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Please, I want to impregnate Farnese so bad.

I want her to bear my children with

those beautiful child-bearing hips. That beautiful, radiant pyromaniac.

Farnussy is beyond divine. I can't help but drop to my knees in worship whenever I
see her beautiful figure even though it's behind that unnecessary witch clothes. I
yearn for her in a way both Primal and spiritual. I would commit more war crimes
than every president in United States history just to lick the sweet, glistening
sweat from her smooth, creamy skin. I want to listen to her moans as my manhood
throbs within her, I want to hear her heart race as our bodies become one and our
souls irreversibly intertwine in the holy sin of carnal union.

I want to suckle at her motherly bosom, slurping that rich juche milk from her tit
as she gently strokes my raging erection. I would stir her velvety cream into my
coffee and let my balls boil in it. Her cries of pleasure and the rocking of our
bed would be louder than the cacophony of ten thousand drone strikes. I would make
love to her until my body gave out, and then some. I would let her break my rib
cage with any part of her body. I would let her hit me with her car just to be near
her for a brief moment.

She's so perfect it hurts. Every moment without her I suffer a pain worse than
breaking every bone in my body simultaneously while drowning and also having shards
of glass coated in hot sauce forced through every orifice of my body. I want her, I
need her. I want to desecrate her crisp general suit. I want to start a family with
her and retire after our twenty seven children have grown up and moved out. I want
to see those luscious lips speak such filthy, perverse words into my ear while she
slides ice cubes down my gaping pisshole.

I want to fuck her like she owes me money. I would let her step on me, just to feel
the soft, firm warmth of her feet upon my face and groin area. I would sleep under
her just to catch her drool in my mouth. I would fish the strands of hair from her
shower drain just to smell her alluring scent, and braid them into necklaces to
keep her with me always. Or cock rings. Whichever would please her more.

Please, I would do anything for her. I would relinquish my life, all my hopes and
dreams, just to become the socks on her feet so that I may warm her mouthwatering
toes with my very being, so that she may feel the heat of my love always. I would
encase myself in cement and become her doorstep, so that she may wipe her heels
upon my face. I would tear my own limbs off. I don't know what l'd do after that,
or why she might want my limbs. But I would do it.

My queen, Farnussy, the light of my life. Please, let me have her. I want her to be
mine and only mine. I would lick the Doritos dust from her fingers and fill her
belly button with honey mustard to dip my tendies in. I would give her a sponge-
bath with my tongue every morning and serve her breakfast in bed. I would let her
eat her eggs and pancakes off my body if it pleased her, no matter how painful the
third-degree burns would be. I would even burn at the stake for that matter.

There is nothing I wouldn't do for her, nothing wouldn't say. I sacrfice my own
friends with my Behelit if it would bring a smile to Farnese shining face. I
wouldn't even let myself Cum until she gave me permission.

I love you, Farnese. Please. Be mine. Be my wife, my Lover, my mommy, my


Let me be the Horse to your Farnussy.

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