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DOSH 1323

Assignment Title : Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSD)

(Cubital Tunnel Syndrome)
Date : 1 April 2024
Lecturer Name : Puan Nur Anis Munirah Elias

Student Name  Nur Shuhada Binti Jalani (2-2307-11-1278)

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Table of Content

No. Content Page

1 Introduction of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSD) 3

2 Description of the Cubital Tunnel Syndrome 4

3 Factor of causing the Cubital Tunnel Syndrome 5

4 Signs and symptoms of the Cubital Tunnel Syndrome 5

5 Occupations highly exposed to the Cubital Tunnel Syndrome 6

6 Conclusion : Control Measure for ergonomic hazard based on Hierarchy 7

of Control

7 References 8

Introduction to Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs)

Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) are a significant concern in today's

workplaces, affecting a large number of workers across various industries. These disorders
encompass a wide range of conditions that impact the musculoskeletal system, including muscles,
tendons, ligaments, nerves, and joints. They are often caused or aggravated by factors such as
repetitive tasks, prolonged awkward postures, forceful exertions, and exposure to ergonomic
The prevalence of WMSDs underscores the importance of understanding and addressing
ergonomic risks in the workplace. These disorders can result in pain, discomfort, reduced mobility,
and functional limitations, ultimately affecting the well-being and productivity of employees.
Therefore, it is essential for organizations to implement preventive measures and ergonomic
interventions to mitigate the risk of WMSDs and promote a safe and healthy work environment.
This assignment will delve into the complexities of WMSDs which is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome ,
exploring their causes, symptoms, occupational implications, and control measures based on the
hierarchy of control. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of WMSDs and their impact, we
can develop strategies to minimize ergonomic hazards and ensure the well-being of workers in
diverse occupational settings.

1.Description of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome :
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is a type of WMSD that affects the ulnar nerve as it passes through the
cubital tunnel , located on the inner side of the elbow . This syndrome occurs when the ulnar nerve
becomes compressed or irritated , leading to pain , numbness and weakness in the hand and arm .
This condition is often aggravated by activities that involve repetitive bending of the elbow or
prolonged pressure on the elbow . Treatment options range from conservative measures like
splinting and activity modification to surgical intervention in severe cases .

2.Factors Causing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome :
Factors contributing to Cubital Tunnel Syndrome include
 repetitive bending of the elbow ,
 prolonged pressure on the elbow ,
 activities that require prolonged elbow flexion or extension , and trauma or
 injury to the elbow area .

3.Signs and Symptoms of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome :

 Numbness and tingling sensation in the ring and little fingers
 Weakness in the grip or difficulty with fine motor skills
 Pain or discomfort along the inner side of the elbow or forearm
 Worsening of symptoms at night or during activities that involve bending the elbow

4.Occupations Highly Exposed to Cubital Tunnel Syndrome :
Occupations that involve repetitive or prolonged elbow flexion , such as :
 assembly line workers ,
 electricians ,
 carpenters and
 computer users due to prolonged keyboard use and improper ergonomics ,
are at a higher risk of developing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome .

Conclusion :
To control ergonomic hazards like Cubital Tunnel Syndrome , organizations can implement
control measures based on the hierarchy of control . This include :

1. Elimination / Substitution : Identify and eliminate tasks or equipment that contribute to

excessive elbow stress . Substitute tools or techniques that reduce elbow strain .

2. Engineering Controls : Modify workstations or tools to reduce awkward postures and

minimize pressure on the elbow . Use ergonomic equipment like adjustable desks and
chairs .

3. Administrative Controls : Implement policies and procedures to rotate tasks , provide

adequate breaks and train employees on proper ergonomics and early symptom

4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) : Provide ergonomic supports or braces for

employees who perform tasks that increase their risk of developing Cubital Tunnel
Syndrome .

By implementing these control measures , organizations can reduce the risk of WMSDs like
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome and promote a safer and healthier work environment for employees .

1. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2020). Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.–conditions/cubital-tunnel-syndrome/
2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). (2019). Musculoskeletal
Disorders (MSDs) and Workplace Factors.
3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). (n.d.). Ergonomics.
4. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2020). Occupational Requirements Survey: Cubital Tunnel
5. Pascual J, Santana P, Prieto E, et al. (2018). Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Incidence and
Demographic Differences in a Large Retrospective Study.

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