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Quadratic Equation

What is Quadratic Equation?

iUpon completing this section you should be able to:

Identify a quadratic equation.

Identify the values of a,b,and c of each equation.
Place a quadratic equation in standard form.
(a+ bx - c= 0)

A quadratic equation is a function of the form

f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
Where a, b, c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.

The expression on the right hand side

a + bx + c = 0
is called a quadratic expression.
A quadratic equation is any equation with a degree* of two. A
quadratic equation in one variable ,say x, is also known as a
second-degree polynomial equation in x.( meaning it
contains at least one term that is squared).
A quadratic equation is a trinomial** expression because in
standard form it adds three terms
(ax2, bx, and c).

* Degree – The highest power of any term of a polynomial.

**Trinomial – A polynomial(the sum of terms) with three
terms(the product of constants and variables).
Identify Quadratic Equation
Quadratic Equation Standard Form A B C

4x2 + 5x = 9 4x2 + 5x - 9 = 0 4 5 -9

-7x = 3 – 4x2 4x2 - 7x - 3 = 0 4 -7 -3

9x2 = 7x – 3 9x2 - 7x + 3 = 0 9 -7 3

2 = 9x - 3x2 3x2 -9x + 2 = 0 10 -9 2

3x+ 2 = -7 -8x2 8x2 + 3x +9 =0 8 3 9

Determine whether each of the following is a quadratic
equation or not.

1. 2x2 + 6x = 5 → 2x2 + 6x - 5 = 0
(Transpose 5 to the left side of the equation .)
This is a quadratic equation in standard form where
a= 2, b= 6 ,c= -5 .

2. 4x4 - 7x2 = 0
( The degree of the given equation is 4. Thus,it is not a
quadratic equation.)
3.   x(4x2 ) = – 12 + 4x - 52

x(4x2 ) = – 12 + 4x – 52 4x3 = – 12 + 4x – 52
4x3 = – 12 + 4x – 52
( Simplify the left side of the equation
.Then,write the resulting equation in the form
where one side is zero.)
* The degree of the given equation is 3.Thus,the given
is not a quadratic equation.
4. -x(-6x + 1) + 9 = - 6x
   + 1) + 9 = - 6x 6 -x + 9 = -6x
6 - x + 6x + 9 = 0
6 + 5x + 9 = 0
Remove the grouping symbols by multiplying
-x to each of the terms inside the parentheses.Then
,transpose -6x to the left side of the equation and
simplify.The result illustrates a quadratic equation
in standard form where a= 6 ,b=5 and c= 9.
When identifying whether an equation
illustrates a quadratic equation or not ,it is
necessary that you know how to perform
operations involving ploynomials.This will
aid you in transforming a given equation into
the standard form of a quadratic
equation.Your skill in identifying the degree
of a polynomial is also important.
Rewrite each quadratic equation into standard form.Then find
the values of a ,b and c. STANDARD FORM A B C

-8x2 + 8x = -9
6x = 3 - 4x2
-x2 - 2x - 1 = 0
2 = 6x + 5x2
6x - 2 = -9 -11x2
9 = -3x + 2x2
-7x + 4 = -4 - 8x2
Solutions of the Quadratic
Equation or Roots of the Equation
  all values of the variable that satisfy a given quadratic
equation in one variable .

EXAMPLES: Determine if the indicated value of the variable is

a solution to the given quadratic equation.
a. + x - 6 = 0 ; x= 2

b. 36 - 9 = 0 ; n= -1/2

c. 10 - 5 = 65 ; y= √5
 A quadratic equation is any equation with a degree* of
two. A quadratic equation in one variable ,say x, is also
known as a second-degree polynomial equation in
x.) ,written in the standard form a + bx + c ,where
a ,b,and c are real numbers ,and aⱡ 0.

The values of the variable that make a quadratic

equation in one variable true are called the
solutions of the equation.
Quadratic equations are actually used in everyday life. It
explains that doubling the speed of a car quadruples its
stopping distance. Stopping distance is defined as the distance
travelled from the time when the driver steps on the brake to
stop a vehicle travelling at certain speed to the time when the
vehicle completely stops. This implies that everyone should
drive slowly especially in urban areas to avoid accidents. In a
deeper sense, having the ability to solve quadratic equations
can help save your life or someone else’s.

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