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1- Description of Parkinson disease with autopsy picture like this one

labeled with litters and ask u which part of the brain its increased

activity causing these symptoms ?

2- Young patient smelling rubber with jerky movement in his hand
,thesergion decided to do a surgery which part of the brain he
needs to be very carful looking on it ?
With picture labeled with letters like this one

3- Patient having hearing loss with tinnitus on one ear coming in
crises lasting for about 8 hours which part of the inner ear is the
site of the injury ? a- endolymph b- vestibular nerve c- tympanic
4- Patient having acustic tumor on both ears and her father also
having the same on both ears ,whattype of inheritance for this
disease ? auto.dom.-auto.rec.-x.dom.-x.rec.
5- Story aboute baby who doesn’t have cerebral gyri why ?a-
nerunonal migration failure b- something related to astrocyte.c-
something related to oligodendrocyte
6- Patient had stab wound over her thenar eminence ,the wound has
healed scare and the movment and sensation coming back slowly
, why?

Schwan cells played a rol in nerve regeneration

7- Patient having a seizure and he doesn’t want to take his daily
drugs what is your response? A- you can choose what ever drug
you like b- I believe I have a drug that can help urproplem ,let me
know if u experience any side effects when u take it
8- Baby was born with an irediasnd poly dactely what else u expect
to find ? a- nephroblastoma (wilms) b- neuroblastoma c- anal
9- Long story descriping old lady taking Na bicarb and vit D came to
ER with hypercalcemia symptoms , her labs
Ca++ 13 , vit D3 normal , PTH under detected , TSH 1,1 , T3 15
What is the diagnosis ? A- hypervitamin dose B- Milkalkaly
syndrome c-secondary hyperparathyroid d- hyperthyroid storm
10- Patient has flank pain extend to his groin , ct picture like

this one , his labs

Hco3 7 ,ph 7,2 , pco2 25, po2 75 what is the cause of his symptoms ?
a- renal tubular acidosis b- CAH c- hyper thyroid D- pancreatic
11- Physician want to do trial on her patient she asked her nurse
to count how many male and female patient coming to her clinic
,it turns out there are 3000 female and 2000 male , she dicided to
choose blindly 300 female and 200 male what type of sampling
she is doing ? a- restriction B-self selection
12- Meta analysis question asking to caculate mortality rate in
men with prostate cancer
13- Calculate RRR numbers were 17% & 14%
14- Patient with cushingsyptoms they found mass in adrenal
they want to choose what u will see in her labs : ACTH , cortisol
15- Patient having genu varum which part will have increased
stress ? meniscus – collateral ligment
16- Dawra q :4 yr girl who ate her fathers paints >>> mercury
17- Dawraa q kwashiorkor>>> weight length head cicumistance
18- Dawra q man traveled to …… he ate healthy food & drink
bottled water he swam in fresh water pool , now having
abdominal pain & diarrhea >>>schistosoma
19- Dawraaq :Child who touched a bat >>>vaccine+ IG
20- Dawraa q: African American having high blood pressure u
prescribed thiazid last month & during that month he had
proplem in his work now he still having the same measurement
for Bp why?
Weak adherence to drug – athinicity risk factor

21-q I don’t rember very well sorry they were talking on a trial ,
they extract RBC and washed it with normal salin,with diagram
like this what happen to get this result ;decreased Ca
extracellularly-decrease k intracellular

