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Banking Academy of Vietnam

International School of Business

A report




Teacher: Dinh Trong Hieu

Group 3:
Cao Vu Huyen Trang CA9-166
Nguyen Hai My CA9-050
Le Hai Linh CA9-039
Le Dieu Thuy CA9-071
Nguyen Duc Truong CA9-171
Class: CA9E
Course: AI Business Applications

Hanoi, 2/04/2024

Using Ai To Detect And Warn Of Drowsiness While Driving

A report




Teacher: Dinh Trong Hieu

Group 3:
Cao Vu Huyen Trang CA9-166
Nguyen Hai My CA9-050
Le Hai Linh CA9-039
Le Dieu Thuy CA9-071
Nguyen Duc Truong CA9-171
Class: CA9E
Course: AI Business Applications

Hanoi, 2/04/2024

Using Ai To Detect And Warn Of Drowsiness While Driving

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Ideation..................................................................................................................................4
a. Ideas and values of ideas Idea:......................................................................................... 4
b. flowchart...........................................................................................................................5
c. Evaluate ideas:..................................................................................................................5
3. Defining AI the project........................................................................................................ 6
a. Action............................................................................................................................... 6
b. Plan...................................................................................................................................7
c. Components...................................................................................................................... 7
d. Project Oversight Activities............................................................................................. 8
4. Data curation and Governance........................................................................................... 8
5. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................8

Using Ai To Detect And Warn Of Drowsiness While Driving

1. Introduction
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a transformative
technology, revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. AI is driving innovation in
many different areas, one of which is that AI can also help enhance road safety,
especially the alarming problem of fatigue and drowsiness among drivers.

2. Ideation
a. Ideas and values of ideas Idea:
Idea: Statistics of the Ministry of Public Security, in 2023, there will be 21,880
road traffic accidents nationwide, analyzing the causes of traffic accidents with 0.33%
due to fatigue and dozing. Therefore, the idea of using cameras to detect drowsy
drivers while driving would be effective in mitigating this cause
The value of applying this idea:
Reduce the risk of accidents: Falling asleep while driving is one of the main
causes of traffic accidents. Detecting drowsiness and warning drivers in time can help
minimize the risk of accidents due to this condition.
Protection of life and property: Falling asleep while driving results in a serious
accident that can cause injury or death to the driver, occupants, and other road users.
Heightens alertness and concentration: Doze alerts can help drivers recognize
signs of distraction or drowsiness, encouraging them to take breaks or take measures
to enhance alertness.
Promote traffic safety awareness: The implementation of drowsiness detection
solutions while driving can increase public awareness about drowsiness and its
negative impact on traffic safety.
Using technologies such as artificial intelligence and sensors to detect
drowsiness could open up opportunities for smart and efficient applications to solve
this problem.
Cost and resource savings: Reducing traffic accidents can alleviate pressure on
medical and insurance costs.
Increase sales to suppliers: cameras, garages

Using Ai To Detect And Warn Of Drowsiness While Driving

b. flowchart

c. Evaluate ideas:
● It does not cost much money or investment.
● Compactness does not cause nuisance, or interference during control.
● Today's modern technology makes the project achieve a high level of
● Easy to use for all audiences Data availability and accuracy at a high
● Brings a lot of value is highly applicable, and easily received.
System accuracy: it is necessary to build a drowsiness detection system when
driving with high accuracy and less error.
Must ensure user data and privacy: Collection and processing of personal data
may be problematic related to privacy and need to be regulated

