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A. Common Monomial Factoring (CMF)
- the process of writing a polynomial as a product of two polynomials, one of which is a
monomial that factors each term of the polynomial. To ensure that the polynomial is
the prime polynomial, use the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the terms of the
given polynomials.
Illustrative Examples:
1. Find the greatest common factor of 6xy2 and 18y.
2. Factor 20a3b + 8a – 12a5b2 completely.
3. Simplify 22m + 4m2.
B. Factoring Difference of Two Squares (DOTS)
- Factoring the difference of two squares is the easiest type of factoring. The key is
recognizing when you have the difference of two squares.
x2 – a2 = (x – a)(x + a)
Steps in doing DOTS:
1. Write two sets of parentheses
2. Take the square root of the first term and place that in EACH set of parentheses.
3. Take the square root of the second term and place that in EACH set of parentheses
4. One set has x +, the other has x –
Illustrative Examples:
1. n2 – 100 = (n +10)(n – 10)
2. 49y4 – 16x2 = (7y2 – 4x)( (7y2 + 4x)
3. 16x6 – 121y8 = (4x3 – 11y4)( 4x3 + 11y4)
4. 20a2 – 45 = 5(4a2 – 9) = 5(2a – 3)(2a + 3)
5. 294r2 – 150 = 6(49r2 – 25) = 6(7r – 5)(7r + 5)
C. Factoring Perfect Square Trinomial (PST)
- If the square root of “a” and “c” can be found and if twice their product is equal to
middle term, then the trinomial can be factor out as Perfect Square Trinomial (PST).
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 or (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
A perfect square trinomial must satisfy 3 conditions:
a. The first and last terms (a2 and b2) must be perfect squares.
b. There must be no minus signs before a2 and b2.
c. The middle term is 2ab or -2ab.
Illustrative Examples:
1. 4x2 + 28x + 49 = (2x + 7)(2x + 7)
2. 36x2 – 60x + 25 = (6x – 5)(6x – 5)
3. 20x3 – 140x2 + 245x = 5x(4x2 – 28x + 49) = 5x(2x – 7)(2x – 7)
4. 3a3 – 6a2b + 3ab2 = 3a(a2 – 2ab + b2) = 3a(a – b)(a – b)
5. (x – 1)2 – 2u(x – 1) + u2 = (x – 1 – u)(x – 1 – u)
D. Sum and Difference of Two Cubes
- A polynomial in the form a3 + b3 is called a sum of cubes. A polynomial in the form a3
– b3 is called a difference of cubes. The difference of two cubes is equal to the
difference of their cube roots times a trinomial, which contains the squares of the
cube roots and the opposite of the product of the cube roots. On the other hand, the
sum of two cubes is equal to the sum of their cube roots times a trinomial, which
contains the squares of the cube roots and the opposite of the product of the cube
roots. A mnemonic for the signs of the factorization is the word "SOAP", the letters
stand for "Same sign" as in the middle of the original expression, "Opposite sign", and
"Always Positive".
That is, x3 ± y3 = (x [Same sign] y)(x2 [Opposite sign] xy [Always Positive] y2)

Illustrative Examples:
1. 27p3 + q3 = (3p)3 + (q)3 = (3p + q)(9p2 – 3pq + q2)
2. 40u3 − 625v3 = 5(8u3 – 125v3) = 5[(2u)3 – (5v)3] = 5(2u – 5v)(4u2 + 10uv + 25v2)
3. 54𝑥3 − 16𝑦3 = 2(27x3 – 8y3) =
4. x3y3 + 64z3 =
5. 16x3 – 250y3 =
E. Factoring by Grouping
- Factoring by grouping is a process of grouping the terms together in pairs of two
terms so that each pair of terms has a common factor that we can factor out.
Steps in factoring by grouping:
1. Determine if there is a GCF common to all four terms. If there is one then begin
by factoring out this GCF.
2. Arrange the four terms so that the first two terms and the last two terms have
common factors.
3. If the coefficient of the third term is negative, factor out a negative coefficient from
the last two terms.
4. Use the reverse of the distributive property to factor each group of two terms.
5. Now factor the GCF from the result of step 4 as done in the previous section.
Illustrative Examples:
1. x3 + 3x2 – 4x – 12
2. x3 + 3x2 + 2x + 6
3. 2x3 + 7x2 − 8x − 28
4. 12a3 − 9a2 + 4a – 3
5. 35xy − 5x − 56y + 8
F. Factoring General Trinomials
- Factoring trinomials is the process of finding factors for a given trinomial expression.
These factors are expressed in the form of binomials that are the sum and product of
the terms in a trinomial. Thus, (x + a)(x + b) = x 2 – (a + b)x + ab.
Illustrative Examples:
1. 3x3 – 3x2 – 90x
2. 2x2 – x – 3
3. 2x2 + 10x + 12
4. −5a2 − 15a – 10
5. y4 – 9y3 – 10y2


