooph! The Empress tried to hit Sa Heon-yeong. Then Sa Heon-yeong flicked
somewhere with his fingers, tak, tak, tak, and the Empress’s body stiffened like a log. Her
body, unable to give strength, collapsed, but Sa Heon-yeong firmly grabbed her and
prevented her from collapsing on the floor. But maybe she’d rather fall to the floor.
Sa Heon-yeong, drowsily, imitated her son’s voice in her ears.
“Mother took everything from my wife, but I can’t do that. The grace of giving birth to me is
great, how can I do that? So I will live like your son.”
The Empress’s enlarged eyes stared at Sa Heon-yeong. What about her son? Her eyes were
asking so.
“He became a fish. I will raise him in a fishbowl.”
And Mother. Sa Heon-young continued.
“Well, since you have been praised for your beautiful hair color, wouldn’t it be better to be
a doll? What do you think, Mother?”
Eup, Eup-.
The Empress looked at Sa Heon-yeong’s face with a languid smile, and she desperately
opened her mouth. She should scream. She must drive out this goblin. Any one. Look at me,
any one! But no one raises their head.
Her limbs keep getting stiff. It was as if she was dead but alive. The Empress’s face was
distorted by the terrible and disgusting feeling. Sa Heon-yeong’s smile deepened even more
as he looked at her face with tears streaming down.
And that night, in an abandoned mansion.
Twinkle, Song Young-young opened her eyes.
Chapter 88

Her surroundings were dark. She couldn’t see anything, so she lay still and blinked her
Where is this?
Young-young lifted her head and looked around. Nothing was visible.
Somewhere, she heard a bird chirping. Is it night or dawn? She couldn’t figure it out.
It was cold. Young-young curled up into the blanket. Then suddenly the light came closer.
When she looked to the side in surprise, it was a brazier.
“Are you cold? The water is being heated. I’m going to give you hot water, so please wait a
little bit.”
It wasn’t a familiar face, but it wasn’t an unfamiliar face either. The middle-aged woman
smiled faintly and gently stroked Young-young’s hair. Young-young raised her head and
looked at her, muttering “Court Lady Yoon.”
She remembered her saying that Sa Heon-young called her that way.
“Yes, I am Court Lady Yoon.”
“Where is this?”
“This is the residence of the Song family. I have nowhere to go..., I’m sorry.”
Song family residence?
Young-young tilted her head.
“Where in the house of the Song family?”
“The mansion of your father, Song Geun-ryang. This is the guest room.”
Young-young was startled and got her body up.
Her whole body was throbbing, but that wasn’t the problem. There were no guests and she
entered the guest room. If her father or the Madam finds out, they will be surprised. She
will not be safe not only herself, but also this woman.
Young-young groaned and grabbed Court Lady Yoon’s wrist.
“Go now.”
Court Lady Yoon asked curiously, “What?” But Young-young shook her head quickly.
“You have to run away. Come on, get up. If Father and the Madam saw us,”
“Who are you talking about?”
Young-young exclaimed, feeling frustrated.
“I mean, my father! My father,”
It was frustrating for Court Lady Yoon as well.
“How can the dead Song Geun-ryang harm Your Highness?”
Dead, Song Geun-ryang?
Young-young, who had stood up on her knees, slumped down. Is he dead? Seeing Young-
young’s eyes widened, Court Lady Yoon realized.
She didn’t know...
She heard rumors that King Mun was in love, but was it that much? It was such a big
incident that Yang-an was turned upside down, but the person involved in the incident did
not even know about it.
“Dead... , is he dead? Wh, what happened?”
Her father, who runs the biggest drugstore, took care of his body like gold, but how did he
happen to die? Young-young, who was confused, regained her senses.
“Then, the Madam,”
“She’s dead too.”
“The entire Song family is dead. Because the mortal sin of growing and selling herbs was
Young-young rolled her eyes.
‘The herb is a drug prohibited by national law, and those who eat it, grow it, and neglect it
are all subject to death.’
Sa Heon-young clearly said that. So shouldn’t she have to die too? Young-young looked at
Court Lady Yoon with anxious eyes. Fortunately, Court Lady Yoon didn’t seem to know that
she had ever eaten the herbs.
“Actually, this place is forbidden to enter, but there was no place to avoid people’s eyes.”
“Because I am deposed?”
The woman who knew nothing asked back.
Court Lady Yoon said, “Yes,” and nodded her head. She wanted to make the miserable life of
this woman a little less miserable in the future.
She’d rather this woman be happy. This woman knows nothing, and she’s a little foolish, so
she’ll suffer less.
Court Lady Yoon carefully put the woman down. Even though Court Lady Yoon was the
Empress’ attendant, the very same person who tortured her, Young-young lay there
without any doubt with a gentle face. Court Lady Yoon put hot water in the hot-water bath,
wrapped it around with a cloth, put it in the woman’s arms, and placed the blanket.
“It has not yet dawned. Get some more sleep.”
The woman closed her eyes. Seeing that scene, Court Lady Yoon recalled a very distant
past. A child she cared for like her son. Sleep, she said, and she smiled softly, yes, and the
woman closed her eyes. She was so gentle.
Court Lady Yoon lightly patted the woman to sleep. As she watched the sky brighten up, she
kept patted. As she did so, she recalled the distant past and distant sins.
This woman sings a song that grants a wish. And whoever hears the song will have a wish
come true in their dream. whatever that wish is. The truth is given to those who want the
truth. Even if the truth is completely different from what you want.
He was a person, she said.
He wasn’t a goblin, she said.
‘When I am deposed, will you accept him as your son?’
This woman resisted, risking her life. She’s too weak to resist, it was just one question. But
she had to pay the question with her life.
Chapter 89

... Unlike that woman, Court Lady Yoon couldn’t risk her own life...
Tears fell from Court Lady Yoon’s eyes.
He must be a goblin, everyone said so..., She thought he was a goblin. So it’s natural... It
wasn’t that she didn’t love him, it wasn’t that she wanted to betray him, she just thought he
was really a goblin...
No twins are born from noble blood. For the noble blood recognizes only one existence.
So she...
Court Lady Yoon covered her face with her hand. The invisible knife is slicing through her
heart. What is more unbearable than this pain is the irreversible time. No, it is herself.
What will she do when she returns? Will she resist the Crown Prince?
Court Lady Yoon raised her head. As she counted the patterns on the dark ceiling, she
eventually closed her eyes.
It was wrong to think it would be okay since the woman was docile and ignorant, and Court
Lady Yoon realized it only two days after she woke up.
“You should have some. How can you live if you don’t eat anything?”
Court Lady Yoon had to beg and beg, but the woman barely put the food to her mouth. But
she soon put down the spoon and said she didn’t want to eat.
Is there anything you want? Court Lady Yoon asked several times, and the woman asked in
a very low voice as she grabbed Court Lady Yoon’s skirt.
“I will never meet Lord Heon-yeong again...?”
The woman’s eyes fluttered wildly, like someone would be offended if she heard it, or if she
felt even guilty of even asking this.
For two days, she probably had this question on her chest. Court Lady Yoon could easily
guess. Even though the woman knew she couldn’t meet him, she couldn’t help but ask.
She swallowed and swallowed, and when she couldn’t swallow any more, she put it in her
mouth only now, when she had no choice but to spit out a thorn in the question.
The woman should not meet him. The day the Empress knows that this woman is alive,
everyone will die.
“... I won’t eat it.”
“Your Highness.”
“I can die now.”
Young-young smiled softly.
Her mother said don’t die. And she wants revenge. Young-young did nothing, but her father,
madam, lady, and the man all died. Her mother’s wish came true, and now she is free. It
didn’t matter when Young-young died.
“How can you say that?!”
Young-young smiled bashfully and slowly went inside the blanket.
She didn’t want to eat or drink anything. She didn’t want to even think about it. She wanted
to close her eyes. She was happiest when she fell asleep.
In her dreams, there was always Sa Heon-yeong. He was smiling happily in her dream. He
called her his wife, and affectionately called her, laughing in the morning sunshine.
Someone she’ll never see again.
Will he... forget her? After ten nights, after a hundred nights, after a thousand nights, will he
ever forget her? Will he be as kind to others as he was to her?
Even when thinking like that.
It hurts. There were times when she thought it might be better to have someone to touch
the wounds in her heart, and then she thought she didn’t want it, but in the end, amidst
anguish and pain.
Just one more time.
I want to see you just one more time.
She didn’t even know they were going to part. The last thing she remembers was the wide
back that quickly disappears. She just wanted to see him one more time. The last thing she
remembers was that beautiful and dignified face.
If possible, she wishes that she could touch those features with this hand one more time.
What kind of texture it was, her memories were already fuzzy.
“Your Highness.”
Court Lady Yoon tried to comfort her and feed her, but she shook her head. Everything was
Chapter 90

