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This is a work of fiction. Any reference to an actual person or place is used fictionally in this work.
Other names and places in this work were created by the author and any resemblance to any real
person or place is purely coincidental.

The Northwest Deception

The Deception Chronicles

Copyright © 2024 S.K. Johnston

All rights reserved.

No part of this book or ebook may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the prior written
consent of the author, except in the context of brief quotations for the purposes of reviews or articles.
Book One of the
Deception Chronicles

S.K. Johnston
To my wonderful wife Kathleen: thank you for your
constant support and inspiration, and for being my
travel partner and life partner as we wander through
the world together.
To my Kate: for your constant inspiration and support and for tolerating my
To Kelly Wells: for being along for the ride through the whole process. I
owe you a special debt of gratitude for your always thoughtful contributions
and honest opinions.
To Laura Hysen: for your support and feedback in the early days. Your
valuable input was instrumental in helping me move forward.
To my highly valued beta readers: Matt McAvoy, Susann Castro, and
especially AJ Murphy, and Damares Santana, for your honest critiques,
thoughtful comments, and kind words. The book could not have improved
without your insightful input.
“Author S.K. Johnston has crafted an immersive novel that kept me on the edge of my seat from start
to finish, with skillful storytelling and vivid descriptions that brought the Pacific Northwest setting to
life, enhancing the atmosphere of mystery and intrigue. The dynamic between Kate and Sam was
compelling, their romance shifting with dynamic dialogue and a heartfelt emotional arc as they faced
formidable adversaries and grappled with the shattered reality around them. The work was incredibly
well-paced, never giving too much away at once, with some very satisfying and totally logical twists
that were still hard to predict. The unraveling conspiracy and thrilling cat-and-mouse chase kept me
guessing until the final pages and the emotional stakes were high as the protagonists fought for their
lives and sanity. Overall, The Northwest Deception is a gripping start to the Deception Chronicles,
promising an enthralling journey through a world of deception and danger and I cannot wait to read
more of it.” -K.C. Finn, Reader’s Favorite
It should be noted that this novel includes CONTENT WARNINGS and
potential triggers which include topics of suicide, violence, torture and mild
sexual content.

Jonathan thrashed about as he slept, caught up in the recurrent nightmare

that plagued his nights. The swirling bright lights of the dream hurt his eyes
and made it difficult to make out the vague shapes that were bustling
around him as he lay on the cold metal table. The air, likewise, was cold in
the room, and he could see his own breath in the eerie light.
Being restrained at his wrists and ankles, he lay there petrified and
unable to move. Then came the sounds, the somehow familiar sounds of
machines whirring to life. As the figures approached him, they held what
appeared to be tools. When they inserted the probes into his body, his
dream-self screamed in agony, and he woke in a cold sweat.

. . .

The small town of Rosedale, cradled by country hills, lay quiet. The
night sky was filled with a symphony of twinkling stars but unbeknownst to
the residents, the tranquility of their sleepy town concealed a web of secrets
that would soon unravel.
In the heart of the Pacific Northwest, nestled amidst lush forests and
rolling hills, this charming community exuded an aura of tranquility,
drawing visitors in with its warm hospitality and scenic beauty. It still
maintained a small town feeling despite being so close to the capitol city of
Salem. Because of the towering evergreen trees that lined the winding roads
leading into the town, the air carried a hint of pine and the songs of birds,
making it a haven for nature enthusiasts and those seeking solace in the
great outdoors.
Jonathan tossed and turned that night in his small Rosedale home,
worried about falling asleep and having his nightmare again, and yet, not
wanting to think about his appointment the next day. Having a new
psychologist was always concerning, not knowing what to expect. In his
case, he also worried due not making any progress with the last one towards
resolving his troubling dreams. ‘Is it even possible to get the help I need?
Maybe there isn’t anything that will help me.’
He had left his last therapist after months of work and not making any
progress. If it wasn’t for the constant terror he felt, he wouldn’t be returning
to the therapeutic realm and starting all over with a new therapist. Everyone
highly recommended Dr. Sinclair, based on everything he’d read, and his
last therapist had suggested working with a trauma specialist to dig into his
night terrors.
The paradox of his situation was that, to that day, he couldn’t remember
what was in the dreams. His only recollection was of bright lights, vague
shapes, excruciating pain, and the sense of terror that followed him
throughout his days.
Jonathan went into the bathroom and contemplated his condition as he
looked in the mirror. His worn face stared back at him, his blonde hair in
disarray, and his normally bright blue eyes were now dulled to a darker grey
hue from the stress of his circumstances. He was only in his late twenties
and in mildly decent shape, but the lack of sleep, coupled with the stress
and anxiety, made him feel old and broken.
Against his better judgement, he decided to take some sleeping pills. He
had kept silent about them with his last therapist, not wanting to hear about
the dangers, but sometimes, the numbness that they provided was enough to
alleviate his constant fear. “Just to get through tonight,” he told himself
aloud. As he drifted off into oblivion, he saw the swirling lights coming
towards him; again.

The Pacific Northwest, known for its striking beauty, was characterized by
its rugged coastline, majestic mountains, dense forests, and numerous
waterways. It was an alluring beacon to outdoor enthusiasts of all types.
The Cascade Mountains traverse the region sporting pines and firs, rivers
and lakes, and year-round glaciers while the Pacific Ocean lies to the West,
with its beautiful coastal areas and quaint towns. Both were magnificent
reminders of the vastness of the universe.
Dr. Kate Sinclair, a brilliant psychologist in her early thirties, was one of
those drawn to the region. With an unyielding fondness for nature, she had
chosen Rosedale for its restorative environment.
She wasn’t sure how she had gotten involved in the peculiar case of
Jonathan Harper, but he intrigued her. He was a young man who claimed to
have persistent night terrors that were preventing him from obtaining
restorative sleep. Jonathan’s nightmares concerned Dr. Sinclair, and she
couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to his experiences.
He hadn’t shared the details of his ordeal during their one preliminary visit,
just that he couldn’t sleep and was extremely anxious.
Dr. Sinclair had an elegant yet approachable appearance. Her wavy
auburn hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her expressive hazel-green
eyes reflected a mix of intelligence and empathy. Her warm smile put others
at ease, making her an effective and trusted psychologist.
Dr. Sinclair specialized in trauma therapy and had a unique interest in
understanding the effects of past experiences on an individual’s mental
well-being. Jonathan was the perfect complement to her expertise, and she
was looking forward to working with him to identify the root of his trouble.
Through years of honing her professional skills and gaining experience
in various settings, she was driven by a desire to make a positive impact on
her patients’ lives. Jonathan’s suffering brought forth her empathetic side,
and she was determined to help him through his malady.

. . .

The subdued lighting cast its warm rays onto the soothing sage-colored
walls, and the calming nature-inspired artwork reflected Dr. Sinclair’s love
for the outdoors. Cozy chairs and a comfortable-looking couch took center
stage, and a white-noise machine whirred in the background.
Dr. Sinclair smiled genuinely as Jonathan approached, and she gestured
for him to take a seat. “Hi, Jonathan. Please take a seat anywhere that
makes you feel comfortable.”
Jonathan felt somewhat at ease with Dr. Sinclair as she greeted him to
her office, and the rigidity of his posture faded in the inviting environment.
but his continued fidgeting gave voice to the underlying angst created by
his current situation.
As the soft glow of the room’s warm light filled the space, Dr. Sinclair
sat across from her patient. His anxious eyes flitted around the room and
reflected the lingering distress from his sleepless nights.
“Thank you for joining me again today, Jonathan. Let’s begin by talking
specifically about your nightmares. Can you describe one of them?”
Jonathan replied slowly, his fidgeting increasing, “It’s vague, but it’s
always the same thing. I see bright swirling lights, hazy figures, and then an
experience of excruciating pain. Afterward, I wake up in a cold sweat,
unable to move. No matter how hard I try, I can’t remember any of the
“That sounds frightening, Jonathan. It must be disturbing to experience
this repeatedly. Have you noticed any patterns or triggers that might be
causing these nightmares?”
Jonathan paused, looking up, then replied, “I really don’t know. I can’t
think of anything that could be causing them. I’d never been to a therapist
before Dr. Wallace. I never felt that I needed to until I suddenly started
having night terrors about six months ago. The nightmares were just
occasional at first, but now it’s almost every night.
Jonathan spoke in hushed tones, his face heavy with sorrow, “I saw Dr.
Wallace for several months, but nothing was helping, and he suggested I
find a trauma specialist if I really wanted to get to the bottom of this. At this
point, I’m not sure if there is anything that can be done to help me.”
Dejectedly, he lowered his head and tears came to his eyes. He grabbed a
tissue, and after dabbing his eyes, and taking a series of deep breaths, his
mood changed. His body became more animated, and his voice brimmed
with anxiety.
“I’m desperate to get some relief. I can’t sleep and I’m anxious all the
time, looking around as if someone is out to get me. I don’t understand
what’s going on, but I need it to stop.”
Dr. Sinclair regarded Jonathan, whose nervous finger-tapping
demonstrated his level of distress, then replied, “I’m sorry that you’ve been
going through such a terrible time. You know, one theory suggests that
traumatic experiences can manifest in our dreams. Nightmares can often be
our mind’s way of processing emotions and stress. We’ll work together to
help you find coping mechanisms for these feelings and alleviate the
constant nightmares and their effects.”
Dr. Sinclair guided Jonathan through some relaxation exercises, helping
him focus on deep breathing to ground himself in the present moment.
Jonathan struggled to comply, but finally achieved a less aggravated state.
Dr. Sinclair gently attempted to delve into the emotions and memories
associated with the nightmares, but the memories of his dreams drove
Jonathan to return to his nervous fidgeting.
Dr. Sinclair spoke calmly, “Jonathan, it’s essential to explore the
emotions that the nightmares evoke. Let’s try to understand what your mind
might be trying to communicate through these dreams.”
The session continued, but she was having difficulty getting him to
communicate further, and his posture was returning to his previous rigid
nature. She realized that he was at his limit. As they neared the end of the
hour, she suggested they set up weekly sessions to continue getting to the
root of Jonathan’s troubles.
“It’s a process, Jonathan, not an overnight fix, so you have to be patient
and do the work.”
He begrudgingly nodded before turning and walking out of the office.
She watched him leave and furrowed her brow, hoping he’d keep coming

. . .

Over several weekly sessions, Dr. Sinclair attempted to create a safe and
supportive environment for Jonathan. She was determined to help him
understand the impact of trauma on memory and emotions, and work on
building trust and rapport with him.
Jonathan began to trust Dr. Sinclair, but he wondered how much she
could really help him. He was beginning to feel that the dreams would be
with him forever and that he’d never get his life back.
Jonathan missed his old life. He hadn’t done anything fun in months.
Nothing seemed to exist anymore besides the dreams, and the terror that
invaded his waking hours.
He even missed the university. He was never wild about school and
having classes, but it had felt good working towards a goal, and he had
enjoyed being part of the on-campus fun; playing soccer, and hanging out
with his friends.
All of that had stopped once the nightmares began, and his life was a
shell of its former state. His new life consisted of days and nights that
dragged on with nothing but the TV for company, and alcohol to dull the
anxiety that plagued his days.

. . .

During their sessions, Dr. Sinclair first employed cognitive-behavioral

techniques and dream analysis to try to help Jonathan identify triggers and
potential sources of his nightmares. To deepen the work, she tried to get
him to focus on stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness, and
relaxation exercises to promote better sleep.
Jonathan did his best to follow Dr. Sinclair’s advice. He worked the
stress reduction exercises, which seemed to help a little. He even completed
the written homework she gave him as part of his therapy. None of the
exercises seemed to lessen his dreams, and he couldn’t understand where
this had all started and why he wasn’t getting past it.
After some initial progress towards diminishing his anxiety, Jonathan’s
mood changed for the worse. Despite Dr. Sinclair’s empathetic approach
and commitment to helping him unravel the mysteries of his nightmares,
Jonathan was not improving, and his former anxiety was now being
replaced by depression.
Though they continued to work together, the nightmares continued, and
Jonathan lived in the clutches of the haunting dreams.

. . .

Weeks turned into months. They’d tried several therapy modalities

together to break down his barriers, some to directly access any repressed
memories, and other techniques to help reduce the impact of his current
Nothing so far had broken through his persistent pattern of thinking, and
Dr. Sinclair was anxious that he could go as far as self-harm given his
desperation to stop the nightmares. She believed he was already self-
medicating, though he wouldn’t admit to taking anything.
‘We might have to try something radical’, thought Kate. She hesitated to
use hypnotherapy in her practice because of the risks, but it could be a
useful tool, especially if there was trauma hiding in a patient’s past.
Considering all the options, she thought many times about his condition
before deciding to suggest hypnotherapy. ‘There certainly is the possibility
it could make things worse, but his condition is deteriorating fast, and I’m
worried that if he doesn’t improve, he might end up at the state hospital in
Salem. Maybe it will unlock the secret of his nightmares.’

His current session was almost at an end when she suggested this radical
new approach, causing a surprisingly strong reaction, with such extreme
fear that Dr. Sinclair was stunned. Eyes wide in terror, he gripped the arms
of the chair as if to leave, and it was all she could do to keep him from
bolting from the office.
Rising to stand by the door, she asked him to describe his feelings. She
opened the door slightly as if allowing him to leave, “I can’t make you stay,
Jonathan, but I think you need to continue to process your emotions, and I
can help you with that. Tell me what’s so frightening.”
That seemed to redirect his anxiety and he calmed himself, expressing
his inability to identify why he was so scared. “All I know is that I feel like
something bad will happen if you hypnotize me.”
“Jonathan,” she explained, “I can’t tell you there aren’t any risks. There
are risks associated with many kinds of therapy, but I truly believe that this
will help unlock the source of your nightmares. If you don’t think you can
handle it, then we can put it off and discuss it again later.”
“I’m afraid, doc. I’m not sure I can handle whatever it might unlock, and
I don’t like the thought of losing control,” he said hesitantly. “And there’s
something else. I can’t identify it, but I know I’m not supposed to do this.”
“I’ll be here to guide you through it,” she said in a calming manner,
returning to her seat. “This could be what brings you back from the brink.”
Begrudgingly, he had agreed, and they had set his next appointment. As
she closed the door behind him, she wondered if this would really bring him
the relief he needed, but she knew they had to try something.
She ran her fingers through her auburn locks and sighed in her
frustration. Knowing that Jonathan was in a precarious position created
powerful emotions for the empathetic therapist.
She had spent a lot of time debating his therapy options and his
upcoming appointment during the following week. Now, the night before
the appointment, she considered how much he needed to keep this
appointment and convinced herself that hypnosis was the right way to go.
As she relaxed with her tea, she thought to herself, ‘I hope he’ll show up.’

. . .

Bright swirling lights again surrounded Jonathan, and indistinguishable

shapes bustled about. He had a sense of malicious intent to what was going
on but couldn’t decipher where he was or what was happening. All he knew
was fear, and then, as with every dream, came the searing pain that
immediately woke him up screaming in the night.
Drenched in sweat, he sat rigidly on the edge of his bed, consumed by
the all-too-familiar fear. As the sensations passed, he cried in agony. That
was no way to live, and he was wondering how much more he could take. ‘I
could just take the rest of the pills,’ he thought. ‘That would end it, and I
could finally have peace.’
He didn’t even realize he had picked up the bottle from his bedside
table. These new thoughts were becoming more frequent and more insistent
as days turned into weeks, but despite his desperation and shaking hands, he
put the bottle down and instead walked into the kitchen.
As he poured himself a drink, he curled his hands into fists as he
discovered a sense of resolve. He sat, sipped at his beer, and told himself
that it was time to take Dr. Sinclair seriously. Acknowledging that he was in
a dangerous position, he decided perhaps it was time to do something,
anything, to break out of that pattern.
The more he considered his condition, the more he came to realize that
he trusted Dr. Sinclair and set his mind to keep his appointment for the
hypnotherapy the next day. ‘Could it get any worse?’

. . .

“Oh damn,” Kate muttered. It was fifteen minutes past Jonathan’s

appointment time, and there was still no sign of him. She was worried and
about to turn back into her office when she saw him get off the elevator and
start down the hallway.
His body was rigid, his hands clenched, and he was looking at the floor.
She could hear the scraping of his shoes as he literally dragged his feet
across the carpet walking towards her door. She tried her most supportive
smile and welcomed him into the room. ‘This isn’t going to be easy,’ she
Sensing his anxious desperation, she asked him to sit and try to relax and
suggested that they take a moment before getting to the hypnotherapy.
“How has this week been for you?” she asked.
“I’m tired, but I’m doing okay,” he replied.
It was obvious from his haggard face and the nervous fidgeting with his
clothes that he hadn’t been sleeping, and she could see the lingering fear in
his eyes. She decided to call him out on the falsehood.
“Jonathan, you must tell me if you’re not sleeping. Not sleeping can
affect your mood and even your thinking. It’s important that I know what’s
really going on so I can help you.”
She pressed the issue, but he remained tight-lipped and unresponsive.
‘At least he’s here,’ she thought gratefully. ‘That’s a start.’
After confirming that he still wanted to proceed with the hypnotherapy,
she started to guide him through the techniques she had learned for
progressive relaxation.
To her surprise, she could see the change in his posture immediately. He
was responding well and was melting into a deep state of relaxation.
Once she felt that his focus was heightened, she deepened the relaxation
even more, taking him to a hypnotic state where she knew he would be
more responsive to suggestions. She guided him into a feeling of calm
before asking him to describe the nightmares.
“I see bright swirling lights and figures moving about,” he said,
describing the scene. “I can see that they’re extraterrestrials now.”
Kate’s eyes widened with shock at this new revelation. Regaining her
composure, she asked him to continue.
He then began describing his experiences with the extraterrestrial
beings. He described them as relatively short, with enormous heads,
oversized eyes, and translucent grey skin. Jonathan couldn’t place where he
was, but a metallic smell permeated the air, and it was extremely cold.
The aliens approached, their elongated fingers grasping implements, and
then came the pain.
She knew she had to be careful with her suggestions in order to keep
away from influencing his memories. “Jonathan, you don’t need to focus on
the pain. The pain will subside. Please go on and describe what’s
He continued his story and described sessions of what he called
experiments, which consisted of painful procedures performed on him
while he lay on the table, restrained and helpless.
She tried to guide him in other directions, but he adamantly clung to his
descriptions of these experiences.
As they neared the end of their session together, she gave him the
suggestion that he didn’t need to live in fear and to not focus on the pain.
“It’s okay to remember your nightmare now, Jonathan,” she suggested.
“We will talk about it again. When I count to three, you will wake refreshed
and relaxed. One, two, three.”
As he woke from his hypnotic state, the change in his overall demeanor
was immediate and encouraging. Looking Dr. Sinclair in the eyes, he
calmly expressed his appreciation. “Doc, I’ve got to hand it to you. I feel as
if a weight has been released from my shoulders. Just knowing, finally,
what was in the nightmare is a huge relief.”
“Jonathan, I’m so glad that you are feeling better, but we still have some
work to do. Our time is up for today, but I’m encouraged that we’ll be able
to get you some genuine relief soon.”
As she showed him out, she was reassured that he generally seemed
more relaxed, and she hoped he would start sleeping better. They agreed to
another appointment in a few days to follow up and see how he was doing.
As he left her office, she thought, ‘Where did that come from? Could this
possibly be real, or is it a delusion hiding some deeper trauma? I hope I
can help him get through this and get to the truth.’

. . .
During their next session, he explained that he had slept a few nights and
his daytime fears had significantly diminished, but his stiff posture gave
proof of his continued discomfort. He relayed he was feeling a new sense of
“I’m so concerned, doc,” he declared. “I feel like someone is after me,
and I might get taken again. I don’t want to experience the same things, or
“Jonathan,” she countered. “Nobody is coming for you. We will get to
the root of your fears, but it may take some time. Remember, this is an
ongoing process, and you need to be patient.”
After the appointment, she sat in her office deep in thought, wondering
to herself what was at the root of these visions of alien encounters. He had
been adamant that he had seen them, interacted with them, and was a victim
of alien experiments.
He was very convincing, but she knew she had to keep working with
him to ascertain if there was anything deeper to his experiences.

. . .

Dr. Sinclair worked tirelessly on Jonathan’s case. Over and over, she
read research papers, studies, psychology journals, and any other resources
that came to mind. She wasn’t entirely convinced that his dreams were real,
and her training suggested he had suffered a trauma that he was covering up
with these visions.
The small voice in the back of her mind agreed that they couldn’t be
real, but this voice unveiled her emotional side. ‘If they were real, then what
did that mean? Are we really alone in the universe? That could be
frightening indeed.’
Convinced there must be an answer, she pored over information about
both repressed memories and alien encounters. She worked into the late
hours many nights, almost ignoring her other patients, and was finding
herself distracted during the day, consumed by his case.
They met several more times and each time, Jonathan would relate the
same disturbing story of extraterrestrials, experiments, and pain. During one
visit, he mentioned that his sleep was improving, and he was less fearful
during the day. He seemed relieved, in fact, to have someone to talk to
about his experiences.
She started challenging Jonathan about his dreams and tried to get him
to accept the possibility that something else might be creating these dreams
in his mind; something that needed covering up so desperately that he
would create these vivid stories to avoid having to think about it.
Repeatedly, she encouraged him to talk about his childhood, and about his
family, certain that, if she could find the key, she could end his torment.
Each time she brought it up, he became defensive. “I finally know what
happened, and you want to take it away? These visions are too vivid to be
fabricated, and I’m positive that they’re real.”
She had offered additional hypnotherapy sessions, but he had refused.
He was obviously becoming frustrated with her, and she had to back off
before she pushed him away. She desperately wanted him to keep coming
back. It was a fine line she had to tread to keep him coming back to therapy
while simultaneously trying to chip away at the confidence he had in his
At one point, she noticed the narrative was changing, seemingly trivial
things here and there, but something in the way he communicated the story
was different, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Jonathan
denied any differences and insisted he had the same visions as before.

. . .

Weeks dragged on, and they were making little progress. In fact,
Jonathan was again becoming distraught by the continuing dreams. He
began to feel that he was at the end of his rope.
Kate finally started realizing what was different about his story. He
seemed only marginally focused on the aliens as if something more
important was going on. He could still describe the aliens and his
experiences with them, but he had a distracted, far-off look when he spoke
that hadn’t been there in any of his previous versions.
She began thinking that the change in Jonathan’s expression was
evidence that there might be something else behind the nightmares, and she
was determined to unlock the secret of what had actually happened to him.
It had to happen now before he did something drastic.
She pushed him about the changes that were unfolding as he recounted
his story but could not get him to acknowledge that there might be
something else happening.
“Jonathan, we need to find the underlying cause of your nightmares. I
believe something might be driving them, perhaps something that happened
to you that is making you have these vivid dreams instead of dealing with
the reality of what may have occurred.”
“Doc, I’m telling you, I don’t think there’s anything there to find.
Everything about my childhood was normal and I don’t think there’s
anything to explore. I had these alien encounters, and nobody is going to
tell me otherwise.”
She suggested again that maybe he might benefit from another
hypnotherapy session, just to clarify his story and get a better understanding
of it. She resolutely explained about suppressed trauma, but he repeatedly
denied that he had ever experienced anything unusual as a child. His
crossed arms indicated his anger at the suggestion that what he remembered
from his dreams wasn’t real.
It surprised her when he finally agreed to undergo hypnosis again, and
they went their separate ways; he thinking that he would finally convince
her, and she thinking she would finally discover the story behind the
Jonathan had become more confident in his memories and thought Dr.
Sinclair just wasn’t listening. The more he dreamed the dreams, the more he
came to believe them and trusted that these experiences were real.
He started having new thoughts. ‘Maybe it’s time I stop therapy, but first,
I have to prove to Dr. Sinclair that this is real. She can hypnotize me again,
and this time I’ll show her.’

Dr. Kate Sinclair, while a consummate model of professionalism, still

enjoyed getting out into nature, which was part of what had drawn her to
Raised in Ohio, she had naturally attended The Ohio State University
while spending her summers on nearby Buckeye Lake which gave her a
fondness for the outdoors and especially aqueous environments.
Oregon’s Silver Falls turned out to be a great hiking spot and was only
about a half hour from her home. After settling into her new environment,
she started going there regularly. Since she had spent many summers at her
lake in Ohio, she was similarly drawn to nearby Detroit Lake, a haven for
boating and other watersports.
She had just come back from a rejuvenating hike up to the falls when
she heard the phone ring. She answered it, but no one was on the line.
“Who would even have this number?” she asked aloud, surprised by the
phantom call. Her statement caused her to reflect on her current state. With
a natural ability to connect with people from all walks of life, it surprised
her how much time she spent alone these days.
She sighed, stopped to ponder why that was, and thought about her
family at home. She missed them, despite growing up in a toxic household
rife with emotional abuse. The final straw was their rejection when she
came out to them in high school, but part of her still wanted to be part of a
family even if hers had fallen short of her expectations.
At the time, she couldn’t wait to get away. and as soon as possible, she
had entered the university. The transition to university life made leaving
home easier, with friends and colleagues that had constantly surrounded her.
Yet despite the plethora of companionship, she failed to develop any lasting
friendships, or relationships.
Her university life led her further away to Illinois, and resulted in her
joining a practice in the hustle and bustle of the big city that was Chicago.
She didn’t miss those hectic days and, wanting to get back to nature, she
had headed west. Lured by tales of the Pacific Northwest, she found that
she flourished in this new environment but just hadn’t made many friends
She’d had a few relationships along the way, but nothing had stuck.
Having run away from the toxic environment at home, she had developed
an unfortunate pattern of distancing herself from relationship issues when
they arose.
Her decision to open her own practice had been risky, especially so early
in her career. It took months to build up a client base, and she nearly lost the
business when the pandemic hit. She managed to get by with temporary
telemedicine work with a few of her regular patients. As her practice
rebounded, she had happened upon the case of Mr. Harper and his

. . .

The day started much like any other, and Kate had a full schedule of
appointments. She was hoping she hadn’t pushed Jonathan too hard, and
that she hadn’t driven him away.
As she said goodbye to her second to last patient of the day, it surprised
her to see Jonathan stride into the room, almost eager to be there. Gone was
the hesitant shuffling gait and rigid posture. He marched straight into the
room and defiantly took a seat without even waiting to be greeted. ‘I
wonder what that’s all about?’ she pondered. She silently took her own seat
across from him and waited for him to speak first.
“I want you to know,” he said confidently, “I’ve been thinking about
these sessions, and I think I’m going to call it quits.”
She gave him a look designed to express her level of concern. “But
you’re only just starting to get your life back together,” she blurted. “You
would more than likely benefit from some additional time together. We can
work out some additional issues that may be bothering you.” As she
continued, she could tell she was getting to him, and he briefly looked away
casting his gaze towards the floor.
“Look,” he said wearily, “I’ll do one more session of hypnosis, but that’s
it. I’m tired of telling you about my ordeals and you not believing me. I
think I can prove that it’s real.”
She was profoundly relieved to at least have this one more chance to
uncover more of his story. Perhaps today was the day for a breakthrough.
She sincerely hoped so.
As they started the process, she found it more difficult to get him to
relax. She decided to alter her progressive relaxation technique to add a
visual component for him to fixate on and asked him to focus on a pencil.
He complied as she twirled the pencil in her fingers and spoke softly. She
continued and he was finally beginning to relax.
As before, she guided him into a deeply relaxed phase, and then further
down into a hypnotic state. This time, she attempted to get him to talk about
his upbringing, but he persisted in talking about the aliens. ‘This must be it,’
she thought. ‘The reason he’s deflecting from his childhood is because
something happened to him.’
As she listened to him continue on about his experiences with the
extraterrestrials, she noticed something unusual about his story. The theme
was the same: the bright lights, the probes, the tools, and the aliens were all
still there, but he started to describe something else. She asked him to
describe the scene in detail.
“I can see the aliens,” he stated. “They’re small, about four feet tall, with
big heads and really large eyes. They don’t have any hair, and their skin is
shiny, almost like a dolphin’s skin. It smells funny in the room, an almost
metallic scent, and it’s chilly in there, cold enough that I can see the mist
from my breath.”
That was all consistent with his early descriptions of the events. The
consistency bothered her and made the dream seem more real. She wanted
to try one more time before she could believe that what he was saying was
“Jonathan, I want you to concentrate on something besides the aliens.
Tell me about the people in your life.”
“I can see people too,” he replied. “They’re in the room too. I think
they’re with the research team.”
“What people, Jonathan? What research? Tell me about the people. Did
they do anything to you?”
“The people in the scrubs are hurting me. The medical people are doing
things to me, painful things, but I can’t get away. I can still see the aliens,
but they don’t seem to notice the medical team. I’m sweating now because
of the pain, and I can’t stop screaming.”
Dr. Sinclair felt a sense of dread as he calmly described this newly
altered scene. She didn’t know what to do or what to think about this odd
new information, but it made her unexpectedly uneasy. She brought him out
of his trance without making any suggestions other than to share this new
information with no one.
With time having run out for that day’s session, she reluctantly said
goodbye to Jonathan hoping that they could discuss this new information
soon. As he left, she instructed him to call if he needed anything, and she
gave him a reminder card for his next appointment on Tuesday.

. . .

Jonathan went home to his empty house. He was confused and wondered
over and over what these additional details meant. Was this really an old
trauma from his past or did the people have something to do with the
aliens? He knew he couldn’t figure it out on his own, and now his
excitement grew for his next therapy session. He was beginning to believe
that recovery was possible, and that they were close to a solution to the
constant nightmares.
He picked up his phone and dialed Dr. Sinclair’s office number. He
hesitated when she didn’t pick up the line but was determined to move
forward and left a message on her machine.
“Dr. Sinclair, it’s Jonathan. I hope you get this message. Listen, I think I
remember something about a research study I signed up for before the
nightmares began. I’d like to come in Monday so we can discuss it. Let me
know what time and I’ll meet you at your office.”
Jonathan was unaware that Dr. Sinclair wasn’t the only one interested in
his nightmares.

. . .

The technician put down his headset and walked into his supervisor’s
office. This was one of several monitoring stations employed by the Federal
Security Agency to monitor phone calls across the country searching for
suspicious keywords that could indicate a national security threat.
This particular technician had been tasked with monitoring a specific set
of individuals; individuals that were unaware that their lives were in
“I’ve been monitoring the call analyzer, and I think we have a problem.
Some of the keywords keep popping up for Mr. Harper. He’s been calling
and leaving messages for a therapist. I’ve pulled up one of the recordings
for you so you can listen.”
The supervisor picked up the headset and listened to the recording. He
instructed the tech to leave and picked up the desk phone. He hesitated to
dial, knowing the likely outcome for Mr. Harper, but knew the
consequences would be worse if he didn’t make the call. “We have a
situation,” he reported. “Mr. Harper has a new therapist, and she’s using
hypnotherapy with him. He’s starting to remember.”

. . .

The woman hung up the line and looked up the address for Mr. Harper.
Having been read in on the situation by her superior, she knew what she
needed to do. ‘I hope Mr. Harper is up for a visitor,’ she laughed. ‘I’d better
hurry before this goes any further, and then I can attend to his therapist.’

As she drove home, Dr. Sinclair tried to process what she had heard. ‘But
which is real, and which is the delusion?’ she wondered. She started to feel
a little paranoid. ‘If there’s any possibility that it could be real, then this is
staggering,’ she thought. This was something she wanted to talk to
someone about, but who could she trust?
It was late and as she walked through her door, she was surprised to hear
the phone ringing. She frowned at the intrusion into her quiet home before
grumbling aloud. “Oh, I’m just not home yet.” She waited for the message
machine to pick up the call, and surprise etched her face when she heard the
police on the line.
“This is Dr. Sinclair,” she squawked as she interrupted the machine. “I
just stepped in. What can I help you with?” The officer introduced herself
and asked if she knew a Jonathan Harper. She slowly replied that she did
and asked what was wrong.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, ma’am,” the officer replied. “It
appears that Mr. Harper has killed himself. He had an appointment card
from your office in his wallet. Has he been struggling with anything that
could have contributed to suicide?” she asked.
Her eyes widened with shock, and her hands began shaking as she was
stunned into silence. She slowly sank into the seat near the phone and, after
composing herself, she reluctantly answered. “I’m sorry, I can’t violate
doctor-patient confidentiality. He’s been in therapy for several months, but
that’s really all that I can tell you. May I ask what happened?”
“Ma’am, I can’t reveal the details of an ongoing investigation. Is there
anything else you want to tell me?” the officer asked.
“No, there’s really nothing else to say,” she replied and hoped that was
the end of it. For some inexplicable reason, she had an unexpected feeling
of mistrust towards that officer and disbelief in the whole situation. The
officer’s brusque tone seemed to indicate that she wasn’t altogether
interested in the cause of the suicide.
“Are you certain there isn’t anything you’d like to add?” asked the
officer. “Was there anything he might have said that seemed unusual? Have
you discussed his case with anyone else?” She struggled to formulate an
answer thinking the questions seemed out of place. The officer became
uncomfortably silent for a few moments before finally hanging up the
phone without another word.
Her suspicions were getting the best of her. “That call felt odd, as if this
week could get any worse.” Then the gravity of the news took hold. She
reflected back to Jonathan and wondered about the direction his therapy had
gone. “Oh my god, I can’t believe he did that. Why now? I had such hopes
that we were getting somewhere,” she whispered. Too stunned to grieve,
she focused her attention on the phone call. She began to feel a strange
sense of suspicion about that officer but couldn’t figure out why. ‘I just lost
a patient, and I’m obviously upset, and quite understandably so,’ she told
herself, trying to explain away her feelings.

. . .
The woman hung up the line and surveyed the scene before her. She was
a professional, and well versed in staging an accidental death. Suicides were
more difficult though and required a more meticulous attention to detail.
As she rechecked her results, she was satisfied that everything in the
room would be very convincing, and that few questions would be asked by
the police. After all, he was known to be in therapy, and the assumption of
suicide would be an easy conclusion to make.
If only she’d been able to get some information from Dr. Sinclair. That
would have made things much simpler. Now, she didn’t know the doctor’s
level of involvement, and may have to assume the worst. She thought about
the consequences of her involvement, ‘If she’s told anyone, then they’ll all
have to be dealt with, but maybe I can find some evidence of who else could
be involved. Then maybe this time, it can be an accident.’

. . .

