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Easter is an important Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus

Christ. There are many different customs celebrating Easter around the world. The Friday
before Easter Sunday (called Good Friday) and the Monday after are bank holidays in the UK.
Eggs and rabbits are associated with fertility, spring, and new life. Children eat chocolate eggs
and they have Easter egg hidden by the Easter Bunny.

1. Match the words with the pictures.

1) a chocolate egg 9) A lamb

2) Easter bunny 10) A chick
3) Flowers 11) An egg race
4) A basket 12) An egg hunt
5) A ribbon 13) A bell
6) Spring 14) Hot Cross Buns
7) An Easter bonnet 15) A painted egg
8) Humpty Dumpty 16) Daffodils

2. Easter Eggs everywhere! Look at the picture. Fill in the gaps with the words below, then
colour the eggs.
on, under, in, between, behind, in front of
There’s an egg _______________________ the tree. It’s yellow.
There’s an egg _______________________ the sheep. It’s green.
There’s an egg _______________________ the flowers. It’s blue.
There’s an egg _______________________ the tree. It’s pink.
There’s an egg _______________________ the rabbit’s head. It’s orange.
There’s an egg _______________________ the house. It’s purple.

3. Easter Eggs everywhere again! Look at the picture,

fill in the gaps and write sentences with the words
below. Then color the eggs.

In front of, under, next to, inside, on top of, behind

Look __________ the bed. The egg is dark blue.

Look __________ the bookshelf. The eggs is pink.
Look __________ the alarm clock. The egg is yellow.
Look __________ the wastepaper basket. There’s a
light green egg.
Look __________ the photo frame. The egg is red.
Look __________ the shoe. There’s a purple egg.
Look __________ the teddy bear. The egg is light blue.
There is a dark green egg. Where is it? _____________

4. Easter word search! Find the 17 expressions related to Easter in the word search.

1) Basket
2) Bell
3) Bunny
4) Chocolate
5) Daffodils
6) Dumpty
7) Easter race
8) Eggs
9) Flowers
10) Hot cross buns
11) Humpty
12) hunt
13) Lamb
14) Painted
15) Ribbon
16) Spring
17) Sunday

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