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Chapter 3

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Gov. Ramos Ave,Sta Maria Zamboanga City, Don Pablo
Lorenzo Memorial High School biology laboratory.

Research Design

The study entitled “Marigold (Tagetes) stem and leaves extract as a termite (isopotera)
eliminator” shall use the Completely Randomized Design (CRD).Completely randomized design
entails the random allocation of treatments to experimental units devoid of any deliberate
blocking or stratification, ensuring the minimizarion of potential biases and maximizing the
validity of statistical inferences. There will be 4 Marigold (Tagetes) leaf and stem extract
treatments. Each treatments shall be replicated 4 times. There are 5 termite (isopotera) samples
per replicate, with a total of 3 termites (isopotera) samples. Assignment of methods to samples
shall be done randomly using the lottery method.

T3R3S3 T1R1S1 T2R4S2 T2R3S1 T3R3S2 T1R1S3 T1R2S3 T3R1S3

T3R2S3 T4R3S2 T2R2S1 T4R2S1 T1R3S3 T4R4S1 T3R2S2 T4R2S3

T2R1S3 T4R1S1 T4R3S1 T1R3S1 T1R1S2 T2R2S3 T4R1S2 T3R3S1

T1R2S1 T1R4S1 T3R2S1 T2R1S2 T3R4S1 T2R3S3 T2R1S1 T4R4S3

T4R2S2 T1R4S2 T2R2S2 T4R3S3 T4R1S3 T3R1S2 T2R3S2 T2R4S1

T1R4S3 T3R4S2 T1R3S2 T2R4S3 T3R4S3 T1R2S2 T4R4S2 T3R1S1

Research Procedure
Preparation of Materials

The researchers shall gather 2 kilograms of marigold (Tagetes) stem and leaves, 1 whole
colony(or around 300 termites) of temites (isopotera), 1 pair of pestle and mortar, 2 liters of
distilled water, 2 clean cloth, and 100ml of commercial termite eliminator. Marigold (Tagetes)
stem and leaves will be gathered at KM.7, Upper Pasonanca, Zamboanga City.

Preparation of treatments: Marigold (Tagetes) stem and leaf extract

The experiment will begin on the extraction of marigold (Tagetes) stem and leaves
extract.The leaf and stem of the marigold (Tagetes) will be rinsed and will be left to dry for 1
hour. After cleaning and drying the marigold (tagetes) stem and leaf it will now be crushed by
pestle and mortar the leaf will be crushed first then followed by the stem the pestle and mortar
will be washed properly before and after crushing the leaf so no leaf extract will be mixed with
the stem extract. After putting the marigold (tagetes) stem and leaf extracts on different
containers the researchers will add 200ml of distilled water on the crushed marigold (tagetes)
stem and leaf so that the extracts and water will mix and the extarct will easily come out. After
mixing it with water place in inside a clean cloth then start squeezing the cloth filled with
crushed marigold (tagetes) stem and leaf so that the extracts comes out. The researchers will now
divide the extracts for their own treatments (12 samples per treatment) in preparation for the
preparation of experimental set-ups.

Preparation of Experimental set-ups

The experiment uses a total of 48 samples, which were divided into 4 treatments. Each
treatments has four replicates, and 3 samples will be used in each replicates. The first treatment
will consist of 100ml of marigold (tagetes) stem extract, this will test the efficacy of the
marigold (tagetes) stem extract. The second treatment will consist of 100ml of marigold (tagetes)
leaves extract, this will test the efficacy of the marigold (tagetes) leaves extract . The third
treatment will consist with the mix of 50ml marigold (tagetes) stem extract and 50ml of marigold
(tagetes) leaves extract this will test the potential of the both treatments if mixing both treatments
will result onto a more effective termite eliminator against the other treatments. The fourth
treatment will consist of 100ml of commercial termite (isopotera) eliminator as a control control
Spray Test

The experiment will be conducted by spraying marigold (tagetes) stem, leaf, and the
mixed extarct 3 times while making sure it will cover the whole container filled with termites

Data Gathering Procedure

The data will be measured or gathered through the mortality rate or amount of termite
(isopotera) eliminated in each samples. The researchers will get the final results after 5 hours
and every hours that passes the researchers will record data so that there will be a timeline on
how the experiment went.

Waste Disposal

Proper waste disposal is essential to protect the environment and public health. In this case,
it is crucial to use the correct method to dispose of waste properly. To ensure that waste disposal
is done in a safe and effective manner, it is important to separate organic waste from inorganic
waste, as produced in this study. Furthermore, all waste disposal methods shall follow the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (R.A. 9003), Article 1, Section 2, which the
researchers must “Ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment, and
disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental practice
in ecological waste management excluding incineration”.
Flowchart of the Study

Preparation of Materials

Preparation of Treatments: Marigold (Tagetes) stem and leaf


Preparation of Experimental Setups

Spray Test

Data Gathering Procedure

Data Analysis

Waste Disposal

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