Kate took time to let herself grieve for Jonathan. He was a nice guy, and
she had gotten to know him very well during their sessions together. ‘What
could I have done differently?’ she asked herself. ‘Could I have prevented
this somehow?’ Kate had never lost a patient before and was in shock at the
suddenness of his passing. Simultaneously, she was suffering pangs of guilt.
Maybe she could have done more or approached his case in a different way.
An hour passed, and she had a sudden urge to be elsewhere. Restless,
she grabbed her keys and headed for her car, trying to get her mind off the
Harper case.
Not knowing where she was going, she put her brain on autopilot and
just drove. She found herself at the college, of all places, and since libraries
were one of her comfort places while in school, she went in hoping to relax
a bit in that reassuring and familiar environment.
Willowbrook College in Salem sported a beautiful campus adorned with
willow trees and tranquil gardens. It provided an inspiring atmosphere
where students could explore its many programs and develop a deep
appreciation for the natural world.
As she walked among the stacks of books, Kate absorbed the smells of
the pages before sinking into a couch in the corner of the room. It was
peaceful and quiet, so she took off her shoes and curled her feet up on the
couch beside her.
There was a book on the table next to her, and she idly picked it up,
wondering what it was. It was a rather heavy book about gardening, which
was something she had attempted from time to time, but plants were not her
friends, at least not indoor plants. “They just don’t tell you when they need
something,” she muttered, flashing a grin. “Thank God for gardeners.”
She was starting to relax until someone suddenly sat down in the chair
across from her. She nodded at the stranger but secretly hoped they would
go back to wherever they came from.
“Aren’t you Dr. Sinclair?” the interloper asked.
She tried to manage a friendly smile and replied, “Yes, do I know you?”
“Oh, no,” the stranger answered. “I just recognized you from your
She laughed and said, “That’s weird. I didn’t think anyone had ever read
“My name is Samantha, Dr. Samantha Mitchell,” said the stranger,
putting her feet up on the coffee table between them. She was dressed in a
casual button up shirt and cargo shorts, giving the appearance that she was
going on a hike. Kate found that she liked the rugged persona very much.
Dr. Samantha Mitchell was taller than Kate and had a relaxed, confident
bearing. Samantha’s arms were draped casually across the top of the chair,
and Kate noted how muscular they were. She found that she was struggling
not to stare. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but perhaps her intense
reaction was the result of some connection to her past. ‘Maybe she reminds
me of someone. Could that be why I feel flustered? Maybe I should get to
know her and find out. It might be worth stepping out of my comfort zone.’
Samantha looked at the gardening book and joked, “I’ve always
struggled with indoor plants. They don’t tell you when they need
something”. Kate laughed at the shared thought and began to feel more at
Kate was fascinated by Dr. Mitchell’s broad, welcoming smile and
twinkling blue eyes “So, what do you do, Samantha?” she asked.
“I’m a biological researcher,” was her casual reply.
“Oh, that’s quite interesting,” said Kate, leaning forward. “I loved
biology but opted for studying psychology. Mind over matter,” she smiled.
Samantha casually replied, “I’ve always been fascinated by animal
They laughed together. “And everyone that knows me calls me Sam,”
she winked. She leaned forward placing her forearms on her thighs before
continuing, “I really did read your book. I appreciated your thoughts about
loss and grief. I had lost someone, and your insights were helpful in
working through the feelings.”
“That means a lot to me,” Kate replied. “Loss can be a difficult
process…” The recent loss of her patient came to mind and her eyes teared
at the sudden flood of emotions.
Sam wandered over to the couch and settled in next to Kate, placing her
arm across the couch above Kate’s shoulders. Kate was brought out of her
memories by the boldness of the move and blushed in response.
“If you’d rather be alone, I’d understand.” Sam offered, gazing directly
into Kate’s eyes.
“No, I’m fine. I’ve just had an emotional week and I guess it got to me.”
Kate smiled back at her, confused by her swirling emotions.
“Is there anything I can do? Do you want to tell me about it? I’m a pretty
good listener.”
“It’s just work stuff. Really, I’m fine.”
“Ok, just know I’m here. I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress,” she said,
flashing a grin.
Sam’s husky voice and physical closeness had a calming effect on Kate’s
mood, and she breathed deeply as she relaxed back against the couch. She
smiled back at the joke.
Kate gazed fondly into Sam’s bright blue eyes and tentatively asked,
“Are you my knight in shining armor?” She nearly held her breath waiting
on the answer and hoping she hadn’t taken it too far.
“If you’d like,” came Sam’s welcome reply.
Kate made note of the huskiness of Sam’s voice. ‘Oh dear, what have I
gotten myself into? She’s doing some serious flirting, and I don’t know if I’m
ready to try again, especially with the week I’ve had.’
Sam continued, her voice getting deeper, “I’m sorry you’ve had a rough
week, but I’m very glad it brought you here. Do you read a lot?”
Kate melted at the tone of Sam’s voice, and she leaned in almost
imperceptibly. She noted the way Sam’s short, dark locks accentuated her
strong cheekbones, and couldn’t deny that she was very attracted to this
woman. “I love books. I started reading voraciously at an early age. How
about you? What do you do for fun?”
Sam smiled crookedly, gazing intently into Kate’s eyes as if suggesting
that Kate already knew of some fun they could have together. Kate blushed
again as Sam responded, “I do like to read, but I prefer the outdoors. I love
nothing better than getting out into the woods and exploring.”
Kate couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so quickly and
completely captivated by someone. She was tired of keeping herself
isolated from a deep connection, and Sam seemed worth the risk. ‘This
could be something really meaningful,’ she thought.
She listened intently as Sam recounted her upbringing amidst the
towering forests of the Pacific Northwest, and her eyes lit up with a shared
affinity for the untamed wilderness. “How far north have you been?”
With a faraway smile, Sam’s voice carried the bliss of fond memories
and distant adventures. “I’ve been to Alaska many times including the
North Sea. I’ve also been to England and the beautiful Canadian wilds, but
most of my travels are in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest. How
about you? Have you done much traveling?”
“Not really. I’ve been so focused on school, then moving across country,
then starting a practice. There always seemed to be something going on, but
I do enjoy getting out into nature. That’s what brought me west.”
“That sounds intense. I can see why travel wouldn’t be on your list of
priorities. Tell me about your work.” Sam replied. She studied Kate’s face,
seemingly absorbed by Kate’s words.
Kate’s lips, formerly taught with the day’s tension, relaxed and began to
smile genuinely, and her mood brightened to match the brightness of Sam’s
eyes. Her stiff posture relaxed, and she had begun to lean in further towards
Sam as she talked. “There’s not a lot to tell. My studies were interesting,
and I meet a lot of fascinating people in my practice. The work can be
challenging but it’s quite rewarding. Do you find your work challenging? I
would imagine that research can have so many different avenues.”
Sam began to speak of her school and work, and her energetic nature
dimmed. She stated that she had hated her time at the crowded-feeling
university, despite the fascinating nature of her biological studies. As she
spoke of her laboratory, her knowledge and talents were apparent, but her
vigor diminished and her formerly broad smile became tense and eventually
“The part of the project I was working on was about pain management,
but I felt like I needed a break.” She seemed reluctant to discuss it further
and Kate didn’t press.
Kate guessed that Sam was only a few years her senior and her toes
curled in appreciation as she enjoyed the chat, and the view. Kate was
enamored of those eyes and Sam’s broad, easy smile. They seemed to open
the door to Kate’s heart and plant a seed that bloomed as the conversation
Not wanting to discuss work, Sam changed subjects. “Did you have a
big family?”
Kate paused, hesitant to go on.
“What’s wrong, Kate?”
“I don’t like to talk about my family. It was a bad situation, and I don’t
like to think about it.”
“I’m sorry,” said Sam, moving her arm to Kate’s shoulders. “I shouldn’t
have pried.”
“Oh, no. It’s me. I shouldn’t let them have any power over me anymore,
but years of emotional abuse can be difficult to overcome. I suppose that’s
why I became a psychologist, to help others develop better ways to manage
Sam hugged her close. “Thank you for telling me. It means a lot that you
would share something this personal with me. I feel honored.”
Kate’s eyes welled with tears as she looked into Sam’s eyes. What she
saw there was unadulterated understanding and compassion. She wiped
away her tears and snuggled in closer to Sam on the couch. “I’m sorry, I
guess it’s still tough to talk about.”
“Well, I’ll tell you my situation,” Sam offered. “I grew up in the foster
system. I found a forever family eventually, but it was a long road to get
there. The couple that adopted me had no other kids so, even though I’d
found a family, I still felt lonely.”
Kate listened intently as Sam continued. She was surprised at herself for
opening up like she did, but she was glad she had taken a risk on Sam. She
slid her arm beneath Sam’s and clung to her arm, confirming how muscular
it was. She was attentive to Sam’s dialogue and looked up at her as she
Sam went on, “They were wonderful people, and I loved them very
much, but I always wanted a big family when I was a kid. It’s funny, most
of my time these days is spent alone, but now I enjoy it. I love getting out
into the woods alone and feeling the energy of a place.”
Kate was really relaxing after her odd day until she realized the time. “I
wish it wasn’t so late,” she lamented. “I have patients all day tomorrow.”
“That’s the good thing about being on a break from the university,” said
Sam, placing a hand on Kate’s thigh, “I can deal with things on my own
Kate practically stuttered at Sam’s touch, “At least let me give you my
number before I run away.”
The physical connection created a spark of electricity that coursed
through Kate’s body giving her goosebumps. She almost swooned at the
intensity of the feeling.
“I’d like that, Kate.”
“Oh, I have an idea,” Kate managed to stammer. “There’s a beautiful
hiking trail at Silver Falls, not far from here. If you’re free, we could go on
Sam replied enthusiastically, “I’d love to go. What time do you want to
They decided to meet at the falls on Sunday morning at 10 am.
After they exchanged numbers, Kate stood to leave, and Sam joined her.
The mutual attraction between them was evident as their cheeks flushed and
their eyes dilated. Kate’s fear got the better of her and she timidly
stammered, “I’m afraid I have to go.”
They awkwardly said their goodnights, and Kate drove off alone into the
lonely night, but she didn’t want to be alone. ‘God, what’s wrong with me?’
she wondered. ‘I should have let her kiss me. Oh, what am I thinking? I’ve
got way too much going on to get involved in a romance, but oh my, those

. . .

Sunday turned out to be a very pleasant day, with cool temperatures and
copious amounts of sunshine.
Kate had gone back and forth about what to wear and finally decided on
a rather short pair of shorts with her favorite zip-up top that she left zipped
down. She fussed endlessly with her hair before deciding to let it loose
instead of the customary ponytail she employed for hiking. After much
consideration, she opted to forgo makeup, not wanting to appear too eager
or too desperate.
Kate and Sam met in the parking lot before heading up towards the falls.
Sam’s intense blue eyes twinkled in the morning light. Kate found that her
heart was racing when she saw Sam, and her face flushed upon seeing that
broad smile. Sam had gone up the trail first, but Kate didn’t mind since she
was having a good time watching the view in front of her.
Sam slipped at one point, making Kate gasp, but Sam righted herself
against a tree, then turned to Kate and smiled.
“I guess I should pay more attention to where I’m going,” she said.
“Maybe you should lead for a while.”
Kate reluctantly agreed, but secretly hoped Sam would be the one
enjoying the view in return. Having opted for the trail of ten falls, they were
thoroughly enjoying the amazing scenery they were passing.
The trail was a stunning collection of waterfalls with four over one
hundred feet tall, making them some of the most impressive in the Pacific
Northwest. The most famous waterfall in the park was South Falls, a
breathtaking cascade that allowed visitors to walk behind the curtain of
water for an awe-inspiring experience.
Damp from the mist of the falls, Sam indicated that they should take a
quick break. As they rested against the ancient trees, fern-covered cliffs, and
moss-draped landscape, Kate pulled out a surprise from her pack. She
remembered that Sam had mentioned loving wasabi almonds, and Kate had
gone to the store specifically to pick up a can. Touched by the gesture, Sam
grinned, her eyes sparkling with the reflection of the falls nearby.
“I can’t believe you remembered that,” she stated, beaming with
appreciation at the thoughtfulness.
They shared the treat quietly before Kate shyly said, “I’ve seen more
than one natural wonder today.”
Sam reached out to grasp Kate’s hands. Kate swooned at the intensity of
Sam’s eyes, her heart pounding. She tingled with anticipation as the
physical connection between them lingered. Kate hesitated ever so slightly
but let herself be swept away in the moment as Sam pulled Kate in close,
wrapping her wonderfully muscled arms around Kate’s waist before leaning
her head down and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.
Not wanting to move forward too far too fast, Kate bashfully looked
away as they parted, but reached for Sam’s hand in an attempt to prolong
the connection between them.
“This has turned into quite a day,” Kate uttered, nearly breathless from
the kiss.
Sam caressed her cheek and brushed the hair from Kate’s eyes before
taking her hand and kissing the palm. Kate’s body tingled as Sam looked
down into her eyes. Kate’s intense attraction to Sam was deepening, and her
heart soared after that kiss; a kiss that thrilled her to her core. The
passionate feelings released by the kiss scared her closed-off self, which
was becoming less dominant the more she got to know Sam.
Groups of hikers came through on the trail, and they reluctantly decided
to continue on, wanting to leave the park before it got too late or too
As Kate drove away in her green Subaru wagon, she surprised herself, ‘I
could really fall for her.’

The next morning, as Kate drove in to work, she was in a not-too-

surprisingly good mood. The radio played one of her favorite songs and she
found herself humming along, basking in the feeling of new romance. As
she approached her office, she barely noticed the open door. As she stepped
through the open doorway, the unexpected scene struck her eyes and her
mood suddenly changed.
She dropped her things to the floor, shock deflating her formerly good
mood. Gazing about the room, mouth open, she took in the sight of
notebooks scattered about the floor. It took her some time to come to grips
with the reality of her surroundings, and she finally picked up a few odds
and ends as she explored the damage. There didn’t seem to be anything
missing at least, but her notebooks had clearly been gone through. She
noted the open drawers of her desk and thanked her lucky stars that she
always kept her laptop with her instead of leaving it at the office.
‘What on earth is going on this week?’
She approached the phone to call the police and noticed the message
machine was blinking. Stopping to listen to her messages, surprise
registered on her face upon hearing that the police had left a message asking
to speak with her as soon as possible. She turned off the machine without
hearing the rest of her messages.
‘It must have been about Jonathan,’ she surmised. She was about to call
them back and report the robbery when she reflected on her earlier
awkward call about Jonathan with the unknown officer. ‘Why didn’t I ask
for her name, and how had she gotten my home number anyway?’ she
She heard a knock at the front door and jumped. She collected herself
and went to answer it. Two uniformed officers stood there which gave her
the shivers. “Uh, what can I do for you, officers?” she asked, nervously
twisting her hair and glancing back and forth between them.
“May we come in?” asked the female officer, seeming to take the lead.
Kate noted that her badge said “Martinez.” She was shorter than Kate, but
obviously knew how to take care of herself. Her companion stood in the
background, listening to them talk and taking notes.
“Of course,” Kate said, stepping aside to let them in. “In fact, I was just
about to call the police because my office was broken into. I just got here
The officers walked around the office, inspecting the damage.
“Does anything seem to be missing?”
“No, my notebooks are all over, almost like they’ve been read, but
everything seems to be here. What brings you here this morning?”
“Ma’am, do you know a Jonathan Harper?” said officer Martinez.
“Yes, Mr. Harper was a patient of mine.”
Kate noted a puzzled look on the officer’s face and suddenly realized
that she’d said ‘was’ regarding Jonathan. Not wanting to tell them about the
odd call, she hoped that they wouldn’t bring it up.
“I’m sorry to say that Mr. Harper killed himself last night,” the officer
stated in a sympathetic tone.
Kate stared at the two officers, not speaking. Her head reeled at the
contradictions between the earlier phone call and the current visit. After a
few moments, she finally replied in a choked voice. “I don’t understand.
What happened?” She felt the beginning of paranoia creep into her thoughts
and again wondered about the earlier call.
Officer Martinez continued, “It appears that he shot himself. We’re still
investigating, but there doesn’t appear to be anything that’s making us
suspicious at this point. He had this card from your office in his pocket.”
She handed Kate the card and waited for her to reply.
Kate stared for several moments at the card and thought about their last
session. Seeing the card in her hand made the reality of the situation hit
home. Her suspicions melted into sadness and shock that he was gone and
her eyes teared again at the loss of her patient.
“Ma’am, is there anything you can tell us that might explain why he
would want to hurt himself?”
Kate thought for a moment, unsure of how to respond. She was fidgeting
with her hair, a nervous habit of hers, and it took her a while to answer.
“I’m not quite sure,” she replied. “We were close to making a
breakthrough in his therapy. In fact, I had just met with him the other day.
I’m afraid I can’t tell you much more without violating doctor-patient
confidentiality. I just can’t believe he was that desperate. Maybe I should
have caught some clue that he was thinking about harming himself. I just
don’t know.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I know this must be upsetting. Did he mention
having any family?”
Kate shook her head slowly. “He told me he was alone. Did he leave a
note?” she asked.
“No, ma’am. It’s not common but sometimes there isn’t one to be found.
That doesn’t mean he didn’t try to communicate with someone in a different
way, but there was nothing found with the body.”
Kate recoiled at having her patient described as ‘the body.’ She couldn’t
get over the fact that she’d just seen him, and he had seemed like his usual
The officer interrupted her thoughts. “We’ll send a team down to dust
your office for prints and see if we can find out who did this to your office.”
As the officers left, Kate didn’t know what to do with herself or what to
think. She gathered her thoughts and decided that the first order of business
was to call her patients for the day and reschedule their appointments.
Once that was done, she was left alone with her thoughts. The paranoia
was creeping back into her consciousness. ‘Who was the ‘officer’ that had
called me Saturday then, and how did she have my home number? Maybe
I’m being overly paranoid,’ she thought, ‘but something isn’t adding up
quite right.’ The thought frightened her, and she looked around the office as
if someone might still be there. ‘But why would anyone want to go through
my office or my notes?’

. . .

After the fingerprint team had gone, she was alone in her office,
contemplating the work to make it presentable. As she started to clean, she
again thought back about Jonathan. He’d been on her mind constantly since
learning of his suicide. He was such a nice guy, and she felt they were
finally about to make solid progress. Surprisingly, she found that she was
now believing in him and his story, but what could have happened to make
him go over the edge like that?
Thinking about Jonathan changed her mood from one of nervous energy
to regret. She still wondered if she could have done something different to
help him.
She continued to clean up and tidy the office until it had the illusion of
clean. “That’ll work,” she muttered. “Now, what to do to keep my mind off
things for the rest of the day?”
Her hand had gone unbidden into her pocket, and she fished out the
phone number for Sam. She hesitated as she reached for her phone. ‘What
am I, sixteen?’ she asked herself. She dialed the phone, and after a couple of
rings, she was relieved to hear Sam’s husky voice on the line.
“Hi Kate, I was hoping you’d call.”
Hearing Sam’s voice melted away the turmoil of her emotions. They
chatted for almost an hour, talking like old friends, and decided to go out
for dinner later that same night.
Despite such a pleasant chat, part of Kate’s mind was still unsettled.
Conflicting emotions eddied through her thoughts. As she walked back to
her car, she couldn’t understand why Mr. Harper would kill himself just
when he was on the brink of making a breakthrough.
Then she remembered the details of their last session, and she stopped
dead in her tracks. ‘What on earth could he have meant about seeing people
in his dream,’ she wondered. ‘Could that be evidence of a real trauma that
was being masked by his dreams? Maybe that could have been what pushed
him over the edge? Or was he telling me the literal truth? I’m really
starting to think it’s the latter.’
Determined not to let it go, she headed back to the library. ‘What I need
is some in-depth research,’ she decided. She poured through research papers
and articles in psychology journals about night terrors, extraterrestrial
encounter stories, and back to repressed memories but wasn’t finding what
she was looking for. “Well, I should have known it wouldn’t be easy to find
anything similar,” she muttered.
After several hours, she slumped in her chair dejectedly. She was ready
to call it quits for the day, when she unexpectedly came across a curious
article from a local newspaper from a small town in Oregon. It described
the account of a man called Hank James, who claimed to have seen
extraterrestrials that had similarly done experiments on him. Dr. Sinclair
perked up at this and furiously searched for additional articles on Mr.
James, finally coming across a journal article referencing his name. The
article stated that he too, had sought psychotherapy but had quit suddenly.
She continued the search for additional newspaper and journal
information on this similar case, but the next newspaper article gripped her
with shock and a feeling of panic. Mr. James had also killed himself. She
was becoming frightened now about her case with Mr. Harper and was
developing a heightened sense of anxiety.
Looking around behind her, she felt exposed, as if she was being
watched, alone there in the library. She glanced at the time and realized she
needed to make tracks if she was going to meet Sam on time, and she
definitely wanted to be on time.
‘I’m just getting carried away,’ she thought. ‘I’m sure, for people that
have horrible night terrors, there is some amount of suicide risk.’ Still, it
unsettled her, and she didn’t like coincidences. ‘I need to snap out of this,’
she thought, ‘I have a date tonight!’
The anticipation lightened her mood as she thought about Sam. Sam had
a rugged outdoorsy-ness to her that captivated Kate. She was musing about
her own set of outdoor skills, and how Sam could probably teach her a thing
or two, as she ran out to her car.

. . .

Meeka Sushi was a small, out-of-the-way place in Salem with a few

tables, even fewer booths, and a bar where you could sit and watch the
sushi travel around on little wooden boats. The dim lighting in the dining
room enhanced the view for patrons to watch the chefs prepare their artistic
Kate had always enjoyed this place and hoped that Sam would as well.
Sam was there with her big, welcoming smile, which brightened Kate’s
hazel eyes. The restaurant hummed with the sound of a crowd of people,
but they managed to find a booth. They spent a considerable amount of time
making small talk and gazing fondly at each other. Before they knew it,
thirty minutes had passed, and, having finally looked over the menu, they
decided to share some sushi rolls and tempura.
They continued the small talk until the food arrived, the polite waitress
carefully placing the trays at the center of the table.
“I love that they put cream cheese in these,” Sam mumbled while
starting on a sushi roll. “Have you been to this restaurant before?”
Kate nodded her head and smiled, trying to hide the mouthful of
tempura broccoli she’d just grabbed. “This is so good,” she replied after
finishing her morsel.
“I can’t believe how much I’ve had,” Sam commented, patting her
stomach for emphasis.
“It’s always this delicious,” Kate confirmed, intrigued by the visual of
Sam’s toned abdomen visible through her shirt. “Now I’m going to have to
work off these calories,” she said, laughing.
Sam looked her straight in the eyes and grinned slyly as if to say she
knew how that could be accomplished. Kate blushed at the look, and her
heart pounded with the thought of what that might lead to, hoping that it
would be in the immediate future.
They talked well into the night, sharing family stories, discussing books
and hobbies, and sometimes talking about nothing much at all.
Kate was undeniably interested in Sam but found that Sam didn’t talk
much about herself. She loved to talk about her time in the Pacific
Northwest but didn’t offer many personal details.
Determined to get learn more about this enigmatic woman, Kate asked
her point-blank about her past.
Sam looked pensive before slowly opening up about her past. “It’s not
much of a story,” she finally said. “My adoptive parents were incredibly
supportive when I told them I’m gay, and they helped me through the
confusing and difficult time of contacting my birth mother.”
“When was that?” Kate asked.
“Senior year in high school. It was even more complicated than the
teenage drama I went through, especially being gay. When I finally did talk
to my birth mother, she explained how she had been young when she had
me and didn’t think she could take care of a child at her age. It still kind of
bothers me.”
Kate sympathized and squeezed her hand. Sam became quiet, not
offering any additional details, and Kate let it go. She related her story of
coming out to her parents and how difficult that had been. “My mother and
I never got along, and when I came out to my family, that put the nail in the
coffin between us.”
Sam squeezed her hand in return. “Oh, Kate, that must have been awful.
But if things hadn’t rolled out the way they did, you wouldn’t be who you
are now, and maybe you wouldn’t have come to this area. I guess I’m being
selfish, but I’m glad it worked out the way it did.”
Kate smiled and reached across the table to grasp Sam’s other hand.
Sensing the connection between her and Sam, she understood how well it
all had worked out, especially now.
“How many relationships have you had?” asked Sam.
“I’ve had a few relationships in the past, but none that I would call super
serious,” Kate explained. “Maybe a year was the longest.” She sighed and
looked off into the distance, reliving the sorrow over her breakups.
Kate thought about them with regret. She had believed that the
relationships were going well each time. Then, inevitably, something would
happen that would drive her away. ‘Maybe I’m too skittish,’ she thought. ‘I
don’t want to let my fears get in the way and blow it with Sam.’
“Maybe I just haven’t met the right woman yet,” Kate offered
Sam hadn’t noticed Kate’s flirtatious comment and seemed lost in
thought, staring into her glass. “I had a serious one not that long ago. We
were together for five years before we broke up suddenly. It was pretty
horrible. I left Washington as soon as it was over and came down here.”
It obviously pained her to discuss it, so Kate left it alone and didn’t press
for details. She tried to change the conversation. “I’m glad you moved
down here.”
“I am too. That’s all in the past, and the present is much more exciting,”
Sam said, kissing Kate’s hand.
The sensual touch caused Kate to blush and sent a thrill through her
Sam continued, “I am really enjoying getting to know you. I don’t want
to jinx it, but I already feel like we have something special.”
Kate suddenly looked down shyly, and when she looked up, she gazed
deeply into Sam’s eyes. “I feel the same way. I feel so comfortable with
you,” she uttered. Her cheeks flushed at the boldness of her own gaze.
They sat in silence for several moments until Kate broke the spell. “I
have some special Costa Rican coffee if you’d like to stop by my place. I‘d
offer you a nightcap, but I don’t really drink,” she smiled.
Sam smiled back. “I’d really love to try it. It sounds intriguing.”
Sam signaled for the check and reached for it when the server managed
her way over to their table.
“I’ll take that. It’s the least I can do for such wonderful company.”
Kate was practically beaming and managed to stutter, “Th-thank you.”
As they rose from the table, Kate thought to herself, ‘I knew there was
something I liked about the Northwest. Who knew?’
They leisurely reached the parking lot, and Sam gallantly walked Kate to
her car.
“Let me text you the address. My phone is in the car,” Kate stammered,
reaching for the car door.
Sam waited for Kate to get inside the car and reach for her phone. Kate
promptly rolled down the window before texting her address to Sam. “Will
you be okay finding it? Do you want to follow me?”
Sam glanced at her phone for the directions before replying, “I’ll need to
stop for gas, but it looks easy enough to find.” She smiled and leaned in
through the window, kissing Kate on the lips, before turning around and
sauntering back to an older SUV. Kate took a moment to catch her breath
and followed Sam with her eyes. It looked like an old greenish Land Rover.
The license plate confirmed her guess and said ‘ROVRGRL’.
She realized she was holding her breath, and finally exhaled. The thrill
of Sam’s kiss lingered on her lips and sent a quiver through her body.
“I’d better floor it and make sure I didn’t leave the place a mess,” Kate
thought out loud in panic. A small part of her still felt a vague sense of
unease from the odd happenings of the past few days, though those thoughts
seemed distant, and she was overwhelmingly giddy at the thought of
spending more time with Sam.

. . .

Kate’s suburban home was a charming two-story house nestled on a

quiet, tree-lined street. The house exuded a contemporary design, with a
combination of brick and clapboard siding, large windows, and a
welcoming front porch adorned with potted plants and a cozy swing.
The backyard was Kate’s personal oasis, an extension of her love for
nature. A spacious wooden deck provided the perfect setting for outdoor
gatherings and relaxation. A lush garden with colorful flowers, fragrant
herbs, and a variety of potted plants surrounded the deck, attracting
butterflies and birds. In one corner of the backyard, a canopy of trees
shaded a secluded stone patio, creating a peaceful reading nook for Kate to
escape with a good book or simply unwind after a long day.
A small fire pit nearby complimented the ambiance and was intended as
a gathering spot for cozy, crisp evenings with friends. Kate often
contemplated the disuse of her deck and firepit, wondering why she hadn’t
really made time for friends since moving here.
. . .

That night, Kate had a different kind of socializing in mind. She did
indeed floor it and drove off hurriedly from the restaurant. It seemed to take
an inordinately long time to get home, but it gave her time to think about
Sam. “I think I’m falling in love,” she whispered, surprising herself.
She jumped out of the car as soon as she hit the driveway, intending to
break a speed record getting to the front door. She unexpectedly changed
her mind and headed through the side yard towards her garden to gather a
few fresh flowers. The scent of roses surrounded her as she stopped to cut a
few blooms for the table.
“I’m not sure if she even likes flowers, but I should at least have some in
the house,” she muttered, hoping Sam would appreciate the ambiance. She
thought about what candles she had as she turned and headed back towards
the front door.
Without warning, everything went dark. Fire and blackness surrounded
Kate as she was slammed backward, unconscious, by the massive

Her neighbors heard the blast and immediately called for emergency
services before running towards the scene. Fire had engulfed Kate’s home,
and the blast had flung shrapnel from the explosion all over her yard. Kate
was lying on the ground, drifting in and out of consciousness, her face
streaked with soot. She still clutched the flowers from her garden in her
ash-covered fingers.
It was fifteen minutes before the fire department and ambulance arrived.
She knew nothing of the hurried movements going on around her, around
her car, and around her home. Then, the acrid smell of smoke drifted into
her consciousness. “Kate!” whispered a faraway voice. She then realized
the pain she was feeling and groaned as she lay helpless on the ground. She
briefly passed out and, as she came to, she heard the sound again. “Kate!” It
seemed louder this time.
Kate mustered her strength and opened her eyes. She saw Sam kneeling
beside her, looking stricken with fear. She was surprised to see that she was
lying on a stretcher, then shock took hold as she caught sight of the
crackling flames that had engulfed her home. The fire crews were scurrying
to put out the flames, and charred timbers glared back at her as she
surveyed the scene.
“Oh my god, I’m so glad you’re awake,” spoke an anxious Sam.
Kate looked at her, not comprehending, and tried to smile, which quickly
became a grimace. She slowly gained her senses and took a moment before
responding. “I think I’m ok,” she said tentatively. “I don’t understand.
What’s going on?”
Sam picked up Kate’s hand and squeezed it. “There was an explosion.
You’ve been out of it for half an hour, according to your neighbors.” She
tenderly brushed the hair from Kate’s face before delicately placing her
hand on Kate’s cheek.
Kate seemed confused still. “I don’t understand. What could have caused
“We’ll have to wait for the fire crew to determine the cause. They’re still
busy getting things under control.”
“Oh no, my home,” Kate cried as she realized the extent of the damage.
“Please, find out what happened.” Tears began to stream down her face as
she began to understand that she had lost everything in the explosion. She
knew that most of her items could be easily replaced, but her personal
mementos were gone and were irreplaceable. Her life was reflected in those
items; mementos from her family, from her journey westward, and from her
travels through her new world in the Pacific Northwest.
The paramedics were motioning urgently towards the ambulance, but
Sam wouldn’t let go. Kate managed to speak, “It’s ok. I’m ok. They’ll just
want to check me out.”
Sam’s furrowed brow indicated her concern, but begrudgingly, she let go
of Kate’s hand and spoke quietly, “I’ll follow you there just to make sure
you’re really ok.”
Kate was having trouble hearing her because of the ringing in her ears,
and Sam had to say it again. As they loaded her into the ambulance, she
attempted a smile at Sam, which transformed into a frown, then dropped
into unconsciousness. She didn’t remember much about the ride to the
hospital but had a vague recollection of a disorienting journey.
Her ears were clearing as they arrived, and they quickly got her into the
emergency room. Recovering her senses, it slightly disappointed her to not
see Sam waiting for her, then chuckled to herself, ‘Wow, I sure have it bad.’
The emergency room was a dizzying affair of long hallways and bright
lights. It seemed to stretch on for an eternity and as expected, they wanted
to keep her for observation, which made her roll her eyes but of course, that
hurt, like everything else.
The room was hectic and noisy as they got her settled in and hooked up
to several monitors and an IV. The nurse introduced herself and wrote all
the pertinent information on the whiteboard in the room. By the time they
were finally done, there was Sam, concern still etching her beautiful face.
“She’s my partner,” said Kate to the nurse while winking at Sam. She
knew the lie was necessary, but it felt surprisingly good to say it.
The nurse shrugged her shoulders and let her in. “The doctor will be
with you later,” said the nurse. “Is there a contact number we should have?”
Sam gave the nurse her cell number, which was promptly posted on the
“Thank you,” muttered Kate as the nurse hurried out the door, readying
for her next patient. She turned to Sam. “I’m so glad you’re here. I hope
you don’t mind the white lie. I was sure she was going to give you a hard
time about being here.”
Sam looked at her and smiled. “I don’t mind. I was thinking the same
They smiled at each other, and Sam said, “You don’t look that bad, all
things considered.”
She brushed the hair out of Kate’s eyes, leaned forward, and kissed her
cautiously on the lips. Kate tingled from head to toe and surprisingly, that
didn’t hurt. She chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” asked Sam.
“I’m just surprised that didn’t hurt, too,” laughed Kate. “How bad is it?”
she asked.
“Your place is pretty much totaled,” said Sam.
Tears welled again in Kate’s eyes at the reminder of all she’d lost, of all
the memories gone.
Sam sheepishly pulled out something from a pack that Kate hadn’t
noticed. “I stayed behind and found this.” She hesitantly took out a book,
carefully holding it in her outstretched hand.
Kate cried when she saw it. “My grandmother’s book!” she exclaimed.
Seeing the book broke her reserves, and she sobbed at the rescue of this one
treasured memento.
It was a special copy of ‘The Hobbit’ that her grandmother had given her
on her birthday and had signed, “To my darling granddaughter.” She
reached up and fondly stroked Sam’s cheek, speechless with gratitude.
Sam tried to lighten the mood. “I guess we’re not having coffee tonight.”
Kate groaned, “Don’t make me laugh. Ow!”
Despite still being in pain, Kate’s eyes began to droop.
“Oh dear, you need some good sleep,” said Sam. “I think I should go for
now. Think you’ll be up for a visitor in the morning?” Kate nodded, and
Sam kissed her again. “I’m so glad I met you,” she said. “You sure know
how to make for an exciting night.”
Kate groaned again as she chuckled. They looked into each other’s eyes,
and Kate started to drift off. Sam turned and left, hoping her “partner” was
going to get some much-needed rest.

. . .

As Sam drove home, she contemplated this new relationship. She’d

never been drawn as quickly and deeply to anyone, not even her ex, Alex.
The thought surprised her. Sam and Alex had fallen rapidly in love and
were married within a year. Things had been great for four years until the
day Sam found a text on Alex’s phone from one of her colleagues at the
medical center, where Alex worked as a doctor. The text that changed their
lives had left no room for doubt.
Alex had been in another room when the message had come through,
and Sam had idly looked over to see who it was. ‘You are a beautiful and
amazing woman, and I can’t wait until we can be together again.’
The infidelity had hit Sam hard, and she couldn’t bring herself to forgive
Alex. She had immediately left town, sending for her things a week later.
They divorced after a month and never saw each other again.
She had been madly in love with Dr. Alexandra Bennett, she’d thought
at that time in her life. After meeting Kate, she thought that she had a better
understanding of what that meant. What she felt for Kate was different.
This wasn’t the raging fire destroying everything around it that she had
experienced with Alex. This was calm, but calmness with a purpose; the
kind of calm that precedes a storm and is rife with kinetic energy, but an
enduring calm that lasts an eternity, much as the ocean lives on throughout
the ages.
“I hope I’m not moving too fast this time, not with Kate,” reflected Sam.
“I don’t want to mess this up.”

Kate opened her eyes and yawned. For a moment, she couldn’t remember
where she was or what had happened. She scanned the room, reminded
herself of her current condition, and noted that they had moved her to an
unfamiliar room, no longer in the emergency wing. As she briefly surveyed
her surroundings, it surprised her to see a cup of coffee on her bedside table,
along with her grandmother’s book.
She didn’t remember asking for coffee and looked around to see if the
hospital menu was close by. She noted the room number on the white board,
which indicated she was on the eighth floor.
‘I hope Sam can find me here. Oh, shoot, where’s my phone? I can’t call
to let her know.’
The fluorescent lights cast a greenish hue on the room and exacerbated
her advancing headache. She stretched and discovered she wasn’t nearly as
sore as she thought she’d be. “What I need is a bath,” she thought to herself.
She winced, feeling the horrible headache reach full force.
Kate’s head reeled with the events of the past several days. Her sense of
reality had taken a blow, and she didn’t know what or who to trust. Even
here in the hospital, she questioned everything going on. What caused the
explosion? Was someone after her? What really happened to Jonathan? Was
she even safe there in the hospital?
Too many questions and no answers. Her head was pounding, adding to
her trouble and making it harder to think clearly. She felt the need to get out
of there but didn’t think she could manage it, not on her own.
The morning nurse came in and started her assigned regimen of
checking on Kate. Her scrubs were a plain blue color, which seemed to have
some significance, but Kate didn’t ask for the context.
As the nurse bustled about her business, she commented, “We
discourage outside food and drink, you know.”
Kate looked up at her quizzically and inquired what she meant by that.
“The coffee,” the nurse replied. “Your partner brought that in a few
minutes ago.”
Kate smiled and reached for the aromatic cup. Just then, Sam came to
the door and smiled. Kate’s anxiety melted in Sam’s presence, and she felt
that everything would turn out okay.
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re awake,” Sam said. “How are you feeling?”
“I certainly could be worse off,” said Kate. “Thanks for the coffee.”
Sam smiled again. “Well, it isn’t from Costa Rica, but I thought you’d
like something a little better than hospital coffee.” She winked at Kate.
“I still owe you a coffee,” said Kate. “I don’t suppose I can make that for
you now.” She spoke dejectedly and looked down somberly as she
contemplated her losses.
“That’s one reason I get nervous about gas stoves,” said Sam. “I do use
them, but I singed my eyebrows once, and they sometimes make me
Kate’s face suddenly paled as she looked up at Sam.
Seeing the sudden change, Sam asked, “What’s wrong? You seem upset
by that.”
Kate motioned over towards the nurse, and Sam changed the subject and
started chatting about the sushi from the night before. With this more
pleasant topic, Kate caught herself smiling at Sam despite the pain she was
feeling. She was enjoying listening to Sam’s husky voice and watched her
smile broadly as she reminisced about their dinner date.
Rounds were just starting, and Kate’s doctor came in, introducing
himself as Dr. Morgan. After explaining that she had a concussion, he
discussed the risks and complications that could result and that she should
remain in the hospital for another night to make sure she would be okay. He
also spoke about an EEG test to ensure there wasn’t any serious damage.
Kate turned to Sam with an odd look on her face. The doctor wrote up
orders for some tests and left, leaving them with the nurse, who hadn’t
finished her duties yet.
They chatted about nothing, trying to waste time until the nurse finally
left. Kate was getting fidgety with the return of her uneasy feeling, which
had not gone unnoticed by Sam.
As soon as the nurse left the room, Kate motioned Sam close and asked
her point blank, “Who said it was the stove?”
Sam quizzically replied, not knowing where this was going. “I heard the
firefighters talking before I headed to the hospital. What’s wrong? You
seem agitated.”
In a shaky voice, Kate told her, “I use an induction burner. I’m afraid of
using gas. I have it turned off to the house at the street because of that.”
Her apprehension was back and stronger than ever. The coincidences of
the past few days raced through her mind, and outrage mixed with paranoia
took hold as she pondered if someone could be out to get her. Did someone
tamper with her stove? What would anyone want in her office? Who could
be behind all of this, and why?
Unsure if her fears were real, she decided that she didn’t want to stick
around to see if someone might try again. Her mind was churning with the
details, and she struggled with the thought that there might be a connection
between these recent events.
Her paranoia unexpectedly focused on Sam; Sam, who was conveniently
at the library after her session with Jonathan, and who just happened to
know who Kate was. Was she too good to be true? Was there a chance she’d
been sent by someone to keep an eye on Kate?
She angrily dismissed those thoughts, refusing to believe their mutual
feelings weren’t real. If anything felt real anymore, it was her connection to
Sam. She needed that to be real at that moment.
Kate and Sam looked at each other, and Kate said, “I should get out of
here. I’ve got things I need to do. I desperately need to do some research.”
Sam looked puzzled. “I can take you to the library if you’re sure you
feel up to it, but why the sudden urge? Didn’t you get what you needed
done yesterday?”
Kate countered, “No, I need a much bigger library with better
Sam looked even more confused. “I don’t get it.”
“I can’t tell you why – not yet,” said Kate. “I just need to go, and now.”
“Let me help you get up,” said Sam. “It’s a good thing you didn’t break
Kate winced a little as she rolled out of bed. “I’m afraid you’ll have to
help. I’m not sure I can put on my clothes by myself yet,” said Kate.
Sam seemed amused by that. “Anything I can do to help.” She winked,
and Kate thought to herself how beautiful that woman was.
Kate was too preoccupied to respond to the jest, and Sam let it go. “Let’s
just get you out of here, and maybe you can tell me what’s going on,” Sam
As she slowly helped Kate into her things, Kate looked wistfully over at
the shower and muttered, “soon.”
They left the room under the pretense of taking Kate for a walk. Once
they made it down the hall, they silently headed for the elevator without
drawing any suspicion.

. . .

The unconscious nurse wouldn’t be discovered for hours, the woman

concluded. ‘This will give me the opportunity I need to take care of Dr.
No one noticed the unfamiliar nurse, as she stepped out into the hall and
headed towards room 812. Glancing at the nurse’s station to ensure she
wasn’t being observed, she slipped into the room, syringe in hand, and
made her way over to the bed.
As she pulled the curtain aside, she noted the empty bed. “Dammit!” she
She hurried down the hallway, just in time to see the elevator doors
close. ‘She should have been significantly injured from the explosion.
Someone must be helping her,’ she surmised. ‘This may quickly get out of
hand if I don’t nip it in the bud.’

