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Dear Parents, Teachers, Students;

Thank you for making the world a more enjoyable place to live in, the following lies the key to unlocking
another portal towards expediting advancement…

As TEDx comes right around the corner, we extend our heartfelt invite to be a speaker/performing
artist/sponsor. If you feel the stage is what you dear as many have reached out to us, rest assured to not
fear… Being a school-organized TEDx, at its core nears your enthusiasm, shall you wish to be a speaker or
an artistic performer or a part-sponsor? We await to hear from you all, hoping that it's all clear ;)

This year onwards, we look forward to even more enthusiasm from our school community, for at the end of
the day, it is you who makes up the event…
Well, let us give you a brief description of what’s all this about.
Being a speaker/performing artist at a TEDx event not only garners international accreditation towards
your endeavors, but also demonstrates your keen interest in what you practice to our global audience.

Being a part-sponsor, by contributing monetarily, helps us ensure the event meets the standards we want
it to. And more importantly, you would save the world. Saving the world from the shackles of unawareness.
Saving the world from the dimness of being uninformed.
Saving the world, and making it more enlightened with knowledge.
Would you want to be a savior? Would you want to be known as a savior?
Would you seize this opportunity to save the world?

Just a small contribution, and we’ll foster our advancements towards a better world together :)
In case you are wondering what could be made available to you or your company as a token of gratitude in
reciprocation, please check the form below.

All our keen enthusiasts, awaiting to make a difference, here is your chance; here is your key. UNLOCK…
Please fill in the form below, for we know, you are a savior.

To bear in mind that time is limited, and this chance may slip away.
Deadline to fill up the form: 5th April, 2024.
Note, as a speaker/performer you would need to be available on both 25th and 26th April, 2024

With utmost admiration and in anticipation,

Team TEDxEMWS ‘24

P.S: Should you want to choose multiple things, feel free to fill up the form multiple times.
Please bear in mind, maximum of 3 speakers would be selected based on your creativity, hook on
audience’s attention, oratory skills and professional realm. If not this year, there’s always a next

And should you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to reach out to or


EVENT DATE: 26th April, 2024!
a sneak peak, just for you - if all goes well, be prepared to listen to performers and speakers from all over
the country and perhaps the world ;)

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