It was truly fortunate that Song Geun-ryang’s house was in the middle of the city. While
buying meat, dumplings, and sweets, Court Lady Yoon pondered what to buy to arouse the
appetite of the new master, who lost her will to live.
“The little girls get their eyes wide open when you give them one of these candies. There is
nothing like it to stop crying!”
The place is always overflowing with people, but today it was exceptionally crowded. For
Court Lady Yoon, who has always lived in a quiet imperial palace, the place was a different
While she was buying things and getting bumped here and there, she was interested by a
merchant’s solicitation and stepped forward. At that time, two women passing by passed
by her and whispered.
“The country is terrible when it is said that the Empress is possessed by a demon. Isn’t it?”
Court Lady Yoon’s steps stopped and hardened.
“Ah, that’s right. What does it mean to have the most beautiful hair color? The limbs were
bizarrely twisted.”
“I hear bad news too. Even the Emperor couldn’t get up from his sick bed, and now even the
“Nevertheless, the Crown Prince...”
The women went away.
Court Lady Yoon turned her head away, unable to believe what she had heard. What
happened to the Empress’ body?
“Oh dear, be careful!”
Someone shouted
Court Lady Yoon didn’t care. Throwing everything she had in her hands on the ground, she
ran straight to the palace. Who and what happened?
“Court Lady, come here now!”
As soon as the Court Lady, who acted like her limbs, saw Court Lady Yoon, she burst into
tears. Her face was very emaciated as she struggled to endure it. Court Lady Yoon sighed
and closed the Court Lady’s mouth.
Shrine of the court ladies. It’s a place that people don’t usually come to, but she pulls the
court lady into a corner where only Court Lady Yoon knows. It was difficult for her to stand
When Queen Mun was tortured and taken to the concubinage’s prison, Court Lady Yoon
was the one who looked for a chance to sneak her out. And taking advantage of the
Empress’s sleep, she hurried to the prison.
Queen Mun did not look healthy at first glance. If she is not rescued quickly, she will die.
As she went down to the prison, she heard the sound of two guards.
‘Uh, uh...? Hey, no. She’s alive. She’s not dead yet.’
‘Oh dear, she didn’t even eat the porridge, she was tough, huh?’
She screamed at that moment.
‘Why is that bitch still over there?!’
Court Lady Yoon yelled at them and became angry. Don’t you know the wrath of the
Empress? It’s a girl that has already been deposed. How dare you put its existence in the
palace, what do you think this place is? Why don’t you just let it go!
With Court Lady Yoon’s anger, the guards hurriedly rolled Queen Mun into a straw mat and
sent her out of the palace.
On a secluded mountain road leading to the Valley of Sinners, the men, who were ordered
by Court Lady Yoon, bought Queen Mun from the guards.
‘The son of a noble family is about to die as a bachelor, and they are going to hold a
posthumous wedding*. It’s a precious person, so they wanted to meet someone who is
Saying so, the men gave the guards a decent amount of money and bought Queen Mun. And
they left her in the Song family mansion.
The next morning, Court Lady Yoon lied to the Empress and told the Empress that she was
ill and that she wanted to be seen by a physician of the southern province, and she left the
Maybe she thought Queen Mun was already dead. Then she thought of burying her in the
mountain behind the Song family mansion. This poor and brave woman could not be left in
a filthy place with sinners.
Court Lady Yoon remembered King Mun. How much did he love the woman? How much
she loved him. It wouldn’t be an atonement for Court Lady who had betrayed him, but she
wanted to do something.
But, surprisingly, Queen Mun has a tough line. She was critical, but she was alive. After
desperate nursing, Court Lady Yoon saved Queen Mun’s life. Meanwhile, the world has
Court Lady Yoon returned to the Imperial Palace. The surprising thing happened next. The
Empress was so closely monitored that not a single ant could enter or leave. Moreover, all
the courtiers in the Empress’ Palace were changed at once, so no one knew of Court Lady
As if treason had happened.
“What happened? The Empress is sick, so why is the security so strict, and why are you
outside instead of inside?”
Treason, it can’t be?
Who did the treason? The Crown Prince is no different from sitting on the dragon throne
already, and the Empress’s authority has reached high in the sky, so no one...
No one...

*Posthumous Marriage / Ghost Wedding

Usually done for many reasons but in this case, I think it was to continue the family line
since they said the male was going to die as a bachelor. Well, a lot of female corpse did end
up stolen because of the practice ._.
Chapter 91

Court Lady Yoon suddenly remembered Queen Mun, who was lying gloomy. The Queen
who does not eat and just wants to sleep. When she was deposed, she asks if the Empress
will recognize King Mun as a person. Her voice is thin, but she does not back down, and
now Queen Mun does not want anything. She just waits for her death, passing meaningless
dates day by day.
The court lady responded, stomping her feet.
“This subject don’t know. No one knows! Suddenly, the Crown Prince came to greet her in
the morning and the Empress was very pleased, and then she collapsed, and then all of a
sudden everyone was kicked out saying there was an assassination attempt..., under strict
investigation by the Inspectorate, ... What kind of goblin is this … !”
And King Mun, who loved and cherished such Queen Mun. What is he doing now?
“What is King Mun doing now?”
The court lady frowned with a face that did not understand why King Mun appeared in this
situation. But after Court Lady Yoon looked at her seriously, she sighed.
“He seemed to be very heartbroken right after he lost the queen, but... , now he has come to
the office and there is no problem.”
No problem?
Court Lady Yoon’s eyes twitched and moved. No problem? It was the wife that he loved so
much. There was only one. Since the queen is gone, King Mun has had no one to stand by
his side. She was the first woman he had. Is he okay with that woman dead?
In an instant, a thought popped into her mind. No, it was enlightenment. Court Lady Yoon
jumped up at the realization as if she had been struck by lightning.
“Court Lady Yoon?”
“I have to go.”
Court Lady Yoon! Court Lady Yoon!
The court lady shouted, but Court Lady Yoon didn’t listen and ran away. Oh my God, my
God, my God. She was the person who raised Sa Heon-yeong. She knew what he was
thinking, and, very occasionally, she could get her hands on it. Oh my God. If she’s right...
Her eyes were dark.
“Crown Prince, the Empress’s Court Lady Yoon is asking for an attendance.”
Pft, Sa Heon-young laughed.
When he hit the empress, Court Lady Yoon was gone. He wondered if she had noticed and
ran away, but soon came to the conclusion that it was impossible.
He thought he was lucky that she would come crawling on her own.
“Your Highness, what are you going to do?”
Asked the Crown Princess who was beside him. As an accomplice, she was more active than
expected. She took control of the concubinage and helped Sa Heon-yeong to fulfill his role
as the Crown Prince by telling him what he didn’t know.
Sa Heon-yeong had no friends and neither did the Crown Princess. On their designated
mating day, they sat and talked from a distance. About each other’s life stories. Sa Heon-
yeong, who was forced to be a goblin, and the Crown Princess, who was forced to become
the Crown Prince’s wife, a pervert and murderer, had a point of contact.
‘What kind of person was Queen Mun?’
One day, the Crown Princess asked, and Sa Heon-young quietly closed his eyes. He felt like
crying just trying to say a word about Young-Young.
‘She was a beautiful woman.’
‘Like the Empress?’
‘Like a bird that does not exist in the world.’
‘I’ve never had any love and affection. What kind of emotion is it?’
Sa Heon-young thought for a moment at those words and then opened his mouth.
‘... I think of her every day when I open my eyes. If I die today, I wonder if I can catch her on
her way to Mang Mountain.’
‘Your Highness...!’
‘If I climb on the throne, I will search the valley of sinners and find her. After finding her...,
then I’m afraid it might be too late. She must have gone too far.’
After saying that, Sa Heon-yeong finally couldn’t overcome his emotions and raised his
hands to cover his face. He murmured in a subdued voice.
‘I don’t even know about love and affection either. How could this pain be such a pretty
It was only once that Sa Heon-young showed his emotions.
She later found out that he had been drinking at the banquet. It seems that he drank alcohol
to look like the Crown Prince, but Sa Heon-yeong, unlike the Crown Prince, was weak in
drinking. Since then, the Crown Princess has only poured water or tea into Sa Heon-yeong’s
wine bottle at the banquet.
“Let her in.”
With Sa Heon-yeong’s answer, the Crown Princess hurriedly thought. Does he want her to
“Your Highness.”
The Crown Princess looked at Sa Heon-yeong anxiously.
Court Lady Yoon was Sa Heon-yeong’s nanny. She is one of the few who can accurately tell
the difference between the Prince and Sa Heon-yeong.
“Greetings Crown Prince.”
Court Lady Yoon came in and knelt down on her knees.
“I will be alone.”
With that, the Crown Princess looked at him with worried eyes.
She has to hold it in.
Chapter 92

