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Origin and Structure

of the Earth- Planet

• Additional notes:Ear th is the only place in the known
universe confirmed to host life and is the only one
known for sure to have liquid water in the sur face.
• Ear th is the only planet in the solar system that has a
large amount of liquid water. About 70% of the sur face
of the Ear th is covered by liquid or frozen water.
Because of this, Ear th is sometimes called “blue
planet.” Planet Ear th is habitable because it has the
right distance from the sun . It is kept warm by an
insulating atmosphere, and it has the right chemical
ingredients for life including water and carbon. It can
provide water, oxygen, useful biological products for
human, and has suitable weather and climate.
Reasons why planet earth is
a unique one:

(1) It has liquid water

(2) Plate Tectonics;
(3) It has atmosphere that
shelters it from the worst of the
sun’s rays
Similarities of Earth, Venus,
and Mars
(1) They all are terrestrial planets, made of
solid rocks and silicates;
(2) They all have an atmosphere;
(3) They all almost have the same time to
rotate on their axes;
(4) Earth and Mars both have water ;
(5) They all have carbon dioxide
(6 All have landforms
Differences of Earth,
Venus, and Mars
(1) Venus has no water
(2) Venus and Mars don’t have

(3) Earth has life forms.

Origin and Structure of
the Earth (The
The four subsystems of the
Earth are:
• Additional notes:
• Atmosphere – the gaseous layer above the Ear th’s sur face
primarily composed of different gases such as nitrogen
and oxygen. (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and one percent
other gases. These gases are found in layers
(troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere,
and exosphere))
• Biosphere – the zone of the Ear th where all forms of life
exist. This ser ves as the ecosystem of all living and non -
living organisms.
• Geosphere – the solid par t of the Ear th that consists the
entire planet from the center of the core to the outer
crust. It includes core, mantle, and crust of the Ear th.
• Hydrosphere – the water par t of the Ear th that includes
oceans and glaciers.
Additional notes:
• Atmosphere – it is the gaseous layer above
the Ear th’s surface, primarily composed of
78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Other gases
like argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,
ozone, and other iner t gases made the
remaining 1%. The atmosphere suppor ts life
because animals and oxygen, and plants need
both carbon dioxide and oxygen. In addition,
the atmosphere suppor ts life indirectly by
regulating climate. Air acts as both a blanket
and a filter, retaining heat at night and
shielding from direct solar radiation
during the day.
• Additional notes:
Biosphere – the zone of Ear th where all forms of life
exist: in the sea, on land, and in water. It is sometimes
called as the large ecosystem. This is the zone that life
inhabits. Biosphere is a ver y thin layer of the ear th’s
sur face.
• Geosphere – the solid Ear th,
consisting of the entire planet
from the center of the core to
the outer crust. It includes the
core, mantle, and crust of the
Ear th.
Hydrosphere – the water
part of the Earth which
circulates among oceans,
continents, glaciers, and
atmosphere. Oceans
cover 71% of the
Earth and contain
97.5% of its water.
• Ear th is a complex system made up of many smaller
systems through which matter and energy are
continuously cycled. Energy and matter flow through
Ear th’s spheres: geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and
biosphere. Energy flows through the atmosphere mostly
by convection. .The Ear th consists of four subsystems,
across whose boundaries matter and energy flows, the
atmosphere (air), biosphere (living things), hydrosphere
(water), and geosphere (land). The atmosphere provides
the geosphere with heat and energy needed for rock
breakdown and erosion. The biosphere receives gases,
heat, and sunlight (energy) from the atmosphere. It
receives water from the hydrosphere and a living medium
from the geosphere.

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