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When talking about close friend, the first person that cross my mind is Hung.

It goes back to my 2th year

of my primary school years, when I change my school. The first time we met, we don’t really have good
impression on each other. But not long after that, we get on with each other and become best friends
till now.

Hung has a short and unique sliver hair, not like any other. At first I thought he was aggressive but soon I
realize that is only part of his loveable personality. He is a bit crafty but always knows the limits.
Compared to me in that day, he is such an optimist. When I share him my sadness, he always point out
the light for me. Playing with him make me, a shy boy, become more extroverted.

Although we often have different opinions on many things, we never fall out, as we learn to respect and
try other’s opinion.

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