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Ross, Peter McGregor, et al.

“Mechanical Engineering | Design, Manufacturing and

Automation.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 14 Mar. 2024,

 Mechanical engineering applies principles from physics, mathematics, and materials

science for design, manufacturing, and operation of machines and related processes.
 Core areas include dynamics, control, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and strength of
 Mechanical engineers are involved in many applications, from engines and vehicles to
medical devices and heating/cooling systems.
 The development of machine tools and the rise of the Industrial Revolution are highly
linked to the field of mechanical engineering.

This article provides a very rudimentary overview of mechanical engineering. It highlights the
core principles and applications of this discipline, emphasizing its fundamental role in various
aspects of modern technology. From the design of complex machinery to the foundation of
industrial processes.

The article offers a great entry point for anyone curious about what mechanical engineering
entails. It effectively highlights the broad spectrum of this field and its significant contributions
to the world around us. Most likely will not include this in my final, however, it does sum up the
profession well.

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