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Effect of Refractory Brick Lining on Fuel (Energy)

Consumption, Heat Losses, and Life of
LDO-Fired Rotary Furnace
R. K. Jain*, S. K. Bajp ai* and B. D
Bajpai* D.. Gupta**
*B.S.A. College of Engg. and Tech, Mathura, **Anand Engg. College, Agra

A series of experimental investigations were conducted on a LDO-fired rotary The refractory lining affects the following:
furnace of 200 kg capacity installed at S. Harbhajan Singh, Namdhari
Enterprises Industrial Estate, Nunhai, Agra for production of cylinder heads z Energy consumption of furnace; (2) Heat utilisation inside the
and auto parts, and at Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute furnace; (3) Heat losses from furnace; and (4) Life of furnace.
(DEI), Dayalbagh, Agra. These experimental investigations on the rotary In operation, the flame transfers the heat to the refractory
furnaces produced excellent results which are accrued here.
lining. It gets heated up and due to rotation of furnace, part of
Introduction the heat is transferred to the charge. Refractory lining not
only heats up the charge, but also affects the furnace shell.
The layout of a typical rotary furnace is shown in Fig 1. The length
The shell temperature of the furnace is to be kept at minimum
and diameter of drum depends upon capacity of furnace, which
to prevent heat losses from furnace shell and to increase the
varies from 200 kg/hr to 2 tonnes/hr. The dimensions of a 200
life of furnace.
kg/hr furnace are given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 1 : Plant Layout of Rotary Furnace.

Indian Foundry Journal Vol 57 z No. 3 z March 2011

During experimental investigations, it was observed that at It has very low emissivity which drastically reduces the heat losses
2600C shell temperature, heat lost is approx. 5 kw/m2 0C. By (b) Energy consumption is reduced. (2) Ceramic Fibre
using different types of refractory lining, a wide variation in Blank
Blanketet— The heat losses from furnace are minimised by installing
temperatures of furnace shell was observed. ceramic fibre blanket on inner surface of furnace. These sheets are
available in market of width 900 mm x thickness 25 mm and are
most suitable for insulation purposes. The advantages are—(a)
Excellent thermal stability, (b) High resistance to burning, (c) Low
thermal conductivity (0.09w/m0k)(d), (d) Low heat storage, (e)
Low shrinkage, (f) Convenient in installation, and (g) Excellent
chemical composition (96%- Al 2 O 3 +SiO 2). (3) High Alumina
Brick Lining—
Lining—Instead of rammed monolithic silica brick lining,
high alumina brick lining (70% Al2O 3+2.5%Fe2O3) was used. It cost
Rs.62.00 per piece (which is 40% expensive than monolithic silica
brick lining) but was susceptible to expansion problems (Reversible
thermal expansion, 0.65% at1000 0 C) and high temperature
Fig. 2 : Dimensions of Rotary Furnace (Capacity 200 kg). resistant (uptill 1500 0 C). It gave an excellent operational life;
Experimental besides being easily repaired. The approximate operational life is
12 months, but can be extended uptill 2 years by carrying out
The Eff ect of R
Effect Ree fr act
fract or
oryy Lining
relining at conical ends. The average thermal conductivity was
Normally, the furnace is operated at 2 rpm with 30% excess air, 1.65w/m 0c and emissivity 0.31 watt/m2- 0k which reduced the
without oxygen enrichment or preheating of air. The monolithic heat losses. The initial cost was Rs.62.00 per piece, which was 40%
silica brick lining of 50 mm thickness with rammed silica sand mass more than monolithic silica bricks, but was preferred due to its
of 58 mm is used in refractory brick lining of furnace. The long operational life and above properties. Bricks of dimensions
percentage composition of monolithic silica brick lining is given in 230x115x50mm are available in market. One layer of these bricks
Table-1. was installed. The technical specifications are given in Table-2.
Table-1 : Composition of Monolithic Silica Brick Lining Table-2 : Technical Specifications of High Alumina Bricks
Sn SiO 2 TiO 2 Fe2O 3 Al 2O 3 CaO MgO SN Parameters Particulars
1 90.08 0.30 0.95 4.69 1.46 0.48 1 Type High Alumina
The fuel consumption was 92 litres in first heat which subsequently 2 Raw Material Base Calcined Bauxite
reduced to 82 litres in last heat. The energy consumption depends
3 Maximum Service Temperature 1500 0 C
upon type of refractory used. The expansion rate of this refractory
lining is very high between ambient temperature and 4000C with 4 Reversible Thermal Expansion 0.65 at 10000C
little further expansion upto 1500 0C. The total expansion of
5 Chemical Composition
material when brought upto 15000C is approx. 1.7%, out of which
1.3% is reversible expansion. The furnace line expanded by 1.7% (a) Al 2O 3 70%
and contracted by 1.3% each time the furnace is brought to (b) SiO 2 19.30%
operational temperature and cooled down to room temperature. (c) Fe2O 3 2.5%
This increased the energy consumption and reduced the life of (d) TiO 2 3.75%
refractory and of furnace. The initial cost is Rs.44.00 per piece of (e) CaO 1.40%
size 230x115x50mm.
6 Bulk Density 2.65-2.66 g/cc
Effect of Refractory Lining on Energy Consumption,
7 Apparent Porosity 21%-23%
Heat Losses and Life of Furnace
The following changes in refractory brick lining were carried out 8 Cold Crushing Strength 600-680 kg/cm 2
to reduce the energy consumption, heat losses and increase 9 Thermal Conductivity
furnace life, viz., (1) Aluminium Paint Coating—The
Coating— outer
(a) At 4000C 1.61 w/m0c
surface of furnace, which remains exposed to atmosphere, is
(b) At 6000C 1.65 w/m0c
painted with metallic aluminium paint of thickness 1 mm. Use of
aluminium paint on outer surface has following advantages—(a) (c) At 8000C 1.68 w/m0c