It is unknown where Sa Heon-yeong’s favor will go in the future. There will probably be
nothing between him and her sacrificial dedication. Even if no one knows, they are clearly a
brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
No one knew between a man and a woman, but the Crown Princess was sure. There is
nothing between them. How could she have feelings for her brother-in-law, who had the
same face as her cruel husband?
Likewise, her brother-in-law sees no one as a woman except for his own wife, which has
been lost.
So it was comfortable and nice. The Crown Princess was fed up with the man who abused
her body. She was terrified of being owned by someone. So she wanted to stay like this for a
long time.
Then this brother-in-law must hold on even though it is painful, but he is precarious as if he
was about to collapse at any moment.
“Wife, didn’t I say I’d be alone?”
With Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the Crown Princess sighed.
“I’ll take my leave, Your Highness.”
She bowed in accordance with the rules and strode past, standing next to Court Lady Yoon,
who was kneeling on her knees.
“The concubinage now belongs to the main palace. The Crown Princess is the one who rules
this palace. Court Lady Yoon, it would be better for you to keep your conduct straight.”
“... If so, does Her Highness know?”
Court Lady Yoon asked with a trembling voice.
She realized the moment she entered. It was enough for her to see the Crown Prince’s face
from afar. He wasn’t the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince doesn’t have such an upright
posture, and he doesn’t even have deep eyes. Court Lady Yoon has been taking care of him
since he was born.
How could she not know? She rejected him, but she always watched him.
“You can’t behave properly. It’s really unfortunate.”
The Crown Princess clicked her tongue and passed her. It was no different than foretelling
her persecution in the concubinage.
Court Lady Yoon looked back at the Crown Princess, who was moving away from her, and
turned her gaze back to the Crown Prince, Sa Heon-yeong.
Meanwhile, Court Lady Yoon didn’t say anything. Eventually, when everyone retreated and
the two of them were left alone, she looked up at Sa Heon-yeong with her unbelieving eyes.
“Your Highness.”
“Your Highness, who has always been clear and lucid in understanding and faithful to the
country, the Emperor, the Empress, and the Crown Prince, why have you come to such a
deplorable state?”
Court Lady Yoon asked directly.
It was such a cold question. Sa Heon-young smiled brightly. That’s weird. After he breaks
the goblin’s mask and puts on the Crown Prince’s mask, he feels more distant from human
nature. No matter what kind of story he hears, he can only laugh languidly. How can he be
called a human being?
“My wife was murdered, Court Lady Yoon.”
“Your Highness..., no matter how,”
No matter how? Sa Heon-yeong asked coldly, and Court Lady Yoon hurriedly shut her
mouth. She knew well that Sa Heon-young hated her, but had she ever seen him with such
cold eyes?
She was appalled. Court Lady Yoon suddenly had a foreboding. If she said something
wrong, today could be her funeral day.
Sa Heon-young said quietly.
“Yes, she’s just a goblin’s woman to you.”
Court Lady Yoon’s eyes widened. Sa Heon-yeong laughed a little and she spoke.
“For the Crown Prince, she must have been a female brought from somewhere, and for
Mother, she must have been a bird that grants wishes. But for me.”
“For me, she was a precious person that cannot be replaced even with the position of a
heavenly ruler.”
Sa Heon-yeong slowly stood up from his seat.
His tears dried up. He could feel the tears of blood flowing from his chest, but strangely,
only a smirk flowed from his lips. He really looked like a crazy person. Sa Heon-young
laughed again. Really. He’d rather be a little less unhappy.
“She was my one whole world..”
“... Your Highness...”
“Since my world is gone, it’s dark and I can no longer see loyalty and filial. All I can see is
the face of the red goblin.”
Chapter 93

“Your Highness, Your Highness, The Crown Prince...”

Court Lady Yoon swallowed a gulp.
Sa Heon-yeong smiled languidly as he looked into her eyes asking if he had committed a
betrayal. Betrayal*? Wasn’t what they had done to him a betrayal?
Has he ever been given a familial relationship? How can it be a betrayal when a family
relationship hasn’t been established?
“He became a fish.”
“What do you mean a fish, Your Highness.”
“He lives in a dark underground fish tank. I can’t say for sure how long he’ll live.”
Wa, water prison. Court Lady Yoon covered her mouth without realizing it. Or a scream
would explode.
Water prison is the most painful prison , among the prisons of the Sun dynasty. Did he
mean that the Crown Prince was locked up there?
“Then, Em, Empress,”
“She became a tree. I was going to make her into a doll, but it was a little,”
Who is this person?
Court Lady Yoon looked up blankly at Sa Heon-yeong.
The languid face looks like the Crown Prince, and the tone that comes out of his mouth is
that of Sa Heon-yeong. No, no, it’s the first time she’s heard of it. A tone that sounds like a
song, like a sutra. In the voice that seems to be extinguished at any moment, there is a curse
in each letter.
Sa Heon-young has always been a loyal person.
He didn’t enjoy drinking or anything, he just did his thing. He defended the country,
supported the emperor, and became the Crown Prince’s sword according to the emperor’s
If the Empress wanted it, no matter how busy he was, he even moved himself to verify the
truth of the rumors. Everyone misunderstood him, but he didn’t even try to clear the
misunderstanding. He just stood there silently and did his best. He was like that.
He laughed and spit curses, becoming a goblin.
“What do you mean boring, Your Highness!”
“Court Lady Yoon. Many people died that night when the new fish was introduced into the
underground fish tank. Everyone involved was killed.”
Sa Heon-yeong, who had been walking around her, knelt on one knee in front of Court Lady
Yoon and made his and her eye level similar.
“My wife is going to Mang Mountain, and she has dark eyes and can’t walk well, so if I don’t
light it with blood, she will fall.”
Madness was burning in his gentle voice.
“What did they do? They were just following the master’s orders. Why did they die? They
met the wrong owner. So I showed mercy. I allowed death with one night’s pain. But who is
responsible for all this, huh?”
“... Your Highness... ”
“My wife will never rest. There were no prayers for her, nor was she buried; she was buried
mixed with the bodies of sinners. What rest is there with her?”
“I can’t kill easily, I can’t. I’m not like that.”
A lovely person that he can remember even when he closes his eyes. Can he make them pay
back his sorrow for having her taken away with only death?
Sa Heon-young smiled bitterly.
He gave the Empress medicine for her blood pressure. By the time the Empress’s
suppressed blood pressure was released, her body stiffened due to the medicine. He gave
her medicine every hour. The Empress rebelled, but she couldn’t resist with a body as hard
as a tree.
And soon her body began to warp.
It was a medicine that turned people into trees. The skin becomes as stiff as the bark of a
tree, and the body twists. The last Emperor of the former dynasty had a bad taste of making
people into human trees and seeing them, and that was the medicine he used.
“I thought I would kill you too.”
Sa Heon-young’s eyes moved once. Like a snake’s tongue touched her, and Court Lady Yoon
was unable to speak properly and trembled.
“I don’t know what kind of wind blew you that day, but you didn’t really touch my wife. So,
luckily, you survived. But I don’t want to see you in my palace, so get off this place. If I see
you again, I will make you something non-human. Do you understand me?”

