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Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. A microtubule that creates a propelling motion.

______________________ 2. The theory which supposes that living things may arise from non-living matter.
______________________ 3. A genetic condition caused by an extra chromosome, also known as Down Syndrome.
______________________ 4. The division of the cytoplasm where the cell divides produces two new cells.
______________________ 5. It is the fluid outside the thylakoid where enzymes. Chloroplast’s DNA and ribosomes are
______________________ 6. This cancer is caused by unrepaired DNA damage that triggers mutation.
______________________ 7. A dark dense spot inside the cell.
______________________ 8. It is one of the several stages a cell goes through during its lifetime.
______________________ 9. A phase the cell grows or organelles are built and the normal metabolic activities of the cell
take place.
______________________ 10. A prokaryotic group was discovered to be a unique life form that is capable of living.
______________________ 11. A chloroplast’s internal structure is composed of flattened sacs.
______________________ 12. It serves as the main compartment for storing essential organic and inorganic compounds.
13-15. Give three single membrane-bound organelles present only in eukaryotic cells.

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. A microtubule that creates a propelling motion.

______________________ 2. The theory which supposes that living things may arise from non-living matter.
______________________ 3. A genetic condition caused by an extra chromosome, also known as Down Syndrome.
______________________ 4. The division of the cytoplasm where the cell divides produces two new cells.
______________________ 5. It is the fluid outside the thylakoid where enzymes. Chloroplast’s DNA and ribosomes are
______________________ 6. This cancer is caused by unrepaired DNA damage that triggers mutation.
______________________ 7. A dark dense spot inside the cell.
______________________ 8. It is one of the several stages a cell goes through during its lifetime.
______________________ 9. A phase the cell grows or organelles are built and the normal metabolic activities of the cell
take place.
______________________ 10. A prokaryotic group was discovered to be a unique life form that is capable of living.
______________________ 11. A chloroplast’s internal structure is composed of flattened sacs.
______________________ 12. It serves as the main compartment for storing essential organic and inorganic compounds.
13-15. Give three single membrane-bound organelles present only in eukaryotic cells.

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. A microtubule that creates a propelling motion.

______________________ 2. The theory which supposes that living things may arise from non-living matter.
______________________ 3. A genetic condition caused by an extra chromosome, also known as Down Syndrome.
______________________ 4. The division of the cytoplasm where the cell divides produces two new cells.
______________________ 5. It is the fluid outside the thylakoid where enzymes. Chloroplast’s DNA and ribosomes are
______________________ 6. This cancer is caused by unrepaired DNA damage that triggers mutation.
______________________ 7. A dark dense spot inside the cell.
______________________ 8. It is one of the several stages a cell goes through during its lifetime.
______________________ 9. A phase the cell grows or organelles are built and the normal metabolic activities of the cell
take place.
______________________ 10. A prokaryotic group was discovered to be a unique life form that is capable of living.
______________________ 11. A chloroplast’s internal structure is composed of flattened sacs.
______________________ 12. It serves as the main compartment for storing essential organic and inorganic compounds.
13-15. Give three single membrane-bound organelles present only in eukaryotic cells.
Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. It is a space without matter.

______________________ 2. A region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are closest together.
______________________ 3. An energy that is observable is the movement and motion of an object.
______________________ 4. The resistance to change in motion.
______________________ 5. The density of the medium through which it propagates.

6 – 10. Xyrz rides on her yacht with a mass of 2,300 kg to take time to relax. She travels with her family at an initial speed
of 37 m/s and goes back to her parents at a final speed of 111 m/s. What is the amount of work?

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. It is a space without matter.

______________________ 2. A region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are closest together.
______________________ 3. An energy that is observable is the movement and motion of an object.
______________________ 4. The resistance to change in motion.
______________________ 5. The density of the medium through which it propagates.

6 – 10. Xyrz rides on her yacht with a mass of 2,300 kg to take time to relax. She travels with her family at an initial speed
of 37 m/s and goes back to her parents at a final speed of 111 m/s. What is the amount of work?

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. It is a space without matter.

______________________ 2. A region in a longitudinal wave where the particles are closest together.
______________________ 3. An energy that is observable is the movement and motion of an object.
______________________ 4. The resistance to change in motion.
______________________ 5. The density of the medium through which it propagates.

6 – 10. Xyrz rides on her yacht with a mass of 2,300 kg to take time to relax. She travels with her family at an initial speed
of 37 m/s and goes back to her parents at a final speed of 111 m/s. What is the amount of work?
Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

1. A type A woman whose father was type B marries a type B man whose mother was type A. What will be their children’s
possible genotypes and phenotypes?

How many percent of their offspring will be:

a. Blood type A? _________________________
b. Blood type B? _________________________
c. Blood type AB? ________________________
d. Blood type O? _________________________

2. The allele for black feet in a species of duck is dominant (BB) to the allele for brown feet (Bb). What are the phenotypes
of the offspring from the cross shown in the punnet square above?

