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IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 12 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print)

Marital Adjustment in relation to Job Satisfaction Among Rural

and Urban Females.

The marital adjustment demands that the couple should have compatibility as personality plays a
significant role in marital adjustment.In a healthy marriage relationship, couple should count on
each other before taking any major decision be it personal or professional. Long lasting
commitment should be there between the couple. A happy and lively person has more chance to
get well-adjusted in his marital relationship. Further job satisfaction also plays a lot of role in one’s
life. Job satisfaction means when a worker is satisfied from the job. It can be estimated in terms of
cognition, affective domain, and behaviour. If a person’s feelings and emotions are satisfied in the
workplace then he works efficiently. He also gets the desired results and outcomes. In a present
study, descriptive analytical approach was taken up. Sample was collected through random
sampling technique. The sample for the present study was delimited to 100 urban and 100 rural
married females from Mohali district of Punjab. The Pearson product‐moment correlation
coefficient was used to analyse the data. From the analysis of the study, it can be concluded that if
the person is very much satisfied from his/her married life then he is able to do his job
Marriage is a very important part of society. Successful marriage not only bring happiness between
the couple but it also plays vital role in promoting happiness in the society.It is one of the most
important human relationships as it forms the basic structure which establishes the family.
Successful marriage or a marriage failure can be known or judged by beautiful and healthy relation
shared between the couple. One tries to maintain or seek the happiness for one’s own self.
Happiness may be understood as a state of mind in which there is acceptance, understanding and
love. Inter personal relationship is developed when there is similarity of attitude in the couple.
Moreover, there is a significant role of friendship between the couple. They should genuinely like
each other, comfort each other and enjoy spending time with each other.
In ancient times, financial decisions were preferentially taken up by males and females nurtured
the child as well as home. Now, this tradition has been changes and it can be observed that both
the partners share these roles. When the couple argues to accept the roles, it may lead to broken
marriage. The couple should empower, trust, and accept each other even in the times of hardships
and various challenges. The marital adjustment demands that the couple should have compatibility

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IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 12 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print)

as personality plays a significant role in marital adjustment.In a healthy marriage relationship,

couple should count on each other before taking any major decision be it personal or professional.
The couple should take care of each other’s wishes and feelings thereby providing emotional
support to each other. Cserepes, (2013).
Long lasting commitment should be there between the couple. A happy and lively person has more
chance to get well-adjusted in his marital relationship. On the contrary, a person who is pessimistic
and sad may feel difficulties in adjusting himself in a marital relationship. The reason behind such
attitude is that any good or bad past experience may have impact on his future relationships. In
marriage, incidents may occur where a couple faces distrust, agony and countless
misunderstandings which may result in breakage of marital relationship. There are some people
who may consider marriage as a sacred practice or it is a basic necessity of religion. On the other
hand, few people may consider marriage as a contract between two people. A happy couple always
tries to accept the other person the way he is, in spite of the differences and dissimilarities between
them. Khorashadizade, F.,etal.(2012).
It is a being said that marriage is made in heaven and celebrated on earth. A successful marriage
demands sacrifices, compromises, love, affection, loyalty, understanding etc. Whenever there is a
conflict or argument between the couple then the emphasis should not be to win or lose the
argument but to solve the problematic situation amicably and to find a solution. It is a fulfilment
of both biological and sociological needs. A successful marriage is not a responsibility of a single
being; it depends upon the mutual understanding between both the partners. A true love in
marriage can be seen when one accepts the flaws and imperfections of his/her partner and further
tries to work and remove those flaws together. A good marriage demands time, space, forgiveness
and tolerance of each other’s differences.
Job satisfaction means when a worker is satisfied from the job. It can be estimated in terms of
cognition, affective domain, and behaviour. If a person’s feelings and emotions are satisfied in the
workplace then he works efficiently.He also gets the desired results and outcomes.
It is an emotion which is very positive in nature and this emotion is experienced by the person
while doing his job. It may vary from employee to employee in spite of working in same working
conditions.Locke (1976) defined job satisfaction as "a pleasurable or positive emotional state
resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences"
A person feels satisfied from his work place if he gets appreciation from his co-workers. It is
necessary to have good communication skills, and rapport with the persons around him.Moreover,
job conditions and nature of work also matters. The kind of organisation to which the person is
attached, the opportunities to move up in the hierarchy, empowering himself, getting secured etc.
helps the person to get satisfaction from the work place. Quality of working life, getting salaries
and perks on time adds value to job satisfaction. There are many other factors too which may affect
job satisfaction like well-being, relationship with boss and co-workers, stress and anxiety at work
place, work load and working conditions. A worker is able to complete his task well if he is

