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Both were born jobs
Hard working
No chappal

3. Make a comparative study on the Patriot and the Little match girl.


In the end both dies happily.

The Little Match Girl Summary in English

This story, the Little Match Girl Summary is a story of a little girl. It was New
Year’s evening, snow was falling and darkness was gathering. The evening was
bitterly cold. In this darkness a poor little girl walked, bareheaded and barefoot,
through the streets. She had been wearing slippers of her mother when she left
home. The little girl had been trying to cross the street and suddenly she saw two
carriages coming very fast. So naturally, she trying to cross quickly and in the
process, her slippers came off they were too big for her. One slipper was lost and
the other one was taken away by the unknown boy. The boy bullied the girl as
she was a soft target for him.

So the little girl walked about the streets on her naked feet and her foot became
red and blue with the cold. In her bag, she carried many matches and she had a
packet of them in her hand as well. Today she was unable to sell any matches
and no one had given her a single penny. She crept along, shivering and hungry.
The narrator called it’s a picture of misery.

The snowflakes fell on her long golden hair but the girl did not think of her
appearance now. Lights were shining in every window of every house and there
was a beautiful smell of roast goose in the street as it was an evening of the new
year. But the little could not think of anything else.

She went to a corner formed by two houses, one of which projected further out
into the street than other. She tucked her legs up under her but she felt colder and
colder. As she had not sold any matches and earned not a single penny she did
not dare to go home. She thought her father would beat her and besides, it was
so cold at home. Their home had an only roof above them and the wind whistled
through that. Her hands were almost numb with cold. She pulled just one small
match from the packet to warm her fingers.
It had a warm and bright flame like a small candle but it seemed to the little girl
if she were sitting in front of a great iron stove. The fire gave out such lovely
warmth as the child already stretched her feet to warm them too. The flame
vanished and she sat with the burnt match in her hand.

Then she lights the second match and imagines a table filled with delicious food
and wishes she could have some. She lights up the third match and then
imagines a beautiful Christmas tree and then spots a star falling in the sky.
While she lights up the fourth match and sees her grandmother. She cries out
that she wants to be with her grandmother. She wants to be with her
grandmother so desperately that she lights up all the matches to keep her
grandmother with her. Her grandmother takes her in her arms and they fly away
from the earth towards heaven.

In the next morning people passing by the lane and see the poor girl lying dead
in the corner and think that she must have frozen to death in the cold. The people
see the brunt matches and conclude that she had been trying to warm herself.
The narrator says these people have no idea of the beautiful visions she has seen
and now she is far away from the cruel world.

Conclusion of The Little Match Girl

The story teaches us how selfish and insensitive human beings can be. The
people are so selfish in the real world. They are not truly doing what Jesus has
been wanted to do.

The Patriot Summary in English

The Patriot summary is a famous dramatic monologue by a great author Robert

Browning. Just like in poetry, My Last Duchess or The Last Ride Together, this
poet also uses a single speaker. In this poem, The Patriot, Browning introduces a
patriot to speak of his fortune that changed in a single year.

When the poem starts, the speaker recollects his experiences of this exact day
only a year ago. And he claims that his countrymen welcomed him victoriously.
The civilians of his country paved the pathway with roses and myrtle to
welcome him. Also, they crowded the roofs of the houses to see the speaker for
once. And the churches too, are swinging their banners to greet the patriot.
In the second stanza, the speaker goes on to state that even that day, the air was
full of joyful sounds of bells. In addition, he explains how thousands of people
crowded against the old walls of their houses to see him. They even applauded
and called out for their icon, the speaker. So the port remembers that he had
even assured to deliver the sun to them. Here the poet uses the sun
metaphorically to show that the speaker was willing to do any impossible deed
for his countrymen.

But in the third stanza, the speaker states that he was foolish enough to try to get
beyond his boundaries. In fact, the praise of the countrymen made him too
optimistic, to be over-ambitious. Here Browning metaphorically refers to the
legendary Icarus. Icarus died because he became overly-ambitious to fly to the
sun on his waxwings. In the same way, much as Icarus, the speaker is going to
face his demise, which he realises a year later.

So now, after a year, the speaker shows the change in the behaviour of
countrymen towards him. He states that there is no one on the roofs of the
houses or the road to greet him. However, he can see a few people sitting next to
the windows of the houses, who are actually sick and weak. So for the speaker,
they are not there. Instead, the speaker ironically states that all the citizens
gathered by the Shambles Gate. They are taking him to the shambles gate to
execute him. So those who once greeted him as a patriot, are now waiting by the
scaffold to see his execution.

Conclusion of The Patriot

The Patriot is a harsh critic on the essence of public opinion and volatility of the
public in general. The poem almost absolves the speaker of his misdeeds and
very cleverly highlights the rabid fever that the public has committed. While this
poem indicates the ambiguity of life and fortune, it concludes with an optimistic
note. The fact that the patriot in the poem turns to God for a fair judgement of
his deeds without any regret or shame confirms the justification. In all, the
compassionate and empathetic portrayal of the condition of the narrator; and the
poet’s brilliance as a master of poetry makes “The Patriot” a remarkably
exceptional one.

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