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Plan for Data Analysis

To answer the question presented under the Statement of the Problem, the study will

employ the following analytical tools:

The overall mean will be calculated to represent each respondent’s responses to the



- \( X \) is the frequency of each scale,

- \( W \) is the weight of each scale,

- \( N \) is the total number of respondents.

Pearson r Product Moment Coefficient Correlation: This will be utilized to

explore the correlation between study group participation and exam performance among

Senior High School STEM students. This data analysis plan aims to derive insights into the

correlation between study group participation and exam performance, providing a robust

foundation for drawing conclusions and addressing the research objectives within the context

of Senior High School STEM students. The computed r was obtained using the formula.

where: N = Total numbers of respondent

( X \) and \( Y \): These represent the variables being compared. In your case, \( X \) could be

study group participation, and \( Y \) could be exam performance.

\( \sum(XY) \): The sum of the product of corresponding values of \( X \) and \( Y \)

- \( \sum X \) and \( \sum Y \): The sum of all values of \( X \) and \( Y \), respectively.
- \( \sum X^2 \) and \( \sum Y^2 \): The sum of the squares of all values of \( X \) and \

( Y \), respectively.

- \( N \): The total number of data points.

The correlation value was interpreted as follows:

An r from 0.00 to + 20 denotes negligible correlation

An r from 0.21 to 40 denotes have slight correlation

An r from 0.41 to 70 denotes marked or moderate correlation

An r from 0.91 to 90 denotes high relationship

An r from 0.91 to 99 denotes very high relationship

An r equals to 20 to 20 denotes perfect relationship

The data collected for this study were encoded and analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.

Statistical tests were performed at a 0.05 level of significance.

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