*) So the word used for betrayal here is quite specific (패륜) which means a betrayal of a
person in a family.
Chapter 94

“Your Highness, the Empress,”

As soon as the conversation was over, Court Lady Yoon hurriedly brought out her words,
“I’m done with what I have to say, so get out.”
Sa Heon-young stopped the conversation and got up.
The conversation is over. Court Lady Yoon knew that this was the last time. She also
realized that she had just returned alive from the brink of death.
No, she can’t go back like this.
Court Lady Yoon remembered the Empress.
To Court Lady Yoon, the Empress was like her older sister. The person who gave her a
childlike existence. The Empress was harsh on her, but she always believed in her. She was
always the one on the same boat.
The Empress would be enraged to learn that Court Lady Yoon thought of the Empress as
her older sister. The Empress was a noble person, and she treated Court Lady Yoon
thoroughly as a subordinate of lowly status. However, for Court Lady Yoon the Empress
was not always a stranger. Court Lady Yoon had sacrificed her life for the Empress.
“Your Highness! King Mun,...Crown, Crown Prince! I beg of you. Please, please let this lowly
woman serve the Empress!”
It’s inhuman to inflict such a terrible punishment. Who can take care of the Empress, who
neither lived nor died? There is only one in heaven and earth.
Sa Heon-young burst into laughter as Court Lady Yoon banged her head on the floor over
and over again.
“Try until your head breaks. Will my heart move?”
He meant it.
Court Lady Yoon gasped for breath. Even if her own head breaks here, King Mun, no, the
Crown Prince’s heart will not move.
There was only one thing in Court Lady Yoon’s mind that could move him.
‘I will never meet Lord Heon-young again...?’
The woman who asked her that. She says she’s okay to die if she can’t meet him. If Court
Lady Yoon puts the condition of that woman just wants to sleep while refusing food,
But. Court Lady Yoon bit her lip.
Is it right for her to return the woman to Sa Heon-yeong, who is now the Crown Prince, who
will soon ascend the throne?
In just a few weeks, Sa Heon-young went crazy like this. He renounced humanity in the
woman’s death and committed treason. It was only a few weeks. But if she gives the woman
back, and after a few years, what will happen then? Will this country be okay? If that
woman grabs Sa Heon-yeong’s heart, shakes it, and controls the country...
Court Lady Yoon knows that the woman was not that person. But people change! In the
end, didn’t even Sa Heon-yeong change like that?
Can Court Lady Yoon give the woman back? Can she return the woman when thinking of
the rivers and mountains of this country? Rather separating them now, no matter how
painful or difficult it may be, this is the opportunity God gave her, and,
The moment Sa Heon-yeong was about to call the guards, Court Lady Yoon shouted without
realizing it.
Sa Heon-young looked back at her slowly. Indifferent eyes. Looking into the eyes, Court
Lady Yoon asked pleadingly.
“If this, this lowly woman, the, the Queen,”
“If I bring...”
Sa Heon-young’s gaze changed in an instant. His eyes were burning until now.
Frightened of the stride, Court Lady Yoon barely resisted the desire to step back. Sa Heon-
yeong knelt down on one knee and made eye contact with her. And pushed his face.
He looked into Court Lady Yoon’s eyes. As if checking what was in her eyes.
“Bring her?”
“Yes, if this lowly person brings, brings her, will... will this lowly woman be able to serve the
Empress? … Keugh.”
Sa Heon-yeong’s large hand grabbed Court Lady Yoon’s wrinkled neck.
“It was you. You were the one who stole my wife.”
She couldn’t breathe. Court Lady Yoon opened her eyes. It felt like her neck was about to
break. She was in burning pain. Your Highness... She moved her mouth, but the furious Sa
Heon-yeong couldn’t hear her.
“What have you done with my wife? Where did you take that poor woman? Where did you
hide her? Even the body, the body...!”
How far should he swore at her, to make him feel better!
I will kill you. When the blue veins stood on the back of Sa Heon-yeong’s hand.
Court Lady Yoon said, straining, squeezing out the strength of her chests.
“She, she is alive...”
Bump, Sa Heon-young’s hands lost strength. Court Lady Yoon fell to the floor.
Sa Heon-yeong opened his eyes wide.
He couldn’t believe it. No, that’s a lie. That’s a lie. He can’t believe it. Sa Heon-yeong shook
his head. He heard it wrong. Don’t listen to it. He shook his head again. He can’t expect it. He
can’t stand it this time. Don’t expect it. Never, never. She is dead. If she was alive, how could
she not come back to his arms? She’s dead. She died. Don’t expect it. He heard it wrong.
“She, cough, is alive..”
If he was betrayed by his expectations again, his heart will burst and he will die.
Rather, Sa Heon-young sincerely hoped for this moment.
Chapter 95

It felt like someone was calling her in the dark.
Young-young opened her eyes. It was a strange feeling. Why did she feel that way?
When she got up, her head went blank. Her lips were dry and her heart was pounding. How
long has she not been drinking water? It seems that she drank in the morning and closed
her eyes the whole time after that.
There was darkness in the room. It seemed like it was night or dawn. That’s why her throat
was so parched and her lips were dry. Young-young got up. Where is the water, as she was
thinking so..
Young-young looked around the room as if she could hear someone calling. Someone… … ,
no, actually, the sound of Sa Heon-yeong’s calling kept revolving around like a
hallucination. Isn’t he the only one who calls her Young-ah?
She will never see him again.
Young-young pressed her chest down with her palms. Every time she thought that they
would never see each other again, her heart ached so much that it was painful to even
Her eyes were dark. How does she live? What will she do? They were only together for a
few weeks and her life changed. The world turned upside down. Life without Sa Heon-
young was so tedious and painful that Yeong-young wanted to die over and over again.
Perhaps she was going crazy before she died. Young-young thought blankly, and she slowly
opened the door.
The man standing in front of the corridor flinched and trembled violently as if he had been
whipped. Young-young was surprised, too, and threw her body back.
The man was very thin. His clothes were loose and his eyes were hollow. His classical
features became more delicate. Contrary to him always smiling at her, he was looking down
at her with an expressionless face.
Like crazy or dreaming.
Young-young looked up blankly at Sa Heon-yeong.
However, Young-young ate a lot of herbs and knew what hallucinations were like, but
hallucinations were not like this. If she thought about it, Sa Heon-young in the dream was
sweeter and kinder than ever. The current man looked down with eyes as if they were
about to eat her, but there was no expression on his face.
“Why are you making that face?”
Young-young asked.
“What face should I make?”
Sa Heon-young asked with a broken voice. It sounded like he was genuinely curious. If she
tells him what kind of face he should make, perhaps he’ll really do it. The kindness was still
there. Sa Heon-yeong in her dreams was just as sweet as Sa Heon-yeong in reality.
“... Everything is fine except for this face.”
“What kind of face is this face?”
“Unhappy face.”
Sa Heon-young breathed in. He breathed in as if crying, but instead of crying, he let out an
empty smile.
“How can I be happy if the wife’s not there?”
“Why are you so thin?”
Sa Heon-yeong asked, leaning against the door frame. He looked a little tired. It’s a strange
dream in many ways.
Young-young looked up at Sa Heon-yeong. In her dreams, he was always strong, but today
he seemed to be unable to stand.
When Young-young did not answer, Sa Heon-Young asked again.
“Is Court Lady Yoon’s service not good enough?”
Young-young shook her head.
Court Lady Yoon did a really good job. She was like a mother. When Young-young had a
fever, she changed the towels, and when Young-young said that she would not eat, she
comforted her with a spoonful of water. She was a better person than Young-young
“But why...”
Sa Heon-yeong, whose words became unclear, whispered with a sigh. He doesn’t know
where to touch. He can’t even touch her because he’s afraid it’s going to go wrong.
Sa Heon-yeong spread his arms. Come here. He whispered. He seemed afraid. Although she
thought this dream was strange in many ways because it was unlike him who was always
confident, she walked into Sa Heon-yeong’s arms.
It had been a while, so she hesitated for some reason. As Young-young rolled her eyes
down, Sa Heon-yeong bowed back and asked, trying to make eye contact with her.
“Are you in pain?”
Looking at that face, Young-young suddenly wanted to talk.
She wanted to say things she wouldn’t have been able to say to the real Sa Heon-yeong. But
since this Sa Heon-young is the Sa Heon-young in her dreams, she can say it.
“I’m sorry.”
Young-young raised her hand and carefully grabbed Sa Heon-yeong’s collar and apologized.
She was worried that he would shake it off, but he gave her his clothes altogether. Still, he
didn’t touch Young-young’s body.
“What do you mean?”
“Lord Heon-young saved me.”
At that, Sa Heon-young laughed. Tears welled up in his eyes.
“I do...?”
“Hmm. You welcomed me as a bride.”
Ahh. When Sa Heon-yeong answered, Young-young raised her hand and gently touched Sa
Heon-yeong’s cheek.
Chapter 96

