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Unit 8- Zero conditional

Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. If people eat too much, __________.
a) He is slim
b) Can be chuby
c) They get fat

2.-If you mix water and electricity, __________.

a) You get a shock.
b) Is bad.
c) Is not recommendable.

3. If you touch a fire, ___________.

a) You get burned.
b) Can fire.
c) Maybe burns.

4. __________ if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.

a) You can burn.
b) Is good.
c) You get water.

5. People die, __________.

a) Because need food.
b) If they don't eat
c) Need food
6. Snakes bite __________.
a) If they are scared
b) Because you bother.
c) Because they are evil

7. If babies are hungry, __________.

a) They run.
b) They cry.
c) Ask to their moms for milk.

8. If it doesn’t rain, ___________.

a) Flowers are beautiful.
b) They need water
c) The flowers die.

9. If I wake up late, __________.

a) I am late for work
b) I am good
c) Continue sleeping

10. If my husband cooks, __________.

a) Is delicious
b) Food is good
c) He burns the food

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