. . .
“Where to?” Sam asked. She didn’t understand Kate’s sudden need to do
research, and Kate’s insistence on leaving the hospital was troubling. She
was willing to help, but how far would that go? Sam decided she’d just
have to be patient and trust that woman who had opened her heart again.
Kate seemed deep in thought and replied, “I need a library with bigger
resources than Willowbrook.”
Sam thought for a moment and then replied, “There’s no place in the
area like the university up in Portland,” Sam winked.
Sam meant her place of work, the University of Biomedical Science in
Portland, and Kate seemed satisfied with that. They drove on in silence,
confusion swirling about them like smokey tendrils threatening to consume
their senses.
Kate expressed her disbelief over the idea that someone might be after
her and that the explosion was no accident. Sam knew she didn’t have the
full story yet, and hoped Kate didn’t think she would belittle the
circumstances of her plight. She was ready to offer Kate her strength as they
moved forward on this path.
“Oh damn,” Kate suddenly spoke. “I had several appointments
scheduled for today.”
Sam countered, “I’m sure they’ll understand. It’s lucky for me I’m on
sabbatical. Do you have your phone? You can probably call them while
we’re on the road.”
Kate let it go and sat quietly for a moment. As they drove north through
the flat terrain of the valley, Sam again wondered what was going on and
why she was suddenly being led around by someone she’d just met.
‘Sneaking around and breaking people out of hospitals,’ she thought.
‘That’s not like me.’
Kate abruptly turned to her and offered to lay it all on the line. “If you
promise to listen and not think I’m hallucinating, I’ll tell you why I left the
hospital like that.” Sam nodded, and Kate went on. “I’d been working with
a patient and encountered something very odd. I can’t tell you everything
yet. I still want to try to preserve doctor-patient confidentiality, if at all
Sam nodded again, and Kate continued. “The day of our last visit, I
learned that he committed suicide. The next day, I found that someone had
broken into my office. Then there was the explosion at my house.”
Sam wasn’t sure she liked where this was going but waited patiently for
Kate to continue.
Kate went on, “I was a little uneasy after the first two, but I didn’t
believe it was all connected until this morning. I was thinking about how
strange this all was, especially now with the explosion, and how
coincidental it all seems.”
Sam started to speak, but Kate abruptly stopped her, laying her fingers
on Sam’s lips. “I don’t believe in coincidences like this.”
Sam looked at her and didn’t know what to say. It seemed too fantastic
to be real, but facts are facts, and those three things by themselves seemed
too coincidental to be believable as unrelated occurrences, not to mention
whatever else Kate was holding back.
The minutes stretched on, and Kate seemed woozy, likely from the car’s
motion. Kate’s disoriented state concerned Sam, and she worried about
Kate’s health, both physically and mentally.
“Look,” she said, “The university isn’t going to go anywhere, and you
definitely need some rest. Plus, I saw you staring at that shower in the
Kate smiled. “Yeah, it sure would feel good to clean up, and my head is
killing me.”

. . .

Sam drove them to the next town, Woodburn, and found them a hotel
where they could crash for a bit.
“You’re not well, and we both need to talk about this,” Sam said
authoritatively. “We’re parking it here for the night.”
The hotel room was comfortable and brightly lit, and the fresh, clean
carpet felt good under Kate’s feet as she kicked off her shoes. Sam offered
to help her in the shower if needed, but Kate quickly responded, “I think I
can manage for now.” Internally, she kicked herself for not taking Sam up
on the offer. “Not yet,” she told herself, “But soon.”
Kate felt the rush of water cascade over her and delighted in the steam
that enveloped her body. She felt entirely refreshed after getting out of the
comforting shower. Exiting the bathroom, she looked around to see where
Sam was. Sam was sitting in a chair in the corner of the hotel room smiling
at her, seeming to enjoy what she was seeing. Kate suddenly blushed,
realizing she was dressed only in a towel.
“I wish I had clean clothes,” she stammered.
Sam rose from her chair and was quickly at her side, sensually kissing
the palm of her hand. “I’d give you the clothes off my back, but I’m afraid
we’re not the same size.”
Kate giggled. It felt good to change the mood, and she was certainly
enjoying the wonderful company, if not for the circumstances.
Kate decided to ignore her sense of urgency, at least for that moment,
and enjoy the presence of the beautiful woman in front of her. She grabbed
Sam’s other hand as she turned to face her. She leaned in and gave her a
tentative kiss on the lips. Sam gladly reciprocated and deepened the kiss
until Kate winced again.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “You must still be in a lot of pain.”
Kate replied, “It’s worth it, but maybe I should lie down for a while.
Will you join me?”
Sam seemed eager but concerned. Kate was convinced Sam didn’t want
to hurt her, and Kate felt that anything romantic might have to wait until
after she recuperated. She put on her shirt and slowly crawled into the bed
next to Sam who put her wonderfully muscled arms around her. As they lay
there on the bed, Kate drifted off, enjoying the sensation of lying in bed
next to this amazing woman.
Sam listed to her breath has she snuggled up close to her and stroked her
hair. She was worried about Kate. If any of her fears were true, then she
wasn’t safe. Could it all be true? She hoped Kate would find what she was
looking for at the library and they could figure out what they were up

It felt wonderful when Kate woke with Sam’s strong arms around her. ‘I’ve
been alone for far too long,’ she thought. ‘There’s something about this
woman that I really respond to, something I can’t quite put my finger on
Kate wondered idly about her new ‘partner,’ this woman she’d just met a
couple of days before. It seemed astounding that she was willing to stay on
this unknown path. She thought about it for a few moments and felt Sam
stirring in her sleep. As she woke, Kate greeted her.
“Morning sunshine!” she said and kissed her hand. She turned over and
kissed her again on the lips.
“Feeling better?” Sam asked hopefully.
“Less charred after the shower,” teased Kate.
They lay in each other’s arms for several moments before Sam spoke.
“Look, I don’t want to rush anything, and you’ve obviously been through a
terrible ordeal. Plus, I know you’ve got a great many things on your mind. I
don’t think we should hurry into anything physical between us. We can wait
until you feel better. I’m not going anywhere, and I can even extend my
break from work if needed.”
Kate’s eyes welled with tears. She couldn’t recall anyone going out on a
limb for her before, especially to this degree. “Oh my god. I don’t know
why you’d put up with all of this craziness with someone you’ve just met,
but I’m so glad that you are. You are the most wonderful woman I’ve ever
They kissed again, and this time deeply. Kate raised her hand to Sam’s
cheek. “I think you’re right, though. I don’t want to push you away, but I
think we should wait, at least for a little while. I want to be fair to you, and
my mind is racing right now with things that I can’t quite explain and don’t
understand yet.”
Sam reacted by kissing her again. “I said I’m not going anywhere.
You’ve captivated me in a way I can’t explain, and I’d do anything to make
sure you’re safe.”
Kate broke down and cried, overwhelmed by the churning emotions in
her mind and her regret for even momentarily doubting Sam. ‘I’ll tell her
everything soon,’ she thought.
Sam, who made her feel protected, filled a void that had been with Kate
for quite some time. None of her other relationships had given her that
feeling, and even her family had fallen short. Sam had a comforting
presence combined with a stimulating spirit and love of life. Kate was
drawn to her in a visceral way, which surprised her with its intensity.
Sam held Kate tight and stroked her hair. She had never felt so
protective of anyone nor been so enthralled by a new relationship. Kate’s
intellect and warm personality fascinated her, and she was struck by the
closeness she felt after only a few days.
Kate collected herself after a few moments. “I think we need to go,” she
Sam nodded in agreement. “Let’s do it then,” she said. They quickly
gathered their things and headed out to Sam’s SUV.
“It’s not too far from here,” said Sam.
Kate squeezed Sam’s hand, and they drove off towards the highway.
“You know, I never told you how much I love your car,” said Kate.
“That’s a start,” teased Sam.
Kate smiled at her before replying, “Give me time. As soon as things
settle down, I can give you everything you deserve.”
Sam stared quietly at the road, but inside, she was dancing a jig.

. . .

They stopped at a local store to get Kate some new clothes before
getting on the freeway. Time passed quickly, and they reached the
university mid-morning.
The Portland University of Biomedical Sciences was known for its
commitment to excellence in the physical sciences, providing cutting-edge
research opportunities, state-of-the-art laboratories, and a faculty of
esteemed professors who were experts in their respective fields.
Despite the prestigious reputation, the campus was open and inviting.
Kate commented on the beautiful campus, adorned with cedars, pines, and
tranquil gardens, “It must be quite a relaxing space for students to explore
the natural sciences.”
Sam simply smiled and drove them into the parking structure.
They entered the library in the center of campus and settled into a
computer station back in the corner of the room. Kate began typing
“What exactly are you looking for?” asked Sam.
“I’m not completely sure yet,” Kate answered. “Give me some time to
figure it out. I’m not sure you can help me yet, not until I know what it is.”
Sam got up and offered to get Kate some coffee. They grinned at each
other. “So, is that our thing?” asked Kate. Sam laughed and wandered off
across the library and down the hall.
Kate resumed her previous search for anything that might be related to
her quest, first by looking at alien encounter stories, then by looking at
recent journal articles on night terrors, and back to repressed memories.
Nothing was bringing it all together yet, and she sighed in exasperation.
She still didn’t know if what Jonathan had told her was real, but at that
moment, she was nearly convinced it was, or at least parts of it were, and it
might be related to the events that had been happening lately. Clearly, she
needed more information to figure out the rest of the story.
She smiled when she saw Sam arrive with the coffees. “Ahhh, that’s
what I need,” she purred. She lazily stirred some creamer and sugar into her
coffee, thinking about the articles she’d been reading.
“No luck yet?” asked Sam.
“I’m still befuddled,” quipped Kate.
“Listen,” said Sam, “we both need some food, and you need a break.
How ‘bout we stop for a bit and get some lunch? It won’t take long and will
give us some energy to dig into this. Then maybe you can tell me what you
Kate wanted to keep going but saw the wisdom in what Sam was saying.
They left the library and their coffees behind and scurried back to the car,
heading for a nearby food cart court that was a favorite of Sam’s. “Do you
even know what you’re looking for yet?” she asked Kate.
Kate slowly shook her head and assured Sam that she would tell her
everything soon. “I noted a page from a research article. My patient had
said he participated in a dream study just before his troubles began. Another
coincidence? I just need to figure out which study.”
They ate in silence, both from stress and from physical exhaustion. Kate
had a chimichanga from a Mexican food cart, and Sam opted for a bento
box from an Asian place. They ate quickly, and as they headed back to the
university, Kate was beginning to develop a plan.
“You work here, don’t you?” Kate asked Sam.
“Post-grad work and my current position as part of a research team,”
said Sam hesitantly, not wanting Kate to pry into her sensitive research
“Then your login might be able to access more than just the public
journal articles. You should still have access to all of the resources at the
university, and I really need to do a deeper dive.”
Sam faltered before answering. “I suppose so,” she said, not quite
knowing where Kate was going with this, and not wanting to volunteer too
Kate directed her to head back to the library where they could log onto
the university’s larger research database instead of the public one.

. . .

They went back into the library, and the same corner workstation was
still open. There were their coffees, standing guard next to the computer.
Kate pushed the keyboard over towards Sam and asked her to log onto the
university server.
Sam squirmed in her seat almost imperceptibly before reluctantly
complying. Kate was too focused on the screen to notice the slight change
in Sam’s demeanor and Sam was glad that she hadn’t caught on. She was
trying to be helpful but there were certain aspects of her university work
that she didn’t want to have to explain.
“What exactly are you looking for?” asked Sam.
“I’m still trying to find the link to my former patient,” Kate replied. “He
participated in a research study sometime before his troubles began.
Another coincidence that I don’t buy. There must be something going on.
Something that caused his nightmares.”
She searched for any local research studies that had taken place in the
past two years, and it surprised her to find so many in the area. “I need to
print these,” she told Sam.
“There,” said Sam as she pointed out the printers in the library.
As Kate pressed print, she seemed a little more composed. She got up
without a word and ran over to grab the articles. A perplexed Sam followed
her across the room but tried to remain patient. ‘She’ll tell me when she’s
ready,’ she thought to herself.
They returned to the workstation, pages in hand, and began to read
through the long list of local research studies.
Kate finally perked up as she scanned one of the pages. “Here’s a study
on dreams,” she stated. “This looks promising. Let’s look for anything
similar. Maybe we’ll get lucky.”
They found four studies related to dreams or dream analysis, but now
they needed to find out which one Jonathan might have participated in.
Sam still didn’t quite grasp the method to Kate’s madness. “They’re
probably not going to have patient names in the database. How are we
going to know which one it is? All you’ve printed so far are the abstracts.”
“I don’t know,” replied Kate. “But I have to try and figure it out. I’m just
certain it’s an important link to what’s been going on.”
“Maybe if we printed out all of the study materials, we could get a better
understanding of what each one was about?” offered Sam.
Kate liked the idea, and they began to pull up each of the studies and
printed out reams of details to review.
“Let’s head back and find a hotel,” suggested Kate. “We’ll need to read
through all of this, and it’s going to take a while.”
“We could go to my place?” Sam offered. “It’s not much, but it’s close.”
Kate blushed at the thought of spending time in Sam’s home. After what
she’d been through, she wasn’t certain that she was up for the level of
intimacy that implied, but she was curious to see where and how Sam lived.

. . .

Sam’s home was on an island in the Columbia River just off the I-5
highway. Kate was excited by the location and couldn’t wait to explore the
area with Sam. As Sam parked the car, Kate looked around in surprise. It
was a trailer park.
Sam looked at her sheepishly. “I know it’s not much, but it lets me pick
up and go whenever and wherever I want.”
Kate smiled and gave Sam a supportive hug. “It’s wonderful! I’ll bet it’s
an exciting way to live.”
Sam’s rig was a brightly polished aluminum Airstream trailer. Sam had
modified the interior to allow for a welcoming seating area that included a
computer station, and a comfortable bedroom with a double bed. The small
kitchen had plenty of room for a woman on her own to cook basic meals.
Sam showed her the exterior and by the time they got inside, Kate’s
strength wavered. Sam noted her look of exhaustion and suggested that they
take a break for the rest of the day.
Feeling exhausted, Kate reluctantly agreed to put it all aside for the night
and collapsed onto the bed. “Sam, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate
your help, and for sticking with me through all of this.”
“I’d hate the thought of you doing this alone,” Sam replied. Inside, she
wondered exactly what she was getting herself into.
It surprised Kate to feel this level of trust in Sam. Growing up in a toxic
household was difficult, and led to her natural desire for distance when it
came to the personal arena. Despite her empathetic and giving nature, it had
become a strong impulse to keep herself closed off and protected.
She’d had friends, and good ones, but that level of trust and complete
openness was never there. Her past loves had commented about it, and it
had caused many scenes of conflict. There seemed to have always been a
reason to hold some part of herself back.
She fell asleep feeling safe in Sam’s embrace and didn’t wake until

. . .

When morning came, Kate felt refreshed. She reflected on how Sam was
so amazingly patient and supportive, which made tackling the entire task
before them that much easier.
She turned to find Sam already awake. Sam stroked Kate’s cheek, and
Kate flushed in response. She kissed Sam ardently while running her
fingers through Sam’s hair.
“My dear, I do believe you’re feeling better,” Sam teased.
Kate laughed. “I guess I am. Maybe we should grab some breakfast
before we tackle those documents.”
She was really in the mood for something besides breakfast, but they
had agreed to wait to move forward in their relationship. Though if she
really was feeling better, she wondered if there was actually a reason to
wait. Kate sighed.
“What’s wrong?” asked Sam.
“Nothing’s wrong exactly. I just have too many things on my mind right
now. Maybe I should just concentrate on the most important one,” she said,
reaching out to grab Sam’s hand.
Sam smiled broadly, which gave Kate a sense of calm. That smile made
her believe everything was okay. She had fallen hard for Sam, which she
found was an easy thing to do.

. . .

During breakfast, Kate took the opportunity to take in her surroundings.

Sam had a shelf lined with books on biology and the outdoors, along with a
few maps. There were also a few mementos scattered about, likely from her
travels, and a collection of photos attached to the walls featuring mountains,
lakes, and even one incredible image of Stonehenge.
“You have an amazing place,” Kate smiled.
Sam looked up from her eggs, “I’m so glad you like it. This kind of
living definitely isn’t for everyone, but I enjoy the freedom it gives me.”
Kate leaned over and gave Sam a kiss. “I love it. It suits you.”
Sam returned the kiss, and they began to give in to the passion welling
between them. Kate marveled at Sam’s body, exploring it with eager hands.
Sam seemed focused on Kate’s soft, supple lips and graceful neck, and
accomplished her exploration with her lips.
Reluctantly, Kate ended the embrace and leaned her forehead against
Sam’s. “I hate it, but I think we have to wait a little longer. I feel like I have
to know what’s in these pages, and I don’t think it can wait. There’s
something going on and I can’t give you everything you deserve while this
hangs over my head. I hope you can understand.”
Sam smiled, “I know how much this has been on your mind. I can be
Kate gave her one final kiss before getting up to get dressed.
As they performed their morning routines, subtle touches seemed to hint
at the rampant desire that was attempting to overtake their willpower.
Despite the powerful feelings, they managed to harness their resolve and
settled onto the loveseat to get started on the research papers.
They scoured the pages, trying to determine which study Jonathan
might have participated in.
“They’re all about dreams, but I’d like to find one that discusses
nightmares or night terrors as a possible outcome of the study,” Kate said.
“Let’s hope that narrows things down,” Sam responded. “There can’t be
too many of those.”
They poured over the documentation for hours, reading through all of
the dry statistics, methodologies, and, more importantly, outcomes and side
By the time they finished going through the details of all four of the
studies, they had it narrowed down to two.
“Let’s go back to the library tomorrow and search for more on these two
to see what else we can find,” Kate suggested.

. . .
The next morning, they returned to the library, and their customary spot
was available again. They settled into the now familiar chairs, and Sam
logged them into the database.
Now that they had it narrowed down, Kate searched specifically for the
first study and read through many related articles but couldn’t identify
anything that seemed suspicious or especially related to Jonathan’s
The second study was a different story. She found many links leading to
diverse sources, including additional studies related to night terrors.
“Finally,” Kate thought. “I think we’re getting somewhere now,” she said
aloud to Sam, and she told her about what she was reading. She printed
more pages about some of the quoted studies and continued her search.
The next article link she tried unexpectedly brought up a password
secured government site. Unsure of how to proceed, she looked to Sam for
help. “Sam, do you have any ideas?”
Sam hesitated for a moment. She knew that accessing such sites could
cause complications and potentially be tracked, and she didn’t want this to
come back and haunt them. She especially didn’t want Kate to know how
she knew that. Sam turned and looked at Kate, who was staring at the
screen. She realized she would do anything for that woman no matter the
risks, but she needed to know how to proceed and not let out the details of
her past.
Sam exhaled the breath she’d been holding before offering a suggestion.
“I’m not sure, but one study I was associated with had government funding,
so maybe my login would work?” She was hoping Kate wouldn’t ask
specific questions about that project. Sam’s association with that particular
research was something she regretted and was the reason for taking a
sabbatical from the university.
She took the keyboard from Kate and entered her credentials on the lock
screen. To her surprise, her login worked, and it opened a different site
related to this particular study. In it, they found similar information, but as
they read further, it became clear that the participants were being watched.
New documentation was found in this specific portal, which involved
highly detailed subject statistics, including dates of birth, addresses, and the
original questionnaires that the participants had filled out before being
selected for the research.
“We need hard copies of all of this,” Kate directed, but Sam had already
pushed print, and they both walked over to the printers to gather their
precious treasure.
It didn’t occur to Kate to wonder why Sam’s login had worked, nor why
there was this much detail on the subjects on that government site. She was
too eager to continue, having found what she was looking for, and
suggested they go back to the hotel to begin reviewing the latest
Sam wholeheartedly agreed. She found that she didn’t want to be in the
library any longer than necessary and was starting to feel exposed. She
remembered her dealings with government agencies and didn’t want to go
through that again.

. . .

The security alarm alerted the technician to a data breach. She got up
from her desk and walked over to her supervisor. “We’ve got a security
breach, Sir,” she reported. “I see an unexpected login for one of the secure
“Whose credentials were they?” asked the supervisor.
“It looks like Dr. Samantha Mitchell. She accessed the phase one
The supervisor grabbed the phone and called the line he’d been given for
these issues. He reported the details as instructed before returning to his

. . .

After a cursory review of Dr. Mitchell’s file, the senator stroked his chin,
deep in thought, ‘What’s she doing logging into that site? She wasn’t
involved in that part of the research, and why did she suddenly take a
sabbatical? I may have a new problem that needs attention, but the priority
is Dr. Sinclair and getting rid of that loose end first. Oh, this is going to get
out of hand if I can’t get this dealt with quickly.’ He settled back into his
office chair and picked up the phone. “We may have a new problem.”

As Kate and Sam drove back to the Sam’s place, they were silent, each
contemplating the events from the last few days and wondering what they
had gotten themselves into.
“We have loads of data from the study and detailed data on the small
number of participants,” Sam stated. “Most of them live relatively close by.
We could try to contact a few of them that are in the area and see what we
can find out?”
Despite her worries about privacy laws, Kate was now obsessed with the
case, and feeling justified in her zeal to protect patient well-being over
privacy, she nodded her approval for the plan.
“Let’s get back, and we can get ourselves organized,” Kate suggested.
They sat in silence, pondering where that journey was taking them, and
made their way back to the island. As they reached the parking space, Kate
reached over and squeezed Sam’s hand. “I’m sorry to drag you into this.
You don’t have to stay.”
Sam put her arm around Kate’s shoulders and fired back, “I told you I’m
not going anywhere. Who else is going to watch out for you?” She released
Kate and promptly picked up her phone to dial the university and tell them
she’d be on extended leave due to a family emergency.

. . .
Senator Elliot Harrison sat alone in his darkened office, contemplating
the upcoming vote on some new legislation he had co-authored. In his late
fifties, he was a tall, distinguished figure with a commanding presence.
Exuding an air of authority and charm, he effortlessly won the trust and
admiration of his constituents and colleagues alike. His silver hair and
piercing blue eyes added to his charismatic aura, masking the darker
intentions he harbored.
Growing up with a wealthy and influential father, who had a long history
of political involvement, it had been made clear growing up that he would
follow in his father’s footsteps. His upbringing provided him with the
resources and connections to ascend quickly in the political world. He had
eclipsed his father’s level of influence, but behind his public facade of a
devoted public servant, he was driven by a personal motive, one requiring
power at any cost.
He had recently manipulated his way into controlling the Federal
Security Agency by taking down his competition with innuendo and bad
press. He needed that control to guard his secrets, and possibly to deal with
anything or anyone that stood in his way, including that meddlesome doctor.
He couldn’t afford to have anyone asking questions, not until he had built a
powerful base from which to control the events to come.

. . .

The senator thought back about why he was there, and why he was so
committed to the success of his current endeavor. It had all started with his
mother; his reason for embarking on this path.
He recalled the day he had come home from school. Elliot was only
twelve at the time and not ready for the responsibility that was about to land
in his lap.
He had walked into the kitchen like any other day, when he saw the last
thing he ever expected. His mother was at the kitchen table, but instead of
greeting him, she lay there, unresponsive. The half-empty bottle of pills lay
near the now-empty glass.
Elliot ran to his mother’s side and shook her, trying to revive her. He
didn’t know how long ago she’d taken the pills, but he called 911 anyway,
hoping that someone would get there in time. Tears streamed down his face
as he dialed, and he shook as he gave the details to the dispatch operator.
Time slowed as he returned to his mother’s side. His father got there
first. He remembered his father grilling him about what happened. He also
remembered his father taking the paramedics into the other room and
quietly discussing something with them before they took his mother away.
“Elliot,” his father had said sternly. “You need to come here and sit
down.” He nervously complied, seeing the sadness in his father’s eyes;
sadness mixed with a determined set to his face. It was the same iron-faced
visage he employed when he had to give unwelcome news to his political
“Elliot, you must be brave and think about the future. We can’t have
people thinking bad things about your mother. We have important things to
do, and those horrible people would hinder our path. What I’m trying to say
is that you can’t tell anyone what happened.”
Elliot had been watching his father intently, but his gaze had fallen to the
floor. His father grasped his chin with his hand and forced him to look him
in the eye. “No matter what, you must tell them she died in her sleep. I will
take care of the details, but you must never speak of this again.”
Tears fell from Elliot’s eyes. He struggled to compose himself, but he
was overwhelmed by everything that had happened. The last thing he saw
was his father’s troubled face as he fell to the floor sobbing. For a brief
moment, he saw the sadness again in his father’s eyes before he passed out.
His father had forbidden him to speak of it again, even between the two
of them. He grew up living the lie, and when his father passed, there was no
one else in the world that knew the truth. It made him feel alone as he
thought about the unspoken truth of the matter.

. . .

Harrison’s thoughts turned to the present and focused on Dr. Sinclair,

which turned his grief into anger. Who was she to get in his way and
interfere with everything he was working towards? What he was working
towards was of the utmost importance, and he was convinced his plans
would save the future. He couldn’t afford to have some random
troublemaker interfere with everything currently in motion.
If she hadn’t gone and unlocked the secrets in Mr. Harper’s memories,
none of what he was about to do would be necessary. He didn't particularly
relish the deaths and detentions that had been required in the interests of the
operation, but there were bigger issues at play, issues much more important
than a few unfortunate students and one meddlesome psychologist.
Thinking about Dr. Sinclair prompted him to pick up the phone. “What’s
the progress with those two loose ends?”
“I don’t have either of them yet. Their trails have gone cold,” replied the
“You need to plug these two holes in our security. We can’t have any
information getting out. Do you understand the gravity of the situation?” he
“Just keep those FSA agents out of my way.”
“No,” he countered. “I’m putting the FSA on both their trails to get you
the intel you need. They can start with background data, and I’ll loop you in
when they have something.” He abruptly hung up the phone, hoping that
things weren’t getting out of control. He wasn’t sure, but something seemed
off with his star ex-agent.
It was a delicate juggling game, balancing the operative and the FSA
agents. Harrison employed both depending on his immediate needs but
keeping them out of each other’s way could prove difficult when they were
on the same case regarding these two women.
The FSA was unaware of the project, and he intended to keep it that
way. When his needs demanded action, Harrison primarily used them for
investigations and detaining suspects. The official FSA line was that the
orders he issued were warranted in the interests of national security. He had
made it clear that questions were not welcome.
The ex-agent was another story. Her expertise and special skills made
her a lethal projectile that could be launched at anyone that needed special
attention. He was aware of her advanced skills, beyond those of any normal
agent. She was intimately aware of the details of the project, and he knew
she could be trusted to keep the information secure.
Drs. Sinclair and Mitchell would be hunted from both sides going
forward in order to ensure that both threats were taken care of once and for
all, but he was more concerned about Dr. Sinclair. Having slipped away
from both the explosion and the hospital, he was certain she had help, and
he couldn’t risk any information she might have getting out. Once she and
her accomplice were eliminated, he could continue orchestrating the events
that were yet to come.
Lighting a cigarette, he sat in his office, pondering the future and
wondering if the rest of the operation would go off without a hitch. “It has
to,” he muttered. “Everything is riding on this.”

Kate and Sam geared up for an important piece of their mission. Armed
with a list of former patients who had been part of the research project, they
set out to interview them discreetly. Thankfully, the study had been small,
but they weren’t sure if they’d be able to visit with all of the participants.
According to the data they’d gathered, they’d have to travel for days to
reach many of them. They opted to pack up and leave the trailer, not
knowing when they’d be done. They were certain that these interviews were
the key to uncovering the truth behind what might be going on.
Kate and Sam were back on the road again, traversing the Pacific
Northwest and attempting to discover everything they could about those
recruits. Being alone together in the closeness of Sam’s SUV, they were
almost enjoying their travels, if it weren’t for the mission before them.
Kate was taking advantage of the confinement of the vehicle to be close
to Sam and wallow in the safety of her presence. For a fleeting moment, she
was able to forget about the ordeals she’d already faced and those that may
yet come to pass.
Though Sam gave her a sense of safety and confidence that allowed her
to go forward, Kate worried that what she was getting into might be highly
dangerous, and she didn’t want Sam to get hurt.
Breaking their cozy silence, she voiced her fears. “Sam, I’m struggling
with something. I feel that I need to get to the bottom of this, but I don’t
want to put you in harm’s way. I don’t know where this will lead, and it
seems likely to be dangerous.”
Sam looked at her, mouth open and eyes wide with surprise. She didn’t
understand where that was suddenly coming from and voiced her shock.
“Kate, I told you I’m in this for as far as you want to take it. If you can face
the danger, then I won’t leave you to face it alone.”
Kate smiled at Sam, grateful for her strength, and snuggled up next to
her on the front seat. Sam put her arm around Kate’s shoulders and held her
tight, trying her hardest to send her strength to Kate through the physical

. . .

Driving through the Pacific Northwest provided a refreshing change for

the two women. Kate and Sam were both enamored of the area, and it
made them feel closer to talk about it as they drove.
Sam had also studied conservation biology as a dual major and knew a
great deal about the environments they were passing through. She pointed
out random things as they drove: diverse types of trees, several species of
birds, flowering plants, and other biological finds.
Listening to Sam talk mesmerized Kate. She gazed fondly at her and
held her hand as they drove. Her only regret was that she couldn’t see
Sam’s beautiful eyes, which were concentrating on the road ahead. ‘Oh god,
I’m so in love with her,’ she thought. “Sam, what’s your favorite part of the
“Oh gosh, that’s a tough one. I guess if I have to choose, it’s the
mountains. They inspire such awe and remind you how small all of your
issues are.”
Kate thought about that for a moment. “I see what you mean. I’m quite
partial to waterfalls, though,” she said, winking at Sam. Sam turned her
attention back to the road. “It’s all so different from Ohio and much
grander. You know, you never told me where you grew up.”
“Oh, I guess I didn’t. I grew up with my adoptive parents in California;
Folsom, to be exact. It’s close enough to the mountains and to the ocean,
kind of similar to here. But the mountains in the Sierra-Nevada range don’t
compare to the ones up here, so I moved north to be part of this beautiful
environment, and I’ve loved it ever since.”
Kate was smiling and relaxing, listening to Sam talk. As Sam spoke,
Kate’s thoughts strayed to all of the wonderful places she’d been in the
Northwest. She hadn’t spent much time in Washington and was looking
forward to exploring it with Sam.
It was then that her cautious side piped in. ‘Oh god, now I’m making
plans for our future? What’s next?’ she thought. ‘I hope I’m not moving too
Ignoring those feelings, she sat back in her seat and lost herself in Sam’s
stories, determined not to give into her fears.

. . .

The Pacific Northwest held a particular attraction to more than just Kate
and Sam. The senator, who grew up in Idaho, also had a deep familiarity
with the Pacific Northwest and had deliberately chosen it for his plans.
Filled with remote locations, he had identified the area as containing the
perfect mixture of everything he needed for this project to work.
His first criterion had been a large geographic area with ample
resources, followed by the need to create powerful allies in the scientific
community. With several elite colleges and universities, it would also prove
to be the perfect area to recruit unsuspecting college students under the
guise of conducting seemingly harmless research studies. Since the phase
one and two test sites were finally proving to be effective, he suspected
implementing phase three would fall into place without a hitch.

. . .

The women headed west towards the nearby town of Forest Grove,
where the closest participant on their list lived. The roads were quiet, as
they usually were in this sleepy small town.
As they reached the property, it also seemed quiet, and there were no
cars in the driveway. Seemingly empty, they opted to knock just to be sure.
“Oh damn,” said Kate. “They’re not home.”
Sam looked in the windows and in the backyard. “It looks abandoned,”
she said, feeling an urgent need to leave the area. “Let’s get out of here.”

. . .

The next stop was the small town of Newberg, where another of the
participants, Mr. Mark Davis, resided. They couldn’t help but feel a mix of
anticipation and apprehension as they approached his quaint and serene
They slowly approached his home, glancing back and forth to each other
for support, not knowing how their visit would go, but knowing that they
desperately needed the information that Mr. Davis held.
Mark had been among the earliest subjects of the experiments, and his
testimony might shed light on the intentions of the suspect research.
He welcomed them warmly to his small home, unaware of the true
nature of their visit. Kate noted the home was well-kept, but Mark had an
apprehensive look about him, casting his eyes repeatedly towards the
windows as if afraid of being watched.
As the conversation flowed, Kate skillfully steered the discussion toward
his experiences during the study. At first, Mark hesitated, fearful of
divulging personal information. However, the sincerity and empathy in
Kate’s approach gradually broke down his defenses.
With trust established, he finally opened up, recounting his time in the
“I really don’t remember much about the facility itself,” he reported,
much to the dismay of Kate and Sam. “What I do remember are the
nightmares I had afterward.”
Kate perked up at that as Sam scanned the street cautiously. “What do
you see in your nightmares, Mark?” she asked him pointedly.
When he hesitated, she decided to tell a harmless lie to gain his trust.
“I’ve worked with several people from the study that developed nightmares
and was able to provide them with some relief. I can assure you that
whatever is in your nightmare is confidential and will never be repeated
outside of this room.”
He hesitated again, but Dr. Sinclair allayed his fears and after much
persuasion, he decided to trust her. A few moments later, he began to
describe his nightmares. His hands shook as he spoke of aliens, bizarre
experiments and experiencing painful procedures where he lay helpless and
restrained on a cold metal table.
Kate and Sam listened intently, taking notes, and assured him again that
his story would remain confidential. His hands stopped shaking as he
finished his tale, and he seemed to relax slightly.
Kate shuddered at the similarities to Jonathan’s stories. She knew they
were on the precipice of confirming what really happened and that she
needed to be patient and not push Mark too hard. It would be a thin line to
tread to ensure his continued cooperation, and she desperately wanted to
know the full story of what happened.
“I’m sorry that you’ve had these experiences, Mark. What you are
telling us is not the first time we’ve heard that same story.” That part was
true, but she needed to get further into the details with him and confirm the
other part of Jonathan’s story.
“Do you remember anything else about your dreams besides the aliens,
Mark? It’s really important that we get to the bottom of this if we’re going
to help you get past your experiences and regain some peace in your life.”
Mark perked up at that. “I’ll tell you the truth, the dreams keep me from
sleeping very well, and I’ve been desperate to get past them, but I’ve been
afraid. I didn’t think that anyone would take me seriously. I’m so glad to
have someone finally listen to my story.”
Kate talked to him for over an hour, taking a variety of approaches to
garner his continued cooperation. She thought he might be ready and took a
chance by offering hypnosis as a treatment for his nightmares. She
explained the process and how it could give him some relief, though she
wasn’t entirely certain what she would uncover.
He looked at her as if he didn’t understand at first. Then, Kate explained
about getting past the initial phases of the dream and helping him manage
the effects of the nightmares by unlocking the full story.
It took some convincing, but Kate’s sincerity and empathy won him
over, and Mark finally agreed that he would try it in the hope that he could
get some peace away from the dreams.
They settled in, and she took him through the same deep relaxation steps
she had taken with Jonathan. When he reached a hypnotic state, she asked
him to describe his experience again. He began relating the same story that
Jonathan had, including the people in medical uniforms.
She made the suggestion that he could see past the alien encounter and
to concentrate on the medical personnel.
He then began to tell a completely different story, one that put Kate and
Sam on edge. He told them of researchers placing devices on his head, at
which point he began to feel sensations, sometimes related to objects not
present in the room where he sat.
Kate suggested he describe those sensations, and he offered some
examples. “I know I’m in a medical office, but I smell flowers as if I’m
outside. It’s a warm day, but I see the mist of my breath as if it’s brutally
cold. I know it’s just me and the researcher, but I can feel other hands on
me, pinching and squeezing my arms and legs. I’m very confused, and I’m
starting to doubt where I am.”
Kate stopped his train of thought. “What happened after you left that
room, Mark?”
He further described other rooms where he met the aliens, but in one
instance, the lights flickered, and the aliens unexpectedly disappeared. In
his disoriented state, he hadn’t noted where they had gone but related that
the aliens seemed to return moments later when the lights stopped
Kate focused on those details, but when pressed, he began to get
agitated, and Kate opted to bring him out of his hypnotic state, suggesting
that he not remember his nightmares for his own protection.
“Mark, when I count to three, you will wake up. You will feel relaxed
and refreshed, and you’ll be able to remember the details of your dreams.
The nightmares won’t bother you any longer and you’ll be able to sleep.
One, two, three.”
As Mark regained conscious thought, it surprised him how much better
he felt and that, for the first time in a long time, he wasn’t feeling anxious.
Despite the lift in mood, he seemed unexpectedly disoriented.
“I think I’ve been having nightmares,” he said, “but I can’t remember
anything about them. Is that something you’re here to help me with?”
Kate was surprised that he didn’t remember the first part of their visit
but was certain he’d be safer not knowing. She told him they had taken
enough of his time and thanked him for speaking with them, and then she
and Sam headed for the door.
As they reached the car, Kate contemplated their visit with Mr. Davis. It
had been illuminating and it confirmed the story that Jonathan had related.
She wasn’t certain yet if that was reassuring or frightening. “Sam, the
similarities in the stories are making me think that there’s something
malicious happening to these people. I’m scared for them, but I’m also
getting scared for us. Who could be behind something this horrible?”
Sam hesitated before answering, “I don’t know Kate, but we need to be
much more careful going forward.”

The traffic monitor beeped as it scanned the license plates whizzing down
the I-5 freeway. The technician pulled up an image of a green Land Rover.
The license plate read ‘ROVRGRL.’ I have the one you’re looking for,” she
said, pointing at the screen.
Agent Jason Anderson leaned in to inspect the image. He noted there
were two women in the vehicle which came as a surprise. ‘That’s
interesting. Dr. Mitchell has an accomplice. I wonder who that is and what
the two of them have done.’ “Can you clean up that image? I want to know
who the other person is.”
“No sir, that’s the limit with these cameras.”
He immediately picked up the phone and dialed the private line for the
“Listen,” said the senator. “This is a sensitive national security situation.
Keep tracking that car and give me updates. You are not to engage the
suspects. I have someone that will deal with the situation. You just need to
track and report.”
Sullenly Anderson put down the phone. ‘So now we’re just errand boys
doing his bidding? What’s this agency coming to?’

. . .
The next stop for Kate and Sam was back in Salem. As they headed
south, they succumbed to the allure of the warm August day and opted to
take the smaller highways down through the rolling hills of the Willamette
Valley. Dozens of charming wineries dotted the undulating landscape as
they continued southwest, passing by several small towns before heading
southeast back toward Salem.
Sam had insisted they start using cash and avoid using their debit cards.
She was feeling a sense of dread and was convinced that they were being
tracked. ‘It doesn’t make sense that someone would come after Kate at her
home and leave it at that.’ She squeezed Kate’s hand and gave her an
encouraging smile. Determined to keep them both safe, she vowed to keep
her eyes open as they travelled. ‘They’re out there somewhere. I just know

. . .

“What do you mean they’ve lost them? I’ll deal with those two loose
ends myself,” the operative fumed. Slamming down her phone, she
regrouped to make a plan. ‘So, if Dr. Mitchell was headed south out of
Portland, she must be somewhere in the area. What could she be doing
down here? And how am I going to track Dr. Sinclair? There’s been no sign
of her since the explosion and the hospital. She must have help. Maybe I
just need to work around those FSA fools.’
She pulled out her laptop and hacked into the FSA system. ‘If neither of
them is showing up on the traffic or phone monitoring systems, then they’ve
stopped somewhere. If I track their credit cards, maybe I’ll get a hit. I could
also track the location of their respective phones. That might give me the
general area.’
. . .