This dream is so real. But it felt better than that.

Sa Heon-yeong’s cheeks were thin. It was good though. It felt like her fingertips would melt
more than touching any silk. Will she be able to dream this dream again? No, it will
probably be difficult. So, for her…..
“I’m so sorry. You saved me.”
“I think I should die.”
At that moment, Sa Heon-yeong’s arms grabbed Young-young’s forearms with strong force.
“What do you mean—?!”
He growled. No, he screamed. His face, which had turned white, seemed to stop breathing
at any moment. Young-young was more concerned about his face being too white than her
arm hurting, so she patted his cheek with her hand.
“I’m sorry.”
“But it is very difficult for me to live without Lord Heon-yeong.”
It was as if time had stopped around Sa Heon-yeong. All of him stopped at once. Young-
young smiled softly and continued to caress Sa Heon-young’s cheek.
“I can’t live. Mother persuaded me not to die until I took revenge on the Song family, but
anyway, my family is already ruined, so I think I can die now.”
Sa Heon-yeong shook his head. He said, unable to breathe properly, like a man whose heart
had been cut out.
“Did, didn’t I come here?”
“This is a dream.”
Young-young shook her head.
A dream is just a dream. When she opens her eyes, he won’t be there. She’s all right with
everything. She thinks she could starve for ten days instead of four. If only she could see
him one more time, she could.
... But now it’s all wrong.
“Court Lady Yoon said that. A deposed queen will never see the king again.”
At that moment, Sa Heon-young exploded.
“We’ll never see each other again, we’ll never see each other again, why? … !”
Sa Heon-yeong shouted like he was vomiting his blood.
“Why did you do that, why, why!”
He wouldn’t be able to even touch her because he feared something would go wrong. “Why
did you do that?” he cried.
Young-young looked up at Sa Heon-yeong, shaking wildly. Slowly her gaze glided away. It
was because Sa Heon-yeong was sliding on the doorframe.
He knelt down on his knees and buried his face in Young-young’s chest. Feeling her chest
soaking wet, Young-young looked down at him blankly. He was crying out loud like a child.
Seeing him collapsing in sorrow and fear, Young-young slowly reached out and embraced
his head. He wept in Yeong-young’s arms.
“All you had to do was to sing that song over and over again... What if I’m a goblin? If I am ...
If I have you...”
‘What does it mean, my child? Of course, I raised Heon-yeong as my son, but that’s because of
my weak heart, not because he really is my child. Ha, haha, definitely not. Of course.’
The Empress’s voice was still vivid in Young-young’s ears. It was that voice. Those words
touched something in Young-young forever. She didn’t know she could be so stubborn and
tough. But Young-young could never sing as long as she heard those words.
However, Young-young had no intention of telling Sa Heon-yeong about this through her
mouth, so she firmly closed her mouth.
Sa Heon-young is crying. Suddenly, Young-Young thought about what the current Sa Heon-
Young would be doing. Is he crying too? Will he be very upset? Does he think so too?
“I’m sorry.”
Young-young hugged Sa Heon-yeong’s head tightly and apologized.
I’m sorry for hurting you. I can’t sing at that moment, I’m really sorry. And I’m sorry that you
saved me and I have to die. If I died and made you cry again, I’m sorry too. I’m sorry for
everything. Everything.
Sa Heon-young broke down crying sadly. Young-young hugged him and whispered
repeatedly that she was sorry.
After crying for a long time, he asked Young-young to never leave again, never to go
anywhere, and repeatedly asked for a promise. Young-young happily promised. Sa Heon-
yeong in her dream felt like a slightly different person from the one she knew, but in the
end, it was still that Sa Heon-yeong.
He stumbled as he hugged Young-young. Then he slipped again and fell to the floor, holding
“Lord Heon-young! Are you okay?”
When Young-Young asked, Sa Heon-Young shook his head.
“I’m afraid to death.”
His voice was trembling.
“Lord Heon-young?”
“I wonder if this is all a dream, and when I wake up, wife will still be buried in the valley... I
am afraid.”
This is a dream.
Young-young just bit her mouth. If she told him it was really a dream, Sa Heon-yeong
seemed like he would die as he was. She didn’t want to see Sa Heon-yeong dying even in
her dreams.
Even with a lie, she couldn’t say it wasn’t a dream, and Young-young just patted Sa Heon-
yeong’s thick shoulder.
Sa Heon-young hugged Young-young tightly. Oh, my God. He murmured. You are in my
arms. He continued to dig into her arms even as he embraced Young-young. You are here,
he cried again
He didn’t get up for a long time. He held her in his trembling arms and just cried. Young-
young thought of Sa Heon-yeong outside her dream while holding him. When she thought
he was really crying in reality, she became worried.
She wished he hadn’t forgotten her , but he shouldn’t have cried like this.
Young-young ruffled Sa Heon-yeong’s hair and opened her mouth little by little.
She started singing. It was the best she had. She hoped that it would comfort him even a
little in her dreams. She doesn’t know what the song was talking about, but she thought it
could comfort him at this moment.
Young-young’s beautiful voice flowed through Sa Heon-yeong’s ears. Unlike the usual
appeals for something, Young-young’s song today was just a whisper.
In a room where there was no moonlight, the two of them hugged each other, one singing
and the other listening to the song. The song continued. Until Sa Heon-yeong could get up,
Young-young did not stop singing.
Chapter 97

