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1. What is the primary function of the lithosphere in Earth's subsystems?

- a. Regulating climate
- b. Supporting biodiversity
- **c. Comprising solid Earth materials**
- d. Facilitating the water cycle

2. Which subsystem of the Earth is considered as the thin gaseous layer that envelopes
the lithosphere?
- **a. Atmosphere.**
- b. Biosphere.
- c. Hydrosphere.
- d. Lithosphere.

3. What gas comprises 21% of the atmosphere?

- a. Carbon.
- b. Hydrogen.
- **c. Nitrogen.**
- d. Oxygen.

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major geological subsystems of
- **a. Atmosphere.**
- b. Biosphere.
- c. Hemisphere.
- d. Lithosphere.

5. What word refers to the solid Earth?

- a. Atmosphere.
- b. Biosphere.
- **c. Lithosphere.**
- d. Hydrosphere.

6. What are the four main components of Earth’s subsystems?

- a. The troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.
- **b. The inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust.**
- c. Jimmy Johns, Subway, Potbelly, and Firehouse.
- d. The lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere

7. The biosphere includes:

- a. Only humans and animals
- b. Only plants and trees
- **c. All living organisms on Earth**
- d. Only marine life

8. What characterizes terrestrial planets in our solar system?

- a. Predominantly composed of gases
- b. Lack of a solid surface
- **c. Mostly made of silicate rocks or metals**
- d. Presence of prominent ring systems

9. Which gas giant is known for its spectacular ring system composed of icy particles
and debris?
- a. Jupiter
- **b. Saturn**
- c. Uranus
- d. Neptune

10. What is the defining feature of the Jovian planets in our solar system?
- a. Solid surface
- **b. Predominantly composed of hydrogen and helium**
- c. Tilted rotation axis
- d. Lack of a magnetic field

11. The Goldilocks zone is associated with:

- a. A zone in space where gold is abundant
- **b. The habitable zone around a star**
- c. The region beyond Neptune
- d. The area with the highest atmospheric pressure on Earth

12. Which planet is closest to the sun?

- a. Mercury
- b. Venus
- c. Earth
- d. Mars

13. How many officially recognized dwarf planets are there in our solar system?
- a. 4
- b. 5
- c. 6
- **d. 7**

14. Which Jovian planet is the farthest known planet from the Sun?
- a. Jupiter
- b. Saturn
- c. Uranus
- **d. Neptune**

15. The largest planet in our solar system.

- a. Jupiter
- b. Saturn
- c. Uranus
- **d. Neptune**

B. 16 TO 19--- Enumerate the terrestrial planets in our solar system.

C. 20-23--- Enumerate the four Jovian planets in our solar system.
D. 24-27--- Enumerate the four subsystems of Earth.
E. 28-30---Give 3 names of dwarf planets in our solar system.
F. 33-35--- Provide three factors that make Earth suitable for habitation.

ANSWER keys:
1. : c

2. : a

3. : c

4. : a

5. : c

6. : b

7. : c

8. : c

9. : b
10. : b

11. : b

12. : a

13. : d

14. : d

15. : d

B. 16 TO 19--- Enumerate the terrestrial planets in our solar system.

: a. Mercury, b. Venus, c. Earth, d. Mars
C. 20-23--- Enumerate the four Jovian planets in our solar system.
: a. Jupiter, c. Saturn, c. Uranus, d. Neptune
D. 24-27--- Enumerate the four subsystems of Earth.
: a. Lithosphere, b. Atmosphere, c. Hydrosphere, d. Biosphere
E. 28-30---Give 3 names of dwarf planets in our solar system.
F. 33-35--- Provide three factors that make Earth suitable for habitation.
: Earth’s distance from the sun, presence of water, presence of atmosphere

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