After several days of visiting patients, Kate and Sam were stymied. They
were initially encouraged after their visit with Mr. Davis, but several of the
other participants either weren’t around anymore or abruptly slammed their
doors when Kate and Sam asked to speak with them.
They didn’t blame these people. These poor souls likely had been
through a lot already and probably had trust issues as a result.
“Let’s face it,” said Sam, “we’re asking these people to talk to two
strangers about a potentially traumatic experience. I think we got lucky with
Mr. Davis.”
“Still, I had hope,” Kate replied. “I had hoped that we could explain the
urgency of the situation, and that might persuade some of them to talk about
their experience. We still have some names left. Maybe luck will strike
Of the last batch of names, the first was Ms. Michelle Ramirez. Ms.
Ramirez had indicated on her questionnaire that she was an older student
and that she also lived alone.
Kate was curious about that and expressed her concerns to Sam. “Sam,
most of the participants recruited for the studies had related similar
statistics. If I’m remembering correctly, they were all without families.”
“You know, I think you’re right,” Sam replied. “The other thing that
struck me was that most of them were physically active in sports or other
outdoor pursuits.” She ran her fingers through her hair, thinking about the
mystery before them.
“So why were these particular individuals recruited above any other
candidates?” Kate couldn’t quite wrap her head around it but was certain it
meant something important.
. . .

Upon reaching the second-story apartment, they were greeted by a

weary but determined Ms. Ramirez. Kate and Sam entered her dimly lit
apartment and settled into the rarely used couch near the window.
Michelle spoke quietly and asked what their interest was in the research
project. She seemed inordinately suspicious and hesitant to speak to them,
despite having let them in.
They first asked her what she remembered about her participation in the
“It’s really irritating, but I don’t remember much,” she stated. “Just bits
and pieces, but those bits and pieces weren’t very pleasant. I remember
there was a lot of security, which surprised me. I also remember that they
wouldn’t let me leave when I wanted, though I can’t remember exactly why
I wanted to leave. It’s just so confusing.”
“That sounds frightening,” Kate replied. “Do you remember anything
about the tests?”
“No, that part is a complete blank.”
“Have you had any recurrent dreams since then?”
“Well, not really. But ever since then, I feel like I’m supposed to do
something. I have no idea what, but it gnaws at me like an itch that I can’t
“Does anything make that feeling get better or worse?”
“I haven’t noticed anything. Well, that’s not true. I do notice that it feels
worse when I first wake up in the morning. Is that why you’re here? To help
“I’ve worked with several people that participated in this research, and,
as a psychologist, I’ve found ways to help them process their experiences
and move past any residual issues that were brought up during the study.”
Michelle looked at her as if begging for help before replying in a
strained voice, “I don’t think I can work with you. It’s not about you
specifically, it’s something I feel, as if something bad would happen if I
“Michelle, that might be an issue we can explore if you’d let me.”
Michelle’s eyes unexpectedly opened wide in a look of absolute terror
before screaming, “No, I can’t!”
“I can understand that you’re unable to speak to me today,” said Kate.
“If you change your mind, please let me know.”
Kate wrote her cell number on her business card and handed it to
Michelle. Sam looked at her questioningly as they turned to go.
Once they got back to the car, Sam turned to Kate with a look of
concern. “I’m not sure you should have given her your business card. What
if someone gets that from her, and they’re able to track you down?”
“I just wanted her to get some help. Maybe us talking to her today will
be the catalyst for her to seek help.”
“Still, we have to watch our backs. Right now, I think that should be our
primary focus.”

. . .

During the next several days, Kate and Sam interviewed many more
patients scattered up and down the I-5 corridor from Salem south to
Eugene. Due to Sam’s insistence, they kept to backroads and avoided the
freeway whenever possible. Through their continued interviews with the
victims of these studies, several patterns emerged.
The participants seemed to have developed distinctly different levels of
maladies from their participation in the study, and there had been a few
people that had gone missing entirely.
‘Whatever had happened to them,’ Kate realized, ‘the experiments
conducted on them seem to have been unethical and inhumane, leaving
lasting scars on their emotional well-being.’

. . .

Anderson pondered the situation. He’d been unable to track Dr. Mitchell
since the traffic cam caught her coming south out of Portland. Then, on the
other hand, Dr. Sinclair had gone missing since being admitted to the
hospital and leaving suspiciously. Harrison wanted them both tracked but it
was not as easy as it should have been.
‘In both cases they must have accomplices helping them evade our
investigations. That’s the only way they’d be off the radar for so long.’ He
paused mid thought and stroked his chin. ‘What if the two of them were
together? That would explain both pieces of the puzzle. I know for a fact
there were two women in Dr. Mitchell’s car. Why couldn’t the other woman
be Dr. Sinclair? I might be able to get confirmation by tracking their

. . .

Ex-agent Taylor Donovan quickly dressed and tied back her medium-
length brown hair. Her hazel eyes surveyed the hotel room as she packed
her bag, readying to continue the hunt for the two female fugitives.
She was a highly skilled and resourceful intelligence operative with a
knack for blending seamlessly into various roles. Her ability to adapt to
different situations made her an effective covert agent, capable of
infiltrating and executing missions without drawing immediate attention.
She thought back to her FSA days. ‘I wonder what the FSA is doing
right now, especially that by-the-book Anderson.’ Having worked in the
agency for years, she knew Anderson and had joined forces with him on
several missions. She had admired his skills and his courage but struggled
with his rabid adherence to duty. However, he had been someone she could
count on, and they had saved each other’s lives multiple times throughout
the years, but that was before.
Donovan’s unassuming appearance made her an unremarkable every-
woman at first glance. In fact, the majority of her FSA counterparts had
underestimated her abilities. Anderson had been one of the few that had
given her opportunities to prove herself and advance as an agent.
Her practiced friendly smile and demure facade allowed her to move
through crowds undetected, giving her an advantage in covert operations,
but now she had another advantage; one that gave her advanced skills and
allowed her to function remarkably well in her new role.
Owing to her time in the FSA, Donovan had gained the trust of the
agency, allowing her access to sensitive information, and covert activities.
Her FSA training had put her in the position to volunteer for the Genesis
program and likely was responsible for her survival. ‘Those fools never
appreciated what I could do.’
After the Genesis process, her new skills and subsequent role within the
senator’s inner circle made her the perfect candidate to conduct the more
secretive missions like the one before her.
Harrison had filled her in on Anderson’s theory that the two women had
joined forces. ‘Exactly what I was thinking. That should make things easier.
I can track the two of them together. Too bad I haven’t gotten a hit on their
phones yet. I just have to be patient until they slip up. Then I’ll know where
they are.’
As she contemplated her task, dueling visions battled for her conscious
thought. Involuntarily sitting down on the bed, the dual memories flooded
back, battling for supremacy. In one she lay on a metal table, restrained and
helpless. Swirling lights filled the room as painful probes were inserted into
her flesh. As her body arched with the memory of that intense pain, she
recalled similar episodes of pain that began to drift through her muddled
Her thoughts flashed over to this alternate vision of agony mingled with
intense cold. Somehow, that vision felt more substantial. She could feel the
needles piercing her flesh and the pain of muscles contorting in agony at the
changes going on inside her body. She remembered waking once the
process was done, her newly altered body slowly becoming accustomed to
its enhanced status.
“These are unusual readings,” the technician had muttered to the
medical team. “I don’t know what this means but something looks off.”
“When we need your opinion, we’ll ask for it,” the doctor gruffly
replied. “She made it through the process and no one else has. Harrison will
be pleased at our success, so let’s just not rock the boat.”
“But sir, the data shows an anomaly.”
The doctor barked in frustration, “I don’t care! We need to get this one
into the training as soon as possible and get her ready for action. Once we
figure out how she survived the process, maybe we’ll have other
Donovan was confused and frightened that something might have gone
wrong with the procedure. She was sore and exhausted as she climbed off
the cold metal table where they’d been running their tests. “Hey, what are
you talking about? What’s wrong with me?”
The doctor glared at the technician before turning to face her. “Don’t
worry. You’re in good hands. We won’t let anything happen to you. You’re
too valuable to the program.”
They left her there to get dressed in the clothes that had been laid out.
She felt the unaccustomed tension in her muscles as she clothed herself.
Unknown individuals came and escorted her to her sleeping chamber where
she fitfully dozed, not quite able to achieve deep sleep. And then the dreams

. . .

It had taken days to learn to walk again with her altered muscular
structure. Then the training had begun; intense, painful training with
advanced combat tactics. Her body glided through the motions, and she
found herself able to power through the pain from each blow no matter the
damage she sustained. In fact, she began to find the pain invigorating.
She enjoyed the sensations flooding her mind as she battled each
combatant. Her body was powerful, and it was intoxicating to experience
the unmatched power she possessed. The training went on into the wee
hours of the night and yet she was able to continue without tiring. It was
only when there were none to stand against her that the exercises were
She became stronger each day, but memories of the pain from the
modification process lingered. Sporadically, she experienced dreams
infused with pain. Waking from the nightmares, she would momentarily
lose her place, wondering where she was and what had happened. Then,
each time, the memories would come flooding back, grounding her in her
new reality.
She began to receive assignments designed to evaluate her new skills.
She never hesitated, carrying out each command with precision and
expertise. Her orders began with simple duties. Observing and monitoring
her fellow research participants felt beneath her, but she carried out each
assignment without question.
Monitoring escalated into abductions. She began to be tasked with
detaining participants from the program that had failed in the mind
conditioning. Questioned by the project leaders, some individuals were
detained long term and others were eliminated.
She followed multiple individuals that had volunteered for the project.
Some had completely forgotten what had happened to them, others had
developed severe psychological maladies, and some unfortunate individuals
had died. Yet, there were some that didn’t fall into those groups, and they
were her targets.
The program leaders, anxious to stop any potential leaks about the
project, escalated her orders. No longer were they interested in questioning
the failures from the program. If anyone at this point was aware of what had
happened to them, they were to be terminated.
Once this new elimination protocol had been established, she knew she
had found her calling.

Kate and Sam had a few more names to check, and the next was in the town
of Springfield, on the outskirts of Eugene. By the time they got to
Springfield, they were feeling hungry. Driving around town, they happened
across a Thai restaurant. Sam was excited to try it, not having ever eaten
Thai food. Kate was enthusiastic at the chance finding since it was one of
her favorites.
The restaurant was a cute place with a fairly relaxed atmosphere. The
menu was limited, and Kate suggested they split some salad rolls and Pad
“Wow, this is good!” exclaimed Sam. “I’m glad you talked me into it.
Kate smiled, content with knowing that she had made her partner happy.
That had become very important to her, especially considering the
circumstances they were facing.
Comforted by the delicious meal, they pressed on to the home of Derek
Wilson. He welcomed them into his spartan but tidy home, and as they
settled onto the couch, he asked them the reason for their visit.
“I don’t get many visitors,” he explained. “I’ve had a few of the study
organizers come by, but not many other folks do anymore.”
Kate asked what he meant by that.
He looked up as if lost in thought before replying, “It’s weird. I used to
have lots of friends, but I don’t really hang out with them anymore and
nobody comes over here now.”
“What do you think has changed?” she asked.
“I don’t know if I’m comfortable answering a lot of questions,” he
countered. “I don’t know why but I don’t really think I’m supposed to be
talking about it. You don’t seem surprised,” he commented, noting the
glance between Kate and Sam.
“Derek, we’ve met with several participants from the study, and we’re
investigating any side effects or changes that have happened since they
participated in the research.”
“Are you from the institute?” he asked Kate directly, looking her straight
in the eye.
Kate didn’t want to push her luck with that specific pretense. “No, we’re
actually independent researchers auditing the success of the treatments.
We’ve noted that many patients have had negative consequences, which has
increased our level of concern. Do you have anything that you can add for
our records?”
Derek gave her a puzzled look. “I think I’m supposed to call if anyone
comes around asking about the study. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I
feel like it’s something I’m supposed to do, something I have to do.”
He reached for the phone on the side table next to his chair. Kate thought
quickly and looked to Sam for help. Finally, a thought came to her. “Derek,
have you been having nightmares?”
He stopped midway through dialing and looked at her, with a blank
expression on his face.
“Derek, tell me what’s going on. What are you feeling?”
He continued staring straight ahead, frozen in his seat. A cold sweat
broke out on his forehead.
“Derek, I want you to talk to me,” she insisted.
Not getting any response, she snapped her fingers loudly in front of his
eyes, but no acknowledgement of her action registered on his face.
Sam experimentally prodded the large man’s arm, but it was completely
rigid. She looked at Kate in a panic. “Kate, what’s wrong with him?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t want to leave him in this condition.”
Sam reached over and hung up the phone, still poised in his hand. “I
think we should get out of here. What if he’s being watched. You heard him
say he’s had visits from the researchers.”
“Sam, we can’t leave him,” Kate repeated.
“Look, if he’s being watched, then they might know we’re here. Plus,
they’ll likely know what to do for him, and you don’t.”
Kate shook her head in frustration. “I don’t understand what happened to
“Kate, we need to go,” insisted Sam, pulling Kate to her feet. She
pushed Kate towards the door. “Kate, remember why we’re here and what’s
going on. He’ll be fine, but we might not be if someone finds out we’re
Kate reluctantly opened the door, and they headed back to the car.
“I didn’t do anything,” she lamented. “He shouldn’t have gone catatonic
like that.”
“Kate, it wasn’t anything you did. Whatever they did to him must have
caused that. You aren’t responsible.”
Kate sighed before leaning against Sam’s shoulder. “This is all worse
than I thought. What could they have done to him, to all of them? Let me
think.” She paused, twisting her hair as if for emphasis before coming up
with an idea. “I can at least call the police anonymously and ask them to do
a welfare check on him. Then he won’t be left alone like that.”
Kate dialed and made the request, satisfied that he would get the help he
needed. Sam simply shook her head and drove them out of town.
The truth was within their grasp, and with each interview, they had
moved closer to unraveling the past and exposing the sinister secrets that
had been hidden for far too long.
The more they heard, the clearer it became that the clandestine research
was far from benevolent and that the motivations extended beyond pure
research. Each testimony added to the intricate puzzle of deception and
abuse, bringing them closer to the heart of the scheme.
As they listened to the survivors’ stories, they understood that their fight
for justice was not just about uncovering the truth, but also about providing
closure and healing for those who had suffered.

. . .

The data monitoring center was quiet that afternoon until the technician
called out for assistance. “We have an open line recording that needs to be
reviewed right away,” she stated.
‘That’s two alerts in only a couple of weeks,’ thought the supervisor
upon listening to the recording. ‘This Kate person just bit off a heap of
trouble. Better her than me.’

. . .

Donovan wiped her blade on the couch before heading for the bathroom.
Having been updated on the communication about the recording, she had
gotten to Derek’s home quickly, and had swiftly performed her duty. She
changed her clothes, and washed up, cleaning all of the surfaces that she’d
touched. Her fastidious nature was unhappy at having to leave the scene a
grisly murder, but she knew she no longer had the luxury of time to stage all
of these ‘accidents’ properly.
Yet, as she walked out to her car, she felt a certain satisfaction at having
eliminated another loose end. She was unaware that, with each completed
task, she lost more and more of herself. The process that had turned her into
a ruthless operative was slowly twisting her mind and creating a monster.
She drove north almost enjoying that game of cat and mouse. ‘I think I
might know where they’re headed next, and I’ll be ready for them.’

They found one last name on the list that they’d missed: a Mr. Clark
Spencer. Mr. Spencer lived in Corvallis and had been a student there. Upon
reaching his home, they met with his new wife, Linda. Linda told them that
he hadn’t lived there in six months and was currently in the state mental
hospital up in Salem. Her concern was evident, and Kate promised to do
what she could.
Kate and Sam weren’t sure what to do with this information, nor what to
do to help Mr. Spencer, but they were convinced that they desperately
needed to meet with him. They were certain that he had experienced
something so dreadful that it had driven him over the edge.
Kate remembered something. “I think I know a doctor in Salem who
used to work there as a psychiatrist. Maybe he’s still there and could help us
figure this out.”
Sam seemed worried but kept quiet and headed north, despite any
misgivings, back towards Salem again.
Noticing the change in mood, Kate asked her point-blank, “What’s got
you so worried?”
Sam hesitated before replying, “I don’t know. Something about this one
particularly bothers me. It might be a mistake to go to the hospital.”
“We have to know. I just know it’s an important piece of the puzzle.”
Sam couldn’t get over her qualms about visiting the hospital but opted to
keep quiet and continued to stare at the road, hands firmly gripping the
steering wheel.
Kate left Sam alone with her thoughts, thinking about the state hospital
they were about to visit. She’d visited her first one back in Ohio when she
was quite young, when her grandma had needed help. It had been an eye-
opening experience, and as a young child, it had been confusing and scary.
She reflected on that, knowing that her grandma was the primary reason
she’d gotten into psychology. She loved the work, but there were times
when it was difficult to cope with the stress.
Despite knowing that sometimes it was necessary for the patient, it was
still difficult for her to enter that environment, even so many years later.
She couldn’t imagine how difficult it must be for the patients living there. ‘I
hope he’s getting the help he needs there,’ she thought internally. She knew
her training would get her through and proceeded to focus on her therapy
She glanced at Sam for support, who seemed to still be focused on
driving. Kate slid over and curled up against her shoulder. Sam responded,
putting her arm around Kate and smiled her broad smile. Kate relaxed,
bolstered by the knowledge that they’d could tackle this together.
They stopped at the front gate and checked in. Wearing their visitor
badges, they headed inside, and it surprised them to see how quiet it was.
An art class was going on in a nearby room and they could see a beautiful
garden area out back through the windows in the lobby.
As they approached the desk, Kate asked to see Dr. Lawson. Relieved to
hear he still worked there, they waited briefly until a staff member escorted
them down the hall to meet with him.
The hospital modeled high vaulted ceilings, arched doorways, and
ornate moldings. Kate noted the dimly lit hallways, permeated with the
smell of aged wood and polished floors. She remembered her visit to the
hospital in Ohio and remarked on how similar it was. She asked if the
patient wings were divided into different sections comparable to her
previous experience and was told about the distinct purposes and levels of
care in the facility.
They finally made their way to the office of Dr. Lawson. A vintage desk
was the centerpiece of the room, an apparent testament to Dr. Lawson’s
appreciation for antiques. Piles of books haphazardly covered the desk, and
Dr. Lawson sat perched in his chair, studiously reviewing a stack of patient
Dr. Kyle Lawson was a distinguished middle-aged man, with salt-and-
pepper hair that framed his face in a well-groomed manner. His deep-set
eyes, behind a pair of wire-rimmed glasses, conveyed a sense of wisdom
and empathy. He carried himself with an air of confidence and composure,
exuding a calming presence that put his patients at ease.
Wearing a crisp, white lab coat over his button-up shirt and trousers, Dr.
Lawson greeted them and asked them to take a seat. Apparently not
remembering Kate, he had a puzzled look on his face and asked them the
reason for their visit. Kate reminded him of a conference in Salem from a
couple of years ago where they had met. His memory seemed to return, and
he smiled more sincerely.
“I’d like to ask you about Mr. Spencer,” stated Kate, as Sam looked
cautiously around the room, noting the walls of books and journals. This
was clearly the room of a scholar.
Dr. Lawson reflected for a moment before answering. “May I ask what
your interest is in Mr. Spencer?”
Kate fabricated a story and told him the family had sent them to inquire
about his condition.
“I’m afraid you’ve wasted a trip,” said Lawson. “I can’t divulge patient
information except as a part of his treatment or directly to a family
Being extremely familiar with privacy laws, Kate took a gamble and
suggested they call his wife, Linda, for her approval. Dr. Lawson grabbed
for the phone but paused and seemed to change his mind. “I’m not sure if
he’s able to receive visitors, but I can check on that for you?” he suggested.
Dr. Lawson had an odd expression on his face, but neither Kate nor Sam
could decipher its meaning. Before Kate could answer him, he picked up
the phone and dialed. As he waited for the line to connect, Kate attempted
to reroute their conversation. “We don’t need to see him personally, I’d just
like to discuss his condition.”
Sam was pacing near the large picture window as if looking for an exit.
Kate also had a bad feeling about this visit with Dr. Lawson.
He put down the receiver, glancing back at Sam before turning to Kate.
“There isn’t much to say. He was admitted suffering from delusions and a
warped sense of reality. We’ve been able to keep him quiet and safe from
harming himself, but we haven’t had much success yet in calming the
delusions. He's perfectly safe if you’d like to see him.”
Kate didn’t take the bait. Something was off with the sudden and
repeated offers to meet with Mr. Spencer, and she had a creeping sense of
danger working its way up her spine. She turned to Sam, whose pacing had
stopped, being replaced with a wide-eyed look of concern.
She turned back to Dr. Lason. “No need. Linda wanted us to check up on
him since we’d be in the area, but it sounds like not much has changed
since he was brought in. I don’t want to disturb him unnecessarily, and it
sounds like he’s fairly stable.”
“Are you sure? He’s right down the hall.” Dr. Lawson rose as if to escort
them, but Sam reached the door first.
“No, thank you, we really must be going,” replied Kate in her most
polite tone.
They thanked him for his time and quickly headed back down the
The moment they had left, Dr. Lawson picked up the phone and dialed
quickly. “You were right There’s someone asking about Spencer,” he said.
He hung up, knowing that he would soon receive visitors of a different sort,
ones much more ominous and intimidating.

. . .

Kate and Sam felt relieved at leaving Dr. Lawson as they returned to
their safe house at the Salem hotel.
Sam spoke first, “I had a creepy vibe about Dr. Lawson. I could be
overreacting, but I think he was trying to keep us there.”
“I agree. I hate feeling so paranoid, but it seemed like he was waiting for
something to happen, and we may have gotten out just in time.”
They held each other close, worried about the risks building up before
them the more they delved deeper into the mysterious research.
Holding each other gave them both strength, and worry finally gave way
to feelings of righteous anger and determination. The testimonies of the
patients strengthened their resolve to expose the truth about the project’s
malevolent operations.
They just needed to figure out what to do next.

. . .

Donovan slammed her fist against the steering wheel. “Dammit Lawson!
Why didn’t you keep them there? You know how much is riding on this. We
can’t have those two causing us more trouble.”
She hung up the phone and cursed a string of expletives. Now she’d
have to track them down again, and she wasn’t looking forward to that
legwork. She was, however, keen to personally take care of these two
women. ‘I’ll have some fun on this one,’ she thought. ‘It’s time to indulge
my creative side. I just hope that I find them first. That goody two shoes
Anderson would spoil my fun.’

. . .

Anderson reviewed his copious notes from the university. He’d gone to
Portland to question Dr. Mitchell’s colleagues. It didn’t appear that any of
them had any knowledge of Dr. Mitchell’s whereabouts, but he discovered
that she had taken a sabbatical from the university. “That was a dead end,”
he sighed. Tired from his hours of driving, he stretched his shoulders before
getting back into the SUV. ‘Now I’ve got to hope that one of them will use
their phone so we can get a location on them. They’ve been pretty smart so
far, not use their credit cards, and they must be taking back roads since they
haven’t popped up on the monitors again. The question is, how do they
know that we’re after them? What exactly do they think they’re running

It was early morning when Kate woke. The company was quite enjoyable
despite their current circumstances, Kate thought to herself while
luxuriously stretching her lithe body in the morning light. Having spent the
night with her new love, she was basking in the cozy feeling of being with
Sam after their first glorious night of passion.
Sam had surprised Kate with how tender she could be, and Kate had
surprised herself with how much she had wanted Sam. Even now, she felt a
hunger for her new love stirring as they lay together in the hotel bed.
Kate rolled over and kissed Sam long and hard. Sam felt the yearning
well up in Kate, and she was enjoying this new side of their relationship
immensely. Sam wrapped Kate in a passionate embrace and gave her the
kind of long, slow kiss that made Kate dizzy.
Kate was amorously kissing Sam’s neck and moaned as Sam caressed
her, which ignited Sam’s craving for Kate even further. She kissed Kate
harder, while caressing her slowly. Kate slowly began to gyrate her hips in
rhythm with Sam’s motion, and they quickened the tempo of their passion.
She responded to Sam’s touch with wild abandonment as Sam vigorously
expressed her desire. Kate screamed in pleasure, and her body wildly
arched as their passion came to its dizzying conclusion.
Thoroughly spent, Kate lay next to Sam, basking in the sensations
surging through her body. She began tracing Sam’s body, hinting at her
desire to reciprocate, but Sam swiftly took charge and proceeded to satisfy
her once more in a most pleasurable manner. Over and over, Sam dedicated
herself to bringing Kate to new heights of passion.
Despite the serenity that came after the exhilaration of their morning
interlude, the excitement of their new love eventually gave way to thoughts
of their current predicament. As they lay in the bed, wrapped around each
other for comfort, they were again becoming understandably worried about
the task at hand.
They now knew about several patients who had developed unnervingly
similar nightmares after participating in the research studies and had
discovered that most had suffered some type of psychological trauma.
Kate decided to put it all out of her mind temporarily, just for a few
more moments, and settled back into the bed next to Sam. Sam turned to
her, and Kate caressed her cheek. “Morning, love,” said Kate while leaning
over to give her a kiss.
“Mmmm,” mumbled Sam. “What a lovely way to wake up.”
They both jumped when Sam’s phone began to ring.
“Hardly anyone has this number,” muttered Sam. “Who the heck could it
“You’d better answer it,” whispered Kate, though she wasn’t quite sure
why she was whispering.
“Hello? Who’s there?” queried Sam, turning the phone’s speaker on.
“Sam, I hope you remember me,” said the voice. “This is Howard,
Howard Chen from the university. We worked on the research study
Sam was confused but remembered the young intern who had prepped
biological samples for the study.
“Hi, Howard. I do remember you. I’m surprised you have this number.”
“It’s in the university database,” said Howard.
Sam was startled at that. “Oh, uh, so what’s up?” she stumbled. “What’s
so urgent that you’d look up my number?”
“I think you might be in danger,” warned Howard. “They know you
accessed the research database, and they questioned all of us about our
recent interactions with you.”
“Who’s ‘they’” asked Sam hesitantly.
“Look, I need to get off the phone,” replied Howard. It’s possible that
someone is monitoring your calls. If I can find this number, then they can.
Find Operation Genesis,” he whispered, then abruptly hung up.
Kate and Sam looked at each other in shock. This suddenly seemed like
a much more daunting task against a much more substantial adversary.
Sam spoke first. “Who could he be talking about? I think I’m officially
on their radar now, whoever it is.” That fact made her think about their
situation. Before, it had been all about protecting Kate, but now, the
mysterious ‘they’ were after both of them, which gave Sam a chill.
Kate too, was wondering what that meant for their quest. Up to that
point, it had been about trying to determine what was going on in the study,
but this new information brought home the fact that someone might actually
be out to get the both of them, but who was the question.
Kate hoped the warning wouldn’t affect Sam’s willingness to continue
on. She needed her now more than ever if they were going to get to the
bottom of what was happening.
“We need to ditch our phones,” said Kate.
“Agreed,” answered Sam. “We can get a burner phone if we need to use
one, but we also need to get out of town; and now.”
Kate nodded and got up to grab her things. Sam did the same, and they
raced for the Land Rover.

. . .

Donovan saw the monitor pick up the phone call and she pinged the
towers in the area to triangulate their position. “Salem,” she muttered as she
quickly packed her bag. “I should have known Dr. Sinclair would keep near
a familiar environment. I just hope I can get there before those FSA idiots.”

. . .

Kate and Sam sped off, heading for the highway, when Sam said,
“Maybe I should take us on some back roads for a bit where it might be
harder to see us?”
Kate nodded her agreement and Sam turned away from the highway,
taking some surface streets. “We’d better get some cash too,” said Kate.
“I’m sure they can track our credit cards and debit cards.” Sam turned the
wheel and headed for a local bank.
“I have a few ideas up my sleeve about where we can hide,” Sam
declared. “Areas in the woods, where it will be hard for anyone to find us.”
“Good thing I like camping,” said Kate.
They smiled at each other, and Sam squeezed her hand. “It’ll be all
right,” she said. “We just have to hole up until we can review the details of
the research. Then we can decide what we need to do.”
Kate looked concerned but nodded. She was relieved that Sam seemed
committed to continuing the journey. Her strength was a large part of what
was keeping Kate from freaking out about their circumstances.
They entered the bank and completed their transactions, emptying their
accounts of cash and even taking cash advances against their credit cards.
“I hope this will be enough,” said Kate when they got back to the car.
“It will be,” replied Sam, putting her hand on Kate’s shoulder. “It will all
work out.”
Kate and Sam next headed to a local shopping mall where they could
pick up some needed items for their journey, paying cash to prevent probing
eyes from following their path and their activities. The mall was a bustling
place, and the women were constantly scanning their surroundings, looking
for hidden threats as they shopped.

. . .

As they left the last store, a black SUV arrived at the hotel where they
had stayed. Menacing figures leaped into action and headed for the hotel
They hurriedly asked the employees about the two women and any
conversations they may have overheard, trying to quickly get as much detail
as possible. It wasn’t long before they raced away, heading next for the
The black SUV arrived at the bank where Kate and Sam had made their
transactions and questioned the staff. No one there seemed to know
anything about any future plans discussed by the women, and the SUV left,
taking surface streets around town in a search for the green Land Rover.
They realized they had missed the two women and likely would not be
able to track them easily from there on out.
A call went out to the lead agent, Anderson, letting him know about their
failure to detain Dr. Mitchell and the other woman she was with. He
thoughtfully pondered the next steps necessary to stop them and decided it
was time to recruit local law enforcement to broaden the search.

. . .

Anderson contacted several agencies in both Oregon and Washington

and related the official story of two women fugitives on the loose who
needed to be questioned. When asked, he cited national security interests,
which he knew would motivate the police and sheriff to assist with
enthusiasm. Stroking his chin in thought, he wondered what these two
women could have done to garner so much attention. Shaking himself from
his reverie, he knew it was time to get back to business. Now it was time for
him to get out of Portland and join the hunt. ‘If they’re leaving Salem now,
where are they headed next?’

Donovan slammed down the receiver. This new assignment was unbearably
beneath her skill level, and she was beginning to wonder why she was
following Harrison’s orders. Screaming in frustration she began to argue
with shadows since there was nobody present to shout at. Ranting at
Harrison and his edicts, she eventually began to argue with herself about
her course of action. Finally, she came to an internal agreement that, at least
for now, she would follow her orders.
Her new assignment consisted of coordinating the dismantling of the
two test sites from the project, she bridled at the disruption to her original
task, which was the capture of the two doctors; especially Dr. Sinclair, the
thorn in her side.
Thwarted by Dr. Sinclair’s escape from the explosion, and then again
from the hospital, Donovan was becoming obsessed with taking care of her
and Dr. Mitchell personally. As her sanity began to waver, rage took hold,
and her obsession grew stronger.
Nonetheless, she had a job to do and grudgingly made some calls, in
order to assemble a team to assist in the dismantling of the two facilities.
‘As soon as this is done,’ she thought, ‘I’ll be free to hunt those two down
and deal with them appropriately. It’s aggravating that they’ve avoided me
so far.’
. . .

Kate and Sam, satisfied that they had what they needed, bundled their
bounty into the back of the Land Rover and sped off again, heading down
the surface roads.
“Where are we going?” asked Kate.
“Mount Saint Helens,” replied Sam. “I know the area, and there are
some old logging roads not far from there. It’ll be hard to find us up there,
but we’re going to have to get back on the freeway for just a bit. If we’re
lucky, nobody will see us.”
“I’m so glad you’re with me,” said Kate. “For more than one reason.”
She smiled at Sam, who smiled back.
Sam was taking surface streets as much as possible and hopping off the
freeway periodically in case they were being followed. During a stretch on
the freeway, they noticed a police vehicle heading south on the opposite
side of the freeway.

. . .

The officer confirmed that was the wanted car and that there were two
women inside who were wanted for questioning by the FSA. He hit his
lights and siren and sped around at the turnaround, attempting to catch up
with the Land Rover.
As he headed north, he radioed in the details about the vehicle in
question and its position. He confirmed seeing two women in the car, but he
had not been able to ascertain if there were any weapons present at that
Dispatch confirmed that they were wanted by the FSA for questioning
and that additional units would be en route to aid in the pursuit. As he
scanned the traffic, he briefly wondered what these two women could have
done to warrant such consideration, then turned his full attention back to the
chase, hoping this situation wouldn’t escalate.

. . .

Kate and Sam heard the siren, and in the rearview mirror, Sam saw the
officer take the turnaround. Sam thought quickly and pulled in front of a
semi, trying to get out of view.
“I don’t like this,” said Sam. “I don’t know why, but I think he’s here for
Kate gasped in shock. “Why would the police be after us? This doesn’t
make sense.”
“Just keep your fingers crossed. I’m going to try to lose him.”
Watching in the rearview, Sam waited until the officer got closer before
turning onto the right-hand shoulder of the highway. She slowed to match
the truck’s speed and then continued to slow the car to keep the truck
between them and the police vehicle.
As luck would have it, the 503 exit was only a half mile up the road.
After falling into place behind the truck, Sam quickly guided the car onto
the offramp, heading for Battleground.
“We’ll be able to change directions and get lost easier there if he comes
back,” Sam explained. There’s also a way to get to the mountain from here
as long as we don’t pick up any more followers.”
“Sam, this scares me. Why would the police be looking for us?”
“I don’t know, but that makes me think this is bigger than we thought.
I’m not sure what we’ve gotten ourselves into.”
Kate was shaking as they drove east on this substitute route. Sam did her
best to try to console her, but she too was distraught at the thought that the
police might be after them, in addition to whoever sabotaged her home, and
the mysterious ‘they’ who were tracking Sam’s movements.
‘What does all of this mean?’ Sam thought. ‘Who’s pulling the strings
behind the scenes?’
Using her psychological techniques, Kate began to calm herself until she
could stop shaking. “I’m glad we’re heading for the mountains,” she said.
“Maybe up there, we can get away from whatever is going on.”
“There’s one other option,” said Sam. “We could just leave. Run to the
east and get away from the area. Maybe nobody would follow us if we

. . .

Agent Anderson hung up his phone and began to stare at the map, trying
to decipher which way the two women might have gone. There was a
highway in the area, but there were also smaller surface roads, not to
mention the city of Battleground where they could drive off in any
direction. It could be extremely difficult to track them from there.
Assuming they had gone east on the 503 turnoff, he wondered why they
would head for Battleground. Anderson looked at what lay past the town
and wondered if they could be making for the mountains. He reached out to
the law enforcement agencies in the area and put them on alert for the
Battleground area. He then contacted the air support team. “Let’s get a bird
in the air. I have an idea where they might be going.”

Kate and Sam vacillated about what to do. “After all,” said Sam. “We don’t
even know who’s chasing us or why.”
“I think we need to continue on to the mountains, so we have
somewhere to stop and think,” replied Kate.
That seemed as good of an idea as any, and Sam continued on the roads
up towards Mount St. Helens.
Kate and Sam passed by the beautiful lakes along the highway and
continued on past the town of Cougar. The beautiful scenery was helping to
calm their nerves, but Kate sighed as they turned left onto yet another road,
this time heading north.
Sam put her arm around Kate’s shoulders and gathered her close. “We’ll
be there soon,” she declared, giving Kate a squeeze.
Under different circumstances, these travels throughout the Pacific
Northwest with nothing but the two of them alone in the car would have
made Kate quite happy. At the time, she was entirely too preoccupied with
scanning for enemy vehicles to enjoy the forests and mountains that passed
them as they traveled.
“Now the fun starts,” said Sam.
She veered off the road and headed up a rocky trail through the pines
and low-lying brush that Kate supposed was the logging road.
“Just hold tight,” Sam said. “It’ll smooth out in a bit.”
Kate sat quietly, hoping it really would be soon. They bumped along,
heading up the trail, and it did indeed smooth out about two miles in.
The fact that it flattened out exactly where Sam had indicated soothed
Kate’s nerves. Sam’s expertise regarding the area made Kate feel safe and
protected. She had stopped scanning for enemies and, aside from the
bouncing, was starting to relax a bit the further into the woods they went.
She put her hand on Sam’s shoulder as a sign of support before asking how
far they’d be going.
“I’m going to take us in a couple more miles, and we can find a place to
camp,” said Sam. It was late afternoon when she decided to stop and said
authoritatively, “Here looks good.”
“If you say so,” replied a skeptical Kate. “It’s a little more rugged than
I’m used to for camping.”
Sam looked at her and smiled. “I’ll make a pioneer woman of you yet.”
The site was relatively flat and less rocky than the trail they had driven
up. Surrounded by pines, it was a picturesque setting marred only by the
situation they were facing. As they worked to set up camp, the pine needles
crunched under their feet, and the scents of the forest invaded their senses.
The serene quiet was a welcome change from the past several days on the
road, and Kate found herself becoming calmer.

. . .

By the time they finished putting up the tent, Kate was exhausted. “I
don’t know about you, but I’m beat,” she said, tying her hair up in a
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” said Sam. “I forgot all about your injuries
in the excitement.”
Kate grimaced as she sat down in one of the camp chairs. Sam walked
over to her and began to massage her shoulders.
“That feels great,” Kate purred. Sam continued her efforts until the sky
began to darken.
“Let’s get some sleep,” suggested Sam. “We both need it, and we can
tackle the documents in the morning.”
Kate must have been more tired than she thought, and they both crashed
onto the big air mattress. Sleep took them quickly, and they knew nothing
until morning.

. . .

“Wow!” said Sam. “I guess we needed that.”

Kate quipped, “Yes, I do feel better though. Too bad there’s not a
shower. I’m going to miss such things. It’s been a while since I’ve done any
serious camping.”
Sam looked at her, smirking. “You’ll get used to it again. I’ll help you
get your camping spirit back.” She leaned over, placing her arms around
Kate’s waist, and gave her a passionate kiss before asking, “How are your
hiking legs?”
Flustered by the kiss, Kate wasn’t sure if she was joking and hesitantly
replied, “Are we going to walk it from here? My legs are a bit wobbly after
the drive, or was it that kiss?” She saw Sam smile, and it filled her heart to
be with this amazing woman.
Sam shook her head no. She explained there were some streams nearby
where they could get water, and they wouldn’t have to walk that far.
They ate some breakfast bars and walked up to the cool, clear stream so
they could fill their collapsible gallon-sized water containers and their small
personal water bottles. Kate took a few sips and sighed in contentment at
the atmosphere.
As they got back to camp, Kate’s brow furrowed as she contemplated
the task at hand. “Let’s take a look at those documents,” she directed. They
decided to divide up the pages and started to read.

. . .

Kate and Sam spent two days reading and rereading bits of the research
documents and trying to decide what to do next. They had printed reams of
paper, and the reading was slow to piece together. The two spent their
mornings sipping coffee and ensuring that their water was topped off, so
they’d be ready to roll at a moment’s notice, and the reading went on into
the evening.
They both were getting bloodshot eyes from delving into the large stacks
of paper that they were reading, but to be thorough, they kept exchanging
stacks to make sure that neither of them missed anything.
Their evenings were spent in more pleasant activities, and despite the
stress and strain they were under, they were able to enjoy each other’s
company and spent hours making love in their tent on the extra-large air
“Oh, Sam,” Kate exclaimed after one of their passionate encounters. “I
wish it was just the two of us, with no worries and nothing but each other.”
Sam leaned in to kiss her softly. “Being here with you, sometimes it’s
hard to remember the problems we’re facing. All I know is that you’re here
with me, and my heart is filled with such joy.”
Kate snuggled into Sam’s sturdy arms, content in the feeling of
closeness they shared. She’d never been as happy with anyone as she was
with Sam.