Vol 57 z No. 3 z March 2011 Indian Foundry Journal

(4) SSp
pecial Ramming Ma Masss-
s-The selection of ramming mass was refractory bricks. An improperly installed brick lining not only
important as it not only reduced the energy consumption and heat enhances energy consumption, heat losses, operating cost, but also
losses from furnace, but also increased its life. After few heats, the reduces the furnace life. The furnace was operated with above-
ramming mass was repaired and patching was done. The special mentioned refractory linings; reducing rpm from 2 to 1, reducing
ramming mass consisting of (70% Al 2O3+1.0%Fe2O 3 and balance volume of air to 60% of its theoretical requirement and supplying
fire clay) was available in the market in grain size (0-4mm) and of required oxygen additionally, using compact crossflow heat
application temperature 1600 0C. Thermal conductivity of this exchanger. In first heat, because furnace was started from room
rammed mass (after drying and burning in place) is about 60% of temperature, the flame temperature, preheated air temperatures
conductivity of dense fire bricks. The dense fire brick wall of were less but time and fuel consumption were more. In later heats,
thickness 10 mm and rammed fireclay wall of thickness 6 mm have the flame temperature and preheated air temperature increased
same heat loss. The rammed fireclay wall of 32mm thickness was whereas the time and fuel consumption decreased. The
installed. (5) Eff ect of Inst
Effect alla
Installa tion of R
allation Reefr act
fract or
oryy Brick Lining
actor observations are given in Table-3.
— The installation of refractory brick lining was carried out
(6) He
Heaat LLos
ossses from FFurnac
from urnac
urnacee Shell—
Shell—Heat losses ((kw/m2-hr) were:
carefully as it affects the performance of furnace. The important
aspects were—(a) (a) Ramming - the ramming of mass was done (a)Lining (1)
(1)-For lining (1), the heat losses occurred through (from
using pneumatic rammers around metal formers to form the inner surface,), (a) Rammed silica mass 58 mm thickness (b)
contour of the furnace lining, to ensure maximum compaction. The Monolithic silica bricks 50 mm thickness and through (c) M. S. plate
material was rammed as received from the manufacturer and no of 7mm thickness as shown in Fig. 3 (front view) and Fig. 4 (side
re-tempering of the material was done. (b) Brick Lining ––The view) of lining 1.
brick lining was installed with maximum compaction and using
proper binding material containing adhesives. The main
consideration was of ovality during installation which was avoided.
(c) Dr ying and He
Drying Heaating
ting—After completion of lining, the furnace
was immediately placed on set of furnace rollers to start the drying
using hot air burners or gas flame. It was dried and heated very
slowly, over a prolonged period, giving half turn after every 2-3
hours, to prevent the water moving to one part of the lining. The
initial drying was carried out at 2000C, then slowly raised to 4000C,
and then upto 8000C. After achieving temperature of 8000C, the
furnace was rapidly brought up to operational temperature and
glazing was carried out. The ramming followed by drying and
heating are most important aspects for proper installation of Fig. 3 : Front View of Lining 1.

