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Poetic Forms Quiz

Name: ……………………………………………………………………

Instruction: Read each prompt and insert the poetic form that best suits the description.

1. I express all my thoughts on a matter that impacts me. I talk long and all by myself, no ne
interrupts. I am a ……………………………………………

2. I talk to ghosts. I tell them how much I admired them while they lived. I’m normally dressed
up in formal wear and when I praise men they don’t have to be near. I am

3. My first and third have rhyming words. My second is mother to my first verse thereafter. I
am a ……………………………………..

4. I have no special rhyme scheme, but I do have a metrical pattern. I’m normally just one
stanza which can be any length. I am ……………………………………..

5. I am a free verse, not bound by any form. I have no metrical pattern and I don’t care to
rhyme. My stanzas and lines are any length I choose. Who am I? ………………………………..

6. Nineteen is my name and tercets and quatrains are my game. I have two repeating end
rhymes and 2 refrains. I don’t care to be like anything. I am a …………………………………………

7. Just to make it clear, I have a specific rhyme scheme because I care about rhyme. I love it
when you sing me. I am a ……………………………………………………..

8. Milton, Shakespeare and Spener all tried to own me, but I belong to no body. In modern
times, I am free to take any form I want, just remember that I’m only 14. The Italians felt I
would be best to change bad situations into good ones, but I’m good at almost anything. I
am a ……………………………

9. Sometimes I’m irregular, sometimes I’m Horatian. Sometimes I’m Pindaric, but whatever I
am, I’m always in the first person, expressing my emotions cause sharing how I feel is my
dream. I am ……………………………………….

10. My favourite of these poetic forms is the ………………………………….

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