. . .

After the first two nights rolled by, their tiredness grew, and they simply
went to bed the next night, frustrated that nothing was evident in the files
they were reading.
Frustration over their lack of success was building and, combined with
the stress of being hunted, was creating a tense atmosphere. The fond
caresses and assertions of affection gave way to silence and short, strained
conversations about the research. It wasn’t until the fourth morning that
they found what they were looking for.
“I listened to you do the hypnotherapy with those patients,” Sam stated.
“It seemed kind of scary how you could get into their minds and make
suggestions like that. Isn’t that dangerous?”
“I’ve used it a little, but it can be a risky process if not done correctly,”
Kate replied, not knowing what Sam was after.
“I don’t think these researchers cared much about the risks. You need to
read this,” she said while handing her a page from the stack she was
Kate perused the page Sam handed to her and looked up in shock. “It
sounds like hypnotherapy is being used to control the participants’ minds,”
she exclaimed. “This is bad, really bad. But who could be behind something
this horrible?”
They had made it through most of the documents when they realized
they’d skipped lunch, and the sun was starting to set.
“We’d better eat something,” Sam asserted. “It won’t do us any good to
go without, and we need to stay strong.”
Kate nodded and pulled out the camp stove. She cooked some
reconstituted food they had brought, and they enjoyed the extra luxury of
some fresh fruit while it was cooking.
Tiredness descended on them, and they sat down and ate their main
course almost mechanically, without really tasting the food.
Overwhelmed by what they had read, neither one could come up with a
“Let’s sleep on it,” Kate said. “Maybe tomorrow we can figure
something out.” Sam headed for the tent when Kate caught her hand. “I’m
sorry I got you into all of this.”
Sam kissed her before slowly replying, “This won’t be easy, whatever
we do, but I’m glad to be here with you.”
They crashed again that night, overcome with shock from the horrible
plot they’d uncovered. Yet somehow, knowing what they were up against
brought them close again, and they fell asleep curled up in the safety of
their shared embrace.

Agent Anderson stood in silence, facing his superior in a rather non-descript

office. As the lead agent of the FSA’s Delta Division, he would have to
answer for their activities. “Well, what have you found out?” said the
“Unfortunately, sir, we missed them at the hotel and the bank,” he
replied. “The staff at the hotel were quite helpful with some motivation and
told us that Dr. Mitchell had been there with another woman. They don’t
know the other woman’s name because Dr. Mitchell was the only one on
the reservation. One of the staff thought she might have called her Kate.
“We’ve also received intel that they may have made their way east of the
highway, but we’ve been unable to corroborate that. I’ve called for air
support to aid in the search.”
Senator Harrison raised his eyebrows in mild surprise. ‘So that confirms
that those two troublesome women had joined forces as we suspected.’
He spoke gruffly and without hesitation, “You need to pick up their trail
again and make sure you find them. You understand that we can’t let these
women get away. It’s too important.”
It wasn’t a question, and Anderson just nodded. “We’ll take care of it,”
he said before turning to leave the room.
‘This better not get any more complicated,’ thought the senator. ‘There’s
too much riding on this.’
. . .

The operation was inexorably tied to his past, a secret past unknown to
anyone. As Anderson left, Harrison again thought back on his childhood.
He recalled the paranoia that his mother had suffered from and her stern
warnings of things to come.
“Don’t let them get you, Elliot,” she had shouted one day, grabbing him
and shaking him. “Promise me you’ll always be on the lookout.”
He had nodded in agreement and promised to always be careful, and he
was being careful still.

. . .

Anderson wondered what those two women could have done. It wasn’t
normal procedure to be ordered to detain someone without being given the
full narrative, but this came down from Harrison, so he was obligated to
He thought about his involvement in the FSA. He’d been on the job for
four years, but it felt like twenty lately. Something had changed when
Harrison took over, and he wasn’t sure he was totally on board with the
changes. People were being detained, some had disappeared, and, in most
cases, no explanations were forthcoming. All he’d been told lately was that
it involved national security, and that rationale was wearing thin.
‘It’s not like there’s anything I can do,” he thought. ‘The job’s the job,
and I don’t’ always have to like it. Maybe it’s just time to retire.’

. . .

Sam woke early and opted to let Kate sleep in. “She needs it,” she said
to herself. “I need it too, but we need to figure out who’s behind this.”
There was only one other small stack of papers to read, so she started in
on it. She quickly scanned the pages, trying to unearth clues about who was
in charge of the operation, but didn’t expect to find anything.
Then, in that last stack was a name. It was in a small section regarding
funding for the research. She thought she recognized the name but wasn’t
sure, and the context eluded her. “Kate, wake up!” she insisted. “Who’s
Elliot Harrison?”
Kate started and immediately was awake. “That’s Senator Elliot
Harrison, I think. I can’t remember from what state. What’s going on?”
“This may go higher up than we thought,” exclaimed Sam. She showed
Kate what she had found and reasoned that their lives were in even more
danger than they had initially thought.
Kate continued, “If I remember correctly, he’s now in charge of the FSA
and would have scores of agents at his disposal. If he’s running the show,
we’re in quite a pile of trouble.”
Sam responded, “Then we’re getting out of here this morning. We need
to get further up into the wilderness, and we need to get moving now.”
Kate was shocked by this recent development and stared at Sam as if not
comprehending the enormity of the danger. This had become
overwhelmingly complicated, and she wasn’t sure how they’d be able to
continue. One thing she did know was that Sam was right. They needed to
get out of there.
Kate jumped up and got dressed, and they quickly packed up camp.
They took one more trip to the stream to make sure they were maxed out on
their water, then headed on up the trail.

. . .
Later that day, Sam turned off the logging trail and started driving
through the thicker brush. Branches slapped at the sides of the SUV as she
guided the vehicle beneath the denser groves of trees. “I’m hoping this will
make it harder for them to track us,” she explained. She drove through
streams, then out across a barren area before heading back into the trees.
“This will give us suitable cover,” she said hopefully, but not sounding
completely confident.
Kate took her hand. “It will,” she confirmed.
They found a thick stand of trees and squeezed the Land Rover into the
middle of it. That’s when they heard the unmistakable sounds of a
Kate cursed. “How did they know we’re here?”
They huddled in the car as if trying to sink down into the earth and
hoped that the trees were thick enough to hide their vehicle. The helicopter
didn’t stay and headed off north when they both realized they were holding
their breath.
“That was too close,” said Sam. “We’re not setting up camp tonight. We
can hunker down in the car in case that ‘copter comes back.”
Kate nodded in agreement and stammered, “But how else are we going
to hide? If they’ve got helicopters, how far behind can agents on the ground
be?” Sam shook her head that she didn’t know. Kate didn’t know either.

. . .

That evening, Sam fished out some fruit and cheese and munched on it
mechanically. She said to Kate, “You should eat something. We can’t start a
fire now to reconstitute the dry goods, and I don’t want our fresh food to go
to waste.”
Kate grabbed some cheese for herself. They crawled into the back of the
SUV and tried to get some sleep, but sleep eluded them. As they tossed and
turned, they found themselves in each other’s arms, holding tight as if for
dear life. Finding comfort in the embrace, they were finally able to drift off
sometime after midnight.

. . .

They woke exhausted, too tired for food, but Kate insisted. She glared at
her partner until Sam reached for a breakfast bar and settled in to eat. They
were at loose ends about what to do and finally decided that they were as
safe there as anywhere else.
Sam leaned over to Kate and started stroking her hair. “I know this a
terrible ordeal, but I’ve realized something over the past few days.” Kate
turned to look at her before she continued. “We’re under stress, way too
tired, and we’ve only known each other for a short time, but I’m going to
say it anyway. I love you, Kate. It felt like a slap in the face when I first saw
you.” Kate looked perplexed. “But in a good way,” she added quickly.
Kate was giggling at this point. Sam continued, “What I mean is that I
instantly fell for you in a visceral way; through my whole being.”
Kate suddenly stopped giggling and leaned forward to kiss Sam
passionately. She tried her best to express her own feelings. “I feel safe with
you, Sam. I haven’t always had that, and I’ve never been good with sticking
around through the difficult times, but I feel like, with you, this could be a
lifetime connection.”
They kissed again and, despite their exhaustion, suddenly didn’t want
sleep. Kate began to slowly undress Sam. Sam enjoyed the sensation of
Kate running her fingers up and down her muscled body as Kate undid the
buttons on her shirt. Sam reciprocated, being careful to avoid the scars from
the explosion. They spent hours exploring each other’s bodies and fell
asleep locked in a passionate embrace.

. . .

Donovan reviewed the progress at the two facilities. The first was nearly
emptied of all evidence of its existence, and the second one was well
underway. As she inspected the first site, she seized one of the classified
neural devices, knowing that she would soon be able to put it to good use.
Her phone rang, and she was roused from her thoughts of the fun to come.
It was Harrison. She rolled her eyes, wondering what menial task she would
be assigned then. “We have a leak,” he said. “Someone warned those two
meddlesome women, and they’ve escaped. The delta team is on the case,
but I want that leak plugged.”
‘At last,’ she thought gleefully. She was keen to take on another
assignment that would utilize her skills. She jotted down the information,
and headed out, anxious to take care of yet another loose end. ‘I won’t have
time to be creative, but Dr. Chen will be dealt with, then it’s Dr. Sinclair’s
turn. She’s a special case that deserves special attention.’

Waking with smiles on their faces, they kissed deeply, surrounded by

majestic trees and the sounds of the forest.
“Morning, love. Let’s make sure to grab some breakfast this morning to
keep our strength up.”
Kate giggled, “You don’t seem to have a problem with strength – or
Sam reached over to Kate and kissed the nape of her neck. Seeing Kate’s
body react to the attention, Sam continued to kiss and stroke her body,
bringing her to a frenzy of desire. Kate responded by amorously biting
Sam’s earlobe and rolled Sam onto her back. Letting Kate take control, Sam
reveled in the sensations of Kate’s passion. They continued to pleasure each
other until, breathless, they collapsed into a languid state of sheer bliss.
Kate softly echoed, “Stamina.”
They both laughed and, after a few minutes, grabbed the large bag of
breakfast bars that was still mostly full. After their meager meal, they
slowly dressed and went out to replenish their dwindling water supply,
knowing they wouldn’t survive without it.
They were heading back to the car when they heard the familiar hum of
a helicopter.
“Oh, shit!” exclaimed Sam.
Kate looked stunned. Panicked, they dropped the water bottles and
sprinted for the trees, hearts pumping rapidly.
“Oh, crap!” said Kate with the sudden realization of what they’d done.
“They’re going to see those.”
As the helicopter hovered into view, they realized it was too late to
retrieve them.
They ran for it back to the Land Rover, packed quickly, and waited to
see if the helicopter was on to them. They could still hear it hovering over
the meadow where the precious water containers lay and knew the
containers had been found. They started up the car and as it rumbled to life,
Kate was startled out of her stealth mode. “This thing’s going to get us
caught,” she hissed. Headed in the opposite direction, they crept through
more trees, trying not to alert the helicopter to their presence.

. . .

Having left the vicinity, they didn’t see the agents rappelling down ropes
from the helicopter to collect the discarded water bottles. As the agents
were hoisted back up, clutching their trophies, they realized the water was
still cool from the stream and scanned the area, looking for the pair that
they deduced were nearby.
Agents manned automatic weapons at the doors and waited for a
sighting. Once everyone was back inside, they ascended and circled around
in a search pattern, attempting to find the couple.
Sitting in the front seat, Agent Anderson leaned over to the pilot and
spoke into the microphone on his headset. “Let’s give it twenty minutes and
if there’s no sign of them, we’ll send in the ground team. Make sure the
exits are all barricaded.”
. . .

Kate and Sam heard the helicopter head off and wondered why it would
have left. They both breathed a very small sigh of relief before looking at
each other, shocked by this new development.
“What now?” asked Kate, eyes still wide with fright.
“I think we need to get out of here,” replied Sam. “We can circle back
around another way that hopefully they won’t be aware of. Then we can
head for Rainier. Maybe they’ll have a harder time finding us if we change
locations. You know, we still have the option to head east and disappear off
the map,” Sam offered.
“Sam, I don’t think I could live in hiding for the rest of my life,” Kate
replied. “We need to face this head-on and try to expose this terrible plot.”
Sam looked fondly at Kate. “I’m all for it. I just don’t want you to get
Kate squeezed Sam’s hand. “I love you. I’ll be careful. Promise me you
will, too.”
Sam looked her in the eye and nodded.
Sam guided the car back down the trail they had made previously, then,
much to Kate’s surprise, headed up another road that looked like it went
back around the hill. They drove off in the car, unaware of the black SUV
coming up the hill, heading to the camp they had just vacated.
“We can stick to the back roads by the lakes, through Randle up into
Rainier, and avoid the freeway entirely,” explained Sam.
Kate had no idea what she was talking about and wasn’t sure how much
more bouncing around she could take, but they had no choice. To her
surprise, the roads were better than the logging roads they’d been on, and
she could have almost enjoyed the drive through the woods, if it weren’t for
the danger they were facing.

. . .

The agents found their abandoned hiding spot thanks to the fresh tire
tracks left by the Land Rover, and scoured the site quickly looking for
clues, while trying to determine where the two women were going.
Agents scurried about, examining the ground where the car had been,
their tent site, and the tire tracks from the car. A couple of agents were
scouring the surrounding area, looking for additional evidence of their
presence. One of them ran back to the SUV, clutching a piece of paper in
his hand. “Anderson, I think you need to see this.”
Anderson had joined them and quickly scanned the page before pursing
his lips. “Damn,” he thought to himself. ‘They’ve found some kind of
research documentation. This probably won’t make the senator happy
unless we can catch them. I wonder exactly what kind of research this is?’
He rounded the other agents back into the SUV, and they headed out, not
quite knowing which way the two had gone. As they headed further up into
the trees, they realized there were no more tracks ahead, which meant the
two women must have doubled back.

. . .

It was getting dark, but Sam didn’t dare turn on the lights. They had
made their way through the unmanned park entrance and had headed off-
road into the park. Sam was determined to get as far away from their former
campsite as possible. She had to protect them at all costs, but it wasn’t
proving to be easy. All she could think was that she had to keep driving; and
drive far.
Kate put a hand on Sam’s arm. “Maybe we should stop for the night,”
she suggested.
The light touch broke the spell. Sam snapped back to reality and
understood that they couldn’t drive around in the dark. They didn’t dare set
up a camp, not knowing if anyone was coming, and not wanting to leave
anything behind as evidence.
They quietly munched on some dried fruit and wondered where else
they could go besides the wilderness areas. If it was the FSA that was
chasing them, with helicopters in addition to local law enforcement, could
they be safe anywhere?
They again discussed if they should just run away and leave the Pacific
Northwest. It was becoming a much more tempting option the more the
odds began to stack against them.
“Even if we try to leave, if we head for the highway, they might be able
to track us,” said Sam. “If they have info on me, they know my car and my
license plate, and who knows what else.”
Kate agreed and suggested they might need to ditch the car and get a
replacement as soon as possible.
Kate said slowly. “I’m not sure if I can just run away. Can we let them
get away with this if we can help it?”
“But that’s the thing,” Sam responded. “What if we can’t help it?”
“Oh Sam, I’m not sure if it’s possible to do this, but I have faith in us.
Together, we can do amazing things. We just have to trust in each other.”
Sam nodded. “Well, for sure, we’ll never get our lives back if we don’t
stop them. I’m in it for the long haul if you’re ready to see it through. ‘Once
more unto the breach, dear friends’,” she quoted, cupping Kate’s cheek with
her hand.
Kate was surprised by the familiar quote. She smiled and squeezed
Sam’s shoulder. They sat in silence for most of the night, not daring to sleep
and not daring to speak. The night took on an eerie atmosphere while they
waited for the worst. Kate began to have dark visions of mysterious
government agents coming after them, not knowing what they could do to
escape such an unrelenting threat with so many resources.

. . .

Morning came, and they knew they had to get out of the area. Sam found
the way around to the other side of the mountain and headed back down the
They came to a stream and filled their individual water bottles, realizing
that this small supply wouldn’t last long. Minutes later, out of sheer luck,
they happened upon a campsite on the other side, and it appeared empty.
One tent, an old truck, and a single ice chest suggested that it was likely
only one or two campers.
“Maybe they’re off fishing or something,” mused Sam. Without
thinking, she drove over to the camp and got out of the car. “We need
another car,” she stated. “We talked about that before, but I think we need it
now. We could ‘borrow’ their truck and trade them for mine? I think it’s a
fair trade.”
Kate looked at her quizzically but understood how urgent the situation
was and reluctantly agreed. “Make sure to leave them your keys,” she
Sam tossed the keys on the table and grabbed a nearby bottled water.
Kate had qualms about taking the vehicle but had to put her concerns
aside. This was no time to strictly adhere to her moral compass. This was
the time for a grey area, considering what they were up against.
They grabbed their documents, one bag of supplies each, and their cash
before reluctantly leaving their other items behind.
After jumping into the unlocked truck, Kate said, “Do you know how to
start this?”
“I think I can figure it out,” Sam replied.
She looked underneath the steering wheel, perplexed, and then an idea
struck her. She looked around in the back and found a screwdriver.
Jamming it into the key slot, she turned it hard and crossed her fingers. To
her relief, the truck sputtered to life, and she quietly put it in gear. “I saw
that in a movie,” she smiled triumphantly.
The old, borrowed truck made its way towards the park exit, the women
trying not to look too anxious or too suspicious.

. . .

They had driven for about an hour and, there were no signs of pursuit so
far. They felt a sense of relief until they saw the barricade at the exit.
Sam noted there was one agent and a couple of park rangers staffing the
blockade. They appeared bored and didn’t seem alerted by their presence. In
fact, they stood around nonchalantly, leaning against the barricade and
chatting amongst themselves. The women wondered how long they’d been
there waiting.
The innocent-looking truck approached the red and white-striped
barricade and slowed as if getting ready to stop. As the agent approached
the driver’s side window, Sam interpreted his look as one of recognition and
knew they’d run out of luck. Suddenly, the truck lurched forward, smashing
the wooden slats of the barrier into a shower of splinters, and sending the
rangers running for cover. Realizing that he’d been caught unprepared, the
agent opened fire as the rangers looked on in shock. As a hail of bullets
rang out, it appeared that Kate and Sam would make it through unscathed.
As they cleared the barrier, a single shot, seemingly louder than the
others, pierced the integrity of the truck’s back window and struck Sam in
the shoulder. She lurched forward and managed to stomp on the accelerator,
urgently directing Kate to help her guide the vehicle.
With Kate’s help, they made it away from the agent, who was already on
the radio, signaling his cohorts up the hill to bring the car.
The women navigated a twisted and winding path through the town and
headed for the highway. Kate yelled, trying to hear herself over the noise
coming from the broken window, “We need to put some distance between
Sam drove them through the town, but Kate had no idea where she was
taking them; or to whom.

As the women drove on, the moon hung high in the night sky. Their world
was shrouded in darkness, mirroring the uncertainty that surrounded Kate
and Sam.
They had stumbled upon a crucial piece of the puzzle, bringing them one
step closer to unraveling the truth behind the conspiracy, but at what cost?
Sam, having slumped over the wheel again, pulled the car over and
directed Kate to drive. Kate noted the stain on Sam’s shirt was spreading,
indicating her injury was worse than Kate had originally thought. She aided
Sam as she crawled into the back seat and drove off down the road. “We
need to get you help, Sam. Hang on,” Kate urged, her voice trembling with
“Take me to Enumclaw, to Alex’s,” Sam managed to utter through
clenched teeth.
Kate’s heart sank. Alex, Sam’s long-term ex, was likely their only option
for immediate medical attention without drawing curious eyes. Sam had
told her briefly about their relationship, but never explained the full details
of their breakup.
Despite the pangs of jealousy that threatened to surface, Kate understood
that Sam needed help urgently, and Alex was a skilled physician. Sam
guided them to Alex’s home, a charming Victorian house with a soft glow
emanating from the windows.
They pulled up to the curb, and Kate could see a figure in the window.
As they stepped up to the porch, Alex, clad in a silk robe, emerged from her
door, her expression shifting from surprise to concern upon seeing Sam’s
injured state.
“Sam! What happened?”
Alex rushed forward, her fingers lightly brushing against Sam’s cheek.
The touch, though subtle, caused Kate’s heart to clench with a mixture of
emotions. She smiled politely, but Alex was entirely focused on Sam.
“Long story. We need your help,” Sam replied through gritted teeth,
wincing from the pain.
Alex’s gaze then flickered to Kate, who was trying her best to remain
composed despite the turmoil brewing inside her. There was an unspoken
connection crackling between Sam and Alex, and a shared past of love and
Dr. Alexandra Bennett was an elegant and striking woman in her mid-
thirties, possessing a classic beauty that commanded attention. She had a
tall and slender figure, carrying herself with poise and confidence. Her
expressive eyes were a captivating shade of blue, with flecks of gold that
seemed to shimmer when she smiled. Her lustrous blonde hair cascaded in
loose waves down her shoulders, teasing its way down towards her perfect
Kate felt a pang of jealousy as she noted how gorgeous Alex was. She
felt drab in comparison and took a significant hit to her self-esteem.
Her attention then turned back to Sam. She was supporting Sam by her
good shoulder and guided her in through the front door as Alex made way.
“I’ll get my medical kit,” Alex said softly, her eyes lingering on Sam for
a moment longer than necessary before turning away.
Kate didn’t miss the glance but maintained her composure and led Sam
through to the living room and onto the couch. Despite her misgivings
about Alex, she was worried about Sam and hoped that Alex could help
As Alex quickly treated Sam’s wound, Kate hovered nearby, unable to
shake off the gnawing feeling of jealousy that tugged at her heartstrings.
Alex’s flirtatious banter with Sam only heightened Kate’s internal struggle,
yet she knew that now was not the time to confront her emotions; or Alex.
“Sam, do you remember the lake? The time you fell out of your kayak?”
Alex asked.
Sam answered in a strained voice, “Yeah, and with that camera too.”
Alex laughed. “That’s right. “I’ll never forget those times.” Sam flinched
as she administered the local anesthetic. Alex sternly added, “Wait! Hold
still, I’m not done yet.”
Sam complied and Alex gently ran her fingers over Sam’s muscled
shoulder, avoiding the wound. Her attention seemed split between treating
the injury and reminding Sam both verbally and physically, of the good
times they’d had. The frequent light touches hadn’t gone unnoticed by Kate,
and Alex’s sultry voice was notably charged with desire. Her frequent
pauses to gaze into Sam’s eyes sent a surge of resentment through Kate,
though didn’t dare react for Sam’s sake.
Sam occasionally smiled at the caresses, weary from her ordeal and
confused by the recollections from their shared past, or so Kate hoped.
Kate hesitantly asked, “Sam, how are you feeling? Is it getting any
Sam’s sharp intake of breath indicated her level of pain. “I won’t lie. It
hurts like hell, but I’ll be okay; really.”
Kate boldly reached out to grasp Sam’s other hand. Alex seemed to
ignore her and continued her ministrations.
“Sam, will you stay in your rig once you’re back in Portland?” Alex
asked, looking intently into Sam’s eyes. “It seems like a wonderful way to
get back to nature, but I’ll never forget when we got this place. I don’t think
I could ever bear to leave it.”
Sam winced as Alex began to sew up the wound. “It works for now, but I
don’t think I’ll always live in a trailer. Eventually, I’ll settle down.”
“I didn’t think you’d ever want to settle down again. In fact, I’m not sure
you really wanted to back then,” Alex stated.
“Alex, I loved our time together. It may not have worked out, but it
wasn’t’ a mistake.” She smiled at Alex fondly as if remembering their
shared good times.
Kate’s heart sank at Sam’s words. ‘Was this a bad idea? Should we have
gone to the hospital instead? Alex is obviously still in love, and Sam could
get swept away in the memories of their shared past. I need to get Sam
alone, but when?’ A single tear came unbidden to her eye, but she
surreptitiously swept it away refusing to cry.
During the tender initial moments of care, Sam and Alex had exchanged
glances loaded with unspoken words, memories of their past relationship
dancing in their eyes. Despite the passage of time, there was a palpable
lingering connection between them that Kate couldn’t ignore.
Hours stretched on as the tension in the room grew thicker. Sam’s
wound had been treated, and the danger seemed to be subsiding, but Kate’s
emotional turmoil remained. As Sam drifted off to sleep, Kate found herself
alone with Alex for a brief moment.
“I appreciate you helping her,” Kate said, her voice a soft mixture of
gratitude and vulnerability. “I’m Kate, by the way, Dr. Kate Sinclair” she
said, extending her hand in greeting. “I’m a psychologist, not a medical
doctor,” she explained.
Alex shook her hand in return before methodically packing up her bag of
supplies. Alex’s gaze softened as she replied, “She’ll always be important to
me, Kate, in spite of what happened between us.”
Kate looked at her quizzically, and Alex seemed pleased, knowing that
Sam hadn’t confided in Kate about the reason they had broken up.
As the night wore on, emotions continued to swirl within the walls of
Alex’s home. Amidst the chaos of the conspiracy and the intricacies of the
shared history between Alex and Sam, Kate found herself wrestling with
her feelings, torn between her love for Sam and the ghosts of the past
embodied by Alex. “Another sleepless night,” Kate mused. “I hope I don’t
get too used to this.”
Sam stirred slightly, and Kate went to her bedside. There was only the
one bed in the room, and a twin at that. There were no chairs nor any other
way to relax in this supposed guest room. Kate realized that Sam needed
sleep more than anything at that moment, and reluctantly settled in on the
floor next to the bed. She listened to the sounds of Sam’s breathing,
encouraged by the steadiness of the welcome sound.
Alex stealthily arrived at the door and suggested Kate get some rest on
the couch. Kate didn’t want to leave Sam, but a night on the floor didn’t
have much appeal. She dragged herself down the hall, grabbing the waiting
blankets from Alex’s hands.
“Thank you,” Kate muttered and headed down the hall for the living
. . .

Donovan hung up her phone and threw it across the room, smashing it to
bits. “Those bungling FSA fools!” Donovan spat. “How could they let those
two slip through their fingers?” She continued to rant until, suddenly, an icy
smile crossed her face. ‘Now it’s my turn, and I won’t let them get away this
time. Soon their luck will run out, and nobody better get in my way.’ She ran
to her car chuckling at the thoughts racing through her mind. “Damn, now I
have to track them down again,” she said to herself, disappointed at having
to start over again in her hunt.

. . .

It was a few days before Sam was up and around, and the tension in the
house was intensifying every day. Kate was jealous of the attention Alex
paid to Sam and was starting to put distance between herself and the
Kate debated with herself off and on, vacillating between her concern
for Sam and her growing desire to distance herself from the emotional
turmoil. Her toxic upbringing pushed her to want to run as she had many
times before, from home to college to graduate school, and on to the Pacific
She had never managed to remain long in any romantic relationships,
and Sam sometimes frightened her with the intensity of her feelings, except
for now, when she felt completely alone.
‘I know I’m overreacting to all of this. I should inventory my feelings
and come to grips with it all. Well, to start with, I’m worried for Sam. I’m
jealous of Alex and what she shared with Sam. I’m fearful that Sam will
realize what she lost by leaving Alex. And I’m madly in love with a woman
I’ve known for a couple of weeks. That about sums it up,’ she thought,
rolling her eyes at herself.
She threw up her hands in frustration before finally calming herself. ‘I
know Sam loves me, and I love her. I have to focus on that and not be afraid
of losing her either physically or emotionally.’
As the hours turned into days, Kate was at loose ends, which was
making her restless. Alex spent much of the time tending to Sam, which
worried Kate to her core.
Kate and Alex maintained a cordial association, with stilted
conversations consisting of entirely too much politeness, Kate decided.
One evening, Kate was sitting alone by the fireplace in the living room,
reading one of the many books from Alex’s shelf. It was a cozy room filled
with books on the shelves surrounding the fireplace. There was a long
couch facing the fireplace with two large comfortable chairs adjacent to the
bookshelves. Reading was obviously important to Alex, as was her artwork,
which adorned the walls.
Kate also noted the several photographs of Sam and Alex on the walls
interspersed amongst the art pieces.
Alex entered the room and settled into the other chair. Kate noted that
she had her art supplies with her, apparently intending to draw. Kate
politely inquired about the work she was about to start.
Alex spoke fondly. “Sam and I had talked about our cat that we used to
have together. I wanted to draw something for her to have as a keepsake.”
Kate was concerned at the level of intimacy that suggested, and worried
that bringing up the past might be Alex’s way of reliving it; or reviving it.
She read and reread the same passage of the book, not able to
concentrate. One more time, she attempted to initiate some conversation
and gauge Alex’s true feelings towards Sam.
“Sam said she was surprised that you stayed here and never moved back
to the city,” Kate tried, keeping her face a mask of politeness.
Alex responded by saying how she had fallen in love with the home and
couldn’t bear to sell it. “Sam had chosen the town to be close to the
mountain and let me choose this home for us to settle down in,” she said.
Kate, sorry she had opened that door, tried in a different direction. “I
don’t even know your last name?” Kate asked hesitantly.
She was stunned when Alex responded politely, “It’s still Mitchell.”
Floored by this new piece of information, Kate backtracked and
hesitantly remarked that she meant her given name, to which Alex
confidently answered, “Oh, it used to be Bennett. I took Sam’s name when
we were married.”
Kate tried to hide her shock at this revelation but knew it was pretty
apparent that she hadn’t known. She lamely made an excuse that she was
tired and headed for the couch in the other room.
Alex, seemingly pleased, said, “I hope you sleep well,” but Kate knew
she didn’t mean it.
Unable to sleep, Kate tossed and turned and wondered what else Sam
hadn’t told her. ‘This is getting out of hand,’ she thought to herself. ‘Why
didn’t she tell me? Do I even know Sam at all?’
She teared up at the thought, but decided she needed to talk to Sam
directly about any residual feelings she might have for Alex as soon as she
could get her alone, really alone, which wouldn’t be easy with Alex’s
constant presence.
While Sam wasn’t, in fact responding to Alex’s flirtatious nature, she
wasn’t stopping it either. That scared Kate too. ‘Maybe I’m just being
paranoid,’ she wondered to herself. ‘We’re tied up in a conspiracy, on the
run, and Sam is hurt. Isn’t that enough to send anyone into a downward
She tried to calm her mind and not let her fears keep her from thinking
clearly. Still, her old behaviors were hard to break, and the worry over the
multiple issues facing them was getting the better of her. She hated how she
was feeling, but her impulse was to run; and run far.
Unbeknownst to Kate, Alex had regularly been taking the opportunity to
sneak into the room where Sam lay sleeping. One night, she quietly held
Sam’s hand and put her hand on her uninjured shoulder before kissing her
lightly on the forehead.
“I’ll always love you,” she whispered before impulsively taking the
opportunity to kiss Sam passionately on the lips.
A delirious Sam returned the kiss, mumbling something incoherent
before speaking in a murmur, “I love you too, Kate, you’re my everything.”
Alex was taken aback and quickly left the room, tears welling in her
eyes. She was utterly devastated with the sudden realization that it was truly
over, and there was no going back to what they were. Her hopes crushed,
she cried herself to sleep that night.

. . .

Kate dozed fitfully on the couch and woke several times to check her
watch, but resisted the urge to go check on Sam, wanting her to get a restful
night’s sleep. She began to wonder about the reason for Sam and Alex’s
Kate was certain that it wasn’t entirely over for Alex. She had noticed,
even with Sam’s pain, that they were falling back into old patterns, and it
left Kate with heavy feelings of insecurity.

. . .

Sam started to dream terrible dreams about being chased and swallowed
up by an immense beast. The jaws of the creature had just closed around her
when she woke suddenly. Chilled by the fading memories of her vision, she
couldn’t find her bearings and didn’t know where she was. “Kate?” she
whispered. But she was alone in the room. As she lay in bed, too exhausted
to move, she plunged back into a deep slumber.

. . .

The next morning, the three women woke, each in separate rooms, and
each wondering what this day would bring. Kate was the first into the
kitchen and decided to make some coffee. Thankfully, Alex had a pod-style
coffee maker, so she made a cup for herself and got everything ready for
another cup for Sam. Alex wandered in and greeted her.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Kate said sheepishly.
Alex responded, “Of course not. You’re more than welcome to what I
have and to stay as long as you both need.”
Kate sensed a change in Alex’s mood from the night before but couldn’t
quite put a finger on what she was reading in her eyes. She noticed Alex’s
eyes were red, and her face seemed pinched, as if tired.
“I hope all of this isn’t keeping you awake at night,” Kate said
hesitantly. “I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t helped
Alex flinched slightly at that. Kate didn’t press and opted to go check on
Sam. Alex sighed as Kate left the room. “I hope she’s the right one for
Sam,” she muttered to an empty room. “Sam deserves it.”
Sam was already awake and was halfway out of the bed. “Oh, no, you
don’t,” said Kate. “You need more rest.”
Sam argued the point, then realized that Kate was not going to let it go.
“At least let me sit up for a while.” She looked inquisitively at the cup in
Kate’s hands. “Is that coffee?” Kate nodded and offered her the cup. Sam
took a sip and sighed gratefully. “Just what I needed.”
Kate came and sat on the bed beside her and looked at her somberly.
“How are you doing? I mean, I’m sure it still hurts, but do you feel like
you’re really ok?”
“Thanks to Alex,” said Sam.
Kate didn’t react and instead replied, “I’m grateful to her for fixing you
up, but we shouldn’t stay much longer, just until you’re ready to travel.”
“I agree about leaving soon, Alex has done enough, and I don’t want to
put her in danger,” Sam countered.
They both looked at each other with the realization that neither one of
them knew what to do next or what would happen.

Now that Sam was feeling stronger, she came up with a plan the next day.
She remembered that Howard, her ex-colleague, had warned them about the
danger and thought that maybe she should reach out to a few other
colleagues to see if she could enlist some help.
She found an old employee roster from the university thanks to Alex’s
computer and a less than up-to-date university website. Several of these
individuals had worked on research projects in the area, and she was hoping
for a break. Sam hoped she could find someone that knew what was going
She tried several numbers, but most wouldn’t speak with her and
abruptly hung up as soon as she mentioned her name, which confirmed their
suspicions that Sam was being monitored and her colleagues had been
warned about her.
Finally, Sam reached Mr. Don Clark, a senior researcher that she had
worked with.
“Don,” she said, surprised that he too hadn’t hung up. “We need your
help.” She took a gamble and laid it all on the line, “It’s about Genesis.”
Surprised again when the phone didn’t disconnect, she sat there waiting for
Don to speak.
After a moment, she tried again. “Don, I know you know about this. You
were the head of the research center and would have known about every
research project going on in the area.”
Don hesitantly spoke, “They’re monitoring us, Sam. I can’t speak for
long, or they’ll track you. I can meet you though and give you everything I
have. I’m ashamed to know even a small part of what was being done in
conjunction with the university. Someone needs to stop this before it goes
any further.”
They made arrangements to meet in Tacoma at a local library before
Don cryptically said, “The truth is in the air; be ready.”
Sam hung up the phone and turned to Kate. “We need to head west a
bit,” she said. “It’ll take us about an hour to get there, and we’re meeting
Don at noon. He’ll be sneaking away for a long lunch.”
Alex had noted the condition of Kate and Sam’s truck and suggested
driving something a little less conspicuous. “Take my car,” she insisted
while handing the keys to Sam. “That truck is too noticeable. You’d get
reported to the police in ten minutes.”
Kate and Sam realized the sensibility of that and accepted her gracious
offer. “We’ll be back in a couple of hours,” said Sam.
Alex astutely realized the hazard of having that truck out in the open.
“I’ll put the truck in the garage while you’re gone so no one will see it.”
“Thank you Alex,” said Sam. “If it hadn’t been for you, I don’t know
what we would have done. I owe you, and not just for patching me up.”
Sam reached for Alex’s hand, “I’m sorry for the way I left back then. You
didn’t deserve that.”
Alex stifled a sob and turned to go back into the house, heartbroken with
the knowledge that Sam was no longer hers. She stopped herself and took a
deep breath.
Kate looked on sympathetically as Alex struggled to compose herself.
‘There’s something significant about the break up that I’m missing.
Someday, I should ask Sam about what actually happened.’
As Kate and Sam loaded themselves into the car, Alex turned,
surreptitiously fighting back tears, her voice uncharacteristically husky as
she expressed her continued support, “I’ll be waiting back here when you’re
done. I’d like to check up on Sam’s wound, and you both still need
somewhere to hide out while you figure out what to do.”
Kate gave Alex a grateful look laced with something else, noted Sam,
but she couldn’t decipher it. Kate and Sam both expressed their gratitude as
they reluctantly drove off, leaving Alex alone with her feelings.

. . .

Kate was profoundly happy to get back on the road, just her and Sam.
They’d been cooped up for far too long in Alex’s home, her constant
presence driving a wedge between the couple. She was grateful for Alex’s
help, but didn’t like being distanced from Sam. “I hate leaving Alex when
she’s so upset. Do you think she’ll be okay?”
“I think so. She needs time,” replied Sam pensively. “But we won’t be
very long.”Sam similarly was grateful to be on the road again with Kate. It
seemed so long ago when they started their journey, though it had really
only been a few weeks. ‘Come to think of it, that’s only how long I’ve
known Kate,’ she thought.
Alex saw them off. “I’ll be waiting back here when you’re done. I’d like
to check up on Sam’s wound, and you both still need somewhere to hide out
while you figure out what to do.”
Kate gave Alex a grateful look laced with something else, noted Sam,
but she couldn’t decipher it. Kate and Sam both expressed their gratitude,
and they all went to bed, worried about what the next day would bring.
Alex’s car was an amazingly comfortable Mercedes sedan. After the
bumpy hills, twisty mountain roads, and rattling vehicles, this was a
welcome change. The silence of the interior gave them a sense of peace as
if to say that things would be okay.

. . .