The morning sun was dazzling. Young-young squinted her eyes. Another morning began. Sa
Heon-yeong disappeared, and Young-young seemed to be taken aback by the thought of
how to handle her choked breathing. She opened her eyes and turned back away from the
“Did you sleep well?”
And in front of her was Sa Heon-yeong.
Young-young opened her eyes wide in surprise.
Why, why is he here? Was she still dreaming? Or was she having hallucinations in the
morning because she hadn’t eaten much?
Young-young looked up without realizing it. It was a familiar ceiling. She was also familiar
with the blanket that was covering her. The only stranger was Sa Heon-yeong.
She, she never had a dream like this.
Sa Heon-young smiled when Young-young was unable to speak and her lips twitched.
“You slept well. I guess I was the only one who couldn’t sleep at the reunion.”
Sa Heon-young, who was emaciated, smiled brightly. Young-young reached out and
touched Sa Heon-yeong’s face.
“It... it wasn’t a dream?”
Sa Heon-young smiled bitterly at Young-young’s question and whispered.
“I couldn’t sleep because I was too scared of it.”
“It must have been a dream...?”
One of them stayed up all night for fear that it might be a dream, and the other fled to sleep,
thinking it was a dream, fearing the reality.
Sa Heon-yeong shook his head.
Young-young shook her head. She wanted to believe it, but she didn’t want to believe it. She
wanted to believe it so much, but if she gets betrayed..., she couldn’t stand it because she
was afraid. Young-Young closed her eyes tightly and shook her head, and Sa Heon-Young
gently pulled her into a hug.
“I guess I was in a mess in the dream that wife had.”
“It was a lie.”
“I can’t eat, I can’t sleep... Unless I live in a bit of a mess, I won’t look like this.”
Young-young, who was shaking her head, stopped moving.
Last night, there was only one time that Sa Heon-yeong in her dream was haggard. Except
for that time, he was always alive, healthy, and beautiful in her dreams. No way, no way.
Young-young raised her head and looked up at Sa Heon-yeong.
“Really, Lord Heon-young...?”
She missed him. She thought it would be okay to starve to death if she could see him just
once, really just one more time. But when she saw that face,
Young-young started beating him at random.
You left me there...! It was so scary! It hurt terribly. I thought I was going to die. You didn’t
come. You didn’t come while I was dying...!
Sa Heon-young embraced Young-young with strong force. He shook his head saying he
hated it forever, like Young-Young. She struggled and slammed her fists against his
shoulder and back.
It’s not his fault. Even though she knew, Young-young couldn’t stop the resentment. Who
else can she speak of the pain that has been piling up in her heart to anyone other than
Sa Heon-yeong took Young-young in his arms and did not release her, but did not suppress
her hand. He just hugged her as she beat him. She can hit him anyway she likes. For the rest
of his life, she could hit him like this. No, he wished it was a little more painful. Her fist was
not even the strength of a cotton bat, and the power was draining from her arm. In the end,
he grabbed Young-young’s wrist.
“There is also tomorrow.”
Sa Heon-young’s friendly eyes.
“There is also the day after tomorrow. I will greet you like this for the rest of my life, so let’s
stop today. Aren’t your arms trembling?”
His sweet voice.
Young-young looked up at him, who was holding her wrist. She then burst into laughter of
wonder and shed tears.
“How can I...”
“How can I hate Lord Heon-yeong for so long… … ?”
I love you so much.
I want to see you again, I love you so much, I just want to die right now. Rather than saying
goodbye again, she wished someone would kill her at this moment.
Young-young smiled. She was smiling even as tears flowed from her eyes. Suddenly, Sa
Heon-young realized one precious emotion that had returned to him. He hugged Young-
young tightly.
“I love you.”
Sa Heon-yeong’s heart overflowed with tears. He had a heart that he thought had died. It
has grown. It quickly became out of control. If he didn’t say it, it felt like his heart was going
to explode.
“Yes, me too. I love you too.”
Young-young answered with a cry. Sa Heon-young hugged her tightly. He closed his eyes
and felt her body temperature and her tiny body. His world is back. He was completely
filled. There is no eternal winter, and the early spring brought her into his arms and made
him happy.
As she was hugged by Sa Heon-young, Young-young closed her eyes. I love you. Once more
she whispered. And one more time, I love you, she whispered. I love you; I love you; I love
you. She kept whispering.
It was a warm morning after a long time, and the sun was dazzling.
Chapter 98

The Crown Prince brought something wrapped in a robe. It was so completely covered that
it was impossible to tell whether it was living or inanimate. All they knew was that it was
very important to the Crown Prince.
The Crown Prince came into his quarters, careful as if it was the throne. Only when he
reached the bed in the sleeping quarters did the Crown Prince take off the robe. What came
out of it was a woman, her appearance ordinary, and her stature is small. Her eyes were
big, and she knelt on the bed and sat blankly, tilting her head and moving.
The Crown Prince’s eunuchs were perplexed. The Crown Prince’s attendants were, of
course, had no affinity for the opposite sex. But what kind of woman is she in the bed of a
Crown Prince who has only men?
What was even more strange was the Crown Prince’s attitude. The Crown Prince had never
had this attitude toward a woman. He had never been kind to a woman. It was surprising
that he, who was often indifferent if not suppressing and dominating, brought a woman
who was neither pretty nor beautiful, and treated her like a feather.
‘You should never call me Lord Heon-young unless we are alone.’
Young-young recalled the warnings she had heard while returning with Sa Heon-yeong. Sa
Heon-yeong briefly explained the events that had happened so far.
According to his explanation, he thought Young-young was dead, and became angry and
took the Crown Prince’s place. So he cautioned that they would be in trouble if people
found out that he was not the Crown Prince.
‘If I make a mistake, if I call you Lord Heon-yeong, then will we separate up again?’
Young-young asked, trembling and afraid. The thought of separating with him one more
time hurts as if someone is going to rip her intestines apart. Sa Heon-young kissed her
forehead at Young-young’s words.
‘There won’t be a second one. Rather, we will be together.’
Sa Heon-young didn’t say any more, but Young-young understood. He’d rather die together.
Young-young nodded her head enthusiastically. As her tears flowed, she wiped her wet
cheeks in his arms. If they separate, he would rather die together. He can’t even imagine
how reassuring that one word is.
And Young-young is now sitting on the Crown Prince’s bed, his bed.
Sa Heon-yeong gave her a single grin as she tilted her head as she looked at the Crown
Prince’s huge room, then turned his head away.
“Grand Eunuch.”
The Grand Eunuch, the person serving the Emperor and the manager of the eunuchs, he
lowered his head.
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“The guest will stay. Bring the servants to serve.”
The Crown Prince’s guest? He is the son of heaven, the next Emperor, and the agent of the
absolute. He owns all these rivers and mountains, and even if he does not possess them, it
is merely a hand to him, and no one will be treated as a ‘guest’ by him. The existence of a
guest is to be equal or higher than that.
Where could such a being exist for the Crown Prince?
Even that woman... No matter how he looked at it, she didn’t look precious.
They exchanged glances with confused eyes.
“Yes, Your Highness. I will do as ordered.”
The Grand Eunuch replied seriously.
He was one of the few people who knew Sa Heon-yeong’s true identity. As soon as Sa Heon-
yeong took the Crown Prince’s place, the Grand Eunuch swore allegiance to him.
He hated the original Crown Prince terribly and thought that Sa Heon-yeong would be
much better if he was in a position to serve the next powerful person. Thus, he willingly
became an accomplice in this silent rebellion.
Currently, the Grand Eunuch has become Sa Heon-Young’s shadow, so he also knew the
contents of Sa Heon-Young and Court Lady Yoon’s private talks. So, of course, he had no
choice but to guess the identity of that woman.
“She is a very, very important guest. There should be no lack in service, understand?”
At Sa Heon-yeong’s words, the Grand Eunuch glanced at the woman’s face. The woman
smiled brightly when their eyes met. She had no wrinkles on her face unlike a person who
had been tortured almost to death.
That woman is Queen Mun.
The Grand Eunuch lost his words inside.
Queen Mun. A woman who loved King Mun and nearly lost her life while claiming that he
was a human. And the woman King Mun loves more than his brother, more than his
parents, more than his country, more than his own life.
Chapter 99

