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Schubertiad - Something that happens that has to do with Schuberts music. Celebrated his music by concerts.

Couldn’t promote himself to save his life. His friends would put on private concerts so that schuberts songs would be
shown at homes by friends.
Song cycle - A song cycle is a group, or cycle, of individually complete songs designed to be performed in sequence, as a unit or a collection. The songs are either for solo voice or an ensemble, or rarely a combination of solo songs
mingled with choral pieces. A song cycle is a collection of songs that are linked by a central theme, such as birth, love, or death. The songs may be linked by repeated motifs, poems, or texts. The songs are usually performed in
sequence, and can be for solo voice, ensemble, or a combination of the two. The songs can relate to a series of events, impressions, or have a unifying mood. Songs telling a story through a collection.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - He did not appreciate Schubert. Got his settings, and thought his settings were bad. Simply just didn’t like Schuberts ways. Wrote Faoust.
The Romantic Generation - Who & What. Generation after Beethoven. How did it sound and why is it romantic. Born after 1810. Ties into classical music era. The composers in this generation were much different, sounded like
beethoven but weren’t.
Lisztomania - He played in public over 1k times, basically invented the modern recital, toured all over, played programs from memory, played for audiences of 3k or more, played in a concert hall setting not a salon
The dark side of Romanticism - musical ability is tied to diabolical supernatural powers, entertainer of low social class depends on gimmicks, charismatic performer who mesmerizes the audience, uses the appeal of horror, both in
physical appearance and rumors about the performer’s life i.e., “making a deal with the devil” for their exceptional musical talents
Florestan and Eusebius - the names Schumann gave to designate the two sides to his personality. Florestan is manic, impulsive, with a strange sense of humor. Eusebius is dreamy, sentimental, a very “inward” person. Appear on title
pages of early works as authors or in his diary as music critics. A split personality, two sides of his personality.
Clara Wieck Schumann - female composer and musician married to Robert Schumann in 1840. His love, secret correspondence when they were separated by her father, she is frequently referenced in his works. Remained famous
after growing up, first solo concert at the Leipzig Gewandhaus when she was 11
Jenny Lind - She’s a singer, good example of women in music. Popular back then. She was in a movie with Hue Jackman. The Taylor Swift of her day.
Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel - prodigy, sister of Felix Mendelssohn. Discouraged by family to continue music/compose (“it can and must be an ornament, never the fundamental bass of your existence and activity”)
Gewandhaus Orchestra - orchestra in Leipzig headed by Felix Mendelssohn in 1835. Was crucial in reinventing “modern concert life.” Improved quality with better pay for players, more serious concert programming
Leipzig Conservatory - founded by Felix Mendelssohn in 1843, Leipzig is a musical/cultural hub and crucial for those seeking a solid career in music
Civic nationalism - Mendelssohn’s administrative activities, creating opportunities for middle-class communal experiences, a mixing of sacred and secular. I think this is trying to say that music proved to be a driving factor in creating
a wholly unified “German” identity.
Mazurka - form of Polish dance music, very folky and often utilized by Chopin in his compositions. Triple meter dance with accent on 2nd/3rd beat, lydian 4th, drone accompaniment
Rubato - technique utilized by Chopin, tempo fluctuates often but is ultimately at the discretion of the performer. eb & flow. Play freely and slowly a little. All about borrowed time. Taking liberty with the music.
Prix de Rome - The Prize of Rome. It’s a prize, in music the prize still exists. Composition Competition. Berlioz won this and they were jailed up to 23 days. Free trip to Rome. But he wanted to have his symphony to be performed.
Berlioz was 30 years old when he won this competition. Married Harriet Smithson.
Idee fixe - Fixed Idea.
Harriet Smithson - The wife muse of Hector Berlioz of Hector Berlioz.
Ophecleide - One of the first tubas. The ophicleide is a family of conical-bore keyed brass instruments invented in early 19th-century France to extend the keyed bugle into the alto, bass and contrabass ranges

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