It did indeed take just over an hour to get to Tacoma, even with some
traffic. They had spent most of the drive scanning the traffic, half expecting
to see black SUVs following them everywhere before realizing that nobody
would be looking for that particular car.
“There sure are a lot of black cars,” bemoaned Kate. “How would we
ever know if someone was really there?”
They were both starting to feel paranoid again, and having a secret
meeting with an informer was adding to their anxiety.
Hesitantly, they pulled into the library parking lot and headed for the
designated meeting spot inside the library. It was a smaller library, and easy
enough to see if anyone entered or exited the building. The comforting,
familiar environment and racks of books were not quite enough to allay
their fears.
No one was there. Worried that someone would find them and
wondering if he was just running late, they opted to hide amongst the stacks
of books and to try to look inconspicuous.
“Let’s give him fifteen more minutes,” Kate suggested. She thought to
herself, ‘Waiting is usually not a pleasant activity in the best of times, but
waiting when you fear for your life is intolerable.’
Seeing no one enter the library during the agreed-upon time, they went
back to the parking lot, scouring the scene to make sure they weren’t
followed and that nobody was waiting for them.
The coast appeared clear until Sam noticed a car parked far away from
all the others. Don had told them what type of car he would be driving, and
this silver Buick fit the description. Kate and Sam hesitated, but decided
they still needed to know more about what was going on.
As they approached the car, still scanning their surroundings, they
couldn’t see anyone in the car. “This isn’t good,” Kate muttered quietly.
They tried the driver’s door and found that it was unlocked.
“Go get the car,” hissed Sam. “We may need to get out of here in a
Kate agreed and parked the Mercedes behind Don’s car, keeping the
engine running.
Sam was scouring the car and was thinking about Don’s cryptic
statement, ‘The truth is in the air.’ Certain that it was a clue, she
concentrated on anything that might contain air. After several minutes of
searching, she had an epiphany. Finally understanding what he’d meant, she
discovered a flash drive crammed into one of the air vents. “Let’s get out of
here,” she said to Kate while scrambling back into the Mercedes.
As they drove off, Kate spoke first. “We definitely need to know what’s
on that flash drive.”
“They must have kidnapped him when he was waiting for us, and he had
stashed it before they took him,” concluded Sam.
Kate looked at Sam with an odd look on her face. “So, if they’ve
captured Don, why didn’t they wait and come after us?”
. . .

As they drove away, they had no clue that the Mercedes now sported a
state-of-the-art tracking device placed in the wheel well while they had
been in the library. Anderson had surreptitiously put the device in place for
the purpose of tracking their movements to determine if anyone else might
be helping them.
Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel of his SUV, Anderson
flipped on the tracking device. Satisfied that it was working, he considered
the two women. ‘They can’t be doing whatever they’re up to on their own.
We need to discover who they’re working with. Then we can put a lid on
this, and it’ll be all over. Maybe I’ll quit after this one. I think I’ve lost my
passion for the job. Maybe this should be my last mission.’

. . .

The journey back to Alex’s was a drawn-out snarl of traffic, which did
nothing to ease their anxiety. Finally reaching their temporary base, they ran
inside and told Alex everything that had happened. She looked white and
couldn’t find anything to say other than to stammer that they must be
hungry. It seemed out of place, but the two realized they were starving,
having skipped breakfast.
Once they had all eaten, Kate popped the flash drive into the receptacle
on Alex’s computer. Curious to see what was going on, Alex stayed to share
the discovery.
As they read, several gasps and cries erupted from around the table.
They couldn’t comprehend what they were reading and how it could be
. . .

Operation Genesis Summary

Site Locations:

Phase 1 testing: The initial tests will be conducted at

the MindLink facility in Rosedale, OR

Phase 2 testing: The initial tests will be conducted at

the GenCorp facility in Vancouver, WA

Phase 3: The final comprehensive operation will take

place at the hidden Genesis facility west of Corvallis,

Testing Phases:

Phases one and two will be evaluated at the above

sites on paid volunteers recruited through staged
research studies. Once these test phases are complete,
those subjects may be released, detained, or
eliminated per the specific protocols for each phase.
These test phases are anticipated to be completed
after 3 months, and those sites will be
decommissioned once testing is proven successful as
the entire process is to be integrated and relocated to
the phase three site.

**Phase 1: Mind Control**

1. **Neurological Conditioning**: This phase will

use sophisticated brainwave manipulation to suppress
resistance, implant obedience, and erase personal

2. **Hypnosis and Reprogramming**: The use of

specific hypnotic techniques and subliminal
reprogramming will allow the project further control
of the subjects’ subconscious minds.

3. **Virtual Reality and Sensory Simulation**: Once

the reprogramming is complete, participants are to
have newly created neural devices applied to the
cranium externally, creating immersive virtual reality
simulations that mimic anxiety-inducing encounters
with alien beings. These neural devices stimulate
specific regions of the brain responsible for sensory
experiences and create artificial sensations, making
the subjects feel as if they are being physically
tormented by the alien entities.

Goals: Successful participants will be conditioned to

despise alien beings, and will be resistant to alien
torture techniques if captured. The treatment will
disrupt trust in their own perceptions and they will
learn to rely on the project leaders for guidance and
protection. Subjects will additionally be highly
susceptible to commands and verbal triggers and will
have little resistance to further mind control
techniques if further action is warranted.

Risks: Unsuccessful subjects may experience night

terrors, suicidal ideations, or, in extreme
circumstances psychosis or death.

**Phase 2: Physical Enhancements**

1. **Biological Augmentation**: Utilizing new

suspended animation procedures, DNA, cellular, and
molecular manipulations will be initiated, resulting in
rapid muscle growth and cellular regeneration. Test
subjects will be physically enhanced, resulting in
improved physical attributes such as strength, speed,
agility, and endurance.

2. **Pain Conditioning**: Subjects will undergo

extensive training sessions where they are subjected
to intense pain to break their will and instill a
conditioned response, which will further decrease
resistance to commands given by project leaders.

Goals: Phase 2 is designed to create physically

superior agents that have been modified to withstand
extreme pain. Increased compliance to commands is
an anticipated secondary effect from this stage.

Risks: The process of physical modification is

painful and can cause psychological trauma. Stress-
induced memory impairment is a key risk in this
phase. Additional risks include coma, permanent
intractable pain, and a range of toxic effects from the
various intravenous and intramuscular treatments. A
particularly high mortality rate is anticipated during
the initial testing phase.

**Phase 3: Integration and Augmentation**

1. **Trigger Words**: Upon completion of phase

one, the research team will implant specific trigger
words or phrases linked to the newly created agents’
conditioning and mind control. These triggers
instantly activate or suppress certain behaviors,
making them highly responsive to commands and
mission requirements.
2. **Behavioral Training**: Once the physical
enhancements from phase two are complete, agents
are to undergo rigorous behavioral training to fine-
tune their combat skills, strategic thinking, and
adaptability. They will be taught to suppress
emotions, making them highly efficient, hardened
operatives with little regard for the consequences of
their assigned missions.

Goals: The integration phase is to be performed on

select participants and is designed to produce
completely trained, fully enhanced, superior agents
with little resistance to organizational commands.
Agents will be under the directive that they have
been chosen to combat an alien threat and perform a
variety of duties handed down through the project’s

Risks: A high rate of mortality or mental disruption is

anticipated. Acceptably high losses will occur. Those
subjects unsuccessful in completing phase three will
be detained or terminated.
. . .

Silence descended on the room as they finished reading the project

summary. Stunned, the women simply looked at each other, not knowing
what to say.
Kate was the first to speak. “Oh my god!” she exclaimed. She thought
back to Jonathan and the other participants that they’d met with, and her
heart reacted with horror at what they’d been through. “What monsters! We
have to help these poor people and end this program.” She paused
thoughtfully, “I don’t know how we’re going to do it, but we have to try.”
Sam shook her head with the shock of what she’d read, then looked at
Kate. “I’m with you, Kate. We need to try.”
Alex looked at the two, thinking they were absurd for even
contemplating taking on an organization that could do something like that.
She tried to remain quiet as Kate and Sam discussed their plans but couldn’t
hold her tongue. “Are you two crazy? These people have nearly unlimited
resources, not to mention an apparent lack of morals. How on earth do you
think you can combat this?”
“Alex,” said Kate softly. “It’s important. I don’t know how we’re going
to do it yet, but we can’t let them get away with this.”
“But what about that alien torture business? Do you think they know
something?” Alex questioned.
Kate was the first to respond, “All I know is that they’re traumatizing
these individuals and it needs to stop.”
Sam had been quiet and scowled as she spoke, “Even if there is some
legitimate alien threat, what they’re doing is wrong.”
Sam began to look tired, and the women realized how late it had gotten.
They tabled their discussion for the time being, said their goodnights, and
headed off into their separate rooms. Sleep eluded the entire house that

. . .

Nobody said anything the next morning when they got up. They were
still stunned by the revelations of the previous day. Sitting in silence around
the breakfast table, they each pondered the future.
They finally began to come to grips with the information they had, but
none of them could formulate a plan to start the next phase of their journey.
Not one of them could foresee their role in the future chain of events laid
before them.

Senator Harrison slammed his hands down on his desk as he was told the
news of the escape. “It is inconceivable that these two women have
outsmarted a unit of trained agents. What have you got to say for yourself?”
Anderson paused to let the senator continue, hoping that he’d run out of
“If you don’t take care of this, I have other ways to get things done, and
you’ll no longer have any further use,” the senator threatened.
Anderson remained stoic as he replied. “Yes, sir, understood. We will
take care of them this time.”
He turned to leave the office, and as he closed the door behind him, he
heard, “You’d better.”

. . .

Left alone with his thoughts, Harrison contemplated the nature of his
grand deception. The ultimate goal was the creation of enhanced super
agents capable of extraordinary acts. He would control that new division of
agents working outside of the FSA, and the Delta Division would become
obsolete. So would the rules that restricted the actions of the FSA. Rules
that he had been bending to his will, but it was time to break them entirely.
He had felt the alien visions were a necessary addition to the program
and had insisted on adding them to the conditioning as a way to make the
newly enhanced agents despise them as much as he did.
His mother had taught him to fear the unknown, but having ascended to
a position of power, he knew he would be able to eradicate the threat should
it ever arise.
“I’ll stop them,” he thought, “no matter what.”
He remembered her paranoia, brought on by the constant nightmares
that plagued her days.
“Elliot,” she would say, “Promise me that you’ll be careful. Don’t let
them take you like they took me. They’ll do horrible things to you. You
have to watch out always.”
He remembered the descriptions she had related and had programmed
those visuals into the augmented reality simulations. He wanted everything
to mimic his mother’s experience in order to train agents that could
withstand the fear that had driven his mother over the edge of reason.
The fact that some of the trainees didn’t make it and developed
psychological issues didn’t faze him. “Only the strong will survive,” he
thought callously. “Those are the ones we need for this conflict.”

. . .

Agent Anderson wondered about the veiled threat from Senator

Harrison. ‘What is this agency coming to? He wondered. He scoured the
documents in his hands.
Anderson, coming from a family with a long history of military service,
naturally followed their lead and, after his military training, joined the FSA
to serve his country further. Advancing in the ranks, he had become the
leader of a tightly knit unit of agents known as the Delta Division that
recently had begun working exclusively under the direction of Senator
Being a calm, collected, and highly disciplined man, he typically used
few words, preferring to let his actions speak for themselves. His sense of
duty, however, was being challenged by the current mission he had
Mr. Clark had been quite accommodating and had given up the program
information that he had stolen and, when threatened, admitted that he had
given it to Dr. Mitchell.
Agent Anderson had been reading the overview of the project and was
shocked by what he read. He’d been tasked with guarding its secrets under
the umbrella of national security but, until now, had no idea what horrors
he’d been guarding.
Being privy to the heinous nature of the project, his first inclination was
to confront Senator Harrison directly about the illicit operation, but his
rational side won out. His first act was to destroy the tracking device so that
no one else would be able to find Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Sinclair.
Once that was accomplished, he thought carefully about the next steps
that would be needed to end this corrupt venture.

. . .

Not knowing where to begin to take down the Operation Genesis

program, Kate and Sam were stalled in their planning. They woke early the
next morning, and Sam, feeling nearly back to her normal self, decided to
take a shower. “It’s about time,” she laughed.
Kate smiled back playfully and held her nose with her fingers to
emphasize her agreement. Alex popped her head in and politely said,
“There’s breakfast when you’re ready.”
Kate couldn’t get over the complete change in Alex. She had become
exceedingly helpful and had stopped flirting with Sam - nearly completely.
While Sam was in the shower, Kate decided to press the issue, and
commented to Alex how much they appreciated her help, hoping they
weren’t being an imposition.
They stood in the kitchen, not speaking, until Alex broke the silence and
confessed, “I would do anything to make her happy, Kate. Even if it means
she’s happy with someone else.”
Surprised by Alex’s confession, Kate opted not to speak. ‘What is there
to say?’ she thought.
Alex continued, “I will always care for her, but I’ve come to realize that
she’s no longer in love with me. You’re very lucky.”
Kate nodded and truly felt sympathy for what Alex must be going
through. She quietly picked up Alex’s hand in sympathy and replied, “I’m
sorry, Alex. That must be a difficult thing to know.”
Kate, being a highly compassionate individual, deliberately began to
make an effort to get to know Alex better. Alex was obviously distraught at
her discovery that the relationship between her and Sam had really ended
and that there was no going back. The psychologist in Kate just couldn’t
allow her to suffer, and she sought her out, trying to help her get through the
Sam, now that she was truly recovering, was not oblivious to the
emotions swirling about the house but had no idea how to approach either
woman. She kept a neutral position and tried to keep her emotions in check
for Kate’s sake but was feeling something all too familiar at seeing the
changing emotions between Kate and Alex. There had been too many
secretive conversations between the two women, and their initial antipathy
seemed gone.
‘I can’t believe it, but I think I’m getting jealous,’ she thought, randomly
munching on a piece of fruit. ‘I need to get Kate alone for a moment, but
when will we really be alone again?’ she pondered.

. . .

Their next day was dedicated to rereading the incriminating information

they had obtained. “There’s just not enough here,” said Kate. “Not enough
to bring down those responsible.” Sighing, Sam agreed, and they both
realized they needed more, but how to get it was the trick.
That evening, Sam came back from her shower, happy to see dinner on
the table. She noted the two women standing together being entirely too
quiet but decided to let it pass. ‘Everything is making me so paranoid,’ she
thought to herself.
The three of them settled around the kitchen table and enjoyed a fine
dinner. Alex had made them a meatloaf with mashed potatoes along with
some baby carrots. Sam knew that Alex made the baby carrots purely
because they were Sam’s favorite, but they were delicious, despite the
suspect motivation behind the gesture.
Kate smiled at Alex, knowing that she had made the carrots specially for
Sam. Kate remarked on how wonderful this was, and the sudden change
between Kate and Alex bothered Sam. They seemed positively friendly
now. She was, of course, happy that things seemed to be settled, but, at the
same time, her old familiar feelings of suspicion were getting stronger.
Leaving those thoughts for now, Sam heard Alex abruptly remark that
they needed a plan to get out of town so they could hide.
Sam pointed out that they couldn’t just slink away and hide. “They’d be
after us forever, and we’d always be watching our backs. If we end the
conspiracy, we can get our lives back.”
“If only we had more proof,” Kate said wistfully, twisting her hair
nervously. “If we had that, we could bring it to the public, and that could be
the beginning of the end.”
They were jolted by the sudden sound of a knock on the door. The three
froze in surprise, wondering who could possibly be there at that hour of the
evening. Kate and Sam crept warily to the door while Alex swiftly headed
for her bedroom.
At the door stood agent Anderson, hands raised in a gesture of peace.
“I’m here alone,” he blurted. “No one knows I’m here, and no one else
knows how to find this place.”
Alex emerged from the bedroom holding a pistol. Anderson raised his
hands higher and said, “Look, my name is Jason Anderson. I’m an FSA
agent, and I’m here to help you.” He gestured towards the messenger bag
that had gone unnoticed on the floor. “I’m unarmed, and you need this,” he
said as he nudged the bag closer with his foot.
With Alex training the gun on him, Anderson slowly entered the room.
Sam reached down apprehensively and grabbed the bag. Anderson settled
onto the couch, looking alternately between the three women but
concentrating on Alex, who was looking directly at him down the barrel of
her gun, presumably ready to use it if needed.
Kate regarded the agent. Anderson appeared to be a seasoned operative
in his early thirties. He had a tall, athletic build, with short-cropped dark
hair and intense blue eyes. His air of confidence made him an imposing
Anderson wondered about the three women before him. ‘Could these
really be the women that were causing so many issues for the FSA? How
did they get this far into Operation Genesis?’
Alex urged him to speak by waving the gun at him as if to continue.
“Doctors Sinclair and Mitchell, I presume?” He looked at each of them in
turn before setting his gaze back on Alex and her pistol.
“I’m the one you need to worry about at the moment,” glared Alex.
Anderson faced Alex, wondering if she was the hothead of the group.
“Like I said, you need what I have. I know that Mr. Clark gave you the
Operation Genesis details, but I have information about the project facilities
where they’ve been doing the research. If you can get to them, you can get
proof of what’s going on and break this wide open.”
He paused and wondered who the third woman was before continuing.
“The agency has Don, and they might know what information he gave you.
I’ve read the details myself, but you’ll need visual evidence, in addition to
the papers you already have, and maybe more, to prove the whole
conspiracy and who’s behind it.”
The tension in the room was palpable, and they alternated between
staring at him and glancing at each other.
Kate finally spoke in rapid fire, “Why in the hell would we trust you?
Why would you help us? And even if we did trust you, how do you expect
us to get into these places with agents chasing us?”
Sam spoke next as she opened the messenger bag. “Let’s start with
question number one. Why should we trust you?”
“You were the ones that helped me find this,” he said slowly while
gently reaching into his pocket and pulling out the missing page from their
original documents. ”I read this and decided it needed looking into. After
we grabbed Mr. Clark, he led me to the full details.
“Why would you change allegiances now?” asked Sam, looking at him
“It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. Things haven’t
been the same since Harrison took over the FSA. We’re being ordered to
carry out his bidding with no supporting documentation or rationale. I’m
not one to follow orders blindly, at least not for very long. Senator Harrison
has lied to all of us. I’m not going to make excuses, but now that I know, I
can’t go back to mindlessly following orders.”
Kate and Sam looked at each other, and Alex lowered her gun. “Ok, so
why us?” asked Kate. “How can we, all by ourselves, try to break into
government facilities? Why don’t you do it?”
“I think I can keep the FSA off your backs, but that and keeping this
from Senator Harrison is going to keep me busy.”
He looked at them and exclaimed. “I don’t have much time. They’ll find
out I’m gone if I stay much longer. If it could go any other way, then I’d
offer another option, but there’s really no other way.”
He stood up to leave and finally said, “I know how much you’ve already
invested in this. You two are the catalyst to make this happen, and I trust
you to get it done.” With that, he left, leaving three bewildered women
watching his car drive away.

. . .

Anderson drove away, wondering what would happen next. He believed

he could keep Harrison busy and the FSA away from the two women, but
could they pull this off themselves? ‘I certainly hope so,” he thought.
‘Everything is riding on them.’
His thoughts wandered, and he thought back to his father. “We’re so
proud of you, son. The FSA is an admirable position,” he would say. He
wondered what his father would think of the FSA at this moment in time.
His thoughts changed gears. Thinking of his father made him question
his goals, ‘This is certainly a long way from Maine. Maybe I should go
back, start a family, live a normal life.’ But he knew in his heart that he was
not destined for such things. He was the job, and just because the job had
been sullied of late, he would likely always be the job. He just needed to
bring honor back to the agency.
‘The first step is Harrison,’ he reasoned. ‘Once he’s taken down, then we
can clean house. I just hope I don’t get swept away with the garbage.’

“Well, I guess that gives us one option, but it’s not a great one,” said Sam.
Alex quietly left the room to let the two women discuss their plans. “Can
you think of any other possibilities?”
Kate shook her head reluctantly before rifling briefly through the
materials that agent Anderson had left. There were maps, detailed
schematics, and what looked like security codes for the three facilities.
Sam looked at Kate and smiled widely. “I’ve missed you; you know.
Being down the hall feels like a long way away.”
Kate nodded and hugged her around her good shoulder. “How are you
really feeling?” she asked.
Sam flexed her muscles tentatively and was surprised at how much
better she felt. “I’m fine,” she replied. “Really, I am.”
Kate looked at her as if trying to determine the validity of that last
statement and let it go.
“Do you think we can pull this off?” asked Kate.
They stopped talking as Alex emerged from her bedroom. “I’m sure you
two could use this right about now,” she said, holding out a camera and a
set of keys. “You need a vehicle that they can’t track, so take mine. This
camera takes great video so you can gather your evidence, and they
shouldn’t be able to trace the car back to you. You need to leave now. If that
agent can find you, eventually someone else will too.”
Sam looked at her gratefully. Kate came and took the items from Alex’s
outstretched hands before lightly resting her hands on Alex’s. “Thank you,”
she whispered. “For everything.” She turned back to Sam with an
unfathomable look.
Sam was surprised at the suspicion she was feeling. She trusted Kate
more than anyone she’d ever known, but the developing situation was
Having realized the late hour, Kate sighed and said, “We’d better get
some sleep. We can head out early in the morning,” and headed for the

. . .

The next morning, Kate and Sam sat in the living room and rifled again
through the materials that agent Anderson had left. “This is bigger than we
thought. He’s indicating three spread-out locations for the three phases,”
said Kate, lowering her head. “But maybe we can make this work.”
She looked weary, and Sam was concerned. The stress of the long
journey was taking its toll on both women. Sam was examining the maps
and uttered, “Looks like we’re going back to Rosedale.”
Kate somehow didn’t seem surprised. That was where she had met Mr.
Jonathan Harper, and his experiences had led them to where they were now.
Sam continued, “This looks like it was the first phase at a place called
the MindLink facility.”
Now Kate’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “Oh yes, I remember now. I’ve
heard of that place before,” she said. “I even knew a couple of people that
worked there. I can’t believe they’d be involved in something like this.” She
thought about it for a moment. Did she really know those people? Did she
really trust anyone at that point, anyone but Sam? “We should leave now,”
she said.
It was still early morning, and they decided they’d need more supplies
other than a camera and a borrowed car. Sam remembered a small camping
store near a shopping mall and figured they could get the supplies they
needed there.
Sam briefly contemplated getting a gun, but there was no legitimate way
to get one in a short amount of time. Alex offered them her pistol, and Sam
looked at her, unable to decide if she’d be able to shoot someone, even if
their own lives were at stake. She hesitated and looked at Kate.
Kate vehemently argued against it, declaring that whatever happened,
she wouldn’t be responsible for taking a life, and neither should Sam.
Leaving the pistol to Alex, they crafted a list of necessary supplies.
Alex supplied them with a small amount of food, sleeping bags, and a
flashlight. “There are a few things you don’t need to buy at least.”
With their supplies in hand, they made their way into the garage where
Alex’s car was. “You know you can’t use the truck,” Sam reminded her.
“What will you do until we bring your car back?”
Alex thought for a moment and replied, “I could get a rental car in my
name for you two to drive. Then they can’t trace it to either of you. The
truck can stay where it is, and nobody will see it.”
They all agreed that this made the most sense. Kate surprisingly offered
to go with Alex to pick up the rental car, leaving Sam to wonder about their
newfound friendship. As she headed back into the house, she wondered why
she was suddenly so mistrustful of Alex, of Kate, really of everyone and
everything that was going on. ‘I must be getting paranoid with this
conspiracy business,’ she said to herself, hoping that was it.
She still remembered what it felt like learning about Alex’s affair. She
trusted Kate, but what was going on between her and Alex? Deciding she
had better things to focus on, she put it out of her mind, at least for the

. . .

Alex watched the two women drive off in the rented car and sighed. She
fervently hoped that nothing would happen to Sam and, surprisingly, though
they weren’t exactly friends, she discovered she cared about Kate too and
wished them both luck. “They’ll need it,” she whispered.

Sam drove the rental car back to the highway. The road stretched on, but the
allure of the Pacific Northwest was losing its appeal because of the stressful
situation they faced. They were certain that eventually, the agency would
make the connection between Sam and Alex and might connect them to the
car, but how long that might take was beyond them to guess.
“It could be hours or days,” said Kate. “At least for now, we’re
comfortable, and we’re together.” She smiled and squeezed Sam’s hand,
glad that it was back to being just the two of them again.
“What about Alex?” Kate thought out loud. “She’s done so much for us,
but she could be in real danger. Are we wrong to leave her there alone?”
Sam sat quietly, seemingly lost in thought. “I just don’t know. She’s
pretty good at taking care of herself, but this situation is beyond anything
any of us have ever encountered before. Maybe we should check in with her
regularly and make sure she’s okay.”
Their silver Honda Accord rental car was equipped with a V6 engine and
was quite roomy. They had thought they might need the extra oomph if they
needed to make a quick getaway, and that car seemed to fit the bill. They
knew that they needed to make some distance quickly and had agreed to
take their chances on the busy road. No one should be looking for that car
As they drove down the interstate, Sam suddenly pulled off and smiled
at Kate.
“Where are we going?” asked Kate in surprise.
“Just wait,” said Sam, grinning broadly. “I think you’ll like this place,
and we need some time to ourselves before we go after Operation Genesis.”
Kate watched as they turned into the parking lot of a cute little restaurant
with a chicken, of all things, on the roof. She smiled at Sam and replied,
“It’s adorable.”
A rooster’s cry greeted them as they opened the door, and Kate laughed.
They were seated quickly and ordered a substantial breakfast.
“I think we’re going to need it,” Sam stated.
Kate couldn’t argue with that and expressed her appreciation, cupping
Sam’s cheek in her palm. “This was a great idea. I’ve missed having you to
myself, Sam.”
Sam smiled and entwined her fingers with Kate’s before breaking the
Though needing the alone time, they understood the urgency of their
mission. They ate relatively quickly and got back on the road, heading
south. It would take them another hour and a half to reach the closest
facility in Vancouver.
Back in the confines of the car, Kate couldn’t help feeling that Sam was
holding something back. As the miles changed, so did Sam’s mood. Kate
thought she seemed somewhat reserved but couldn’t think of a reason why
that would be.
Since Sam wasn’t speaking, Kate decided to break the silence. “What’s
wrong?” she asked, unsure if she wanted to hear the answer. “Something’s
obviously up,” she prodded. “What is it that’s bothering you?”
Sam sighed, and Kate worried about what might come next. “I never
told you about me and Alex,” she finally said. “We were madly in love until
I suddenly found out that she had cheated on me.” Sam let her guard down
and told her the complete story about their marriage, about the divorce, and
about how she had quickly packed up and left after the infidelity.
Kate suddenly understood the powerful feelings lingering between Sam
and Alex. They had never experienced closure over their sudden breakup.
She continued to listen silently, unsure about Sam’s motive for this sudden
“You and Alex have been getting close, and it’s bringing back those
feelings,” said Sam as she finished her story. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help
how I feel.”
Kate looked back with a tender look and explained, “Sam, there’s
absolutely nothing between us. The connection that Alex and I share is
about our mutual affection for you. Alex has finally realized that you’re no
longer in love with her, and it broke her heart. I’ve been trying to help her
through it.”
Sam exhaled a cathartic sigh of relief at having unburdened her feelings
and finding out how wrong they were. “I didn’t want to doubt you, Kate. I
love you and couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. Can you forgive me
for thinking such a thing?”
Kate quietly grabbed her hand reassuringly and said, “I understand, it’s
okay. My place is here with you.”

. . .

They reached Vancouver, the phase two facility first, and Sam, realizing
that she didn’t have time to express her true feelings for Kate, gave her a
look of complete adoration, hoping it would convey her emotions. Kate
simply smiled back, and they silently exited the car.
They crept along the perimeter fence, keeping low, and found the blind
spot indicated on the map. Using the bolt cutters they had bought at a
hardware store, they snicked the wires one by one, afraid that the sound
might alert someone. Once inside the fence, they noted that the grounds
were unkempt and showed no signs of attention.
The property appeared to be abandoned, with wildly growing weeds,
broken windows, and walls rife with graffiti.
They inched along carefully until they heard a small sound coming from
the road. They hid behind the brush and crept up to the first building,
careful to avoid making unnecessary noises.
Anderson had circled the map over the door on the opposite side and,
after making sure the coast was clear, they snuck between the two
buildings, sticking close to the cold masonry wall, certain that they would
get caught at any moment.
There was a large roll-up door and a smaller entryway for pedestrian
traffic that interrupted the continuity of the solid block wall. Surprisingly,
the smaller door was ajar, though no one was nearby.
Disconcerted by that, they opted to go in regardless, prepared for the
worst. They made their way through the large warehouse, keeping to the
shadows near the walls, photographing and taking videos of everything they
passed along the way.
“This is odd,” Kate whispered. “It’s almost empty.”
“Maybe they know we’re onto them, and they’ve been closing things
down,” Sam murmured.
There was a loading dock towards the back, and they could just make
out the two workers loading a truck with the last of some equipment,
apparently the last pieces left of whatever had gone on here.
“Quick, take a picture,” hissed Kate. Sam obliged and took some shots
of the equipment being loaded onto the truck. She gave Kate a thumbs-up
gesture, and they made their way back the way they’d come in.
Out of nowhere, Sam started heading for the other building that looked
like an office. Kate followed her lead, and when they got inside, Kate
realized it was an office, but not a business complex, it was obviously a
medical area. There were several rooms off of a meandering hallway, and in
each, there were sparkling clean exam tables, X-ray viewers, and bright
overhead lights in addition to a variety of medical instruments and supplies.
They had apparently not emptied this part of the facility yet, and the
pervasive odor of disinfectant still lingered in the air, indicating that
whatever had happened there hadn’t been that long ago. Sam looked around
thoughtfully before taking some photos. As they turned to leave, they
realized that the office wasn’t empty.
At the very end of the hall, they caught sight of another worker
emptying one of the rooms. They retreated back into the one they had just
left, trying to formulate a plan. Not daring to speak, Kate made a creeping
motion as if trying to say that they should try to sneak their way back out.
Sam furrowed her brows but couldn’t come up with another plan.
They poked their heads out and not seeing anyone, stealthily made their
way down the hall towards the back door where they’d entered. Suddenly,
from around the corner, came another worker carrying an armful of heavy
equipment. Without thinking, the two women simultaneously crashed into
him and sent him sprawling.
“Run for it,” hissed Sam, not wanting to alert anyone else in the
building, but it was too late. The sound of the crashing equipment had
drawn the attention of two other people in the front of the building, and they
were headed their way.
Kate and Sam raced down the remainder of the hallway and out the back
door. Sam almost dropped the camera, but managed to wrap the strap
around her neck as she ran. Reaching the exit seemed to take much longer
than it had to make their way into the buildings.
Kate, leading the way, motioned towards the fence. They burst through
it, catching themselves on it, and jumped into their waiting car.
Squealing down the drive, they looked back to see a van following them.
“Oh, shit!” hollered Sam. Kate was making motions with her feet, as if to
press harder on the gas.
As they hit the pavement, the Honda leaped into gear and sped off. The
unfortunate cargo van had no chance to catch up with the sleek rental car
and, loaded with equipment, teetered down the road in a futile pursuit.
The women quickly lost sight of their pursuers, and Sam opted to throw
a few turns into her driving to hide the direction they were headed. “We’re
lucky those weren’t agents,” sighed Kate. “We wouldn’t have outrun them
Sam shook her head. “We’re not out of the woods just yet, but I know of
a place we can hide the car and ourselves.”
She sped down the road and up over the bridge into Portland. “I know a
back way before we head south, where they shouldn’t be looking for us.
There’s not as much traffic out there, and very little reason for them to think
we would go that way.”
She guided the car up a quiet highway and onto the pass leading up a
hill. At the top of the pass, they stopped and found a place surrounded by a
grove of trees where they could hide the car.
“This should help hide the car,” Sam said hopefully. “Let’s give it a half
hour and make sure they don’t follow, and then we can head down towards
Rosedale to the phase one site.”
While they waited, Kate tended to the scrapes and scratches on Sam’s
arm. Her own injuries were quite mild in comparison, and she gently
dabbed at Sam’s deeper cuts with some of the water they had brought.

. . .

Finally heading south, her partner’s eyes still seemed distant at times, as
if wrestling with other memories that threatened to resurface. Kate was
certain that Sam’s past was somehow still on her mind, but the revelations
of her relationship with Alex had been settled.
As the miles passed, Kate finally gathered the courage to break the
silence again. “Sam, there’s something else you’re not telling me, isn’t
Sam’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, her jaw clenching slightly.
“Kate, I... There are things from my past, things I wish I could undo. But in
order for us to trust each other, you need to know.”
Kate’s heart skipped a beat, sensing the weight of what Sam was about
to reveal. She nodded, encouraging her partner to continue.
“I don’t know how to tell you this, so I’m just going to say it. I worked
at that phase two site. It was a research project that was supposed to be
about advancements in medical science, but when things started to change,
it didn’t sit right with me, and I left. That’s why I took a sabbatical from
“The project started in conjunction with the university, but I swear, I left
before this all started, before the agency took over,” Sam quickly explained,
her voice laden with guilt and remorse.
Kate’s eyes widened in shock. “You were involved in this? Why didn’t
you tell me?”
Sam’s gaze was filled with regret. “I couldn’t bear to burden you with
my past. But now, facing this together, I can’t keep it hidden any longer.
I’m ashamed that it happened at my university and that I was involved at
“Oh, my God! That’s why your login opened that government site at the
beginning of all of this. That’s why they’ve been keeping an eye on you.
You’re the reason they’re on to us.”
Their car came to a halt near the entrance of the MindLink office, a
seemingly abandoned building hidden on the outskirts of Rosedale. The
neatly manicured vegetation seemed to mock the many untamed memories
that now surfaced in Sam.
Sam continued, her voice trembling. “They assured us that we were all
working towards medical breakthroughs, but I knew something was wrong,
and now it’s turned into something monstrous. People have been hurt and
their lives torn apart. Kate, I swear, I would never knowingly put you in
danger. I had no idea how far they’d go in the research, or in covering it
Tears welled up in Kate’s eyes, torn between anger at the organization
behind Operation Genesis, anger at Sam for hiding this from her, and
empathy for Sam, who carried the heavy burden of her involvement.
They sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity, Sam unwilling to
break the silence. She held her breath, waiting for Kate’s response, and was
sure she’d just shattered her trust and pushed her away.
“This isn’t the right time to get into this,” Kate said in a strained voice.
Sam knew she was right but knew they needed to discuss it soon.
Having second thoughts, they decided that they should try to break into
the MindLink building under cover of night. With time to kill, they headed
for a hotel where they could prepare.

. . .

Donovan jumped into her car and raced towards the phase three site. She
had gotten word from the work crew about the two women gaining access
to the phase two facility, and she was certain that they’d go after phase three
soon. She just had to get down there and be patient until they arrived. ‘The
only issue I may have is how to capture them myself without any
interference from those Delta Division clowns.’

. . .

Kate had been quiet on the way to the hotel, and Sam was distracted,
kicking herself for not telling Kate about her involvement from the
beginning when all of this first started. She glanced over at Kate, anxious to
know what she was thinking.
Kate caught her glance and hesitated before finally speaking. “Sam,
we’ll get through this together,” Kate assured, placing a comforting hand on
her partner’s shoulder.
Sam’s eyes grew moist with the realization that Kate genuinely loved
her. She had never known anyone who could so completely love and trust
another person, and forgive their faults.
“I’m so sorry, Kate. I will never keep anything from you again,” said a
remorseful Sam.
Kate was surprised at herself. With a history of distancing herself from
difficult relationships, she’d never been able to stick it out through the
tough times with anyone. This was different though, and Sam was different.
She thought about their relationship as they waited, contemplating their
next move, and decided that this was genuine love. Finally, knowing that
feeling was liberating, and allowed her to truly forgive Sam. It made the
difficulties they’d experienced somehow seem manageable, and she knew
she wouldn’t run away this time.
They planned to inspect the MindLink building sometime around 10 pm,
so for now, they just hunkered down in the hotel room. It was a small room
and had fewer amenities than some of the others they’d been in recently.
Despite that, it felt good to finally be alone together.
Sam took advantage of the silence to whisper to Kate. “I love you, Kate.
I don’t deserve you, but I love you.” They held each other tightly as if
trying to protect each other from the evils they were facing. Reluctant to
part, they held hands as they turned back to the plans.
“According to this diagram, it just looks like a regular office building,
but I’ll bet the security is high,” said Kate.
Sam nodded as they looked closer. “This shows where the alarm sensors
and cameras are,” said Sam. “At least we know that much.”
They had read it over enough and couldn’t read it another time, so they
laid on the bed and snuggled together for comfort.
Glad to be back in each other’s arms, they quietly contemplated their
impending attempt on the phase one facility. Not wanting to drift off to
sleep, Kate turned on the TV in the room. “I think we should leave this on
when we go so that anyone listening will think we’re still here.” They
quietly headed out the door and headed for the phase one site.

“There’s nothing here,” cried Kate. They had taken great care to sneak in
during the dark of night towards the phase one project site, only to find a
desolate and abandoned building in its place. “I don’t understand. Where’d
it all go?” They didn’t dare dawdle and made a quick sweep of the building
to no avail. It had truly been emptied. Not even a splinter of furniture
“Let’s get out of here,” whispered Sam. They nodded at each other as
they quietly exited back through the side door that Anderson had indicated
on the drawings. Heading for the safety of their hotel room, they pondered
why Anderson had sent them there if there was nothing to find.
“So far, we’re not getting much,” said Kate as she settled into the rental
car. “Both facilities appear to have been shut down. I wish I knew what
exactly we were supposed to be looking for.”
Sam too looked puzzled and drove them down dark streets, heading
through the quiet back to the safety of their hotel.

. . .

They opted to stay the remainder of the night at the hotel to regroup.
“They must have abruptly shut these facilities down and moved everything
to phase three,” said Sam as they put all of the documentation away in the
messenger bag they’d brought. “Did they do it because we’re onto them? Or
because they’ve already completed those phases?”
Kate thought about it for a moment before replying. “That might mean
that they’re fully into phase three and are right now creating enhanced
agents. I hope we’re in time to stop this.”
Sam snuggled up next to Kate as they lay in the bed and wrapped her
wonderful arms around her. Kate melted into those arms, enjoying the
safety she felt there.
“Honey, I love you, but I’m starving,” Sam quietly teased, reaching up
to tickle Kate’s neck.
They had noticed a small 24-hour restaurant adjacent to the hotel and
opted to go there for a late-night dinner. The linoleum was slick after a late-
night mopping, and the tables were freshly wiped down. There was nobody
else there at that hour, which suited them just fine.
It was good basic fare, and they took advantage of the hot meal and the
empty booths to revel in the relaxed atmosphere. Once sated, they stood to
go and saw the headlights of a black SUV enter the motel parking lot.
“Damn,” muttered Sam below her breath. “Somehow, they followed us.”
They quickly paid and exited the diner, heading in the opposite direction
of the motel. “Oh no, our documents!” exclaimed Kate.
“Double damn,” Sam responded. “We have to get those back, but how
are we going to do that?”
They noticed that the lead agent directing the team inexplicably ignored
their car in the parking lot. “It’s Anderson,” said Kate. “Let’s wait and see
what happens. We might be able to get back to the car.”
Indeed, after scouring their room, the agents quickly loaded up their
supplies into their SUV. Anderson came out of the room last, carrying the
messenger bag. “I guess we know now that he can’t be trusted,” hissed
As the SUV roared off into the night, the two women rushed back to the
room. “I think they got everything,” muttered Sam. “The camera is gone,
along with documents, but let’s take a look around just in case they missed
They looked around the room and were about to give up when Kate
noticed something under the bed. It was another messenger bag. Shocked,
they pulled it from under the bed and placed it carefully on the table. Not
daring to hope, they slowly opened it and realized it contained all of the
materials they had collected. “It’s the same bag,” gasped Kate. “He pulled a
switch on them!”
With several peeks out the door, they quickly grabbed the bag and
slipped into the car. Nothing else stirred at the motel as they inched away.
“Where are you taking us?” asked Kate.
Sam shrugged her shoulders as she answered, “I’m not sure, just away
from Rosedale for the time being.”
The rest of the night seemed to drag on endlessly, and exhausted, they
finally decided on another motel for the night, hoping that the small town of
Albany was far enough away that they would be safe from prying eyes.