“Your Highness, I will keep in mind and carry out the duties thoroughly. Please do not
Sa Heon-yeong raised his head once at the Grand Eunuch’s words. The Grand Eunuch’s is
not holding the position of the Grand Eunuch for nothing. He will do well.
“When did King Mun say he would come?”
“The inspection has been delayed a bit. So, it will about three days from now,”
“Foolish thing.”
Sa Heon-young’s voice was cold.
The Grand Eunuch did not show the chill in his spine and lowered his head. How could he
do that? Currently, the role of King Mun is being replaced by someone from Sa Heon-
yeong’s subordinates. He didn’t even know who it was. Who is behind the red goblin mask,
no one will know.
However, he exists as King Mun. Everyone still thinks of him as Sa Heon-yeong, and will
always think of him that way. And Sa Heon-yeong calmly denounces himself.
By cutting off his brother and parents, Sa Heon-yeong seemed to cut off his humanity as
well. He became cold-blooded. Since he became the Crown Prince, his attitude has not been
coercive or violent compared to the former Crown Prince. He was very rational and did not
go against the rules. But none of the decisions felt the slightest bit of emotion. Everything
was done as obligatory. If it was for an end, he did not choose any means at all.
“Tell King Mun. If he can’t finish the job within the next two days, I will hold King Mun
himself responsible for it.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
The Grand Eunuch bowed his head. Then, all of the eunuchs lowered their heads to the
floor at once.
Sa Heon-young snorted and turned away from the Grand Eunuch. Whenever he felt the
Crown Prince’s authority and power, disgust rose within him. Black water rushes from his
stomach as he thinks of what that bastard has been up to while he crushed himself.
“Your Highness.”
A beautiful voice, the only one in the world, called to him.
When he looked up, Young-young, who was sitting on the bed, smiled broadly.
The hatred and disgust that seemed to overflow from him fell to the bottom. Sa Heon-young
paused for a moment and sat down next to Young-young, smiling softly.
“Is this Your Highness’ bedroom?”
Young-young asked with a smile. She felt something strange.
“No. This is our bedroom.”
“Young-ah will also be staying here.”
The eunuchs raised their heads in amazement. He was going to have that ‘guest’ stay at his
quarters? Also in this bedroom?
It was the same with the Grand Eunuch, who was confused. His mouth flapped. If he had to
redecorate one of the empty halls, he’d do it right away, but in this bedroom? Was he going
to share the same bed? It’s an unprecedented thing. The Crown Prince’s bed is his own. Are
they using it together?
No matter how much they mixed their bodies with each other, no two married couples
share the same sleeping quarters. How!
But the Grand Eunuch didn’t say anything. Sa Heon-young is not the Crown Prince.
Although he wasn’t the Crown Prince who enjoyed killing and assaulting, he was more
afraid of Sa Heon-yeong than that of the Crown Prince. He remembered the night Sa Heon-
yeong overturned everything. And since that night, until now, he’s been watching the world
every day as if nothing had happened.
Then Queen Mun asked in an unwilling voice.
It wasn’t just the Grand Eunuch’s feeling that managed to read an uneasy feeling in that
voice. Sa Heon-young answered with a slight frown on his forehead.
Young-young looked up at Sa Heon-yeong quietly. His eyes are black. Pretty eyes. But now
his eyes are as cold as the north wind. Young-young could instinctively recognize that it
was not because of herself, but because of this place. She grabbed Sa Heon-young’s hand
and clasped it.
“I like it anywhere as long as there’s Lord He, no, Your Highness. It doesn’t matter if it’s the
original home. But.”
Young-young looked around the room once.
This imperial palace is a very strange place. She felt it again. This bedroom was also a
beautiful place. Very splendid yet serious, the walls and ceilings are overflowing with
delicate sculptures, and.
“Because it is a place full of ghosts, it must not be good for Your Highness. Your pretty eyes
will die black.”
Chapter 100

Young-young is not affected by the ghost, but Sa Heon-yeong is kind and friendly, so he may
be crushed by the evil spirit quickly.
Everywhere was beautiful, but all of them are full of ghosts or evil spirits, so she has no idea
what a place called the imperial palace is…. Young-young frowned.
It really was a bloody place to be called a place where people live. Why do they live in a
place like this out of so many places?
Sa Heon-young asked. It seemed that Young-young was not willing to be in this place, so his
mood subsided for a moment, and the reason was absurd.
“Yes. There are so many here. You will have to do a lot of rituals.”
But, he smiled brightly at Young-young.
“I’m fine. I will be where the wife is. As long as we don’t separate, I’m fine.”
“Your Highness, this will be against the law for a long time.”
First Concubine Cho grumbled.
“The one who will soon ascend to the throne of heaven favors only one woman. And he only
has a wife who has one child! This is utter absurdity.”
Second Concubine Geum also spoke with a sullen face. Second Concubine Joo was next to
Second Concubine Geum, continued angrily.
“Look at what that sly thing is doing. Didn’t she say that His Highness bedroom is full of
ghosts and that they have to move the bedroom? So His Highness won’t get possessed by it,
they’re refurbishing the quarters!”
First Concubine Seo was sitting dignifiedly and listening to the stories of the underlings for
a long time about the Crown Prince’s ‘she’. First Concubine Seo is a woman of the highest
rank in the concubinage other than the Crown Princess.
When the Crown Princess took a glance, First Concubine Seo quietly forced her to talk, ‘As
the head of the concubinage, shouldn’t you have to say something once?’. Then it will be
revealed that she was hated by the Crown Prince, and she wished she would die.
The Crown Princess smiled faintly without saying a word and took up the teacup. Then she
remembered what had happened the night before ten days ago.
It was the Union Day after a long time. King Mun, no, the Crown Prince only arrived at the
sleeping quarters very late. Of course, she didn’t even take her clothes off, and she sat far
away with her arms crossed. There was a hint of impatience about the Crown Prince so she
found it funny, and she was jealous.
She heard that he had found Queen Mun. It was Court Lady Yoon who saved Queen Mun,
who was about to die. She didn’t know what heart Court Lady Yoon had in mind. Whether it
was because of her loyalty to King Mun, or her guilt, the Crown Princess didn’t even
wonder. In fact, she wasn’t really curious.
What she was curious about was her, Queen Mun. What kind of woman is she? What kind of
woman could have pushed one man so much?
However, the opportunity to meet Queen Mun never came. In exchange for saving Queen
Mun, Court Lady Yoon served the Empress, who became a tree.
The Crown Prince was so happy to have found his wife, that he allowed the Empress to be
sent to the nearby palace. It was surprising considering that it used to be impossible
considering the Crown Prince’s attitude who was shaky before finding his queen.
‘Do you miss her that much?’
The Crown Princess smiled and asked. She approached the Crown Prince and straightened
his collar. Then the Crown Prince looked up at her. He frowned when she smiled at the
man, who had the same face as her former husband, but he was a completely different
‘What are you doing?’
The Crown Princess was taken aback by the voice of displeasure.
‘Your Highness?’
The Crown Prince shook off the Crown Princess’s hand. His face hardened coldly and the
Crown Princess muttered, ‘I’m sorry,’ unknowingly.
But on the other hand, she wondered if she had done something that she could not have
done. Did she do something she couldn’t? She is, after all, his wife. It’s not like they’re doing
a union, what’s wrong with just straightening his collar?
‘Please don’t touch me again.’
The Crown Prince’s voice was cold.
‘Remember, Crown Princess. We are not in a relationship.’
An outright rejection. She only corrected his collar once.
… Still, she was his wife.
Chapter 101

