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“Everyone should do something regularly in their life to help other people”. Do you agree?

Helping for me it is a natural process which is linked to the awareness being part of a society in a
environments. We are interconnected and interdepend.
So far I don’t agree to make a general obligation to help other people regularly whereas it’s important
for the health of a society to develop the willingness giving his best into the community and to take
First of all, the base of helping and supporting others is, were you getting the support and help you
have needed from your childhood. An African proverb says, it takes a whole village to raise a child -
apart from family and friends. What could a single parent do without childcare.
If someone feel welcome in a society with his one abilities, he or she will be giving something back to
society. A supported young person in education will later be motivated to do a good job.
In any case the motivation to help someone has to be reflected. Nobody likes to be controlled by
someone else, rather to get the support to solve it by himself. If a father tells a child daily what he /
she has to do, instead to give over a task, it’s not surprising, that this will produce resistance.
Finally, in my view we are demanded to engage us best we can. And sometimes it can be helpful to
engage someone to do social work.
However looking after each other is what makes a place livable and safe.

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