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Food in Bibao

The aim of this report is to suggest the best places in Bilbao where to eat healthily and

In Bilbao there are a large number of places to enjoy good food, in most of these you
will have healthily and economical alternatives. A restaurant which shines for both is Foodoo,
located in the center of Bilbao, offers a wide variety of food in its menú of the day. This menú
has entre, main and dessert. You can choose from various salad types spaghetti, meat cuts,
seafood and many more delicious dishes. For dessert, they offer delicious sweets and if you want
something healthier you can order the fruit of the day

Bilbao is also known for its beautiful coastline and luckily there are also Good places to
eat. Sopelana is a village near Bilbao, there is a bar-restaurant called “Sunset”, this located in
front of the beach and offers many types of sándwiches and hamburguers, some more healthier
and cheaper that others, but all are very good choice.

In this report we only talk about two places, in Bilbao there are hundreds, in all of them
you can find an alternative that suits you thanks Spain is one of the countries with the greates
gastronomic diversity in the world.

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