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IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 12 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print)

motivated time to time. Even his efficiency to complete the work on time improves a lot.
Mache, S.,etal. (2014).
The quality of communication between boss and the worker and with his colleagues can improve
the morale as well as efficiency or it can also hamper the potential a person has. If the
communication at the work place is over loaded then also the person may become dissatisfied and
unhappy which results into lesser level of job satisfaction. Further, when the person is very much
satisfied from his job then he is very regular and punctual for his working hours in the organisation.
On the other hand, his absentees might increase if not satisfied from the job. It is often seen that
people who are happy with their jobs tend to be satisfied in their lives. Many factors determine job
satisfaction levels. a. - care for the employee b. - encouraging employees to continue with their
hobbies c. - timely promotion d. -respect from peers’ e. - feedback culture f. - striking out balance
between personal and professional life g. - security h. - health security and nutritional care i. -
timely incentives and perks j. - appreciation for work k. - accepting their creative instincts. It is
often seen that company’s growth is related to employee’s job satisfaction. If the employee is
satisfied with company’s behaviour then he tends to give his best to the company which results in
growth of the companies and it yields profitable business. Sharfras N.etal (2018).
Batool et. al. (2017) studied job satisfaction and marital adjustment of paramedical. The study
investigated the role played by conflict in the family in relation to job satisfaction and marital
adjustment. Findings revealed positive correlation between work to family and family to work
conflict. Further, there exist negative correlation between marital adjustment and job satisfaction.
The regression analysis showed that job satisfaction contributed more than family to work in
knowing the marital adjustment. Also, gender biasness could be seen.
Kumcagiz and Guner(2017) investigated social support and marital adjustment in relation to job
satisfaction for nurses working at OndokuzMayis University. Total sample of 406 married nurses
were taken. Findings revealed that gender, age at the marriage, the level of income, household
work, child rearing and marriage type played a significant role in predicting marital adjustment
among nurses. It was also found that people who have healthy and happy married lives were
satisfied from their jobs.
Mousaviet. al. (2017) examined the effects of workplace parent management training on marital
and job satisfaction of Iranian working parents. This study revealed that the intervention
concerning the working parent helped to improve the marital life. This helped them to have more
job satisfaction among the working parent. They also found that psycho interventions helped the
respondents to analyse their strength and weakness.
Sadeghiet. al. (2018) studied the effect of job orientation and job stress in adjusting with marital
life among the education staff of Guilan office. Society needs healthy family and smooth married
life of people as it’s a prominent requirement. Random sampling technique was employed to select
100 people. Results revealed that there exists significant relationship between job stress and life
orientation with marital adjustment. The study concluded that if a person has an optimistic attitude
in life then he will feel less stress at the job which further helps in adjusting in their marital lives.

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IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 12 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print)

Ouyanget. al. (2019) used a web based survey of marital quality and job satisfaction among
Chinese nurses. Questionnaires were filled by 2296 married nurses. Results revealed that job
satisfaction as well as the marital quality was low. In addition to that, marital quality has positive
correlation with job satisfaction. Age, duration of marriage and time spent with spouse has a
positive impact on job satisfaction. Due to night shifts, nurses had very less time to spend with
their spouses and family members so it was suggested to the hospital organisations to help them
to balance their working hours with their family time. In addition to this, even the counselling
session must be provided so that they can have a smooth marriage life which will in turn help them
to improve their efficiency in their jobs.
 To study the marital adjustment in relation to job satisfaction among the rural and urban
 There exists no relationship between the marital adjustment in relation to job satisfaction
among rural and urban females.
In a present study, descriptive analytical approach was taken up. Descriptive survey method is a
method in which the researcher studies the present phenomena and gives solutions to the existing
problem and plans for the better future.Sample was collected through random sampling technique.
The sample for the present study was delimited to 100 urban and 100 rural married females from
Mohali district of Punjab.The researcher followed proper guidelines of the statistical tools to be
employed on the sample. The questionnaires were filled up by the married females. The data was
analyzed by the researcher.
GaytriTiwari, JaswantDeora and Sneha Jain.Marital Adjustment Scale (MAS–TGDJJS)
Hindi/English.ll 1000 (This scale consists 90 items divided into Three Dimensions–I. Physical
Aspects, II. Emotional & Social Aspects, III.Psychological and Sociological Aspects. It was
administered on 32 to 45
Job Satisfaction Scale, S.K. Srivastava (Hindi): No. of item 38. Dimensions are -
Salary, Nature of work, Job security, Advancement, Working conditions, Communication, Unions,
Senior/Junior relationship and Prestige of the organization. a) Test Booklets (a pkt. of 100) b)
The Pearson product‐moment correlation coefficient was used to analyse the data.
The data was analyzed using SPSS software and interpreted as followed.

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IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 12 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print)

Correlations rural
Marital Satisfaction Job Satisfaction
Marital Satisfaction Pearson
1 .877**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 25 25
Job Satisfaction Pearson
.877** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 25 25
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The value of R is: 0.877.

From the above table and figure, it can be interpreted that in rural area, there is a strong positive
correlation, which means that high marital satisfaction go with high job satisfaction (and vice

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IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 12 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print)

Correlations Urban
Marital Satisfaction Job Satisfaction
Marital Satisfaction Pearson
1 .958**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 25 25
Job Satisfaction Pearson
.958** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 25 25
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The value of R is: 0.9583.

From the above table and figure, it can be said that in case of urban area, there is a strong positive
correlation, which means that high marital satisfaction scores go with high job satisfaction scores
(and vice versa).
A successful marriage demands sacrifices, compromises, love, affection, loyalty, understanding
etc.It is often seen that people who are happy with their jobs tend to be satisfied in their lives.From
the analysis of the study, it can be concluded that if the person is very much satisfied from his/her
married life then he is able to do his job satisfactorily. From the data we can say that High marital
satisfaction scores go with high job satisfaction scores (and vice versa). There is a strong positive
correlation.Hence, the hypothesis gets rejected.

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