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Alyssa Antonette F. Sibal Submitted to: Ma’am Ross

"Young Love, Wise Boundaries"

Nowadays, most teenagers are diving into the dating scene pretty early. From what I've seen,
if they haven't snagged a boyfriend or girlfriend by the time they're 14, or at least started talking
to someone in high school, they feel like they're missing out on something big. This issue is one of
the reasons why the number of teenage pregnancy in our country keeps rising. But how do we
stop it?

I believe it's natural for us to develop feelings for someone, especially

at our age. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend is okay, but I think it's
important to be responsible. Taking our relationship to a more
intimate level, like having sex, should come with a lot of thought and
consideration. It's crucial to prioritize our health and well-being by
using protection to prevent unwanted consequences like pregnancy
or sexually transmitted infections. Being informed and making smart
choices about our physical and emotional health is key as we navigate

In the video that we watched, i learned a lot about sexually transmitted disease, as
the name suggest it is sexually transmitted, meaning you can get this by having sex
without protection, this diseases are mostly asymptomatic causing thousands of
people having this disease but is actually not aware. Untreated, these diseases can
ruin lives, but by taking precautions, we safeguard our futures.
It's like protecting ourselves from a storm – with an umbrella,
we stay dry, but without it, we risk getting soaked. Similarly,
with safe sex practices, we shield ourselves from the
consequences of STDs and preserve our well-being.

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