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Course Details:

 Students: High school students (10th grade)

 Level: Intermediate

 Content: English Language Arts with a focus on Speaking and Listening skills

Weekly Objectives:

1. Objective 1: Enhance Speaking Skills

 Students will improve their oral communication skills by expressing thoughts clearly,
organizing ideas, and using appropriate vocabulary.

2. Objective 2: Develop Active Listening Skills

 Students will enhance their active listening abilities, demonstrating understanding

through appropriate responses and follow-up questions.

3. Objective 3: Collaborative Problem-Solving

 Students will engage in collaborative problem-solving activities, fostering teamwork,

critical thinking, and effective communication.


Weekly Speaking and Listening Journal:

 Students will maintain a Speaking and Listening Journal throughout the week.

 They will record a daily reflection on a topic provided by the teacher, focusing on clarity of
expression, organization of ideas, and appropriate use of vocabulary.

 Assessment will be based on the improvement shown in oral communication skills and the
ability to articulate thoughts effectively.

Listening Comprehension Tasks:

 Students will participate in various listening comprehension tasks, including listening to audio
clips, watching short videos, and engaging in class discussions.

 Assessment will be based on their ability to comprehend spoken language, respond

appropriately, and ask relevant follow-up questions.

Collaborative Problem-Solving Activity:

 Students will work in small groups to solve a given problem or complete a task that requires
collaboration and effective communication.
 Assessment will focus on their ability to work as a team, contribute ideas, listen to others, and
communicate solutions coherently.

Reflection and Feedback:

 At the end of the week, students will reflect on their progress in a self-assessment.

 Teachers will provide constructive feedback on individual strengths and areas for improvement
based on observed speaking and listening skills, as well as collaborative problem-solving

This weekly set of objectives and assessments aims to create a comprehensive approach to developing
students' speaking and listening skills. The activities are designed to be engaging and applicable,
allowing students to actively participate in their learning process while receiving valuable feedback for
continuous improvement.

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