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1 - 1st half ( 2022 )

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Question Papers for B.Ed Click Here
1st Semester
1.1.1 - 1st half ( 2022 )

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Question Papers for B.Ed Click Here
1st Semester 1.1.1 - 1st half

Group - A
1. i)What is meant by Schema?

Schema refers to a cognitive framework or mental

structure that helps organize and interpret information.
It is a mental concept or framework developed through
experiences, knowledge, and previous learning, allowing
individuals to efficiently process and make sense of new
information. Schemas influence how we perceive,
remember, and retrieve information by providing a
structure for understanding the world around us.

ii)What is ID and Superego?

Id and Superego are concepts from Sigmund Freud's

psychoanalytic theory of personality:

1. Id:
- The Id is the primitive, instinctual part of the mind,
driven by the pleasure principle.
- It seeks immediate gratification of basic needs and
desires without considering consequences.
- It operates on unconscious impulses and is present
from birth. 1.1.1 - 1st half

2. Superego:
- The Superego is the moralistic part of the mind,
representing internalized societal and parental
- It enforces moral and ethical considerations, striving
for perfection and societal approval.
- It develops through socialization and is influenced by
cultural and familial values.

iii)Mention any four principles of Development.

Certainly. Four principles of development include

sustainability, inclusivity, equity, and participation.
These principles emphasize long-term societal and
environmental well-being, ensuring the involvement of
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all individuals, promoting fairness, and encouraging
active engagement in decision-making processes.
question paper in English
iv)Write two causes of individual difference.
and Bengali Version
Individual differences can arise due to genetic factors,
influencing traits and abilities. Environmental
influences, such as upbringing, education, and
experiences, also contribute to variations among
individuals. These factors collectively shape unique
characteristics and abilities in each person.

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