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I was having a peaceful sleep like most nights I had, but something was… off.

I had a dream that I

couldn’t see anything… but there was something… beep… beep… beep… I couldn’t figure out what it
was, it got louder and louder. I finally woke up and quickly got up only to find out it was my alarm clock
making that noise… but what I heard from my dream didn’t sound like my alarm clock. I turn the alarm
clock off, I rub my eyes a little, as my wife got up from my sudden movement. “Honey is everything
alright? You look pale!” She looked at me worried. “I’m fine… I just had a weird dream or something… it’s
probably nothing”. She looked at me and replied to the response, “You got me all worried, I’m usually
the one to wake up first” she said while chuckling to herself. “Anyway, I need to go get Luke ready for
school Endri ready for school, I’ll go fix up breakfast for you” she gets up and gives me a kiss on the
cheek before leaving our bedroom. I get up from bed and get ready to take a shower as I get my work
clothing. As soon as I got that done, I went downstairs to meet with the rest and eat breakfast. Endri
rushes downstairs and passes me by “morning dad “said my Endri as my wife shouted out to him “slow
down your goanna fall!”. We all eventually got to the dining room and my wife placed some eggs with
toast along with bacon. I stare at my breakfast for a moment until I hear something… I hear voices…
almost like they’re whispering… I then hear my wife’s voice “Adam? You have not touched your food, is
everything alright?”, I shake my head “I’m ok I think I might’ve over worked a lot this week”. She looks at
me concerned but leaves things as they are. Endri eats his cereal quickly and packs up his stuff and sees
the bus arrive, “I got to go now!” Before he left, he gave me and his mom goodbye and waved at us
when he was getting on the bus. I got ready to leave, kissed my wife goodbye, and drove me to work.
While I was driving, I heard a loud screech from a car and a scream… I got out of my car in a panic to help
whoever got into a car accident but there was no car accident. I thought that was weird because of how
close it sounded, but I got back inside my car and drove to work. When I got to my office building, I
sighed knowing I would get a handful of paperwork and entered the building. As soon as I got to my
desk, I was immediately given a stake of papers from my boss, “Get all of this junk finished this week, will
you?” he ordered as he walked off talking on the phone doing his own work. I typed and wrote. And
checked the papers again and again until I felt my eyes hurting for some reason. It felt like a beaming
light was shining my eyes… I guess that’s what I get for over working on this computer. After a long day I
went home exhausted. As I went to the door to unlock my house I saw a dark figure from the corner of
my eyes, I turned my head to look at what it was only to see nothing. I just go inside the house and plop
onto the couch face first. My wife comes to me asking, “how was your day at work today?” I turn my
head to look for her to find her in the kitchen. I looked confused “how did you get all the way over there
so fast?” I asked. “What are you talking about? I stayed in the same place when you walked in”. I
scratched my head confused as to what was going on and what was wrong with me. “I think I need to get
some sleep to get my mind straight”. I made my way upstairs to our bedroom and decided to sleep in my
work clothes. I drifted off to sleep and had a dream driving my wife and son to the park. It felt so real,
and I saw a car coming in our direction at full speed with the driver holding a beer bottle in hand. So, this
it? Is this how I will go along with my family? I hope this is quick and painless. I shut my eyes as I hear
them scream. I wake up quickly and get up immediately after all that, but I’m not in my house… this
looks like a hospital room... I noticed that an old friend of mine is sitting next to my bed shocked.
“Alfred? Why am I here, where’s Saundra and Endri?” I asked him. Alfred looked at me confused,
“Adam… what are you talking about? Sandra and Endri died 4 years ago? You’ve been unconscious for 2
months… “I look at him in disbelief “No… no no no they are alive! “Alfred sighed and took a deep breath.
"Adam, you've been through a traumatic experience. It's been hard on all of us. Saundra and Endri...
they didn't make it. The accident at the park, the drunk driver... Alfred sighed and took a deep breath.
"Adam, you've been through a traumatic experience. It's been hard on all of us. Saundra and Endri...
they didn't make it. The accident at the park, the drunk driver..." I felt a lump forming in my throat, and
