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What is Communicative Competence?

Communicative competence goes beyond simply knowing the grammar and vocabulary of a
language. It's the ability to use language effectively and appropriately in various real-world
situations. This includes:

 Grammatical Competence: The knowledge of correct grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.

 Sociolinguistic Competence: Understanding how language use varies based on social

context, relationships, and cultural norms.

 Discourse Competence: The ability to produce and comprehend cohesive and coherent text,
both spoken and written.

 Strategic Competence: Employing strategies to compensate for gaps in your knowledge or to

overcome communication breakdowns.

Models of Communicative Competence

There are several models that break down the components of communicative competence. Some of
the most influential include:

 Canale and Swain's Model (1980):

o Grammatical competence

o Sociolinguistic competence

o Discourse competence

o Strategic competence

 Hymes' SPEAKING Model (1972): Hymes focuses on the various factors that contribute to
successful communication in a specific context. (See details below)

 Bachman's Model (1990): Emphasizes both language knowledge and the strategic use of
that knowledge, incorporating elements of second language assessment.

Hymes' SPEAKING Model

Let's break down Hymes' SPEAKING model as an example. Each letter stands for a key consideration
in communicative competence:

 Setting and Scene: The physical location and the psychological 'feel' of the social situation.

 Participants: Speakers, listeners, writers, readers, and their relationships.

 Ends: Goals and purposes of the communication.

 Act Sequence: The order of events, the content, and how it's said.

 Key: The tone, manner, or spirit of communication (formal, serious, playful, etc.).

 Instrumentalities: Channels of communication (spoken, written, visual, etc.).

 Norms: Social expectations around the communication.

 Genre: Type of communication (chat, lecture, poem, email, etc.).

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