. . .

It was mid-morning before they woke, and they realized that they only
had the room for another hour. “Damn,” said Kate, “I was hoping for a
Sam stood and brought her a towel, motioning towards the bathroom,
saying, “Go ahead. I’ll pay for the room for another night. Maybe it will
throw them off our trail if they stake this place out waiting for us to come
“I wonder how on earth they found us last night,” pondered Kate, before
heading for the tub. “Was it by tracking the phone somehow or by tracking
the car?”
Sam shrugged in response. “Let’s hope it was the phone. It’s easy
enough to replace that, but getting a new car here wouldn’t be very easy.
Would you like a hand in the bath?” Sam winked impishly and followed
Kate into the bathroom.
After a rather invigorating interlude, they settled in to scour the phase
three plans once again, determined to be ready for their evening adventure.
According to the map, the complex was less than an hour away up, in the
foothills west of Corvallis.

. . .

As they drove through Corvallis, though they couldn’t actually see the
OSU campus, they both knew it was there. Kate commented on a recent
visit she’d had and how it was such a welcoming environment filled with
trees, lawns, and gardens.
Having never been there, Sam enjoyed listening to Kate speak about it
and urged her to continue. Kate mentioned that she’d already settled near
Salem at the time, but might have settled there in Corvallis, if she had
visited it first. “I’m glad I didn’t, or the two of us wouldn’t have met,” she
said as she squeezed Sam’s hand.
After making their way west past Corvallis, they found a local restaurant
in the small town of Philomath and stopped to eat. Because it was still a
couple of hours before it would be dark enough for them to invade the
facility, they took their time with their meal, but being that they were
worried, they only picked at their food.
Kate especially seemed to have no appetite and restlessly toyed with her
“Sam, do you think we’re ready for this?”
Sam grasped Kate’s hand, “We have to keep going. We’re almost at the
last facility and then we can be done. Just hold out a little longer.”
“I’m trying but the stress is eating me alive,” Kate lamented.
Sam looked Kate in the eyes and gave her hand a squeeze, “Me too, but
we’ve got each other to lean on. I’ll always have your back.”
Sam’s words and stoic presence calmed Kate. “I can do this, as long as
you’re there with me.”
They left with their dinner barely touched and slowly made their way to
the car. Kate couldn’t help feeling that they were taking on more than they
could handle but was determined to follow anywhere Sam would lead.

. . .

Concealed deep within a hidden industrial complex, exactly where the

map indicated, Kate and Sam stood before the ominous buildings that
housed the elusive Phase three site of Operation Genesis.
This particular location seemed perfect for hiding a large development,
and the expansive area, seemingly abandoned, gave off an eerie vibe. The
night was cloaked in darkness, with only the dim moonlight guiding their
path. Their hearts pounded in anticipation as they knew this was a critical
moment in their quest to expose the truth.
“We need to be on our toes, Kate,” Sam whispered, her eyes meeting
Kate’s in the dim light. “Once we’re inside, stay close and follow my lead.”
Kate nodded, her nerves tingling with a mix of excitement and
trepidation. She trusted Sam’s expertise, knowing that her partner’s instincts
might prove invaluable in navigating the facility.
As they slipped through a gap in the chain-link fence, the cold metal
pressed against their skin, a stark reminder of the danger that awaited them.
The facility loomed before them, shrouded in silence, but the air was thick
with the weight of secrets hidden within its walls.
They made their way stealthily through dark corridors, avoiding security
cameras and guards on patrol. Their memories of the map layouts guided
their path, leading them closer to the heart of the facility where phase three
was allegedly located.
Finally, they arrived at a heavy metal door, guarded only by an
electronic keypad. Sam bypassed the system using the code obtained by
Anderson, and the door silently unlocked, beckoning them in.
Taking a deep breath, they entered the dimly lit room, where they beheld
a scene that chilled them to the core. Rows of hypothermic chambers lined
the walls, several containing human subjects in a state of suspended
animation. “These poor souls...” Kate whispered; her voice barely audible
amidst the weight of the discovery.
Sam recorded the scene while they explored the ghostly space. As they
captured the horrifying sights, they noted that the subjects were attached to
machines. Some of the machines appeared to monitor vital signs and
brainwaves, but others held vials of unknown compounds that were being
infused into the patients’ bodies. Large-bore needles pierced the muscles of
the patients, and catheters had been inserted into their veins. Infusion
pumps whirred quietly, pumping out multiple dangerous cocktails of
chemicals designed to transform the bodies of those unfortunate
Body bags hung from a rod in the corner of the room, waiting for those
unlucky participants that wouldn’t make it through the modifications. Sam
wasn’t completely positive, but she believed she saw an incinerator in the
back of the room for eliminating the bodies. She recorded the scene but
kept it out of sight from Kate.
Sam’s jaw clenched, her eyes reflecting a mix of anger and sorrow.
“This must be the heart of phase three where they manipulate and augment
their bodies. This is probably the most dangerous part of the process.”
Kate raised her hand to her mouth to stifle a cry. She knew this was not
the time to let loose her feelings, but it was difficult to continue as she
witnessed the horrors of the project firsthand.
Though having a different reaction to seeing the secrets of the operation
up close, Sam, too, was having difficulty controlling her emotions. She put
a hand on Kate’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Connecting herself
physically to Kate helped to calm the rage welling inside her.
Having taken a few moments to calm themselves, they eased through the
room, capturing the disturbing scene on video. Their hearts ached for the
victims; their identities stolen for a nefarious agenda.
As they investigated further into the facility, uncovering more evidence
of the unethical experiments, they knew their recordings would serve as a
damning testimony to the project’s sinister nature.
Their quest for the truth was abruptly cut short when a medical
technician nonchalantly walked into the room. Upon seeing the women, he
shouted and punched a panel on the side wall. An alarm began echoing
through the facility, the wails of the signal seeming to echo off of the solid
masonry walls. The jig was up; they’d been discovered. “We need to go
now!” Sam urged, grabbing Kate’s hand as they made a frantic retreat.
Chaos erupted around them as security personnel closed in.
Without a thought, they ran through the maze-like corridors with
adrenaline pumping through their veins. Their memories of the building’s
layout suffered as panic set in. Despite their lack of direction, they
continued to scurry through the halls, focused solely on survival. Just as
escape seemed unlikely, they spotted a ventilation shaft low on a wall, and
Sam quickly helped Kate climb inside.
The metallic taste of fear clung to them as they crawled through the
cramped space, praying they could elude capture. What seemed to take an
eternity, in actuality, lasted only fifteen minutes. They emerged outside,
gasping for breath but exhilarated by their escape. Sore and tired from
crawling through the cramped air vent, they quickly made it back to the car
and headed out into the night.
As they departed from the last project site, they realized how lucky they
were to have gotten out of the facility in one piece. They drove on,
exhausted from their efforts, and the weight of their discoveries settled upon
them. But alone in the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged.
Armed with the documentation and now images, Kate and Sam were
determined to stand against the shadows. Fueled by their unwavering
commitment to uncover the truth and to each other, they were firmly
resolved to put an end to the malevolent legacy of Operation Genesis.

. . .

They would never know that it wasn’t luck that got them out of the
facility unscathed. Donovan stood in the doorway, blocking the security
personnel. “They’re mine,” she hissed. “If you get in my way, it would be
unfortunate, and you’d have to be dealt with in a very unpleasant manner.”
She sneered, and the guards stepped back a pace. From her attitude and
menacing movements, they knew she meant business and didn’t want to
tangle with that individual, especially given that she didn’t seem entirely
Donovan looked around and thought back to her days in that facility. She
had volunteered for that assignment, and it had proven to be the most
difficult thing she’d ever done, but it had given her the unique skills she
The procedure had been painful, both mentally and physically, but she
was unaware of the emotional cost which was causing her to lose control of
her impulses and her anger.
Knowing that she had been the only survivor of the process gave her a
sense of satisfaction. She thought little of those who hadn’t made it,
thinking that they must have been weak and undeserving.
Putting her memories aside, she made her way back to her car and sped
up the dark highway. Having seen their wanted car on her way into the
facility, she had obtained the license number and knew she’d soon be able
to track them down. ‘It’s so close I can taste it,’ she thought as she licked
her lips in anticipation.

. . .

Back in Salem, at a new hideout, Kate and Sam reviewed the recordings
they had risked so much to obtain. The chilling scenes of phase three would
expose the sinister truth to the world. Armed with their evidence, Kate and
Sam knew that the fight against Operation Genesis had reached a critical
juncture. Their discovery would ignite a battle for justice, where they would
no longer be the silent victims of the project’s darkness but the defiant
bearers of truth and hope.

“We need to make a copy of all of this,” exclaimed Kate.

“We should make several copies,” declared Sam. “It might be a sore
subject, but I’d like to give one to Alex to take care of in case something
happens to us.”
Kate heartily agreed, and they headed for a nearby copy shop. What to
do with the video was trickier. They went to a local electronics store and
bought a small laptop and a handful of flash drives. They also bought a new
burner phone to ensure they couldn’t be tracked.
Replete with supplies, they took the short drive back to the hotel,
holding hands in solidarity. They agreed to burn several copies of the video,
and armed with the evidence, they pondered their next move. Together, they
realized that paper copies weren’t safe enough and couldn’t be dispersed as
easily, so they opted to go back to the copy store to digitize the paper
Armed with a pile of flash drives loaded with the details of the
conspiracy, they started to hatch a plan to release the damning evidence in a
coordinated strike aimed at Senator Harrison and the other conspiracy
“Sam, I think we need to involve the media. If we get the word out, then
it will be quite difficult for Harrison to hush this up.”
“That’s a good idea, but we need to take Harrison down directly
somehow, and we need help to do that. He’s gotten very powerful, and we
need to be careful who we enlist to take him on. In fact, I’m not sure it will
be easy to find anyone willing to do it.”
Kate too was worried about finding the right allies for this fight. “We
need to be careful. If he gets wind of what we’re planning, it’ll make it
much harder if not impossible to bring him down.”
In the end, the plan they developed was two-fold. One target for the
information was the media. They needed a trusted news source that could
handle the heat that would likely come from such revelations. The second
platform was the government. They needed to cultivate trusted allies in the
Senate who could stand up against Senator Harrison. They discussed for
hours who those key people should be.
As they scoured the congressional roster they had retrieved online, they
came across Senator Laura Campbell. “She’s perfect,” said Kate, leaning
back onto the uncomfortable couch. “Senator Campbell is known to be
committed to fighting against corruption.”
Sam nodded her agreement, and they assembled the documentation
needed to convince the senator to act.

. . .

Senator Laura Campbell was a seasoned and respected lawmaker with a

track record of championing causes that protected vulnerable populations.
A stylish woman in her fifties, she sat in her brightly lit and welcoming
office, going through the papers for the day’s schedule. An aide rushed in,
clutching an envelope. “I think you need to see this,” said the aide, gasping
for air. She extended the envelope in her hand marked ‘Urgent and
Confidential,’ which the senator promptly grabbed.
She opened it and found two things in the somewhat crumpled packet.
The first was a letter, and the second was a thumb drive. She had the aide
leave and close the door, then stared at the two items, unsure where to start.
Being extra cautious, she decided to scan the flash drive for viruses while
reading the letter.
What she read was confusing. It was a letter from a Dr. Samantha
Mitchell and a Dr. Kate Sinclair. She’d never heard of either of them, and
intended to do some research as part of her review. The letter warned of a
deeply rooted conspiracy and outlined a project called Operation Genesis.
Chilled by what she was reading, she began to doubt how such a thing
could occur and be so well hidden. The letter urged her to review the
evidence collected by the two women, but not knowing anything about
them, she was skeptical of the source and put the thumb drive in a locked
She decided instead to find out all she could about the source of that
information and what would motivate them to orchestrate such a hoax.
Her review was comprehensive, and there was nothing in the
background of either woman that seemed out of the ordinary. From
everything she could find, they appeared to be responsible citizens, highly
regarded professionals even, “But how could any of this be true?” she
Putting her instincts aside momentarily, she unlocked the drawer of her
highly polished desk and pulled out the thumb drive to look at it. “Who are
these two?” she asked herself. Slowly, she loaded the thumb drive into her
computer and waited for it to register.
As she reviewed the documentation and video evidence presented, her
heart sank. “My god!” she thought. “The inhumanity! There’s going to be a
lot of work to do,” she thought, eyes furrowed with worry at the enormity
of this task laid before her. “This is huge, and I’m not quite sure where to
Having come up against Senator Harrison on several occasions
regarding legislation she was trying to get passed, she had little respect for
him and his politics. Despite the bad blood between them, she could
scarcely believe that he was involved, much less be the orchestrator of this
corrupt operation.
Fearing that someone might know the information she now possessed,
she sent her staff home and alerted security that there could be a potential
threat on her life. “First things first,” she muttered. She called several of her
close colleagues and set up a secret meeting in a secure location.

. . .

Senator Campbell was known for her ability to bridge the political
divide, collaborating with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass
meaningful legislation that promoted transparency and accountability. It
was time to call in her favors and bring this group together as a united front
to face Harrison.
As she briefed her contemporaries, she saw looks of shock and disbelief.
She knew she had to get unanimous support from this group, or word would
get back to Senator Harrison, which would cause trouble for them all.
“Look,” she said sternly, “you all know me and know that I wouldn’t
spread panic if I didn’t think this was legitimate. I trust you all to remember
the duty and responsibility that comes with holding public office. Our duty
to serve the public demands that we act.” She further highlighted their
mutual obligations to protect the well-being and rights of their constituents,
and how that illicit conspiracy represented a severe breach of public trust.
Initially, upon seeing the documentation of the conspiracy, the other
senators were skeptical. They had trouble believing that this could be real
and felt that this must be a hoax.
Once the video evidence was displayed, they became silent and began to
listen in earnest. Senator Campbell’s impassioned speech was compelling,
and one by one, heads began nodding as she spoke. Once the horror and
shock unanimously turned to rage and calls for action, she knew this group
would be the cornerstone for taking down the corrupt Senator Harrison.

. . .

Donovan was frustrated, which put her dwindling sanity in a precarious

position. She had hacked into the FSA system to track the license plate for
the women’s rental car, but so far it hadn’t shown up on any traffic cameras
or alerts.
Determined to find them at all costs, she decided to hit the streets, and
perform a manual search. She reasoned that they must have pulled off the
highway at one of the small towns near the phase three site. There couldn’t
be more than a handful of hotels, and she’d be able to make quick work of
searching them for the car in question. ‘But where to start?’ She looked at
the map again and decided that Albany would be her first search area.

. . .

The second part of Kate and Sam’s plan was to alert the media. They
sent a copy of the packet to the Seattle Chronicle, which was known in the
Northwest as a sentinel of truth regarding the activities on Capitol Hill and
had a reputation for fearless and hard-hitting journalism.
Kate and Sam, having read through some past articles, recognized
Evelyn Thompson’s work and her dedication to shedding light on hidden
atrocities and providing a voice to the voiceless. They both agreed that
Evelyn’s expertise and credibility would be vital in ensuring the evidence
reached the public eye while protecting their identities which was a critical
part of their plan.

. . .

As a seasoned investigative reporter for the Chronicle, Evelyn

Thompson was regularly tasked with sniffing out the truth in the mountains
of documents that passed her desk daily.
Evelyn was an amazingly dedicated woman with a distinctive
appearance that set her apart in any crowd. Her short, blonde hair, in
striking contrast to her rich ebony complexion, embodied her chic style. Her
choice of hairstyle, both stylish and confident, reflected her independent
spirit and her sense of personal freedom.
As a journalist, Evelyn was known for her relentless pursuit of stories
that mattered, her commitment to investigative reporting, and her
unwavering dedication to holding those in power accountable.
Her previous work, having led to the downfall of several corrupt
officials, meant that she was the target for all kinds of conspiracy theorists
trying to cast a shadow on government activities.
“Let me guess,” said Evelyn upon picking up the packet, “another
anonymous lead.”
As she pondered the overnight envelope sitting on her desk, she decided
that she might as well open it despite the late hour. “It might be good for a
laugh,” she chuckled. She noted the thumb drive but grabbed the letter first.
As she read, she was horrified by the unfathomable corruption, not to
mention the human rights violations outlined in the letter, but she was
skeptical. How could this be happening without anyone knowing? She put
her cynical nature aside and decided to review the purported evidence
contained on the thumb drive and was shocked by what she saw.
Despite her confident nature, this situation gave her pause. She knew
that not only would this story involve a lot of legwork, but that it was
potentially dangerous. If someone found out what she had just seen, her life
could be in danger.
She immediately decided to do some detective work and was able to
confirm the locations for the phase one and two projects. That they had
closed suddenly piqued her curious nature. She diligently worked into the
night, trying to piece together confirmational data to support the
extraordinary claims in the documentation.

. . .

The next morning, her phone rang, and she jumped, despite her prior
experiences with conspiracies. On the other end of the line was a woman’s
voice asking if she’d received some information about a clandestine project
called Operation Genesis. Knowing that they must have tracked the package
they’d sent her, she confirmed that she had. “May I ask who I’m speaking
to?” she queried.
“I can’t give you my name, not yet,” said the voice.
Being familiar with that response, she pursed her lips. “I’m going to
have to investigate this and corroborate more of what you’ve given me
here,” she said. “How can I reach you if I have any additional questions?”
The voice replied, “I’ll contact you again in two days. By then, this
information will also have been sent to a key senator in the hopes that
action can be taken on Capitol Hill.”
Evelyn tried again. “Dr. Sinclair? Dr. Mitchell?” No response followed.
“Can I at least ask you which senator?” The line disconnected, and she sat
in her office, worried that she couldn’t possibly puzzle this one out.
She worked tirelessly, corroborating as much as she could of the
information she’d been given. She was horrified that most of it was proving
to be true and what that might mean.

. . .

After another day, she did indeed receive a second call. This time, a
slightly huskier voice was on the line.
“Evelyn Thompson?” The voice asked. She confirmed her identity and
waited for the voice to continue. “This is Dr. Sam Mitchell,” said the voice.
“I’m here with Dr. Sinclair, and we want to know what you’ve found.”
Evelyn explained about having been able to corroborate several key
parts of the story but wanted to talk to them in person.
“Is this line secure?” asked a hesitant Sam.
“I assure you that it is,” affirmed Evelyn. “We need to meet. I need to
hear your story, you and Dr. Sinclair. I may have questions to ask before we
release all of this.”
Sam answered defensively, “We’ve risked our lives to make this
information public and you still want to wait and ask questions?”
Evelyn calmed her down, reassuring her that it was going to go public,
soon, but she still wanted to meet with them to get their personal stories.

. . .

They had arranged a discreet meeting in a secure location, taking

necessary precautions to avoid detection by the conspiracy leaders. Evelyn
was cautious but intrigued by the sensitive information Kate and Sam had
Evelyn’s intelligent and observant eyes revealed a keen sense of
curiosity and a dedication to uncovering the truth. Carrying herself with a
dignified and confident demeanor, Evelyn exuded an air of competence and
authority that made her a respected figure in the world of journalism. It put
Kate and Sam at ease to see firsthand, the passion she had for their story.
As Kate and Sam disclosed their story, Evelyn listened intently,
scribbling notes, and asking probing questions. Her thoughtful demeanor
and attention to detail reinforced their belief that they had chosen the right
journalist to help bring Operation Genesis to light.
They asked that she protect their anonymity, to which she reluctantly
agreed. “I think you’re making a mistake,” she told them, “But that’s your
choice.” The pair also told her of agent Anderson, knowing that he would
likely be a key ally in ensuring the information was not suppressed. She
took note of that, intending to find him and contact him as soon as possible.

. . .

After the interview with Kate and Sam, Evelyn called the editor-in-chief
of her paper and spoke urgently. “Robert, the story is not only true, but I’ve
met them.”
It had been a heavy news day filled with multiple tragedies. He listened
to her, trying to remember which story, of everything that had been going
on that day, she might be referring to. Then he suddenly blanched in the
realization of which story she meant.
Robert himself was a seasoned and well-respected journalist in his own
right. As Evelyn’s boss, he led the newspaper with a strong commitment to
uphold journalistic excellence and ethical reporting. Robert had a reputation
for fostering a supportive and creative work environment, encouraging his
team to pursue impactful stories that shine a light on corruption and
injustices, but this level of corruption was unprecedented and extremely
“If that’s the case, then this is your only story, Evelyn. Until you unravel
this story, you have no other work. I’ll rally the troops to take up the slack,
but you’re on this full-time. And watch your back,” he added. “I will stand
behind you and support you and anyone you need on your team. We need
all our resources on this. Be careful, Evelyn. This one is a mine field”

. . .

As Evelyn continued her investigation, she worked tirelessly, doing her

best to connect the dots and continuing to corroborate the evidence. Despite
the web of lies and deceit, she began unearthing a trail of corruption that
seemed to lead directly towards Senator Harrison.
Throughout the day, anonymous warnings started coming to the paper,
warning that she was being manipulated. Ignoring the warnings, she
doubled down on her research.
The warnings, though still anonymous, turned into threats. For her own
safety, she needed to become paranoid. She moved into a furnished rental
room downtown where there was little foot traffic. She also refused to come
into the office despite the pleas of her editor, knowing that he wasn’t able to
keep her entirely safe. She agreed to check in with him regularly to let him
know that she was safe.
She wasn’t entirely positive, but she had a suspicion that someone had
tipped off Harrison. How else would anyone know that she had any
knowledge of what was going on? ‘I trust everyone at the paper, but the fact
remains that these threats are coming from somewhere. If Harrison knows
what I know, I’m in a tricky position.’
The next day, there had been furtive footsteps in the hallway of the
downtown rental room. Being accustomed to working dangerous stories,
she nonetheless held her breath as she peered out the peephole in the door
of the apartment. Armed with a frying pan and a knife, she waited, but saw
no one approaching her apartment. It was the time to be paranoid and watch
her back.
She left the rental and moved into a hotel under an assumed name.
‘Paranoia just might save my life,’ she mused. ‘I just hope I don’t have to
keep doing this for long.’ Later that night she saw a news report at the
location of the room she’d left. Someone had reported a bomb threat, and
the police were at the scene dealing with the situation.
She took a series of deep breaths to calm herself and muttered, ‘This is
getting entirely out of hand. I just need to hold on a little longer, and it’ll all
clear up soon.”
She thought about Kate and Sam and what they must be going through,
hiding from the conspirators, and waiting for their efforts to bear fruit.
‘Those are two brave women. I’m not sure if I’d have been able to handle
the pressure they must be under.’
Despite the threats and intimidation, Evelyn stood her ground, refusing
to back down.

. . .

The day seemed to have taken forever to arrive, but it was finally time to
put the story into print.
Evelyn had driven back to Seattle and beamed with pride as the papers
whirred down the line. The shocking story had scarcely been released
before being snapped up by other news services. As she began releasing the
story in print, her articles in The Chronicle began to paint a damning picture
of the project, captivating the public’s attention. The evidence was now
revealed, and public outcry intensified, demanding justice and

. . .

Senator Campbell put down the paper in exasperation. “So much for the
element of surprise. Let’s hope that doesn’t put a crimp in our plans.”
The private meetings escalated amongst the senators following Senator
Campbell’s lead. The numerous closed-door meetings culminated in
investigations, which, in turn, led to hearings before Congress.
Senator Campbell knew they were in for a struggle to take down this
conspiracy but was almost itching for a fight. ‘It’s been a while since I’ve
had to take someone to task for their actions,’ she thought. ‘The fact that it’s
Harrison makes it that much sweeter.’

. . .
Aggravated at not getting anywhere with the manual search for the
rental car, Donovan decided on a different plan. She again hacked into the
FSA database, and pulled up any records she could find on the two women.
‘There’s only one explanation for their repeated escapes. They must have
someone helping them. If I can find the person or persons that have assisted
them, I can get the intel on where they are.’
Donovan paused as she perused the records. ‘What an interesting
development,’ she thought. Momentarily forgetting about Harrison and the
rest of the operation, she followed her obsession with Dr. Sinclair and Dr.
Mitchell. ‘I wonder if your precious Dr. Sinclair even knows about all of
this. Lucky for me that I found this document. Now, I’ll get your location,
and this time you won’t escape.’ She nabbed a screenshot of the license
information and sent it to herself. She next looked up the address for the
licensee then logged off the database.
She laughed loudly. “I might even get to have a bit of fun on the way.”

Senator Harrison, having caught wind that the closed-door meetings were
occurring, knew that investigations and hearings would probably come next
and even more likely, a lengthy court trial.
He was alone in his office, shredding documents one night, when agent
Anderson entered the room. Anderson, hearing the unmistakable whir of the
shredder, questioned him about what he was doing.
“Help me get rid of this,” came the senator’s reply. “This will ruin
everything, and ruin me,” he emphasized. Agent Anderson slowly brought
out his gun and trained it on the senator.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, sir. I am arresting you on federal charges of
murder, kidnapping, corruption, embezzlement, and human rights
Senator Harrison suddenly saw the warrant in his other hand. “Damn
you,” he hissed. “I’ll bury you.”
“You’re under arrest, sir. You have the right to be silent. Anything you
say can and will….”
The senator cut him off mid-sentence. “I know all of this, you traitor.
You have no idea what you’re doing and how high the stakes are for the
success of this project. Do you think you’re going to get out of this
Anderson refused to take the bait and hauled the senator away. Inside, he
was feeling a sense of satisfaction that the cleanup within the agency could
now begin. The senator would also have to answer for his crimes.
The senator was taken to a secure area and demanded his one phone call.
Anderson was standing by, waiting for him to finish, and heard him utter a
single sentence. “You know what to do,” said the senator ominously.
Anderson, fearing for Kate and Sam, took the senator away and
wondered how he could warn them, ‘But where are they?’ he worried.

. . .

Harrison had no idea that he had lost control of his precious operative,
and that she was now acting on her own. Rogue agents were dangerous, but
rogue agents no longer in control of their faculties were truly terrifying.
She laughed as she hung up the phone. ‘Let Harrison think he’s calling
the shots,’ she thought. She had already been on the trail of the two doctors,
and she would soon take care of them, regardless of what Harrison wanted.
‘I’ll leave him the illusion of control for now. I’ve got things to do.’ Giddy
with the thoughts of her upcoming task, she laughed again in her
excitement. “I finally feel free!” she shouted. “And I can finally indulge my
creative side.”
She steered the car south onto the freeway heading out of Seattle. She
was only an hour away from her target, and once she had the information,
she could put everything in motion to capture the two women. Then, it
would be her turn to have some fun. She laughed again, thinking about the
items concealed in her bag.
Donovan picked up the phone again and dialed an undisclosed number
known only to her. She spoke brusquely when the line was answered. “I
have another job for you,” she said. “And this one’s lucrative.”
“What’s the gig?” answered the voice on the private line.
Known only as the Omega Squad, this discreet unit of hand-picked
mercenaries did Donovan’s bidding without question. Their only focus was
the significant funds they were provided after each completed mission.
Donovan hatched a plan with the mercenaries. They had two loose ends
to tie up, and they could tell that she was anxious to put things in motion.
Having received a new command, the mercenaries knew that their first task
would be difficult and needed to be dealt with swiftly.

. . .

Senator Harrison paced in his cell. Having been arrested on multiple

federal charges, he knew he needed to get out of there quickly, or his plans
would all fall to pieces. ‘She has to come through and get me out of here.’
There were many layers to his plans, and if another one of them failed, it
would start a cascade of catastrophic events. The stakes were higher now
than ever before.
He heard the commotion in the hall, and readied himself, certain that this
was for his benefit. As the inmates began to riot, a hand motioned him to
follow. Harrison snuck out of his cell, avoiding the rioters, and headed
down a quiet hallway towards the laundry room.
As the sounds of the riot escalated, he was led to the laundry bins that
were awaiting transport outside the prison. His guide had him crouch down
inside one of the bins and he was promptly covered with dirty clothes.
Due to the riot, the external deliveries and pickups had been suspended.
He waited for hours before he felt the bin move. He was rolled along
through the room and down the ramp towards the waiting truck. Cash
exchanged hands as the guards opted to return to the laundry room, leaving
the unattended bins scattered about the loading zone. He finally felt the
swaying motion letting him know the bin had been lifted. Hearing the door
of the truck close behind him, he knew he was truly on his way.

. . .

It was hours later when Harrison heard the story of his prison break on
the news. He was mildly surprised that they’d figured it out so quickly since
his rescuers had arranged for a replacement to take his place in the prison
cell. ‘Now that that’s done, I can concentrate on the next steps,’ he thought,
as he felt the plane bank right, heading for his South American refuge.

. . .

The next part of the plan hinged on Donovan, and she relished utilizing
her expertly honed skills to accomplish the next task and gather the data the
Omega Squad needed.
She conversed with the mercenary band once again, “Understand that
once they’re captured, your job is to babysit only. I’ll be down personally to
take care of the rest.” She hung up the line, speeding down the highway. ‘I
just have one stop to make first,’ she thought to herself.

. . .

A quiet knock interrupted the silence of the quiet Victorian home. Alex
unwittingly opened the door, immediately regretting her lack of
preparedness, and stood face to face with a gun pointed at her head.
The woman behind the weapon suggested that she step back into the
room and not make any sudden movements. Alex complied, suddenly
convinced that these could be her last moments on earth. The woman
silently motioned for her to take a seat on the couch.
“So, you’re the ex-wife,” said the woman. “I know they’ve contacted
you, and now you’re going to tell me where they are.”

Torture was unpleasant but sometimes necessary when working with an

uncooperative subject, and agent Donovan was particularly good at it.
Regrettably, she was also enjoying it, an unfortunate side-effect of her
Genesis conditioning. The goal of the program had been to turn her into a
compliant and efficient agent but instead, the programming had broken her
mind, and she was now a highly trained sociopath.
Having extracted the essential information from Alex, Donovan had
hatched a plan. She just had to be patient.
She entertained herself by taunting Alex. “Lucky for you, I need you
alive. If you’ve lied to me, I’ll make it much worse for you the second time
around. If you have anything to say, you’d better let me know now.”
Bound and gagged, a bruised Alex eyed Donovan with a look of abject
terror. As Donovan continued to wander around her home, terror turned to
regret, and Alex thought back with guilt about her first betrayal of Sam’s
She hadn’t ever been completely honest with herself about her reasons
for cheating on Sam. Now, with the clarity of her last precious moments,
she realized that it was her own insecurity that had twisted her thoughts into
allowing a sexual interlude with Dr. Wells.
Dr. Leslie Wells had been there when Alex had questioned her self-
worth; as a doctor, as an artist, and even as a worthy mate for Sam. Leslie
had been supportive, and a solid shoulder to cry on, until the one fateful
evening when Alex’s self-esteem had bottomed out, and that friendly,
supportive companion had quickly taken advantage of her vulnerability.
Donovan interrupted her thoughts. “You know, it was easy to track you
down through the marriage license. Your dear Dr. Mitchell is going to regret
getting involved in this. I’ll see to that personally.”
Muffled cries erupted from Alex in protest. In a futile gesture, she wildly
thrashed against the cords holding her captive.
Donovan’s phone rang and after listening for a few minutes, she simply
replied, “I’m on my way. The Delta Division is your next target. Wait for
me there but get yourselves ready.”
Donovan was indeed satisfied that the good doctors had been taken
alive. The women had been at the exact location revealed by Alex, and the
team had struck with precision and force. Their attack had been swift and
merciless, catching Kate and Sam off guard. The women had put up a
valiant fight, but they had been outnumbered and outmatched.
Anxious to finish cleaning up those two particular loose ends, she
regarded Alex callously, twisting her face into a wicked mask. “I guess you
told the truth, but unfortunately, I now have no further use for you. It’s too
bad I don’t have time to finish this properly,” she told Alex. “It makes for
fewer questions if the authorities discover a suicide instead of a murder, but
I’ve got urgent places to be and two troublesome loose ends to eliminate.”
In fact, Donovan wasn’t sure she cared at this point how Alex met her
end. The only thing she cared about was having her fun with the two
doctors. She smiled as she thought of their fate.
Alex struggled violently in her restraints at the pronouncement of her
doom and at the mention of loose ends, one of whom had been the love of
her life. Unable to free herself, she watched in horror as the blade sliced
into her supple flesh, blood seeping from the wound and trailing down her
alabaster skin.
Alex cried out at the pain and as she began to collapse, Donovan shared
some parting words: “I’ll tell you one last thing before you leave this world.
Abdominal wounds are an especially painful and slow way to die, but it
should comfort you to know that I have something even more creative in
mind for your friends.”

. . .

Secured in an unknown location, the injured Kate and Sam, pondering

their options, realized that they had none.
Terrified, they clung to each other for comfort, knowing that their
journey together could end at any moment.
Kate teared up, thinking about their current predicament. “Oh, Sam, I’m
so scared.”
Sam winced as she held her close, “Me too, I wish I knew what their
plan is for us.”
Hearing the strain in Sam’s voice, Kate pulled away from the embrace
and reached for Sam’s shoulder, tentatively feeling the scar from her
wound. “Sam, are you okay? Did they hurt your shoulder? How bad is it?”
Trying to calm Kate, she stretched her arm and rotated her shoulder
experimentally. It was excruciating, but all she would say was, “It seems to
be in one piece.”
Sam changed the topic and tried to ignore the pain from her injury.
“Something must have happened to Alex,” Sam offered, worry lining her
face. “She would never have betrayed us like that. I hope they didn’t hurt
Kate was also worried about their friend. Trying to be positive for Sam’s
sake she commented, “I’m sure she’s okay. She’s pretty resourceful and
knows how to take care of herself.”
Sam looked down briefly and quietly replied, “I hope so.” She looked up
and reached for Kate’s hand. “Look, we’re still here, so apparently, they
weren’t ordered to eliminate us yet.”
Just as she finished the thought, the door swung open, and one of the
mercenaries stood there, glaring at the women. “Which one of you is Dr.
Sinclair?” he asked harshly.
Sam challenged the hulking fellow. “What do you want with us?”
“That’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. Are you
volunteering?” he said, laughing maliciously at their predicament.
Kate shouted. “Sam, no! I’m Dr. Sinclair,” she said frantically.
The mercenary looked her over and, seemingly satisfied by that, roughly
grabbed her and pulled her through the doorway.
Sam leaped at the door but to no avail. The mercenary had gone, captive
in tow. Sam was distraught, but there was nothing she could do.
As Kate was being retrieved, the mercenaries spoke amongst
themselves. “Why are we bothering with all of these theatrics?” asked one
of the mercenaries. “We should just get rid of them.”
Another answered back, “Yeah, but maybe they’d be good for some fun
“Definitely not,” spoke the lead man. “There’s something special in
mind for these two. We’re just supposed to babysit them until ‘she’ gets her
fun in first. Then we’ll see.”
. . .

Donovan briefly questioned her current plans. Momentarily, sanity

entered her twisted mind, and she knew that something was wrong with her
perspective. She fleetingly wavered, then her Genesis conditioning
slammed the door on sanity, and she again pondered her current scheme.
She could eliminate the two of them and be done with it, but it seemed
much more satisfying to deal with Dr. Sinclair in a more sinister way for all
the trouble she’d caused. Once Dr. Sinclair’s mind was broken completely,
she’d be locked away in the state hospital, unable to create any more
Dr. Mitchell was another story. Donovan had already identified her as a
candidate for the Genesis process, but she needed to be broken first.
Eliminating the ex-Mrs. Mitchell and destroying her current love was likely
enough to achieve that. Once her spirit was broken, she’d be taken to the
phase three site to undergo the modifications. She’d make an excellent

. . .

Out in the main office of the warehouse, Kate was escorted to a chair
before being tied down tightly. Fear gripped her and she attempted to
struggle, but it was no use. She was trapped
A woman approached and brought out a suspicious looking bag. The
mercenaries seemed to defer to her, and Kate couldn’t imagine why she
held such status amongst the group.
“Don’t you worry, this will only pinch a little,” she said, pulling out a
syringe and a vial of something that Kate couldn’t identify.
“Wait! What is that?” she yelled. “What are you doing to me?”
Time seemed to slow as the woman approached her chair. She screamed
as the needle pierced her flesh. Moments later, she felt a rush of dizziness as
the chemicals wormed their way past the blood-brain barrier and into her
consciousness. She attempted to scream again, but nothing came out.
Sam had heard her scream and desperately launched herself at the door.
“Kate, can you hear me? What’s going on? Are you okay?” She yelled over
and over but got no response. Making no progress against the solid door,
she slumped to the floor, straining to hear anything from the outer room.
Kate swooned as the drugs took full effect. Her mind was swallowed up
by the hallucinations, and she could feel her sense of reality slipping away.
In her compromised state, she couldn’t sense the neural device as it was
placed over her head. Designed to cover the temporal and parietal portions
of her skull, the device fit snugly in place preventing its accidental removal.
The integrated electrodes aligned themselves near specific regions of her
brain, creating realistic visual and sensory hallucinations. The device was
powered on, and she screamed again as the sensations flooded her thoughts.
The device fed her images of a metal chamber. Restrained at hands and
feet, she was unable to free herself from the cold metal table no matter how
hard she struggled. She knew she needed to get away, but she didn’t
understand why.
Then she saw them. Alien beings became visible in her dream-like state.
They appeared small with extended limbs and oversized eyes. Their skin
appeared smooth and hairless much like a dolphin’s. She knew this situation
was significant but couldn’t place the memory.
The aliens approached her, bearing dangerous looking implements.
Screaming inside her delusion, she tried to fight back as the probes were
inserted into her body. She felt the probes pierce the flesh of her limbs and
torso simultaneously, before the aliens stepped back and pressed a series of
buttons on the wall. As the probes began to stimulate the surrounding
nerves, the excruciating pain was too much for her to bear, and she
mercifully lost consciousness.
“Well, that’s unfortunate,” said Donovan. “Since she passed out, I’ll
have to try again to finish the process. Eventually, she’ll be lost in the
delusions and can be safely locked away.”
Kate’s unconscious body was unceremoniously dumped back into the
locked room with Sam. Sam ran over to check on her condition. “What did
you do to her?” she yelled, not expecting an answer.
She couldn’t find anything wrong with Kate and held her in her lap,
waiting for her to regain consciousness. “Kate, wake up! Can you hear
An hour later, Kate began to stir slightly. Sam caressed her face, but the
touch caused Kate to begin thrashing.
“No! No! Get away from me!” she cried.
“Kate, it’s me! It’s Sam!”
Sam grabbed her hands and tried to calm her, but it was another hour
before she calmed down enough to speak coherently.
“Oh Sam! I’m so glad it’s you. I’ve seen them; they’re real. The aliens
did things to me…”
Sam softly stroked her hair and murmured soothingly. “Kate, it’s okay.
You’re here with me, and you’re okay now. We’ll get through this.”
Kate quietly started sobbing. Sam gathered her in her arms and
continued to stroke her hair.