Table-3 : Effect of Refractory Lining on Fuel Consumption (Lit/kg)

Heat Rpm Preheated Flame Time Fuel Melting Specific Oxygen Oxygen Preheated Preheated
No. Air Temp. temp. Min. Lit. Rate Fuel Cons. Cons. Cons. Air Cons. Air
C 0
C kg/hr lit/kg. m3 % m3 Cons %
1 1 424 1745 32.0 48.0 375.00 0.240 49.30 8.32 319 61.11
2 1 430 1752 32.0 47.0 375.00 0.235 49.00 8.45 319 62.41
3 1 437 1755 32.0 46.5 375.00 0.232 48.00 8.36 317 62.69
4 1 448 1762 31.5 45.8 380.95 0.229 46.8 8.28 313 62.84
5 1 465 1770 31.0 45.0 387.00 0.225 46.00 8.14 310 63.35
6 1 470 1772 30.5 44.6 393.44 0.223 45.00 8.17 309 63.37
7 1 472 1773 30.5 43.8 393.44 0.219 45.00 8.32 302 63.40
8 1 474 1776 30.4 42.9 394.73 0.214 43.00 8.12 297 63.66
9 1 475 1778 30.1 42.0 398.67 0.210 41.5 8.00 295 64.59
10 1 476 1778 30.1 41.6 398.67 0.208 40.00 7.79 294 64.99

Indian Foundry Journal Vol 57 z No. 3 z March 2011

(b) Lini ng (2)

Lining (2)-The heat losses occurred through (from inner
surface) as shown in Fig. 5 (side view) and Fig. 6 (Front View) (a)
Rammed fire clay of rammed mass 32 mm, (b) Al2O3 bricks of 50
mm thickness, (c) Ceramic fibre blanket 25 mm thickness, (d) M. S.
plate 7mm thickness and (e) Aluminium paint of 1 mm thickness.

Fig. 4: Side view of Lining 1.

D 1=380 mm, =inner diameter, r 1=190 mm, k 1 = k silica sand =0.5

w/m 0k.
D 2 =diameter after monolithic silica refractory brick lining of
thickness 50 mm= 496 mm, r2=248mm, k2= k ref. bricks =2.00w/
Fig. 5: Side view of Lining 2.
D3=diameter after M.S. plates of 7 mm thickness=596 mm, r 3=
298mm, k3= k iron= 69.5 w/m0k
Outer diameter D4=610mm, r4=305mm
Total resistance to heat flow R eq=R 1+R 2+R 3.
R 1 = Resistance to Heat flow through rammed mass=ln (r2/r1)/2π
k1 L=ln (248/190)/ 2πx0.5x1.372=0.06176
R 2 =Resistance to Heat flow through silica bricks=ln (r3/r 2)/2π
k2L= ln (298/248)/ 2πx2x1.372=0.01058.
R 3 =Resistance to Heat flow through M.S.plate=ln(r4/r3)/
2πk 3L=ln(305/298)/2πx69.5x1.372=0.0000379
Total R eq=0.07237 w/ 0k
Calculating heat lost kw/m 2 from furnace shell at different
Area of furnace shell=2.6297m2. Heat losses are denoted by Q.
(i) Q at 50 0 C= (T 1 -T 2 )/R e = (1200-50)/0.07237=15.89kw Fig. 6 : Front View of Lining 2.
or=6.04 kw/m 2
Outer diameter O.D. = 610mm,
(ii) Q at 1000C= (1200-100)/ 0.07237=15.20kw or=5.78 kw/m2
(iii) Q at 1500C= (1200-150)/ 0.07237=14.51kw or=5.52 kw/m2 Inner diameter I.D.=380 mm, L=1.372 mm, d 1=380 mm, r1=190
(iv) Q at 2000C= (1200-200)/ 0.07237=13.82kw or=5.25 kw/m2 mm, k1=26.3watt/m0k=Rammed fireclay mass,
(v) Q at 2500C= (1200-250)/0.07237= 13.13kw or= 4.99kw/m2 d2=444 mm, r2=222 mm, k2=1.65watt/m0k= Al2O3 bricks,
(vi) Q at 300 C= (1200-300)/0.07237=12.44kw or=4.73kw/m
0 2
d3=544 mm, r3=272 mm, k3=0.09watt/m0k=Ceramic fibre blanket,
Experimentally, the temperature of furnace shell did not exceed
300 0C. d4=594 mm, r4=297 mm, k 4=26.3watt/m0k= M. S. plate,