Using Ai To Detect And Warn Of Drowsiness While Driving

3. Defining AI the project

a. Action
❖ Identify the idea to be implemented: Develop an AI system for detecting
drowsiness while driving.
❖ Identify all possible stakeholders:
➢ Drivers: is the person who has a direct impact on the traffic process
➢ Passengers: the person affected by the driver's behaviour
➢ Vehicle manufacturers: who directly install and repair vehicles if they
encounter problems
➢ Insurance companies: that will pay for customers' accident problems, if
AI systems are developed, will be the beneficiaries when reducing
financial risks. Thereby reducing low insurance premiums for people
➢ Regulatory authorities: who make decisions and regulate vehicle safety
as well as driving behaviour. Their involvement ensures AI systems
meet regulatory requirements, facilitating widespread adoption of AI
❖ Select appropriate method for project planning: Design thinking can be
utilized to empathize with users and generate innovative solutions.
Step 1 Empathize
Use 5-Whys
➢ What?
Design Thinking is selected as the method for project planning to ensure
a user-centred approach in developing the drowsiness detection system.
➢ Why?
Design Thinking is chosen because it emphasizes empathizing with
users, understanding their needs, and generating innovative solutions. This is
critical for creating a drowsiness detection system that effectively addresses the
challenges faced by drivers.
➢ Where?
Design Thinking will be applied throughout the project, from defining
user personas and prioritizing user stories to prototyping and iterating on
➢ When?
Design Thinking will be integrated into the project plan from the
beginning, starting with the empathize phase and continuing through the ideate,
prototype, and test phases.
➢ Who?
The AI, data science, and software engineering teams will collaborate
with users and stakeholders to apply Design Thinking principles and ensure
that the drowsiness detection system meets user needs and expectations.

Using Ai To Detect And Warn Of Drowsiness While Driving

Step 2 Define.
Problem: 79% of the respondents had at least one experience of drowsy
driving, and 32% of the respondents had experience of a near-miss accident
when drowsy driving.
Needs: traffic users and drivers need safety, concentration and alertness
when participating in traffic.

Step 3 Ideate
The system uses various sensors, machine learning algorithms, and user
interfaces to detect drowsiness. Observing a person's eyes are closed for a few
seconds. This system will alert the driver when drowsiness is detected.

Step 4 Prototype
Step 5 Test

b. Plan
Describe objectives, measurability, and scope: The objective is to
develop an AI system for drowsiness detection, measurable by accuracy
metrics, and the scope includes algorithm development, testing, and
● Step 1 – Take an image as input from a camera.
● Step 2 – Detect the face in the image and create a Region of Interest
● Step 3 – Detect the eyes from ROI and feed it to the classifier.
● Step 4 – Detect the eyes from ROI and feed it to the classifier.
● Step 5 – Calculate the score to check whether the person is drowsy.

c. Components
Project Scope: Clearly define the boundaries and objectives of the
Project Oversight Activities: Implement mechanisms for monitoring
progress, risks, and budget.
Defined Work Schedules: Establish timelines and allocate resources
● 1 week: Brainstorm, understand problems and user needs
● 2 weeks: Identify the output, inputs, decisions and processes of the idea
● 1 week: Identify and collect data

Using Ai To Detect And Warn Of Drowsiness While Driving

● 2 months: Write code, test products, fix bugs

d. Project Oversight Activities

Design Thinking: Emphasize user-centric design, iteratively prototyping and
refining solutions.

4. Data curation and Governance

Data curation
Data collections: The dataset was taken from Kaggle's free dataset: 58,486
images of opening and closing eyes, which depict signs of whether users are sleepy
and sound alerts when detecting drivers showing signs of drowsiness
Data processing: Remove invalid or corrupted images. This may include
removing images that are unevenly bright, blurry, or contain noise. Adjust all images
to the same size, and format, or convert to standard formats like JPG. Categorize
images into 2 files, open your eyes and close your eyes, labelling each image using
"CVAT AI" or "label me"
Data classification: The data will be distributed into 2 founders: Public test and
Public train. In each founder, there will be 2 image files: openEye and CloseEye. 1
silent file alerts when the model runs and detects that the driver of the car is showing
signs of drowsiness.
Data storage: Because the dataset has a large number of images, the team chose
to use data storage on the MySQL database system.

Data governance
Data security: Ensure that image data is secure and only accessed by authorized
persons. Encrypt image data using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Quantization,
Huffman Coding, access control, and virtual private network (VPN) algorithms when
transmitting data over a network.
Legal compliance: Use and process data in compliance with relevant legal
regulations and regulations, including GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA.

5. Conclusion
In summary, the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect and prevent
driver fatigue represents a pivotal advancement in automotive safety technology.

Using Ai To Detect And Warn Of Drowsiness While Driving

By harnessing the power of AI algorithms to analyze driver behaviour and

physiological signals, we can create proactive systems that alert drivers when they
show signs of drowsiness, thereby averting potential accidents.

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