- It involves isolating the square and then applying the square root property. After
applying the square root property, you have two linear equations that each can be
solved. Be sure to simplify all radical expressions and rationalize the denominator if
necessary. Remember to include “±” when taking the square root of both sides. After
applying the square root property, solve each of the resulting equations. It is only
applicable if the quadratic equation is expressed in the form ax 2 – c = 0 or ax2 = c.
Steps in Extracting Square Roots:
a. Step 1: Express the quadratic equation into the form ax2 = c.
b. Step 2: After setting a = 1, extract the square root on both sides of the equation.
c. Step 3: Apply the zero-product property and set each variable factor equal to 0.
d. Step 4: Solve the resulting linear equations.
Illustrative Examples:
1. (x – 1)2 = 16
2. 3x2 – 75 = 0
3. 2x2 – 1 = 0
4. 4(x – 3)2 = 36
5. (x + 2)2 – 1= 0
B. Factoring
- Factorization of quadratic equations is the part of finding the roots of a quadratic
equation. Factoring quadratic equations means converting the given quadratic
expression into the product of two linear factors.
Steps in Factoring Method:
a. Transform the equation using standard form in which one side is zero.
b. Factor the non-zero side.
c. Set each factor to zero (Remember: a product of factors is zero if and only if one or
more of the factors is zero).
d. Solve each resulting equation.
Illustrative Examples:
1. p2 – 5p – 14 = 0
2. x2 – 16x + 63 = 0
3. 2b2 + 17b + 21 = 0
4. 5p2 – p – 18 = 0
5. 3b3 – 5b2 + 2b = 0
C. Completing the Square
- It is a method used to solve a quadratic equation by changing the form of the
equation so that the left side is a perfect square trinomial. It also means writing a
quadratic in the form of a squared bracket and adding a constant if necessary.
Steps in Completing the Square:
a. If a ≠ 1 divide both sides by a.
b. Rewrite the equation so that both terms containing variables are on one side of
the equation and the constant is on the other.
c. Take half of the coefficient of x and square it.
d. Add the square to both sides.
e. One side should now be a perfect square trinomial. Write it as the square of a
f. Use the square root property to complete the solution.
Illustrative Examples:
1. p2 + 14p − 38 = 0
2. x2 + 14x − 15 = 0
3. r2 − 4r − 91 = 7
4. 5k2 = 60 − 20k
5. 6x2 − 48 = −12x
D. Quadratic Formula
- A formula that gives the solutions of the general quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0
−b ± √ b2−4 ac
and that is usually written in the form x= .
Steps in solving quadratic equation using Quadratic Formula:
a. Write the quadratic equation in standard form, ax 2 + bx + c = 0. Identify the values
of a, b, and c.
b. Write the Quadratic Formula. Then substitute in the values of a, b, and c.
c. Simplify.
d. Check the solutions.
Illustrative Examples:
1. p2 – 5p – 14 = 0
2. x2 – 16x + 63 = 0
3. 2b2 + 17b + 21 = 0
4. 5p2 – p – 18 = 0
5. 5r2 + 2r – 3 = 0
E. Discriminant of Quadratic Equations
- The discriminant is widely used in the case of quadratic equations and is used to find
the nature of the roots. It tells us whether there are two solutions, one solution, or no
solutions. It is obtained by finding the value of b2 – 4ac.
- Nature of Roots of Quadratic Equation:
b2 – 4ac = 0, real, rational, and equal
b2 – 4ac > 0, real, rational, and unequal (perfect square)
b – 4ac > 0, real, irrational, and unequal (not perfect square)
b2 – 4ac < 0, imaginary
Illustrative Examples:
1. 3x2 + 2x + 5 = 0
2. 2x2 + 8x + 8 = 0
3. x2 – 2x – 7 = 0
4. 4x2 + 3x + 15 = 0
5. 5x2 + 15 = 0
F. Relationship of Coefficient and Roots of Quadratic Equations
- The negative of the coefficient of the second term divided by the coefficient of the first
term is equal to the sum of the roots in a quadratic equation. While the third term
divided by the first term represents the product of roots. That is,
r1 + r2 = -b/a (sum of roots)
r1r2 = c/a (product of roots)
ax – (r1 + r2)x + (r1r2) = 0
A. Illustrative Examples:
Quadratic Equation Sum of Roots Product of Roots
1. 3x2 + 2x + 5 = 0
2. 2x2 + 8x + 8 = 0
3. x2 – 2x – 7 = 0
4. 4x2 + 3x + 15 = 0
5. 5x2 + 15 = 0
B. Illustrative Examples:
r1 r2 Quadratic Equation
4 -5
2 -2/5
1/6 -4/7
3 + √5 3 – √5
5 – √7 5 + √7

A. Arithmetic Sequence

B. Geometric Sequence

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