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Year 8 – Health

Name Class Teacher

Assessment Assignment - Report

Category Mental Health
Explain – describing in more detail or revealing relevant facts.
Investigate – establish or obtain facts and reach new conclusions; draw
conclusions about data.
Cognitive verbs Analyse – finding meaning or relationships and identifying patterns.
Evaluate – make an appraisal by weighing up or assessing strengths,
implications and limitations.
Justify – give reasons or evidence to support an answer

Week 9, Term 1
See assessment schedule for class due date

Task Length 1000 words maximum

 Class time and own time allowed.
Conditions for
 Teacher assistance provided
Analyse current statistics on adolescent mental health concerns, evaluate
primary data sources, provide a recommendation, and justify how the
recommendation will address an identified health concern.


Declaration of Academic Integrity

I hereby declare that the work I submit for this assessment is fundamentally my own original work that:
 I have cited the ideas and material of others appropriately, using the APA referencing system or referencing system
identified in the task
 I have written this assignment myself, without disproportionate input from parents, siblings or others acting in a ‘tutoring’
Work that contravenes this Declaration will be subject to the School’s Academic Integrity Policy, of which I am aware.
Signed: _____________________________________________ Date:

The IGS student services team has identified that there are some health concerns within the
school community. A report is needed to analyse the current concerns among young people
within the IGS context. Therefore, the student services team has requested a report that
outlines the current concerns and makes justified recommendations to take action to
enhance the health, safety, and wellbeing of young people within their community.
You will:
 Introduce mental health and aspects of mental illness relevant to adolescents.
 Choose one health concern to focus on (examples: stress, peer pressure, other)
 Conduct an analysis of the health of young people using primary and secondary data.
o This has been completed during the unit. Findings need to be explained.
 Draw conclusions as to the health concerns within the school community.
 Propose and detail a recommendation to enhance the health and wellbeing of young
 Justify why and how the recommendation will enhance the mental health and wellbeing
of young people

Mental Health report:

Grade awarded - ISMG

Reporting standard

Mental Health Term- anxiety disorders
Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking, or behaviour. Mental illnesses
can be associated with distress and problems functioning in social, work, or family activities. (American
Psychiatric Institute) My chosen focus for this assignment is anxiety disorders. Which is the persistent and
excessive worry that interferes with daily activities. Furthermore, mental illness creates tension, uncertainty,
stress, and sometimes significant changes in how people live their lives. (Better Health Channel) Overall, the
purpose of this essay is to address an identified health concern and learn the impact that it makes on day-to-day
Some external influences that may lead to risk-taking behaviours in teenagers are peer pressure, attention
seeking, or substance abuse. Risk-taking behaviour can include a range of actions. (Very Well Mind) Some
carry more serious consequences than others and, in some cases, may involve the occurrence of more than one
high-risk behaviour at a time. (Very Well Mind) Coping strategies are tactics that people use to deal with
stressful situations. Some examples of coping with mental health include establishing and maintaining
boundaries, practicing relaxation strategies, getting regular physical activity, and setting goals. Connectedness
relates to influences including factors like friends and family. (Very Well Mind) With good family and friends,
teenagers will have a good influence on them. Proving this, IGS can improve mental health by having a positive
connectedness among friends and family. This way there will be less chance of mental health issues in the
Primary data is a type of data that is collected by researchers directly from main sources through interviews,
surveys, experiments, etc. (Form Plus) The data was collected from a website called Survey Monkey. This
website was easily accessible to all students and the survey could be created and sent out to the required people.
This platform was used because everyone from the school had a computer to complete the form. The data was
completed by grade 10-12 students at IGS. Conclusions that I have drawn from the primary data below show
that although most students enjoy school there are still over 55% of students who experience stress and anxiety.
This could lead to depression in some students because of the stressful and anxious environment of the cohort.

Q5: Have you experienced Q 1: Do you enjoy

anxiety and stress due to school?
school pressures?
No, 0.21
No, 0.41

Yes, 0.59
Yes, 0.79

Furthermore, this mental health issue shows that most of the students of IGS have faced stress and
anxiety through school pressures. This can be proven using secondary information from a website
that explains how a student may react when under stress. They can have trouble answering in class,
have problems learning in certain subjects, not turn in any homework, and they also may avoid doing
social or group work. (Child Mind Institute) Some ways I recommend we could enhance the safety,
and well-being of IGS could be to take a whole school approach to mental health education or to
support students to support their peers. These recommendations could enhance the mental health of
students by supporting them in breaking down stigma and allowing them to be more confident in
themselves. (Brainstorm Productions) With these strategies, we can support individuals who have
issues with mental health.

In conclusion, the effects on mental health can lead to challenges in various areas of life, such as
relationships with family, friends, and the community. They can result from or lead to problems at
school and work. The primary data that I have collected shows and explains the data of students from
IGS in grade 8. In the data provided, it can be concluded that most of the students face anxiety and
stress due to school pressures. Overall, it is crucial to support friends and peers with mental health
issues because showing empathy, understanding, and being there for them can make a significant
positive impact on their well-being and overall mental health. Your support can help them feel less
alone, encourage them to seek professional help, and ultimately contribute to their recovery and
overall happiness. Remember, your support can truly make a difference in someone’s life.
Year 8 Health and Physical Education: Unit 1 — Mental Health Name:

Purpose of assessment: To synthesise health information from credible sources to propose and justify strategies to enhance their own and others health,
safety, relationships and wellbeing.
Evaluate emotional responses in different situations to refine strategies for managing emotions (AC9HP10P06), critique health information, services and media messaging
(AC9HP10P09) and plan, justify and critique strategies to enhance their own and others’ health, safety, relationships and wellbeing (AC9HP10P10).

Critically analyses factors that influence decisions and behaviours when evaluating a health concern within the school community.
Justifies recommendations based on the identified health concern.
Accurate use of referencing and genre conventions. 20 – 25

Analyses health information from a range of credible sources.

Makes informed decisions that will enhance the health, safety, and wellbeing of the school community.
Makes a recommendation to support the IGS community. 15 – 19
Language suitable for a technical audience.

Performs primary research and identifies a health concern at IGS.

Analyses a range of factors that inform decision-making when examining the health concern within the school community. C
Makes a decision that will enhance the wellbeing of the identified students in the school community. 10 – 14
Accurate spelling and grammar throughout.

Describes a health concern.

Accesses information from provided sources.
Decides on a course of action. 5–9

Recognises a health concern. 0–4

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