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Instructional Case Summary Sheet

Student Name: _Lilly C. Age: 9___ Grade: 4th Date: 2/24/24

Tutor(s): _Emmy Goode and Allison Suchernick

Word Lists Passage Reading Fluency (rate in WPM & Comprehension

(WRI) (WRC) prosody score) (% questions answered correctly)

Difficulty Timed Untimed WRC ORAL WPM SILENT

Level Flash % Total % (% read correctly) + Prosody WPM ORAL SILENT LISTENING


2nd 95% 100% 98% 108 WPM 92%

3rd 80% 85% 99% 99 WPM 75%

4th 55% 75% 97% 75 WPM 69% 94%

5th 40% 65% 91% 48 WPM


INDEPENDENT Ceiling : 2nd

INSTRUCTIONAL Zone/Range 3rd/4th (inferred based on WRI, passage readings, and comprehension

PA Assess Phonics Assess Other Diagnostic Assess

(e.g., TOWRE)

PAST Core Phonics Survey TOWRE

1. Syllable level : mastered 12/12 Consonant blends with short vowels: 13/15
correct + 10/12 automatic (first few Short vowels, digraphs, tch trigraphs: 12/15 Sight Word Efficiency - below average
not automatic because she was R-controlled vowels: 14/15 Phonemic Decoding Efficiency - very poor
just getting the hang of it) Long vowels: 14/15 Total Word Reading Efficiency Index - poor
Variant vowels: 10/15
2. Onset-rime level : mastered Low frequency vowel/consonants: 10/15
10/10 correct and 10/10 automatic Multisyllabic words: 16/24

3.Basic phoneme level (deletion) :

8/10 correct 6/10 automatic Lilly was stronger reading real words
compared to nonsense words. Errors in some
4. Advanced phoneme level areas included /oi/, /aw/, and silent letters.
Short + long vowel sound - 3/5
correct 2/5 automatic

Substitution 4/5 correct 3/5


*struggled with deletion

0/5 correct/automatic
-for the last few I had to tell her the
answer, she was unable to answer

Spelling Writing Notes on Attention & Motivation

Inventory: DSA Strengths Weaknesses Lilly is a very eager student and was very
Analysis Score: 7 responsive to all questions. From the start,
Stage Score: 19 -Capital letter at the -Conventions: no she openly shared that her favorite things
Feature Score: 38 beginning of a ending punctuation about school are math, reading, chapter
Stage Placement: Within Word sentence, words are and run on thought. books, and recess. She also has a wide
Examples of Confusions: all spelt either She is using but range of interests outside of school (farm,
correctly or confusing taking care of their baby calf, baking,
DSA Analysis: phonetically correctly. apostrophes (dog’s) Barbies, and painting nails). She was very
Clerk- cleck -Voice as well as eager to share about the new chapter
clutch - clech inconsistently book she got from her teacher (even
“I was letting the dogs capitalizing letters in asking her mom to get it from her
WW DSA Scores and the dogs wen with the middle of the backpack when she could not recall the
Silent e- 5/5 me and I feel and hurt sentence. name).
R-Control: 5/5 my elbow” -Word Choice: adding
Other Common Long Vowels: 3/5 details to create a Lilly was engaged throughout all the
(steep-steap, might-mit, ) vivid picture for the assessments. She was a bit wiggly in her
Complex Consonants: 3/5 (bridge- reader chair, but within a normal range of
britgh, scrap-skrap) -Organization: leaves movement, and it did not take away from
Abstract Vowels: 3/5 (yawn-youne, out words that are what she was doing. She enjoys hearing
frown-froun) needed to make her that she is doing a great job (always
writing make sense getting a smile on her face when hearing a
compliment). She was always ready for
the next thing and was prepared to try her

Other comments:
WRI: Lilly was very quick with many of the words. During the untimed session she began to use her knowledge of phonetics to
read the word. She did not get discouraged if the word was “tricky” She would self-correct as well.

