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1. Rosary Prayer – Every Monday

2. Morning Prayer – Everyday
3. Daily Savings – 20/50 Pesos
4. Weekly Savings – 100/200/500 Pesos
5. Monthly Saving – 2000 Pesos
6. Weekly Budget – 500 Pesos
7. Gas Budget – 300 Pesos Weekly
8. Daily Reading – (Nursing Book) 1hour everyday
9. Music Listening – 30 mins before work
10. Sleeping Habit – Turn off Phone after or before 10 pm
11. No negative Thoughts; every time experience it Pray or listen to Music
12. No more Judging people, if it happens STOP IMMEDIATELY
13. DIET – 16 hours Fasting, No more sugar specially softdrinks, lesser Carbs
14. EXERCISE – at least 30mins – 1 hour walking and running early in the morning 3x a week, if weight
loss drop to 10kgs it’s time for muscle development.
A. Current Weight: 92kgs
B. Ideal Weight: 58 – 70.7kgs
C. Target Weight: 70kgs
D. Target Weekly Weight Loss: 1kilograms per week
E. Target Monthly Weight Loss: 4kilograms
F. Target Months to Accomplish Target Weight: 5-6months
15. Monthly Planning: Monthly Activities in Barangay
A. NIP Schedule – Campana (1st Wednesday) Nabuhay (2nd Wednesday)
B. Pre – Natal – Campana (1st Friday) Nabuhay (2nd Friday)
C. Campana and Nabuhay (Every Monday Telemed Consultation)
D. Once a month Home Visit for Mental Health Patient
E. ZOD – Toilet Inspection Per Purok every 3rd Friday Campana 4th
Friday Nabuhay
F. Last Friday of the month BHW Orientation/meetings Campana (AM)
Mabuhay (PM)
Barangay Plans:

1. Profile for Each Family

A. Short Envelop
B. Per Purok

2. Monthly Bulletin Board

A. Pregnant Due for the Month
B. Children need for follow up of immunization
C. TB patient Monitoring Chart per purok with code
D. Psychiatric Patient visit once a month
3. Monthly meeting for BHW and Barangay officials

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