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Module No: 01

Subject Code: PE 102

Subject Description: Rhythmic Activities

Term: (MIDTERM) 2nd Semester, 2021

I. Learning Objectives:

the end of the unit the student should be able to:
1.Discuss the objectives of rhythmic activities.
2.Explain the definition of Rhythm.
3.Enumerate and discuss the different phases of the rhythmic activity program.
4.Identify the different system of rhythmic patterns, the values of notes and
rests, and fundamentals of rhythms.
a. Objectives of Rhythmic Activities

The following are some of the objectives of Rhythmic Activities:

After a rigid study of the different units in this book the students should be able to gain
greater insight on:

1. What rhythmic activities are all about.

2. The evolution of the Philippine dances and other dance forms.
3. Other peoples’ culture through the study of their dances.
4. The different concepts on rhythmic activities.

II. Learning Outcomes:

After having participated in the activity the student would be able to:

1. Develop a strong well-coordinated and flexible muscular system.

2. Create simple rhythmic movements.
3. Appreciate rhythmic activities.
4. Have a mastery of the different basic skills in rhythmic activities.
5. Show a refine sense of rhythm.
6. Develop a desirable social graces and attitudes.

III. Learning Resources:

Rhythmic Activities ,A College Course Book In Physical Education 102
By: J.M. Chuchapin, RamilDacal ’12
IV. Task to Complete
 Activities
 Quizzes

Prepared by: Ms. Justmin

DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
 Examination

V. Content Items


1. What is rhythm?
Rhythm is the regular recurrence of accented and unaccented beats.
(source , author , year ) Everyone reacts to music or rhythm in one
form or another by swaying , tapping , moving shoulders and body while
musical piece is played. Rhythmic activities are the physical manifestations
of the mental and emotional response of the individual to rhythm.
They are activities which respond to physical, social, and mental regular
patterns of sounds.
The basic / fundamental rhythms can be combined to make
movement patterns. These structural patterns when well organized
develop into dance forms. Fundamental rhythms of natural dances as they
are sometimes called, provide fun and enjoyment.

2. Phase of Rhythmic Activity Program

The following are the different phases of rhythmic activity program.

a. Creative and interpretative Rhythms - In this activity, the

choreographer interprets ideas, things, animals, people, occupations,
thoughts and feelings through body movements.
Examples: Animals > birds flying, galloping horse, elephants walk
Nature > incidence of fire, rain, storm, etc.
Occupation > planting, carpentry, teaching, street sweeper
Mechanical > airplane, train, doll, etc.

b. Dramatized Rhythms – The choreographer puts appropriate body

movements/actions to dramatize nursery rhymes, poems, stories or
Examples: The poem Humpty Dumpty
The story of the Sleeping Beauty
The nationalistic song bayan ko

c. Singing Games – The participants play as they sing a song.

Examples: London Bridge is Falling Down
I Point to Myself
Pen Pen de Sarapen

Prepared by: Ms. Justmin

DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
d. Dance – The participants create body movements in rhythm, usually in
time with music. There are three classification of ancient dances
according to Plato.
1. Military Dances – They are the form of exercises intended to make
the body sturdy, active and well in preparation for war.
2. Domestic dances -This serve as a form of relaxation and
3. Mediatorial dances– These are used for religious purposes.

Today there are three forms/types of dances.

a. Folk dances – where all dances steps and rhythmic patterns evolved
into a culture. This form of dances are traditional and social
expressions of the ideals,mores,feelings and thoughts of people or
group of people through their body movements.
b. Modern dance or social dance - This form of dances was started by
Martha Graham and other dance choreographers who followed her.
This form of dance expresses complex emotions and abstract ideas.
c. Pop dances or Popular dances – The now generation dances. They
might be the dance movements popular today but later they are passe
or not popular anymore. Movements and rhythmic beats are more
intense, fast, and complicated.

II. System of Rhythmic Patterns

The most practical way to identify or describe rhythmic pattern is through

counting. Counting goes with the correct rhythm of the music and with the steps of the
dance. It is observed that in every count, there is a corresponding rhythm or musical
note that corresponds to a particular step movement of a certain dance step.

