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Recruitment Form

Personal Information

Full Name : Marvelius Josh

Date Of Birth: 12-03-2002
Gender: laki-laki
Age: 21
Phone Number: 7288442892
Personal Qualification
Do you have a criminal records? (apakah anda memiliki catatan
Answer : No!

Why you want to be part of SASP? (kenapa anda ingin menjadi bagian
dari SASP?)

Answer : because I want to make the city of Los Santos safe and peaceful,
far from crime and eliminate all existing crimes

Why should we accept you to be part of SASP? (kenapa kami harus

menerima anda menjadi bagian dari SASP?):

Answer : because I will make this agency better than before, and I will also
try hard to maintain the security of the people of Los Santos City. I will be
an honest police officer and protect the community well

Description about you ! (Deskripsikan tentang anda)

Answer : Marvel wants to be like his father, his father used to be a great
police officer, but his father died while carrying out his duties. His father
was killed by a criminal, therefore Marvel really hates criminals and he has
the desire to eradicate all existing crime.

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