Interests: when asked about what interested her about Social Studies (History) interests, Lilly shared that she was interested in
books about slavery and Native Americans. As for science, she is interested in “experiments-like how things work” and planets.
She is also interested in painting nails, animals, and “outside stuff.” Lilly also shared that she wanted to be a baker or a waitress
when she grows up.
DSA: Lilly was very quick to write each word on her whiteboard. As the spelling patterns advanced you could see/hear her sound
out the word as she wrote it. During the analysis, Lilly had the spelling pattern of one word (Crawl), but left out the ending sound
craw). She was so eager and you could see her thinking and forming a few words with her month to find the correct sound. Lilly’s
feature score was exactly double the stage score. Each word she correctly used the feature, she also spelled the whole word

Oral Reading / Comprehension : Lily does a great job of monitoring her own reading and comprehension by self-correcting when
she reads something that does not make sense. For the 2nd grade passage, she had a hard time differentiating between toad and
Todd at first which affected her accuracy. I told her the difference after the first mistake. We were impressed by her
comprehension and ability to retell what she has read using characters and character traits and problem/solution. In the 3rd grade
passage, I noticed some of her answers from the comprehension piece were exactly what she was reading back from the text so I
was not sure the extent of her comprehension on some of the questions. We hit her instructional level at 4th grade and saw her
comprehension take a hit and saw her self-correcting less as well.

Writing: Lilly was very eager to write. She was given a few topics and she chose to write about the time she got hurt. She shared
that she hurt her elbow because of the dogs. After sharing she wrote about her experience. Her writing reflected exactly what was
shared aloud. She was missing a few words in her writing that she shared orally. She wrote quickly and appeared to be very proud
of her work.
Instructional Goals

Word Knowledge Fluency Comprehension & Vocabulary Writing

PA targets: Activities will Instructional level: 4th Writing targets
TSW be able to manipulate (segment include: Listening Level: 4th include:
and delete) individual sounds in wordsTSW increase her
● TSW use details
fluency at the TSW listens and responds to grade
● Start with substitution (say rift, instructional level level text. while writing to
now say rift but instead of /f/ say (3rd) from 75 TSW will identify the beginning, create a more
WPM to 90 vivid picture for
/s/) and move into deletion (say middle, and end of a text.
● Modeling TSW increase vocabulary the reader.
dusk, now say dusk but don’t
say /s/) fluency knowledge ● TSW writes
through a read
aloud complete
Phonics targets: Activities will include: sentences with a
● Oral reading
● Read alouds with sequencing of capital letter and
● TSW read and break apart at the
events. Graphic organizers can end punctuation.
multisyllabic words instructional
be used to create a visual of
● TSW learn “word attack” information Activities will
● Repeated
● Vocabulary Rating Scale to include:
strategies to use when readings to
encountering multisyllabic words in activate background knowledge ● Brainstorming
build fluency
of key terms topics to write
reading / writing ● Reader’s
● Vocabulary webs to make about as a
● TSW will read and write words with theater to group, along with
connections between new words
build prosody modeling adding
other complex consonants (tch, and what they student already
knows details to a
● Questioning- student will lead
● Brainstorming
Activities will include: questioning to the tutor based
on the read text. descriptive
● Fluency grid with single and
words about a
multisyllable words using focused topic.
spelling feature ● Editing for
● Dictated Words and Sentences- capitals and
(UFLI 69/70) punctuation
● “Word Games”- orally manipulating (circle the capital
and circle the
● Word sorts

Tier I Coordination/Recommendations: Engage Lilly in authentic reading activities that support her in reading on grade
level. Engage her in explicit morpheme instruction including root or base words and affixes. This will help her learn the
meaning of some of those tier 3 words that she will encounter in her content books. This will additionally help her break
apart bigger words with affixes. Lily would benefit from a literature circle or book club. She is eager to learn and enjoys
chapter books. In a literature circle or book club Lily can engage with other students and discuss comprehension focused

Recommendations for home: Keep reading at home.This can be books Lilly can read independently or books that you
would like to read together (Working through those more complex words as a team). After reading, talk about what you
read about. For example: what were the characters doing? Did the characters change throughout the story? What would
you do? This will encourage Lilly to think about what she is reading and build comprehension and questioning skills.

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