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Table of Content

Relation between Socia Media and Depression/Anxety........................................................................2

Abstract:......................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgements: .........................................................................................................................2
Statement of the Problem: ...............................................................................................................3
Research Questions/Hypothesis:.........................................................................................................6
Research Questions: .......................................................................................................................6

Hypothesis: .....................................................................................................................................6
Literature Review:............................................................................................................................ 7
Conceptual Framework....................................................................................................................8
Historica Context............................................................................................................................9
Methodologica Approaches...........................................................................................................10
Research Approach.....................................................................................................................11
Research Design.........................................................................................................................12
Materials and Methods:..................................................................................................................13
Data Collection nstruments: ......................................................................................................13

Sampling: ....................................................................................................................................13
Data Analysis: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Ethica Considerations ................................................................................................................15
Comparison with Existing Literature ..........................................................................................19
Implications of Findings ..............................................................................................................20
Personal Reflection.....................................................................................................................22
Appendix A: Survey Questonnare..................................................................................................26
Relation between Socia Media and Depression/Anxiety
This study examines the relationship between social media use and adolescent mental health,
focusing on depression and anxety. Adopting a mixed-methods approach, t combines quantitative
surveys and qualitative interviews to explore ths complex interplay. Drawing from recent iterature,
the research seeks to address the rising rates of depresson and anxiety among adolescents,
attributed in part to excessive social media exposure By integrating psychologica, sociologica, an
communication theories, the study aims to provide comprehensive insights. Anticipated results
suggest a significant association between socia media use and mental health outcomes, with
implications for policy, practice, and future research Despite potentia limitations, the study
emphasizes transparency and rigor n data colection and analysis, contributing to a better
understanding of digital well-being among adolescents.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants who generously shared their time and
insights for this study. Additionally, we extend our thanks to the researchers whose work has
contributed to the foundation of knowledge in the field of social media and mental health. Special
thanks to the authors of the artices referenced in this research whose findings have informed our
understanding and guided our investigation We also acknowledge the support and guidanc
provided by our academic advisors and coleagues throughout the research process This study
would not have been possible without their assistance and encouragement

Socia media has become an ntegral part of modern life, offering a patform for communication,
information dissemination, and social interaction However, concerns have arisen regarding it
impact on mental health, particularly depression and anxiety (Esc obar-Viera 2018) This researc
aims to explore the ntricate relationship between social media usage and mental well-being,
focusing on the potentia negative implications for depression and anxiety

The artice titled "Passive and Active Socal Meda Use and Depressive Symptoms Among United
States Adults" by César G Escobar-Viera et al explores the relationship between differen patterns o
social media use SMU) and depressive symptoms among adults in the United States. The authors
acknowledge the mixed findings from previous research on the association between socia media
use and mental health outcomes lke anxiety or depression. To address these contradictions, the
study focuses on distinguishing between active and passive social media use and their respectiv
impacts on depressive symptomatology

The study conducted an online survey of adults aged 18-49 and utilized the Patient-Reported
Outcomes Measurement Information System bref depression scale to measure depressive
symptoms. Active and passive socia meda use were assessed using previously developed items, and
factor analysis was employed to explore thethe underlying factor structure. (Escobar-Viera 2018)
The findings revealed that active and passive socal meda use loaded on separate factors.
multivariable analyses controlling for sociodemographc covariates, each one-point increase n
passive socia media use was associated with a 33 percen increase in depressive symptoms,
indicating a positive correlation. Conversely, each one-point increase in active social media use wa
associated with a 15 percent decrease in depressive symptoms, suggesting a negative correlation

The study's results suggest that passive socia media use might contribute to hgher evels of
depressive symptoms, while active socia meda use may have a protective effect against depressiv
symptoms. However, the authors caution that further research s needed to determine the
directonality of these associations and to investigate additional factors that may influence the
relationship between socia media use and mental health (Escobar-Viera 2018)

In conclusion the study provides valuabe insights into the complex relationship between soci
media use and depressive symptoms among adults, hghlighting the mportance of considering
different patterns of socia media engagement in understanding its i mpact on mental well-being.
These findings could nform future nterventions aimed atat promoting positive soca media behaviors
and mitigating the potential adverse effects on mental health.

