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The word multimedia comes from two Latin roots, multi and media:
multi-, meaning several or many, and media-, meaning in the middle.

2. A multimedia presentation is a presentation file which is not limited to just text

in terms of content. It could be an interactive video, sound, links, images, animated
GIFs with transitions in it.


10. 1. Text Materials- Text is still a primary way to transmit information. It is the
simplest and oldest resource. Text takes us back to how the internet started, as a
means of sending written messages back and forth between communicators.

9. 2. PowerPoint Slides-It is a presentation program developed by

Microsoft. PowerPoint is often used to create business presentations but
can also be used for educational or informal purposes.

11. 3. Photographs and Other Still Images- Illustrations are perhaps the
oldest form of media.

12. 4. Audio Files- sound files

13. 5. Video Presentations- Video presents moving pictures

and typically combines images and sounds for a compelling
multimedia experience.

14. 6. GIFs and Other Forms of Animation- GIFs, which is an

abbreviation for graphic image files, are small files that present a single
image or rapidly display a sequence of a few images to give the appearance of

15. Language is the means to transfer your messages to another person.

30 .Communication
Used for Example Situations
• Explaining a process · A teacher discussing the
• Influencing the feelings and process of online
16. Giving attitudes of others enrolment
• Communicating Information · A youth leader
• Expressing needs explaining about a
17. Making
Explanations • Getting things done reach out

• Expressing personal feelings · A student narrating a
• Creating stories worthwhile quarantine
18. Narrating experience


1. Cultural influence - can be demonstrated through human behavior,
vocabulary or language used, human emotions or perspectives, and
material items

2. History - a branch of knowledge that records and explains past events,

connected with studying or representing things from the past: It is
about what has happened in the life or development of a country, a
group of people, an institution, etc.

3. Environment - the circumstance, object or condition by which one is

surrounded: aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence
the life of an individual or community. It can facilitate or discourage
interactions among people. It can influence peoples’ behavior, mood,
and motivation to act.
4. Economic Influence– giving good value or return in relation to the
money, time, or effort expended

Belief vs Conviction

A 23. belief is something that is considered correct and true. For example,
a person can believe in various things such as cultural or personal faith,
morality, or values. It expresses viewpoints, but it is not based on facts or other
evidences. A belief is also an opinion, which is why it cannot serve as the basis
for a formal argument.
Beliefs are very personal ideas and cannot be rejected because they express an opinion. Also, these
beliefs are not mandatory to change completely with new experiences.

A 24. conviction, is a bit different to a belief. A conviction is something that an individual is

convinced of. To be convinced, you need to obtain all the related information. Based on the
information that the conviction is built, a belief changes with time and new experiences, yet, a
conviction remains the same.

25. I Can Be, If I Want To

Janice M. Amores

One of the best ways for the author to express his/her feelings, beliefs, and ideas in a
direct way is by asserting. 26. Assertion is defined as a confident and forceful statement of fact
or belief. It is used to let the readers feel that they should agree to what they read or hear. It is
very common in various fields like literature, politics, and advertisements whenever a writer
wants to convince the reader or listener to agree with him/her.

Sample assertion: When you eat an apple, you will be free from any

As the readers’ response to what is asserted in a text, a reaction is being made. 27. Reaction
is an action taken in response to something. Reacting to assertion is an essential skill in
language learning. Making reactions will allow readers to express their thoughts and feelings
about the text or situation presented. One can decide to agree or disagree on the given

Sample reaction to the above sample assertion:

Truly, I eat an apple every day and I don’t get sick easily.

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