The musical note is a unit to measure the exact duration of a certain rhythmic
movement to be taken in dancing. This is a printed symbol of a musical tone for every
dance movement.

There are other factors to consider in identifying the system of rhythmic pattern
in a musical composition.

At the beginning of a musical staff, there is the time signature which designates
the beat of the notes in every measure in all musical scoring.

Examples. These are the most commonly used time signatures:

1. 4/4 Time Signature indicates that there are 4 beats in one complete beat.
The Different notes with in a measure should have only 4 beats.

Prepared by: Ms. Justmin

DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
2. ¾ Time Signature indicates that there are 3 beats in one complete beat.
The different notes with in a measure should receive only 3 beats.
3. 2/4 Time Signature indicates that there are 2 beats in one complete beat.
The different notes with in a measure should receive only 2 beats.

In the time signature, the upper number tells the number of beats in every
measure and the lower number tells what kind of note to receive one beat.


BEAT is the underlying pulse of a rhythm.

COUNT is a pulse beat on a time limit.

BAR is a vertical line across a staff dividing it into equal measure of time
in between two bars is a measure.

Note Pattern is refers to the different notes or set of notes with or

without rest found in every measure that is used for certain dance step.

Example: Contra Gansa>

Prepared by: Ms. Justmin

DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED

1. Rhythmic Patterns in 2/4 Time Signature

Prepared by: Ms. Justmin

DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Prepared by: Ms. Justmin
DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED

a. GANGSA – It is a brass rounded instrument beaten on the outer surface

with a short padded stick.
b. TUNGALI OR TULALI – A nose flute blown by a single nostril.
c. BUNKAKA OR BIBIL – It is a bamboo percussion with split fork ends.
d. KALGHANG – It is a bamboo zither.
e. SALIBAW AND GIMBAL – They are drums made from hollowed-out
logs with one end covered by animal hide.
f. PALS – They are pair of metal bars stick together.
g. PATTUNG – A wooden clappers.
h. SUBING OR KIBING – Jew’s hard made of bamboo.


a. KULINTANG – This is an orchestra of percussion brass agongs or gongs

of graduated sizes.
b. DUBAKAN – It is a drum.
c. BABANDIL - It is a small flat gong
d. AGONG - IT is big gong
e. GANDINGAN – The biggest flat gong.
f. KANDINGAN – It is a set of four large gongs.
g. GABBANG – It is a bamboo xylophone.
h. BIYULA–It is a stringed instrument.
i. SABEGAN AND GANDANG – They are the drums.
j. FLUTES like BULAW, TAGGUNGO (noisemakers), KUDYAPI (boat
flutes), SULING and PALENDAG(vertical bamboo flutes), KUBING
(jew’s hard), bamboo zithers and scrapers.

Prepared by: Ms. Justmin

DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
VII: Assessments:

Activity 1

Name: ___________________ Year and Section:_______________

Date :____________________ Score/Rating: _________________

A. Instructions: Write your answer on the space provided.

1. This activity is to interpret events, feelings, occupations of animals into body

movements. _________________
2. This time signature indicates that there are 4 beats in one measure.
3. This kind of dances are used for religious purposes. _____________
4. How many sixteenth notes will receive one beat? ________________
5. It is the regular recurrence of accented and unaccented beats.
6. The rhythmic pattern of two quarter notes and one eight
7. The equivalent rest of half rest.
8. A group of notes between two bars that that tells the time
9. The new generation dances that are popular today is __________________
10. The most practical way to identify rhythmic pattern is through___________

B. Identify the Time Signature, Measure, Musical Note Pattern and

Rhythmic Pattern of the following:


Time Signature


Prepared by: Ms. Justmin

DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED
Musical Note Pattern

Rhythmic/ Counting Pattern



Time Signature


Musical Note Pattern

Rhythmic/ Counting Pattern

C. Identify the Time Signature of the following measures:


__________________________ 2.

__________________________ 3.

Prepared by: Ms. Justmin

DG. Delos Santos
Eirelle Chastine M. Dale,
Mr. Rafael M. Pechay, MAED

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