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Scene 2 : You decide on the final itinerary of the field trip and discuss the details such
as transportation, accommodation, meal, and itinerary.

Justine: Good morning, Class. Today, we'll be talking for our upcoming field trip. So
let's start our suggestions with transportation. Any suggestions?

Sheena: How about we take a van? It's convenient.

Alysa: Isn't too small for us?

Andrie: What about renting a bus? Its space is big and comfortable.

Justine: Uhm. We'll go with the bus for transportation. Now, let's move on to
accommodation. Any thoughts on where we should stay?

Andrie: How about a local hotel? It's affordable and can accommodate us.

Justine: Great idea. We'll book the local hotel for our stay. Now, about meals. Should
we pack our lunches or eat at local eateries?

Sheena: I think we should pack our lunches. It will save time and money.

Justine: Ok. We'll plan for packed lunches. Lastly, let's discuss the itinerary. We'll visit
the museum and the enchanted kingdom.
Justine: The other rides here, are not all free. There are rides here that are paid for,
because it is not included in what our school paid for. So before we go on the rides that
we like, we should learn to ask someone who knows so that we don't have a problem.

Angel: Should we have some free time to explore the city as well?

Justine: Good suggestion. We can have some free time in the afternoon to explore the
city. It's included in the itinerary.

Britney: I heard there's a great park nearby too. Can we include that?

Justine: That's a great idea. Yes, we'll include the park in our itinerary after the

Rheeze: Should we bring our own snacks for the free time?

Justine: Yes, students can bring their own snacks for the free time.

Roziel: What about souvenirs?

Justine: Thanks for bringing it up. We'll have time to buy souvenirs during our free time.
This concludes our discussion for the field trip. Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions.
This trip is going to be memorable.

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