22-what is the specific cell responsible of killing tumer cells? CD8

23-they were talking about s>aurus they did something destroy its
cell membrane ,then said in human being the innate immunity do
something very resamble to this by whom ? lysosome
24-direct q about whom responsible of non oxygendependantkilling
? lysosome
25-direct q which immunoglobulin isotype is the most cabable of
fixing complement? Fc IgG-FAB IgG-IgA-IgM-IgD
26-they were taking about infection I don’t remember details but
they said the found neutrophil migrating ,rolling , tight binding but
not transmigration what is the defect? P selectin-LFA (they wright
the whole words not just abbreviation)-E selectin
27-old man having abdominal pain in left epigastrum for 8 hrsthe
pain was sever with mucus and blood in stools , there is also
diminished pulse in lower extremities Dx? My answear was acute
ischemic colitis ,idont remember other choises
28-discrioing pt with dysphagia for both solids and liquids with
picture for peeks bird sign and asking about the cause
?entericnervus system defect- smooth muscle defect- skeletal
muscle defect
29-pt with osteoporosis having dysphagia and asked what is the
drug responsible? Aldronate
30-dawra q pregnant having heart burn she cant sleep without 2
pillows under her back now she gave birth but still having these
symptoms Dx? GERD
31-long story I don’t remember it but at the end they are asking
what is the main cause of moving food from stomach toward
small intestine? ACH-Gastrin -CCk
32-pt taking chemotherapy having severe vomiting the drug of
choice working by inhibitinhwhat?substance P-Dopamin rec.
33-pt had vomited they gave him drug and his emesis stopped but
now he is walking in slow motion having flat face expreation the
drug he take is ?ondansteron – haloperidol -no metochlopromaid
34-old man having high fever with other symptoms of meningitis
,the rout for microbe responsible for the infection in his age is
35-young man having palpable mass at the midline between sup
iliac spin and pubicaltubercle , when he coughs the mass moves
medialy toward his groin , asking the type of hernia? Direct-
36-old man alcoholic with asterixis , jaundice, ascites, asking what
is the major risk factor of death in this patient?esophagus varices-
abdominal wall varices-anal varices
37-dawra q pt having external hamerrhoids with mass in the
upper rectum asking abot the lymphatic node? Inferior
mesenteric – sup mesenteric-inferior rectal -no internal iliac
38-they were doing angioplasty on inf. Mesentricartery , a large
thrombi has formed and occluded all the IMA they looked at the
descending colon its still normal color and appearance , asking the
Lft colic artery anastomoses with which artery to prevent ischemic
in the descending colon ?sup.rectal-mid colic-right colic
39-kid having difficulties whith some food if he eat it (he didn’t
say its gluten)but said he got pain and diarrhea with this food with
picture of skin leasion on his knee like this one , asking where the
immounocomplexwhil precipitate in this leasion (meaning the
skin)? Linar around basement membrane-tips of dermal papilla -
betwean keratinocyte
40-baby 2 weeks with bilious vomiting with picture like this ,
where is the atresia ? douadenum – jujenum -iliac
41-pt havinh diarrhea with abdominal pain her pain releifed with
defecation , what is the drug you will prescribed working on muo
rec. doesn’t having CNS symptoms? Lopramid
42-kid having pain in his ankle his fingers are swollen and he looks
pale the cause ?HBS
43-pt taking Bleomycin what is the side effect of this drug
?pulmonary fibrosis
44-direct q on mechanism of paclitaxel which part of the cell whill
be arrestead ? spindle no microtubules in choices
45- patient with symptoms of TTP asking how to dx?measuring
46-pt did renal transplant 3 yrs ago now having fever ,lymph
CD45+,CD20+ Dx? EBV-CMV
47-pt did renal transplant now having fever , lymph nodes , they
measure anti bodies specific for B cells Dx?EBV-CMV
48-6 days old infant having jaundice low glucose and vomitous
failure to thrive his blood glucose 30
Urin + for reduced substance but – for glucose oxidase ,Dx?
49-pt having enlarged kidney fill with cysts there is also cyst in
livere where else you will find cysts?saccular
50-pt is boulimic she is a fraid of getting fat she do so many
exercises her BMI 17, she is a grait risk of ?osteopenia-
51-pt having rhinorrhea , enlarged pupil, sweating , diarrhea tx
with partial muo agonist?
52-pt with conjunctival injection diarrhea swating salivation
delirium tx ?clonidin-diazpam- propranolol
53-pt from Mexico hiv – having seizure altered mental status

