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It is an honor to have you here today, I can assure you that we have all been waiting for this

day in one
way or another. Since we were little we saw how with each year a new class left the school to continue
fulfilling their dreams, with each passing year we were close to being the class that at some point would
leave the sweet arms of Campo Alto...but none of us imagined that this moment would come so fast,
time flew by and the only thing it left with us were unforgettable memories.

The memories we have shared together have been incomparable, there were so many moments of
countless emotions that we shared that will live with us. This road that we have faced together was
made up of obstacles, we were the graduating class that could not live all the moments that we all
expected in high school and in some way or another, that made us stronger. We learned to handle a new
reality without losing the one we had before, we understood the importance of having each other and
even what friendships meant.

During this journey we encountered thousands of rocks that made us stumble, but all the time we had a
hand to help us get up, we learned that no wall was big enough for us because we always found a way to
climb them, every year we faced a new obstacle that we considered almost impossible to cross, but once
again, we did it...together. We also grew up, from talking about YouTube channels and different games to
organizing our graduation, we shared moments that would only happen once in a lifetime. We had the
best home to be able to figure out who we were, where we wanted to go and where we wanted to be.

It was a place where we could find ourselves.

I can't remember the last time I felt like I didn't belong somewhere, the Campo Alto family welcomed me
and all those who have joined half way through the journey, being part of this family feels like the
warmest hug you could ever give someone. The support that the members of this family have given us
has been nothing short of comforting, we all knew that if anything happened there was no problem
communicating with our teachers, they were the ones that made the classrooms a safe place for all of

There is nothing left but to thank all the members present today, we are a family that has suffered
multiple changes during all the years we have been together...Campo Alto has prepared us all these
years to be able to face any obstacle that may arise, I would like to thank the parents, you have been one
of our biggest pillars. We count on your support since we arrived in the world until now that our wings
are spread to fly in the direction of our dreams. A huge thank you to the teachers for their time and for
making the school a home for us.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you success in everything you set out to accomplish.

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