Offspring: ______________________________________
Phenotypic ratio: _________________________________
Pattern of Inheritance: _____________________________
Genotype Percentage: _____________________________

3. In Andalusian fowls, black individuals (B) and white individuals (W) are homozygous. A homozygous blackbird is
crossed with a homozygous white bird. The offspring are all bluish-gray.

Parent 1: __________________________________

Parent 2: __________________________________

Phenotypic ratio: ____________________________

Pattern of Inheritance: ________________________

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. The chain of volcanoes formed during the merging of the surface of the ocean to become
______________________ 2. A 40,000 km long and a horseshoe-shaped.
______________________ 3. Cynognathus is a mammal-like reptile roaming the terrains during the _____ period.
______________________ 4. This evidence explains the glacial deposits that suggest the continents were located closer to
the poles in a distant time.
______________________ 5. The movement of convection currents may be tensional or _________.
______________________ 6. A gap between the plates is filled by magma rising from the asthenosphere.

7-10. The four pieces of evidence that support the movements of plate tectonics

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. The chain of volcanoes formed during the merging of the surface of the ocean to become
______________________ 2. A 40,000 km long and a horseshoe-shaped.
______________________ 3. Cynognathus is a mammal-like reptile roaming the terrains during the _____ period.
______________________ 4. This evidence explains the glacial deposits that suggest the continents were located closer to
the poles in a distant time.
______________________ 5. The movement of convection currents may be tensional or _________.
______________________ 6. A gap between the plates is filled by magma rising from the asthenosphere.

7-10. The four pieces of evidence that support the movements of plate tectonics

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ______________

______________________ 1. The chain of volcanoes formed during the merging of the surface of the ocean to become
______________________ 2. A 40,000 km long and a horseshoe-shaped.
______________________ 3. Cynognathus is a mammal-like reptile roaming the terrains during the _____ period.
______________________ 4. This evidence explains the glacial deposits that suggest the continents were located closer to
the poles in a distant time.
______________________ 5. The movement of convection currents may be tensional or _________.
______________________ 6. A gap between the plates is filled by magma rising from the asthenosphere.

7-10. The four pieces of evidence that support the movements of plate tectonics
Name: _________________________________________________ Remedial Score:

1. He is a Greek philosopher who believed that the original state of the cosmos was a primordial mixture.
2. This law states that the farther a galaxy than ours, the faster it recedes.
3. The oscillating universe followed the general theory of relativity equations of the universe with _______.
4. It is the study of the evolution and the large-scale properties of the universe as a whole.
5. This universe was Einstein’s favored model after he rejected his original model.
6. This theory states that planets and moons were wandering in space where the sun’s
gravity pulled the planets and moons were pulled by the planet’s gravity.
7. It is the entire body of space and time, including its continents, such as the stars, galaxies, and planets.
8. This theory, states that there was no change in the density of matter in the expanding universe due to the
continuous creation of matter.
9. A first person to present an explicit argument for a heliocentric model of the solar system, placing the Sun, not the
Earth is at the center of the known universe.
10. This theory explains that the universe developed 13.7 billion years ago and started as a very dense ago and
started as very dense and hot ________ which eventually cooled and began to form different particles.
11. A theory formulated by Rene Descartes stating that space was filled with matter in various states.
12. This model involved a system of huge swirling whirlpools of fine matter producing what would later be _____.
13. This influences the surface temperature, weather, and climate which are essential to the
formation of life and biodiversity on Earth.
14. It is a study that deals with celestial objects and the phenomena happening.
15. He first argues that the universe is finite and has a beginning

1. 6. 11.
2. 7. 12.
3. 8. 13.
4. 9. 14.
5. 10. 15.

Name: _________________________________________________ Remedial Score:


1. He is a Greek philosopher who believed that the original state of the cosmos was a primordial mixture.
2. This law states that the farther a galaxy than ours, the faster it recedes.
3. The oscillating universe followed the general theory of relativity equations of the universe with _______.
4. It is the study of the evolution and the large-scale properties of the universe as a whole.
5. This universe was Einstein’s favored model after he rejected his original model.
6. This theory states that planets and moons were wandering in space where the sun’s
gravity pulled the planets and moons were pulled by the planet’s gravity.
7. It is the entire body of space and time, including its continents, such as the stars, galaxies, and planets.
8. This theory, states that there was no change in the density of matter in the expanding universe due to the
continuous creation of matter.
9. A first person to present an explicit argument for a heliocentric model of the solar system, placing the Sun, not the
Earth is at the center of the known universe.
10. This theory explains that the universe developed 13.7 billion years ago and started as a very dense ago and
started as very dense and hot ________ which eventually cooled and began to form different particles.
11. A theory formulated by Rene Descartes stating that space was filled with matter in various states.
12. This model involved a system of huge swirling whirlpools of fine matter producing what would later be _____.
13. This influences the surface temperature, weather, and climate which are essential to the
formation of life and biodiversity on Earth.
14. It is a study that deals with celestial objects and the phenomena happening.
15. He first argues that the universe is finite and has a beginning

1. 6. 11.
2. 7. 12.
3. 8. 13.
4. 9. 14.
5. 10. 15.

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