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prince brucal

Prince is designing a quilt, and she wants to create a

rectangular patchwork pattern in the center of the
quilt. The area of the rectangular patchwork is
represented by the expression 49x² - 64y² square inches.
Can you help Prince factor this expression and find the
dimensions of the rectangular patchwork?
To find the dimensions of the rectangular patchwork and factor the expression
49x² - 64y², we'll use the difference of squares formula:

a² - b² = (a + b)(a - b)

In this case, a² represents 49x², and b² represents 64y².

Let's factor the expression accordingly:

49x² - 64y² = (7x)² - (8y)²

Now, we have the expression in the form of a difference of two squares,

where "a" is 7x, and "b" is 8y. Apply the difference of squares formula:

(7x + 8y)(7x - 8y)

So, the factored form of the expression 49x² - 64y² is (7x + 8y)(7x - 8y).

Now, let's consider the dimensions of the rectangular patchwork:

Length: 7x + 8y square inches

Width: 7x - 8y square inches
Akeshia Sedilla

Aki is an architect designing a square-shaped park

for a local community. The park's main feature is a
large, open pavilion at the center. The pavilion's roof
has a unique design that can be represented as a
perfect square trinomial. The area of the roof is
given by the expression 9x² + 12x + 4 square meters.
Can you help Aki factor this expression and find the
dimensions of the pavilion's roof?
To find the dimensions of the pavilion's roof, we will factor the given perfect square trinomial:

The expression is 9x² + 12x + 4.

Recognize that this expression is a perfect square trinomial, specifically (3x + 2)².

Take the square root of the first and last terms to find the binomial that, when squared, gives the
original expression.

Apply the formula to the given expression:

9x² + 12x + 4 = (3x + 2)².

Now, we have successfully factored the expression as (3x + 2)².

To determine the dimensions of the pavilion's roof:

The length of one side of the square roof is represented by (3x + 2) meters.
The other side of the square roof is also represented by (3x + 2) meters, as it's a square.
Rik rajan divinaflor espiritu

Rik is a jewelry designer, and he's working on

creating a unique piece of jewelry with a
distinctive cubic pendant. The volume of the
pendant is represented by the expression 64x³ -
27y³ cubic millimeters, where "x" and "y"
represent different dimensions. Can you help Rik
factor this expression and find the dimensions of
the cubic pendant?
To find the dimensions of Rik's cubic pendant, we will factor the given

The expression is 64x³ - 27y

Recognize that this expression is the difference of two cubes,

specifically (4x)³ - (3y)

Use the difference of cubes formula: a³ - b³ = (a - b)(a² + ab + b²

Apply the formula to the given expressio

64x³ - 27y³ = (4x - 3y)((4x)² + (4x)(3y) + (3y)²

Now, we have successfully factored the expression as (4x - 3y)((16x² +

12xy + 9y²)

To determine the dimensions of the cubic pendan

One side of the cubic pendant is represented by (4x - 3y) millimeter

The other dimensions of the pendant are represented by the quadratic
expression (16x² + 12xy + 9y²) square millimeters.

Justin next-->
Justin is an environmental scientist working on a
research project to determine the amount of
plastic waste in a local river. He collects a water
sample and analyzes it to find the concentration
of microplastics. The concentration of
microplastics in the water is given by the
expression 3p² - 12pq square milligrams, where
"p" represents the concentration of primary
microplastics and "q" represents the
concentration of secondary microplastics. Can
you help Justin factor this expression and
interpret the results for his research?
Step 1: Identify the greatest common factor (GCF)
of the terms. In this case, the GCF is 3p.

Step 2: Rewrite the expression using the GCF:

3p² - 12pq = 3p(p - 4q)

Step 3: The fully factored expression is 3p(p - 4q).

This means you can express the original expression
as the product of 3p and the binomial (p - 4q).


Wyndel is a high school mathematics teacher,
and he's organizing a field trip for his students
to a local amusement park. He wants to
calculate the total cost for the trip, which
includes admission tickets and meal packages
for the students and chaperones. The total cost
for the trip can be represented by the
expression 5x² + 7xy - 4x - 28y dollars, where "x"
represents the cost of admission tickets and "y"
represents the cost of meal packages. Can you
help Wyndel factor this expression to calculate
the total cost more efficiently?
To help Wyndel calculate the total cost for the field trip more efficiently, we'll factor
the given expression by grouping:
The expression is 5x² + 7xy - 4x - 28y.
Group the terms into pairs based on common factors:
(5x² + 7xy) - (4x + 28y).
Factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) from each pair:
x(5x + 7y) - 4(1x + 7y).
Notice that both terms now share a common binomial factor, which is (5x + 7y):
(5x + 7y)(x - 4).
Now, we have successfully factored the expression by grouping as (5x + 7y)(x - 4).
To calculate the total cost for the field trip:
The binomial factor (5x + 7y) represents the combined cost of admission tickets and
meal packages for each student
and chaperone.
The binomial factor (x - 4) represents the discount applied
to the cost, such as group disTo help Wyndel calculate the total cost for
the field trip more efficiently, we'll factor the given expression by
The expression is 5x² + 7xy - 4x - 28y
Group the terms into pairs based on common factors
(5x² + 7xy) - (4x + 28y)
Factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) from each pair
x(5x + 7y) - 4(1x + 7y)
Notice that both terms now share a common binomial factor, which is (5x +
(5x + 7y)(x - 4)
Now, we have successfully factored the expression by grouping as (5x + 7y)
(x - 4)
To calculate the total cost for the field trip
The binomial factor (5x + 7y) represents the combined cost of admission
tickets and meal packages for each student and chaperone
The binomial factor (x - 4) represents the discount applied to the cost, such
as group discounts or promotions.counts or promotions.
Are you
getting it?
Good Job!
Give yourself a
group members

Beatriz Shanelle T. luares

akeshia Sedilla
micaela avril flores
prince brucal
Justi Gilbert Padilla
carl wyndel Liabres

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