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Recruitment Form

Personal Information

Full Name : jack everdeen

Date Of Birth: 01-10-1995
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Phone Number: 8298324581
Personal Qualification
Do you have a criminal records? (apakah anda memiliki catatan
Answer : I don’t criminal records

Why you want to be part of SASP? (kenapa anda ingin menjadi bagian
dari SASP?)
Answer : because I want to prove that I can be a good police officer and that
I can be a police officer who can be trusted by the citizens and serve the
citizens wholeheartedly and not just talk.

Why should we accept you to be part of SASP? (kenapa kami harus

menerima anda menjadi bagian dari SASP?):
Answer : why should I be accepted into SASP because I can be a good
police officer and can serve every citizen well and I always learn from
every mistake I make and I like learning new things and can be trusted if I
become a police officer

Description about you ! (Deskripsikan tentang anda)

Answer : Jack Everdeen comes from a fairly wealthy family and Jack
Everdeen was born in Indonesia but when Jack Everdeen was born Jack's
parents moved to Uncle Sam with Jack and Jack Everdeen grew up in the
USA but Jack Everdeen wanted to try new things and wanted to prove he
could survive in the city. that he will come and want to prove that he can
live alone to his parents and make his parents proud that he can live alone

Then Jack secretly took the police test in the city of the State of Indonesia
without telling his parents and he wanted to give a gift to his parents when
he was later accepted as a member of the State of Indonesia police..

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