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MID Test Bahasa Inggris

Nama: Nur Rahma

Stambuk: A22123015

i. Write the names you hear with the correct spelling (tulislah nama dengan ejaan yang benar
berdasarkan dari apa yang kamu dengarkan).
1. Katceryna farjysos
2. Philip Frost
3. Benedeth shua
4. Matthew shua
5. Johnny Jordon
ii. Write the dates you hear with the correct writing (American or British way) (tulislah tanggal
dengan aturan penulisan yang benar berdasarkan dari apa yang kamu dengarkan).
1. 11 december 1992
2. June 17th
3. April 21st ,2023
4. 27 october 1990
5. March 31st , 1800
iii. Change each sentence below into the negative and interrogative sentence (ubahlah tiap – tiap
kalimat di bawah menjadi kalimat negative dan tanya).

1. She is a dentist.
(-) She is not a dentist
(?) Is she a dentist
2. Vanessa and William are tired.
(-) Vanessa and Wiliam doesn’t tired
(?) Are Vanessa and Wiliam tired
3. The book is very thick.
(-) The book is not very thick
(?) Is the book very thick
iv. Correct the mistakes of using to be/be verbs if any in the sentences below (koreksilah jika ada
kesalahan penggunaan to be/be verbs dalam kalimat di bawah ini).
1. Maria am a pilot. (F)
Maria is a pilot
2. Septian and Vino is excited. (F)
Septian and vino am excited
3. The dogs are short. (T )
4. The doctor are quite exhausted. (t)
5. Maximo is a great guy. (T)

MID Test Bahasa Inggris

6. I is a volunteer. ( T)
7. Tom and Jerry is popular. Am (F)
Tom and Jerry am popular
v. Change each sentence below into the positive and interrogative sentence (ubahlah tiap – tiap
kalimat di bawah menjadi kalimat negative dan tanya).

1. Karina doesn’t like cats.

(+) Does Karina like cats
(?) Does she Karina like cats
2. Felicia and Maximo don’t use public transportation.
(+) Felicia and maximo use public transportation
(?) Does Felicia and maximo use public transportation?
3. Denada doesn’t watch horror movies.
(+) Denada watch horor movies
(?) Does Denada watch horror movies
vi. Change each sentence below into the negative and interrogative sentence (ubahlah tiap – tiap
kalimat di bawah menjadi kalimat negative dan tanya).

1. Ana washes the dishes before midnight.

(-) Ana doesn’t washes the dishes before midnight
(?) Does Ana washes the dishes before midnight
2. Meyke and Yosep talk on the phone for hours.
(-) Meyke and Yosep doesn’t talk on the phone for hours
(?) Does Meyke and Yosep talk on the phone for hours
3. The baby cries all night.
(-) The baby doesn’t cries all night
(?) Does the baby cries all night
4. Fortuna learns English.
(-) Fortuna doesn’t learn English
(?) Does Fortuna learn English
5. The dog has long ears.
(-) The dog has doesn’t long ears
(?) Does the dog has long ears


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