. . .
Hours later, Kate was finally feeling like herself, but she still held the
persistent delusion about the aliens and what they had done to her. She
didn’t even remember the mercenaries, and in her confused mind, the aliens
had been responsible for their capture and her subsequent torture.
Sam was frightened and didn’t know how to help her overcome this.
Deciding that they had other problems that took priority right now, she
gripped Kate firmly and spoke forcefully. “Kate, look. We’re still alive, and
we’re still together, and that means we still have a chance. We just need to
get out of this stupid room; somehow.”
The locked room had no windows and a heavy steel door that defied any
attempts to force it open. Knowing that the mercenaries could be back at
any time, the situation seemed dire, and they were at their wits’ end.
One thought finally came to Kate. “We could try the air vent,” she
whispered. “We’ve escaped through one before.”
The mercenaries had left them in isolation and similarly seemed to
believe that the women had no options. Sam stood to inspect it and realized
that, by chance, the screws attaching it to the wall were flathead screws.
This meant they only needed to find something solid and flat to loosen
Kate handed Sam the band from her hair, letting it fall gently around her
shoulders. “The clasp is metal,” she clarified.
Sam kissed her and started working on the vent, encouraged that Kate
seemed to be in a better way. It seemed to take forever, and Sam was sure
they’d be heard, but no sign of discovery was evident, and they shimmied
through the vent.
Sam was struggling to keep up and stopped several times to gather her
strength before continuing. Kate noted her difficulty, but there was nothing
to do for it at that moment. They had to get out, and get out without being
They triumphantly reached the outer wall and scurried behind some
bushes nearby. Expecting pursuit, they were surprised that none came.
In fact, the building was nearly empty. The mercenaries, having been
called away, were on their way to take down Anderson and the Delta
Division agents.
A disoriented Kate and Sam ran off into the night, noting that they were
in a warehouse district near a large river. “Where are we?” asked Sam.
As they looked around anxiously, trying to decide which way to go, they
saw a commercial plane flying low overhead. “Sam, I think we’re in

. . .

Agent Jason Anderson sat in his car, not knowing what would be in his
future. He knew he had participated in the conspiracy, though unknowingly,
and there might be reprisals because of his activities on behalf of Senator
As he pondered his fate, his phone rang. He picked it up and heard an
unfamiliar voice on the other line. “I know where Dr. Mitchell and Dr.
Sinclair are,” said the voice. “Meet me at the phase three site, and we can
approach them together to offer them our assistance.”
Anderson, being wary of the unknown and sudden offer of help, decided
to gather his team for what might be his one last operation as an agent. He
had a feeling that it might not be valid intel on the two women: nor a
genuine offer of help.

. . .
It looked on the outside to be an abandoned industrial complex in the
foothills near Corvallis. The complex was a labyrinth of decaying
warehouses, rusty machinery, and dark corridors. Graffiti-covered walls and
shattered windows added to the eerie atmosphere.
Anderson, sensing trouble ahead, quietly signaled to his team to sweep
the area. The agents moved stealthily through the complex, searching for
the mysterious accomplice who had offered help. Quietly searching the
grounds, they were unaware of what lay around the corner. Everything was
quiet in the complex, very quiet.
The Omega Squad had been busy and had set a cunning trap. Leaking
the false intel to the agents, they had lured them to the seemingly
abandoned complex in order to take them out. They had been instructed
specifically to target Anderson at all costs and had seen him and his team
enter the grounds. Knowing the terrain and layout of the buildings gave
them ample places to remain hidden. All they had to do was wait.
As Anderson and his team came into view, gunfire erupted all around
them, and they frantically returned fire. The two groups clashed,
exchanging shots and tactical maneuvers. The agents, having been caught
off guard, suffered early losses.
Deafening echoes of bullets ricocheted throughout the complex as both
sides fought for control. The mercenaries, skilled and ruthless, employed
stealth and cunning to gain the advantage. The Omega Squad mercenaries
were heavily armed and had superior tech due to the big pockets that funded
their actions. In contrast, Anderson’s agents exhibited their superior training
and teamwork in response to the attack.
The confrontation escalated when explosions began shaking the
complex. Grenades and smoke bombs had been deployed by the
mercenaries, adding to the chaos and disorientation of the agents. Each side
continued to employ every tactic at their disposal, utilizing cover and
surprise to gain the upper hand.
As the conflict intensified, neither side completely gained an advantage,
and the battle transitioned to close-quarters combat tactics. Mercenaries
engaged in hand-to-hand fights with the agents, demonstrating their lethal
combat skills. The agents, however, held their ground, using their training
in martial arts and elite close-quarters maneuvers to fend off their
The fighting came to a brief pause as each side regrouped, hoping to find
a position that would give them a tactical advantage for a final push.
Anderson called out to the mercenaries, “Look, I’m sure you don’t even
know what you’re fighting for, so now’s the time to give up and avoid
further losses for your team.” The mercenaries began looking at each other
and at their dead comrades strewn about the grounds. They were coming to
the realization that this time it might not be worth it after all.
Just as the mercenaries looked about ready to surrender, the leader of the
group, a great hulking fellow garbed in camouflage, approached Anderson
from behind. He was about to gut Anderson in the back with his blade when
he abruptly realized that he was casting a shadow from the flickering
overhead light. Anderson had realized it too, and had already turned, giving
him a forceful roundhouse kick to the midsection.
Propelled backwards, the mercenary crashed into the wall and slumped
to the ground, dazed. As Anderson quickly covered the distance between
them, the mercenary was able to collect himself and renew his attack. The
two fought hand to hand, neither gaining an advantage.
A solitary shot rang out in the now quiet complex, and the mercenary
leader keeled over, clutching at his chest. Anderson, relieved not to be the
recipient of that fatal shot, quickly turned and saw his men gathered
together, the remaining mercenaries having been captured.
With a sigh of relief, he ordered his men to take the mercenaries to a
secure location where they could be dealt with. Wondering about the fate of
the two women who had started it all, he moved towards his vehicle,
intending to find their location and ensure that they were okay.

. . .

The empty room mocked the lone mercenary during his routine check on
the captives. Realizing the vent was open, he ran to the outside of the
building and, seeing that the outer vent was also ajar, he deduced that the
women had made their escape.
Cursing his luck, he debated reporting the escape, but decided that it
would be better to capture them first. He grabbed a flashlight and pistol
from the supply room and followed them out into the night, not knowing
how long they’d been gone, or which way they went. ‘Maybe playing mind
games isn’t the best idea for these two,’ he thought to himself. ‘They’re
lucky it’s not my call.’

Injured and shaken from their escape, Kate and Sam decided to go
underground, seeking refuge among the trusted allies who had rallied
behind them. Without a car or any cash, the pair went running off into the
Daring to stop at a payphone, they called their reporter contact, Evelyn.
“We’re in trouble,” whispered Kate. “Can you help us?”
They discussed their options and made plans for Evelyn to pick them up
and take them to a safe location until it all blew over.
Sam was worried about Kate’s condition, but she seemed to be okay
physically and emotionally. As long as she didn’t bring up the aliens, her
mind seemed to be functioning well, and everything seemed normal. She’d
have to figure out how to help her later, once they were safe.

. . .

Hours later, the rented van pulled up and flashed its lights in a
predetermined pattern. Kate and Sam ran out of their cover behind the
building and jumped inside to find Evelyn sitting inside with a man. The
women panicked until Evelyn quickly told them that it was her editor and
introduced them to Robert. She explained that he had insisted on coming
down to meet them and help in any way he could.
Robert, sporting a scalp loosely populated with silver hair, was a slender,
studious-looking man who had the appearance of someone who spent hours
squinting at computer screens. He looked back from his position in the
driver’s seat to face the two women.
“I wanted to tell you what a brave thing you’ve done. Not many people
would have gotten involved, and even fewer could have pulled this off,”
said Robert.

. . .
The mercenary had arrived at their location just in time to see the van
drive away. Noting the license plate information, he called Donovan to
report his findings.
“Damn,” she hissed as she hung up the phone. “It’s about time these
women get what they deserve for their meddling. Now I have some work
ahead of me to find them again. Dammit!”

. . .

The fugitives drove on quickly and quietly, heading towards the town of
Lincoln City on the coast, not stopping until they had turned south and
reached the outskirts of Depoe Bay.
Nestled between rolling hills and the Pacific Ocean, Depoe Bay was a
quaint coastal gem that captured the essence of Oregon’s rugged coastline.
Not having time to enjoy its picturesque beauty, they drove on down a short
drive to a secluded spot near the rocky shoreline.
“This is my brother’s place,” said Robert. “I come here occasionally
when I’m in the area. We can hide here for a bit until things cool down.”
They entered the cabin and were assailed by the scent of mothballs
mixed with pine and ocean breezes. “It’s in better shape than I’d hoped,”
remarked Robert.
The cabin sported a large stone fireplace designed to provide comfort on
crisp, coastal mornings. The mantle displayed a collection of lighthouse
models covered in a layer of dust, suggesting it had been months since the
cabin had been last used. Consisting of only two bedrooms, it would be a
fairly tight squeeze for four adults.
Evelyn, who had been outside on her phone, came back in to tell them,
“I’ve been in contact with agent Anderson, and he’ll meet us here. He’ll
help us get to a more secure location.”
Kate and Sam looked at each other with worry on their faces. They still
weren’t entirely convinced of Anderson’s newfound helpfulness, but they
had few options, and Evelyn seemed to trust him, even knowing the full
Robert similarly stepped outside to make some calls. He made
arrangements with the deputy editor of the Chronicle to be away for a few
days, then called his brother to tell him about needing the cabin.
Sam next called Alex. Considering the late hour, she was surprised to get
the answering machine and decided to leave a message detailing the latest
developments. As she turned to Kate, shaking her head, Kate squeezed her
hand in support. “I’m sure she’s fine. She’s very resourceful and knows
how to take care of herself.”
“You’re right,” Sam said slowly, “but I would hate to have caused her
any trouble on our account. She’s been good to us, and we owe her a lot, not
to mention that she’s a friend and I care about her still.”
Kate nodded in understanding. “I know. I care a lot about her too, but
let’s not panic. She’s probably just out somewhere.”
The four of them were exhausted. Being that there were only two
bedrooms, it was decided that Kate and Sam would take one, Evelyn would
take the other, and Robert would take the sofa bed out in the common room.
Kate and Sam crashed hard that night and knew nothing until morning.
Once they had gotten up, they found Robert and Evelyn already in the
kitchen making coffee. Evelyn smiled. “Morning, you two. You seem to
have slept well.”
“Ugh, is it really morning?” squawked Sam. “I need a nap.”
Kate laughed, and it felt good to enjoy a peaceful morning with friends.
She and Sam stepped out onto the porch, looking out at their surroundings.
It was a drizzly, foggy morning and they couldn’t see far through the
swirling mist.
Kate caught Sam wincing as she raised her coffee cup before switching
hands. “It’s your shoulder, isn’t it?”
Sam waved her off, replying, “It’ll be okay. I just need to get more rest.”
Robert brought out the pot and refilled their cups, expressing his
admiration for their efforts over the past weeks. “What you’ve done is
amazing. There aren’t many folks that could have done it.”
Kate smiled, not knowing what to say, but Sam spoke up for the both of
them. “We really didn’t have any choice. I’m just glad it all worked out.”
It became apparent that Kate and Sam wanted to be alone, and Evelyn
suggested that she and Robert go into town and pick up some supplies.
As they left, Kate and Sam returned to the cabin and settled onto the
comfortable old couch. Sam pulled Kate close and wrapped her arms
around her as if shielding her from harm. “I’m so glad we’re together. After
everything we’ve been through, it’s nice to just sit here without anything
that needs to be done. Maybe we should go on a third date,” Sam teased,
seeming to relax in the safety of the cabin .
Kate nodded her agreement and reached up to cradle Sam’s cheek with
her palm. “Sam, you’ve been my rock. I know I couldn’t have made it
through all of this without you.”
She was about to inquire about Sam’s shoulder when, abruptly, the door
to the kitchen slammed open, and they saw a woman holding a gun. She
motioned for the two women to raise their hands by gesturing with the
weapon. They complied quietly, hoping beyond hope that there was a way
out of this dilemma.
Kate recognized the intruder and gasped as the woman waved her pistol.
She swooned at the memories that came flooding back and Sam had to
steady her to keep her from falling.
The woman sneered at them, “You’ve led me on quite the merry chase.
It took me some time to dig around and find out who Robert was from the
rented van. Tracking his cell phone was easy after that, and now here we
Kate and Sam were shocked by the information. They had no idea how
the van had been connected to them, but there was no time to wonder.
“You’ve been very busy,” continued the figure, “sticking your noses in
where they don’t belong. Apparently, capturing you didn’t do the trick, so
we’ll have to go for another option.”
She turned to face Kate. “You should have just died in the explosion and
saved us all a lot of trouble. Your patient, Mr. Harper, was much more
accommodating when we took care of him, and so were the others.” Kate
gasped and leaned into Sam. Sam put her arms around Kate as if to shield
her, wincing from the pain in her shoulder.
As the woman trained her gun on Kate, they heard a noise outside. In,
burst agent Anderson, knocking the gun from Donovan’s hands. They ran to
the corner of the room and grappled for it, but neither could hold the other
off long enough to gain control of it.
Anderson tried to reason with Donovan. “Donovan, I know about you.
I’ve read your FSA file. We worked together. You don’t want to do this.”
Donovan sneered before replying, “Talk all you want, Anderson. I have
a higher calling to follow. Something you couldn’t possibly comprehend.”
Anderson punched her in the gut, and she briefly slowed her attack.
“Taylor, remember your oath, your primary duty. Remember why you
wanted to be an agent. These women are not your enemy. The real enemy is
Senator Harrison.”
She caught him with a roundhouse kick and sent him staggering to the
floor. Gloating at her superiority she spoke down towards him as he
scrambled to rise, “Senator Harrison isn’t even on the radar. He’s
unimportant compared to my true mission. I’ve been chosen for something
greater. You have no idea what I can do.”
Her genetically altered heart pumped oxygen-enriched blood at a higher
than normal capacity to her physically enhanced limbs, giving her power
above that of a normal human. She could feel the power coursing through
her body as she turned again towards Anderson. The power was addictive,
and she was giddy at the chance to utilize her superior strength.
Kate and Sam cried out, “She’s one of them; she’s been through the
“Now you’ve gone and spoiled the surprise,” she sneered. “I’m the only
successful participant, the only one strong enough to make it, but more will
come, and you won’t be able to stop us.”
Anderson, being too engaged in his fight to the death, scarcely
acknowledged them, already having figured out that she had the advanced
skills and heightened strength of an enhanced agent, though he was too
involved in the fight at that moment to acknowledge his surprise.
As the fight continued, Anderson proved his expertise in hand-to-hand
combat and tactical skills, making every move with precision. However,
Donovan, enhanced by the sinister mind control techniques and the physical
modifications of Operation Genesis, possessed a formidable advantage.
Anderson was losing the battle as they grappled around the room, both
with the gun, then hand-to-hand. As they fought, the gun was flung from
one side of the room to the other as they wrestled for it.
Donovan kicked Anderson with a powerful blow to his jaw and he
staggered backwards, barely maintaining consciousness. She quickly
headed for the gun, but Sam was already there, reaching to pick it up.
Donovan, aware of Sam’s injury, quickly acted and punched Sam
directly in the shoulder, before twisting her injured arm roughly behind her
Sam cried out at the pain and dropped the gun. Anderson dove for it, but
Donovan was quicker and threw Sam to the floor while simultaneously
grabbing the gun in one swift motion.
Kate had run to Sam’s aid and took the opportunity to influence the fight
in the only way she might be able to make a difference. “Taylor, don’t let
them twist you into something you’re not. I know there are parts of you that
remember who you were. Let go of the training and be your true self.”
Anderson saw Donovan waiver and was able to get his hand on the gun.
The two agents fought furiously for the weapon; Anderson hardly able to
keep up with her superior force. In the heat of the battle, as Agent Anderson
struggled to hold his own against the powerful ex-agent, glimpses of doubt
begin to surface in Donovan’s eyes.
Kate continued to try to reason with her. “Taylor, listen to me. Senator
Harrison did this to you. You’re a good person who was just following
orders until he hurt you.”
The memories of her former life before Operation Genesis, suddenly
flashed before her, revealing the humanity that had been suppressed.
Momentarily, she remembered her days with Anderson and their work
Seeing the internal conflict in Donovan, Anderson tried again to reason
with his former ally, appealing to the woman he once knew. “Taylor, you
remember, don’t you? Who you were? You can get that all back.” In her
confusion, he tried to seize the advantage and pulled sharply on the gun
attempting to disarm Donovan.
Just then, a single shot rang out. Anderson stiffened where he stood
before slumping to the ground, blood pooling beneath his inert form.
Kate cried out, stunned by the turn of events.
Sam put her good arm around Kate and turned her back towards
Donovan, using her body to shield Kate.
Knowing that Donovan was still on the brink, Kate tried to reason with
her further. “Taylor, you can get your life back and be your own person
again. We’ll help you. You were the victim in all of this.”
Confused, Donovan swung back around to Kate and Sam, still holding
the gun. Kate tried again to reach her as she brought the gun to bear on
Sam. “Taylor, I can help you. I can help you end your internal struggle.
Don’t do this, or you’ll be lost.
Donovan snapped back to her Genesis self. “You don’t understand
what’s at stake.” She struck back at Kate’s mind, knowing the torment she
had suffered from the neural device. “Don’t you remember the aliens and
what they did to you? That’s what we’re fighting and why it's so
Kate froze. Her confused mind suddenly remembered the alien torture,
and all of the false sensations rapidly flooded back into her consciousness.
Rigid with fear, she was speechless and helpless, standing before Donovan,
awaiting her fate.
Sam noticed Kate’s distress and knew that something had been done to
her, but she didn’t know what that had been nor how to help her. “Kate,
hold on. Come back to me. I need you to wake up right now.”
Just when it seemed that Kate might be lost to the terrifying visions, the
room was filled with the sound of a gunshot and breaking glass. As the
smoke cleared, a shocking figure emerged at the window. Dr. Alexandra
Mitchell, Sam’s enigmatic ex-wife, was standing there, her pistol gripped
tightly in her entwined fingers.
In a courageous act to protect her former spouse and aid in the fight
against the conspiracy, Alex shot Donovan, disrupting the trajectory of the
battle. Her unexpected appearance and the resultant wound caught Donovan
off guard, creating a momentary distraction that forever changed the course
of events.
Kate had snapped out of her delusion at the sound of the gunshot and
turned towards Jason.
Bleeding from her wound, Donovan managed to smash through the
kitchen door and out the back door of the cabin, disappearing into the
dreary mist and leaving behind a trail of uncertainty.
Agent Anderson, gravely injured from the encounter, quickly told Kate
and Sam that the mercenaries had been arrested.
“Alex, get in here!” yelled Kate. Her heart pounded with anxiety and
grief at the seriousness of his injury.
“Hold on, I have my kit in the car,” she replied unevenly.
Slowly making her way to the car, she grabbed her omnipresent bag and
returned to find Kate and Sam at Anderson’s side.
“Look,” he said, rising slightly from the floor. “Don’t let them think I
was a traitor. I’ve realized my mistakes, but I won’t be around to atone for
them fully.”
Kate replied, “Jason, you need to hang on. Keep talking to me.” She was
desperate to keep him talking, to stay conscious for as long as possible. She
grabbed his hand to enhance the connection and tried to will him to hang
Sam came up behind Kate and put her hands on Kate’s shoulders to lend
her support.
“Promise me,” he instructed.
Hiding her pain, Alex quietly moved to Jason’s side. Kate and Sam were
entirely focused on Jason and didn’t notice her slowed movements or her
pale complexion.
“Thank god you’re here, Alex,” Kate stated emphatically.
Sam echoed the sentiment, “We were worried about you.”
Kate turned back to Anderson. “Of course, Jason, we’ll tell them. We’ll
tell everyone.” Kate looked on anxiously as he slumped back to the ground.
“Thank you, Jason,” Sam said gravely. “Thank you for protecting us and
helping us end the horrible atrocities. We’ll testify on your behalf and make
sure that everyone knows how brave you are and how much you’ve done to
bring down Genesis.”
“I did it,” he murmured, lying in a pool of his own blood. “I got that
bastard Harrison. He won’t be able to hurt anyone anymore.”
As Alex kneeled beside the fallen agent, she barked at Kate and Sam.
“You two need to get out of my way! Go get that woman before she
Sam thought she heard something in Alex’s voice and turned to assess
the situation. Kate grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door. “Alex
is right. We can’t let Donovan get away. She’s too dangerous.”
Seeing the logic in that, Kate and Sam ran off after the elusive operative
and followed her trail of blood through the streets of Depoe Bay.
Minutes later, they reached the main road. The trail stopped in a desolate
parking lot near a scattered assortment of broken glass. “She must have
stolen a car,” whispered Kate. With no way to follow, they returned to the
Evelyn and Robert were back at the cabin by the time the women
returned, but they were surprised by the absence of Alex and Agent
Anderson. “What happened?” asked Kate, concern etching her face.
Evelyn turned to her and said, “Alex and Jason went to the hospital.
Neither of them looked very good, especially Jason.”
What Evelyn had just said finally registered in Sam’s mind. “What do
you mean ‘especially Jason’? What happened to Alex”
“Oh my god, I thought you two knew. Alex was wounded and needed
urgent medical attention. When we arrived back at the cabin, she’d
collapsed onto the floor. I’m amazed she came here in her condition.”
“She never let on,” said Kate.
“We need to get to the hospital now!” exclaimed Sam. “Let’s go!”
Once in the van, Sam questioned Evelyn about Alex. Evelyn had no
details to supply and expressed her sympathy for Alex’s condition.
Sam lowered her head, and tears welled in Kate’s eyes. “They saved us,”
Kate uttered, speaking quietly. She filled Robert and Evelyn in on what had
happened during their absence, and they responded with a shocked silence.
The one detail that was fuzzy in Kate’s mind was the vision of the aliens
that haunted her. She trembled as she related the sight of them and the
feeling of helplessness as they tortured her mercilessly.
Sam had been quiet as Kate told the story until, finally, she couldn’t
hang on any longer, and her arm dropped uselessly to her side as she
groaned in agony.
“Sam, you need to hold on. We’re on our way to the hospital, and they
can take care of you,” Kate said, alarm registering on her face. She turned
to Robert anxiously, “Is there anything in the van that we can use as a sling?
Anything at all?”
Robert pointed out the packed bag in the back of the van. “I think you
can find something in there,” he replied.
As Kate bandaged Sam’s arm using a shirt, Evelyn commented, “It’s a
good thing we’re headed to the hospital. How bad is it?”
Sam argued that they shouldn’t fuss and that she’d be okay. Kate glared
at her partner in obvious frustration. “We’re going to get you checked out,”
she said authoritatively.
As they drove on, the four of them grappled with the weight of the
sacrifices Anderson and Alex had made to end the conspiracy. They
contemplated the many costs of unearthing the truth and said very little as
they headed towards the hospital.
The revelation of Donovan’s internal struggle further emphasized the
complexity of the situation, highlighting the devastating consequences of
the mind control techniques from Operation Genesis.
As they drove through the quiet streets, Sam was drifting in and out
from the pain of her injury. During one of her more lucid moments, she
contemplated the future. “I hope she really is the only one,” she said. “We
may not be safe if there are more of them out there.”
Kate thought for a moment before replying. “If you think about it,
without an organization to give them direction, they’d have no purpose. If
there are any others, they will likely have the same visions as the original
victims of the experiments and won’t know what to think or who to answer
to. They may spend the rest of their lives trying to figure out the truth.”
Evelyn’s phone rang, and they were all surprised to hear Alex on the
line. “Anderson didn’t make it,” she said quietly, strain evident in her voice.
They questioned her further, but she didn’t have time to supply any further
details. “I have to go; right now. They’re prepping me for surgery.”
As they arrived at the hospital, the four of them took a moment of
silence to remember the fallen agent and to put forward positive thoughts
towards Alex’s condition. “Too many losses,” said Sam. “Too much was
lost as a result of Operation Genesis.” They all realized the truth of that and
entered the hospital together, hesitant to face the future.

Days later, Alex was recuperating in the Newport hospital south of Depoe
Bay. Alex finally told Kate and Sam of her encounter with Donovan and her
desperate attempt to patch herself together. She explained how she had
heard their message and rushed down to Depoe Bay as soon as she was able
in order to stop Donovan and have her revenge.
Sam cradled Alex’s hand in her own. “Alex, I can’t believe how brave
you were to make it to Depoe Bay and take on Donovan. If you hadn’t
made it, we’d likely be dead,”
Kate smiled down at Alex as she lay in her hospital bed. “Please
remember that we love you, and we want you to be safe. That was very
risky, and we could have lost you, but you saved us from that monster.
Thank you for being so brave and for everything you’ve done.”
Sam’s phone rang, and she stepped out into the hall. Kate took the chair
that Sam had vacated and held Alex’s hand.
Alex’s eyes began to droop, and Kate took the hint that it was time to go.
Carefully laying Alex’s hand back down at her side, she exited the room
and joined Sam in the hall, gesturing that Alex was sleeping.
Sam was upset and arguing with someone. “I don’t care. We did our
part, and we should be left alone. Hold on.” She put her hand over the
phone and turned to Kate, scowling. “It’s Senator Campbell. She wants us
to testify at Harrison’s trial and then before Congress about this whole
mess. I told her that we’re done. We’ve done enough.”
Kate put her hand over Sam’s. “Sam, think about it. We’re the only ones
that can tell the story. We’re the only ones who witnessed the horror
firsthand. I love that you’re trying to protect us, but we’ll be okay.”
Kate picked up the phone out of Sam’s hand. “Senator Campbell, this is
Dr. Sinclair…”
They talked for quite some time about the trial and the hearings. Kate
was a shrewd negotiator and made the senator promise them immunity from
retaliation. Senator Campbell further promised to ensure that they had
adequate legal representation to get them through the investigations and
In addition to legal protections, Kate and Sam were to be sequestered in
an undisclosed location where they could be protected by Senator
Campbell’s own security team.
Satisfied that Senator Campbell had their backs, Kate and Sam agreed to
cooperate fully for as long as the process would take.

. . .

Taylor Donovan, wounded and alone, had made her way back to the
Omega Squad warehouse in Portland. The building was now empty of
personnel, but it still contained valuable supplies. Thanks to her enhanced
physical condition and pain control, she was able to remove the bullet and
sew up the wound.
After recuperating at the Omega base, she took stock of her situation.
The Omega team was gone, Harrison had escaped, and the Genesis program
was finished. Everything had collapsed around her, and now she was truly
alone. Left to her own devices with no direction, countless contradictory
thoughts flooded her mind.
Briefly, she wondered if giving herself up and getting help might be the
path to take. She was, in fact, the only one to make it through the program,
which had been a horrific process. She wasn’t certain, but it was possible
that the process hadn’t been entirely successful, and perhaps she wasn’t
fully competent.
Bits and pieces of her previous life flooded her mind at random
moments, only to be shut out by her Genesis self. That part of her mind was
strong and urged her towards flight and survival. In the end, it won the
delicate battle of wills, but at a heavy cost.
Alone and disillusioned, she continued to grapple with the conflicting
emotions that stemmed from her role in the saga. Not knowing where to
turn or who to trust, she began to doubt the thoughts and memories in her
own fragile mind, ultimately deciding to go it alone. After gathering a few
supplies, she left the warehouse and wandered off aimlessly with no plan
and nowhere to turn.

. . .

Unable to proceed with the federal charges, the FSA placed Harrison on
their most wanted list, dispersing the information to the public to aid in his
capture should he ever return.
Despite the inability of the courts to try him for his crimes, Senator
Campbell championed the initiation of hearings in the Senate. Emergency
sessions were called to bring the allegations forward and swiftly end his
political authority.

. . .
Kate and Sam went on to spend days testifying before Congress about
the conspiracy that was Operation Genesis. Putting their trust in Senator
Campbell, they stepped forward and performed their civic duty to the best
of their abilities by giving evidence against the corrupt Senator Harrison
and the Operation Genesis program.
As Kate and Sam testified, Senator Harrison’s colleagues, some of
whom were skeptical or even dismissive of their claims, attempted to
discredit their testimony. They questioned the credibility of the women,
implying that their professions as a psychologist and a biologist didn’t
qualify them to speak on such matters. Some even went so far as to suggest
that their experiences may have been misunderstood or misinterpreted.
On day two of the hearings, Kate and Sam, disheartened by their
reception during the proceedings, fled the safety of their secured hotel to get
away from the political circus, even if only for a few precious moments
Kate sat on the concrete bench of the park, pensively looking at the
reflection of the buildings in the pond. “Sam, I don’t know if I can go on
with the hearings. They don’t believe us, and I can’t listen to it anymore.”
“I’m feeling it too,” Sam replied. “There must be a way to change their
minds, and I think we can do this together. It might just take persistence. We
can’t quit now, not after everything we’ve been through.”
“Oh, I know we can’t quit. I guess I’m afraid of the outcome. What if he
gets away with it?”
Sam reached out to wrap Kate up in a comforting embrace. “He won’t. I
trust Senator Campbell to help us get through this.”
“At least the public is on our side; the fact that he escaped helps drive
the perception of his guilt. Public opinion is a powerful thing.”
“You’re brilliant, Kate! What if we go public ourselves and tell our
story, live and in person. Evelyn could help us set that up. It might be worth
it if it made them listen to us.”
Kate looked up in thought, “Yes, maybe if the public outcry is
overwhelming, then that could pressure the senate. I love you so much,
Sam,” she said, kissing Sam on the cheek.
They talked the rest of the afternoon about anything but the hearings and
enjoyed their day of playing hooky before returning to the hotel.
The next day, they contacted their reporter friend, Evelyn, to set up live
interviews. Evelyn was surprised by their change of heart but admired their
courage and agreed that this was the way to proceed.

. . .

Senator Campbell publicly exalted the fortitude of the two women,

emerging as a strong and determined advocate for Kate and Sam. She
continued to present the incriminating evidence, including the video and
documents that Kate and Sam had risked so much to gather. In a surprise
move, she supplied corroborating witnesses that supported their claims
gleaned from the lists of victims of the conspiracy.
Senator Campbell then changed tactics and questioned the motives of
those attempting to discredit the witnesses, suggesting that ulterior motives
may be at play.
Tensions rose during the hearings as Senator Harrison’s colleagues
grappled with the mounting evidence, and the possibility that he had indeed
been involved in covert and potentially dangerous activities. Some senators
began to question their loyalty to Harrison as doubts about the ethics of his
actions grew.
One by one, the senators fell in line with Senator Campbell, afraid of the
reprisals that might result from appearing to support Harrison and his illicit
program. As the last of the senators capitulated, Kate and Sam felt a
cathartic release as the hearings reached their ultimate conclusion.
Kate and Sam sighed with relief upon hearing of his expulsion from the
Senate. It wasn’t prison, but it was one step in the right direction.

. . .

Senator Campbell, playing a pivotal role in the aftermath of Kate and

Sam’s revelations, took it upon herself to continue championing the cause
amongst the representatives in Congress. She vowed to not only support the
shocking truth of Operation Genesis, but also to seek justice for the victims
of the horrible atrocities of the program.
Throughout the Congressional hearings, testimony had been supplied by
many victims of the illicit experimentation, which strengthened the public’s
resolve for justice and transparency.
Kate and Sam approached Senator Campbell and implored her to utilize
her influence one last time to aid the victims of the program. Coming
together with other professionals to form multidisciplinary teams, Kate and
Sam took the lead in designing a new project, one formed to promote health
and healing.

. . .

Once their testimony before Congress had been documented, Kate and
Sam spent some well-earned time alone. They spent several days alone,
rekindling the passion that had brought them together.
They had agreed to the publicity as a means to an end, but they hadn’t
been ready for the continuous attention they received everywhere they
went. Even Evelyn, having gotten the scoop on the story, was sought after
by news outlets across the country, and had a difficult time dealing with the
fervor of interest in the story. In interview after interview, Kate and Sam
confirmed the stories of the atrocities, their credibility bolstered by Evelyn
at every turn.
The public continued to clamor for more news of Kate and Sam, and
they were constantly sought after for their comments on the conspiracy and
their experiences. No longer needing or wanting the publicity, Kate and
Sam finally hid from public view and retired to a new home on the Oregon

. . .

Independent investigations into the FSA agency’s activities were also

initiated, and the agents associated with the Delta Division were detained to
ascertain their involvement in the conspiracy. Given that they primarily had
been manipulated and hadn’t participated in the murdering of the research
subjects, there were few charges leveled at the agents.
The mercenaries were brought up on charges of kidnapping and murder
of the Delta Division agents, which concluded with lengthy prison
Harrison, now penniless and bereft of power, sought refuge in Uruguay,
content for now in the knowledge that there was no specific extradition
treaty with the United States. Alone and with no foreseeable future, his
focus turned to the two women who had finished his mission and his career.
Obsessed over his loss of power and his mission, he vowed to someday
have his revenge, no matter how long it took.

The Hope & Healing Center building stood peacefully on the hill, a haven
for all victims of the conspiracy. Located in a serene and secluded area, it
provided a calm and safe environment for those trying to heal from their
The building’s design, filled with open spaces, large windows, and
natural light, had been designed by Kate. The surrounding gardens and
green spaces, offering a tranquil setting for the healing taking place, were
Sam’s contribution. The center had been put together rapidly thanks to some
extra funds allocated by Congress at the urging of Senator Campbell.
The two women had recruited professionals from multiple disciplines to
coordinate a well-rounded atmosphere for healing. Having a primarily
holistic approach went a long way towards allaying the fears of the victims.
The Center provided an integrated approach to healing, addressing
psychological, physical, and emotional needs.
During the early days after the Center’s opening, Kate, having suffered
from the Genesis delusions, went through intense hypnotherapy sessions
and psychological counseling to alleviate the residual effects from her brief
ordeal. The therapy was lengthy and difficult, and she wasn’t sure she
would make it through the process. Had it not been for Sam’s continuous
support, she might have quit and walked away.
The process took weeks, and despite the lengthy treatment regimen, she
was informed that the memories may never completely disappear. Kate and
Sam had been highly distressed at that pronouncement but were thankful
that Kate finally felt well enough to go home.
As they loaded up the car, the director of the facility, now going by the
name Alex Bennett, said an emotional goodbye to Kate and Sam. Having
been instrumental in setting up the Center, Kate and Sam wanted out of the
limelight and felt the Center was in good hands. Now they could truly
restart their lives over.

. . .

A month after returning home, Kate and Sam had gone on a drive up
into the mountains. They were out on another hike and decided to stop and
have a picnic.
Spreading their blanket on the ground, they spent the afternoon
showering each other with physical pleasures, each determined to show her
partner the love they had for one another. Deliriously happy, they settled in
to enjoy a snack of cheese with crackers and fruit. As they were eating, they
saw a large bird in the sky. “Can you tell what kind of bird that is?” asked
“I’m not quite sure,” replied Sam. “It’s pretty far away and doesn’t look
like anything I’ve seen before. Oh wait! It’s coming closer.” She paused
before continuing, “I don’t think it’s a bird, Kate. Let’s pack up and head
back to the car. This is making me nervous.”
Kate didn’t blame her partner for being paranoid after the experiences
they’d had, and after finally discovering the object was an intrusive drone,
the two continued back down the trail towards Sam’s new Land Rover.
As they drove back to the coast, Sam asked Kate, “Do you believe in
Kate thought for several moments before replying. “I’m not sure we’ll
ever know for sure. After everything we’ve been through, I’m not sure I’d
trust my own senses. There may be people who have truly seen something
remarkable, and others who might have false memories or delusions. It’s
going to be very difficult to figure it all out.”
Sam nodded in agreement. She paused thoughtfully before adding, “I’ve
always thought that there could be something to the whole alien question.
Until someone has positive proof, though, I guess most of us will never
know for certain unless we’ve seen it ourselves.”

. . .

Up on the cliffs above the ocean with the poignant cries of the gulls
gliding above the bluffs as their constant companions, Sam stood in the
doorway of their newly acquired home, looking out to sea. ‘I could get used
to a coastal life,’ she thought to herself.
Kate came up behind her with a cup of coffee and wrapped her arms
around Sam’s waist, careful not to spill the coffee. Chuckling, she said,
“Sorry, it’s not the Costa Rican blend, we’re out.”
Deep in thought, Sam gave her a half smile.
Kate was concerned at the lack of response to their old joke and asked if
anything was wrong.
“Do you ever think about the future?” asked Sam, refusing to look Kate
in the eyes.
Kate looked at her quizzically and replied, “Of course I do, but right
now my future is the home that we’re building together. Is this about your
new job?”
“No. I’m ready to get back to work. I think conservation is my true
calling, and I’m excited to not be in a lab for a change, but that’s not what I
meant. I mean about us,” said Sam hopefully.
Kate looked down thoughtfully before replying. “Sam, I’m just not sure
if I’m ready to be another Mrs. Mitchell if that’s what you’re getting at.
Though honestly, I haven’t given it much thought,” she said hesitantly.
“Then I’ll be a Sinclair,” said Sam, suddenly kneeling and holding out a
ring, “if you’ll have me.”
Kate gasped in surprise when suddenly, chaos ensued, and she was
knocked to the floor.
She laughed as the furry bundle tried to lick her face. “I think we’re
going to have to call this little puppy Moose,” she said, giggling. Sam
helped her up off the floor, and as they went back inside, a single word rang
out for all the gulls to hear, “YES!”

Living on an island in the Pacific Northwest has its advantages, especially

for a self-professed bird nerd. Being an avid photographer, kayaker and
birder didn’t leave much time for writing down all the ideas that have been
waiting in the wings. Now’s the time.
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Consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads and thank you!

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