picture like this dx? Toxoplasma-cysticsercusis

54-family the grand father had huntigton disease he passed away
on age 35 ,his daughter whom she is the mom having
(cag19_normal is less than 20)her husband having adenoma in the
colon , they have a child 11 yrs old healthy , what should the
physician test the child for ? APC gene for frameshift -APC whole
gene for restriction and splicing -CAG gen –
55-long story descrioing thyroid cancer and said they found one
enlarged node ,what is the main risk for malignancy ?having
growth of blood vessels-penetrate capsule-size more than 2 cm-
nuclear morphology
55-descriping pt with myasthenia gravis what else he can have ?
56-kid have burned her leg , new scar has formed who played the
main role for remodling?metalloprotease
57-descriping pt with sarcoid asking the tyoe of hyper sensitivity
58-pt having muscle weakness , pos column def. symptoms
,acanthocytosis ,what type of vit def?E-B12-Folat
59-pt having increased lactate levels what is th enzyme deficiency
causing this? PDH
60-they are doing experiment on insolin pump they want
changing k channel atpase activity this will affect ,with picture like
this labeled with letters on ecternal membrane -cytosole near
internal membrane -mitochondria-RER

61-pt with rash in sun exposed area , having diarrhea , memory
defect, deficiency of which of those? Niacin -theamin-riboflavin
62-uw q where the primer will bind in order to transcriooed gen
?3-5 end
63-pt with Genu Varum which part is under stress?miniscus-
64- pt having abdominal pain started shouting (u all get out of my
home)what else u can see in this patient? Tremor-waxing
flexibility -cant recognize people – cant recognize places
65-we want to give tobramycin intravenous , we want the plasma
conc.8 and trough 1,vd 30,clearance 40 , what is the loading dose?
66-we did median lateralepisetomy for patient now she has fecal
incontinence what is the nerve has damaged? Pos labial-inf rectal
67-we did median episetomy now she has fecal incontenance
what is the nerve damaged? Pos labial-inf rectal
68-we did median episetomy now she has fecal incontenance
which muscle is damaged?puborectalmuscle (correct)-cococegial

69-they were talking about stroke and gave u diagram like this
one they used thiazid in defferent doses & sometimes used with
other drugs & ask u which interval has the most effective in stroke
?themain purpus to learn how to read &compare between Odds

ratio intervals
70-pt came with sever headache & die they put autopsy for his
brain like this one , what is the source of bleeding ?
Arachnoid vellii-bridging veins-ant cerebral – middle meningeal

71-they are doing study on ELISA in dx HIV they bring hiv patient
and healthy volunteers what type of study ?
72-21 hydroxillase def and ask which will be decrease?
Aldosterone -androgen-estrogen-pregnelon
73-describing pt with acromegaly and ask what will be decrease?
74-easy q about von geirk …g6phospatase
75-pregnant woman want to make surgery on her fetus for neural
tube defect correction during pregnancy , the father is a broad
,what u will do ?refer her for the surgery center to do special test
first-take father consent first-refuse the referral
76-2 yrs boy having multiple fracture defferent stages of healing
77-mom and dad they have a child with cystic fibrosis (507/508)
The mom is (507/+),dad(+/+)
The mother family all are (+/+),dad family all (+/+)
+=healthy , how their child get the disease ?non paternity -
unparentaldisomy-uniparental heterodisomy
78-what is the drug that decrease cardiac oxygen
79-pregnant woman having decrease sensation on anterior lateral
thigh which nerve affected? L1-2/L3-4 there was no L2-3
80-lady telling u please doc don’t tell my dad his dx if its
malignancy , he will be so sad ? ill aske the pt how far he would
like to know about his dx
81-descriping pt with atherosclerosis which of those is the site of
the primary injury ? endothelial cell-tunica intema-tunica media
82-pt went hiking last weak now his armpit hurt there is pump
itchy and burning his muscles also weak with picture semiliar to
this how do u tx?doxacyclin-ciproflox-cefalxin-augmantin-bactrim
83-pt with picture like this , which nerve is affected?abducent -

84-mom who gave birth 2 month ago , she is breast feeding she
has warmth redness entire right breast dx?mastitis(correct)
85-pt with asthma she is taking albuterol she is having 3night
/weak awaking breathlessness what should u add? Long B2
agonist-steroid -montilukast
The end.

86- what is the best screening test on the curve ?

I guess it’s C

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