Research Background

Recent studies have shed light on a concerning association between social media use an
heightened levels of depression and anxiety Scholar have increasingy turned their attention t
exploring how engagement with social media platforms may impact indivi duals' mental well-being.

For instance, a study conducted by (Zhong, Huang, and Liu, 2021) highlighted the potential risks
associated with socia media use. Their research suggests a significant correlation between frequent
engagement with social media and increased eves of depression and anxiety among users. This
finding underscores the need for further investigation into the relationship between socia media
use and mental health outcomes.

Moreover a study conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medici

provided empirical evidence supporting the notion of a positive correlation between socal med
engagement and the risk of depression. Specificaly, the study found that young adults who reported
spending more time on social media patforms exhibited a higher likelihood of experiencing
symptoms of depression (unco et al., 2017) This study adds weight to the growing body of
literature highlighting the potential adverse effects of social media use on menta heath, partcularly
among younger demographics.

Similarly, findings from other studies have reiterated the detrimenta impact of prolonged social
media exposure on mental well-being. Research conducted by (Orben, 2020) further underscores
the need to critcally examne the reatonshp between social media use and mental health
outcomes. Orbens study suggests that excessive use of socia media may contribute to ncreased
levels of depression and anxiety among users, highlighting the importance of addressing this ssue.

Overall the research background provides compelling evidence suggesting a link between soc
media use and heightened evels of depression and anxiety. These findings underscore the urgency
of further investigation into this relationship and the need forinterventions aimed at promoting
healthier socia media habits to safeguard mental well-being.

Statement of the Problem:

In contemporary society, the widespread adoption of social media platforms has raised concerns
regarding their potential influence on mental health, particuarly n reation to depression and
anxiety. While social media offers numerous advantages, such as facitating communication and
information sharing on a global scale, recent research suggests that excessive usage may have
detrimental effects on mental well-being. The core issue at hand revolves around understanding th
intricate reationship between engagement with socia media and mental health outcomes,
specifcally the development or exacerbation of depression and anxiety symptoms.

Despite its potential benefits, the pervasiveness of social media raises questions about its impact on
individuals psychological well-being. A growing body of literature suggests that prolonged exposure
to social media, along with certain usage patterns, may contribute to feelings of oneliness,
inadequacy, and ow sef-esteem—factors associated with depression and anxiety Furthermore, the
constant comparison to curated representations of others' lives on social media patforms may
exacerbate feeings of social isolation and negative self-perception, further contributing to menta
health chalenges.

Understanding the nuanced reatonshp between socia media use and mental health outcomes is
essential for developing effective strategies to promote well-being in the digital age. Identifying the
specifc mechanisms through which social media nfluences depression and anxiety, such as the
types of content consumed, duration of usage, and ndividua susceptibility factors is crucial fo
informing targeted nterventions. Moreover addressing the potentia adverse effects of social medi
on mental health re quires a multifaceted approach that considers both ndividua behaviors and
broader societal factors

In summary the problem at hand centers on the need to comprehensively examine the impact of ol
social media on mental health, particularly depression and anxiety, in order to develop evidence-
based interventions and policies aimed at promoting healthier digi tal habits and safeguarding
individuals psychological well-being in an increasingly connected world

Article Summary:

The study titled "Mental health toll from the coronavirus: Socia meda usage reveals Wuhan
residents’ depression and secondary trauma in the COVID-19 outbreak" investigates the potentia
association between socia media usage and the mental health toll du ring the peak of Wuhan's
COVID-19 outbreak. Utilizing frameworks ike the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Model
and Health Belief Model, the research proposes a conceptua model to explore how individuals in
Wuhan utilized socia media during the pandemic and ts mpact on their mental health conditions
and health behavior changes (Zhang et al., 2020)

