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Mateo Herrera Rodríguez

Neuris Osorio Almanza

Universidad Católica del Norte.

Contaduría Pública.


Recognize and analyze the concepts of accounting as it allows them to make decisions
where the financial information of an entity or organization can be systematically
recorded, analyzed and interpreted. This is achieved through the control of economic
operations and its purpose is to establish the balance of income and expenses.

We will see how income allows us to have an approach where an economic

agent due to its economic activity. For example: The income of a household is
the money earned by the workers who make it up in their respective jobs. A
company's income is the money it obtains from the sale of its products.

It can be seen that the income of each citizen is what drives the economy, but
the Stock Exchange is an organization that operates in the stock market, where
securities transactions are carried out, through continuous public auction
mechanisms, and where brokers Stock exchange companies can also carry out
other intermediation activities and optimize the allocation of financial resources.
An accounting transaction is a commercial event that involves a modification
quantity or value.

Accounting operations are the movement data that will be reflected in accounting
through posting. For this there are 4 stages which are:

• Start or opening.
• Adjustment.
• Closing and transfer of balances.

Income tax return is a document prepared by the taxpayer for the Tax
Administration in which he reports on the occurrence of taxable events, amount
and other circumstances required for the determination of his tax. The income tax
return is of utmost importance, since it is the taxpayer's tax obligation to report the
income he has had and pay the respective taxes so that the Treasury has the
necessary resources to carry out its Fiscal Policy.

We refer to utility as the interest or benefit that is obtained from the enjoyment or
use of a particular good or service. As a result, the greater the utility of the
product, the greater the desire to consume it. Therefore, an attempt will be made
to obtain greater quantities of that good as a greater utility is estimated. This,
until reaching a point of satiety.

It is recognized what income, profit, income statement, accounting operation are,

since these are fundamental and important for both companies, which allows
them to have income and expenses to have better paperwork in the company,
that is, these Little knowledge is important to bear fruit in the midst of the
adversities that come our way in life.

Where accounting is important because it allows us to have an order and means

where the process of systematically recording, analyzing and interpreting the
financial information of an entity or organization. This is achieved through the
control of economic operations and its purpose is to establish the balance of
income and expenses.

 Ramírez M., ¿Qué es contabilidad?,

 Liliana Delgado, declaración,
 Bohórquez Rodríguez, ingresos,
 Actualícese, utilidad,
 Editorial Etecé, ingresos,
 Garrison,importancia, contabilidadfinanzas

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