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) The first step in conducting an assessment if an 8th-grade student who has a specific learning
disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD begins demonstrating disruptive behavior,
despite intervention, is to:

A. Observe student’s behavior

B. Identify behavior monitoring strategies

C. Define behavior in measurable terms

D. Develop a behavior support plan


 Observing student's behavior involves closely watching and noting their actions, responses, and
interactions in various settings.
 Identifying behavior monitoring strategies entails determining effective methods to track and
assess a student's behavior over time.
 .Defining behavior in measurable terms means precisely describing actions or reactions in
observable and quantifiable terms for clearer assessment.
 Developing a behavior support plan involves creating a structured and individualized approach
to help a student improve their behavior and achieve specific goals.

12.) The procedure if a SPED teacher will evaluate the academic achievement of a student.

A. Using a variety of informal and formal assessment instruments.

B. Administering assessments instruments beginning at a lower grade level

C. Administering informal assessments in familiar locations

D. Relying primarily on standardized nonverbal assessment instruments.


 Utilizing both informal and formal assessment instruments allows educators or researchers to
gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's skills, knowledge, and performance,
combining different evaluation approaches for a well-rounded assessment.
 Administering assessment instruments at a lower grade level can be helpful in determining a
student's foundational knowledge and skills, enabling educators to tailor their instruction to
address any gaps or challenges effectively.
 Administering informal assessments in familiar locations can create a comfortable and relaxed
environment for the individual being assessed, potentially reducing anxiety and leading to more
accurate results.
 Relying primarily on standardized nonverbal assessment instruments can be advantageous
when assessing individuals with language barriers or communication difficulties, as it provides a
fairer evaluation of their abilities without relying on verbal skills.

13.) Procedures the teacher use to monitor the student’s progress.

A. Administering informal reading inventory to each student every month

B. Developing individual portfolios in which each student collects a list of mastered sight words every

C. Conducting an error analysis of each student’s oral reading every month

D. Reviewing the data on each student’s reading accuracy and speed on a graph in a week


 Administering informal reading inventory to each student every month: This involves regularly
assessing students' reading abilities using informal tools and methods to track their progress and
identify areas for improvement.
 . Developing individual portfolios in which each student collects a list of mastered sight words
every week: Students maintain personalized portfolios where they compile a weekly record of
sight words they have successfully learned, allowing teachers to monitor their sight word
recognition development.
 Conducting an error analysis of each student’s oral reading every month: Periodically examining
and analyzing students' reading mistakes during oral reading sessions to pinpoint specific
challenges and tailor instructional strategies accordingly.
 Reviewing the data on each student’s reading accuracy and speed on a graph in a week: Weekly
monitoring and charting of students' reading accuracy and speed data to visualize their progress
and identify trends that can inform instructional adjustments.

14.) Components that must be included in the student’s IEP?

A. A student’s detailed plan for his upcoming transition to 9th grade

B. A description of how to monitor the student’s progress

C. Statement naming a designated sped coordinator to implement the program

D. Statement about the family’s desire for an academic outcome for the student


 A student's detailed plan for his upcoming transition to 9th grade refers to a comprehensive
outline of the specific steps and preparations he intends to take to smoothly transition from his
current grade to the 9th grade in terms of academics, extracurriculars, and other aspects.
 A description of how to monitor the student's progress involves outlining the methods, tools,
and criteria that will be used to track and assess the student's academic and personal
development, ensuring that he stays on track and achieves his goals during the transition to 9th
 A statement naming a designated sped coordinator to implement the program refers to an
official announcement naming a special education (SPED) coordinator who will be responsible
for overseeing and executing the transition program designed to support the student with
special education needs during his move to 9th grade.
 A statement about the family's desire for an academic outcome for the student is an expression
of the family's aspirations and goals regarding the student's academic performance and
achievements, emphasizing their commitment to ensuring he attains positive educational results
during his transition to 9th grade.

15.) Step that should be taken FIRST to have a successful transition for a grade 8th student who has a
specific learning disability and ADHD?

A. Identifying long-term goals for the transition of students to community living

B. Identifying student’s interests, preferences, and level of support needed

C. Determining how to measure the student’s progress towards transition goals

D.Assessing the student’s needs for assistive technology related to employment or post-secondary


 Identifying long-term goals for the transition of students to community living means
determining the ultimate objectives and aspirations of students in terms of living independently
and actively participating in community life after their educational journey.
 Identifying student's interests, preferences, and level of support needed involves understanding
the individual likes, dislikes, and personal requirements of students to tailor a suitable support
system that aligns with their unique characteristics and aspirations.
 Determining how to measure the student's progress towards transition goals involves
establishing appropriate metrics and evaluation methods to track and gauge the advancement
of students as they work towards achieving their transition objectives.
 Assessing the student's needs for assistive technology related to employment or post-
secondary education entails evaluating the specific technological tools and accommodations
required to support the student's successful integration into the workforce or higher education


"Special Education in Contemporary Society" by Richard M. Gargiulo and Emily C. Bouck - This book
provides an overview of special education concepts and practices in today's society.

"Inclusive Education: A Global Agenda" by Roger Slee - This book explores inclusive education practices
and policies from a global perspective.


National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) - NCLD is a reputable organization that offers resources,
articles, and information related to learning disabilities and inclusive education.


Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) - CEC is a professional association dedicated to improving the
educational success of individuals with exceptionalities, including special education and inclusive


U.S. Department of Education - Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) - OSEP provides information
and resources related to special education laws, policies, and practices in the United States.


UNESCO - Inclusive Education - UNESCO works towards promoting inclusive education worldwide, and
their website offers valuable resources and publications related to this topic.


Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) - CAST focuses on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and
offers resources to support inclusive education practices.

National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) - NASDSE provides information
and resources for state education agencies and professionals involved in special education.


American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) - AAIDD offers information
on intellectual and developmental disabilities, including research and best practices for inclusive


Inclusion Europe - This organization advocates for the rights and inclusion of people with intellectual
disabilities and offers resources on inclusive education.


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