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Recruitment Form

Personal Information

Full Name: Summer Berlin

Date Of Birth: January 1, 2000
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Phone Number: 4765649810
Personal Qualification
Do you have a criminal records? (apakah anda memiliki catatan
Answer: No

Why you want to be part of SASP? (kenapa anda ingin menjadi bagian
dari SASP?)
Answer: Apart from this being my dream since childhood, I want to get a
decent job and hone my skills, especially soft skills. I want to learn how to deal
with emergency situations or people, and also want to try learning new things
and see how far I can learn and grow. I can also have the opportunity to become
mentally stronger and better at making decisions.

Why should we accept you to be part of SASP? (kenapa kami harus

menerima anda menjadi bagian dari SASP?):
Answer: I am a person who always takes responsibility for my work and
whatever is given to me. I am also a fast learner, a hard worker, a person who is
firm without being mean and responsive. Even though I don't have any
experience as a police officer, I'm sure I can adapt quickly and become a useful
person for SASP.

Description about you! (Deskripsikan tentang anda)

Answer: I was born in Malaysia and lived there for 20 years before deciding to
move to Los Santos. I am a detail-oriented person and like things that are well
organized. Currently trying to find a good job and career path.

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