my heart sank. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The vivid dream I had about the car accident wasn't
a dream at all; it was a painful memory. "No, Alfred, that can't be true. I just drove them to the park
today. I saw the car coming, I heard them scream, but it was just a dream, right?" I pleaded, desperately
hoping he would tell me it was all a mistake. Alfred placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Adam, I
know this is hard for you to accept, but you've been in a coma for two months. You've been reliving that
moment over and over in your dreams. The mind can play tricks on you during such times." I shook my
head in denial. "No, they were here this morning. We had breakfast together. I heard Endri rushing to
catch his school bus. Saundra kissed me goodbye. It can't be a dream; it was too real." Alfred exchanged
a concerned look with the doctor, who had entered the room silently. The doctor spoke gently, "Mr.
Adams, it's not uncommon for patients who have been through traumatic experiences to have difficulty
distinguishing between dreams and reality. Your mind may be trying to protect you from the pain." I was
overwhelmed with grief and confusion. It felt like my entire world had crumbled, and I was left with the
fragments of a shattered reality. "But I saw them today. How can they be gone?" Alfred sighed, "Adam, I
know it's tough, but you need to accept the reality. Saundra and Endri are gone. We're here to support
you through this, but living in denial won't help you heal." As the truth settled in, tears streamed down
my face. The beeping sound from my dream, the whispers, and the eerie moments all made sense now.
My subconscious mind had been trying to communicate the painful truth to me, but I couldn't grasp it
until now. In the days that followed, I went through a grieving process, supported by friends, family, and
therapy. It was a painful journey, but eventually, I started to accept the reality and began the process of
rebuilding my life without Saundra and Endri. The experience changed me profoundly. I learned the
importance of seeking help, acknowledging pain, and allowing myself to heal. The memory of my family
remains etched in my heart, and although life would never be the same, I carried their love with me as I
moved forward. I felt a lump forming in my throat, and my heart sank. I couldn't believe what I was
hearing. The vivid dream I had about the car accident wasn't a dream at all; it was a painful memory.
"No, Alfred, that can't be true. I just drove them to the park today. I saw the car coming, I heard them
scream, but it was just a dream, right?" I pleaded, desperately hoping he would tell me it was all a
mistake. Alfred placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Adam, I know this is hard for you to accept,
but you've been in a coma for two months. You've been reliving that moment over and over in your
dreams. The mind can play tricks on you during such times." I shook my head in denial. "No, they were
here this morning. We had breakfast together. I heard Endri rushing to catch his school bus. Saundra
kissed me goodbye. It can't be a dream; it was too real." Alfred exchanged a concerned look with the
doctor, who had entered the room silently. The doctor spoke gently, "Mr. Adams, it's not uncommon for
patients who have been through traumatic experiences to have difficulty distinguishing between dreams
and reality. Your mind may be trying to protect you from the pain." I was overwhelmed with grief and
confusion. It felt like my entire world had crumbled, and I was left with the fragments of a shattered
reality. "But I saw them today. How can they be gone?" Alfred sighed, "Adam, I know it's tough, but you
need to accept the reality. Saundra and Endri are gone. We're here to support you through this, but
living in denial won't help you heal." As the truth settled in, tears streamed down my face. The beeping
sound from my dream, the whispers, and the eerie moments all made sense now. My subconscious mind
had been trying to communicate the painful truth to me, but I couldn't grasp it until now. In the days
that followed, I went through a grieving process, supported by friends, family, and therapy. It was a
painful journey, but eventually, I started to accept the reality and began the process of rebuilding my life
without Saundra and Endri. The experience changed me profoundly. I learned the importance of seeking
help, acknowledging pain, and allowing myself to heal. The memory of my family remains etched in my
heart, and although life would never be the same, I carried their love with me as I moved forward.

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