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Instructional Lesson Template

Lesson #: 4 Date: 3/21/24 Word knowledge

Target: syllable type -le
Lesson Part Activity* Words/Notes Justification

Reader/Writer Lives Ask Lily about the books she is reading. Lilly currently has 2
3m Which one is she enjoying? Allison and books she is reading.
Emmy will share about the books they are This check in will
reading as well. allow us to see which
-Emmy book has caught her

Review 3m Open/Closed Remember last week We will do a quick

Syllables: quick sort we were talking about review of open and
syllable open and closed closed syllables
-Emmy syllables? before moving on.
Lilly did well with this
Open syllable is a sort - at first she put a
word or word part few words in the
that ends in a vowel. wrong column -
That vowel has a long (silent in the closed
vowel sound. column, husband in
the open column)
Closed syllable is a After going back and
word or word part reviewing what open /
that ends in a closed syllables are
consonant and has a and reading the
short vowel sound. words / listening to
the sounds she was
able to self correct.
She did have trouble
reading some of the
words like vital - so I
ended up reading the
list for her so she
could listen out for
vowel sounds and
correct her errors.

Goal/Purpose 1m Consonant -le You were very Based on

Ble familiar with open and assessment data, Lily
Cle closed syllables. needs extra support
Dle There is another with consonant -le/
Gle syllable type: -le, like
-Emmy in the word sta-ble or
Working with different
syllable types helps
us to break down and
read larger words.

Hear-It 3m PA awareness Blend: Lilly needs to know

routine UFLI - pg. /n/ /o/ - no the difference
230-231 /b/ /l/- ble between long and
No- ble = noble short vowels in order
Blending, to successfully read
segmenting, /s/ /a/ /m/= sam bigger words and
substituting /p/ /l/ = ple break them up into
Sam + ple = sample syllables, so we will
-Emmy review the long /
Segment: short vowel sounds
Table- ta-ble
ta= /t/ /a/ Lilly also needs
ble= /b/ /l/ practice substituting
but keeping the other
jungle= jun-gle sounds the same
jun= /j/ /u/ /n/ Lily still definitely
gl= /g/ /l/ needs some extra
work with substituting
Substituting ending sounds, the
Say add substituting part was
Instead of /d/ say /n/ tricky for her.

Day ash
Instead of /sh/ say /t/

Say shook
Instead of /k/ say /d/

Say cough
Instead of /f/ say /t/

Say fix
Instead of /ks/ say /t/

Spell-It 10m UFLI - pg. 230-231 -le is another syllable Lilly was familiar with
type we find in many open and closed
Syllable type: -le other words, such as syllables and could
maple. -le is always identify and use them
-Emmy used in the final in various contexts.
syllable and Although she is able
commonly follows a to read many multi
consonant syllable words,
- gle, ble, dle, kle ple spelling/writing
continues to be a bit
Remember /l/ is a harder. Syllable type -
continuous sound le will be taught using
that can stretch out. direct instruction. I
/l/ you try /l/ will model how to
chunk the syllables
Show table and identify the
- Cover ble multisyllable words.
then read ta We will move through
(this is an I do-We do- You do.
open syllable)
- Blend
together the
Repeat together with

White board write

Cuddle - wrote
Giggle needed help
breaking this word
into syllables (gig +
Continue working on
those double
consonant words like
wiggle, giggle, ect.
Dictated sentence:
There are forty
people on the shuttle.
All four apples fell!

Decode-It 3m Consonant -le sort Take a look at these This activity will allow
words. Each of these Lilly to apply what
-Allison words has 2 she has learn about
syllables. Read each the syllable type -le.
word. Can you find The sort will enable
the different her to practice
consonant -le parts reading and
that are used. identifying withs with
common consonant -
le patterns. Able to
sort words with

Write-It 10m Writers workshop - Let’s brainstorm: How We are continuing to

adding detail to many seasons are work with Lilly on
writing there? Which one adding detail to her
would you say is your writing. She was able
-Emmy favorite?. Let’s write to write a paragraph
about your favorite about her “happy
season. place” the Lakehouse
during our last
Fill in the sensory session so we will
detail chart. Begin keep encouraging her
writing with: we do, I to expand her writing.
Lilly is able to
brainstorm a little
more quickly and she
is able to come up
with more details
rather than just telling
us (showing rather
than telling)
After brainstorming -
she is easily able to
write a paragraph
with a topic sentence
and details.

Read-It** 8m Shorter readers We are going to try Based on

theater: Coyote and another reader assessments, as the
the Rabbit theater script today! text level increases
The title of our script Lilly fluency and
-Allison is called prosody decrease.
This is a way to
https://www.raz- Coyote and Rabbit engage her in reading on her
projectable/ It is a fiction script, instructional level,
nonbook.php? based on a Mexican while working on
id=9805 Folktale. There are a fluency.
few words I want to
look at before we

Saquous (suh waa

Scrawny- thin, small
Mesquite- spiny tree
or shrub of the pea

Wide :https:// Before reading : pre- **due to technical

Reading/Listening teach vocabulary and difficulties (Lilly had a
Comprehension** ck9nooevn03gh0iqjj2 help Lily to engage hard time getting the
17m 5136jk/? with words she has sound on / was
levelId=ck7ecvh6p0h already seen with a logged off a few
ul14p7gwqgqci9 sort times) we did not get
to this part and we
Before reading : Vocabulary ranking are planning on doing
vocabulary ranking sort this portion in the
activity Orbit - pretaught next lesson. In order
Review and pre teach International - to do this we may
new vocabulary pretaught need to shorten other
-Allison Microgravity - areas.
During reading : take pretaught Pre-teaching and
turns reading the Essential - new word reviewing vocabulary
paragraphs under the will help Lily to further
heading : Free time in comprehend this
space During reading : take passage on space.
-Emmy + Allison turns reading Allowing Lily to take
paragraphs under the ownership of a sort
After reading : Lily is heading “Free Time will help her engage
going to answer in Space” with the words.
questions about the Working on While we read, we
passage with a syllabication, we will will come across
graphic organizer : pause at bigger more multisyllabic
words and model how words and Allison
Main idea _____ to break them up and and I can model how
Detail 1 read them. we use strategies to
Detail 2 read those
Detail 3 (if time) multisyllabic words by
-Emmy After reading : main breaking them up into
idea + detail graphic syllables. Lily can
organizer then try using these
strategies as she
reads to us.

Lily has good

comprehension. We
want to challenge her
a bit further by having
her come up with the
main idea of the
paragraph and then
writing three
supporting details to
create a summary
with the help of a
graphic organizer.

Closure 2m Today we explore another syllable type, -le. I will “bring closure to
We commonly see it with a consonant. Can the
you recall any of the consonant -le syllables exercise with direct
we found. Quick term check How do and clear
syllables help us read and write longer language” (Mesmer,
words? Were there any words in our space 2029, p.49).
article that we used syllables to read?

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