The Crown Prince glanced back at her as he stepped out of the bedroom while the Crown
Princess bit her lip.
Her spine got chills.
‘I am the one who knows your secret, Your Highness.’
The Crown Prince narrowed his eyes as the Crown Princess barely squeezed her voice. The
threat that wasn’t like the Crown Princess seemed a little funny. He said languidly.
‘The easiest way to shut a person’s mouth is to make that person not a human, whether a fish
or a tree.’
Astonished, the Crown Princess stepped back from him, and the Crown Prince tilted his
head to one side.
‘I am keeping an eye on your child.’
‘Whether First Concubine Seo’s child or Second Concubine Geum’s child that will become the
next emperor, I am not very interested. Do you know what I mean?’
The cost of one threat was great. The threat she threw for the first time in her life returned
as a huge shackle.
She thought he was a good man, different from her former husband. His face is the same,
but the inside is very different, so she may have been a little shaken.
‘I, I will deeply, engrave it in my heart.’
But after all, they were brothers. Somewhere between them was distorted like a monster.
In a different way from her former husband, the man in front of her was also twisted.
The Crown Prince left the Crown Princess’ quarters with a cold attitude. The Crown
Princess saw him off in accordance with the rules, and she sat down on the floor.
She was in a cold sweat. She was told that her former husband was locked up in a dungeon.
Become a fish, or become a tree like her mother-in-law? Either way she got goosebumps.
Recalling what happened then, the Crown Princess gave First Concubine Seo a gentle smile.
“The main palace has already made a statement. Even if the concubinage appeals to the
main palace, it is only one opinion, so the Crown Prince still seems to have doubts. Well,
what if First Concubinage Seo takes a look?”
‘Whether First Concubine Seo’s child becomes the next emperor.’
The Crown Princess turned her head and curled her eyes beautifully to Second Concubine
“It would be better if Second Concubine Geum went with First Concubine Seo. The power of
blood cannot be ignored.”
‘Whether Second Concubine Geum’s child becomes the next emperor.’
Whether it be fish or tree, how many people won’t make it to protect their son?
This is a place where people who are good and weak are just trampled on and bitten. A
place where only the victor can live like a human being.
Not only herself, but her son’s life was also at stake. If so, who can’t be a devil or anything?
Just as the Crown Prince, Sa Heon-yeong, became a goblin to protect his woman, she will
also become a devil to protect her son.
The Crown Princess smiled kindly at Second Concubine Geum and First Concubine
Seo. Shall we do that, Your Highness? First Concubine Seo responded meekly, not even
thinking that the Crown Princess had dug a trap.
Her voice sounds a little distant. She thought it was probably because she had strayed from
the human path she once was.
The Crown Prince stayed in a place called Hyeonran Palace while the quarters were
The former palace of the Empress Dowager was located at the end of the concubinage. It
was far from anywhere in the concubinage, especially from the east palace. Moreover, the
Empress Dowager was very reluctant with people, so a fairly deep and wide moat was built
around the palace.
Hyeonran Palace could only be reached by crossing a bridge.
The Crown Prince set up a sentry around the moat of Hyeonran Palace. It was in the name
of the guest’s safety. But it was only nominal. Who will harm the Crown Prince’s ‘guest’?
Even within the Imperial Palace?
He is the Crown Prince who is notorious for his unfailing power and his cruel disposition.
Just because he’s grown up doesn’t mean he’s finished doing a lot of things, but who would
dare raise a finger at his guest?
So it was really weird. Why did the Crown Prince set up an impenetrable guard at
Hyeonran Palace? Is it to be wary of people coming in from the outside, or is it a concern
that the ‘guest’ inside will go out?
Perhaps only the Crown Prince himself would know.

So this scene was conversations between the Crown Prince’s concubines. I named the First
and Second not due to their order, but actually meant their ranks. But First Rank
Concubine and Second Rank Concubine sounds really odd.
Chapter 102

Sa Heon-yeong was wandering through a nightmare.

One night, he heard the news that Young-young had died. Unbelievable news. Something he
couldn’t come to believe. What do you mean she’s dead?
The news was that someone had killed her while he was on the battlefield. It was said that
they did not know how she died and that her body had disappeared.
No way. There’s no way she’s gone again.
He shouted as he scoured the imperial palace. If anyone ever touched her, he swore he
wouldn’t let them go. He will surely kill them. In the cruelest way! He shouted, “I won’t let
you live this time, and I’ll make you beg me to kill you.”
He roared and yelled in search of her like a frightened dog barking desperately.
She’s not dead. She didn’t die last time, so she won’t die this time either. There was no body
last time, so this time... But who will spare her this time? She became weaker.
Her abused and undeveloped body is weakened by the torture and is likely to break apart if
held incorrectly. Could she have endured this time? What if she can’t endure it?
He was desperately trying to think only of good thoughts. No, she will be somewhere. She’s
not dead, she’s obviously somewhere. One day, she left the bed alone and fell asleep in the
garden. it would be like that.
If he finds her, if he finds her...
His fingertips were numbs. She must be calling for him. Why can’t he hear that voice? Her
voice is unique and beautiful. Why can’t he hear that voice, which he can’t forget once he
hears it, from nowhere in this darkness!
Save me. He had to save her, but Sa Heon-yeong begged her to save him instead.
Song Young-young, please come out. Tell me where you are. Even the smallest voice is fine.
I’ll listen. So tell me, please save me, don’t leave me here alone. Song Young-young. Young-
Young. Young-ah. Please please... It’s a wish, please.
It’s a wish. When he cried one more time.
A voice came.
The singing voice from a distant place was soft and lovely. A soothing voice slowly swirled
around the world, and the darkness began to disappear.
Sa Heon-yeong stood up and watched the darkness of the whole world disappear.
It was a dream.
It was then that he realized he was having a nightmare. It was a nightmare. The nightmare
he had yesterday, the nightmare he had the day before yesterday. A dream that is painful
like reality every time he dreams it even though he dreams it every day. No, it was another
reality. It suddenly turned into a dream.
Beautiful sunshine and clear wind. And he was alone in the endless field of flowers. Looking
at the field of flowers that stretched out to the horizon, he heard a song.
The voice that was heard from a distant place was obviously not from someone who was
here. As she sings she says; he is dreaming, he is safe, and in reality she was singing beside
Looking at the flower garden, he lay down slowly. When he thought it was a dream, he felt
relieved and his whole body lost strength. The flower bed was as fluffy as the bed and
smelled good. He lay down and closed his eyes. He remembered himself lying on the bed
and wondered where she was.
He stretched out his hand slowly. Where are you? He knew he wouldn’t be able to reach her
in real life, but he still wanted to reach her. As he fumbles with his hand and feels the touch
of petals and blades of grass with his fingertips.
Thin fingers intertwined with his fingers.
He’s in a dream, she’s in reality. Two people from far away were connected. A beautiful
song comforted him.
When he finally opened his eyes, Young-young was in front of him. She was clasping her
hands with him, and she was bathing in the sunlight coming in. The golden light ran down
her shoulder and fell on her chest. When their eyes met, Young-young, who was singing,
smiled brightly.
“Hello, Lord Heon-young.”
Afraid that other people might hear it, Young-young called out in a very small voice, Lord
Heon-yeong. Sa Heon-yeong looked at her quietly and stretched out his hand. And he gently
stroked her cheek.
“Is this a song that makes wishes come true?”
Sa Heon-yeong’s voice was quiet. Poor man. After Young-Young was gone, he seemed to be
in so much pain that he could not sleep properly or had nightmares even if he slept. Young-
young rubbed her cheek gently with his large palm and asked, “Hmm?”
“I asked if the song you’re singing now is a song that makes a wish come true.”
Sa Heon-young asked again.
Sa Heon-yeong, who seems to be having a painful dream, was sad and she just sang a song.
Young-young shook her head.
“I don’t know. I don’t really know what my songs are going to accomplish.”
“Lord Heon-young, do you have a wish? Shall I sing?”
She doesn’t know what wish he had, but if he had a wish, and if she could make his wish
come true, Young-young could sing.
Even if she was thirsty, even if she vomited blood, she will be happy to sing. She wanted to
do something for him. She wanted to give him something very good, but Sa Heon-young
didn’t seem to need anything. He was so high and precious, and now he is even more noble.
Young-young asked with anticipation. Do you want me to sing for you? Do you have a wish
that you would like to come true?
But Sa Heon-young shook his head.
“It has come true.”
Sa Heon-yeong said that and got up. Then, as he gently laid Young-young on the bed, he
“Just now, you made it happen.”
Did I?
Young-young opened her eyes wide as if puzzled, and was about to ask when and how she
accomplished it, at that time Sa Heon-yeong’s lips approached.
Only kisses remained in the place where the nightmare had receded. It was a sweet and
lovely morning, as the wish came true.

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