The findings revea a significant relationship between social media usage and both depression and
secondary trauma among Wuhan residents. Social media usage was found to predict health behavior
changes during the pubic health crisis While social meda provided vauabe informationa
emotional, and peer support to users, excessive usage was associated with mental health issues. The
study suggests that taking breaks from social media may promote well-being during the pandemic,
crucia for mitigating mental health harm inflicted by the crsis. (Zhang et al., 2020)


The study underscores the importance of understanding the roe of social media n shaping menta
health outcomes during public heath crises. It highlights the complex nterplay between social
media engagement, mental health conditions and health behavior changes. By integrating
theoretical frameworks ike the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Model and Health Belief
Model, the research offers valuable insights into how individuas process health information o
social media and ts mplications for mental well-being. (Reynolds et al., 2020)
Moreover the findings emphasize the dual nature of social media, serving as both a source of
support and a potential trigger for mental health ssues. While social media facitates access to
timely health nformation and peer support, excessive usage can exacerbate stress and anxiety.
Thus, promoting mindful social media usage and fostering resilience against negative impacts are
critca in mitigating mental health consequences during crises ike thethe COVD-19 pandemic.
(Reynolds et al., 2020)

In conclusion the study sheds light on the menta heath to from the COVID-19 pandemic and the
role of socia media n shaping ndividuals well-being during times of crisis. By elucdating the
relationship between socia media usage, mental health cond itions, and health behavior changes
the research contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying public responses
to pandemics. t underscores the importance of mplementing strategies to promote healthy social
media behaviors and support mental well-being amidst global health crises.

Rationale :

The rationale for conducting research on the relationship between social media and menta health,
particuarly depression and anxiety, is rooted in the urgent need to address a pressing issue affecting
individuals globally As socia media platforms become increasingly integrated into daily life, it is
imperative to understand their influence on mental well-being. The growing prevalence o
depression and anxiety, particularly amongyounger demographics who are heavy users of social
media, highlights the urg ency of investigating this relationship (Reynolds et al., 2020).

Firstly, social media has become an integral part of modern communication and social interaction.
Platforms ike Facebook, nstagram, Twitter, and TikTok offer individuals avenues for connecting
with others, sharing experiences, and accessing a vast array of information. However, alongside
these benefits, concerns have emerged regarding the potentia negative impact of social media on
mental health. Research suggests that excessive use of socia media may contribute to feelings of
loneliness, inadequacy, and low self-esteem, all of which are risk factors for depression and anxiety
(Reynolds et al., 2020).

Secondly, younger generations, in particular, are highly engaged with socia media, spending
significant amounts of time scrolling through feeds, posting updates, and nteracting with content.
Adolescents and young adults are more ikely to useuse soca media as a primary means of
communication and self-expression, making them particulary vulnerable to ts potential negative
effects on mental health. Studies have shown associations between heavy social media use and
increased rates of depresson and anxiety symptoms among youth. (Zhang et al., 2020).

Moreover the pervasive nature of socal meda means that its impact extends beyond individua
well-being to societal evels Issues such as cyberbullying, social comparison, and exposure t
unrealistic standards of beauty or success can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and exacerbate
mental health ssues. Understanding how social media infuences these dynamics is crucial for
developing targeted interventions to mitigate the negative effects and promote healthier onine
behaviors (Reynolds et al., 2020).

By elucidating the potential risks associated with socia media usage, researchers can inform the
development of interventions aimed at promoting mental health and well-being in the digital age.
Strategies such as promoting digital iteracy, fostering positive online communities, and encouraging
mindful usage can help ndividuals navigate social media in ways that support their menta heath
Additionally, raising awareness among parents, educators, and policymakers about the impact of

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