Vol 57 z No. 3 z March 2011 Indian Foundry Journal

d5=380 mm, r5=305 mm, k5=36.00watt/m0k= Aluminium paint, (7) Heat Losses from Furnace Shell at Different
d6=380 mm, r 6=305 mm,
Area of furnace shell=2.6297m2. Heat losses are denoted by
Total resistance to heat flow R eq=R 1+R 2+R 3+R 4+R 5., Q.(i)Q at 50 0 C=(T 1-T 2 )/R e =(1200-50)/0.12832 =8.96kw or =
3.41 kw/m 2(ii)Q at 100 0C= (1200-100)/0.12832=8.57kw or =
R1 = ln (r 2 /r i )/2π k1L= ln (222/190)/2πx 26.3x1.372 = 3.26kw/m 2 ( iii) Q at 1500C= (1200-150)/0.12832=8.18kw or =
0.000687 0 C/w, 3.11kw/m 2 ( iv)Q at 200 0 C= (1200-200)/0.12832=7.79kw or =
R2 = ln (r3/r2)/2π k2L=ln (272/222)/ 2πx1.65x1.372=0.0143 2.96kw/m2 ((v) Q at 250 0C= (1200-250)/0.12832=7.40kw or =
C/w, 2.81kw/m 2 ( vi) Q at 300 0C=(1200-300)/0.12832=7.014kw or
R3 = ln (r4/r3)/2π k3L=ln (297/272)/2πx0.09x1.372= = 2.67kw/m 2
0.113320 0C/w, Resul
s-The type and installation of refractory lining play a vital
R4 = ln (r5/r4)/2π k4L=ln (304/297)/2πx69.5x1.372= role in energy consumption, heat losses, and life of LDO-fired rotary
0.0000388 0 C/w, furnace. The results are given below-
R5 = ln (r6/r5)/2π k5L=ln (305/304)/2πx36x1.372= z Effect of Lining on Fuel and Energy Consumption
0.00001058 0 C/w, ( TTaa b llee - 4 )
R e q = R 1+R 2+R 3+R 4+R 5 =0.12832 0C/w.

Table-4 : Effect of Lining on Fuel and Energy Consumption

S N Parameters Lining 1 Lining 2 % Reduction
1 Maximum fuel consumption (litres) (in first heat) for 200 kg charge 92 48 47.82
2 Minimum fuel consumption (litres) (in last heat) for same charge 82 41.6 49.26
3 Minimum specific fuel consumption (lit/kg) 0.41 0.208 49.26
4 Minimum specific energy consumption (kwh/tonne) 4060.92 2060.17 49.26
The average fuel and energy consumption was reduced by 49.26% using lining 2.
z Effect of Lining on Heat Losses
The effect of lining on heat losses from furnace and comparison is shown in Table 5 - (1) Without aluminium paint, monolithic silica
brick lining and rammed silica mass, and (2) With aluminium paint,, ceramic fibre blanket, high alumina brick lining, and rammed
fireclay mass, with proper installation.
Table-5 : Effect of Lining on Heat Losses from Furnace
SN Te m ppee rraa tur
turee He
Heaa t llos
osss e s kw/
kw/mm 2 using Lining He
Heaa t LLos
osss e s kw/
kw/mm 2 using Lining (2) % Reduction in
C (1) without al uminium ppaint,
aluminium aint, with al uminium ppaint,
aluminium aint, ccer
er amic fibr
eramic fibree Heaa t LLos
He os
osss e s
silica lining and rammed blanket, high alumina brick lining,
silicaa ma
mass s r amme
ammed d fir ecla
eclayy ma
firecla mass s

1 50 0C 6.04 3.41 43.54

2 100 0 C 5.78 3.26 43.59

3 150 0 C 5.52 3.11 43.65

4 200 0C 5.25 2.96 43.61

5 250 0C 4.99 2.81 43.68

6 300 0 C 4.73 2.67 43.55

The average heat loss was reduced by 43.60% using lining 2.

The comparative graphical representation of heat losses from furnace is shown in Fig. 7.
Indian Foundry Journal Vol 57 z No. 3 z March 2011

Fig. 7 : Comparative Graphical Representation of Heat Losses from Furnace.

z Effect of Lining on Life of Furnace preferred due to its long operational life, low reversible
„ For high alumina brick lining, the approximate thermal expansion, and low thermal conductivity (1.65w/
operational life is 12 months but can be extended upto m 0k).
2 years by carrying out relining at conical ends. Conclusion
Reversible thermal expansion is 0.65% at 10000C.
The refractory brick linings are significant for oil-fired rotary furnace
„ For monolithic silica brick lining, the approximate to reduce the energy consumption, heat losses, and increase life of
operational life is 34 months. Reversible thermal furnace. Instead of prevailing old technique of - using (a) rammed
expansion is 1.3% at 10000C. silica mass and (b) monolithic silica linings, the new technique of
using (a) aluminium paint (b) ceramic fibre blanket (c) Al2O3 bricks
z Cost of Lining (d) fireclay rammed mass reduce energy consumption, heat losses
The initial cost of (i) High alumina brick lining is Rs.62.00 per and increase life of LDO- fired rotary furnace.
piece which is 40% more than monolithic silica bricks, but it is

Paper titled “Realisation of Lightweight Machine Tool Components by Modern Foundry Technology” authored
by K. Gnanamurthy, published in February, 2011 issue of Indian Foundry Journal, was an invited paper by Fraunhofer
Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology at the International Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquium (ICMC)
2010 for Sustainable Production for Resource Efficieny and EcoMobility during September 29-30, 2010, Chemnitz,

Vol 57 z No. 3 z March 2011 Indian Foundry Journal

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