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4-Always 3-Often 2-Sometimes 1-Never


Decoding 4 3 2 1

I have difficulty recognizing individual letters and symbols.

I frequently make mistakes and confuse words that look

the same (same set of letters).

Blending sounds together to form words takes extra effort

for me.

I mispronounce or hesitate to read, even the common

words that I encounter.

I have difficulty recognizing individual letters and symbols.


I read more slowly than other classmates.

When I read aloud, I hesitate and often mix up words and


I struggle to group words together into meaningful phrases

and sentences.

I frequently pause and restart when reading aloud.


It’s difficult for me to identify the main idea and themes of a

text or story.

I find it hard to remember the details and sequence of what

I read.

Understanding the relationships between characters and

events in a story is challenging for me.

Summarizing the main points of a text in my own words is

difficult for me.


I frequently encounter words I don't understand while


I find it difficult to understand the overall meaning of a text

if unfamiliar words are used.

I often need to search for the meaning of words in the text.

I find it easier to understand the words when context clues

or synonyms are used.

Motivation 4 3 2 1

Reading allows me to escape from reality and enter a

world of imagination.

I am naturally curious and excited to explore different

topics through reading.

I avoid reading when I find the material difficult or


I prefer watching videos to reading passages or text.


I believe reading is an important skill for success in life.

I find reading to be a relaxing and enjoyable activity.

I would rather do other activities than read if I have free


I avoid reading whenever possible because I find it boring

or frustrating.


I consider myself to be a good reader.

I kept thinking that reading was not for me but just for my
other classmates.

I feel conscious when other people hear me while reading.

I am afraid of criticism from my teacher and classmates.

I am not confident reading English text or passages.


Parental Support 4 3 2 1

I feel supported by my parents in my reading development.

My parents help me understand difficult words or concepts

in my reading.

We do activities together that help me learn about words

and reading, like playing games or writing stories.

Home Environment

My family members regularly engage in reading activities


I have a dedicated space at home where I can read

comfortably and without distractions.
I feel limited in my reading choices due to the lack of
available materials at home.

School Environment

My classroom is a safe and comfortable space for me to


My classmates respect and value my reading choices and


My teacher offers support and guidance when I struggle

with reading.

My teacher uses engaging and interactive strategies to

make reading enjoyable.

There are a variety of engaging reading materials available

in my classroom library.

There are reading programs and initiatives offered by the

school beyond regular classes.

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