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German –I Verbs and Nouns

1. Following are the verbs included in the portion.

A] Regular verbs: wohnen (stay), trinken (drink), lernen (learn), schreiben (write),
kommen (come), spielen (play), fotografieren, singen, leben (live), schwimmen (swim),
heißen, machen (do), malen (paint), gehen (go)
B] arbeiten (work), finden (find) :- which take an extra ‘e’ for their du, er/es/sie and ihr
form eg arbeitest, arbeitet. Refer to the PPT for conjugation.
C] Irregular verbs: - sehen (see, watch), lesen (read), sprechen (speak), geben (give),
essen (to eat), treffen (to meet), fahren (travel, drive), schlafen (sleep), laufen (run),
tragen (wear). They show a vowel change for du and er,es, sie form. Refer to the PPT for
D} sein and haben: These 2 verbs are exceptions and have a different conjugation. Refer
to the PPT for conjugation.

2. Following are the nouns of which you need to know the articles and plural forms very
well. There are other nouns apart from these nouns taught in class or as a part of the texts
which are also included in the portion. But the articles and plural forms of the below
nouns are very important for exam.

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Tisch, -e table Lampe, -n Buch, -"er
Stuhl -"e chair Tasche, -n purse Kursbuch, -"er textbook
CD-Player Schule, -n school Wörterbuch, -"er dictionary
Computer Universität, -en Heft, -e notebook
Kuli –s ballpen Tafel - board Auto, -s car
Bleistift, -e pencil Lehrerin, -nen Handy, -s mobile phone
Fernseher TV set Mutter mother Radio
Projektor Stadt,-"e city Telefon
Freund, -e Zeitung, -en newspaper Hotel, -s
Lehrer male teacher Sprache, -n language Restaurant, -s
Kaffee Familie Café, -s
Tee Frau, - en woman Land, -"er country
Saft / Orangensaft Freundin, -nen Institut
Kurs, -e course Studentin, -nen female student College
Radiergummi eraser Pilotin -nen female pilot Foto, -s
Füller inkpen Firma, Firmen company Bild, -er picture
Student, -en Tochter daughter Kind, -er child, kid
Pilot, -en Uhr, -en watch, clock
Mann, --"er man Telefon/Handynummer

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